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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jul 1941, p. 8

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Wednesday, July 2, 1941 THE FLESHERTKDN ADVANCE a FEVERSHAM Mrs. Thomas Hughes and Mr. Ted Pedlar motored to Toronto Friday to pend the week end at the former's home. Misses Verna Hudson, Lillian Price, and Mr. Joe Tate of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson. Miss Jane Gould spent the week end at her home in Ravenna. Mr. Jack Kerr of Clarksburg has taken the position vacated by Mr. IN : II Hawton of driving the truck for J. W. Robinson. Miss Irene Hudson of Toronto vis- ited at her home over the week end. Bill Burke, 21 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke, and teller in the Bank of Toronto at Thornbury, has enlisted and been accepted in the Royal Canadian Air Force and left last week for the St. Thomas train- ing centre. NEW AND USED Farm Machines FOR SALE AT COCKSHUTT AGENCY Asphalt Roofing Barbed Wire Woven Wire Fence Cockshutt Mowers Horse Rakes, Scu filers RENFREW RENFREW Cream Separators Washing Machines Agent for Fleury-Bissell Implements and Repairs W. EDGAR BETTS Cockshutt Implements Flesherton, Ont. SWINTON PARK Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McMillan of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr, Neil McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin visited on Saturday with Toronto friends. Mr. Fred Knox is busy these days taking the census. Mr. und Mrs. Donald McMillan, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Hesp of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. 11. McMillan on Sunday. Mr. Kliy Ostrander has secured a position in Owen Sound and will start there on. Wednesday. ., Quite a large crowd attended the garden party at Salem. The play "Take My Advice," given by home talent was much enjoyed. Best wishes to Mr. Bud Phillips and bride, Evelyn Huddy, who were mar- ried in Dundalk on June 21st. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hamilton of Mt. Forest visited at the home of Geo. Haw-on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Black are on a trip to near Sudbury to visit with their son, Bob, and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brunzi*Jc and Mr. and Mrs. H. Irwin of Owen Sound spent the week end at the home of Mr. Howard Watson. Mr. ;unl Mrs. Jack Crossley of Owen Sound spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ferris. S Something Smart and New for THE WHOLE FAMILY Shoes ! Shoes ! MEN'S OUTING SHOES Made of good strong uppers, in blue, brown or white, with crepe or rubber soles in ties or or buckle style. Special $1.48, $1.85 CHILD'S WHITE SHOES Sometlrng smart for the little one, good, durable leather in soles and up- pers. Tie or strap styles. Full range of sixes. From '... $1.00 to $1.65 MISSES WHITE SHOES In tie or strap styles, made of good durable leathers, sizes 1 1 to 2. Priced at $1.39, $1.75 Men's & Boys' Running Shoes In brown or black and white canvas uppers, with good strong rubber soles. Men's 85c t Boys' sizes 1 - 5 75c Youths' sizes 11-13 69c WOMEN'S WHITE SHOES .Some very new, smart styles from which to choose, in ties, straps, sand- als, pumps with low, medium and high heels. We have arranged them in two prices $1.88, $2.48 MEN'S WEAR Men's Work Pants, made of strong stripe materials in different patterns, with belt loop and cuff bottom .. $1.69 Men's Sport Jackets in plain or combination colors, shower-proof; with zipper front; size 36-44 .... $1.69 Boys' sizes 28 - 34, Special $1.48 Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Draw- ers. Shirts with short or long- sleeves, Drawers ankle length, each 49c Men's Fine Work Shirts, made of fine quality plain color shirting with button-down collars in blue or brown, worth $1.25. Special 89c LADIES' READY-to-WEAR Women's Sheer Dresses in light or dark colors, good range of patterns and sizes $4.95 Vita Shan Dresses. Some very new and up-to-date patterns, sizes 14 to 44. Special $1.59 Voile Dresses. They come in light or dark shades with some very smart patterns, full range o{ sizes. Special prices $1.19, $1.95 FLOOR CpVERINGS See our range of linoleum, congoleum and feltol rugs; also linoleum, congol- eum, feltol and oilcloth by the yard. Kiddy Play Suits. Big assortment from which to choost, in plain, printed patterns, all fast colors, sizes 2-4-6 years 29c, 39o Bath Towels. Big assortment from which to choose, in good quality terry cloth, assorted colors. Special 12^'c up White Purses. The season's newest styles. Be sure to see these at $1.00 and $1.25 FELTOL-BASE RUGS Borderless, in a nice range of pat- ters, 6x9. Special $1.69 True Economy in Food Values at Mil's Golden Wax Cut Beans 3 tins 23c Ejfgo Baking Powder 4 oz. .. 2 for 15c Prunes, medium 3 Ibs. fqr 23c Soap Chips 4 Ibs. for 29c 2 pkgs. All-Wheat, cup and saucer All for 34c Clark's Spaghetti 15 oz 2 for 19c Raisins 2 Ibs. for 17c Baking Powder 1'* Ibs. for 23c Pork & Beans, 28 oz 2 for 19c Shortening Fluffs 2 Ibs. for 27c Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes 3 for 19c Fancy Biscuits 2 Ibs. for 3Sc Standard Tomatoes lOc tin No. 4 Peas .. 9c tin F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. T T T T T T T t t f T I f T f f T t f i T T T t f T I T f T f I i Local and Personal j Miss Marion and Master Pat Sum! I'M are holidaying in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bennett of Dur- ham were visitors in town Monday. Mrs. R. G. Holland is spending u couple of weeks at Wasaga Beach. Miss Elma Hamilton of Guelph was home on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Brown of Toronto was home the first of the week. Miss Erma Aberdein is spending a week at Holstein, Miss Isobel Dungey is spending a month with Mrs. Gordon McRae at Thornbury. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dungey and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McRae at Thornbury on Sunday. Mrs. G. A. Phillipson of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith. Miss Mary R. Stewart of the high school staff left on Friday for her home at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wilson are spending the summer holidays at Stamford. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Henry of Or- angeville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Avis. Mr. Clarence Aexander, Miss- Jean and Raymond visited in London over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Leavell and family of Collingwood spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Fatten of Toronto spent a couple days in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart visited at Mona Mills on Sunday. Miss Annie Howard and friend of Toronto spent several days the first of the week in town. Miss Ann Robertson, who is nurs- ing- in Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ko'bertson, gravel road. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. White, Waba- sheen and Mrs. White Sr. of To- ronto are visiting with Mr. Geo. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Stauffer at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Connors (June Radley) at Osh- awa on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Ken Boyd and little daughter of Toronto spent the first of the week with the former's mother, Mrs. W. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams and fam- ily of Toronto visited with the form- ers mother, Mrs. John Adams, on the holiday Mr. and Mrs. H. Fawcett and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fawcett of Burlington spent the first of the week in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perigoe and son, Kenneth, of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart| Mr. Albert Stewart is spending this week near North Bay. Aircraftsman E. I. Holley of St. Thomas was in town over the week end. Mrs. Holley and son have re- turned after spending two months with him at St. Thomaa. The following teachers arrived to spend their summer vacation: Kate McMillan, Helen Heard, Elsie Cas- well, Laura Boyd and Dell Thurston. Mrs. A. Molitor and two children of Monteith arrived on Saturday to holiday with her father, Mr. W J Caswell. Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Ferris and little daughter of New Liskeard holi- dayed for a few days al the .Park Hotel. Mr. J. A. Richards underwent an operation in a Toronto hospital on Monday morning and is improving nicely. Mrs. Richards is with him and is visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Norman Stoddart, Bobby and Jimmie and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mc- Kechnie and three children visiteu with Cpl. Norman Stoddart t Man- ning Pool, Toronto, on Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Honor of South Porcu- pine, Mr. Geo. Jamieson of Timmina and Misg Marjorie Jamieson of To- ronto are holidaying with Mrs. M Jamieson in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kimmerley and family O f Watertown, N.Y., L-A.C. Ross Kimmerley of Goderich, ,Mrs. Bert Sloane and Eilene of Chatham visited this wek with Mr. and Mrs Walker Sloane. Little Miss Joyce McNabb, a pupil in Grade 4 of Flesherton public school, was successful in winning a first prize in a drawing by public school children in connection with th Canadian National Exhibition, where it will he displayed. Additional Local Items Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Loucks visited for a few days last week with the letter's mother near Aylmer. Mrs. W. H. Thurston and daughter, Dell, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Don McCollum at Winona. Rev. G. K. McMillan preached in a Hamilton church Sunday morning and an his own pulpit here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McChutchin of Denver, Col., the misses Emma Dir- stein and Edelin Meuser and Mr. Wm. Meuser, all of Elmwood, were guests a t the F. G. Karstedt home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quigg of Har- riston, Mrs. E. J. Swift and Mrs. R. Montgomery of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. M--i- Stewart of town and other relatives. Mr. Roy Thistlethwaite, Mrs. L. Brown and daughter of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with their mother, Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite, who Is not enjoying good health at present. A tag day for the Navy League was held on Saturday in Flesherton and $18.71 was collected by the tag- gers. Rev. McMillan wishes to thank all those who gave donations to that worthy cause. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marshall of Dur- ham, and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Fergu- son of Holstein spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Aberdein. A pleasant time was spent Wednes- day evening at the home of Marjorie Jamieson, 146 Macdowell Ave., To- ronto, when a shower was held for Miss Georgena Blackburn, bride-to- be. About thirty friends gathered and presented her with various lovely and useful gifts. Georgena made a neat reply, thanking her friends for their thoughtfulness. 