Wednesday, May 14, 1941 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Send in the names of your visitors. NOTICE PAYMENT REGULATIONS OP FLESHERTON HYDRO No prompt payment discount shall be allowed unless the bill is pai I on or before the last discount day. This rule shall be impartially enforced. When the consumer ; fifteen days in arrears for two months' service, the service shall be discontinued, and service shall not be o'iven again until payment is mad' 1 in full, including a charge of $1.00 for cost of re-con- nection. Such discontinuance of ser- vice does not relieve the consumer of the liability for arrears or for his service charge or minimum bills fer the balance of the term of contract. The corporation may. if deemed ad- visable, make more rapid require- ments regardin" payment of bills. All arrears must be made bv May 31st. By order of Flesherton Hydro Commission TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. Arthur Tomks and Miss Ruby Peel of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swantun. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson and family were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wilson at Barrhead. Air. Ref? Hutton of Longstufl spent the week ^nd at his home on .the East Buck Line. Mr. Laurie Thompson has gone to the north country for n while, leav- ing here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lever and son spent the week end with the lat- ter's parents at Oshweken. Mr. R. Smith and sons Wm. and Geo. and the lattcr's wife and son spent the week end at their home here. Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. T. Lever. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Fred Brown is still in the hospital in Toronto, but we ho^o that she will soon bi- able to be home again. Saturday visitors with Mrs. T. Lev- er and Harold were; Ifr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and daughters, Ella and Muriel. Misses Whitney and Bussey y f y f y y y y y t y y 5! and Messrs. R. McDonald and J. Wil- son of bi..rkdale, Mr. Edward Boyles, West Back Line, Mr. and Mrs. Harpld Hutton and family and Mr. Reg Hut- ton. Mr. Arnold Harbottle and son of Vandeleur visited recently with Mr. H. Lever. Most of the people who claim thi- home town paper doesn't print all the news should be glad it doesn't. By taking autos off the highways, paying more attention to health and diet, there are less people dying in Bngfeind during peace days, even with the bombings. Not that it makes any difference now, but perhaps a couple of years ago when people were saying that the newspapers were publishing too much war talk. Tho St. Catherines Standard re- marks that "Great, indeed will be the military camp at Old. Niagara this summer. It is regarded as the finest in all Canada." And on his- torical ground as well. "Brighten Up" BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME WITH NEW FLOOR COVERINGS AND CURTAINS. WE ARE SHOWING A BIG RANGE IN THESE LINES AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES. NOW IS THE TIME iXD BUY, AS PRICES ARE ADVANCING. LINOLEUM in 2, 3 or 4 yd. widths in a good range of patterns Some- thing to suit any room. CONGOLEUM in big assortment of patterns and colorings in 2 and 3 yard widths, 3 yds. wide $2.10 yd. FELTOL, in some very smart pat- terns, will give good wear, 3 yards wide Special $1.75 yard RUGS in Linoleums, Congoleum- Feltol in every size at prices much be- low to-day's price. Felt Base Rugs, borderless in a good assortment of patterns; size 6 ft. x 9 ft. Buy these now and save. Spec- ial $1.48 and $1.69 CURTAINS Marquisette Curtains that give your window that correct look, both inside and out when curtained in love- ly pastel tones. They come in green, white, pink and blue, with snowy, flaky, cluffy dots and fancy frilled edge and ends, 2 l /\ yds. long by 42 in. wide with Priscilla top. Special price of, per pair $2.25 Novelty Marquisette Curtains in a dainty ruffled style with Priscilla top in white or ecra. They are about 28 in. wide by 2j4 yds. long. Special price, per pair $1.19 Floral Scrim Curetains. Who would not refresh their windows when such gay colorful curtains can be had at such modest prices. Made in light ground curtain scrim with ruffles and J 'rise-ilia tops in gold, green, blue and rose- 2; 4 yds. long. v Spccial, pair 75c Ladies' Ready -Wear This department is brim-full of the newest