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Flesherton Advance, 3 Sep 1941, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, September 3, 194J - \ I CEYLON (Intended tor Last Weak) Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wharin and Miss Jeanette McLeod and Mrs. Mitchell of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod of Detroit were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John D. McLeod. Mrs. McLeod and Jeanette accompanied Donald to De- troit for a visit. Mrs. T. Kew of Wingham accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Whittaker home, after the latter week ended in Wingham. Miss Virginia Wilson is holidaying in Toronto. Dale Marshall is visiting at Bolton. Mrs. Hyslop of Eragenia visited her brother, IMr. Geo. McKenzie, Ust, week. Mises Frances and Marian Collin, on are spending a week at Toronto and St. Catharines. Miss Marjory Stewart has return- ed to Toronto after spending the past three weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin McMullen and Mr. Jack Leslie of Toronto were visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. W. McMullen and Mrs Wilson McMullen. Miss Janet Neilson of Toronto spent the last tw-> weeks with Miss Jean McMullen. Mrs. Geo. Snell spent Sunday in Hamilton. Miss Dorothy Snell of Islington was home for the week end. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns the first of the week included: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alton and Miss Helen of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thompson of Inglewood, N.J., Mr. and Mrs. Len Hill of Toronto, Mr. R. Bentham of Fleherton, Miss Mable Parslow, Mr. Bob Parslow, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin of Toronto and Mrs. Chas. Ottewell of Montreal. Mrs. Griffin and Mrs. Ottewell are remaining for the week. Jackie Udell is spending a week ir Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKee of Shel- burne. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. McKee of Toronto spent Sunday with their eoutjns, Mrs. Anna McMillan a nd Mr. Fred Chislett. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. John McWilliam on Thursday, Sept. 4th, at 8 p.m. Lunch committee: cake, Mrs. Smellie; sandwiches, Mrs. McWilliam. . ROCK~MILLS Miss Hilda Betts has gone to Fer- gus where she has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Smith and fam- ily spent a oouple of days in Toron- to and attended the exhibition. Mr. Arthur Betts spent the week end and holiday with his- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts. The mill was closed on Monday for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts spent a few days in Toronto and attended thf e. N. E. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Richard Porteous of Flesherton in his hour of sorrow by the passing of his wife. Many from here attended the funeral held Sunday afternoon. PRICEVILLE A very successful sale was held in Priceville Institute Hall on Saturday evening in aid of the Telegram Brit- ish War Victims Fund. The Whyte orchestra, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Me. Dougald, Mr. Fred Rune i man and Mr. D. L. McArthur supplied the music. During the course of the evening, watches were presented to four en listed boys Tom Aldcorn, Don and Will Mads and John Williard. Hon. F. R. Oliver, Minister of Public Works and Welfare, read the ad- dress, while Misses Eleanor Mather, Nellie MicLean, Sadie Oliver and Anne Shortreed made the presenta- tion. The boys all made suitable and humorous replies. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reilley and Miss Frances Reilley of Toronto spent the week end with their par ents here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKechnie of Cobourg visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John W. Whyte. Lloyd Whyte of Cobourg spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Garry Whyte. Miss Mary McEachern of Toronto visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector McEachern, over the holiday. Miss {Catherine McVicar, R.N., of Toronto spent the week end at her home her*. Mrs. Sterling Whyte and family have moved to Toronto. Miss Eileen Karstedt of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Karstedt. Mrs. F. G. Karstedt and Jane visit- ed in Toronto last week. Mr. Harvey Fleming of Toronto apent his holiday with his sister, Mrs. F. G. Karstedt. Mrs. Dobson and daughter, Thelma. and Miss Margaret MacArthoir visit- ed over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacArthur. Mrs. Nelson South of'Malton spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs John Whyte. PORTLAW Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meldrum of Toronto spent the past week end with the former's brother. Cecil and Mrs. Meldrum here. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lyons visited recently with friends in Durham. Miss Mabel Blackburn spent a day in Toronto last week. Mrs. Harry Fisher accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Luther Love. Jean and Gladys to Toronto on Wednesday and spent the day at the C. N. E. The Chard family are attending the C. N. E. this week. Mr. John Haney received word his brother, Mr. Robt. Haney of Toronto had passed away on Friday morning. Our sympathy goes out to the Haney family in their bereavement. Gordon and Murray Blackburn have returned to Collingwood after spending the holidays with their grandparents, aunts and uncles here. The Fourth Line branch of the Artemesia Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. Patton on Thursday last when another quilt waa completed. The next meeting is to be held at . the home of Mrs. J. Boyce, where another will be finished. Mrs. - Jas. Pedlar, who has been nursing a very sore arm is feeling some better. Miss Julia Croft of Toronto is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Harry Patton this weeJt. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fisher, Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and D.A spent a day with their cousins, the Menzics at Badgeros. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher visited in Markdale on Sunday. SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN Western Canada! GOING DATES DAILY SEPTEMBER 12 TO 26, 1941 RETURN LIMIT: 46 days TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEl IN COACHES Excursion tickets good in Tourist, Parlor and Standard sleeping cars, also available on payment of slightly higher passage fares, plus price of parlor or sleeping ear accommodation ROUTES Tickets ood going vi Port Arthur, Ont., Chicago, 111., or Sault Ste. Marie, returning via same route and line only. Gener- . ous optional routings. STOPOVERS will be allowed at any point in Canada on the going or return trip, or both, within final limit of ticket, on application to Conductor; also at Chicago, 111.. Sault Ste. Marie. Mich., ar.d west, in accordance with tariffs of Unit ed States lines. Full particulars from any agent. I Ml *** L_ WANTED: Two more eggs per monh from every hen in 1942, Britain and Canada need more eggs than ever before and only efficient production will get them A hop- per of mash in even' laying house is essential for maximum production. If a h en is worth feeding, feed her well and she will pay you well. Keep your eggs clean and cool, and market them often for best results. CREAM With Canadians likely to consume a million more pounds of butter per month of 1941 than fn 1940. and Britain needing more dairy products than ever, it means that every dairy cow in Canada should be fed for maximum production, as the number of milk cows cannot be rapidly increased to meet the grow- ing demand. Do your part and feed your cows well. Every method is being made to save gasoline, so you come to town bring your cream with you and decrease the number of trucks plying your lane. MEAT SERVICE You are invited to come' and inspect our meat storage, and we feel sure that it will pay you to make use of it. Highest Market Prices, combined with Fast Efficient Service, make this place your logical MARKET for CREAM, EGGS and POULTRY Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. , Shone 06 Angus Avis, Manager HMHIMIIM M> PROTON STATION While Mr. Charlie Hadgins, local trucker was driving on highway No. 10 near Allan Montgomery's, on Sat. his truck took fire and before it coald be extinguished the truck was destroyed. Charlie haa engaged another truck to continue his business for a time. We hope he will soon be able to continue as usual in his cheerful manner. Mr. Percy Hodgins spent the holi- day at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Parsons, Mr. Sam Sherson, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sherson spent few days at the erhi bition. Mr. Robt. Baterf and Mr. Ernie Lyons attended a presentation on Friday evening in Shelburne for Mr. Harry Bennett, pensioned C. P. R. section foreman of that place. Miss Marion Lyons returned home after holidaying in .Toronto. Miss Marion Lyons returned hme afte r holidaying in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 