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Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1941, p. 7

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THE Ff.KSHKBTQM APVAMCB 3HT - TO/i ; EUGENIA Mr. lid Mrs. Hrnaan Smith of Rich mot I, \& n while on. their honey- moon, vfcittd-**-a f** days at th ren of pinkerte i hoime~ Thy are to reside at Teeti rville, tint. 'We ai e sorry to report that Mrs. Fred D ckett is still in Markdale hospital. We hope she will soon be well again and able to come home. Pte. JSck Tray nor of Camp Border was a $vek end visitor with his grandmother, Mrs. Wilson, and the MiicMillan family. Mrs. -W. Pinkerton spent a few days with her friend, Mrs. John Har- grave a Dundalk. Miss fjla Magee and friend of To- ronto viited with friends here one day last'' week. Mrs. R. ' Park is on the sick list at present. We hope she is soon hetter. Her sister, tyk-s. Beaton, is visiting her at present. On Friday, May 2rd, Inspector Pentland treated the pupils of our school, in Grade 7 and 8, to a motor trip to Niagara Falls. Those going on the trip wre Marie Phillips Marge Martin, Doug Falconer, Joyce Genoe and Alice Tudor, also Doreen Hag^n of Flesiierton. Doreen is little evacuee from England. All en- joyed the trip very much. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Johnston and Royden . of Flesherton, also their nepiiew, "Pre. Norman Cameron of the Queen's O-wn Rifles, BOW stationed at Sussex, New Brunswick, were- visr itors recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magree and family. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Sam Hawkins and faanlly in her re cent bereavement caused by th death of her sister, Mrs. Ward, of Markdare. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and family of Toronto were week en visitors with the former's father, Mr Robt. Purvis. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson am Miss Agues of Toronto were visitor over the week end at the MacMillan home. -,.L .1 Mr - .1- - or Sergt Instructor Arthur Law-kir and wife pf Camp Borden were recen visitors during- the week end wit Mr. and Mrs. Gc. Lawlor. Mr. and Mrs. Asnley Fawcett o Kimberlay were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker. Mrs. Harold Proctor and friend of Toronto speqt the week end with Mrs. Geo. Prdqtor and Mr. and Mrs. E. Proctor, '{Miss TMarjorie Proctor who has spent the past couple of weeks with her grandmother returned to Toronto "with them on Sunday even- Miss Carmel Martin has gone to Toronto where she has accepted a position. Miss Mabel 'Thicket! of Toronto spent the wvek erul at her parental home. The Misses Mary and Isobelle Mc- Kee and ,M McArthur of Toronto visited from iTrklay until Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. T. McKet. Miss MWtie McMullen and Mrs. Graham and Ruth of Toronto, also Mr. and Mr. Rus*el McMulTen of Owen Sound were visitors during the week end with Mrs. M. McMullen Mrs. Hammond. Miss Muriel Oarrtit-hers has re- turned home from Townttt. /ilAT Messrs.. Reg. Fawcett, Everett Graham and Burton Campbell spent the wee,k. nd at Kearny. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell of To- ronto spent ttu- holiday week end at their summer cottage here. On Thursday evening, May 22 the Y. P. U-;*iet in the church basement. Tb>e president* Mrs. J. Cairns, con- ducted the worship u n<l buaimjs* per- iods. Mrs. C. Martin, the missionary convenor had charge of the. discus- sion period lating then Kirofberljk cd on very inte: listened to. British Empire, were Mr. Ar. an Appropriate hymns I Mr. Fred Hale of Fevewham was the ucly Walke day at Holi Uenoe R. B. to, Mrs. J. E. Larg and daughter Beth of Niagara, Mr, and" Mrs. 'Ken Large and son UduglM of t'ort Erie, Sergt. and Mrs. Arthur Lawjor of Al- iston and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. 3 JI*t /01 . MAXWELL Dr. Mercer is attending Con- ference in Toronto this week and ser- vice will not be he'd in the United hurch this coming Sunday. The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Morrison on Thursday with a obd attendance. Arrangements were made for the strawberry festival at 'the end of June. It was decided to have a play from PriceviTle, entitled The Rose Covered Cottage." The W. I, held a very successful concert and dance in aid of the Tele- gram British "War Victims' fund, giv- en toy the Feversham continuation school. The proceeds amounted "to about $54. A quilt, was raffled and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Buckingham nd daughter, Myrna, of Stayner ere callers on Mr. and Mrs. E. uckingham last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Linley and ughters, Bernice and May, of Owen und visited on Sunday with friends fcert. 