THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 8, 1941 * ORGANIZATION MEETING A meeting' for the purpose of organizing a juvenile Hockey Team will be held at the Munshaw House, on Thursday, January 9th at 8 o'clock. Will all those in- terested come to the meeting. Other teams have lost many of their best players and a local team should be able to go places. Come on out boys". CENTRE LINE Now that Christmas holidays and Nek Year is over its now its get back to work again. It was % wonderful iioliday season. There was a heavy snow fall Saturday and quite stormy but the cars are still ruiming on our line. Miss Gertrude Little of Toronto spent New Year's at her home here. Jliiss Hazel McMillan returned to Tor- onto with Gertrude to try her luck working in the city for awhile. Miss Ina . Acheson is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Galla- j^er. Pte. Victor Osborne took his broth- «r John to CUrksburg on Sunday to resume his work there after two weeks holiday at his home here. Pte^ Victor Osborne and Joseph Little returned to Camp Borden Sun- day night after spending their two weeks of furlow with their parents and friends here. Mr. and ICrs. George Wilkinson and Kenneth spent New Year's with triends at Heathcote. Mrs. Florence Lyons, Garfield and Jean spent New Years with Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Magee of Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Cudmore and baby Keimeth John and Victor Osborne and Miss M. Wellwood spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bad- gerow and Inez. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt and fam- ly si>ent New Y;^'3 y^th, . Mr. as4 .Mrs. J. Pedlaa' & ' ' . '-.„:|»i^. \Â¥ Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Little and family spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Croft, DmrfaJt Mr. Delbert Moore spent a few days with his cousin, Garfield Lyons. Mr. Stanley Little has received hi» tall "-o report at Long Branch Friday for a month's military training. Sev. Dr. Mercer gave a fine ad- dress at Mt. Zion on Sunday, the first of a series ci a.ddresses to b« given. Come on^ rext Sunday and hear the second of these splendid talks, at 11 a.m. VANDELEUR The Christmas season passed over quietly in this community, with the usual happy family gatherings of which there were many. Colds and the 'flu have been trying to make life miserable for numy of our residents during the past few weeks. Our teacher. Miss Bowmn, pent the holidays at her home at Tara. The trustees are having a new ceiling placed in the school house, which will be much 'ower than the old one. Mr. MoCauley of Flesherton kas the contract. School has 'een withdrawn this week while the work is in progress. LADY BANK We had a snow fall of about eight inches oVe]f the week end. Cars are still running, with fine weather. Mr. Wm. Mjrers of Flesherton has the sincere sympathy of this neigh- borhood in the loss of his father, th* late Mr. George Myers. Mr. Myers and family spent the greater part f his and their lives in this comraunity. The late Mr. Myers was a good up- right man in every respect. Miss Mabel Warren and friend, Mr. Stan Shewell, of Owen Sound spent the Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Udell. Mrs. Udell re- tamed with them Ito spend New Year's with friends in Owen Sound, returning to her heme here on Sat- urday night last. NOTICE As I Itave been called for active service ^ am forced to close my watch and clock repairing business. Arty articles left In for repairs may be secured by calling at my residence. â€" S. E. I. Hollcy, Flesherton. NOTICE To whom it may concern: Take notice that I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by my son. Edward, without my written consent. â€"J. P. OTTEWELL, FleehertOE > 12th LINE. OSPREY New Year's visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. McK^izie were Mrs. Neil McKenzie and son, Blaine, Mrs. Torrance Moore of Collingwood, Mias Jean McKenzie of Toronto, Rfn. T. B. McKenzie of Camp Sussex, N.B., Mr. Garnet McKenzie of Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon LanMree of Ravenna, Mr. Ranald Parsons, Miss Christina Magee and Bliss Hazel Turner of Eugenia. Mr. Mervin OMewe^ entertained quite a nambmr of friends on Friday evening. Miss Irene McKenzie visited a few days with Mrs. Grordon Lanktree at Ravenna. (Intended for Last Wvk) A happy and prosperous New Year to the editor, staff and readers of The Advance. Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn Udell andd children spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. S. Udell, Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sanderson spent Christmas with Mr. an^ Mrs. L. Rear, Duncam Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sanderson spent Christmas with Mrs. J, Faw- cett and daughters at Duncan. Wiekens and family. Mr. and Mrs. Victor McKenzie and Norma spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Turner and daughters of Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Dobson and daughters spent Christmas with Miss Marie and Earl Fenwick, tawnline. Mr. Burton Sanderson returned home from Long Branch on Dec. 21, looking fine after his thirty days of military training and spent Christ- mas wi^ Kimber^y frienda^ Mir. and Mrs. J. MeKenzie and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. Parsons and Ranald, 8th line. Miss May Whiteoak of Toronto is spending Christmaa holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. D&vddson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Douglas and family entertained the Bewell family for Christmas. Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Long were: Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Short and daugh- ters and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moore and son, Norris. Mr. Garnet McKenzie of Acton is holiaying at his parental home. Miss Beatrice Bewell of Dundalk spent a few holidays with her mother and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn Udell and children visited with the latter's siS' Mrs. Elizabeth Dobson spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ter at Dundalk on Monday Congratulations to Miss Pansy Thomson on suocessfuily passing her examination qualifying her as a Registered Nflrse. ROCK MILLS School opened Monday morning after the Christmas vacation. Miss Ruth Russell of Toronto spent the holiday season at her parental home here. A few of the farmers held buzzing bees last week, when they had large amounts of wood cut. Lome Sharpe did the sawing. Mr. Thos. Betts and daughters, Edith and Mable, spent New Year's day with Maxwell friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dick C.ark spent a day with relatives in Walkerton Mr. Laurie Russell returned to To- ronto after spending the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter RusaelL Mr. Chaa. Newell has purchased the Wm. Trueman farm and has taken possession. Mrs. Susan Doupe has returned to her home at Saugeen Jet., after spending two weeks at the home of her brother, Mr. Wm. Hawkins. A few trucks have been hauling logs to the mill here, and it is likely that they will be coming in faster. now that condition. the roads are in bettar St John's W.M3. Meeting The WJf.S. met Thursday aftw> noon with a Christmaa program. A poem "Do Something for Others" and a story "Holy Bread" were given by Mrs. H. Down. Readings were given by Mrs. Karatedt, Mrs. Sled, Mrs. W. J. W. Armstrong, Mrs. Cargoe and Mrs. G. K. McMillan and were enjoy- ed. Mrs. G. K. McMillan took charge of the election of officers, which re- sulted as follows: Hon. Pres., Miss Mary McMillan; Past Pres., Mrs. W. I. Henry; President, Mrs. F. G. Karstedt; Rec. Sec., Mrs. C. R. Chappie; Treasurer, Mrs. F. W. Dun- can; Secretaries: Corr., Liter, and Press, Mrs. W. Turney; Christian Stewardship A Finance, Mrs. Cargo; Friendship, Mrs. W. Moore; Supply, Mrs. G. E. Henry; Asst. Mrs. C. P. Wilson; Assoc. Helpers, Mrs. W. S. Inkster; Temperance, Miss V. A. Nicholson and Mrs. Jos. McKee; Miss. Monthly, Mrs. McFadden; Pianist, Mrs. Blackburn. The retiring President, Mrs. Henry, was given a hearty vote of apprecia- tion and the new President, its. Karstedt, spoke briefly and asked for the continued co-operation of every member for the^i^mpr year. MMUKTME^M •.t-i HOW? WHEN? WHERE? WHO ? HOW MUCH ? THIS. YEAR, almost evary man and womeua in Canada will wiaie the burden of paying for the war. A pi'lli"" new taxpayers will pay who n0V«r paid before. A personal budget payment -plttu ia ava^di>le to old taxpayers who are faced with substantially increased income taxes. Canadians are asked to shoulder their share of the war effort cbeerfully and willingly: By pay- ing your income tax regularly you help to speed the productionof war material, £md bring the day of victory closer. Figure out how much tax you will have to pay, and arrange to pay promptly when due. Pay by instalments â€" the easy way â€" and save interest. Cut oat this page and keep it for future reference. WHO PAYS INCQME TAX? If yoi witno [ •^â- >K -••'as^^ja.r jf yg^ g^^ a single person without dependents, and your income in 1940 was more than $760.00 you pay general-income-tax. If you are a married person without depend- ents, and your income in 1940 waa more than $1600.00 you pay genaral-income-taz. If you are a married person with children, you are allowed $400.00 exemption for each depend- ant diild or grandchild, in addition to the $1600.00 exemption. NOTE: In addition to the gnneral-income-taz you pay National Defence Tax on your total income without any exenmtion if you are single and your ucome goes over $600 or if you are married and your income goes over $1,200. the law but it is a simple method, namely, in eight equal monthly instalments, without inter- est, commencing in January. To take advantage of the monthly payment plan without interest each payment must be made on or before