Railway Brakonan k Loaned to Film Company For Movie I Samuel H. (Smoky) Shaw, a native of Everett, Ont., has been braking on C P. E. traint out of Medicine Hat, Calgary and other Al- berta poijQlE since 1917 but he has found a new temporary vocation â€" that of a movie star. Picture shows the railroad man, who is now known as Clark Gable to hk friends, in a scene on the open observation of C.P.R. No. 7 between Calgai-y and Banff with British film actor Erie Portman. At the eanaera is Fred Young, thief cameraman of the Ortus film production "Forty-Ninth Parallel" now in the making at Banff, I^ke O'Hara and MontreaL Stars of the picture are Raymond Massey, Elizabeth Bergner, and Leslie Howard, but to his friends and most C.P.R. folk in the west Smoky Shaw is the real one. He has been loaned to the film company at the request oi-the director, Michael Powell, for tbe shooting of all the railroad sequences. Smoky now resides at Medi- ctee Hat, Alta. â€"C.P.R. Photo. i How Can I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I pieveul" the sharp points of feathers or pine needles from working through the covers cf cushions or pillows? A. This c«n be prevented, when filling cushions or pillows, if the wrong side of the material is rub- bed thoroughly with beeswax. Q. How can I make a good cement for mending broken «hina? A. Stir some plaster of Paris Into the beaten white of an egg, to the consistency of paste. Q. How can I destroy perspir- ation odor on the body? A. Bathe in a basin of warm water, to which has been added two tablespoons of compound •plrtt of ammonia. This will leave the skin dean and fresh. Q. How can I prevent circles from forming, and also remove the odor, after cleaning a fabric with gasoline? A. After cleaning with the gas- oline, put about one-third part â- vinegar into the water with which the cloth is dampened before iron- ing. This will prevent any circles ^rom forming and will remove the gasoline scent. Q. How can I deodorize gaso- line? A. Add five or six drops of oil of sassafras to each quart of gas- oline used. Tourists May Visit Commons Rules Are Imposed; Caution is Exercised In Tourist Calls Toursits and other visitors have not been denied admission to the Parliament Buildings but certain, »estrictions have been imposed, Speaker James Glen told the House of Commons last week. He describ- ed reports to thi* effect all visitors were barre<l as incorrect. "Instructions have been given that where visitors desire to enter the building they do so it accompan- ied by some person who is respon- sible, who is well-known or who holds a i-espousible position,'' said the Speaker. MUST BE ACCOMPANIED Casee have arisen, he saiil, where members of parties of visitors be- ing shown about the building by guides became seperated from the parties and disappeared. In view of conditions and the fact that the pre- Tious building had been lost by fire In the first t>reat War this could not be permitted. Accordingly, all visitors would have to be accompanied by some person known to the officials, who would be responsible for them. It was necessary that membeis of the protective staff know where all per- •ons admitted to the building were. The Speaker also aske<l the co- operation of members of Parlia- ment. Cornwall's Most Radio-Conscious Cornwall, youngest city of the Dominion, holds the title of being (tore radio conscious than any | •ther city or town in Canada with a population of 5,000 or more, K cording to statistics issue<l at ta.ea by the radio division of )ke transport department. In Cornwall, licenses issued (isring the last fiscal year averag- M S69 per 1,000 of .population. Cornwall also led all other cwm- Ipunitieji in the fiscal years of tltM7 M^ 1M7<M. Love Notes to Gold Are Found In Pianos 0. W. Haines, a Los .