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Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1941, p. 7

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Sturdy Canaduui-BuUt Carrier Undergoec Stiff Tests A first dej-.i.'iiitration of Canadian-built I'luversal carriers- was arrange* ..»ecently by the Ford Motor Oo. «1 Canada. In this picture one of the study steel maclifn^s is inaingr its waj' over particularlr li'.fficult teiTain, showing how these carriers will climb over rou^h ground at a fa?t pacei Modern Etiquette ;; BY ROBERTA LEE 1. How far in advance should a man telephone a givl to ask her for a dinner date? 2. When it is necessary to discharge a servant, shouldn't one give this servant a good re- fer-enc«, if possible? 3. Does a weli-bred man ever discuss a woman of his acquaint- ance with other men or women? 4. If a young man deliberate- ly breaka a date with a girl, without a plausible excuse, then asks her for another date, what should she do? 5. When someone compli- ments you on the. suit or gown or hat you are wearing, what should you say? 6. Ii it correct to answer a private telephone by saying "Hello"? Answers 1. One day aliead is sufficient. If she is engaged for that even- ing, fa« may ask her what even- ing she will be free. 2. Yes. Anyone who is fair and consider- ate will do so without being ask- .ed. 8. Never. 4. Decline the Invitation. 5?"Hiank you" is suf- licieat; 6. Yes; that is the ac- cepted form. Many Birds Spend Winter In Canada 0))servatian8 Have Been Made on 141 Kinds Who . Never Fly South While it is true that the majority "ot Canadian wildfo;\-! and featbe'red songsters tly across the border ev- eny autumn to winter somewlieio south ot the l>om!iilon. investiga- tion shows that many birds remain !a Canada during the season oi ice and snow. Counts made l<y expe-rienced vol- unteer observers last Christmas at fourteon Canadiau centies, scalier- ed from Nova Scotia to British Col- umbia, recordM "'J.OOO birds of 111 different kinds. WUi'.e these obser- vations provide .\ fair sample of the winter bird population for analysis, they represent on'.y a small frac- tion of the total tor Canada. The most abundant bin. life in ;he Do- minion in wiutt^v is found along the coa«t ol British Columbia, the southern coasts ot the Maritime Provinces, and :ii soiitheiu Oniailo. The largest sins''-* rei>orl this win- ter came from Hamilton. Ontario. where raort> thnu ll.iX'O bird* were noted. Because the l.'*) C'lrisfmas ^tcr iod was mild anii 'amy avross Can- ad*. many birds t;ial seldom stay when the winters are cold vkero observed. These iucimlo the robin jjhoebe, meadov. !a:k. white-thioai- ed sparr.nv. kilid-.-ev, horned lark, blue-winged t«->;ii. s .-at blue heinu. and blackbirds. House Plants .â- V practical -juide in concise and qulcky read form can be ob- tained from the IVmiinion Seed HooM, Georgetown, Ont. Infor- mation you can easily follow and •PPlyt clearly explaining the beat and lea.^t t-xponsive ways to h«ve fine indoor flowcis. wheth- er frown from seeds, plants ('r bvUM. .Nicely illustrated and in convenient sixe (onlv 35c> p<»»t- paid. â€" 'â-  ilH â-  J ' . ,: ,i- Home Plan 5!^S^ Change With Time Trend "ffrday In Houce De- signing in Toward Placing Kitchen and Garage at Front of HouMFâ€" Living Quarters at Hear A family builds or buys a home, not just for today but for the fa- tui°e, so in designing or selecting a home famHiea will benefit' by con- sidering architectural ti-ends, the Federal Housing Administratiou suggests. YARD AT REAR f~ There'li-a growing movement today to place garag*, lEt^ieu and service facilities at th«t^h)ut of ' the house and to aiOve^%riss quar- ters to the rear. Hoj^flM are being moved forward i^i^lne lot. allowing greater use of the yard as addi- tional living space. The uniform building line is being elimiuated, and houses are being placed no that each home wUl be separated as widely as possible from the neighboring dwellings. Improvements in the design of so-called "modern" house.s, new materials, and new methods of building are helping to broaden the acceptance of modern styles of ar- chitecture. .