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Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1941, p. 6

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7 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, April 2, 1941 KIMBERLEY Ezra Fawcett of the Veterans' Guard of Canada is spending a leavt with Kimberley friends. Mr. Dalton Ferguson, who has been lumbering in the north, is home, arriving Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baker and fam- ily visited Sunday with Mrs. M. Ferguson. At last the storm and roads permit the mail man making his trips, going once via the valley road and missing even trips. Mrs. Chas. Graham visited a week with her daughter, Mrs. Neff, a Binghampton. Mr. Jack Graham has received hi - notice for four months' military training. Miss Tena Hutchinson spent the week end with her mother and brother here. Mr. Earl Heitman and Mr. and Mrs. A. Richardson and children ci Toronto spent the week end with Mr, and Mr . Ira Harris. We extend our sympathy to Miss Weller, our junior teacher, in the death of her aunt at, Brampton. The W. I. met at the home of Mrs E. Morwood when over 20 were pre- sent. Mrs. D. L. Weber donated a quilt top which was completed at her home. Miss Annie Burritt donatec a quilt for the Red Cross. More are in the making. More yarn an< goods are expected soon for more Red Cross work. A very interesting paper was given by the president Mrs. E. Morwood, on Grey County A committee was appointed to ae core a play. Roll call was a town hip in Grey County. These two weeks Mr. Garnet Bake: has been busy "buzzing'" for the busy farmers. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickena re- turned on Friday from their trip t< visit their daughter, Gladys (Mrs Hoyden McDonald), at Gold Pines Ont. They enjoyed their visit very much. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Geo. Cornfield, in the death of her brother, Mr. Jos. Cherry, at Woode- bouse, last week. A pleasant time was spent at the W. I., when the members and W. A. members presented Mrs. Ross Ellis with a line table cloth and serviettes, prior to her departure for her new home near Rocklyn.. Mrs. Ellis thanked the ladies in a few well chosen words. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ellis and family will be greatly missed. adies were present, Work commenc- ed on two quilts, one a heavy flannel- ette lined was yarn-tied, while the other was put in frames and partly completed and has since been finish- ed. It was decided, on account of road conditions to cancel further meetings until after the snow was gone and cars running. In last week's ssue one of our items should have read Mrs. Thos. Watson who donated a quilt top, in place of Mrs. Lome Watson. Sorry for the mistake. VANDELEUR (Intended for Last Week) A very successful "pot luck" sup- per was held in the church on Friday, March 14th, under the auspices of the W. A. The ladies served splendid supper in the basement and a fine program folio-wed in the audi- torium. A feature of the program was a "Treasure Trail" contest, con- ducted by Messrs. Howard McGee and Melville Buchanan. In site of the violent March weather a very successful quilting and tea was held at the home oi Mrs. Will Johnston on Wednesady afternoon of last week. Miss Marion Boland of Mimico spent a few days at her parenta home here. Mr. Jim Cargoe is busy buzzing wood for farmers in the district. Margaret Ruth Graham celebrated the third anniversary of her birth on Monday, March 17th. Ruth was a very sick little girl that day, and the weather was bad, but her sham- rock plant had three blossoms on i in honor of the occasion. SPRINGHILL Mrs. B. Talbot of Proton visited her sister, Mrs. Claude Akin.-;, one day last week. We are sorry to report Mrs. Geo, Best on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMillan and Billy of Eugenia visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eagles. Miss Elsie White was hostess last Thursday to the Red Cross. Owing to the lovely day most of the BUCKINGHAM (Intended for Lut Woek) Miss Ann Robinson, R.X., of Fev- ersham spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Davidson. The Club meeting- at the home of Mrs. W. J. Conn on Wednesday of last week was attended by nine members and several visitors. Aftei the devotional exercises, the secre- tary's report of the last meeting wa? adopted. A woollen quilt made by the members, was handed in, to be included in a refugee bale, as were several articles of clothing. Mrs. H. McKee very generously donated a quilt top, which will be completed later. Material to be made into blocks for a quilt was distributed among the ladies present, one mem- ber taking remnants to be converted into a comforter top. The invitation of Mrs. J. T. Davidson