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Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1941, p. 8

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"-.*, Wednesday, April 16, 1941 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE FITXF.SS FIRST IN BRITAIN'S NAVY Officers and officer cadets of the B ritish Royal Naval Volunteer Re- serve arc seen at physical training. The British Navy claims to have the highest physical standard of an y fighting service in the. world. CEYLON Easter week end and holiday visit- ors in the community were: A.C. 2 Dick Stewart, Jackson Stewart and Mis? Grace Dierlem, Toronto, at John Sti-wart's; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaynes, Toronto, with Mrs. Plcster; Miss Catherine Cairns, Toronto, and Mrs. Chas. Ottewell, Montreal,, at Mr. Geo. Cairns'; Mr. and Mrs. H. Huston and family and Stewart Muir, Oshawa, with P. Muir; Mr. and Mrs. M. Reaney and family, Palmerston, with Miss A. C. Maophail; Miss Jeanette McLeod, Toronto, with J. D. McLeod; Miss Isabel Irish, Toronto, with S. Hemphill; Miss Margaret Collinson, Toronto, with J. F. Collinson. Mrs. Knox has returned home, after spending the winter in Toronto. Miss McDnald, teacher at Stone's Line, is spending the Easter vaca- tion 3t her home at Aurora. Mrs. Fred Marshall is spending a week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnott and Miss Owen Pattinson of Owen Sound spent Sunday at the home of W. T. Genoe. Miss Minnie Swanton is spending the vacation at her home. Miss Frances Collinson left Tues- day to attend the O.E.A. and visit friends in Toronto. Local and Personal Easter Parade JOIN THE EASTER PARADE, COME TO HILL'S READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT. SEE THE NEWEST OF SPRING STYLES IN COATS, DRESSES AND MILLINERY. BELLOW ARE A FEW VALUES OF SPECIAL INTEREST. /** i You needn't be slim and tall to get a smart coat. We have many \.,Qcl LS sty ' cs an< ^ nia ^ eh * ^' mo *t figures, tall or short. Coats in Harris Tweeds, Canadian-made cloth of excellent wearing quality. These coats will fit most any pocket book. Moderately priced at $9.85, $10.95, $14.95 and $15.95. See this range. NEW EASTER DRESSES A wonderful showing of new Ray- on Dresses in all the new printed de- signs from flowers to polka dots. Extra Special at $2.95 NEWEST OF EASTER MILLINERY Straws, flower trimmed, straws and felts combined and all felts. Excep- tional values at $1.95 and $2.45 SPRING CURTAIN MATERIALS Newest of Spring Curtain Materials by the yard. A wonderful .showing in this line. See our window display. We are proud of the values we can offer Marquisettes, Voiles, Shower Spots, Tuscan Nets all at various prices per yard \2 l / 2 , 19, 25, 35, 39, 59 NEW WALLPAPERS * Add smartness to your home by de- corating different rooms with Sun- worthv Wallpapers, sold exclusively by the Hill Co. in Markdale. Papers for kitchen, bedroorhs, dining rooms, parlors and halls. Prices ranpe from lOc per single roll to 50c single roll. LADIES' CREPE DRESSES A real array to choose from. A Super Value at $4.95 Men's Wear Men's Fine Shirts for Easter. A wonderful selection to choose from and outstanding values. Lot 1 15 doz. Fine Shrts with fused collar attached in plain colors and narrow and broad stripes, sizes from 14 to 17. Extra value at 89c Lot 2 15 doz. Men's fine Broad- cloth Shirts in almost any color desir- rd. An extra firm cloth of good wear- ing quality. Extra Value, each $1.25 MEN'S FINE HOSE An exceptional buy, made of wool and rayon, all sizes 10, \O l / 2 , 11, 11*. Trice 35c, or 3 pair for $1.00 True Economy in Food Values at Hills Sockeye Salmon, Horseshoe Brand l's- : 37c; #'s20c Cohoe Fancy Red Salmon 1's 27c; y 2 's 15c Clover Leaf Fancy Pink Salmon 1's only 16c Quaker Oats, family size pkg- 19c Pork & Reans, Libby's 20 oz. size 2 for 15c Condensed Milk, assorted brands 1's 2 for 15c Sandwichc Spread, made by Anne Page, 8 oz. jar 19c Seedless Raisins .. .2 Ib. for 21c Specials for Friday and Saturday Purity Flour 98 Ib. $2.95 bag Peas, No. 2 size, No. 4 sieve 3 for 25o Tomatoes, large tin 28 oz 3 for 27c Toilet Soap, various kinds cake 4c Crown Brand Syrup: No. 2 tins No. 5 tins No. 10 tins 17c 39c 79c F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Out. f Mr. Alex. Cherry of Toronto visit- ed on Friday with Mr. W. E. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. 'Wilson are hol- idaying at Stamford. Mr. Fred Finder of Toronto was in town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mr.