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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jul 1941, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, July 2, 1941 V ' V > I 4 *. X T A It A 4 A > .k ROCK MILLS Mise Ada Atkinson visited on Wed- nesday of last week with her cousin, Mrs. Chas. Newell, and spent Thurs- day at the .home of her uncle, Mr. Levi Betts. Mr. and Mrs. Sam FiaKer and fam- ily of Guelph visited over the week end with friends here. Mr. Fred Betts and friend, Jerry Jean, of New Toronto, motored up and spent the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Russell of Toronto were week end visitors with the former's parents, returning to To- ronto Tuesday evening. Mrs. H. Patton hag returned home after spending a few days in Ow,en Sound with her daughter, Mrs. C. .Senaaubaugh, who was seriously ill, bat we are glad to say is now im- proving nicely. Mr. Chas. McEachnie of Durham was a caller at the mill one day last week. Master Clifford Fisher of Guelph is spending two weeks holidays here. PRICEVILLE Keep in mind the Anniversary Ser- vices next Sum!:*/ in St. Andrew's Church at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Miss Jean Hinoks, Toronto is home for the vacation. Miss Dorothy Watson of Toronto is visiting her friend, Miss Bernice Carson. Visitors over the week end at Mr A. Carsons were; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Knox and Garnet, Messrs Jack Stuart Donald and Dick, Toronto and Miss M. Adams. Mr. Donald Black spent the past week with friends at Hamilton and Burlington, and was accompanied home, with Mr. and Mrs. Blair, Bur- lington, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hincks and Mari- lyn, Toronto, spent a few days at their cottage and returned Tuesday to Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Jack Whyte on the arrival of a daughter, June 24th, in Dundalk Hos- pital. - A number from this vicinity attend- ed the re-union on Saturday of the McLeods, MacCuaigs, Clarks and Mc- Cannells in Owen Sound. Eric Hincks is spending this week with his grandparents at Swinton Park. SPRINGHILL Mr. Jas. Harrison spent the past week in Toronto. Mrs. John W. Eagles of Markdale and Mrs. M. Whitey o f Detroit, Mich., spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eagles. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Clark of To- ronto, while on their holidays, spent a few days last week with the lat- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Beard. Miss Ann Akins, Misses Audrey and Inez Brown, Miss Ellen Parker, as well as others, are home for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCowell of To- ronto are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnson. A very enjoyable time was spent by all at the Springhill school picnic held in Mr. Ward Harrison's bush on Friday afternoon. After the picnic lunch, the races were held, conducted by Miss Frances Collinson and Mr. Ross Stevens, which were enjoyed by the children. Miss Patsy Beard a nd friend of To- ronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Beard. Hard things are put in our way, not to stop us, but to call forth cour- age and strength. Men off 3O, 40, 50 PEP, VIM. VIGOR, Sibnormal? Wat normal pep, Tim. rtor. vitality r Try Ootrcx Tonic Tablet*. Contain* tonles, UmulanU, oyster Icmenta- atds to Boraal pep after 80. 40 or SO. 0t a_ipeUI introductory t for only M. TrfthU aid to normal pp tnd Tim today, Tar Ml* at ii good drar (torw. Summer Time Table Effective Jat. June 28 Leave Flesherton TO TORONTO c 11.50 a.m. b 7.25 p.m. TO OWEN SOUND c 5.50 p.m. d 7.45 p.m. h; Sun. and Holiday; c: Sat. only; d: Friday only Standard Time Grey Coach Lines WAREHAM JUNIOR FARMERS Sponsor a COMMUNITY Auction Sale In Aid of the Queen's War Victim's Fund, at WAREHAM Friday. July 4 A WIDE VARIETY OF ARTICLES FOR SALE OPENING CEREMONIES 1 P.M. HAN. P. M. DEWAN and HON. F. R. OLIVER, Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Public Works and Welfare respectively, hare promised to attend. EUGENIA On Friday afternpon and evening, June <l, a joint picnic was held in tht Hydro Park by the Public School and Sunday School. There was a good attendance and all partook of a bount- iful picnic supper at the park tables. The program consisted of races and contests for the boys and girls and adults. Each winner received a suit- able prize. Six of the older school girls rendered a hymn, "All Things Bright and Beautiful." There was al- so singing by all present. At an op- portune time in the program the pub- lic schol