Big British Battleship, King Georga V, Carrie* Amphibian Planet Along iere is one of the planes carried by the British battleship, King George V, being hoisted aboard light. It is a Walrus amphibian. Exploits of British fliers operating from naval units in the Md-i- gnt. it 13 a Walrus amphibian. Exploits of British fliers operat.r.g irom navai units in tn ma i-on^-Ti-u and off the European _,,ast are becoming more frequent and more daring daily, and they t*ks proud place in the line-up against the Axis powers. Here after a 1' How Con I? BV ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I clean painted walk without using soap? A. Use two ounces of borax in two quarts of water and one tea- spoon of ammonia. Use about half this quantity to each bucket of water, and no soap will be re- quired. Q. How can I make use of dis- carded umbrella ribs? A. These ribs wake good and lasting supports for trailing flowers. If they are painted a soft green, they will hardly be noticed in the garden. Q. How can I make an econ- omical deodorizer for a sick room? A. An economical deodorizer can be made out of a pint of viaegar boiled with one quart of myrrh. Q. How can I bleach silk, wool, Hnen, or cotton? A. The best bleaching process for these materials is to use one teaspoon of peroxide of hydrogen to H-tub of cold water. Let the clothes soak in this ovenight; then rinse and wash as usual. This does not injure the fabric and imparts a pure white. Q. How can I prepare a good waH paper cleaner? A. Mix two cups of flour and one tablespoonfuls of kerosene with enough water to mak a stiff dough; then knead thoroughly. Use like ordinary cleaner. Cameras Not Guns Shoot Air Target Ordinarily Trans-Canada Air Lines uses models of its aircraft for window display purposes. At least one of them has a nw pur- pose in life as a target for anti- aircraft practise by th military. An Essex County regiment has borrowed one to shoot at. For- tunately for the model, camera guns will be used and not the real thing. Many "Pigs In Poke." Sold at Auction The salt- of nneUbaacd bajjgaRC nd articles fouud on Canadian Pacific property provided an interesting interlude at Fraser Brothers* auction rooms. Montreal, recently. Articles of this nature from aa far as Calgary to the west and Halifax to the east. When a certain period has passed and it is ?til! um-laimfd, the law requires that it all be sold *t auction, tht- worthless and the valuable. Buyers bid for it blind and quite high price? on the chance <f finding something really valuable. Canadian Pacific Photo. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Cunadinn National Rail- ways System for the period end- ing March 3lst, 1J141. were .S7.- 938.0GJ as compared with $5,- H72.3S6 for the correspon'dir.p period of 1910, an increasa of IMfO,?I8 or 85. 1-;. Super Special Delivery Asked Suner-special delivery of air- mi{ was retiuestod of Trans- Canaiin Ait- Lines a few days a|T<. A passenger making hei 1 fU-st fl\g\\t asked the stewardess if *h would request the captain of Iier trip to fly over her grand- son's home eji route as alie wanted to ilrop him a birthday card airmail The stewardess advised less spectacular methods and pro- duced an airmail stamp. New. Long Look Seen in Sweaters The longer fitted sweater is a rival now for the very short on. The new type has been slowly making headway in influencing the sweater