the due dates. Otherwise interest will be charged on the total balance remaining unpaid sifter April 30th. EXAMPLE OF INSTALMENT PAYING WITHOUT INTEREST If vour estimated tax is $60.00" you pay one-^hird of the tax ($20.00) in four instal- ments ($5.00 each) eind the remaining two- thirds ($40.00) in four instalments ($10.00 each). Your payments are therefore as follows: Ono>B«(ara OnorBchm OnocBWtm OnofBafora Jan. 31 Fab. S8 Mar. 31 April 30 $5 $5 $5 $5 OnotBWon OnorBafora OnorBaiora OnocBafcM May 31 Jam 30 July 31 Aug. 31 $10 $10 $10 $10 » $eo HawavM- K Is recomnwndMi tliat yoa pay yovr tax In eight equal monthly instalmaiits of $7.50 each =$60.00. Instalment Income Tax Remittance Forms are i available at any post office, or any branch of any bank, or the office of the Inspector for your ^^ ^ District, and their use will ensure aceurata and proper allocation of your pajrment. However, you can send in your instalments by ordinary letter with your name and address plamlv stated thereon, clearly indicating the division between Provincial and Dominion Tax payments. HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY? The general-income-tax is pay- able on your net income leas exemptions. If you are single, your exemp- tion is $750.00. TTius if your total income is $1,(X)0.00 you must pay tax on $260.00. The exemption for a married person Is $1,500.00 plus $400.00 for each dependent child or grandchild. Thus if you are a married man witii two children and a total income of $2,600.00 your total exemptions are $1,500.00 plus $400.00 for each child, or $2,300.00 fai alL So you pay tax on $300.00. PaynMHt: You may send a cheque. Post Offlca or Money Order in payment of income tax by mail, to the Inspector of Income Tax for the District in which you reside, made payable to the Receiver General of Canada. Write plainly, and give your name in full, so that mistakes in crediting may be avoided. Do not send money or postage stanaps in envelopes. RATES OF NATIONAL DEFENCE TAX HOW DO PAY? YOU I Your income tax may be paid in the following ways, â€" LTlM PrMMit NMhbd: At least one-third of the tax to be paid by April 30th. the balance, with in- terest at 5% from April 30th, to be paid by Aiigust 31st. On any Dalance unpaid after August 81st, the interest rate will be 8 %. 2. The riopeMd INethod: In 8 monthly instalments without in- terestTTo take advantage of this new way of paying, the first instal- ment must De paid on or before January 31st. You must pay at Inat one-thkd of the estimated tax in four equal monthly instal- ments, in January, February, March and April, Le. 1-12 of the estimated tax in each of the said 4 months. The remaining two- thixds must be paid in four eaual monthly instannents in May, June, Joly and August, i.e. l-6th of the estimated tax in each of the said 4 mcmtlM. (This will be in the amended law.) •.The llBca Rates of Generatlncome-Tax which Individuals Must Pay Your net taxable income is the amount left after you deduct exemptions from your total income. If your net taxable income is $250 or lees the tax is 6% thereon. Kbetween$250and$1000thetaxi8$ 15 plus 8 % on the excess over $ 250 1000 and 20OO 2000 and 3000 3000 and 4000 4000 and 5000 5000 and 60QO 6000 and 7000 7000 and 8000 8000 and 9000 9000 and 10000 75 195 355 556 796 1065 1365 1696 2046 12% " 16% •^' 307o " 33% " -36% " 37% 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 For higher incomes refer to the Income War Tax Act. In addition to the above rates, there is a surtax on all investment income in excess of $5000. Also there i» National Defence Tax and in some Provinces, Provincial Income Tax. For a single person 2% on the total income if the income exceeds $600 and does not exceed $1,200. 3% on the total income if the income exceeds $1,200. For a married person 2 % on the total income if the income exceeds $1,200 with a tax credit of $8.00 for each dependent child or grand- child. For 1940 the tax is on one- half of the income and the tax credit b $4.00. FURTHER ^T) INFORMATION '^^ TUs mettiod will not be found in IMPORTANT TO EVERY INCOME TAX PAYER . To enioy th« advantages of the Interest-Free Instalment Plan You tmtst pay the first instalment not later than January 31st, and pay rtffdatiy thereafier Retusn on Form E.P.T.l on oc before April 30th next. 1 1 including the vS National Defence Tax Booklet and the necessary forms may be obtained from the Inspector of Income Tax for the district in which you reside. Forms are now available. Form T.l Special is to be used by individuals who are not in busi- ness whose income is not mors than $5000. All others must use the regular form T.l or in the case of formers. Form T.IA. Proprietors in business must fil^ in addition to the Form T.X Return, an Excess Profits Tax DOMINION OF CANADA INCOME TAX DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE HOHCOUNCWSOH «j». t .. . _< > â- â- â- â- » nmnVr W iwoVrOtKM nvwnvv C reAS» HJJOTT. Commttfionar of Inconm TtM