«i »••â- â€¢>•* â- 'â-  > -^rt,- â- â™¦Â«Â»Â»% » » i »* • a * ♦ • Why Easter's Date Is Changed Yeariy The Christian Church Early Decided That the Easter Fes- tival Should Coincide With The Jewish Passover, A Moveable Feast Many people wonder why ihe date of Easter should ohange year by year, while Christmaa is a fix- ed holiday. Tho reason is that the Crucifixion took place at the time ot the Jewish P.assover, which, due to peculiarities of the Jewish cal- endar, is a moveable feast. The Christian Church therefore decided tliat the Easter festival should co- incide wi;h the Jewish Passover. Easter can come any day from iMarch 2i to April 55, a rauge of five weeks. FIXED BY THE >IOON The metho<i of fixing Easier is complicated, aud would tjke too long to explain here. Easter Day is the first Sunday after the full moon which happeus eillur upon or next after the spring equinox. If the fall moon happeus on a Sun- day, Easter l>ay is the Sunday after. Owing (o the imperfections of our calendar, the spring equinox for fixing Easter is. curiously, a cHlculated date, and not the aoiual spring equinox. Production of leather foot- wear in Canada for the calendar year 1!M0 aiiiounted to 2fi,261,- OSS pairs, the largest output ever recorded by the indu.«try. The amcunt of cheques cashed by chartered banks in 32 Can- adian centres in 1940 was S3J,- 437,000,000 as compared with ?31,(>17.000.000 durine M'31'. RHEUMATIC Aches and Pains If Jiisi one b'>;(lc ot i.\i-M.i docs iit>t show vvw tlw quicU, t.'usy wuy lo set real relief from rheuinallo u h«9 and pniiiit. il co.tts .vou iioih- iiiK. I'on't .siifffr lonser; try rtu-.Ma today Rnd if jou .ite iioi pleased Willi the results, yoiK money will be refunded by your drusLii^t. Thi.« is a irenerciis offer t(< till j hc-^mirilio suffcrc:s. { How Con I? I BY ANI»E ASHLEY ♦ Q. How oan I clean ivory, and restore ihs wkitenaast A. Taks half a lemon, dip ik in salt, and rub over the diacolor- •d ivory. Wipe off immediately •with a soft cloth. Q. How can I make shoe* waterproof ? A. Rub them with castor oil once or tw4c^ a week. Q. How can I cai-e for palmaT A. The palms ahould not bs watered too often. Let the earth get dry, then soak it well To keep the palms in good condition, sponge the leaves carefully each week. Q. How can I prepare a good solution for removing grease spots from woollens? A. One ounce of pulverized borax in one quart of boiling water id an effective solution. Bottle and keep in a convenient place for use when needed. Q. How can I remove smoke quickly from a room? A. Dip a towel into aquai parts of vinegar and hot water, wring it, and then wave it over- head and around the room. Q. How can I repair a valu- able vase when a piece has beea chipped out of the top and lostt A. Thia has been done by molding a piece of putty into the cavity, and zftcr it b'*a hardened, painting it the same shade as the rest of the vase. Quints^ Home Town In Fishing Area Mention the name of Caliander and readers immediately think of the Dionne Quintuplets, but the town has other claims to fame inasmuch as it is a jumping off place for anglers whose objec- tives are Lake Nipissing and French River. This information is contained in a new booklet on hunting and fishing issued by the Can.idian National