trend until now th movement is dv- finitely to longer fitted types. Many of the brief sweaters that last year would have been waist- length are now inching down to cover the hips. You will find them in daytime and evening sweaters, either smoothly molded or with waistline nipped in by ribbing or finer stitches and reinforced here by elastic threads to hold them in. Pullovers with such nipped-irt waistlines or with draping at the hips aiid high necfclines zipped ae back as well as the long semi- folded skirt pullover are especi- ally new-looking. What Science Is Doing SUPER-GIANT STARS Dr. Ralph E. Wilson has work- ed out a new astronomical yard- stick by using rare super-giant "C" type stars. It will serve to determine di- tances to these stars, among tbe largest in the sky, and to nearby star systems. Only about 400 of the star* have been found, the Mount Wil- son observatory astronomer said last week. He used 246 of them in his studies. "They rang* in color from red, orange, yellow, whitish-yellow and white to blue." said Dr. Wilson. "They are distinguished from other stars by the abnormal in- tensities of the hydrogen line* and by the sharpness of the oxy- gen, nitrogen, iron and silicon lines in their spectra." NEW PRODUCTS HASTENED Tile speed with which scientific research is translated into com- mercial products is demonstrated in a report made by Arnold E. Pitcher, general manager of the planting department of the da- Pont Company, in which he dis- closes that three-quarters of all the plastics that the company ex- pects to pro '.ace during the pres- ent year have originated in the laboratory in the last forty-aight months. POOR DIET AND CANCER Evidence showing how poor diet can become one of the causes Of cancer was reported last week in science by five Memorial Hos- pital i N.Y.I physicians. The cancers were iu animals, but were important because iatery physicians have reported in hu- mans occasional cancers that seemed to be helped by diet changes, such as high vitamins or high proteins. Great Hunters Going Farming The Blackfoot Indian, a notable success in hunting buffalo and raiding: neighboring tribes in by- gone days in the Canadian West has become outstanding among his race in farming and coal min- ing, the Indian Affairs Branch reports. Blackfoot Indians are the most prosperous of Canadian redskins. They have about $2,- 500,000 in the bank in trust, the result of land sales and accrued interest in past years. A certain portion of the revenue from thia capita; is used year by year in assisting the itenecal welfare oC the 830 members of the band. MOVING PACKING SHIPPING STORING r.'Mured !:> !' ivn-uire Pool u's-.s Winnipcs and West M. RAWLINSON, LIMITED HacaMiclieU 1S8J 610 YONGE ST. - TORONTO Nervous Restless A* |_ I franky? Rstles IllMV Cn't$Uep?TLr Mil IV I ' 1: '-'" i ' Annoved "v fe- male functional dis- orders ;vn<l monthly distress? Then tak Lrdla K. Plnkhum's Vegetable Com- pound, famous for over 60 years la ivlplng such rundown, weak, nervous conditions. Madr rspccialiy /or uiomtn. WELL WORTH TRYIKQI HAVE YOD HEABD? "Look here," stormed Brown to the real estate spent, ''about that riverside bungalow yon sold me." "Anything wrong?" asked the agent. "Wrong! Wrong!" exclaimed Brown. "The other morning we woke up and found that the place had floated two miles down the river." "H'm," said the agent blandly enough, 