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Flesherton Advance, 17 Jul 1940, p. 3

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♦ • A cannibal, walking through the jungle with a pretty black girl, was mei by a missionary, who wished him the time of %lay »o<l then asked: "Aren't you going to introduce me to th<s kdyl" "That'a no lady," replied the cannibal "That's my lunch." "You kav* (ucb Uvely kortci." Why don't you ricU tk«mr "WcO, it's like tbit: at one •Bil my bor«e« bite, at tb* other cnil thoy kick, and in tb« middle they are loo »lip- pery." â€" o â€" An enthusias.;ic gardener was V*ry proud of his crop of moB- aler red currants. Several of his gardener friends, after admiring Mm fruit, advised him to send fUk exhibit to the local horticul- inral show. After considering the matter, he took the advice of his friends and sent a fine plate of Oi» currants. On judging being (.-ompletcd and the awards announced, the entrant was greatly disappointed Ho know that his red currants Ikad only secured third prize. He found out afterwards that a mii- teke had been made. They had been placed in the tomato class. Firit African Woman: "So year hu«band has left you •aain?" Second African Woman: "Ye*. He'< up to hi> old treks." â€" o â€" Father and son were enjoying •n afternoon in the country. "Just fancy, William," said the father, pointing around him, "a: one time these fields were cover- ad by the sea, and fish were awinuning about on the very spot where we stand." "Yes, Dad," said little William, â- oddenly stooping. "Look, here's an empty salmon tin!" â€" o â€" "Mary, did I see that sol- dier's arm around you?" "Ob, Mother, you know you should never discuss the movements of the troops." "I have checked up almost '57 varieties' of places for a public speaker to park his hands," writes Dr. John F. Cowan. "In pockets â€" trousers, coat, vest; upper pock- •te, lower, rear; hung by thumb? OT 'immersed'; hooked in vest armholes; clasped across tummy ditto back; vadding handkerchief and unwadding; clenching lapels «f r««K; pounding desk; brushinjc bead; slapping (camouflaged) at flies; full-arm gesture, half-arm, fln^r; pointing at audience; twisting mustache; finger-tips to- gether uplifted; fumbling papers; pulling down vest; snapping, and, when not otherwise emphasizing the truth, sawing imaginary wood In the air." Telephone subscribers in Sao Faulo, Brazil, are listed in the Red Book under five classifica- tions: name, street address, busi- ness or profession, post office bo.x and aut^iitpbile -license number. German Soldiers, Prisoners in Canada, March To Trains On Arrival Here i'',\^ heavy iranip of German chutists and naval prisoners were our shores. boot.' echoed in the train slieiis at Qucoec as soldiers, airmen, para- loaded aboard the waiting trains, following their recent arrival upon t s s s s s s > Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE s>sist«s««ssi»ss>sss 1. When on vacation at a re- »ort hotel, is it all right to speak to the persons who eat regularly at your table? 2. What salutation should one use in a formal social letter? 3. Is it customary to serve CTeam with after--dinner coffee? 4. When playing cards for a worth-while prize, and one's part- ner makes an inexcusable blund- er, isn't one justified in showing a cenain amount of irritability? 6. When a guest is refusing a certain dish that is passed, isn't it rude for this guest to say, "Beans (or \vha;ever it is) do not agree with me"? 6. Is "Bye-bye"' an acceptable 'form of taking leave? Answers 1. Yes, by ail means do so. Your vacation will not be nearly as enjoyable if you do not. 2. "My dear Mrs. Watson,'' or, "My dear Mr. Young." This is more formal than "Dear Mrs. Watson," and "Dear Mr. Young.'' 3. It ia not customary to do so. 4. Never. A good sportsman is always self- possessed and patient. 