Railways. Fish available in season include sal- mon, trout, bass, musky, pike and pickerel, and in the proper time hunters can find ' deer, black bear, ducks, partridge, when per- mitted, and rabbits. Callandci' is 219 miles north of Toronto, on the Canadian National System. • HAVE YOU HEARD? KfY! URGE WHIU'S YOUR MINARD': SOLDIERS, HUB OUT TIRED ACHES WMQIIIIUini 38 to 52 years o'.d. Wjmcu who are restless, moody. NKRVOUSâ€" who fear hot flashes, dizzy spei's â€" to take Lydis E. Wnkham"* Vegetable Com- pouad. Plnkham's Is famous for helping woniea during these "â- trying times" due to functional Irregulari- ties. Oet a bottle today from your dn-.ijgltt' WORTH TRTTNCt ' L. A. G. Strong, the novelist, brought back a pleasant story from the country th» other day. "I am aaaured it is true, but pass it on to you without comment," he said. "One of the local big- wigs, returning after a couple of weeks' absence, learned that a certain old man in the village had lost his wife, and went off to pay a visit of condolence. " 'I'm sorry to hear you've buried your wife.' » 'Eh?' " Tm sorry to hear you've buried your wife.' •' 'We 'ad to. She died.' " â€" o â€" Tbe mittress of the house- entered the dining-room just as a burglar was in the act of purloining the lilver. "What are you doing?" ask- ed the Udy. "I'm at your service, Mad- am," a«Mi. tlic thief. The next; Sunday was Mission- ary Sunday, and the boys had been asked to learn an appropri- ate verse to recite wheai putting tjieir pennies into the l)ox. "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver," said Tommy. "He who giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord," followed Johnny. Then came Billy's turn, and as he somewhat reluctantly in- serted a penny, he said: "A fool and his money ars soon parted." "Cheer up, old chap. No aews is good news." "Not when you're running a newspaper." â€" â€" The teacher believed in giving her class lessons in general know- ledge. "What is tliis?" she asked one day, holding up a small object. "A pay envelope," replied little Freddie promptly. "Good!" exclaimed the teacher. "And what did it contain?" "Money," said Freddie, "your wages." "Very good, Freddie!" she said, beaming round the class. "Any questions about ic?" "Please, teacher," remarked one thoughtful child, "where do you work?'' About the meanest thing a woman can do when her husband's name is mention- ed is to sigh, look resigned and say nothing. BiGr BEN PERFECT no Ttibt-' " Far Among The Lonely Hills Far among the lonely hills As I lay beside my sheep. Rest came down upon my soul From the everlasting deep. Changeless march the stars above. Changeless morn succeeds to even : And the everlasting hills Changeless watch the changeless heaven. See the rivers, how they run Changeless to a changeless sea; All auround is forethought sure, Fixed will and stern decree. Can the sailor move the main? Will the potter heed the clayT !MortalI where the spirit drives. Thither mus: the wheels obey. Neither ask, nor fret, nor strive; Where thy path is thou shalt go. He who made the steam of time Wafts thee down to weal Or woe. â€" Charles Kingrsley. Calls Color Movies Easy for Amateurs Building permits issued in 204 Canadian municipalities in 1940 totalled $112,691,450. During the calendar year 1940 Canada's sug^ar refineries manu- factured 1,137,792,237 pounds of refined sugar, an increase of 12,- 300,370 pounds over the output recorded in 1939. THE SPASMS OF moopinqfett* UCKLEY Science has made the art of taking and projecting one's owa color movies as simple as dial- ings a telephone. Dr. A. 1. Willin- sky told the Roya! Canadian In- stitute at a recent mm-ting !a Toronto. He gave a demonstration of what may be done with inex- pensive equipment, scrc-ening aa hour-long travelogue. "Above aH, the amateur cam-era is truthful," he said. "It shows the Kaabah of Algiers as it is, not aa Hollywood would have us think it is." Amateur color film was evolv- ed after twelve years' research by two professional musicians who became interested in photo- graphy as a hobby, he said. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE AGONY QUICKLY RELIEVED If you ara troubled with Itching piles or rectal uoreness do not delar treatment and run the risk ot lettina this conditiou become chronic Any UcUlng or soreaesa or painful pass- age of stool is nature'3 warning that proper treatment should be seemed at once. For this purpose get a package ot Hem-Roid from your drusslst and use aa directed. This Hem-Roid formula which Is used tuternalUr in tba form of a small, easy to taks tablet, will quickly relieve the Itch- Ing aiid soreness ard aid in tisal- ing the sore tender spots. Hem-RolA la piea.'jant to use, la higbly recom- mended and It seems the heiglit of folly for any one to .-iek a painful and chronic pile condition when suck A fine remedy may ba had at se reasonable a cost. If you try Hem-Koi(? and are not •nti.-ely pleased with the rssulta, your druffg-ist will Kladly return your money. ...CLASSIFIED ADfEBTISEMENTS... AtiKM'S W \>TED SEiSL, TOILET AKTICIjES, MEDI- ciues, kitolien products, cleaners, farm necessities, to an uslablished glleutele. Satisfaction or money returned. Interesting commission, oapltal sales, training given. Guar- anteed buecess or money refund- ed on return ot merLhniuli'<o. Cat- alogue condltion.s. oil r>'i(nesL FA.StlI.i-;X PKODUCTS. CT',' St. Clem.:it. Moatroal. El.ECTHlC MOTORS FOll S.\LE ELECTRIC .MUTORS, NEW .VND reconditioned. Jones & Moore El- ectric Company, lii'U .VueJaide St. Wegt. Torentc H.VBV CUKKS gUAUTY CHICKS, BARKED KOCK and wlilte leghorn. Blood-tested by Government approved labcr- ator.v. Rigidly culled. Kelly Cliiol: Hitcherie?. Barrie. SEMi FOR TWEDDLK'S NEW ISll cntiilosrue before you decide. Di;^- covor for yourself why thousands of (Miick buyers right across Can- ada buy Tweddle Chicks year aftor yeor. lii puro breeds, 8 Hy- brid crosses, \ breeds of turlceys to ciioose from. Started chicks, older pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatrhcries Limited, Fevitus. On- tario. C.VTCH VOIR GOOI> VOLXTRi" maikfis with Bray Chiiks order- ed iK>\v. Immediate delivery. lieg- hoins: -N.H. x L.3. Capon.^, pullets: bargains in oookerols for summer broiler and later m.irl;els. Buy Bray for hiKh livHbiilty, fast growth, earl>. stcod.v producion. Hra.\ H.iiiher.v. JSij .lohii. Hiuiiil- ton. Out. •OXKOKI'" CHICKS KliCM ON- tario Breeding Station Flocks, six- teenth year nulled nnd blood- tested by Ihe Poultry Depart- ment. Ontario .VKrioiiltu-al Col- lege. Gueliih, Barrvd Rock Cock- erels .'ip each, White Iwegborn Cockerels I'e each. Write for Cir- cular. The Oxford farmers' Co- operative rrodticf t'ompain. I.lni- ilpd. NVoodstock. Or, ;.i l'Io. SS KRBIi: <.HICK.« WITH KVERV 100 CILLETS OR I0u.ini.\ed chicks ordored, we give ;5 free chicks. l'ullet.i ILi.OU to $19. UO per 100: Mixed Ciiicks J8.00 to JlO.tiU per lOH; Cockerels $1.50 to $.i.,'>0 per 100. Our price list will surprise you. Send for cor^'- Ho,l,):i;-,t CllicU H.'i;i.hf :â- . r.:;!aTl- t.i.-i Ho'Uhi.