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Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1941, p. 8

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Wednesday, March 12, 1941 THB FLBSHBRTON ABVANCE HOCKEY Wed. March 12 IN Flesherton Arena HEAXHCOTE vs FLESHERTON ADMISSION 25c & 15c RECRUITS WANTED for immediate enlistment in the CANADIAN ARMY (ACTIVE FORCE Fit men between the ages of 19 and 45 for General Servide. Inquire at the Armouries, DURHAM & MARKDALE 12th LINE. OSPREY Mr. Mannie Dobson and Mr. Leon- ard Cox attended the jury in Owen Sound. We are pleased to report that Mr. Goldwyn Udell is recoverinif nicely after his recent illness. The Y.P. held their meeting* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenzie. Quite a number attended the dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wickens on Friday evening: and all Mrs. J. McKenzie and family visit- ed with Mrs. Chas. E2agles Sunday. Mf. Guy Kaitting is spendinsr a few weeks at Feversham, owing to the illness of his brother-in-law, Mr. Geo. Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Turner of Eugenia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor McKenzie. Mrs. McKen- zie and Norma returned home with them, Quite a number ttom this line at- tended Mrs. Fletcher's sale at Gib- raltar and report good prices were received. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Douglas at- tended the funeral of the former's cousin of Mclntyre. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. A. Maxwell and Norma visited at the home of Kenneth Eagles on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Long, accom- panied by Mr. Mort. Sayers and Mr. Fred Hale, attended the Good Roads Convention in Toronto. The Y.P. held their meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Maxwell and, although the roads were bad, there was a good attendance. Mr. Goldwyn Udell is sufiFering from an attack of bronchial pneumon- ia. We wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Blanche Long and Miss Leona Scott visited over the week end with Miss May and Shirley Maxwell, READ THE "SMALL ADVTS". ^H*^X^^^*^H< ink^Akjni <^><^M^t'^«'^M'^t'^t^M'^M'^M^ SPECIAL MARCH Economy Sale Buy More and Save More at This Store MEN'S FINE SHIRTS 89c MEN'S WORK SOX 2 pair for 45c Here you are men, a great range of A g-ood weight sox 75% wool, wiH Shirts worth much more than this give good wear. Economy Sale price. Economy Sale 89c 2 pair for 45c MEN'S WORK SHIRTS LADIES' SLIPS 79c A large range of patterns in doe Look Ladies ! A heavy weight ray- skin and ducks. Economy Sale .. 89c on Slip in all the newest shades.bias WORK PANTS $1.79 cut, a full-fitting garment. Economy Tough and rugged work Pants in " HOUSE ' DRESSES "Mc"" plam and checked demm, built for ^ collection of styles and long wear. Economy Sale $1.79 patterns of new House Dresses, doz- SPECIAL IN UNDIES 23c ^^s to choose from. Sale price .'... 89c Good quallity lock and plain knit LADIES' LISLE HOSE rayon Undies in v.ests, bloomers and 59 doz. extra qualitv fine Lisle Hose panties. Here is extra value at a different shades to choose from. This small price. Economy Sale, per line will give extra long wear. Econ- " garment : 23c omy Sale 23o; 2 pair 45c YARD GOODS DEPARTMENT t t T T t J t t t Local and Personal Dr. J. E. and Mrs. Milne were in Toronto over the week end. See advt. in "Future Events" Dance and euchre in Flesherton, foi Mrs. Alex. Henderson and son are spending this week in Toronto. Aircraftsman Dick Stewart of To- ronto spent the week end with hi? parents, Mr. and Airs. John Stewart. Mrs. MoLeod has recovered from a bad attack of flu and was under the doctor's care for some time. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richsrdsojt visited friende in Owen Sound on Sunday. if. Aircraftsntan Ray Richards of Tfl^ ronto spent the week end with his brother^ Mr. J. A, Rifihards. Mrs.^R. J. Bigliiltkiclson of Grand Valley jjbl spend^iijita fctfi'days at the home:<tf 'Ab. Stewart. - ;,V â- ''&'< â-  â-  â-  : '. Miss Cictharine Milne of Durham spent the week end atMfie home of her broijier. Dr. J. E. Milne.. Miss Gertrude Lever of lUoIu^a^ Hill spent the week end at her'fiqnie on the Toronto. Line North. Aircraftsman S. E. L Holley ot To.