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Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1941, p. 7

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They Know Mountain Fighting, Too Hitler's boys did some historic mountain fighting in Norway, but if they try it against Yugoslavia they'll run into the "komitadjis," famed for centuries for their mountain warfare. Expert sharpshooters, the fearless komitadjis have never been dislodged from their mountains. Here are some of them in festive dress. How Con I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove white spots on furniture caused by hot dishes or water? A. Rub the spots with a mix- ture of machine oil and soda. Q. -How can I make a satis- factory emergency glue? A. Soak some tapioca in warm water. This will prove a very sat- isfactory glue or paste. Q. How can I remedy the loud ticking of a bedroom clock? A. Place a glass container of aome kind over the clock. It can th^n be seen without being heard. Q. How can I make steak more tender? A. A tough steak can be made more tender by rubbing with a piece of lemon and then with olive oil. Q. Is it advisable to beat rugs nd carpets when cleaning them? A. Rug manufacturers advise against this, as beating causes the threads to weaken and break. Instead, use a carpet sweeper daily and a vacuum cleaner once a week, and beating will not be necessary. Q. How can I clean a velvet piano cover? A. Brunh well ; then sponge with a weak solution of benzine or borax. Dry thoroughly and then brush the pile the right way. Nazis Fear Flank Attack Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE A real threat to German drive south is sure to result from Yugo- slav position . . , Nation has best rmy in Balkans, could throw million men, fairly well trained but poorly equipped, in flank at- tack against extended German supply line. 1. When a young man meet* a girl on the street and stops to talk, shouldn't ha remove his hat and hold it in his hand as long as he talks? 2. When giving a formal din- ner, should the carving be done at the table? 3. Shouldn't a call of condol- ence be returned? 1. Is it necessary to repeat tha person's name when being intro- duced? 5. Is ic necessary to have a train on a white satin wedding dress? (i. Is it all right to use ruled paper for social correspondence? ' Answer* 1. It isn't necessary for him to hold his hat longer than a minute, and not at all if the weather is disagreeable. He should of course lift it when meeting the girl, and again when leaving. It wouHd be presumptuous for a grl to expect a man to stand bareheaded in a snow storm or rain. 2. No; it should be done in the kitchen. At an informal dinner tha carving may be done at the table. 3. No; it is not required and certainly should not be expected. !'. No. "How do you do" is sufficient. 5. The dress may be made with or without a train, depending upon the formality of the wedding. 6. No; if there is trouble in writing a straight line; buy the black- ruled paper which fits under the notcpaper and envelopes. These are called "guides" and can be purchased in any stationery store. Flies High for Science Ordinarily most conservative in the altitudes at which its aircraft fly, Trans-Canada Lines went "stratosphere" at Montreal re- cently and sent one of its ships up to 22,600 feet. The ascent to more than the four milo level was in the causa of science, to test a stratosphere-type military flying suit. CREAM Since March 13, we have paid 4lc for Xo. 1 cream delivered to Toronto. DAILY PAYMENTS Write for Cans Toronto Creamery hraiu'h of 4 nl U-tl i ni NUT** <'o-|K*rtlve < .... Ltd. i'or. Duke .V < .. ..i x.