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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jan 1941, p. 1

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Fr V i:t)je /ie0l)a:iint 'AJsmxiu. VOL. 60; NO. 32 PLESHERTON. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 8. 1941 W. H. Thurston & Soni Props. M«xwdl Uuted Church BBV. GEO. U MKBCBR, BJ).. OJ). Miniatcr SERVICES SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1941 11 ajn. â€" ^Eugenia. 3 p-na. â€" ^Wareham. 7.30â€" Maxwell. Note: On Sunday, Jan. 12th, there will be no service at Mount -Zion at 11 o'clock as announced, ibut instead, momingf worship will be held in the Eugrenia church. The minister will preach the second sermon in the ser- iesâ€" "Who's who in the Bible," and next Sunday's theme will be "The trickery and triumph of Jacob." TO GIVE CONCERTS We would suggest that the public hold Wednesday and Thursday even- ings in reserve, in order* to attend the concerts to be g^ven in the Orange Hall, Maxwell,. Wednesday evening; Jan. 8th and at Eugenia, Thursday evening at the same hoxir by T. Mac- Duflf Copeland (internationally known entertainer) and Kenneth Duff, famed violinist. FleslMrton United Church â- â€¢ BEV. G. K. McMillan, bj^ bj). Miniatar . SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 1941 11.00 a.m... â€" Worship Flesherton. 2.00 pjn. â€" Worship Ceylon. 7.30 p.m.â€" Worship Flesherton. Morning subject: "Go Wash in Jordan." Evening Suibjeict: â- â- â- â- .â-  "Knocking, Knocking." We are pleased to annoulice that Mr. Roy Langford will sing at the evening. Flesherton Bi4;>tist Church Ministor: R«v. Fred Ashtitn Services â€" Flesherton. 11 a.m. Worship. 12 noon, Bible School. 7 p.m., Gospel Service. Rock Millsâ€" 2 pan., Bible SchooL 3 pjn.. Worship. Gospd Workers' Church Feversham, Oat. Rev. C. McNichol. Pastor Sunday Sdtool at 10.60 ajn. Morning Service at 11.00 a.m. Evening Service at 7.30 p.m. Students may be excused from school in May and June next year in order to do farm or war work, it was indicated in an announcement by the Department of Education. These youngsters with the proper permits for absence will be credited with at- tendance. N Town Hall FLESHERTON Thur.^Jan.lG at 8.15 p.m. 'Teo Nights In A Barroom" in Talking Pictures also shorts, news, comedy Illustrated Songs. iSc '^nd 25c Morton Sayers Reeve In Osprey Township Morton Sayers was elected Reeve of the Township of Osprey on Monday in a contest with Mr. Arnold Hutch- inson, who has held the post for the past two and a half years. The maj- ority of Mr. Sayers over Mr. Hutch- inson was 30 votes. Mr. Fred Hale defeated John Hudson, member of last year's cooaeil and Geo. McDonald. His majority over McDonald was 50 votes and over Hudson 172. Council men^bers elected were Archie Buie, Jos. Mcutcheon and Clayton Sprott, the latter heading the poll with 440 votes, Mr. Sayers has had consider- able experience in the Osprey council, having served as Councillor for a number of years and two aivd a half years as Deputy-Reeve. AU other members of the Council are entirely new at the task of municipal govern- ment, bat all are good men and should fill their offices effectively. At the same time as the vote for the municipal members was held, the voice of the people was heard on the question of whether or not the Pro- vincial desire for a two-year term would be sriven the Council, and the voice was heard in no uncertain man- ner when they voted 679 to 197 against the itwo year term. Following is the result of the vote by Polling Divisions: FOR REElP^' 12 3 4 5 6 Hutchinson, Arnold 15 50 61 61 40 36 SAYERS, MORTON „ 37 76 117 45 26 28 FOB DEPUTY-REEVE HALE, FRED 19 67 83 11 27 26 Hudson, John. .^ ^................. 4 22 76 11 3 13 McDonald, Geoige 't 23 30 16 84 47 22 FOB COUNCILLORS BUIE, ARCHIE , 1 21 74 77 25 44 MeCUTCHEON, jOS. .:. 49 Ross, Geo. W. ;.... 4 64 62 SPROTT, CLAYTON .-. 32 67 98 34 62 12 Stinaoii, J. P 1 21 64 70 38 32 QUESTION OF 2-YEAR TERM FOR 15 27 40 19 23 14 AGAINST ;..~.â„¢ ..... 41 94 130 86 64 50 87 52 20 34 9 7 7 28 7 8 61 23 26 15 52 16 7 1 21 23 6 3 48 35 7 9 87 29 14 12 .30 6 59 35 9 29â€"366 26â€"396 23â€"324 15â€"162 9â€"274 26â€"277 15â€"349 19â€"206 19_440 19-261 30â€"579 IJoined Air Force Mr. E. I. HoUey of town was ac- cepted into the Royal Canadian Air Force on Monday and returned that evening on two days' leave to wind np his business affairs of watch and clock repairing. He has enlisted as an instrument repairer. Mr. HoUey has spent the past four years in Flesherton and has made many warm friends, who wish him the best of luck in his army life. He has Veen a member of "B" Company of the 2nd Battalion of the Grey and Simcoe Foresters. He leaves this Wednesday afternoon to report for duty in Toronto. HITLER WON'T WIN Hitler, like Napoleon, Thinks he's big, you know, Hitler thinks he'll rule the world. Like Napoleon of long ago. Napoleon was the leader In the battle of Waterloo, As Hitler is today. Against the British Empire, too. Hitler shall never win the war. Even if he tries and tries. And Hitler, like Napoleon, Shall .not get anywhere until he dies. â€" Composed by Victor Langford, aged 12 years, Flesherton. Carnation Lodge Officers Following are the obicers of Car- nation Lodge No. 645, L.O.B.A., for the year 1941: P.M â€" Sister V. Nicholson. WM. â€" Sister M. Stewart. . . D.M. â€" Sister M. Tremp. Chaplain â€" Sister V. Nicholson. â-  Rec. Sec. â€" Sister L. Brackenbury. Treasurer â€" Sister I. Hamilton. Fin. Sec. â€" Sister A. Alexander. 1st Lect. â€" Sister M. Tumey. 2nd Lect. â€" Sister C. Duncan. D. of Câ€" Sister F. Plantt. 1st Com. â€" Sister A. Wanchope. 2nd Com. â€" Sister M Fisher.. 3rd Com. â€" Sister R. Hawken. 4th Com. â€" Sister A. Littlejohns. 5th Sister K. Thurston. Organists â€" Sister A. Down. Guajrdian â€" Sister M. Phillips. Too bad, but all the suckers are not qn sticks. Future Events A dance will be held in Orange Valley Hall on Friday night, an. 10th, sponsored by L.O.L. 509. Admission 25c. Ladies with lunch free. Equipp^ to handle the finest service at moderate prices \ Our Beautiful Air Conditioned Funeral Chapel at 124 AVENUE ROAD TORONTO, Ont. RICHARD MADDOCKS, Manager, S3 Wednesdays in 1941 Subscribers of The Advance are re ceiving a break this year and will re- ceive an extra issue free. The pub' lication date of The Advance is Wed- nesday of each week and this year the first issue was on Wednesday, January 1st and the last issue in 1941 will be Wednesday, December 31st. Thus there will be 53 Wednesdays in the year and 53 papers. This is a rarity and is the first instance in years where we will be publishing 53 times in one year. ELECTION CARD OF THANKS To Electors Township of Osprey Ladies and Gentlemen,- I take this means of expressing my sincere thanks for your generous support accorded me at the polls on Monday. I will endeavor to serve you faithfully. Again thanking you. â€"JOS. E. MeCUTCHEON, 'Wareham FRED MADDOCKS. AMOCiate. MMiker tt tli* FlMlMttMi 0MB fya' * GtrV A«wctoti«« BATES & MADDOCKS ftmm*f 9t PtaOiMrtM. OaA. 124 Avenue Road, TorooH OnL KL 4344 : : ELECTION CARD OF THANKS To Electors Township of Osprey Ladies and Gentlemen,- I deeply appreciate the honor of being elected with such a substantial vote and wish to sincerely thank you I will do my best to prove worthy of the trust placed in me. â€"CLAYTON SPROTT, Badjeros. ELECTION CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of Osprey Ladies and Gentlemen.- I wish to express my apprecia- tion to the electors who supported me in the election on Monday. I will endeavor to do my best in furthering your interests in both Township and County afTairs. Ag«in thanking you, â€"MORTON SATERS. ' Vwnkam MEMBERS OF GREY COUNTY COUNCIL, 1941 Grey County Cbundl for 1941 was completed on Monday, the members of which are as follows: Artemesia â€" Reeve J. A. Pa^ri8>' Bentinck â€" Reeve, D. J. McBlquild; Deputy-Reeve, Alex. Hopkins. Collingwood â€" Reeve, R. R. Bow- ser; Deputy-Reeve, J. N. Knuff. Derby â€" Reevs, Jas. F. Young. Egremont â€" lUev^, S. M. Patter- son; Deputy-ReeVe,'-^. J. Aldcom. Euphrasia â€" Reeve, Harold Dawn; Deputy-Reeve, J. J. Miller. Glenelg â€" Reeve, John McGirr. Holland â€" Reeve, Geo. Hannah; Deputy-Reeve, Wilbert Suteliffe. Keppel â€" Reeve, Earl Radboume; Deputy-Reeve, Torrence Preston. Normanby â€" Reeve, Chas. Holm; Deputy-Reeve, Henry Miller. Osprey â€" Reeve, Morton Sayers, Deputy-Reeve, Fred Hale. Proton â€" Reeve, William Jack. Sarawak â€" Reeve, Sam McMullen. St. Vincent â€" Reeve, J. A.' Lowe; Deputy-Reeve, David E. McKay. Sullivan â€" Reeve, E. A. Carson; Deputy-Reeve, Jos. Agnew. Sydenham â€" Reeve, Findlay Mc- Donald; Deputy-Reeve, Jas. Reid. Durham â€" Reeve, W. S. Hunter. J Hanover â€" Reeve, Austin Ball; Deputy-Reeve, 'Wesley Breugeman. Meaford â€" Reeve, W. F. Riley; Depaty-Reeve, H. W. Solomon. Thornbury â€" Reeve, Alex. Mc- Coleman. Chatsworth â€" Reeve, W. J. Small. Dundalk â€" Reeve, D. T. Wright. Flesherton â€" Reeve, Alfred Down. Markdale â€" Reeve, .Albert Rusk. Neustadt - - Reeve, Louis Himmler Shallow Lake â€" Reeve, Edward V Radbonrne. Wrist Watch Presented To Aircraftsman Geo. Leucks Friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. W. E. Loncks New Year's night and presented Aircrafts- man George Loucks with a lovely wrist watch with best wishes in his career with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Miss Iva Brown read the address below and Miss Mable Adams made the presentation. George made a suitable reply, thanking the friends for their thoughtfnlness. Dear George: It is with both pride and regret that we, your friends and neighbors, are gathered here tonight to spend a social evening with you before your venture farther away from home. "We are proud of you and congratu- late you on the way you have placed yourself at your country's command. We hate to see you leave this com- munity, but we trust that you will not be gone for long. Let us hope that in your future travels as a Royal Canadian .Air Force member that health happiness and success be yours in the fullest measure. As an expression of the friendship and esteem with which you are held as a member of this community, we ask you to accept this gift, not for its material value, but as a reminder that we, in this community, are with you one hundred per cent. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors: WALTER RUSSELL. WILFRED LEVER, MABEL AD.AMS. Rifle Causes Death I Of PrcrtOD^Man The fascination of a rifle for a 9- year-old boy Led to the death on Friday of Ivan Corbett, 19, shot through the body when a .22 calibre weapon went oflf in the hand of the young^ster, Osland Haw. Corbett died a ^^w minutes after the slug entered his side just above the hip. Young Haw had been ward- ed once before not to touch the gun. He picked it up from its resting place and was immediately told to put it down. He obeyed, but a few minutes later the temptation proved too strong and he lifed it once more. Corbett was no more than ten feet away when the gun roared. The Haw lad's brother, Kenneth, is employed on the farm of the