'that's a good stroke of lack. The taxes are much lower dwn there." "Now perhaps you'll wanta have?" queried the barber who Kid juit givon five-year- old Bobbie his first profes- sional haircut. Bobbie (after feeling of his face) : "I f ues there wouldn't b enough shavings, would there?" A robbery had been committed in the English village, and * de- tective hd been sent to investi- gate. "Have you jeea any mysterious trang^rs about here lately?" asked the detectiv of the old vil- lager. ''Yes, sir," replied the old man. "There was a man "ere with the circus last week, an' ' took a pair o' rabbits out o' my whiskers!" First Iriihman: "Which would jrez rather be in Pat aa explosion or a collinoa ?" Second ditto: "la at collu- ion. Because in a calli!on there ver are, but in an ex- plosion where are vr : ' "I wouid like to meet you again." he murmured, as they glided through the waltz. "Whit about letting me have your tele- phone number?" "It's in the book," she told him. "Good! What's your name?" "You'll find that in the book also," she said. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. What w the correct expres- sion to use when thanking some- one for a courtesy? 2. Ho\v can a person disting- uish be. ween genuine hospitality and that which is affected? 3. la it correct for the bride and her attendants to arrive at :he church about a half-hour be- fore the ceremony is to begin? 4. When a young man wishes to ask a girl for a dace, Is it aH right for him to say: "Are you going to be busy Wednesday eve- ning?" 5. Isn't it improper for a card player to begin arranging his cards before the entire hand has bean dealt? 4. When a dish is passed to one at the table by a servant, hou4d one say ''Thank you?" Answers i. "Tlur.k you." Av..iu the expressions "Thanks" and "Muck obliged." 2. A person with th* least intuition can quickly div tinguish this. As Washingtom Irving said, "There is an emana- tion from the heart in genuine hospitality which cannot be de cribec. but is immediately felt, and puts the stranger at once at his ease." 3. No, they should arrive promptly on the moment sot f. r the ceremony. 4. It would be much better to ask her for tnt date. It is her privilege t.> accept or say that she has an enga^e- nien:. 5. Yes: this is crude. Ai player should wait until every* body has been deal: his entire hand. 6. It is not necessarv. CREAM Since March 13, we have paid 41c for Xo. 1 cream delivered to Toronto. DAILY PAYMENTS Write for Cam Toronto Creamery branch o. l ttiri Ffrmtrm ( IJ-UP<TI| >< ' .'.. I'd. Cer. Dnki- * r.rnrgr ->.. Toroate .CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISEMENTS. AGENTS 1* TIRES . . IS MONTHS Of ARAVTEE. Direct Factorr to YOV w >th one ima.II profit If needing TIRES, It will pay you to write for prices. Agenti wanted . . . save money for yourself, and make a few dollar* sailing y^ur friends. All tires shipped, prepaid, subject to your inspection and approval. Mayall* Tire Servko. S Elm St., Toronto. BS VOl'R i>\VX BOSS, ib' YOU' CAN create dour to door market for cu.iruntsed necessities (over 200 of them) SrOCEEU WITH K-VMI- LKX. Liberal Oommis-.oii. Repeat buiiu' assured. Co-operation. Complete detail* mid fre cat- llnsrue first letter: KAMI LEX. 570 ijt. <"leii'Mr. MJH' : i.i' n IBY i HI. K - RlliliT N\V IT \M1.I. VAV YOV to b "fussy" with your chick buying. Be auru y<iu get rut fro-wers. Bray "delireri the ehK-k*" Bray Chick* "deliver the foods." Started, day olds, cocker- el*. capona. pullets. Sum* Turkeys. Order now before you're "on the land." Bray Hatchery. 