\ngeles piano tuner observing his sixty- first birthday, estimated he had sweetened more than 6,000,000 . sour notes. He added: "I have found in pianos every- thing from love letters to false teeth, from salt shakers to $500 in ?20 gold pieces." U. S. Vice-Presidential Nominee -Acting undei-^irect orders from PVesident Roosevelt, the Demo- cr-atic national convention in Chicago nominated Secretary of Agriculture Wallace as vice-presi- dential candidate. •»»â- â- â- â- ' Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE I »>••••» I Q. Wlien you are goin.? to have a guest who is very careless about ashes and cigarette ends, is it all right to ask this guest to be care- ful? .\. It this giu-st MUST be invited, in spite of causing you such uue;is- Infss, the only thing to do is to place ash trays in eve^ry possible place where he may sit. " Q. When a girl and her escort en- ter a restaurant together, shouldn't the girl go first? -â- v. Yes: the girl should follow the waiter to the table, her escort last. Q. What is the symbolism of zin- nias? A. Thoughts of absent friends. Q. When a young woman's best girl friend is soon leaving for a month's vacation, what is the best way to show friendship? A. It would be nice to give ber a gift that you know will be nice for her trip. Or you might give her a party before she leaves. Q. Doesn't it show poor taste for a person to attempt to display his knowledge on any particular sub- ject, when with others? A. Yes. We always find that the ablest person is the simplest and most modest. Q. How should a girl Introduce her escort to another girl? A. "Edith, this is Edward Carter â€" Edith Hall." ITCH STOI^PCD _ -pr Moncx Back F»r qoick rdief frcm itdiiiig of eesran, pimplta. >Ui- Mt'afooi, tnlM, a«tbia, raahn and oOirr nMrnally â- ikia Iroubia, um world-funou!!, cooJinR. anti- limiid D. D. D. PrMcnplion. Gr»asel«», -B. Socitbet irritttxm ftnd quicktv itof)* intnM Hahmit. SS< trial battle prora it, or iiio«ybMli. Aik row dnKHM lodw t« D. D. & PRESCRIPTIOM. HEALTH TOPICS V/atch Sunburn Watch that sunburn, advis&d the Health League of Canada, in a re- cent bulletin. Sunlight Is necessary to vigor- ous health, and so are eggs, me<it, milk and cheese. Bui after being deprived of direct sunlight on the greater part of the skin for many months, one should no more ex- pose himself to hours of direct sunlight than he should indulge in a banquet of a dozen eggs, half a bullock, a gallon ct milk and an entire cheese at one sitting. The Health League advises that tan is becoming, but it should be acquired gradually. Sun-baths afso should not exceed ten minutes for the first time. An additional five minutes might be added to subse- quent sunnings. Long and unaccustomed expos- ure to hot sun rays is likely to re- sult in severe burns,, and these may be as deep and dangerous as burns received in other ways. - HAVE • YOU HEARD? #>o>o>»>»»o»«««>i«o"»*«o The tailor was selling his best friend a new suit. He was raving about the garment. "I'm telling you, Harry," he said, "that even your best friend won t recognize you in that sutt! Just take a walk outside for a minute and get the feel of the garment." Harry went out and returned a moment later. The proprietor rush- ed up to him with a happy smile. "Good morning, stranger," he beamed. "What can I do for you?" First Farmer: "It Is a bad season â€" my corn is hardly an Inch high." Second Farmer: "That is no- thing â€" the sparrows have to kneel to eat mine." The manager of an Aberdeen firm called the bookkeeper into his office. "Macpherson," he said, "the ac- countant Is leaving, and I'm gaun tae gie you his job." The young bookkeeper's face lit up with expectation. "Thank you, sir," he relied. "And what will my salary be now?" The manager shook his head. "The same as you're gettin', but ye'U ha'e a hat-peg to yersel now," he replied. A new summer cottage was named "The Nutshell." It bore Its name only a fortnight be- cause the owner became exasp- erated by boys who called near- ly every day to ask: "Is the Colonel In?" Little James, aged four, was at the piano and doing his best to reach the keys at the same time he operated the pedals, just as he had seen