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Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1941, p. 8

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.11,,, .Wednesday, June 4, 1941 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Field Secretary W.C.T.U. Spoke to Village Groups Miaa Rosamond Duff, Toronto, Field Secretary of the Ontario Wo- men's Cnristian Temperance Union, pent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week in Flesherton and visited both High and Public Schools, and gave very helpful talks to both. Wednes- day afternoon she visited the W. I., which was held at the home of Mrs. FLESH ERTON AND ROCK MILLS Norman fStoddard, Nrhen about 15 mniubers were present, and gave them a splendid talk on the evils of the liquor traffic. Her address was appreciated by all and the only wish was that more could not have been out to hear her. Thursday morning Miss Duff left for Shelburne. While here she was the guest of Mrs. H. Down. NEW AND USED Farm Machines FOR SALE AT COCKSHUTT AGENCY M.-H. Side Delivery Rake New Renfrew Cream Separators Toronto Asphalt Roofing l.mifly Woven pence HOW ABOUT REPLACING THAT OLD MOWER, HAY RAKE, HAY LOADER, SIDE DELIVERY RAKE, SCUFFLER WITH A NEW COCKSHUTT Agent for Fieury-Bissell implem ents. Used Renfrew Cream Sep-arator in good condition W. EDGAR BETTS Cockshutt Implements - Flesherton, Ont. BAPTIST CHURCHES Services Flevherton. 11 a.m. Worship. 12 noon, Bible School. 7 p.m., Gospel Service. Monday at 8 p.m. Y. P. Service. Rock Mills 2 p.m., Bible School. 3 p.m., Worship. Gospel Workers' Church Feversham, Ont. Rev. C. McNichol, Pastor Si.nday School at 10.00 a.m. Morning Service at 11.00 a.m. Evening Service at 7.80 ?.m. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY The Council of the Township of Osprey will meet as a Court of Re- vision of the Assessment Roll of 1941 at the Council Chambers, Feversham, on Saturday, the 7th day of June, 1941, at 10 o'clock a.m. to revise the Roll and try any appeals which may be entered properly. Dated this 23rd day of May, 1941. C. N. LONG, Clerk-Treas. ~+**+^M>+<MgMgMgM{^^ The Fashion Picture for Summer Wear WHITE SHOES Ladies' White Shoes in some very smart styles in ties, straps or pumps, with low, medium or high heels. Val- ues up to $2.95. Your choice .... $2.48 Ladies' White Shoes. Here is some extra value for the money. White shoes made of good serviceable leather in tics, straps or purnps, with your choice of different heels; full range of sizes. Special $1.88 SPORT SHOES Sport Oxfords of fine fabric, some with perforated suede vamp and tongue, rubber sole, covered heel with rubber heel lift. An ideal summer shoe at very low price, Special $1.00 Classic Outing 1 Shoes bi cool shoe fabric. Ties that let your feet relax in colors of white, blue or burgundy, with dutch boy or low Cuban heels. Special, pair x $1.39 Curtain Materials Fine white marquisette with colored dots in green rose, blue, gold, 36 in. width. Special per yard 25c MEN'S WEAR Men's Sport Suits The good style of these sporty models is sure to catch the eye. Cut from all-wool tweeds in plain color and fancy check or stripe design, with half belt back. All well- tailored with good serviceable linings. Special $14.95 and $17.95 MILLINERY Smart white hats in all the newest styles $1.95 to $2.95 Men's Wash Sport Suits One of the year's biggest sport fab- rics. Finely woven from strong cot- ton yarn. Easily washed, shirt has sport collar and two pockets, pleated pants. Have half belt strap and cuff bottom. They come in sand or green stripe. Special $4.95 Men's Work Pants, made of good strong blue denim with belt strap and plain bottom with elastic laced back. Special pair $1.49 Men's Overalls In khaki or blue with red binding, knee-length in sizes 2, 4, 6. Special 25c Girls' Sockees. A wonderful range from whiqh to choose in sizes 4 1-2 to 10 1-2. Special 8c, lOc, 12'/'c, 15c, 19c LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR See our wonderful range of smart up-to-date Dresses. Ladies' Rayon Printed Crepe Dress- es, some smart patterns and styles, sizes 16 to 44. Special $1.95 Warm Weather Voile Dresses A wonderful selection of styles and colors. Special $1.19 to $1.95 Growing Girls' Rayon Crepe Dresses Good assortment of shades, sizes 8 to 14x. Special $!.95 Misses' and Women's Printed Won- go Crepe Dresses, a good assortment of floral and stripe patterns. Special price of $2.45 True Economy in Food Values atH Values that you will not see again for some time to come ; stock up while prices are low. Keilogg's Corn Flakes 2 for 15c Durham or Challenge Corn Starch 2 for 15c Tip- Top Fancy Quality Tomato Juice 20 oz. size, 2 for 19c Vanilla 8 oz. jug lie each Clark's Irish Stew lOc Gold Soap 2 for 9c Clark's and Libby's Pork & Beans 20 oz. si/e, 2 for 15c Evaporated Milk, 16 oz. size 2 for 15c Canned Peas No. 4 sieve. 