150 John Xvntli. Hamilton. Ont. A-I BABY CH;ICKS, TARRED Rocks, White Rocks. White Leg- horns. Brown Leghorn?. Jersey Black Giants. New Hampshire Roils. Write for new low prices. A. H. Swirzar Hatchnrv. Granton, Ont. B.VTiY I'HICKS. GOVERNMENT Ap- proved White Leghorns and Barred Rocks, also se.xeil Pullets or Cockerels. Breeding since I:'".'. Sond fnr ;>r r <'9 list: Wrisli; Farm, BtOCkriUe, Ontario. 3.1 rny.i: rim KS WITH KVKJJT 100 FfLL-KTS pr 10H m:ici1 .-hicks ordered, we give :'j free cliioks. Pullet* 115.00 to J 19.00 por UMI; Mix*d Chicks JJ.OO to 110.00 per 100: Cockerels per 100 lijtht breeds, $1.50: hoa.v breeds, 14.00. Immediate delivery. Goddard Thick Hatchery. Britannia HeiKhti, Ont. IIAKRRY BAKEF.S' OVENS AXD MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged. Correspondence invited. Hub bard Portable Oi en Co.. 10 3 Bathurjt St.. Toronto. 1 IVl-ISH Hi-roll I'l MTV tlKXEKM.STOliK IN KVTKA >-,Oi)l> turning district No opposition. i-lean st.H-ic. must be sold duo ill health. Oti>> Johsnn. l>\> on iiour.d, CAHS. 1 SKJU MOi:.VT n.KAS.VXT MOTORS L.TD., Turonto'8 oldest Chrysler. Plym- outh dealers; three locations. 6SJ ill. l^lessunt Road. 2010 Yonge St., 1*50 Dan forth Avcnuo. Our L'sed Crs mak us many friends, T FANS. M-:w tlKXKRAI, SttQtrtcti way under wholesale. ToroMM Mercantile. I 1 3 Molinda, IT.KO I-'K \I.K Tiii-K KKL-:I> nrtftiKi. ANI> OM: h:ilf h:m, 1.'. | l>:is iucludins the i\m i oi'K '"I ., >., i -inss from pir.-il M'I':I' 'M-it rico, K.i' ma.fh rooeto Lllttlted, .;'. $or:iuren Av- enue. Ti<rnl. \ FOR <iALK A PROFITABLE AND INTERKST- ing kOStetSSt Maka and sell Lawn Ornaments from our full-size pat- terns. Color scheme aud instruc- tion! with each order, noxens of ornamtwii from each pattern Cutch Ulri. Dutch Boy. Wlndmiil. Sprinkiing Girl. Gardeu Girl. Com- ic Pis, Elephant, Comic Raccoon. Sailor Boy with keep off g-rajs Ig-n. *t>.'. I5c each, t for !5c. It for 11.00 postpaid. War Snviun Si unj'8 aceepted. Darling. 51 War- dea St. M'.mu'o. Ont. GOITRE HAVE YOU UOITRJE? "ABSOR8O" reduces. For particulars write J. A. Johnston Co.. 1T1 KJng E.. Toronto. Price $5.00 per bottle. i! UK- W ACTED J$ VVIi KUY HV.VDRED3 DIFFER- ent Herbs. Roots. Barks. Write Dominion Herb Distributee. lli M.ilr. Montreal. J. N. UXDSAT. LAW OFFICE, CAT- Itol Theatre Building, St. Thomas, Ontario. Special Department for farmer-* colloctions. _ Ol'FER TO I.VVEATUKS -VN OFFER TO EVERX IXVENTOE LJst of Inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Kamsa: Co.. Ups^stered. S:\iter.t Attorneys. 27^ F.:ii;U Street. Ott^iwu. Canmla MK.DIt 11. Oi; MclJ-X'D'S STOMACHli.' obsthiite Stomach Trouble: I'ser states: "For years 1 suffered ter- rble Kiiawiiijt pains bolow breast- hono, few hours after eattotc, cnusiiiR i'is and bloutintc. My oul> relif f is soda and that only for slmr! me. Then I took Dr. Mr- Ucod's ^tonuiohio. After three bot- ; les i \\--.\f free from pain. I kept on Improving and have now been well for several years, enjoying meals without medicine. Uoort for ajl form? of indigestion. Drue store or write l>r. snLsosfl Stom- achlc Co. 558 B.ithurst Toronto. Jt.13 per bottle postpaid. EVKRV Sl'F- ferer from Rheuniatir 1 \iiiis or .Veurlf's should try Dixou'a Rem- edy. Munro's TruR Store. 