teacher, Miss Irene Dins- more was called forward and on be- half of the community an address was read by Mrs. J. Cairns, while Mr. Walker made the presentation of a Park-a-way case and a Chemille Bed Spread, to her. Miss Dinsmore made a neat reply thanking all for the lov- ey gifts which she appreciated very much. Miss Dinsmore has resigned from the school here and accepted one near Paisley for next term. Marge Martin was the only begin- ner when Miss Dinsmore commenced her teaching duties here six years ago and she tried the entrance this year, along with those who started a year before her. We wish Miss Dinsmore success in her new school. Messrs Jim and Eddie Hargrave of Toronto are visitors at the Park homes. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walton of Sault Ste. Marie are visitors with the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. Alex Carruthers and other friends. Mrs. Blais and Mrs. Hunter of Brampton are visiting with their nephew, Mr. Will Pinkerton and wife and other friend*. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and daughter. Miss Violet, of Maxwell. Mr. Norman Tackaberry of Thornbury and Miss Evelyn Campbell of this place left on Tuesday of last week on a motor trip to Nova Scotia to visit friends in the Grey and Simcoe For- esters Battalion. They expect to re- VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. Leffler (nee Edith Bannon) and daughter, Kathleen, of Fort Scott, Kansas, are visiting the former's, nephew, Milton Bannon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coon and boys of Acton are visiting the letter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stinson. Mr. Walter Allen and Miss Marie Cook of Toronto are visiting at the home of Walter Acheson. Verna Allen is up with her father and is visiting her friend, Florence Batchelor. Ren Acheson of Cheltenham is vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Acheson. Mr. Chas. Moore is home from Lea- side for the holiday. r-M- lilllllt OSPREY SUNDAY SCHOOLS HOLD THEIR CONVENTION Demonstration by Armored Unit from Camp Borden Dundalk Band in Attendance SALVAGE MATERIAL WANTED Bring ror sulrage to the Sale or have our trucks pick it up when the articles are being collected Monster Dance at Night YOUR LOYAL SUPPORT SOLIC- ITED FOR THIS WORTHY FUND. The public cordially invited turn this week, a nice trip. It will certainly be parental A. C. Argyle Martin of the Wire- less School, Montreal, while on a 48 hour leave visited at his home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park and little daughter, Gwen, have returned from Ingersoll where they have spent the past six months. Mrs. John Campbell has returned home from Markdale Hospital. We hope she has a complete recovery. Miw Carmelle Martin was home from Toronto for a week end visit The annual meeting of Osprey Sun- day School Association was held in Maple Grove Baptist church on June 17, and after the opening exercises the president introduced the speaker, Rev. Stephen J. Mathers of Toronto. Rev. Mathers gave an excellent talk on "How to prepare next Sunday's lesson." He stressed the following points: (a) By studying the lessons of the whole quarter to find the unity of the lessons. (b) To prepare the lesson two weeks in advance, so that you can stress any thought you want that is earned on to next Sunday's lesson. (c) Make sure the lesson you are teaching deals with the problems of the boys and girls in your class. The secrtary's report was read and FRESH and CURED MEATS Homemade Sausage and Home Rendered Lard ; on hand. BAILEY'S We DELIVER, FLESHERTON, Ont PHONE 47W Canada First Lest We Forget! CENTRE LINE Rain is greatly needed here. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Erwin, Dorothy and Bernice, of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Margaret Little. Mrs. Little spent her 89th birthday quietly on Friday, when a few friends dropped in through the day to re- member her. She is enjoying fail health for one of her advanced years. The Junior Farmers are making great preparations for their big sale on Friday in aid of the Queen's Fund fo Air Raid Victims. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Cudmore and baby, Kenneth, Mrs. Robt. Osborne and Miss Dorothy Grummett visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oaborne near Markdale on Sunday. adopted. The roll call showed the J The West Group of Wareham Red following Sunday Schools represented I Cross held their meeting at the home Maple Grove Baptist, Rob Roy Unit- ed, Singhampton Union, Gospel Work- ers' of Feversham, Salvation Army of Feversham, Maxwell United, Ware- of Mrs. Wm. Ferguson on Thursday, when another quilt was finished to add to their list. The next meeting will be a week from Thursday at the ham United, Mclntyre United, Bad- | home of Mrs. Wm. Little. The meet- jeros United, Mount Pleasant Men- : '"I? tnis week was withdrawn, as the nonite and Madill's United. ladies of the Red Cross are assisting Rev. McNichol of Feversham ad- i tne Junior Farmers by running the >*** M*+++++*| I I CREAM If you were to comply with the wishes of our government, which we are obliged to do, especially during war-time, you would produce more cream, because dairy products are very essential to help feed the British. You would sell your cream to your nearest cream- ery, thereby eliminating waste of fuel and labor, which are so important at the present time. Hence by eliminating waste, you would help maintain a higher price for your own product. Deliver your cream whenever possible and take advantage of the cteta cent, or have our truck call and you will be satisfied with our efficient service. MEAT STORAGE Many patrons have taken advantage of our meat storage service. All are satisfied. It means a great saving and convenience. With the possibility of meat prices ruing, many patrons are storing their meats now, thus guarding themselves against higher prices. We urge you to take advantage while there is still available stor- age* space. Open Wednesday and Saturday Nights Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Rhone 66 >MMMIMIM' Angus Avis, Manager re- cently. She is now a t Cedar Harbour, Lake Simcoe, where she is spending a month or so with Mrs. MacFarlane and children O f Toronto. Miss Mabel Duckett who has spent several months in Toronto has re- turned home for tha summer. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce of Not- tawa have purchased the residence be- longing to Mrs. J. Large, in the vil- lage here. Pte. Eldridge Boyce of Camp Bord- en visited last week end with his cousins Dorland and Burton Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson, Mr. Percy Smith and Miss Margaret Mc- Millan motored to Lake Rosseau on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Jamieson who teaches there accompanied them home. Miss Irene Martin of Islington is holidaying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Magee of High Prairie, Alberta are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bonham and son of Gait spent a couple of days the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wil- fred Magee. Mr. John Flynn of Vandeleur and Mrs. Jack Smith of Feversham also Mr. and' Mrs. Herb Ball and niece and nephew Betty and Ernie Ball of To- ronto, visited on Sunday with Mr and M-i. Jim Ottewell and Dolly. Mr. Roy McMillan (of the King Paving Co. working at Trenton Air- aort,) was home over the week end. Mr. Ben Shortt accompanied him back there too. During Mr. Shortt's ab- sence, Mr. Jas. Davidson of Fever- sham will carry the mail on the Eugenia-Feversham route. Mr. and Mrs., Chas. Goddard and five children of Aldershot are spend- ing a few days with relatives here and at Ceylon. Wo are pleased to report Mr. Alex Cameron recovering from his recent illness. vanced the idea that the ministers in Osprey should get together to plan for the teaching of religious educa- tion in the schools of the township, as authorized by the Department of Education. The convention was firm- ly behind this. A duet was given by Mrs. H. Fen- wick and Mr. D. Dianick. Two minute speeches were given by the following about his or her Sunday School: Harry Wright, Wareham; Mrs. E. Hawton, Feversham Salva- tion Army; Myrtle Wright, Fiver- sham Gospel Workers; Susan Scutt, Badjeros; Mabel Ross, Maxwell; Mr. Dinnick, Maple Grove; Mrs. Gold- smith, Singhampton; Mrs. G. McDon- ald, Mclntyre; Rev. Wellerman, Ma- dill's; Rev. Pike, Rob Roy, who added a word of cheer for all Sunday School workers. A demonstration on .."Teaching a Primary Class," was conducted by Mrs. W, Inkster of Wareham. She stressed the aims of the primary teacher in teaching children to love God, reverence the church and gain knowledge of the Bible. Mrs. Ink- ster's topic for her lesson was "Jesus >f Nazareth went about doing good." She used all kinds of simple helps to illustrate the lesson. The conference remarks were made by Rev. Mathers. He commended Mrs. Inkster on her excellent demon- stration and the simplicity of her equipment to get results in her teach- ing. Various discussions