8TH LINE OSPREY The pupils of our school took their teacher, Miss McNichol of Nottawa, entirely by surprise on Friday after- noon, the last day of school, and pre- sented her with a "Helena Rubin- stein" box of cosmetics. Miss Mc- Nichol thanked the children warmly fur their gift. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Corrigan and two children of Collingwood, also Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Magee of St. Thomaa, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mr*. G. Magee. Mr. Herb Hale, who has been visit- ing with friends at Sudiniry, returned to the home of his brother, Fred, last week. Mrs. Foster of Ceylon spent a w^ ek end recently with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Ottewell. Miss Evelyn Hale has been engag- ed as teacher at Badjeros for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. N. Moisin of Colling- wood visited on Sunday with Miss D. Madden and other friends. Mrs. J. Squire of Markdale is visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. S. R. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Saigeon of To- ronto spent a few days at the horn* of Mr. Geo. Saigeon and attended the presentation for the latter in Fever- sham Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Saigeon are moving thi week to their new home at Hanover. We are sorry to lose such fine neighbors. Mise Lillian Magee, 10th line west, spent few days with her sister, Mrs. Jos. Porteous. FOR SALE 96 cockerels 3V4 mo. old. Allan McLean, Priceville, phone 49 r 3. NOTICE Will all those to whom I am in- debted render a detailed statement of their claims on or before Friday, August 1st, 1941. P. OTTEWELL, Flesherton, Ont. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Eighty acres of hay I FOR SALE Horses or would ex- f\n tK f;..I.I 111. - - oo-rt . s*t - ^ on the field. Muir, Ceylon Phone 88r3, A. C. 4p2 FOR SALE F. & W. oil bath mow- er, like new. Geo. Allen, R. R. 3, Flesherton. 3c2 WANTED Any number of fresh ground hogs 15c each. Jas. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. 48ctf FOR SALE Two 2-year-old heifers due to freshen, also week old calf. Bert Magee, Eugenia. 5c2 FOR SALE 3 cows, milking and dui* and 2 calves. Dick Irving, R. R. 2, Flesherton. 5 P 2 LOST - White sow on Wed., June !i5. Finder please notify Gordon Teeter, Flesherton. 5p3 FOR SALE Practically new Mc- Cormick binder, 6 foot cut, terms or cash. R. Purvis, Flesherton. 4c FOR SALE '26 Pontiac sedan, runs good, 4 nearly-new tires, for quick sale will sacrifice for $76. Harold Best, Flesherton, 'phone 79w. FOR SALE Young pigs; choice breeding sows and boars from ad- vanced registry sows. Elwood Stevens, R. R. 3, Flesherton. WANTED We pick up and pa> cash for dead, injured or old ani- mals, Frank Eagles, phone 41r3. Flesherton. 5 FOR SALE 75 acres of hay, tim- othy and alfalfa mixed, by the acre or by the load; also good hay load- er in .good repair, $26. Claude C. Akins, Flesherton. 6c2 WANTED Middle aged housekeep- er for home of three adults, no children. Reply giving full par- ticulars to Dr. J. P. Ottewell, Flesherton. .i c ^ change for pigs or young cattlfc W. T. Genoe, Ceylon 3c2 FOR SALE Number of articles of furniture, tables, couches, rugs, chairs, bedroom suites, etc. Mra. C. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. 6pl FOR SALE 1929 Chevrolet sedan in good running order, new tires, priced right for quick sale. Chas. Brodie, Maxwell. 4c2 NOTICE Paper hanging and paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estimates free. Ross Mitchell, Dundalk, telephone 77. FOR SALE Purebred Tanvworth boar and a few young sows, 5 months old, eligable for registra- tion. Geo. Swanton, R. R. 5, Markdale. 6pl. LOST On Sunday, June 22, between The Advance office and St. John's United church, a small gold and enamel life membership pin with the letters W.M.S. Finder kindly leave at The Advance office. Stop a minute and order your sum- mer Bray chicks now. Last hatch middle July. Be prepared - stock Bray pullets, dayold, started, im- mediate shipment. John McWil- liam, Flesherton. FOR SALE S Sticks 36 ft. long 12 In. flat, 2 rock elm, 1 maple; 8 sticks rock elm 26 ft. long, 12x12; 2 sticks, 83 ft. long 12x12, rock elm; stiff-tooth cultivator. Chas. Stafford, R. R. 8, Flesherton. FOR SALE 2 York pigs (chunks) from registered stock, sow and hog price |20. Melotte cream separ- ator In working condition, (16.00. Also one used man's bicycle. F. N Field, Flesherton. FOR SALE 7-room brick house In Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must ho sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrist Ap- ply to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 82 r 4. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-16, Con. 1, SD.R.. Art*, meiia, containing 100 acres, on whioh is situated a bank barn 46x66, also * large driving shed. This property must be sld to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with Joha Oliver or W. R. Meads, Pricerille, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47 PROPERTY FOR SALE IN FLESHERTON Lot 10 on Collingwood 8t, o which is situated a 7-room haoM, well and stable. Will sell at sacrifice for quick sale to close estate of Ella Gibson Estate. Communicate with I. B. Lucas & Co., Markdale. BUSINESS CARUS DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Durh.m St. Offlw Hours Afternoons, l.SO to C Eronings, 7 to 1ML Sundays and Thursday afternoons By appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. US, . b A.M., moots in the FntonuU 1UU. Flesherton, the second Friday in onok month. W M., Herb. Corbott; See- rotary^ C. J. BoUmy.

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