20 oz 9c Choice Tomatoes 21-2 size He Standard Tomatoes 2 1-2 size 9c Rolled Oats, fine or coarse 6 Ib 21c Corn Sprup, 5 Ib. tin 49c Corn Syrup 10 Ib. tin 95c Fluff Shortening 14c, 2 Ib. for 27c Raspberry Jam 32 oz. jar 25c Extra Special Keynote Flour made by Robin Hood 98 Ib. for, $2.39 Seedless Raisins, finest quality , 2 Ib. for 17c F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont, Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark are this week visiting at Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hazzard moved hist week to the Bulmer residence. Flesherton soft-ball team plays Chstaworth on Friday evening at the Fair grounds. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fatten of To- ronto spent a couple of days in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McClean, Stan- ley and Eileen of Brampton spent the week end with friends in town. Mr. Harry LeGard and friend of London spent the week end with his father and other relatives. Miss Doreen Hagan enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls one day last week with Inspector Pentland. Miss Marie McEachnie of Toronto spent the past week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McEachnie. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patton visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald the latter part of last week. The Reft Cross is holding a display tea at the home of Mrs. Wm. Boyd on Saturday, June 7th at 3 p.m. The Grey County musical festival is being held in Owen Sound this week Mr. R. B. Neilson and son Oscar of Owen Sound spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mrs. (Dr.) Roszell and Miss Elea- nor Roszell of Caledonia spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bunt Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bunt Jr. of To- onto spent Sunday with C. D. Mel- drum and family. Miss Alice Armstrong of Meaford spent the week end in town. Alice will be taking the service in St. John's Church next Sunday. Dr. Donald and Mrs. Milne of Car- Kill and Miss C. Milne of Durham visited on Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Milne. Mr. Will Meuser and Miss Hattie Meuser of Elmwood visited on Sun- day with their sister, Mrs. F. G. Karstcdt, and Mr. Karstedt. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fawcett of Bur- lington and Mi's. Dick Irving and son Ronnie spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Guy Hazard. Rev. G. K; McMillan and Mr. Geo. Cairns are^ attended Toronto Confer- ence of the United Church in prg- gress in Toronto this week, the latter attending as a lay delegate. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Potts of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hill and fam- ily* of Markdale were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard. Mr. Laurie Genoe left on Sunday for Burlington where he has secured employment with the hydro. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnott and Mr. Ed Genoe. A plane piloted by an Australian airman was forced down by engine trouble on the farm of Chas. Davis, East Backline. The machine WM somewhat damaged when it came into contact with a fence, but the pilot was not injured. The accident occurred Tuesday afternoon. A former city councilman in Detroit admits he sold his vote for $1.5,000 to a contractor. He had failed to ob- serve two simple rules for public life keep the chin up and the nose clean. Hannah's Bakery MARKDALE, Ontario Hannah's Cream Loaf is now available in the following stores in Flesherton: O. & A. CO-OPERATIVE W. A. HAWKEN QUALITY RESTAURANT FIRESIDE RESTAURANT Try this splendid loaf 'of creamj' whiteness, you will continue to use it. I'M' line of Buna can be obtain e d at the Co-Operative Store Chelsea : cherry and plain; also plain and bulls with spice. MMIIMMI Drop in and See our Special on Pot Roasts for the week end Home Rendered Lard and Homemade Sausage on hand. BAILEY' S We DELIVER Canada *****+**>*****<* I I"M FLESHERTON, Ont. PHONE 47W First Lest We Forget! .* 1 ***** ****** Flesherton United Church REV. G. K. MCMILLAN, B.A., B.D. Minuter 10.00 a.m. Ce~ Ion. 11.00 a.m. Flesherton. Miss Alice Armstrong will have charge of the special W.M.S. services to be held in St. John's church next Sunday morning. We welcome Miss Armstrong to Flesherton again, and take this opportunity of congratulat- ing her on her splendid standing in her studies at Queen's University this past year. Miss Armstrong will also have charge of the service in Ceylon. The evening service will be with- drawn on account of Mr. McMillan attending Conference in Toronto. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FEVERSHAM Rev. R. Forbes Thomson, B.A. Minister Evening Service: 7.30 p.m. Subject: "The Propitiation for Our Sins." If we lose this war it wont make much difference whether you are a staunch Liberal or a thorough-going Conservative. Maxwell United Church REV. GEO. L. MERCER, BJ)., D.D. Minister SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1941 11 a.m. Eugenia. Afternoon Special "Drumhead" serice 3 p.m., at Flesherton Park, the militia attending. Note: Owing to the absence of the minister, who is attending sessions of Conference in Toronto, the service at Mt. Zion, Wareham and Maxwell will be withdrawn next Sunday afternoon and evening. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the ESTATE OF HANNAH E. McDONALD, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Hannah E. McDonald, late of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, Widow, who died on or about the Thirteenth day of De- cember, A.D. 1940, are required to file proof of the same with the under- signed, on or before the Seventh day of June, 1941, after which date the Estate will be distributed, having, regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. Dated at Flesherton this Thir- teenth day of May, A.D. 1941. W. TURNEY, Executor. Flesherton, Ontario. Small Ad. Column CEMENT Carload of cement just arrived -F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton FOR SALE 1927 Chevrolet coach, new style Melotte cream separator. Mrs. W. G. Jamieson, Maxwell. LIME Kiln of fresh lime ready by May 31 Earl Fenwick, Eugenia, phone Feversham 23r43. PASTURE Cattle wanted for pas- ture. Chas. McDermid, phone 45 r 13 Flesherton. 48c3 FOR SALE Phiko car r adio, com- plete, in good condition. Lawson White, Proton Sta., R. R. 3. Ip2 FOR RENT Brick house, 5 rooms, .stable and pasture, situated half mile from store, church and school. -W. H. McNally, Flesherton, R. R. 3, telephone 41 r 33. PASTURE Cattle wanted for pas- ture; plenty of feed, water and; shade. W. H. McNally, R. R. 3 F Flesherton, phone Dundalk 41r33. FOR SALE Cedar shingles at old! prices while they last. Clears at $3.46 per square; Seconds, $2.70 square. Over 10 square deliv' red- free. A. C. Muir, Cevlon. 50p2 FOR SALE House in Flesherton, with seven rooms, hard and soft water, double lot and barn. For full particulars apply to J. W. Mc- Mullen, Ceylon, Execi.tor. 30c ALL SIGNS point to a good poultry year. Be prepared by ordering Bray May-hatched Leghorn pullets now. Or June heavy breeds. Order Bray summer chicks now too. John McW'illiam, Flesherton. LOST Two yearling: cattle about May 21st, one black steer with tag in left ear, red yearling tinged with black. Any person knowing the whereabout of these cattle will please notify Stanley Campbell, Eugenia. 52c3 FOR SALE 22 Ewes and 19 lambs.. Jas. Irving-Flesherton R.R. 2 WANTED Any number of fresh: ground hogs lOc each. Jas. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. 48ctf FOR SALE Wagon, single plow and cream separator. Mrs. Geo. Stewart, Flesherton. 52p2. NOTICE Paper hangind and paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estimate* free. Ross Mitchell, Dundalk, telephone 77. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-16, Con. 1, S.D.R., Art*- mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn 45x65, also large driving shed. This property must be seld to wind up estate. These interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47e PROPERTY FOR SALB IN FLESHERTON Lot 10 on Collingwood St., OB* which is situated a 7-room house, well and stable. Those interested communicate with I. B. Lucas, Mark- dale, Solicitor for the Ell* Gibson- Estate. FOR SALE 7-rm brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrist Ap- ply to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 32 r 4. FOR SALE 160 seres, Lots 181, 182, 2nd Con. N.E.T.&S.R., Arteme- sia, Very cheap; also 13 year old mare 3 year old hone, cow, cattle, dog, heavy harness, light harness, cut- ter, .plow, mower, gravel Jox, hay rack. Very reasonable. Apply to Geo. Allen (Mt. Zion), R. R. No. 8, Flesherton. 47c2 BUSINESS CARUS DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone.: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, 6 acres wheat, spring creek, tiled well and windmill, j comfortable dwelling, barn and hen- house, situated 1 mile south of Flesh- rton on No. 1 Highway, reasenably priced v for quick sale. Apply to ?red Trwin, Flesherton, Ont. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Office Hours _ Afternoons, l.N to 4 Ereninffs, 7 U 8.8*. Sundays and Thursday afternoons bf appointment only. Princ Arthur Lodge No. MS, A.P & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Friday in MM* month. W.M., Herb. Corbttt; Sec- retary, C. J. Bellamy.

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