1 Oilfi lB3PJ OF PRESENT ACTIVE" FORCE KING'S BIRTHDAY LOW RAIL FARES JUNE 9, 1041 Between all points in C. adn and in certain destinations in the United States : ;*?'[ FARE & ONE QUARTER all FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO : Noon Friday, June py until 2.00 p.m. Monday, June 9, 1941 RETURN: Leave destination- up, to midnight Tuesday, June 10, 1941 Tine* h6w-a* "Bt&ndar^ Full pftlrt!ars front WILL, IMCLU&E VETERANS' The term "ex-service noun'' will he nci- forth include those who have ved with the active forces of Can- ada during the present war, as well as veterans of 1914-18. Emphasis is placed on this fact in an instruction from the Department of National iVtice to those,. in charge uf gov- ernment works 1 tinder tHe supervision of the Department suggesting that, other things being equal, unemploy- ed ex-service men receive preference on these works. -y ,. HALF HOLIDAYS ~" Below is a partial list of half hoi) da/ys observed by district centres: Chesley , , Wednesday Durham Thursday FLESHERTON Thursday Hanover - Wednesday Markdale . Thursday Meaford Wednesday Mount Forest Thursday Owen Stturid "Wednesday Walkerton Wednesda;, ' vr,if i'.ra ~tn>i-t:'.n>.-'.r. .nf' to yyiMl-i :i?r -^f i; " toT f!i '>on=)i>- Niagara Falls .report says the ril liacT-: section . of the new Rainbow bridge i; eomjJletioTi. Now, when the;, head and the feet put on the will he open for to ridge with mil* Over ^-^-r^-4, radio- corriediah 'who era laughing following: '"TaJtfT 'ii steak, smother ft onions, spread with sirloin liberally with thick coating If this radio program could the accompanying sounds of t*r from the Engltsji ' L t8t (loubtieas imany rhoasahds of adiana who car. get all the steak and onions and butter tjjey. want, w<Jl4* decide to increase Jror da&TSf their -,--., -h Victory Loan B.ind purchases. O32U OVIA V/3 FIRE INSURANCE THAT FITS .JI . With, us no fire insurance policy b jnrpoiij*-> it man gjure you all the protection again*! loss you need in your own I n:,.. .H-.V. -V T H W. KERN AM AN Flesherton, Out. fl QA' -^ fcf * J Jf\ *-^ ^ * 'A * * HIOT iiftliRAK? rn/up/v^v Writing riila in Auto obile Fire, Plate Public Liability, and other general insurance. Head Office, Toronto. H til'l If) Y I f.i >(' ' ./ .H .nioiHT x^hoT .H '.irtt. .m.n ciO lot noi-'niJiqoil -x'T" :' : airfl b:< noirl ' ' . - - 830H2 hsr and was attentively Jioq? dausW ; die'// . I - HjrvO . GOU BLl^S OUR BRAVE olif silduq to> aslui slq ril bne qu n ffjiv/ . ' 00. 1? ' listen .to th fine ad- nri c He stressed the import- ance m issionaries, "snowing that it is the moat vital part in. otjr cfiireh. work. The Misses Edith and Mabel Betts rendered" a beautrful selection; "He ~ n sorry att-ndanc dress. Miss Jean Proctor 1 took charge of the di. Russian period, her topic "Temperance". A letter to the .Y. U. from Pte. Heirb'rJateg, who is over"- ieas was head by Mrs. Martin. Mn. J. E. L*nte, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Large and son Douglas of Niagara Palls were week erui visitors with frienda here n nd in Flesh erton. Mrs. Alex MacDonald of Weston flIiMTit g^ Tew (ys 1 ft^ 'Wtfr'^^iTTTW^ noittG. Mr. MacDonald and Miss Isobel came up on Saturday and visited over the week end, Mrs. MacDonaM returned home with Ijietn. Rev. Dr. Mercer preached a very hwpresshre sermon on Sunday on the , :GJ .v rti II. 0;;CO M* ^_ >rev|ry airman whadasfies through the ski^s, awl for every Othef man ti the fighting forcev tfc0 prayers,- of the nation rt iie like a fountain, tiight dfid day. M /A nov , , l&t\> the darkest hours; the emergence o. a . JT---P nnt j figures tp steady the ranks of Democracy and fire ^ its courage and confidence. ,?{ . ^L - ii^ '.- - Church bells are ringing throughout Canada v 10 i BubinO f crisis our Seople stand "steadfast.': In calling men and women to worship and sacrifice ***** v** r tr I * -.( , t . f f _ _ f 1_^_, 1^ ... . , ,^ -I ', f-t- n <-MI- * * * * t ft hey renew the ffeme of faith Mid warriors in the in defence of our freedom, the sanctity cf our holies and the future of our children. r ex falo 189V f.l o*l* :q3ii.t a f\ a f n f.afi 11 '-* V '' ^ ^^ _^ Jthey discern ,*h Unfteen '.* Witnew the miracle of Dunkirk, Witness, too; in '(A. rfano^B-,-^ ' T//.5TJ/.T:-.:r. '-tin ^ %^ ^ " :\ ''. > asffA j : "' Translate your faith into worfa W buying Victory .j-_ , ' Bonds. v> -.\ ,?v ' x - .' ' ' . h ' ^. r>fl oel : niafq bits ,.oD A HiH .T .1 Notionol CommlH^, Vleforv LOB 1941 , Olhwip, Cdo

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