June 4, 1941 THF. FI.KSIIKKTON ADVANCE 8TH LINE OSPRET PRICVILL Olub .won Tt biuod* n! n&: .T!. b .t',val' rwotnt i : ha4 splinter _ ek. The meetin a good progr Lijrttily iu hit. fool la* t week an to remove thisTbtfenderigi Mr. ami Mrs. Jack Beatty and childim of Fleshertori visited Sun- I Mrs. Chas. spent a Mrs. Wmr~Moffatt, ill at -__ gon |th Turphy on Friday Mrs. S. R. Hawking has returned to her hornet Qf, after |pndirift the bfch9 Mr. and Mrs. Geu. Saigeon, Reta and Wayne spent ThundMr brat <tt Barrie. \J J , O ty Mr. Thog. Bemrose and Misses Kay and Margaret of Maxwell visited on ing wrlh inenos in Toronto this "* a08 SWINTON PARK Mr.s. Mary Ferguson ol I'riceville anil "Mr. ' and att&. Jack CarsJn of Orillia spent Sunday with Mrs Feguson. Little Miss Margaret Mclntyre of Uie mother* at a fill iiitlc- Uai|iict. at the home of MfB non-en Boland on Tuesday afU'nioon of last week. A ^>0(1 supper wa.s 80r- v<j() ainl a fine program was letuk-red. The Women's Institute held Unit May meeting at the Win- of Mr*. coup o suspicious acters one a soldier in unifoi through this cftThnunity dfSP^MP Of^fauslcl consi cH*h7tllsiltrict. first seen at the Frank ner where they drove thei: high rate of speed down a toward the valley. Reach! of this thgy weened a gate JM\IfHl and down ofj" Jpp of the ri ey threw something cliff which is about 120 fe> this point. They then pn the store at Vandeleur got some gas and then da withottt p^yiijB fof'it. G^V^nuraMJ&ofVthe ar and 1 Constable fHack wi 'and- wag .so.. n on the job. VAS well provid- kiner has is in thf few days, char-: i, passed it tea rable ex- ley were Ivis' Cor- car at tf and Mrs. Robt. Ferris. and Mrs. Jack McMeekin, Mr. nd cs where |ver the h;igh at N . dod 'tO re they .-. taken notified it as far as been as we know nothing furthe heard of them. Id. family of Toronto spent the- week- end- at tlu-ir farm lu-rc- est spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Walter Knox.. Mrs. Jake Smith and son, Lome, of Whitehall, Ont., are spending a few days at Mr. Andrew Wright's and with other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardy and daughter, Eleanor, spent the week end with Brampton friends. Swinton Park church is holding a garden party early in June when the. Riverview Young People will present a play. Miss Elna Corbett went to Toronto where she will take treatment. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Eddie Corbett is ^oJjM'nfd^ 8 to: sil* removed in Tntonte. Mr. and Mrs. PfVel Heard and 1 children and Mrs. Heard Sr. spent the 24th with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw. Miss Erma Dingwall has been re- engaged for the coming year at an Increased salary. The W.M.S. held a lovely afternoon t*a n Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. r' ,rlylf McMillan. A short pro- frram was held. At the close of the tea, Mrs. Campbell proposed a toast to the King, which was responded to by Ringing the "National ATithem. Mrs. Neil Clark and Mrs. Neil Mc- Lood poured tea at a beautifully de- corated table. Over $12 collection was taken. les, Klwc "Ix>e, the undertaker, was run over by an auto and died." "He didn't make much on that fun- eral, did he?" "No. In fact he went In the hole." BIG TIRE MILEAGE LOW COST ueo. Ovwies, r>iwooa ana iviary of the West Back Line spent the first of the week with Mr. and V.l-s. Will Bowles and family. Mr. and Mrs. W^-lb' Burnett of Markdale were rqitnt visitors with Miss May Graham. , Mr. Norman s'tiwa.rV of -Redick- ville and Miss Susie Stewart of Shrigley visited with the letter's sis- ter, Mrs. Howard Graham and fam- ily .recently. Pte. Wm. Burrell an/1 Pte. Gilray of Camp Borden visited their friends here- prior to their depurttiru tj Congratulation*, to Mr. and" Mrs. on Camp. Ken TVeti.T on the birth of a ~sll a hc'ir. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Harold Thompson i if Barrie, formerly of this place, in the death of her father, Mr. Wise who passed away recently at Orange- ville. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. .I.Thomp- son of Barrie a son. ROCK MILLS (Intended for Last Week) A much-needed rain came Monday night and will do a great deal ol good as the hay crop was in great need of moisture, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Russell of To- ronto were week end visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell. Mr. Alex. Laughlin and friend, Bob Oargavel, motored to Kearney Friday and visited with friends, there, re- turning home Monday. Mr. Chas. Hazzard of Detroit call- ed on friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitmore ant family and Misses Louise and Mar- garet Newell of Durham spent the holiday with the Newell families. Visitors over the holiday with Mr and Mrs. Elwood Partridge were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and son Joe, and Mrs. Crowe of Toronto a"m Misss Edna Partridge and Lilliar Fisher of Guelph. Mr. 3, Baird spent the week end in Owen Sound. Mr. Harry Fisher and boy friem of Oiielph spent the week end with j friends here, returning home on ' Sunday. Roduce" this Friday-flight in the hall. Mr. and Mrs. .H0nty Tucker and family visited recently with her ; mftr Walkerton. Almeda Hincks, Reg.N,, of Toronto spent the waeilv;end will lativos here. Mrs. D. A. McJnty** of Mclnity*- visited over the week end with her visited her brother, Chas. Tueker. mother, Mrs. T. Nichp], and friends. Visitors over the Week end at the home of Alex. Carson were: Mrs. J A.KnandGa wr ^r, VICTORIA CORNERS M91 Mc- Barry Pedlar and sons, Carson, Harold Johnson and Carson, all of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. .Art Richardson, Swinton Park. Visitors lat wefc at the bonus of Av I. HiiwJuJi werVVirirV'sn.l Mrs. Chas. Tucker and Thelma, Mrs. Mrs. Ernie Williams, * Mr. U irn% l^A*. 1 Elf ore} ad . *uht*r*; f a .>q crton and Mr. an<t Mrs. Chas. Clean -and daughter. Kilcc'ii. nf Brampton .were visitors, at the home of Edgar Mrs. Chas. Tucker is having., a quilting for' th'e 'Red Cross home thin weehcniiqe eiri.' I>HB ' ma Mr. Hughie McLean has. moved; thq Henry Patterson farm. ... ;. r ',Mr. and Mrs. Robf. Lawrence, family of Durham wre rf/cnt at the home ol' Mr, Ilt-iu y Tui.-kfr. Mis PhyUis Wauchope of .town, eat th* week pd with Betty HiTicka. I Miss Muriel Ppioer of Toronto wns Mrs. (Dr.) Fallon and son of Pro- vidence, R.I., are visiting HPT motl.*< and aunts, Mrs. Steele nnd Mrs. H. McDonald. 'Sullfvan had the mis- forttuM.b HcUA'lhi>f(tfiaW/ited'-e6W. and llinck.s alao lost theirs. Hi neks spent a Hfe , , . , , d . (laughter a'nd Iitde .sot} retur^ed r wrtH Kirfi, after spending* a few 'days vis- JtW frlttid*-'hre )a # r 'tt>** -bw =. and <M i -beit^By'ers and .1 H, Bobby, of, mother a -Vr ^o It^igJgnoo hnj ,&m-j(O I uriicd Lo Toronto witlt' her' daughter foiha^itojQjle of weeks' visit/' nd Mi-a. Wilfn-d Gallagher MrJ-'and Mr*, gtan-^frt E^d- . lick of Oorbctton. ' / Jach'litoten of the Royal Air Fwce Mr. ami Mrs. Lawson Lockhart and ThifhiiFf of -Detroit'; accompanied (by therfotmer'a parpdt/M*. and Mrf. Int. [jAtkhart, of Glirtton, called on nlfl frMfcds'bvdr '<he. weWc end. TfjHr^mHcd rMts.