- ronto spent the past few days with his family in town. WHITE FLANNELETTE White Flannelette, a good heavy quality, about 27 inches wide. Econ- omy Sale 13c; 8 yard* $1.00 Fancy Quality MARQUISETTE This line will appeal to any house- wife and fine quality in white and ecru, about 42 inches wide. Economy Sale Price, per yard 25c TABLE OILCLOTH SPECIALS By all means check on your require- ments now. The price means a big saving to you, a large range of pat- terns to choose from. 45 in. width yard 33c 54 in. width yard 43c NEW PRINTS All the newest designs in prints, fast colors, these are extra value, full 36 in. wide. Economy Sale Price per yard 19c and 25c HILL'S FOOD VALUES Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, .... 3 for 21c Tomatoes, size 2J4 standard qual.lOc Choice quality 12c Canned Peas No. 4 sieve 20 oz size 9c Peas No. 3 size, 20 oz. tin lie Corn, choice quality 20 oz. tin, York brand 9c Clover Leaf Salmon, I's, tall, fancy quality pink 17c Unwrrip])cd Laundry Soap 1 1 bars for 25c Pork & Beans 20 op. tins for 15c White Beans 6 lbs. for 25c PURITY FLOUR A real buy at, per bag $2.95 LIPTON'S TEA A real tea at the price. Red Label lb. 75c Yellow Label lb. 80c I J T T T T t t t t t Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy r^iSelved word on Tuesday that jheir son. Bob, was undergoing an operation for ap- pendicitis in a Hamilton hospital. Mr and Mrs. Lawson Bowles of To- ronto spent the past few days at the former's parental home on the West Backline. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MoClean and family of Brampton and L.Cpl. Rhesa McClean of Camp Borden visited in town on Sunday. Mr. Russell Lever and son, Ray, of Fairview, Alta., spent the past couple of weeks with his mother and brother, Mrs. T. Lever and Harold. f Flesherton had a partial black-out on Monday night when the street lights were tunied off to conserve power, while the McCauley mill was in operation. â-  Miss Betty Perigo of Malton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart Mr. Harry Cable of Fisher- ville was also a caller at the Stew- art home. Bruce E. Ashton, son of Rev. and Mrs. F. Ashton, has enlisted with the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals and is stationed at Vimy Barracks at Kingston. Mrs. Catherine McLeod received word that her sister, Susan (Mrs. Jas. Scott) passed away at Delia, Alta., on Monday, March 3rd, at the age of 83 years. She had been ill only one week with pneumonia. jiiiii IIIHUII]l^)l|| |||||l FREE FREIGHT ON FEED GRAINI- We have all the information for the ordering and handling of feed grain for the farmer. If you will call at the office we will be glad to show you the re- gulations which must be followed. These regulations came into effect on Feb, 20, 1941, and are to be effect- ive until July 1941, or until Ontario quota of 3,200,000 bushels has been ordered. CHICK STARTER We now have a fresh lot of 19% Chick Starter at $2.75 per cwt. Flesherton Planing Mills 'Hione 24w or Residence 24j HiiiimiiiiiMiimiiiiiffliiiiiiiHitiiiiiniuHiiiiiiiu^^^ Small Ad. Column FOR SALE lbs. Three pigs, about 76 'WalhMse Hamilton, Flesherton. FOR SALE -^ Quantity of dry cedar. Mcirvln McFadden, Flesherton. p ,f3hemical toilet, al- â-  br P. Wilson, Flesh- • , * 39p3 â-  «»â- ..'â- â-  't"''.' .""â- -' FOR SAIJE^ â€" 180 ^ejief Queen incu- bator, used, in good condition, re- sonably priced. â€" ^Mrs.Chas. Moore, Proton Station, mgtmtg 10. 'â- '^J^'W ' i ! NOTICE â€" After this date, Feb. 26, My Hereford bull will not be avail- able for public use. 7â€" fJFpbn Dow, Priceville, R. R. 3. ' i ,\,; W't. â- . i-^ â€" ^. FOR SALE â€" 3 $17 each. â€" Geo. Young sdWB, bred» Udell, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Young Hereford bull, .- registered. â€" Milton Hutchinson,. Kimberley. 41p^ notice;â€" After this date, Mar^h 12, 1940, imy Shorthorn bull will not e available fQi^;4>abIic service.. â€" J. F. Collinsos^i^|nr.iSit> LOGS WANTED â€" Higheats pricea paid for soft and hardwood logs,, where they can be reached by the trucks. â€" R. McNahb, Flesherton^ Phone 61w. 40pl FOR SALE â€" Purebred Berkshire boar, rising 2; 5 Berk sows ready to breed, eligible for registration to breed also 4 Berk boars, ready to wean, aU eligible for registra- tion. â€" W. E. Loucks, Flesherton, R. R. No. 2 FOR SALft'ygtBeatty brooder stove, 600 chick cap^^te^ in Al condition' â€" 'Mrs. J. F. ^i»llinson, Ceylon, phone Flesherton 2I r 3. 