38i flgi". Ottawa, fostpaid tl.OO. STOCK HVROY NIT THKES. THK IDEAL wartime tree to plant, due to pre- sent ban on nut import!), and the uncertain fruit market. Write for free copy: "Nuts for Home and Market." David i;'ll.-ul>. .Nut Tree Specialist. Weatbnnk. 1UV H'O ROOTS ASPAKAiJVS "MVRV W:islii!iitt,'U" nr loii Strwl>erry Plants "Senator l>unlop" fl.0(i 'Vstpaid. two for J1.7J. Forward t-i.ird us. Irunuois. Qntarui. _ ! 1II.M rOH HVI.K 1'I.RAN 'PU'O TO ;\i .. Pils, suluble for Ssp. S. Barber <ft Son*. 4lXiO Dud;3 St. W r I'l. V> I I'OK *I.K i-i'fi SAI.I-: \r sACUii-'irfc:. rr-TO- date 5-tim capacity ice plant, with complvtc equipment. Plant h;\" h,-(>M t.p.-ratinif onl> seven >pvs I'olil >toruite onuipnient included M\tsi ho removed at once. K. T \Vlii-i. IV I >'i'll>orne. l.'tiln ... I'UOIM'lir^ I'HH SILK Mi'K li.OMK SI'OT Kin; I'ntCl.K 1 ' !n'i--!i. will fiui!.,|. well KVIM- grcencd. new brick cabin, etc. Stamp reply. \VhoeUn-. Northwooil 1*1 TS KOR S il.K ST. HKKNAHI' I't IT'IKS. KKMVI.KS $8.00. Mules $t.;.."". \\ . A. Bancroft. Ontario. SALE.-MA3T WAITED SALZSMAX WANTED WaTH CAB to sell to stores, Ladies' Ho us* Presses and Men's Working cloth ?. on commiasion bastn. Cuh bcosi required to cover coat of sample** Exclusive territory given. age. axperience references. P.O. Boi 143. Montreal. SEWI3TQ MACHIKBS AXD REKA1RS SINGEF. SES REVERSE before buj'ing. Send for prices and terms. Kepalrs. Sin Sewing Machine Company. Tonge St.. Toronto. Ont. osv n* ZM SEED FOR SALE N'OKTHKKN GROWN NO. : AI.SII IS rents pound. No. t Mmture Altilcs balance timothy d'.ito clover. IS c-.nti pound. No. t Mia* ture A -.k J0% balance dutofc clover IS cents pound. No. I Mia* tu.-e A'.slka 50%, timothy SOU! 13 centj pound. No. i TlmotkM No. 1 Purity 9 cents pound, as) primary noxious weed*, tic. v*f ment with order. Wm. A. RelsV Karl ton, Ontario, A KirLU VANGUARD OATS FROM tered fourth generation grade 1> due to color, otherwise gr*tde oae> Germmntion 94"c. TO cents bu.shsi sacks free Erban .tame price, f. O. \Vh::e. (,;i:inwnrth. (int.irlo. SNAPSHOTS TO-DAY TREASURES TO-MORROW Your films are carefully and sciea* tiflcally processed by imperial. tS) make sure they last. 9 r S F.-XPOSVKE riLMS X9e with beautiful enlargement free. 8 reprints with enlargement &. Thousands of letters from <i.iti*fls4 customers testify to our suparlot nualitv and service. 1MPF.R1AL PHOTO i ii\ It IS Station J. Toronto. -. \\1-SV. KOK A1.K Fur. svt.E KEiilSTERKP TAkV wurtli, S weeks old. Both. sn>i# 1 ' without papers. S" '0 wltk papers. \Vm. R. Wood. Lombard)* Ontario. TOBACCO FOLK FOl'NDS BCRLET AND VTR- ginia Leaf for pipe fl.IJ. Ftr* pounds Fragrant Virginia !! Cigarette Tobacco $2.30 poetpal4> Natural Leaf Tobucio Co., Least* inKtcn. Ontario. i \..u\in i> H.I. \\ K srrt'i.Y i \VSES AND IVVT hiKhe^t Market Pvlce.i. Further partti-ulxrs apply Caiiadiftn l'^J vision i- Supply Company. 199 IMP:.' ST-i'pi Toronto. \VVVKI> TO I'l 11(11 t^K FEATHERS WANTED NK\\ AND rSKP tU>OSi: AN lull U. i;.-.' "r.lthei hed.1. HiKhufll ! i ' - !Mi,l. Send psrtirlllarfr %> Quoi 1'iv I'--. 1 ;*: h.>r. -'.* HaldwISb T,-i -,.ti: -i. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used New sl-Kl 1 Vl.r/.IM. IN III 1:1 HI Mil. rolls. .- u ; i: i \ : t - ; I > ii-. * . H llalolo. \\lnchr. i..-> Mart* ^ :*i >si .' I'nrt*. r .n. nl. l.e\y J.. I ..'.'Tt> > 1S ISSUE 16 '41