followed. The evening service opened with a song service by Mr. Dinnick, The Vice-President, Mr. Wm. Priddle, took charge of the service. Rev. and Mrs. Pike rendered a musical selec- booths for them at the sale Friday. of Toronto attended the graduation Of nurses in Owen Sound on Friday and visited over the week end with Mrs. Archie Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hogarth and Mr. and Mrs. M. Stew- art of Flesherton and other friends. Aircraftsman Will Meads was home from Gait for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tracey and two sons, Harold and Billy, and daughter, Mrs. Marshman an d babe, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson. Bruce McCutcheon and friend of Wareham visited Bill and Keith Cairns on Sunday. Miss Fally Kerton, pilot instruct- ress at the Barker Airport, Toronto, -ill-Hi the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett. It is fortunate for the average man that he doesn't know half the things he would like to know. CEYLON Mrs. J. R. Sinclair and Donald are in Toronto, where the latter has been under medical care. Mrs. Jas. Patttson, Toronto, spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Stuart, and family. Mrs. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Bawm of Niagara Falls were visitors with the former's sister. Mrs. John Meads, and attend- ed the Clarke-McCannell reunion. Miss Jean Collinson was home from Owen Sound the first of the week. Mr. Stanley Hunt of Montreal vis- ited over the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Frewing of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Udell. Mrs. Archie Stewart and J. P, Mr. and Mrs, Melville Hogarth, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and Miss Agnes Macphail were among those to attend the graduation exercises of the Owen Sound hospital held at the Westside church on Friday night. Miss Cath- arine Stewart, daughter of Mrs. Archie Stewart, was among the grad- uates and is receiving the congratu- lations of a host of friends. Although she completed her training in March and successfully wrote her Registered Nurse examinations, she did not grad- uate until Friday night. Her many friends join in wishing her every success in her chosen profession. Miss Hazel Oliver and friend of To- ronto arrived Saturday night and are visiting the former's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Quigg of Har- tion and the devotion was conducted j ris t n, Mrs. R. C. Montgomery, Mrs. DIED CONNORS Suddenly in Oshawa on Wed., June 26th, June Treveste Radley, dearly beloved wife of John Connors. The funeral was from the family residence, Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, on Saturday to Mount Hope cemetery. She was the youngest daughter of Mrs. Joseph Radley and sister of the late Rarman Radley, Mrs. Carrie McCarthy and Mrs. Jas. Stinson. She was a pupil of Flesherton public schtol, Hmter principal Mansell, and attended Chalmer'g Presbyterian Sun- day School and church. Her four nephews were pallbearer*. by Badjeros Sunday School. Miss Evelyn Hannon read the Scripture, and Mrs. Hannon gave an excellent talk. Officers were installed in their new offices. Rev. Stephen I. Mathers gave an excellent demonstration on how to teach 'teen age class. He had as his class the Badjeros C.G.T.T. and his topic was "Honesty." Every- one was just as interested as the girls were. The Badjeros C.G.I.T. sang and the offering was taken. Rev. Mathers gave an address on "Better Christian Teaching'' for a better world." The officers for the year are: President Mr. Mervin Davidson, Feversham. Vice-PresidentMr. Harry Wright, Wareham. Sec.-Treas. Mrs. J. Wright, Max- well. Children's Work Mrs. W. Inkster, Wareham. Boys' Work Rev. F. Thomson, Feversham. Girls' Work Mrs. H. Hannon, ' Badjeros. Young People's Work - Miss Lor- ena Arnold, Mclntyre. Teacher Training Rer. R. J. Pike, Singhampton. Adult & Home Dtpt. Mr. D. Stephens, Feversham. Missionary Dept. Mrs. G. Mc- Donald, Mclntyre. E. J. Swift and Mrs. R. G. Patterson If you want bid value for your tire dollar you can't miss on this great tire. See it today! WE ALL-WEATHER D. McTAVISH & SONS Flesherton, Ont. Car of Berlin is looking for heuses for people who are bombed o-ut. Per- haps you guessed the solution: the! Jews have been told to move out and make more room for them. Screenings to arrive and be unloaded Tuesday, July 8th .50 per ton 9 & A. Co-operative Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON, Ontario

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