41p2 1; Raise Many Pigs Mr. J. W. E. Magee of Port Sas- katchewan is visiting relatives in the Eugenia district and gave The Ad- vance a pleasant call on Friday. Ed. says that crops in their district were good and that they have never had a crop failure. He stated that they go in for mixed farming and specialize in hog raising. He has on his farm 400 pigs of various ages and anothe- farm close by has.over 800 pigs. They are able to feed their hogs cheaper, as they have cheap grain, but they also have to take a lower price when they sell. His friends were very pleased to see him again, as it was 16 year since he was home the last time. FOR SALE â€" • House in Flesherton, with seven rooms, hard and soft water, double lot and barn. For full particulars apply to J. W. Mc- Mullen, Ceylon, Executor. 30c FOR SALE â€" Small farm, 18 acres, near Eugenia on County Highway good bouse, barn. Bai^ain for cash. â€" Mrs. R. Bentham, Flesh- erton. ' 38c4 EXCHANGE â€" Established garage business in down town Toronto, equipped and a going concern for small farm in trout fishing district Wonderful opportunity. Ovma called up. Estimated worth $3000. "Box 2I2, Flesherton Advance. FAPJH FOR SALE Lots 14-16, Con. 1, SD.R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barii 46x66, also • large driving shed. This propertg; must be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with Joha Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47« Farm For Sale â€" 29 Acres, Range 2, Proton. Good buildings. Half mile west of highway no. 10 at Vic- toria Corners. Ideal premises for poultry farm. J. F. Acheson, Prot- on, R. R, 1. SHADOW OP EARTH WILL PARTLY ECLIPSE MOON DON'T put off until tomorrow the chick order you should send today, is good advice, if you want to make the extra money on the early mar- kets. Bray N.H. x L.S. - Leghorns, immediate delivery. Bargains heavy cockerels, pullets, Capons. â€" John McWilliam, Flesherton. A partial eclipse of the moon, the first eclipse of 1941, takes place on Thursday, March 13. The greater part of the eclipse will be visable throughout most of North America, except the extreme northeastern sec- tion. About one-third of the moon's disc will be darkened by the earth's shad FOR SALEâ€" In Ceylon, comfortable 7-room house, electric lights, hard and soft water, good stable, hen house and garage with cement floor, lot containing 1 acre more or less. For particulars apply to Mrs. Nellie Gilchrist, Badjeros, R. R. 1, or Fred Irwin, Flesherton. FOT^ SALE â€" 6 Cows, 4 yearling calves, 2 Polled Angus year-olds, 2 reg. Yorkshire sow, 3-year-old horse; aged mare, bred; oil-bath Cockshutt mower, like new; wagon, sleigh, cutter, harness, harrows, scuffler, etc. â€" Geo. Allen, P'lesher- ton R.R. 3 (Mt. Zion.) 39pl AUCTIONEER WALTER SEELET See me about your auction sale. AU sales conducted on business prin- ciples. Phone me at Feversham 4rl2 or make arrangempnts at The Flesherton Advance office. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for the position of caretaker of Flesherton High School up to and including Saturday, Mareh 16th, 1941, duties to commence April 1st. Outline of duties may be secur- ed from the Secretary. Lowest tend- er not necessarily accepted. â€" R. W. PIPER, Secretary. Ceylon, Out. BUSINESS CARDS FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, 6 acres wheat, spring creek, tiled well and windmill, comfertable dwelling, bam and hen- house, situated 1 mile south of Flesh- erton on No. 1 Highway, reasonably n.â„¢ O..J tv u - prieed for quick sale. â€" AppW to vuLk, ^^P^«"'>•"«n ^«" be clearly Fred Irwin. Fleshertoa. Ont. visable at 4.3? a.m. (E.S.T.) when the moon enters the penumbra. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE. Ont. Auction Sale All Horae-Drawn Implemente, etc. The property of Gordon Hundt Orange Valley, No. 10 Highway »n MONDAY. MARCH 17th, 1*41 at 1.30 o'clock p.m. GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer NOTICE All persons ace hereby warned against tapping trees planted and growing on any street, lane, park, or any other public property in the Village 6f Fleahefton, by authority of a resolution of the Village Coun- cil, or any statutory authority jnade and provided. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, March 4. 1941. Clerk DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 â€" day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Darham St Office HoBn â€" AftemooM, 1.M «» C BreniBfm 7 to Ml, Sundays and Thnmday afteraoaas bf appointment only. Priaee Artkor Lode* No. Mt, AJT. A A.M.. meets to tha FimtUHd M^ Fleaherten, the accend VrMajr In iMfe month. W.M., Heik. Cwbett; Bm- relary, C. J. Bellamy. ROY DMriet A«Mrt fw MUTUAL Un OF CMMDA Accwmtrr tat noKNin, AUTOMonu^ BUBoujnr tfmielMl LteUnty 0< Any FumnnrroN, Oat â-  » i - â- â- ;â-  K

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