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Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1941, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON Wednesday, April 16, 1941 EUGENIA The Easter ser ice was veil it- tended Sunday. The choir sang two beautiful anthems and Mrs. Cairns' Sunday School class rendered a sel- ection "Easter Lilies." Rev. Dr. Mercer delivered a very interesting and imprsaive sermon. He also held a service here Good Friday morning and Sacrament was administered. At the Y.P.U. on Wednesday even- ing if last week Mrs. Cairns presid- ed for the first part of the meeting. The discussion period was taken by Miss Dorothy Falconer, after which recreation was followed. This week . Rev. Annis of Markdale will show lantern slides on 'West China. Lunch will be served and a small admission fee charged. Mr. and Mrs. Pinkerton and their daughter Mrs. Haas and Janette, have returned to 'heir cottage on the 8th line, afer spending the winter in Brantford. Mr. Rutledge Stafford of Kimber- ley, Mr. and Mrs. Millward of To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baker and family of Heathcote were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker. Mr. Roy McMillan of Oakville was home for the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park and Cteen of Ingersoll scent the week , end at the Park and Carruthers . homes. N Rev. Browett of Duncan ave an hour's religious instruction to the Public School pupils here one day recently. Miss Irene Dinsmore is spending her Easter vacation at her home near Thorabury. A.C. Argyle Martin of Montreal was home from Friday to Sunday. He was one of the boys chosen to take part in the demonstration par- adt: on Monday, April 7th, in Mont- real and as a result all in the parade were granted a leave. Little Miss Shirley Cairns is spending a few of 1. ?r Easter "holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Por- teous, 8th line. Mrs. Martin, Argyle and Carmel spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and family ' at Maxwell. Mrs. M. McMullen has returned home, after spend ;" the winter in "Toronto. Mrs. Graham and Huth and Miss Millie McMullen of Toronto are sending: the Easter vacation with her l.ere. Miss Irene Martin of Islington is holidaying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ma^ee of Maxwell visited in the village on Sunday. Pte. Wm. Scorer and Corp. Carl Walthers of the Foresters, Cami Borden, spent the week end at the Carruthers home. Mr. C. Martin visited with Mr. Jim Harrison, south of Fleshertov on Sunday. Jim is recoverir-- nicelv fcm the injur- which he received in a -car accident in March Mr. Ray Genoe and Mr. Glen Ped- lar have returned home from Fer- land for a visit. They have been employed with the fl.E-P.C. there all winter. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman of To- ronto visited over the week end with the latter's father. Mr. Jake Williams. ^^ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous have moved from the Lawlor farm to the fcpofford farm. Mr. Everett " rah am spent a few days at Kearney. Miss Margie Park has not been enjoving very good health the past few weeks. We hope she may soon K well again. In Memoriam TORONTO LINE NORTH Beautiful spring-like weather; the snow is almost all gone. Miss Evelyn Brown of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown. Mrs. Brown returned to the city with her on Sunday. Mrs. Minnie Lever has returned from visiting with friends in Toronto. Messrs. Harold "Richardson, Gordon Long, Bert Sparks, Harold Lever and Fred Mathewson attended the Owen Sound-Kingston hockey game at Owen Sound Friday evening. Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill spent Easter and a few days at her home here and was accompanied back on Monday by Mr. G. Clayton and Miss Helen Donnally, who spent Easter in Durham. ROCK MILLS The rain on Sunday and Monday will do much good, and if the weather continues warm it will pro- duce rapid growth. The grass is already beginning to look nice and green. Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell were: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Teeter of Vandeleur, Mr. Laurie Russell and Miss Mary Bemrose of Toronto. IV Mr. Murray Fisher and friend, Miss Amanda Fisher and friend -of Guelph spent a few days renewing acquainances here, returning to their home at Guelph Sunday evening. Mr. B. Field made a business trip to Owen Sound last week. Visitors over Easter with Mr. J. A. Foster and Sadie were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Aldcorn and Yvonne of Toronto, Mrs. B. Toman of Corbetton and Mr. Stewart Foster of Durham. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark over Easter were: Mr. Bob Clark of Gait, Mrs. Bob Lee and Douglas of Owen Sound and Mrs. Coburn and babe of Barrhead. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts of Flesh- erton were Easter visitors with his father, Mr. Levi Betts. Mr. John McDonald of Flesherton was employed on Saturday by the Durham Furniture Company moving one of the large smoke stacks to fit the new boiler, which has been placed in position. Aircraftsman Leslie Seeley son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seeley, was one of 150 men chosen from 1,500 to form a g-uard of honor for the Polish general at Montreal, who has come to Canada to recruit a Polish legion. SPRINGHILL The sympathy of all is extended to Mr. F. H. W. Hickling of Flesherton in his recent bereavement. Miss Dorothy Little of Corbetton spent a week end recently with Mr. and Mrs. C. Akins. Miss Leona Johnson entertained the C.GJ.T. of St. John's church last Wednesday evening. A .pleasant time was spen with 16 irls present. The evening was spent in playing crokinole and Chinese checkers. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and Mr. Harold Johnson of Toronto spent Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson. Mr. Jas. Harrison returned from Owen Sound on ~aturday, somewhat improved after his recent accident, but we are sorry he has to retun to the city for continued treatment Mr. and Mrs. Herb Akins of To- ronto spent Blaster with the former's parents. Miss Annie Akins. who i- teaching near Markdale, is home for her vacation. Mrs. John ^atterson has returned home from Flesherton, after spend- ing the winter months there Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oldfield of Cor- betton spent Sunday at the latter's parental home. Mr. Allister Patter- son returned with them, where he will work during the spring and summer. Miss Hilda Duckett of Toronto was an Easter visitor with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett, west backline. Miss Helen Duckett is visiting in Owen Sound this week. Mussolini again makes the state- ment that he stands square behind his army. But unless he is fleet of foot it must be a great way behind. TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1941 Full information from Agents WOOt GROWERS OROAMZUION IT PAYS TO MARKET O\ A GRADED BASIS obtain Sacks and Twine from LOCAL LIVE STOCK TRUCKERS or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street - Toronto INSURANCE Authorized agent for GERMANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY also All Line* of CAR INSURANCE, BONDS, etc. Ste HERB CORBETT Phone Dundalk 44 r 21 Proton Station. Ont. Paul In loving memory of a dear father. Elijah Paul, who passed away April 14th, 1938. Ever remembered by the Family. i ; ; In Memoriam " WILKINSON In loving memory of our dear wife and mother. Mrs. John Wilkinson, who departed this life April 18th. 1939. Sweet is your memorv, dear to our hearts, .The place you hold there shall never depart. And all through the years, be they many or few, Shall be filled with remembrance, dear mother, of you. Ever remembered, Husband and Family. Advertisement of Sale Under ad by virtue of the powers Contained in certain mortgage, which will be produced at the ti of sale, there will be offered for ale by public auction on Friday, the 18th day of April, 1941, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock, in the a/t-rnoon, at Robinson's Store, in the Villa-'* of Feversham by George E, Dmncan. Auctioneer, the following property, namely: Lot 18, Concession S, north of tht Durham Road, in the Township of Osprey. In the County of Grey, containing one hundred acres, in- cluding buildings erected thereon. Terms: Ten percent of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale, balarc* to be paid within ten days. Subjet to reserve bid. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to Robert S. Johnston, Barrister. 211 Imperial Builditur. Hamilton. Ontario. Dated at Hamilton, the 29th day of March, 1941. ft I . ' FOR THE FARM ! *Wv A, Ontario's Students Offer to Help Relieve Emergency Need for Farm Help! Already more than 6,000 of Ontario's sturdy High School students have volunteered their services to the Farm Service Force of Ontario! They are devoting their summer months to help farmers meet the greatest production demands in their experience. Students will be relieved of school responsibilities as farmers require them. Especially pre- pared courses of study have been offered to fit these willing young people for the summer's work on the farm. Britain is depending upon Ontario's farmers to supply a great -proportion of their neds for cheese, bacon, con- centrated milk, and other farm products. "S .ONTARIO./^. A/fr on* wftk on Hit farm, Htw* rturdy, young vo/vnton rciy fVi cfotiiKtiV* crrf upon opp/icaffon to n form S*rvk* Force, of labour, Toronto. Farmers who have not registered their requirements for student assistance are urged strongly to do so without delay. Simply notify your Agricultural Representative or local High School Principal, or write: Farm Service Force, Department ii MMNM^MV of Labour, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto. ONTARIO INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE - LABOUR - AGRICULTURE - EDUCATION - AND DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR, OTTAWA i I

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