>i</T ES-Arnbld and Hubby;) a/lso'r : )ittl' >/ Mis^e8 'Loretto -Jfmpp*noand loan MdGVath of Buffalo todJWtha'home' of r<*r. Moore gffj t ff ^ n c^ { ' * -.ff ^ rr z r ) . v !' READ THE -SMALT, ADVTS". !I:w bnu 2.Cf oj hsJaij':- 1 nt ma oHT .0 r!} o . ;ti) Oi :-' 'C.-'vI ,ci fim.ovti o re few of the 22 smart. moJern colors; Car nation Pink Wedgwood Blue }ade Grtm FOUR HOUR ENAMEL . _ Flo -glaze Enamel offers aa easy, inexpensive way to beautify that dingy bookcase, chest of drawers, or old chair. It (lows on. easily, gives a smooth, china-like gloss, 'weais like iron and ii washable.' ' - -'.-tini nA Look around your home and check-up on the small object's and odd pjeces of furniture that need refijiishing then ask us to show you the bright new Fib-glaze colors we have in stock. iiiv i>;ai Yellow OliJ \r, . i hnuo8 il: nO M .'\V. W .1 SfllVl'! lo m'n WW.K!- e * . OftlF. 1 ) f. Ct WAR SAVINGS CERTfFICATES )on ob ifncnlbio nr; -ih"l' .Z .II* Je r^l bin sfthdj I ' ,:nc c { ''I ,00 1 10 t '7 1r> r.iir-.fn <r lo nnb'soa otft .it-?.. . ^ ----- ' Among Men; EQUIP WITH GOOD^YEAR A LONG-WEAmN MILE-EATING TIRE CJiLT TO SAVE YOU MONEY AND WORRY D3.VEIN...SH IV TODAY! Wo havt your fiio D. McTAVISH & SONS Flesherton, Ont. KIM BLR LEY Mr. and Mrs. Prank Idle visited Mrs. Jas. Ijiwrence Sunday. Mr. Arnold Lawrence has secured a position with the Weal Pork Pro- ducts, Owen Sound. Mr. and. Mrs. Ken Betts and Janet of Flenhprton visited Mr 1 , nnd Mrs. D. L. Weber, as also, did Miss Vera Brush (/f Ken UK y for a week. We are glad, to gee Mr. Will Hutch- in.son able to set out an the verandah for awbuic each day. Mr. nnd Mrs; Otto Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Crosklell visited friends here on Sunday. UlW UW .The BaptUt recognition will be held Thursday -afternoon and evening, June 5th, in the Baptist church and supper is being provided for the delegates. "Mary, my husband Ci.ine home very late last night. Can you tell me whflt timo it was?" "Well, ma'am, T rlon't know exactly, but when T got up this m <rning the master's hat wns tfwinqrirvg backwards and for- wards on the hnt-staiul." ' o3 You'll feel like a million dollars the minute you step out in that fine new uniform now ready for you. You'll be a man among men, a vital cog in Canada's great mobile war machine. You are needed to handle guns, tanks, armoured cars and other motorized equipment, Canada is waiting, for Y(_)(J to spark them to victory. Canada wants ACTIQN. You want no in f iD'fio *]O joi j? a lormnl for Artillery,c(oii3ub< Engineers, Signals, Armoured Cars, Tanks,; Infantry, Trans- port and Supply, Medical anjd Ordnance a||d y^br,braucHs u t. '.' 10 of the Service. The Army is prepared to tta ACTION. This is your chance to get it. I t The Canadian Active Arm^ requires men m mm. i oVl i and to train you to efncientlyhandle Canaa Go to your nearest District Recruiting Of these Units; how they work, what they you'll fit in. See where anjj particular beat be utilized. Then join UP for ACTIOf ,' , -vnO.'Ak 3HT a~Dofc^ >VrWre U you possess can rn IQAM la naaina^f:- UftT ,/nAa VAC) $1 JO peri ing, Clotl care pr< Rates vaj per day while ei Allowai $12 ea children soldier. . Mcdreal and Ittflni led. EXTRA: (1) ing from 2S< to 75f pr skilled tradesmen rbyeA (2) Dependent in Cash: $35 to wife, U ! (" irwrnfiD Apply fc; Office or nO DEPARTMENT Ttuoy o loi uoY .ril%^it siij mwtf worf laJiern on bfo-j luO jhq rrui9i3 nism oT luo no bs rlj brut 13 ooY yd nwob yd bna amtilov sHt uq o) u io\ A3WS atHl eT Jtsd oill SIB e'ullijfl} 9S 1 nearest District Recruiting 1 * 8 bnfi ^ ab< OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA I