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Flesherton Advance, 12 Feb 1941, p. 7

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Young Canadian Musicians Try for Scholarship â-º-»â-  • ♦ »â-  -*-••« ; low Cob I? i \ BY ANNE ASHLEY Application for entries in the annual musical scholarship com- petition open to all Canadian young people have been received from all provinces but P. E. I., a province which figured largely in previou* contests. So far this year, 41 girls and 41 boys have applied. Phyllla Gunner, winner of last year's scholarship, is shown with H. T. Jamieson. president of the Performing Right Society which sponsors the $750 contest and Sir Ernest MaeMillan, at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. They ai-e trying out an interesting score offered by one of last year's entrants. C.NJR. Revenue Gains Sharply $24,152,993 Increase Shown In 1940 Over Previous Year After payment of opei'aiing ex- pense the net revenue ot the Can- adian National Railways system in 1940 amounted to $45,007,412, au In- crease of $24,152,993 over the net revenue of 1939. This was made known last week with the publica- tion of the December 1940 results which showed a net revenue for the month of $6,273,550, an increase ot $2,499,937 as compai-ed with Dec- ember, 1939. UP FOR YEAR Operating revenues for the year 1940 were $247,527,225, against $203,820,187 lu 1939. Operating ex- penses in 1940 were $202,519,813 and in 1939 $182,965,768. For the month of December operating re- venues were $23,736,807, operating expenses $17,463,257. Acting Under-Secretary Of External Affairs Norman Robertson has been ap- pointed acting under-secretary of state for external affairs at Ot- tawa. He is temporary successor to the late Dr. O. D. Skelton. Bible Language There arc scores of everyday Biblical phrases, such "the pa- tience of Job," and "a whited sepulchre." We are always using Biblical phrases, such as '"Dust and ashes," "the Good Shepherd." "A still, sn>all* voice," "prodigal son," "Lot's wife," and "A cloud no bigger than a man's hand." When we refer to a "proverb," a "psalm," or au "exodus," we still lean on the Bible. It is again so when we call a man a "Jere- miah," or a "Job,"' or write an "epistle" in which is made a startling "revelation." Parked Body In Denver, Colo., tliough police twice chalked a car for overpark- iug, they pai«l no attention to it "because wo had a bigger job on hand â€" the solving of (Dcwitti Chandler's murder." Four days later, after repeated calls from neighboring businessmen, they in- vestigated, found it was Cliaiul- ler's car. Inside, undisturbed for four days, was Chandler's body. THE SPASMS OF moomnqtg* UCKLEY Modern Etiqaette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. How much space shoold' be left as the left-hand margfn of a letter, and how far from tha top edge of the paper should the letter begin? 2. What is considered ths best form of engraving the wed- ding ring? 3. What' is the difference between a lunch and a luncheon T 4. When giving a formal din- ner, should dishes be left on tha servingtable, in case they are wanted for a second helping? 5. If a woman is seated in a street car or bus, and another woman carrying a baby, or a crippled person, is standing, should she offer her seat? 6. Should one ever present one's mother to another woman? . Antwers 1. Leave about three-quarters of an inch margin at the left, and begin the letter about two inches from the top. 2. The ring should be engraved with the datei and the initials of the bride and the bridegroom. 3. None. Lunch is the informal abbreviation of luncheon. 4'. Dishes are never passed twice at a formal dinner. After being passed once they should be taken back to the pant- ry. 5. Yes, even if several men remain seated. 6. No; we al- ways present everyone to our mother, regardless of age, rank, cr sex. Study of Public Affairs Is Urged Responsibility of Women to Society Pointed Out by Mon- treal Speaker It is the duty of all women to study in order to understand ques- tions pertaining to the national life. Miss Idola Saint Jean told members ot the Frances Willard W.C.T.U.. Montreal, in an addresa in that city last week. Among such questions the causes of war should be analyzed, she said, stressing the need for a country to base Its cod© on respe-ct for human life and personality. MAKE SOCIETY "MORE HUMAN"' Ignorance and selfishness, she held, is the cause of much of the suffering In economic life, which needed to bd reconstructed so that solidarity and collaboration would take the place ot exploitation and rivalry. Men" are not alone respon- sible for the condition ot the world today, the women wero reminded. Had not mothers been remiss In the training of their children by not instilling into their minds al- truism and the real spirit ot bro- therhood? Miss Saint Jean, who.^e ,lopic was "Women in Society." summed up tl^ task of women --to render soc- iety more human." 100,000 FARMERS Gil fMIW faint at lewrr co,l Itlia nmit IM.Iii •IMr lirmwt ut d«ni •â- th Cera KM MiMral Ft*. Corn Klai ftvM «*â-  aiara MIUMf â- <*- trmi tlMlMita >w imr maaajr. ' mtn laadlni ••IM far all t»»a> «f llvail«««. Try a<w kao ^_^^_^^^^ u>i PROVE Ilia dirfaranea ^HH^^^^B ' htk vour local Cofi Ktnfl rrr. Q. How can I prevent black stockings from acquiring a green- ish tinge? A. Add a tablespoonful of sti'ong vinegar to the last rinse water. Q. How can I make a good nickel cleanser? X. Take equal parts of liquid ammonia and alcohol and stir in whiting to the consistency of a paste. Apply with a cloth, leav- ing the tarnished parts covered with tha cream until it dries. When dry, polish wih a soft cloth. Q. How can I sat colors in garments? A. Blue, pink, green, reel, lavender, and ptirple should be soaked in alum water two ounc- es to the tab. Black gray, and dark blue should be soaked in strong salt water. Q. How can I treat sore lipa? A. Mix and apply this solu- tion: One ounce of glycerine, 1 dram of borax, and 1 pint of water. S. How can I restore black ribbons that arc beginning to look wilted and shabby? A. Stretch the ribbons oat flat and sponge thoroughly with -vinegar. Roll for a short time, and then iron on the wrong side. They will be stiff, and fresh. Q. How can I make a good cleanser for marble? ' A. Mix two parts of soda, one part of pumice, and one part of salt. Then powder and mix io a paste with water, and scour. HEALTH TOPICS Bad Posture Often Due to Malnutrition It doesn't do one bit of good to tell a child to stand up straight. He will do it for a minute or so perhaps, but the instant his mind is on something else, down he slumps again. He will only hold his chin up and his shoulders back a« long as he lemembers. True, if he can be made conscious of tham alto- gether without letting anything else interfere, the miraculous might happen. Habit is made up of oft-repeated actions. But I have never known a ciiiid who grew straight merely because he was talked into it, writes Olive Roberts Barton. Children, fortu- natelj', often do adopt better po- sures as they grow older, but other things are to be thanked for the changfe usually. CORRECT DIET FROM BABYHOOD A malnourished child is usu- ally round shouldered, dull-eyed and an>-thing ijpt soldier-like in his bearing. Such children are not invariably poor. The malnour- ished child can be found any- where, at the well-covered tables of the rich as well as in the un- emploj-ed home. A child on three nontfitoo'plentiiful meals a day may be getting all the proteins. Slow Bum inq CIGARETTE PAPERS none FIKUI MADK HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICEY & EASILY It you arc troul<Ie(l ivitn iteiiins piles or rectal soreness, do not dclav treatment and run the risk of lotting this condition become chronic. Any itchina: or soreness or painful p.iss- age of stool Is n.-iture's warniiiK that proper trcatuienl should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package ot Hem-Roid from your drut,-8ist and use as directed. This H'em-ttoid tortnula which Is used internally In the form of a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve tUe itch- ing and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots. Hem-Roid Is pleasant to use, is highly recom- mended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk n painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be at so reasonable a cost. If you try Hem-Roi<^ and arc not entirely pleased with the results, your druKKisi will Kindly return your moMo.v-. NMIOIIIMin 38 to 52 years old. Women who are restless, moody, NERVOUSâ€" who fear hot flashes, dizzy spalls â€" to take Lydia B. Plnkbam's Vegeuhle Com- pound. Plnkbam's Is famous for helping women during these 'trying times" dtie to functlon.'vl Irregulari- ties. Oet a bottle today from yotir druggist! WORTH TRYING! Starches, sugars, fati and vita- mins he needs because the food ia simple, well-assorted; and what is better still, he may have a good digestive tract that makes the most