-" Sift., Toronto GROWN IN SUNNY, SOOTHER RIO HAVE YOU HEARD? A bachelor, whose landlady was supposed to mend his clothes, grew tired of finding his pyjamas always without buttons. In despair he pierced the lid of a cocoa tin and sewed it to his pyjama jacket as a hint. When the jacket was returned, ha found the lid still there, and opposite it a buttonhole of equal size! Movie Star: "I've decided to demand a new trial." Interviewer: "But why? You won the cae." Movie Star: "1 know, but I'm not satisfied with the publicity." The business man locked blue. He walked round the office with an extremely worried face. "What's wrong with you?" asked his associate. "Family trouble?" The other paced tin luxurious room nervously. "No," he replied, "it isn't that. It's something: else and I just can't explain it." His associate lighted a big ci- gar. "Stop talking nonsense, man," he advised. "Why, you're sitting on top of the world. For the past fifteen years, without fail, you've been drawing five thousand year, and " "Now you've hit it," interrupt- ed the other. "That's just what'* worrying me. A twenty-five thou- sand a year income for the past fifteen years." Ha rubbed hii weary forehead. "Don't you see how terrible it is?" he went on excitedly. "I'm in a rut!" Betty: "Your new overcoat ii pretty loud, isn't it?" Billy: "Yeah, but I'm gonna buy a muffler to go with it." First Little Girl: "I have two brothers and one sister." Second Littla Girl: "I hava two sisters and one brother." Third Little Girl: "I liava no brothers and no sisters, but I have two papas by my first mama and three manias by my second papa." Bean Drying Is Successful Testa Undertaken By On- tario Dept. of Agriculture Will Help Dispose of Bean Surplus In Province W. R. Reok, deputy minister of agriculture, has announced that the experimeut In ban drying which was conducted by the Ontario Gov- ernment had proved a success. Last week the problem confroutlng the growers \v;<3 to get their bean* to some centra! poiiit where the drying could be done without da- lay. Thousands of btlshels of b&aiis In storage in Western Ontario were threatened, \vliou excessive mois- ture was (Ii.*co>"ered. The crop has to be dried within the next month if it to to be prevented from rot- ting. Government oi't'iciai* uava met with re[n-?6eutaUv9 of the grow- ers to i! the problem of trans- porting tlw beans to some central point capable of doing tha drying quickly and at the san.e time It is expected steps will be taken to facilitate t!i marketing oE the crop. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get aatisfactii.n. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto MOVING PACKING SHIPPING STORING Kediiuccl li'jif., Kiirniluru i'uol Cars U'iiinlpOK and West lo Co;m. M. RAWL1NSON, LIMITED I'^tnhlishfd IHH"' 610 YONGE ST. - TORONTO 38 to 52 yonrs olU. Women who are restless, moody. NERVOUS who fear hot flashes, dizny spells to tuke Lydiu E. Plnl;' .1 i '. ' , Vegetable Com- pound. Plnliham's IB famous for helping woiueu during these "trying times" due to functional Irregulari- ties. Get a bottle todny from your druggist! WORTH TRYING! Sub- Arctic Holiday Open to Travellers North of 54! The words con- jure visions of intrepid explorers, sturdy French sailors and goldiera trying to hold an empire for their king, of Scottish people braving terrors in their search for a home, of missionaries, of prospectors. In August next tho Canadian Na- tional Railways will offer an op- portunity to visit this spacious empire. From Winnipeg to Churchill and return the special train will be home for the travel- lers who leave that city on Aug- ust 15 and return on August 21, having in the meanwhile visited Dauphin, Flin Flon, Sherridon, the Pas and Churchill. Adventure in Canada Yet Awaits Explorer Positively adventure yet awaits tha bold in Canada as witness this extract from a booklet en- titled "Hunting, Fishing and Ca- noe Trips in Canada," issued by the Canadian National Raiways, th particular reference being to the Northwest Territories : "De- cidedly not a tenderfoot's joy ride, but real explorers, not worried too much by maps that prove partly erroneous and not afraid of hearing the timber wolf at night, and preferably provided with the best equipment and guid- es, can find their heart's desire in this great solitude right up to the edge of the barrens in the far-famed land of little sticks." The land refeered to lies north of 60 degrees North and comprises an area of 1,309,682 square miles, while the hunting includes Polar Bear. Hospital