'Will Paris, Mrs. Chas. Green, Miss Belle Mclaren of Mount Forest spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sherson. Mr. Arthur McCannell is home on two weeks vacation. School reopened on Tuesday, with McDonald Kerr of Toronto ieenga- ^d at U.S.S. 15, Proton, while MBS. Ted Parsons has accepted S.S. No. 2. Proton. A number of Proton people attend- ed the wedding of Acheson JBlair at Inistoge United Church on Wednes- day. August 27th. Mrs. McCuliough of Toronto is spending a week at the Sherson homes. (Intended for Last Week) Messrs. A. W. Marshall and Jack Ding-wall have joined up with the R. C. A. F. in London. Mr. Wm. Reddick has purchased from Mr. Percy Hodgins, the houst- in which they have been living. Miss Florence White has purchas- ed a cabin trailer wired for hydro. Miss White has been engaged to teach school at Bigwood, in Northern Ontario, and on finding no house? available for renting, she intends to make the cabin her home. Mr. Jack Dingwall is in Markdale Hospital where he is to undergo an operation. We wish him a speedy recovery. AUCTION SALES Edwin Pedler, lots 24 and 25, Con. 6, Osprey, 3 miles east of Maxwell on Collinsfwood Gravel, will hold an auction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, etc., on Thursday, Sept. 11. See bills for full particulars. Geo E. Duncan, auctioneer. Austin McKee, lot 164, Con. 1. S. W., Artemesia, will hold an auction sale of stock, implements, etc., on Tuesday, Sept. 16. watch for list in next week's issue. Geo. E. Duncan, auctioneer. Robert D. Purvis will hold an auc- tion sal* at his farm one mile soij|h of Eugenia, on County highway, on Friday. Sept. 12th. Watch for list in next week's ijisue. Ge-o. Duncan, auctioneer. EUGENIA Service will be held in the church here next Sunday, Sept. 7th. We extend our sympathy to the wife and relatives of the late Fred Mathewgon in their sad bereavement. Miss Betty Baker of Heathcote, spent a couple of weeks holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker. Miss Jean Phillips has accepted a position at ErtadaU. The Misses Wlnetta and Carmel Martin were home from Toronto over the week end. Messrs Jim and Eddie Hargrave of Toronto were recent visitors at the Park homes. Miss Dorothy Jamieson left for Lake Rossean to resume her teaching duties. Her parents accompanied her as far as Orillia. Mis* Lois Carrnthers of Toronto visited with her sister, Mrs. Harold Turner, for a few days recently. Miss Joyce Genoe spent a few days with her friend Miss Lois Williams, 8th Line. Trooper Norman Williams of Camp Borden was a recent visitor at his home here. Mrs. Alex Carruthers and daught- er, Miss Muriel, moved to Sault Ste Marie last week. Mr. Elmer Ellis of Kimberley took their furnitnre by truck. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell visited recently in the village. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Jamieson of Cornwall are spending a week with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Pte. Williard Jones and Harold Pressick of Camp Borden spent a week end recently with the former's father, Mr. R. Jones. School opened Tuesday morning, with Miss Marjorie Taylor, Palmer ston in charge. We welcome her to our midst. Miss Irene Martin has gone to Is- lington and Miss Millie McMullen to Toronto to resume their teaching duties. We were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Geo. Williams, (nee Margar et McCrone), of Toronto-, where the funeral took place on Saturday. The late Mrs. Williams passed away after an operation for appendicitis. Besides her husband she leaves in sad bereavement, four children, Doris (married), Jack (married), Eleanor and Harold at home, and one little granddaughter. We extend crtir sympathy to those left in sad be- reavement. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association was held in the church on Wed., Aug. 20th, when a social time was held in honor of Mrs. Alex. Carruthers, who was mov- ing from our vicinity. At an oppor- tune time during the program an ad- dress was read to Mrs. Carruthers by Mrs. C. Martin and a presentation made of a string of pearls by Mrs. Fred Jamieson, on behalf of the Society. Mrs. Carruthers. who was completely taken by surprise, made a neat reply, thanking the Society for the lovely gift. She has been a val uable member of the W. A. for 44 years and her place will be hard to fill. A party was held in honour of Mrs. Carruthers and Miss Muriel in the L. 0. L. hall on Friday evening. Aug. 22. when the people of the commun- ity gathered to spend awhile