Mc- Pherson brothers in Proton Township, where the accidental shooting occurr- ed. Corbett was on a trip to inspect his traps, located on the farm pro- perty, when he met up with the Mc- Phersons, Alex, and Walter, cutting wood. Corbett put his gun down and set to work to give them a hand. Then came the gun episode and the stern order to the boy not to play with the rifle. A few minutes after Corbett had turned his back on the lad and set to work cutting wood with the McPher- son brothers, the boy again picked up the gun and touched the trigger. Corbett collapsed into unconscious- ness. Dr. R. W. Lindsay of Dundalk was called and he rushed the distance of four miles only to find Corbett dead. Coroner Dr. Frank Martin of Dun- dalk was notified and upon reporting the aflfair to Chief Coroner Ruther- ford of Owen Sound, decided an in- quest was not necessary. The victim is sarvlved by his par entg, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Corbett f Proton Township; two sisters and one brother, Mrs. John Spanhouse of To- ronto; Mrs. Dan Ritchie of Durham and Roy of Guelph. Officers ot L.O.L. No. 509 At the regular meeting of L.O.L. No. 509, Orange Valley, the follow- ing officers were elected for 1941: W.M.. Wesley Littlejohns. P.M., Wm. Kinney. Chaplain, Howard Graham. Rec.-Sec. G. W. Littlejohns. Fin. -Sec, Harold Lever. Marshal, Ken Teeter. Treasurer. J. E. Bowles. Lecturers. C. Littlejohns and O. B. Littlejohns. Committee, A. Miller. G. Bowles, Wm. Stoddart, J. A. Davis. H. Wil- son. Tyler, Dr. A. B. Little. Sentinel. W. Wyvllle. CIVIL GUARD RESUMES The Flesherton - Artemesia Civil Guajd will resume activities Thurs- day night, after the holiday lay off. We expect a full attendance Thurs- day night at 8 o'clock in the town hall and will be glad to welcome new men»ben. If yon are a Canadian, prove it by ^ing your bit like the rest â€" Cont. DUNDALK TOOK GAME FROM FORESTERS 9-4 The first hockey game in the Cent- ral Ontario League was played in Dundalk Monday evening when the Foresters were defeated by the home team 9-4. The Foresters' team was composed of members of "B" Com- pany G. & S. Foresters. The game was fast in spots, considering it was the first time for most of the Forest- ers to be on skates his season. Dun- dalk took the lead midway in the first period when Grummett and Mc- Girk scored on Ferris, who played a great game in goal througout the night. In the second period Dundalk added three more by McGirk, Spring- gay and Grummett, before G. Boyd for the Foresters slipped one around the net, catching McCuUough off his guard. Flesherton added apother at the start of the third period when Boyd took a pass from Piper and pulled the goalie out and slipped the disc behind him. The homesters add- ed to their lead by a solo from the stick of Thuell and Garfield Teeter took a pass from Piper to close the gap a bit. Grummett grabbed another counter followed by R. Banks on a pass from behind the net from Dun- lop. Grummett and Springgay added two more to make the score 9 to 7 .An interesting part of the game was the appearance of father and son on the same line-up, the editor of this paper and son. Jim, playing. The players were: Dundalk â€" Goal Mcullough; de- fence, M. Thompson, .A. Bellamy; centre, McGirk: wings. Grummett and Livermore; alternates C. Thompson. Springgay, Statia. Thuell, E. Bellamy. Foresters â€" Goal, Ferris; defence.; Phillips, Boyd; centre J. Banks; wings G. Teeter, M. Piper; alternates, C. McTavish, Dunlop, Plester, Dargavel. F. J. Thurston, R. Banks. J. Thurston. Referee â€" M. Dean, Shelburne. Flesherton Coaacil The inaugural meeting of Flesher- ton village council w»a held Monday evening, when Rev. G. K. McMillan, pastor