on Skates Moscow Eye Hospital, built nwre than 150 years ago, is being moved bodily, on rollers, to a new site with 180 patients still in- side. Over-Protected Child Grows Antagonistic Antagonistic attitudes develop frequently in children who are given too much affection and over-protection, according to Dr. Mandel Sherman, psychologist and psychiatrist at the University of Chicago's orthogenic school. "When the child grows up and leaves the family, he becomes dis- appointed and frustrated because tho3 in the outside world obvi- ously cannot give him the atten- tion and affection to which he had become accustomed. This causes him to believe that people are unfair to him, and he later expresses this attitude by joining groups which are antagonistic to existing authority." "A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day." Andre Maurolo. BOOKLETS explaining OIL ROYALTIES Available on Request From Canada's Largest Oil Royalty Distributing 'House CLIFTON^. CI\OSS 'r 20 !-.. Hi OK - K v n r TO INVESTORS 307 VICTORY BLDG. TORONTO, ONT. Newsprint production in Canada during January, 11)41, amounted to 261,298 tons, an increase of 10,266 tons over January, 1940. SOLDIERS RUB OUT TIRED ACHES For no more than you d pay for a com mon mineral mix- ture. Corn King live* you 20 im- proved balanced ingredients all in one bat That's why farmers find that Corn King gives more feeding value for ALL types 01 live stock Trjt one bag and see the big difference. Ask your Com King rep. reieniative. or wnt : S*by Oittritnitoti, Ltd. Stilby, Ontario. mazing MINERAL OFFER MINERAL FEED .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. A(iK.\T \V\.\TEU TiP.ES . . 12 SIONT1IS GUARANTEE Direct Factory to YOt_' with on* mull profit. If needing TIRES, It will pay you to write for prices. Agents wanted . . . save money for yourself, and muke a few dollars selling your friends. AH tiros shipped, prepaid, subject to your Inspection und approval. MayalU Tiro Servka, S Elm St., Toronto. UAIIY CURKS RAISE GOOD CHICKS WITH JOHN- BOD'S bred to lay burred Plymouth rocks and 3.C.W. leghorns Bnrron Strain. 16 years breeding, culling hatching and blood testing. Price for March and April Rocks and Leghorns a hatched 10 cents. Rock Pullets IT cents, Leghorn Pullets 20 cents. Circular with other prices on request. J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. CARS, >K\V U S< >: MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three locations, 632 Mt. Pleasant Road, 2040 Yongo St., li>5U Danforth Avenue. Our Used Cars make us many friends. CHICKS, i-l i.i.'vrs BOOKLET PRODUCING liGGS CN- der Ten Cents per dozen for Feed Cost mailed free on request. Order chicles and pullets now. Manor Farm, Clarkson, Ontario. 25 I HI'lK CHICKS WITH KVERY 100 PULLETS or 100 mixed chicks ordered, wa give 23 free chicks. Pullets Jlfi.OO to $19.00 per 100; Mixed Chicks $8.00 to $10. no per 100: Cockerels per 100 light breeds, $1.00; heavy breeds. $4.00. Immediate delivery. Goddard Chiolc H a t|c h e r y, Britannia Heights. Unt. llMvlKV I ((I ITMI V! MAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on htittdt Terms arranged. Correspondence Invited. Hubbnrd PortnWe Oven Co., 108 Bnthurst St.. Toronto. EXHAUST IKK.* FOH SALE REGlSTETiED YORKSHIRE BOAHS and sows all iigen, reasonable. R. U. Thomson, Woodhrldge. Ont. IKIISE W.l.VCKU ABOL'T SIX 1IOOMH, A.LL CONVEN- lanCMi ':'.<! garden; prefer main street. 1'rico about $1500 cub. State full particulars. Personal. Box :!!i. _ SK FOB !AI.K FOR 8ALK. GREY PER' 'HERON Stallion, fiva years old, granted A premium for 1941-2-3. Lambert P. VVlgle, K'nu'HvUlo, Ontario. _ I.KiHT HOUSE* FOR 3AL.ii:. STANDARD BRED Stallion, Premium A class, sur* foal, in good ahnpe, cheap or ex- change on cattle. ICIam Shantz Ron.'a 1. Waterloo, Ont. S VI,l.IAJf WAM'KO SALESMAN WANTED WITH CAR to sell to storen, Ladies' House Dresses and Men's V\ orklng cloth- . on commission basis. Cash bond required to cover coat of samples. Exclusive territory given. State age, experience references. Writ* P.O. Box US. Montreal. UKI.K.IOUS HLJJAH COMING BEFORE C11KIST, wonderful book sent free. Menrlddo Mission. H.. Uuclinator, N-sw Yorst. WAMTKD " EXHAUST FANS, NEW OENKRAJ. Klectrtrs. way under wholesale. Toronto Merrnntilo. 