to have the April meeting at her home was accepted. Mrs. Garfield McLeod of Maxwell visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conn, last week. Miss Doreen Davidson is staying with her sister, Mrs. J. Hughaon, in Creemore. CEYLON Word was received this Tuesday morning of the death at Berkeley of Mrs. Wm. Kirk, mother of Mrs. A. Muir. Mrs. Muir*s many friends sympathize with her in her loss. Mrs. Earnie Mitchell was among the guests at the home of Mrs. F. Stanton, Owen Sound, on Friday at trousseau tea in honour of hei daughter Muriel, whose marriage takes place this week. Pte. Lloyd Archibald of the G. & S. Foresters , Camp Borden is on a six day leave at his home here. Miss Isobel Cameron has returned from Guelph where she has spent the week end at here home here. Mr. Harvey Huston, Oshawa, was a week end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir and was accompanied on return by Mrs. Earl McLeod. . Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair, Dun- dalk were visitors Sunday at J. R. Sinclairs. Master Douglas Sinclair returned with them for a visit. Miss Agues Mcphail returned Mon day from Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Knox, Swinton Park are visiting their daughter, Mrs Wm. Meads and Mr. Meads and fam- ily. Mrs. A. C. Muir was in Berkeley or the week end. Mr. Jack Foster formerly of Swin- on Park is assiting Frank Collinson, The Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. John Jeatiy's, Thursday afternoon with be President, Mrs. T. Stewart in the hair. Mrs. A. C. Muir gave a St. 'atrick's reading 1 . The meeting took he form of a St. Patrick's social. Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. McWUliam ach supplied contests, the winners being: Mrs. -Snowden McLeod and Irs. Jas. McMullen. During the business session it was lecided that each member raise one lollar before the next meeting to raise more money for the Aid. A mppy social hour was spent at the close of the meeting. When in town renew your subscrip- tion to The Advance. OF PARTICULAR INTEREST TO LADIES SPECIAL SPRING Display and Sale Wed., April 9th LADIES' SPRING COATS TAILORED SUITS NEW SPRIN DRESSES SPRING MILLINERY Display and Sale by Wray's Ladies' Wear of Owen Sound ONE DAY ONLY New House Furnishings SUNWORTHY WALL PAPERS WINDOW SHADES LACE CURTTAINS CRETONNES and DRAPES CURTAIN NETS CONGOLEUM RUGS LINOLEUMS ALL REASONABLY PRICED F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON ROCK MILLS Beautiful spring weather at time of writing. April came in nice anc f the fine weather continues the snow will not be long disappearing. Mr. Alex. Laughlin, who has spenl the winter working at Kearney, ar rived last week to work at the mil again. Mr. W. Hamilton had Mr. Dave Weber of Kimberlcy deliver the large boiler to the mill here from Ceylon, with one of his large trucks. Messrs. P. Gagnon and J. DuffielJ of Durham made a business trip here the first of the week, Chas. Newell and Jim Pedlar each lad buzzing bees last week, with Mr. Lome Sharp's outfit. Miss Ettie Radley has recovered from her illness and has returned iome. - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stafford and Jimmie visited recently with friends near Feversham. Mrs. D. Hopkins and children returned to their home in Toronto, after spending a week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark. THE ONLY NATIONAL APPEAL THIS YEAR FOR OUR MEN IN UNIFORM > For die things that are not given to a fighting man with his uniform . . . thing* that are not part of his military equipment . . . things of the spiiii . . . Canada's fighting sons, wherever they may be, rely on you. The Government provides them with uniforms, rifles, ammunition but for comforts recreations and wholesome opportunity to make their precious moments of leisure a genuine boon . . . they rely on you. Of cours* you help to buy airplanes, guns, ships, tanks BUT for the things that express to the soldier the affection and thoughtfulness of the foiki back home ... he relies on you. Six great national organizations labour unceasingly to provide him with ihoKe things. They can do it only with your money. Your money started diis work your money is needed to carry it The nxi is urgent. Be generous. Let the volunteer helper who calls on yon carry back your pledge of fullest support for our fighting men. THE BOYS RELY ON THE FOLKS BACK HOME If you have not been canvassed if you are not canvassed send your contribution to your local committee or to: ortor. 200 Bay St., Toronto, Canada to SlX APPEALS IN K1-:.