and latest styles in Coats, Suits and Dresses. Some Ladies' Printed Chiffon Dresses in some /of the daintiest patterns and newest styles. You will be delighted when you see them. Special .... $4.95 Ladies' 2-Piece Crepe Suits... of the very smartest of the new sea- son styles in floral and polka dots. Special $5.50 Millinery. Visit our millinery dept. and see such a wonderful range of hats in every color and all the new styles at very reasonable prices. Mem' Ready To Wear MOILS, Young Men's Suits. Dress up for the holiday with one of our new style suits. Made of fine Eng- lish worsteds and well tailored with pood serviceable linings. They come in single and double breasted si vies. Some are very outstanding, Values from $14.SS to $25.00 Men's Fine Shirts. I'ig assortment of patterns in plain, stripes and checks with fused collars. Shirts worth up to $1.25, sizes 14 - 17. Your choice 89c Boys' Suits. R-incy tweeds in peppy stvles, novelty sport hacks. These will please the young lad. You will appreciate the wear and smart appear- ance of these suits. Special price '.. $6.95 to $9.85 Men's Caps. Light weight cotton cap in smart check effects, sizes 6-Hi to 7 1-2. Special 25c True Economy in Food Values at Hil s This pineapple week. Do your can- ,ning now. Large size 4 for 95c; med- ium size 6 for $1.10; small size 6 for 89c Supreme Shortening 2 Ihs. 27c Pure T.,ard 2 Ihs. 17c Oranges, medium si/.e 25c do/. Oranges, large size 39c do*. HARDWARE Woven Wire Specials: full No. 9 9 Strand, reg. 73c Stra wherry Jam, 32 oz. jar 25c. Raspberry Jam, 32 oz. jar 25c Clark's Soups: Tomato, Vegetable, Fancy Miscuits ISe Ih. ; 1 for 3.Sc Condensed Milk, 1 Ib. $i/.e .... 2 for I5c Rat-lev and Oat Chop .... $1.35 cwt. or S.'S.OO per ton. Clarke's Catsup, 11 ox. size, Spec. 14c DEPARTMENT gauge S strand, reg. 66c rod for .. 58c rod for . . 65c F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. o Local and Personal ? i Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Chappie spent the week end at Meaford. Miss Doris Magee spent the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee, Eugenia. Sigmn. Bruce Ashton of Kings- ton is visiting with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Ashton. Pte. Jack Kav of Toronto and Mrs. Kay of Collingwood snent the week end at the home of Robt. Clark. Mr. Walter Dungey and family moved last week to the H. Wilson residence. Allan Shaw of Hamilton spent a couple days this week with his grandmother, Mrs. W. H. Thurston. We have some broad leaf Dwarf Essex Rape to offer. It is scarce. Fred G. Karstcdt, Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. Harve" Griffen and Miss Catharine Cairns of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns and Mrs. Wilcock. Mrs. Jas. Avis, Miss Mary Avis, Gordon and Russell Avis of Tiverton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Avis. Miss Kate Macmillan of Toronto was a "Mother's Dav" visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mac- millan. Mr. and Mrs. George Akins of To- ronto spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Akins, Springhill. Mr. A. E. Goessel was in Toronto last week taking a course with the B.-A. Oil Company. Mr. Johnston of Barrie was relieving him here. By. Wutuu tupplied at Paisley Baptist church on Sunday and for the next two Sundays will preach at Mt. Forest. Miss Elizabeth Nixon of Stowlea, Sask., arrived on Monday and visited her aunt, Mrs. R. Bentham. She will spend the summpr with her aunt, Mrs. Robt. Smith, Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston attend- ed the funeral of Robert Dawson Shaw, 9 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Shaw at Owen Sound on Saturday afternoon. Pte. Laurie. Smith of the R.C.A.S. C., and wife and two children of Toronto visited over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith. Dr. Leslie Ferris and family mov- ed ln<t week to their new home at New Liskeai-d, where Leslie has been stationed by the Canadian Govern- ment. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart over the week end were; Mr. and Mrs. Hi>rl> Perigo, of Sudbury; Misses E. Hickling, R. Milligan and E. Sproulr O f Toronto and Mrs. Bert Milligan of Detroit A light drizzle on Friday was the only rain received here for several weeks and the gnmnd is very dry. Most of the farmers have finished their seeding, due to the most favor- able seeding weather. Mr. and MM. Otto Clipperton and Miss Florence Bunt of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Goldsbonugh of St. Catharines were week end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell and Miss Aleda. Mrs. M. .lamioson welcomed the following guests to her home on Sunday: Miss B3habW Hickling, Miss B. Milligan and Miss Sproule f Toronto, Mrs. Millignn of Detroit and Mrs. Jackson of Georgetown. The latter is making a longer visit. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee o n Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and Royden, Mrs. Gordon Kellnr, Mr. Hnrry LeGard, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Portoous, Mr. and Mrs. .Cecil Magee and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnott. accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Genoc, motored to Niagara on Blossom Sun- dnv. tnkinir in "the scenery and also visiting friends in Hamilton nnd Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson, Jimmy Legge nnd Billy Wilson of St. Cath- arines, Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, Dick and Allnn of Toronto, Archie Grnlmm of Bnrrie nnd Dick Graham of tlu> R.O.A.F, Toronto, wore week end visitors nt the home of Mr. rind Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. Special Mother's Day services were held in the Rnptist church and St. John's United churches on Sunday, Rev. Mi'l-arc-ii of Onkvillo preaching to the former congregation. At St. Jiohn's church n baptismal service was also heldi, when John Kdwin Gownnlock, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Gowanl 'ck. nnd Frederick Maurice Wauchope, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Wauchope, were baptised. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Henry, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A. Mt-Cauley of town and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. .G Kennedy of Dun- diilk attended the funeral of Miss Colia Pentium), which was held at Dungannon on Saturday Miss Pent- land was a sister of Mi-s. Henry and passed away at Nanton, Alta., on Sunday, May -1th. The deceased Was well known in Flosherton, having re- sided with her sifter fur s MIH- time. Mrs. W. H. Thurston returned to her home in town after spending the winter nt Mitchell witJi her diuighter, Mrs. N. H. Dui'rant. nnJ family; Miss Dell of Toronto nac unpnnicd hor home. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thurston, Ttnald and Warren of Meaford and Miss Hetty of Toronto Mrs K. Shaw of Lion's Hrnd: Mr. nml Mrs. \V R Shnw and Audrey of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Cole f Cheslev. dropped in to welcome her home. Drop in and See our Special on Pot Roasts for the week end Fresh LAKE TROUT and Homemade Sausage on hand. BAILEY'S We DELIVER FLESHERTON, Ont. .''HONK 47W Canada First Lest We Forget! In Memoriam BEECROFT In lovin memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Mary Bee- croft, who passed away, Mayl9, 1938. Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet, You were the kind of a mother Your loved ones will never forget. Ever remembered T - the family. When you see furniture out on the lawn do not jump at the conclusion that the bailiff or the instalment man has been operating. You know how they go about housecleaning some places. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the ESTATE OF HANNAH E. McDONALD, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Hannah E. McDonald, late of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, Widow, who died on or aDout the Thirteenth day of De- cember, A.D. 1940, are required to file proof of the same with the under- signed, on or before the Seventh day of June, 1941, after which date the Estate will be distributed, having, regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. Dated at Flesherton this Thir- teenth day of May, A.D. 1941. W. TURKEY, Executor. Flesherton, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the ESTATE OF WILLIAM JOHN BURNETT, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of William John Burnett, late of the Township of Artemesia, ia the County of Grey, Farmer, who died on or about the Fourth day of April, A.D. 1941, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned, on or before the Seventh day of June, 1941, after which date the Estate will be distributed, havino- regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have had the notice. DATED at Durham this Seventh day of April. A.D. 1941. J. H. McQUARRIE, Durham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Adrninistrices Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Young cow due May 5 Oliver Thurner, Eugenia. 