of it. The causes of inability to take proper care of food ase not al- ways easy to identify. The child who has grown well from birth, who has had a correct diet from babyhood, including cod liver oil and calcium-tontaining foods, and who has never had an under- mining sickness is usually straight. His head is set well on his shoulders, his hips are flat and held in his stomach flat too â€" not protruding. No sign of rickets. No sign of undue weari- ness or dullness or slumping. Whol Science Is Doing ELECTRIFIED SEED Italy claims to have evolved a method of boosting wheat yields by giving seed a preplanting elec- tric shock. Treatment by a high-tension electric current was used to stim- ulate the main reproductive cells of the seed, and Italian agricul- ttire experts said this developed more grains to each head of wheat. â€" o â€" BOREALIS IN "LAB." Science can produce in the laboratory an Aurora Borealis just as satisfying and as good for all practical purposes as those produced by nature in the Arc- tic regions the University of California has announced-. It is done by filling quartz tubes with oxygen and nitrogen gas (the chief components of tha upper atmosphere) and then run- ning an electrical discharge through them. The afterglow constitutes a miniature Aurora Borealis and is measured by a spectroscope which produces the necessary characteristic lines on a photographic plate. DYES FIGHT CANCER Two commercial dyes made es- pecially for cancer were announc- ed last week in Science the of- . ficial organ of United States sci- entists. Tlie dyes themselves have no affect on cancer but they in- crease by nearly 50 per cent the effectiveness of the new neutron rays with which physicians have been experimenting on cancer treatment for saverai years. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the period end- ing January 31, 1941, were: $7,028,490 aa compared with 6,427,070 for the corresponding period of 1940, an in- crease of _ ? 601,420 or 9.4% Soothing, cool- in^ Mentnolatum brmgB quick re- lief or money back. Also for chafing, cuts and bniises. Jars and tube«,30c. THE BELL \ \ / BIG BERT fh^ P E R F E CT C/ie^vino Tobaao THAT'S MY CHEW • HAVE I YOU HEARD? After the shipwreck a sailor was washed up on a lonely tropi- cal island. Thinking himself the sole sur- vivor, and ful! of dread that this might be the abode of cannibals, he went exploring. Presently he saw vnoke ascending from a clump of shrubs. Just as he was preparing to bolt, he heard a voice say: "Why the . . . did you play that . . . card?" "Thank Heaven â€" they're Christians!" he exclaimed joy fully. Husband â€" "You mutt think automobile* (row on trees." Wife â€" "Silly! Everybody knows they come from plants." A Mexican prisoner was being questioned by the police. "Can you read and write?" asked the officer. "Can write but can't read," replied the prisoner. "Write your name on this," the officer commanded, handing over a pencil and paper. The prisoner scrawled several huge hieroglphics across the sheet and handed it back. "What is that you wrote-" in- quired the puzzled officer. "Xo sabe," said the Mexican. "Don' I tol' you me no can read?" "You look sweet enough to eat". • * • "I do eat. Where'll we go?" A man who had been having hia laundi-y done by a neighborhood B-ashwoman had let his account with her run for month.>^. Last week he found the following nota in his laundry: "Dear Sir: You have owed me six dollars now for four months. If you do not pay the whole by next week, I will put too much ftareh in vour collars. Cordially, Mrs. Smith." Hatpins Smaller Hatpins liave gone into tha diminutive class in so far aa length is concerned, but they ara really important as a prac- tical and decorative detail. Tha latter angle is played down, for liatpins are made of the hat medi- um and as such blend smoothly inu) the background. Usually they are ball shape, but spike or lor enge shapes are liked too( they are thrust into deep backs to hold them on, or throogfa ' crowns both as a "steadier" and a decoration. Homecraftere Write For Thla CAT.VLOG Alkenhead'n Home Work- shop Cataloe is available for any person In- terestad In h o m « craft- ra a n s h 1 p or tools. AIKEIVHEAD Hardware Limited 17 Tempereace St., Torsnte for common ordinary sore throat ^^ RHEUMATIC Aches and Pains It Just one bottle o: Itu-.Ma doaa not show ycu the quick, eas.v waj to get real relief from rheumatla aches and pains, It costs you noth- ing. Don't suffer longer; try Ru-Ma today and if you are not pleaiea with tha results, your money wtU be refunded by your druggist This Is a generous offer to all rheumatlo sufferers. â€" COLLECTIONS â€" Accouats, Had Cheques, Reata Collecteti la A»j Part at Cuaada bj National Orgaaizallon. "JfO COLLECTION NO CHARGE'* FedernI Snretr Compaay. 