-. Harold Beat spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mr. Harold Fawcett of Bronte was a visitor in town Friday. Mr. Wm. McMillan of Picton spent the week end with his famil" 'here. Mrs. L. W. Thorn of Barrie spent a few days with friends in town last week. Messrs. Chas. and Stewart McTav- ish of Oshawa spent Good Friday with their father, Mr. D. McTavish. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ben and son of Toronto visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Phillips. Misses Dorothy Patton and Ollie McDonald of Toronto spent the holi- day at their homes here. Guard Norman Stoddart, R.C.A.F., Toronto, spent the week end with his family in town. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Helson of Toron- to spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. McCracken. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Coe of Hamil- ton are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin. Aircraftsman E. I. Holley of To- ronto spent the week end with his family in town. Bmbd. Sid Rainbird cf Petawawa was the week end sruest of Mrs. C. R. Wood and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bellamy of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. W. J. Bellamy. Mrs. F. Eibach of Detroit is visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. R. Alex- ander and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Dolan and daughter, Mary, spent the first of the week in Toronto. Miss Elma Hamil^n of Guelph spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton. Miss Mary R. Stewart is spending the Easter vacation at her home at Clinton. Mr. Harvey Croft and Miss Mar- garet Gaston of Toronto soent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Croft. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Perigoe and daughter, Mary K of Malton spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Eleanor Williams is spending a few days with her cousin Wilma Williams, Feversham. Wilma will return with her for the remainder of the holidays. Miss Velma Fryer of Toronto and Miss Ruth Blackburn of Flesherton spent the week end holiday with their cousin, Mabel Blackburn, 4th line. Signalman Bruce Ashton of Kings- ton was an Easter visitor at the home of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. F. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavell and daughter, Ruth, of Collingwood spent the week end with Mrs. Leavell's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Len Hill and two children of Toronto <i->ent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentliam. Misses Evelyn Brown and Ethel Burnett of Toronto and Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill holidayed at their homes on Toronto Line North. Mr. Delhert Smith of Napanee spent Easter week end with his par- ents. He was accompanied by Miss Ivers of Toronto, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Smith on Good Friday. Mrs. Chns. Ottewell of Montreal was a visitor during the past week with her mother, Mrs. Wilcock, and left on Monday for Vancouver to visit with her son, Jack. Pte. Ben McLeod of Calgary, now with the 1st Rrigmio Tank Company of Cnmp Borden snent the week end with his cousin, Mr. S. Stnuffer, and family. Mr. Bob Bellamy returned to his nonir here on Saturday, after spend- ing four weeks in a Hamilton hospit- al following an operation for appen- dicitis. The following teachers are holi- daying at their respective homes: Kate McMillan, Helen Heard. Annie Akins, Tnez Brown, Audrey Brown, Laura Royd, Lucy McDonald. The first ground hog delivered to John Leffler, mink breeder of town, was taken to him the first of the week by two eight year old boys Jnck Milne and Brtrry Thurston, who had their traps set as soon as the snow disappeared. Week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. McNnbb were: Miss Vickie MtfNabb nml Mrs. Garland F. Young of Toronto, Mr. R. J. McNabb, Wilson McNabb and Mr. and Mrs. Russcl Farrow nnd sons, John and Garland, of Chntsworth. Spi-cinl Enster services were held in St. John's United Church Sunday, when Rev. McMillan dispensed the Sncrni'iient of the Lord's Supper at the morning service, besides receiv- ing six young people into member- ship in the church. At the evening service a drama "Release" wns pre- sented by the young neople, depicting a scene in the life of Bnrabbns. Good congregations attended both services. M **'*** Fresh and . Cured Meats ! Home Made Head Cheese ':. --* ! 1 BAILEY'S We DELIVER FLESHERTON, Ont. ^Bto- ''^ff~~~' w * fV** * Canada First Lest We Forget! >+****+****+****** *M it******** PHONE .-*. ... Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Alfalfa clover seed, $8 bu. Gordon McMullen, phone 170 r 5, Thornbury. 