with them before their departure for Sault Ste. Marie. About midnight an ad- dress was read by Mrs. F. Genoe and the presentation of a chenille bed- spread, an electric iron and a tjaster. was made by Mrs. John Campbell. Mrs. W. Gordon and Mrs. W. Magee on behalf of the community. Mrs. J. E. Large of Niagara Falls and Miss Eugenia Hickman of Pitts burg. Pa., spent Friday evening and Saturday in the village. The Misses Mary and Isobel Mc- Kee and Mr. MacArthur of Toronto spent the week end and holiday at the MeKee home. Mr. Chas. Park of the HJE.P.C was home over the week end, raturn-- ing to London, Ont. on Monday, ac- companied by his wife and little daughter Gwen, who will reside there fur some time. We are sorry of their departure from the village, but our best wishes follow them to their new home. Miss Beryl Turner who has spent the summer holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mague and family has returned home to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee and daughter, Miss Hazel a nd friend. Miss Beryl Turner motored to Parry Sound and Broad/ben*, spending a week with friends tkere. They also visited the former's daughter. Mrs. Glen Pedlar at Port Carling, Muskofca. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Falconer of De- troit visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Falconer, also with his brothers and sisters in the village. Mr. Ken Clinton of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gar net Magee. Mrs. H. Foerster visited in Toronto for a few days last week. Mrs. Ward of the Eugenia House haa gone to Durham for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell, Dennis and Jacqueline, also Mr. Chas. Williams attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. Williams in Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Ben Shortt and little son. Glen apent a few days with her husband at Trenton. We are gorry to report that Glen had the misfotune to break one of his arms while away. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Roy McMillan and little son Biflie spent last week in Toronto and attended the Ex. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and Miss Agnes of Toronto spent the week end at the MacMillan home. Mrs. MacMillan and Billie spent a few holidays at Malton where her husband waa working. Mr. Stewart Elkins visited at the Cairns home on Friday. His wife and family, who spent the past two weeks here, returned home to Niagara Falls with him. Master John Benson of Markdale visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Turner and family. Mrs. Bert Graham and Miss Ruth returned to Toronto on Monday after holidaying; with the former's mother, Mrs. M. McMullen. Recent visitors at the Baker home were: Mr. Everett Blackburn and lady friend, Mr. J. Harrison of Springhill, Mr. and Trs. Jamieson (nee Miss Georgina Blackburn), of Toronto. Visitors with Mrs. Carruthers and Muriel prior to their departure were; Mr. and Mrs. T. McCulloch of Heath- cote, Mr. and Mrs. T. Genoe, Ceylon, Mr. Will Carruthers of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wea Hohnan, Miss Jean Carruthera and Misa Laura Henry of West Moncton. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Irving of To- ronto spent a few days last week with the latter's sister, Mrs. Alex. Cameron. Donald Cameron returned to Toronto with them for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McPhee and sons of Val'.eyfleld, Quebec, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Weber. Mr. McPhee was an operator at the Eugenia power plant 25 years ago. READ THE "SMALL ADVTS". *+ IH MM Ml ! BEEF SPECIAL Buy your beef and pork by the quarter or half. Properly Chilled, Cut and wrapped ready for your freezer box 5AILEVS W DELIVER FLESHERTON, OnL PHONU 4fW Canada First Lest We Forget! !* > MM < II MMMMMM> Feed Prices j I For and after Monday, Aug. 4 , . r 3 C.W. Oats at mill $33.00 per ton ground Sample Barley at mill $32.00 per ton ground No. 1 Feed Screenings at mill $28.00 per ton ground Medium and Fine Chopping 9c pe bag Coarse and Rolled 8c per bag Flesherton Planing Mills Phone 24w or 24 J GO 50 50 WITH OUR FIGHTING FORCES CONDITION I *K RKMKMBER Tht *I<rvtr you drier, thf mor Glv rounli ana your irri<j station man a break. Let Um check up your ear and pat It ilk shop* to ia gaaotin*. It giv him ndd work and hlp you kp rone SO/90 PUdge. EVMY gallon count*: l that not a drop i wcntod: our Fighting Fora* nd all th <jaolin th can gt. VICTORY !

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