48p2 FOR SALE Mammoth clover seed $9 per bu. Leslie Chard, phone 42 r 2, Flesherton R. R. 3. PASTURE Cattle wanted for pas- ture. Chas. McDermid, phone 45 r 13 Flesherton. 48c3 PASTURE For rent by month for cattle, sheep or horses. Donald Stewart, Ceylon. 48c3 FOR SALE Certified Kahtadan seed potatoes $1.25 per bag. Alex S. Muir, Ceylon, 49 r 14. 50c2 FOR .SALE Young pigs ready to go Jas. Hopps (Portlaw) R. R. :?, Flesherton. 50cl FOR SALE Buckwheat, $26. pel- ton; Wheat, $29. r er ton. Phone 33r3. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. 50p2 FOR SALE Stable to tear down for lumber. Mrs. W. E. Morgan, Flesherton. 49cl FOR SALE 15 bu. Cartier oats, also purebred Berkshire sow due next month. Allan A. McLean, Priceville phone 49 r 3. 50c2 FOR SALE Doherty Banner Range in good condition, will sell cheap. Pasture and working land for sale or rent Mrs. L. A. Fisher, Flesherton. 49c3 FOR SALE 4 steers rising 2, 4 heifers, 2 years old, in calf, work horse, 2 brood sows, single furrow riding plow. Richard Allen & Son, Flesherton, phone 46 r 21. 48c2 BRAY PULLETS started, dayold immediate shipment. A dozen pur e breeds, several crosses. From early laying, heavy laying stock. John McWiijiam, Flesherton. FOR SALE House in Flesherton with seven rooms, hard and soft v :Uer, double lot and barn. Foi full particulars apply to J. W. Me- Mullen, Ceylon, Kxeci tor. 30i- FOR SALE or RENT for pastuer Lots 167 on East Back Line. Har- ry Patton, R. R. 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE Corona kitchen range, in gaod condition, bargain. Mrs. S. E. I. Hollo- Flesherton. 48p2 WANTED Any number of fresh ground hogs lOc each. Jas. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. 43c tf FOR SALE Two Colony Houses for chickens. Robt. Purvis. R. R. 4, Flesherton, phone 43 r 2. 49c2 PASTURE Pasture for number of year-old cattle, abundance of feed, shade and water. J.. F. Colliiuon, Ceylon, p^one 21 r 3. 48 FOR SALE Cedar shingles at old prices while they last. Clears at $3.45 per square; Seconds, $2.70 square. Over 10 square deliv< red free. A. C. Muir, Ce"lon. 50p2 FARM FOR RENT Lot 20, Con. 9, Osprey, formerly McQueen proper- ty. Apply to I. B. T ucas & Co* Markdale, Ontario. 47cJ NOTICE Paper hangind and paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estimates free. Ross Mitchell, Dundalk, telephone 77. FOR SALE 7-ro>mi brick house in Flesherton, largo lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the lato Andrew Gilehrist Ap- ply to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 32 r 4. FOR SALE 150 acres, Lots 181, 182, 2nd Con. N.E.T.&S.R.. Arteme- sia, Very rhca|t; also 13 year old mare 8 year old horse, cow, cattle, dog, heavy harness, light harness, cut- ter, plow, mower, gravel box, hay ruck. Very reasonable. Apply ti Geo. Allen (Mt Zion), R. R. No. 3, Fleshrrton. 47c2 FARM FOR SALS Lota 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., ArU- mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn 45x55, also large driving shed. Thi property must be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with Joh Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville. Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47e PROPERTY FOR SALE IN FLESHERTON Lot 10 on Collingwood St, o which is situated a 7-room house, well and stable. Those interested communicate with I. B. Lucas, Mark* dale, Solicitor for the Ella Gibson Estate. BUSINESS CARt> DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. pARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, 6 acres wheat spring creek, tiled well and windmill, j comfortable dwelling, barn and hen- house, situated 1 mile south of Flesh erton on No. 1 Highway, reasonably (iricrd for qnick sole. - Apply to Fred Irwin, Flesherton, Ont. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Office Hours Afternoona, l.SO to 4. Evenings, 7 to Sunduys and Thursday afternoon* only. Prince Arthur Lodga No. 883, .V.F & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hull, Flesherton, the second Friday in eacfc month. W.M., Herb. Corkett; See- rotary, C. J. Bellamy. - :