5. Yes, it is both rude and unnecessary. In fact, the guest should take a small portion. 6. "Good-bye" is preferable. Checkers In Braille Mr. F. H. Merrick, a blind checkers player, has invented an improved Braille notation to de- scribe the moves of the checkers in corre.spondence games. It has been published by the British Na- tional Institute for the Blind. French Alcrerian Soldier Makes Himself at Home in England â- Vaiong the Is^t tiocp.s t.> io saftly ova •.:.>. id fiov.i No.ilieia r";-,:Kj were a nuiaber of French .Msit^ian soldicis one if v.hom is shov.n ht'io ^tink'ng tea on anival in Knshmd. Many of the-e suporb f rhters are Jim |*-f«xming under General Charles dc Gaulle. oil to the water vhen washing chamois gloves will prevent their becoming hard and stiff. The oil also helps to preserve the leath- er. Q. How can I prevent mold from forming on jelly? A. A few cloves put on top of They are trying ftoK^Jo-flHllSiply L^e jelly will prevent mold from Electric Manure Some plants, like rice and clov- er, obtain their nitrogen from the air, mainly through lightning. This has made soil e.xperts experi- ment with electric fertilization. the nitrogen content in the Jwi- and stimulate the growth of bac- teria by applying high-tension el- ectric currents to their fields. Previous tests with water having a small nitrate content increased it by 800 per cent. In the fertil- iznig experiments now in progress, a small plough is used to turn the soil, and the ordinary voltage.s used are stepped up to 15,000 volts. It Is hoped that in time electric fertilization will eliminate expensive and tedious nianurin?. HEALTH TOPICS CAUSE OF INSOMNIA It would seem that the matlfi- of sleep and relaxation Is now the •ubject of mucii thought and con- versation becaiise. during the last few years and at present, more and more Individuals are finding it dif- ficult to get •'sufficient" sleep. A study of the sleep habits of BO women who had recovered from Blight mental or behavior disturb- ances and who did not complain of insomnia, were observed for three months In an observation hospital and report&d by Dr. Louie J. Kar- noeh. Cleveland, In the Journal of the American Medical Association. The period of sleep varied from S^ to 8 hours. Age. temperament and diet did not seem to influence the amount or degree of sleep. "On the other hand, excitement due to visits by relatives, argu- ments or disagreements with other patients or atendanis. and holidays with the emotion or excitement that occurs at these times, were de- finitely to blsn>« tor breaking the reigular rhytnms of sleep." Mentality "Can't Take It" This shows that it la the ner- vous or mental side of us that Just "can't take it." blows or disturbanc- es and not so much the physical disturbances that prevent us from sleeping. What Is the beet method of bringing on sleep? A good bed. a quiet room, and muscular relaxu- tion â€" keeping arras and legs in a halfhent position -• are most im- portant. How Con I? I BY ANNE ASHLEY t J Q. How can I keep my needles shiny and free of rust in a damp climate? A. Keep the needles in an em- ery needle cushion. Q. How can I remove iodine stains from fabrics? .A. Rub the stains with kero- sene and then with naphtha soap. Allow to stand for twenty min- utes, and then wash In the usual manner with more naphtha soap. Q. How can I nial;e dark hair still darker? A. >Ia*i?ag| '•'e scalp every night witji olive .m1. Persistent treatment is required for the best result?. Q. Hov.- can I cool an ovon has become to hot v.h'le bak'n.T? A. rievoly «ft a i •; of cod watv'.' cr\ l':c lo .c: sh.','' <f .'x' ovon. O. \l. , 1 â-  â-  â- - â-  â- .. .