46p2 FOR SALE Seed grain. Ed. Pedlar, phone Feversham 1 r 22, Singhampton R, R. 1. tc ' FOR SALE Vanguard and Erban oats for seed; also horse 6 years old. Allie McLean, Priceville, phone 49 r 8. 44c2 FOR SALE Hatch of Barred Rock chicks on April 2, also hatching eggs. Mrs. Ward Harrison, R. R. 3, Proton, phone 41 r 4. 43p2 FOR SALE Vanguard and Erban seed oats, also a mare 10 years old to foal in July. Ross Stevens Phone 32 r 31. FOR SALE General Purpose team of horses, 3 and 4 years old, also duck eggs. C. McDermid, phone 46 r 31, Flesherton. 46c2 FOR SALE Heavy draft mare, 12 yr-.. due to foal May 1st, priced for quick sale. Herb Grummett R. R. 2, Proton Station. FOR SALE 2 Purebred Hereford Bulls, ready for service, 11 and 12 months old. Wm. Fadden, Fev- ersham, phone 22 r 41. 45c2 NOTICE Paper hangind and paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estimates free. Ross Mitchell, Dundalk, telephone 77. FOR SALE Threshing machine 32 in. cylinder in-good condition; also sow with litter of 8, 2 weeks old, and 2 spring calves. Richard Irving, Flesherton, R. R. 2. 45c2 FOR SALE ShutvGain Chick Start- er, Shur-Gain Pig Starter and 41% Hog Concentrate; also red clover seed 'and small peas. George Morrison, Maxwell. 45p FOR SALE House in Flesherton, with .seven rooms, hard and soft water, double lot and barn. For full particulars apply to J. W. Mc- Mullen, Ceylon, Executor. 30c FOR SALE 7-rootn brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrist Ap- ply to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- -ton Station, phone 32 r 4. POTATOES FOR SALE Grade Canada No. 1, early varieties Warbas and Cobblers; later var- ieties, Katahdins and Dooleys. Alex. S. Muir, R. R. No. 1 Ceylon, phone Flesherton 47 r 14. 44c4 FOR SALE Driving horse, 5 years old, good worker, or will exchange for heavy horse 1 also 10 chunks of pigs. Geo. Thompson, phone Feversham Ir31, Singhampton P.O. 46 p. 2. FOR SALE In Ceylon, comfortable 7-room house, electric lights, hard and soft water, good stable, hen house and garage with cement floor, lot containing 1 acre more or lens. For particulars apply to Mrs. Nellie Gilchrist, Badjeros, R. R. 1, or Fred Irwln, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, 5 acres wheat, spring creek, tiled well and windmill, comfortable dwelling, barn and lien- house, situated 1 mile south of Flesh- erton on No. 1 Highway, reasonably priced for quick sale. Apply to Fred Irwin, Flesherton, Ont. GIRL WANTED Apply at Park House, Flesherton. 44p2 FOR SALE 6 Pigs rady to wean. J. f. Stewart, phone 32rll. FOR SALE Cows, horses, oat (with a little mixture of barley. W. J. McFaddcn, R. R. 6, Mark- dale, phone 33 r 3. 46c2 FOR SALE C.C.M. bicycle in per- fect condition. Wm. McBride,' Priceville. 46p2 FOR SALE Heavy brown mare colt rising 3 years. W. 'Weber, R. R, No. 4, Markdale. 44p2 FARM FOR SALE $475.00 Lot 20, Concession 7, Osprey, ormerly McQueen property. Apply to I. B. Lucas & Co., Markdale, Ont. 43c3 FARM FOR SALE Owner pared to sell at sacrifice. 200 acres near Duncan, known as Howard farm. Apply to I. B. Lucas & Co., Markdale, Ont. 43c3 WANTED Girl for general house- work, must be good with children, good wages, must be ready to star* May 1. Apply to Miss B. Cairns, 11 Haddington Ave., Toronto, tie- phone MO 5368, Toronto. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.U.R., Alt*. mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn 45x65, also large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. ThoM interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Jfc. ecutors for the estate. 47o PROPERTY FOR SALE IN .FLESHERTON Lot 10 on Collingwood St., on which is situated a 7-room house, well and stable. Those interested communicate with I. B. Lncas, Mark* dale, Solicitor for the Ella Gibson Estate. AUCTIONEER WALTER SEELET Se me about your auction sale. All sales conducted on business prin- ciples. Phone me at Feversham 4rl2 or make arrangements at The Flesherton . Advance office. BUSINESS CARDS DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary CoU- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St Office Hours _ Afternoons. UO te i. KveninRs. 7 U 8.M. Sundays and Thursday afternoons bf appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. MS, AJ. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Friday in ea*B month. W.M., Herb. Corbett; retary. C. J. Bellamy. ROY LANGFORD Diitrict Agent for MUTUAL MFR OP CANADA ACCIDENT and SICKNESS, FIR*, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY Municipal Liability GnarantM Any Inraranee Problem FLESHERTON, Ont.

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