^. D;it. HXKI-^RV tHU IPMI^'NT P.VKIUIS OVe.NS A.M> MACIUN- ery. »l«o rebulU equtpmeTii al- wa,\ s on hand. Tcinns arratiRed. Concspondence invited. Hubbard Konable Oven Co.. 101 Ualhutj^i St., Toronto. cuckse: »iak£R CHEESE .MAKER FOR SEASON 1941. with certificate for Quebec. For full particulars â€" write. H. H. Ijxs'.. HcU.Tnds Mllla. Quebec. IMICttS KOR SALU 116 ACRE F.VRM FUR SAUB, HIQB- way Sij. t»o miles East of West Mcutroso, quarter mile to school. Guelph u!!d Kitchener 12 miles. L..Trso House, Bank Barn. Silo. Drive Slied. water in stable, gar- afe uiid out buildings. Hydro av- ailable. Fred L'boris. West Mont- rose. P.O.. Ontario. FARMS OF EVERY TYPE IN Bruce and Grey Counties from ^ $1500 to f SOOO. Otto Johann, Owen So ling. FIA.IACIAL AlOl-.TGAGES OK AGREEMENTS ot sale purchased for cash, prompt attcution. North Shore Realty Co., Osiiawa, Ontario. FOR SAbK GOOD CHEVKOLblT SERVICE Truck, haavy duty wrecking crane. Low price. J. .N'. O'Neill. Gt^orfcte'own, Out. GOlTRi:: HAVE VOC GOITRE? '.VUSOKBO' reduces. For particulars write J. A. Johnston Co., 171 King E.. Toronto. UOHSUS 700 HORSES FOl? S.\LE OR KX- chanite. Fercherons. Belttiaos, Clydesiiales, French Canadians. Coachers, Standardbreds, Hack- neys. Canada's largest Horse Breeding establishment offer â€" 200 Pedigreed Stallions for sale or lease, 1l>0 Pedigreed Marcs. Siil) Orado Horses. Write for illustrat- ed circular and I.lst Stallion Bar- gaius. Let us quote delivered price any kind of horso required, .^rn- oldiypkl Farms, (!rcnvillf, Que. I.EG.\I. J. .N. IJM>.SAY, L.VW OFFICK, CAI'- ito' Theatre BulIdinR. St. Thomas, Ontario. SpeoiMl Pej'.Ttment for f.irm.^^ s ,'..ii,:i.! ii/T-r^. .MF,.\- W.tM'fr'h IJJC VL MAN â€" G(.>OI> r.W W KEK- ly. Full i.r spare linn:. Book or- d«rs for Canada's finest trees, plants. llNperience unnecessary. S.">'f-:« oiiifi: fror. I' I'. Smith'.' Nil: -^cl vs. W n.-tft. t'rr. PHOTO nNlSHING TKY l.VirERlM. I'ti^: KINK QfAl. iiy Photo Finishing. .\i'y « oi S K:ipo.<!nre film developed and printed, with < nlargement. tSc. Careful processing by experts who know how, assures <»atiRfactloTi. Imperial I'hoto S«T\i..>, Pcpt. A.. St.ntion J., Toronto. HEUlL'Ali LADIES â€" IF DEl^M'ED. PAINFUU irregular periods worry you taka Fem-a-Tone, the prompt, effectiv* relief Relieve yourself of worry, unnecessary suffering. Bottle $t, postpaid. International Distribu- tors, Box 67-F, Dept. W'., Toronto. FEOPLB .U?E T.\.LK1NG ABOCT the good results from taking Dix- on's Remedy for Rlieumatlc Patna and Neuritis. At Munro's Drug Store, 3UJ Elgin, Ottawa, post- paid SI. 00. OFFER TO 1>VE\T0RS A-N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOB List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Itumsa^ Co.. Registered, Patent Actorney^ 27" Dank Street. Ottaw,a. Canada. l'KR.*0>Al, DUPREE PILLS $1.50 DOUBLE STRENGTH 58.00. U-vdieg â€" quick, reliable .elief for delayed overdue, or pnititul periods. Wil- liam Crost.-r-. Dept \VL, 204 On- tario Buildir.g. Toronto. 1'RI.\T1NQ PRESS AND TYPE SUIT..VBLE FOB small Weekly, cheap for qulolc removal. Pickering Press, GalU Ontario. RIlKV.n.VriC SIFFF.RERS IT'S E.VCEli.KNT. KE.U. RESL LT« after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Paina and Neurittik Munro's Drug Store. Z%a Klgia, Ol!:nvn. pos'i'aid ?l.i iO. ke:i.icii>i'!> elijah coming before christ. wonderful book sent frco. MoRldda Mission. H., l^ooheatei. New Yorlfe >!1|;ku for is.w.v. ONT.MtlD HYBRID SEED CORN VVisconiiin. No.*. C-j and B4i. $t.U to JC.OO delivered; Registered Sll4 i;cner"atinn Krb.'x;). .Vla>ka. Van- cuard oni!< Jl.JS yniX $1.1111, new ba.55: tl<-:.:r.1 l;i;i M.,yn:nd. Chat- h.Tm. _^__ Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used â€" NeM» «i*i':< I %i i/.i\'. i> lit HI (1.1 M1K roilH. I'OW I l(-l '^irr^ Hvftrnullo H w 1 « I ^ ^^ til' hr« <si*at*rnt««r«, *»tnrlcr«. ^InfknciitH. * nrHiirrtvrs. UiNtlnfor* â€" r.\i limine ••rrvir*'. Cliifi* â€" <n(lNf»4*iU*n nr refiiBfli. Levy 4nio t*nri«. I>rnf I. rnroa««». ISSUE 11â€"41

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