his mother do. After many ef- forts he cried out in disgust, "I can play the keys all right, but I can't reach the gas." Angry Customer "These eggs are not fresh." Grocer: "Not fresh? Well, sir the boy only brought them from the country this morning." Customer: "What country?'' At the eiul of the fi;st week away from home on a new job the young husband wrote to his wife. "Made foreman â€" feather in my cap. " After rbe second week he wrote: "Made manager â€" another feath- er in my cap." But after the third week he wir- ed: "Sacked â€" send money." His wife lolegraphed back: "Use feathers. Fly home.'' WANTED LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE For an established Investment House Must be able to produce good character references. Experience desirable hut not necessary. Excellent remuneration to right party. APPLY TO: BOX 100 FINANCIAL ADVERTISING CO. OF CANADA LTD. 226 Bay Street TORONTO, ONT. Burma Highway Is Like Movie Dream Threads Way Through The 6ncw-Capped Hilt and Rice Fields The Burma Road, which Great Britain has agreed to close to halt a flow of war supplies ti the Chinese Central Government, is a highway whifh might have been conceived by a Hollywood director and executed by the Pharahos of ancient Egypt. It is a vital part of the 2,000- mile long tra-ie route from Bur- ma's seaport of Rangoon to the Yangtse river, connecting the Bur- mese railroad at Lashio with Kun- ming (formerly called YunnanfuK the capital of Yunnnan Province. Work on the most difficult stretfh of the great new road, between the Burma border and Kunming, was not started until the fall of 1937, when military exigencies caused the British auth- orities to cut through a freight route to British .^sia to ship pro- ducts to regions cut off by the Japanese occupation of Pacific ports. The Hollywood setting is pro- vided by sparsely settled regions of" snowcapped mountains and ricebordered plateau lakes, trop- ical jungles of bamboo and teak- wood, and forests of towering evergreens where bands of gib- bons scream in the shadows and strange birds chatter and sing. The suggestion of ancient 'Egyptian methods of construction is inescapable. Most of the con- struction was done by hand by thousands cf men, women and children with only a few crude tools. DIXIE ' PLUG SMOKIN& TOBACCO Canada's Making Wild Life Survey Dominion Government Is Sponsoring A Study of t(je Fur-Bearing Population of Our Country Many of Canada's valuable fur- bearing animals are subject to a marked fluctuation in numbers, ac- cording to the Department of Mines and Resources which, with the as- ^sitance of the Bureau of Animal Population, Oxford University, and the Hudson's Bay Company, is making a study of wild life popula- tions. This survey takes the form of an annual questionnaire distributed to reeldent traders, trappers, the Roy. al Canadian Mounted Police and officers of government departments stationed In the Northwest Terri- tories. The Investigation Is carrie<1 on from year to year because the sittiation is changing continually and it is hoped that the work will produce data f'-x>m which a fore- cast can be made relating to the expected abundance of each impor- tant species. The results of the study may also stiggest measures to prevent unne- ceseary depletion of any species of â- wild life during the periods of scar- city. What Science Is Doing 1 NEW VITAMIN M Discovery of a new vitamin M. affecting the number of red and white cells in the blood, has been announced by Dr. Paul L. Day of the University of Arkansas. Liver is the chief source of the vitamin, according to Dr. Day, who Is now studying otiifr meats as possible sources. Behavior During Electric Storms Advice to Golfers. Swimmers, Housewives on How to Es- cape Being Struck by Lightn- ing HEAT OF CIGARETTE Every puff of a cigarette gener- ates heat, of 1,375 degrees Fahren- heit, engineers of the Westing- house Electric and Manufacturing Company recently discovered In de- monstrating an optical py:-ometer used to measure the hea; of gasee and meials by their colors. SKIN RESISTS INFECTION Within an hour after dangerous oacteria enter a scratch, the skin all over the body becomes resistant to those same ^rms. This discovery of natural reeist- ance to infecrion. made in tests on rabbits was reported last week In Science, journal of the American Association for the Advancement at Science. The germs were streptococci and staphylococci. Both cause bad in- fections and diseases. CAN SPOT CAMOUFLAGE Prof. George B. Riggs. last week peered through his green eyeshade visor. Green trees and plants ap- peared red. But when he gazed out through the same green vizor at a green-painted bench or fence, they retained their natural appearance. So, Prof. Riggs disclosed, he be- lieves he stumbled onto the basic principle of a goggle which migrht permit aerial observers to spot cajn- ouflaged gun emplacements. Prof. Riggs. botanist at the Uni- versity cf Washington oceanogra- phic laboratories, said he believed tihe distinction between natural and green-painted objects was due to the chlorophyll (green coloring ma- terial in growing plantsi giving off a reddish florescence when viewed throuh the special goggle lens. S.jme "don'ts' for in-and-out-ot- door behavior during lightning storms have been suggested by Dr. Karl B. McBachron. head of the General Electric Company's high- voltage engineering laboratory at Pittsfield, Mass. 'Jolfers, several of whom were killed last summer when they took shelter under trees, are warned to remain in the open during an elec- tric storm and not to hold on to the clubs. Swimmers are warned to stay out of the water until the storm pa-isee. STAY A\V.\Y FROM PIANO Housewives need not stop using their needles during a storm, but should not use their electric sewing machines. It is best to stay away from the piano and to postpone the bath as long as the lightning Is flash:.ng. To those who still may believe that lightning neve^r strikes twice in ihe same place. Dr. McEachron reveals that the Empire Stata Building in New York City is struck forty or fifty times a year. BLUEBELL BINDER TWINE â€" ATâ€" Manufacturer's Prices Finest Quality 600 and 650 foot grade. Large or Small Balls. Special Prices on Pure Manilla, Rope & Wire Cable See your Club Secretary, Co- operative Manager, or write The UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CO., Limited Cor. Duke and George Sts. TORONTO â€" ONT. ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... li.lKEKT tXiHI'MKNT BAKERS' OVE.Ntf A.M) MAOHl.N- ery, also rebuilt equipment alwa.vs on hand. Terms arranned. Corres- pondence invited. Hubbird Port able Oven Co.. 103 BalhursI St.. Toronto. l!lM^lâ- ".!•^> ai't'OKTi mtv FOR S. stiop years Faint ed. \\ \I,Kâ€" I'LIMHIS busine.*;^. e^tabli Heatty Vump ~. Tin\v:!re. Will . Kolibins. i;.>b. slu ho \NL1 Tl.\. d over 4" aler. :iI.«o P if nped- .iei^n. Ont. II.AHV fHUKS l.AST-OF-THK-SK.\SO.N S.^IJ-: OV Top Noti-h Started Chick.e. all from carefnll.v nulled bloodtested bro.'d- ers. Two-wt-ek-old White RorUs. Barred Rooks. New Hamp-'shirfi $9.45. m per i-ciit. I'lilkts Jll.?.'. Oockervis $S.?5. LeRtiorn pullet-* Jl4.;ii'. Thr.'e-vvetk-old .idd thrt,- eenrs. t.jir^o ICk«: Qualit,\' add one cent, .\lsii tvif ranue pullets. Top Notch i"hi. kerien. Uuolph. Ont. < HI4-KS â€" Tl ItKKYS OET YOfK sh.vrb: ok thkse pay Old ;:nd ."^liiru-a • hi.lt and Turke.^ baiKr.in-;. (Ir.Tde ".X" White I*ep- hurns JC.9o. ?0 per cent. Pullets $14.4(1. cockerels %\.2i ISnrrcd Rocks. New Hamp.« JT.4.i. Tullcts $11,45, cockerels. New Hamps $5.!i.1. Rarred Rocks Ji;.4,i. White Recks »7. ;<.'), pulUts $11.93. cock- erels jr..?;. ten-da.v-old Tarred Rooks. Vew Hamps. White Rocks $9.45. I'uikts J13.45. cockerels $7.95. Leghorn pullets $16.40, Two- week-old add one cent, three-week- old add four cents. Turkeys 29 cents, two-week-old add five cents and threo-week-old add ten cents. Tw<>dd!e I'hick Katcheries Limit- ed. Kercus. Ontario. MRIM «..