\I) TFE "SMALL ADVTS". Advertisement of Sale Under and by virtue of the powers contained in certain mortgage which will be produced at the tinv of sale, there will be offered fo sale by public auction on Friday, th 18th day of April, 1941, at the hou of 1:00 o'clock, in the afternoon at Robinson's Store, in the Villag< of Feversham by George E. Duncan Auctioneer, the following property namely: Lot 18, Concession 8, north of th< Durham Road, in the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, containing one hundred acres, in- cluding buildings erected thereon. Terms: Ten percent of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale, balance to be paid within ten days. Subject to reserve bid. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to Robert S. Johnston, Barrister, 21 1 Imperial Building, Hamilton, Ontario. Dated at Hamilton, the 29th day of March, 1941. p ! . . SWINTON PARK Mrs. Jim Kennedy of .Shelbume spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Aldcorn. A large crowd gathered last Wed- nesday evening in the Orange Hall in honor of Lance Corporal Wm. Stainsby, and presented him with a. lovely watch. Bill thanked all for their kindness to him. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox and Mr. Walter Knox attended -the presenta- tion on Friday evening in honor of their nephew, Pte. Robert Meads, of the O.D.R., at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Meads. Miss Irma Dingwall entertained the Euchre Club at its closing even- ing at the home of Mr and Mrs. Fred Knox on Tuesday evening. Mr. Del- bert Haw won the men's high prize and Mrs. Fred Knox the ladies' high. Low prizes were won by Mr. R. Hardy and Mrs. Jas. Hardy. Mr. Eby. Ostrander had the mis- fortune to cut his foot while work- ing in the bush, and has been laid off work. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. m*et on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Arthur Richardson, when 14 ladies were present. A shower is being held on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Myles (nee Stella McKay), of West- on, who were recently married. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw and babe and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McDon- ald of Saupreen Jet. spent Sunday at the home of Ed. Haw. who is recovering from a sligh stroke. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby ami Stephen visited a few days his week with her sister, Mrs. Armstrong, at Barrie. Born On Tuesday, March 28th to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne, a. daughter. Mr. Geo. Cooper, who was in Mark- dale hospital, returned home on Sat- urday much improved in health. Mr. John Thomson of Agincourt visited last week with his brother, Mr, Chris. Thomson. There are about five vacancies in Ontario Legislature, but the Liberal; have a majority of about three to one, so the by-elections will probably keep on waiting. , * -^ SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 13 Owen Sound FLESHERTON Toronto For the convenience of patrons desiring to spend longest possible Easter Week-End visit with out-of-town friends and be back home at a reasonable hour Sunday night. Special Train will operate Sun., April 13. as follows, making all stops: Lv. Owen Sound 6.15 p.m. Lv. FLESHERTON 7.00 p.m. Ar. Toronto Union 10.45 p.m. AH times are Standard. Consult Agents or current Time Tables for detailed schedule Enquire regarding Low Holiday Fares. CANADIAN PACIFIC SAFE LOCK WIRE FENCE is best because stays are flexible, not rigid. If accidentally depress- ed it apringts erect the moment pressure is removed with no straightening of bent, wires. Many farmers call it Hinge Lock Fence Ask your local denier for H. Made only by the KEENAN FENCE CO. OWEX SOUND. Ont FEVERSHAM Mr. Leighton Mclirnis spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Large crowds attended the auction sales of Mr. Jas. Davidson on Wed- nesday and Mr. Wm. Heitman on Saturday. We re orry to report that Mr Bert Davidson is in Collingwood hos- pital suffering from an appendicitis attack. An epidemic of measles among the children is prevailing in our village, causing a small attendance at school. Mrs. Emerson Wright, Stanley and Shirley visited on Saturday nt her parental home in Ceylon. Mrs. G. Eby spent a few days in Toronto week. Mr. Norman Davidson of Colling- wood spent Sunday at his home. Mr. Walter Saigeon is visiting in j Toronto with his sister, Mrs. Walker. cat Storage WE FEEL THAT WE WOULD NOT BE FAIR TO YOU IF WE DID NOT AGAIN REMIND YOU OF THE COLD STORAGE FACILITIES. A $5.00 box for a year will hold approximately 220 to 250 Ibg. meat and you may refill th box often as you wish. You may also place meat in storage at the rate of 1%* per Ib. NOW IS THE TIME THAT THE STORING OF MEAT SHOULD BE IN FULL PROGRESS. . Call in to see us about tke storage. , Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Phone G6 Angus Avis, Manager '

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