•\. .Adding a few drops â-  : e forming. A bowl of lime in th^ jelly closet will also prevent mold. Canada Exceeds Tobacco Records For the third suc'cessive year, Canadian tobacco produi-ticn in 1939 exceeded all previous rec- ords. The revised estimate of 109,84fi,000 pounds was greater than the 101,394,600 pounds in 1938 by 8.451.400 pounds, or eight per cent, and was more than double the five-year (1933-37) average production of 51,463,800 pounds. What Science Is Doing r •-•-'• â- â€¢â- â€¢-•.•-•-< OXYGEN FOR PARACHUTISTS A pocket oxygen flask to save war fliers from almost certain death wben they parachute from 25,000 feet was announced recently to the American Association tor the Advancement of S<'.ence. FOCUS ON OGDEN'S X-RAY MOVIES X-ray morion picturee U.-»ve be- come a possibility with develop- me-nt of an u!tra-h-gh speed X-ray niije enabling the phofographing of tho Inner structure of opaque ob- jects moving at an exceedingly ra- pid rate or reacting to a strong sud- ilen external force or blow. Developed by Westinghouse en- gineers, the new g!as8 tube makes ijo-^eibie the taking of pictures with ..!i txposure time of a miiiionth of Id. second â€" less than one-twenty- Thousandth of the time required to blink an eye. COUGHING SPREADS CANCER Violent coughing and muscle straininp may spread cancer and infections throughout the body. The discovery is reported In the official journal of the American Coliege of Surgeons, that apparent- ly localized cancers or auscessee may actually be thrown, even to the brain, through the veins of the spine. IODINE FOR CHILDBIRTH A discovery rhat iodine make* human mctherhood easier is report- ed. Small quantities of Iodine were i?iven to expectant mothers at the University of Oregon medical school. Some remarkable results were achieved. The women report- ed a greater sense of well-being before the babies were born. There were fewer abnormaiities of labor during birth. All 89 employes still with the League of Nations before June 30 were notified by Secretary General Joseph Avenol that they must resign. Officials reported he accepted all resignations exc"ept "two or three" pending the out- come of tlie war. If â-  a au- per-satis- lyina Fine Cjtâ€" the Karofthe cigarette tobacco s h o w I Ogden's gives a pleasure per- formance all the time. Get yourself a package and you'.'s Mt for a "reel" cloae-up of greater enjoyment In rolling your own. (Mr lit itactfrttttpaptnâ€"'XitmUcUr- ur "Vav"" â€" *'* *M^ *»»mtM Jt Ot^tn'^ OGDEN'S FINE CUT Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the nine-day period June 30, 1940, wer ....$6,550,140 as compared with 4,81 6, -Jil) for the same period of 1939, an increase of 1,733..511 or 360; Itch fast ^cratchini... JOJT drjgiat iwliy lor D. D. D. PHESCHIPTJON. ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS.. B.IKERY KQUIPMEXT BAKERS' OVE.VS AXD IklACHI-V- ery. also rebuilt equipment alwaya on hand. Terms arr.Tngred. Corres- pondenoe invited. Hubbard Port- able Oven Co.. 103 Bathurst St.. Toronro. lt.\IIV (HIIKS VOr REi-EIVE THE WORTH OF your money when you buy John- ton's chlclts. They are bred to lay and are good ttible fowl. Prire.s for June and to the end of the se;(v,.n: Rocks 8 cents. 90 per cent. pullets 14 «!ents. cockerels 7 cents. Leghorns 8 ctnis, 50 per cent, pul- lets 17 cents, cockerels 2 cents. All are blood tested. Rocks are bred from O.B.S. stock. Leghorns are the Barron strain. Safe arrival guaranteed. 10 per cent, with or- dtr. J. D. Johnson. Fergus, Ont. BUY QUALITY CHICKS. EASY TO raise, the stand-by of thousands of poultrytceepers year after year. Day old and started. Two hatchis a w-eek to t:*ke care of prompt •hipment. VigoiuiM» breedlijg •took. Selling Farms & Hatchery, Eimira. Ontario. IT IS NOT TOO L-VTE TO PURCH- a«e Baden Oovernmeut -Approved (aet-matviring chicks. Standard Quality White Leghorns J6.95. 