30 Bloor St. W. â-  - Toronto ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... ELECTRIC MOTORS tOR ii.VLK . KLJECTRIO MOTt'RS. NEW .V.VD reconditioned. Jones & Moore El- ectric Company, ZVii Adelaide St., Toronto. BABY CHICKS UKU' WIN THE WAR. CUV WAR Saving Stamps now and buy them regularl.v. You will be able to buy mole war saving stamps If you purcliaai; Tweddlc High Quality Chicks. They have made extra money for our customors in the past, tiiey will do the same fur you this year. Free catalogue. Also Turkeys and I'ullets. Twcrtdle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fcisys, Ontario. ' WK C.\.N SLTPLX VOU WITU good chicks barred Plymouth Rocks and S.C.W Lcehorns Barron Strain. Rred to L,iiy i'ullets one day old and older. 16 years breed- ing testing and hatching. Trices are reasonable. X>u it now and write for circular with prices. J. V. Johnson, i"«rgus, Ont. BUY IRQlTH^UtT STR.VIN MARRED Rock chicks direct. Superb layers ot largo eggs. Winner of three egg-laying contests. Angus Urqu- hart. tircentield. Ontario. START K.VRLY KSOUOH â€" WITH the right chicks â€" and yoir needn't worry about I'rofits. Uray Chicks pa.v. Started chicks, pull- ets, cockerels. 3 week capons. Prospects are proniisin.K for a good poultr.v-i>gg season. Order now. delivery when yvni wish. Brny Hatchoi y. ItO J...lin. Ham- ilton. Ont. ll\Kl:it\ E«|l IIMIF.NT lAKKR.'*' OVE.V3 A.N n MACUIX- Tv, also rebuilt equipment al- wn.> s on hand, Ti^rnis arranged. Con .-.-pondence invited. Hubbard Vortabio Oven Co., lOS Rathurst St, TorontOk FOOT !»lFFk:Kfc:RS K.N'JOV FOOT COilFORT. QUICK results. Home treatment (tour products) iZ.Hil postpaid. Robin- son, 8 South Uarfleld. Hamilton. KNITTING MACHINES KNITTING MACHINES FOR SAL.B for special offer prices, with quantity of free wool. Start now oarnins money at home and mak- ing socks for soldiers, sailors and airmen. Trade in your old ma- chine on a new oneâ€" generous cash allowance made. Auto Knit- ters Limited, Dept. H4, 637 Dav- enport Road. Toroi'.tj. OKFKH ro INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERV INVENTt-'K List of inventions and full InCor- mation sent free. Tbo Ramsay Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, ITS Bank Street. Ottawa. Canada. HEI.V W.VNTEO â€" KK.M.%LB r>O.MIMO.\-PROVlNClAL YOUTH Training offers free domestic eer- vice course to young women be- tween sixteen and thirty years of age. For further Information ap- ply in writing to Supervisor, Home Service Training School. Dcpt- of Ijibor, rurliameir. BuiidlnBS. Tc- ronto. MKDICAI. LADIiiS â€" IF DELAVEL>. r'AlNKUU periods worry you take Kcm-a-Tone. the prompt, effective relief. Relieve yourself of worry, unnecessary suffering. Rottle $2. postpaid. Inlcrnntlonal i^istrlbu- tor«. Box ion. Uept. W. Toronto. HAVE YOU GOITRE- AUSORBO â-  rod^ice**. For p.artu-ulars write J. A. Johnston Co., 171 King E. Toronto. IMXON'S RE.MEOV â€" FOR NEUR- itis and Rheumatii- Pains. Thous- satisfied. Munro'8 IVug Store, )35 Klgin, Ottawa. $1.00 Postpaid. FARM EtlUll'MKNT FANNI.VG MILL (Kline) BEST Seed Grader, Wild Oat Separator, Kline Manufacturing, 420 Willard Avenue. Toronto. TRY IMPERIAL FOR I'l.Nfc. QLALlli 1 aulO FIN- Ishin^. Any t> or ti Exposure filn developed and printed, with ea- largemeut. 2Sc. Careful procesaioc by e.xperis who know bow. assures satisfaction. Imperial Photo S«r> vice, Dept A., Station J., Toronto^ LEU.iL J. -N. U.NDS.W, LAW OFFICE. CAF- Itol Theatre Building, St. Thomaa, Ontario, Special Oapartment for farmers collections. NKlRlTIil SVKFKREKS UE.VD THIS â€" EVERY SUFFBRBR of Rheumatic Pains or Ncuritia should try Ut.xon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 3S5 Elgin. Ottaw*. . <1.00 Postpalil. FINANCIAL .MORTC.VOKS OR AUKEE.MENTS OF s.tle purchased for cash, prompt attention. .Norih Shore Realty Co, Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used â€" Nety "l-rt I %l l/.IM. I> lIUKllLr MO- TORS. f<>t\ I K-l NITS H:»lraulle H u I « * « . WInrhett. ISeaerntere, stsriero. M.ianrioii, (. arharvtar*. Kndletors â€" VxrhttKK* Servlee. (:â- â- <â-  â€" «nlli>ractlsa ar rctaarf. l.ttvy Aatn l*nrt«. Oepi I. Tnreato ISSUE 7â€"41

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