of St. John's United Church, addressed the council and Ited in prayer, following which the businesa of the meeting was conducted. Those present were: Reeve A. Down, Ctran- cillors John Nuhn, K. G. Betts, S. Sutton and A. E. GoesseL Aftet each had subscribed and made the declar- ation of office the minutes of the last meeting were read by the clerk, Mr. W. J. Bellamy. Finance committee was headed by Reeve Down, Hydro by John Nuhn, Streets and sidewalks by K. G. Betts, Parks and Fire by A. E. Goessel and Public Property by S. Sntton. The following officers of the mnni- cipality were appointed: Auditors, F. W. Duncan and R. J. Boyd; High School Board, Dr. Milne; Stock Valu- er, M. Wilson; Board of Health, Alex. Henderson, J. Beatty secretary; Pub- lic Library Board, H. A. McCauley,' K. G. Goheen and R. B. Heard; Fenc». Viewers, J. O. Dargavel, Chris. Thom- son and Robt. Ferris. The following account were order- ed paid: Dept. of Health, insulin 53c; F. Teeter, street work 90c; John Leffler, rebate oh dog tax |2; Alex. Henderson, rebate on dog tax $2; In- surance on hall. $45; County of Grey, rent of grader |3; C. J. Kennedy, re- lief for F. Teeter $15.78; Fleshierton Dairy, milk for F. Teeter |2.79; G. B. Welton, erecting and decorating the Christmas tree $2. z^. Council adjourned. - •' REGIMENTAL "AT HOME" The officers, non-commissioned officers and men of "B" Company of the 2nd Battalion Grey and Simcoe Foresters, C.A.R.. were hosts to vis- itors at the Markdale armories on New Year's day. About four hund- red guests were present and a most enjoyable time was spent. Dancing was also enjoyed. Dancing was Iso carried on during the evening, when about one hundred guests, were pre- sent. This was the first "At Home" help by the Company. In Memoriam BEWELL â€" In loving memor^ of a loving husband and father, who died January 3rd, 1940. â€" Mrs. W. H. Bewell and Family. In Memoriam LeGARD â€" In loving memory of our dear mother, Christina LeGard, who passed away January 12th, 1923. Her eyes have seen the King in all His beauty. Have gazed upon her long-loved Savior's face. With rapture now, she worships in His presence And magnifies the richness of His grace. Her ears have heard the voice of Jesus speaking Sweet words of weloome to the home above. For her, earth's mysteries shine as noon-day. Illumined by the radiance of His love. â€"Ever remembered. Meda and Allan. In Memcriam MELDRL^M â€" In loving memory of a dear father. Robert D. Meldrum, who passed away January 9, 1940. "Peacefully sleeping, resting at last-" â€"The Family. MAILING LIST CHANGED The mailing list of The .\dvance was corrected last week and all pay- ments up to December 31st, 1940, are made. Look at your label now and if there is an error kindly notify us at once and have it corrected. If you are in arrears, if your label reads before Jan. 41, kindly send in your renewal at once and start the new year right. Boss â€" Duty comes before pleasure. Clerk â€" Yes, but only in a diction- ary. In Memoriam PURVIS â€" In loving memory of our dear mother, .Ada Linton Purvis, who passed away Jan. 10th, 1040. Two dear bright eyes, a tender smile, A loving heart that knew no guile. Deep trust in God that all was right. Her joy to make some other bright. If sick or suffering one she knew. Some gentle act of love she'd do; No thought of self, but of "the other" I know He said "Well done, dear mother." â€"Lovingly remembered by her family. Isn't it about time for Haillie Sel- assie to come dashing across the open m Ethiopia? The most realistic comment on the >cy streets was that of the youn» lady who exclaimed "This weather gets me down." \^ •

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