«!. "to Al.1, Sll-FKUERS FROM SCIA- tlca. l.umbatto. Neuritis, and other forms of rheumatism. C! & H Rhcu- mntlc Remedy will give quick and sure relief. Satisfaction guarant- eed, sent prepaid on receipt of $1. G * H Ijiboratorles. Pickering. Ontario. ISSUE 31â€" '40 CHirKS â€" TIKKK\S BR.A.Y CHICKS. WKEKLY SIMMER hatches. Order August-Si ptember chicks now. Started chicks, pul- lets. Turkeys immediate shipment. Bray Hatchery, l.'!0 John .St. N.. Hamilton. Ontario, Hl.WtvtVf I! VU«; VIVâ€" .'54!.4.-i W.\HMER. WOVEN. STRONGER. Grey. 60 x 8li fnches. Pouble Bed (Moth Rcpdlant) Blanket, (no cotton) nearly 3 pounds. $3.45 Postpaid. Healers Wanted. Retal- lack l,^(i V(Mv-e S*,. Tcrcntc. l)(ll.> l-OK » M.K Hl'NTKKS â€" c-KOSS HKTWEE.V re^istt I eil pointer aiid setter. Short hair â€" black and white, liver and while. Males and fem.nles, in- oculated for distemper by Duncan- Laidlaw method. Six to nine mths. old. Males $9.00. Females $«.flO. To- bacco Road Farm, R. R. .Vo. I, Har- rOW. t'*!!-:',! ic, Y.*K> U.Vlt(;\I>' â€" .«!t.".;.T I'Ul xn 2-PLY WHKKL.ING. STKONi;. OliEY (no oi>tti.n> Yarn. (Moth Repel- lantt. for si>cks, mitts, sweaters, etc. $1.25 pound. Postpaid. Dealers wanted. Retallack. l.'iC Vonire St.. Tcroi-.t. . K.\U>I l'K4U»KUT^ ?.Vi-RlFK-K. H.\I,F SKi-TKiN. IM- provcd. Penhold. .Mta. Jt.niin cash dowi;, I'o:; c. Miirphys. I'alif. KAKM yon SVI.I-; OHOIOK HAIUY K.\KM WITH Orop. Solid Itiick Hcuse. bank barn, straw shed, cement silo, drive shed, well fenced and dr.iin- ed. Three miles from Listowel. Cheese factory and dairies J. For- man. I.istowel. Ontario. FARMS TO RKNT â€" IN EVERY part of Sa^katchewrin. Wrire .7ohn .-Vrmsr;-,-'!-:.- Inspcror P.v 3i;2. Ke- Kiiia. .^.-.-k.' OOti.S KOR SAI.i: BB.\GL.KS. r. MONTHS (H.P M.\r^ES. litter registered, reasonable. E. R. Peachey. Box 2()1, iJoderich, Ont. - FOX .\Nn rOON H(">fNT* PVPS. Finest huntinc stock. SatJs'acllon i^uarantecd. Write John M.^Vcan, Purh.am. (~*ntario. Barn Roofing â€" Granary Lining Sl'PERTITF STEEL SHEETS C(1ST less, cover more, last longer. lay faster, save sheathtnu. Puy now before war advances prices, direct from factory. Superior Products Limited. 15 Nelson Street. Snrnla. Ontario. fKI(S<IN<»L JL'IT TOUACCU. SNUFF. EASILY, ine.\petislvely. Home remedy. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice free, Unrlletfs i^ox 1. Winnipeg. I'HOTO i-'INI$>lll^(; FREE! You Can Now Own complete set of beautiful silver- ware absolutely without cost, manufactured and guaranteed by Intern.ational Silver Company. You may have this complete set absolutely free by sending your films to Imperial. Send an order now and receive complete partic- ulars of this amazinj; offer. Six or eight exposure films developed â- nnd printed 25c, or 8 reprints 25c. plus your choice of a free enlarge- ment in easel (nount or free silver- ware. To geX the best in quality and service send your films to Tmperi:U Photo Service, Station J., Toronto. •..vi.ksmi:n w.4\tko (.lET INTO .V GOOD-FAYING lUSI- ness, selling e very-day necessi- ties from door to door hi your district. Make .vour own pa.v en- velope and cash in on the profits with our Profit-Building Sales Plan. Let us tell you more about It. Faniilex Co., 570 St. Clement. Montreal. I SK|> n.O'l'HIX; Dii YOL" WANT THE REST USED • lothing at the cheapest prices? We carry a complete line of cloth- ins for the entire family. Dresses 33o. Men's Shoes 5flc. Shirts 35c. Men's and Ladies' Hats 25c. Our tree catalogue is full of these .^nd other sensational bargains. Centre Jobbing. Pept. J,, ?.? Cmtrc Ave.. Toront*!. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used â€" New SI»KCl.VI.I/.l.\«; l> KEIIl'll.T MU- TORS. POWKR-IXITS. Ilyilranlie Hoists, Winebrs, Gearrntom, atmrtm, MagaeloH. Cnrburetnrs, Hadlatorn â€" ExehasKe «iervl«e, t^lasn â€" Sntisfacfloa nr refua4. Levy Auto I'srts. I>«pt. J.. ToroBio. Froduction of pig iron in Can- ada during May totalled 93,251 long tons compared with 84.21(1 tons in April and 57,746 tons i« May, 1939.