2!) Mollnda, Toronto. i 1:1 ,ii ion S.U.K STOCK I'KEO: BUStlKI, AM' ONE hnlf bn, 12c per butt InrHidlng the hngr eooltod icreenlnfrs from puffed whi-at. nnd rice, Kav.iimgh FoOdfl l.iinltoil, 3tiO Si'i:uiren Av- I'liiii-, Tnrcntri. currnR HAVE VOL' GOITRK? "ABSORBO" reduces. I'^or particulnrH write J. A. Johnston Co.. 171 Kins: E.. TniMiihi. I'vli't- $.'I.IMI IT liulllo. HKRIIS WANTED $J$ \\V. lit'V HUNDREDS DIFFER- cut Horbs. Hoots. Bnrks. Write dominion Herh Distributors, 142& . Main, Montreal. J. N. LINDSAY, LAW OFFICE, CAP- Itol Theatre Building, St Thomas, Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. POULTRY A-l liAU i CHUCK 3, BARU1CL' Hocks, White Rocks, White Leg- horns, Brown Leghorns, Jersey Black Giants, New Hampshire Reds. Write for now low prices. A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Out BABY CHICKS, GOVERNMENT AP- proved White Leghorn* and Barred Rocks, also sexed Pullets or Cockerels. Breeding since 1901. Senfl for price list: Wright Farm, Brockvllle, Ontario. GET THE FACTS AND YOU'LL buy Twaddle chicks. Send for Big N Av 1941 Twiddle Catalogue. All chicks from carefully culled Gov- ernment Approved blood-tasted breeders. Sixteen pure breeds and 8 Hybrid trusses and four breads of turkeys to choose from. Also started chicks and older pullets. Tn-eddlo Think Hatcheries Limit- ed. Fergus, Ontario. $1.00 FOR LEGI'ORNS, $.1.00 FOR Heavies Cockerels per 100; Rocks, Learhorns, Hybrids as hatched or pullets (!B% guaranteed). Low prlcea. Ouly egs* from my own breeding, farm hatched, Green Roc Poultry Farm, Wales. Ontario. NOT "ANY CHICKS" NOW -BUT "Bray Chirks." Get your brooder busy before the spring rush. No "shopping round" because Bray has what you want. Moat breeds; crosses; pullets; capons; day old, started chicks. Turkeys. Bray de- livers tho chtoks Bray chicks "deliver ih gooils." Bray Hntcli- ffi-.v. ll! John, ll.'imilton. Ont. VIUIIM:ITV I.-OR SAI.K NJCF, i-io.MK si'irr FOI:'ri.K. l!i acres, well fruited, well blver- greoned, nw brick cabin, ete. Stamp reply. Wheeler. North wood, Ontario. OFFER TO i t\i-.\ rui(s AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. UNHATIS1'"1BD ROUTK MEN. MBD- Iclno mon. build lifetime rout* selling- reliable Remedies, Quality Cosmetics. Farm Products, a com- plete lln of 200 guaranteed spec- ialties for household nnd farm. Repent Orders certain. Interesting profits. Get Details nnd free cat- alogue: FAMILEX. 57U St. Clm- ont, Mon'roa!. 9EWI3TO MACHIXKS AND RBI 1 AIR!* SINGER SEE REVERSE STlTCft before buying. Send for catalogue, prices and terms. Repairs. Slnmr Sewing Machine Company, 264 Yong St., Toronto, Ont. SEED FOR SALE NORTHERN GROWN NO. 2 ALSIKB 18 cents pound. No. 2 MInture 90% Alsllie balance timothy dutch clover. 16 cents pound. No. S MIn- ture Ai.ike 90% balance dutch clover 13 cents pound. No. X MIn- ture Alslke 60%, timothy 60%, IS cents pound. No. 2 Timothy. No. 1 Purity 9 cents pound, n primary noxious weeds, S5c, pay- in em with order. Wm. A. Reid, Earlton. Ontario. SNAPSHOTS TO-DAY TREASURES TO-MORROW Your films are carefully nnd scien- tifically processed by Imperial, t mnke sure they Inst. 6 or 8 KXVOSliRR FILMS Mm with beautiful enlargement fro*. I reprints with enlarKement 16o. Thousands of letters from satUflcet customers testify to our superior quality and service. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVIOB Stntifn .T. Toronto. TOBACCO FOUR POUNDS nUULEY AND VIR- :;i7iin L*;af for pii> $1.SS. FIT* pounds Fragrant Virginia Lai Cigarette Tobacco $2. SO postpaid. Vntnrnl l^eaf Tobncco Co., Leam- Inpton. Ontario. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used New SI'I'H lll.rS.IM. IN HI 111 II I NU- TOH*. ri>\\ i H i M'l - llydrimlla n .. I . i Wlnrke* Ijpoemlnr*. M.-irlcr*. MflKnelO*. i sirlul rt-lur*. llmliiilur* Kxfhanije Serrlce, Hilriic ili.n or Levy Aulo l'sr(. . refasii. J. Toreo. ISSUE 1S-*41 \

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