50 Jer lent Pullets I13.9'i, Cockerels I. CO. Barred Koclc". New Hamp- shire Reds $7.45. Pullets $10.85. Barred Rock cockerel.s $G.;5. New Hamp co'kcrels $j.flj. White Rocks Hybrids. Barred Rocks x Xtw Hnmp.«. New Hanips .T Barred Rocks, Light Sussc-v x New Hamps. White Leghorn x Barred Ho.ks $7.9i. Pullets $11.35. Cock- •rei.s $6.1'.i. Big Egg Quality hatrh- »d from :;5 to 30 ounce eggs one cf-nt. Pay old Bronze Tur- keys ;S cents, two week old mid five cents, three week old add t. ii cents, l-'ree catalogue. Baden Kl- ctric <^hick Hatcher.v Limited, B:i- den, Ontario. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTCNIT Y TO get High Quality v'hieks from bloodtested breeders at ro'-k bot- tom prices. Stanilard Quality White I.«ghorns $*i.4.'>. 50 per ••ent. Pullets $13.40. Co'kerels $1.00. Barn d Roeks. .New Hamps^ $H.!>6, Pullets $10.45. Cockerels $.'',.95. White Rocks. Hybrids. Barred Koclts X .N.-'w Il.-mtps. New H;imps X I'arred Itocki. White Leghorns X Barred Rocks. Light .Sussex \ New Humps. S7.4."i. pullets $11.4.'). Cockerels $6.2.1. Ijirge Egg It.v from J.'i ounce eggs add one ••••nt. Bigger Profit add two cents. Top Notch Chickerifs. '.tnclph. BHAY SUMllKK illlCKS. SOME imniedinte delivery, others to or- der. Send for special list of hatch- es. Poultry-keepers are wise to the markets opening for them and buy accordingly. Size up your re- 'liiirements and order now. .Start- ed pullets, cockerels Available la- ter Braj, 130 John N. Hamil'cn, Ontnrio. HliJlI gi .M.ITV COVKKNMIi.ST Approved .hicks from bloodtested breeders at rock-bottom prices. Effective July 15th, Stand.ird Qtia- iiii W^jte ^^eghorns $i;.!>5. 90 per Sil; ruU(;(.s $14.40. (Jockeiels fl.sii. rSarrcu Rocks. \ew Hninps $7.4.".. PiiUns $11,45. Barred Rock cocUeiel.^ JO. 9.1. New H.inip cock- erels $«.4,'>. 13 other breeds to choose from. Started chicks tw'o w, . k old .Standard Barred Rocks $10.4.';. »« per cent. I'ullets $14.4.'.. cockerels $9.9.1. Ix^ghorn pullets $17.40. Three week old add three •'ent.''. Pay old and s.arted ttir- l:eve. Free en talo^iic Tweddle •'h*c:: 1I-it. ht i le.s t,;r.i!i",?, Fergus. ISSUE 29_40 Barn Roofing â€" Granary Lining 6UPERT1TE STEEL SHEET.? CO.ST less, cover more, last longer, lay faster, save sheathing. Buy now before war .idvances prices, direct from factory. Superior Products Limited, 15 Nelsor; Street. Sarnia, Ontario. co>;ker spaniel, .m.vle. lo month.s $10.00. Foxhound maie. 6 years $-5.00. Foxhound pups. 8 niw.-rris $;fr.On. Ch.':s. Baker. Mer- ri.-k-. '.'le. (.intario. F.vrEHMis.vrou "DERPO â-  BUG killer â€" Sjc. KX- terminates bedbugs, moths, cock- roaches, crickets. !leas. lice, and ticks. At Batons. Simpson .«, Tamblyns. lo- cal dealers or Derpo Products. To- ronto. HOMKHV B VHi;.\lVS new: sensational: to-days BIGGEST BARtJAIN. leading Lady Genuine Silk .Stockings $1.00. Full fashioned. Latest colors. Men- tion size and color. Postpaid, beau- tiful Vanity Case with order. Re- tallac'K.. 15« Yongi. Toronto. .AuiKS « A^•^^:u A FEW MORE L.vniES W.VNTEP: Must be ct.nvinciiig talkers to clearl.^- explain .-ulvantages our Housetio'.d nei'essities known as FAMILEX PRODUCTS offer to buyers. Atread.v selling in Im- mense •"tu:tntitie«. Door to door convassiiib" necessary to show art- icles and f.'ike orders for same. GOOD COMMISSION. Unlimited earnings possible. Friends, neigh- bors, an.xone will be glad to order. For FREE CAT.\LOGUE .^ND l^E. T.MI.s write FAMILKN, oTO St. c:,-ine!--. Montv .;]. I'KHS<>\ Al. QUIT I'OL-iACCU -.MFF. liASILi'. Inexpensively Home remedy. Tesrfni.tnlals. Gu.-irarceed. .Advice f.'e,a rt.irtleff's H.^v 1. Wl'in'peg. PHOPKRTl Kl>K SAI.K COUNTRY HOME, li ACMES FRUIT lan«l cheap, for uuick sale, apply H. I. Muliica;:. 'trimsby Hench. Ontari.'. » \1.KV'>11:N « AN'l'U.n MAKU $5.00 A DAV: SELLING E.K. elusive lines of Litiyerle. Drosses and .Men's Wear. Highest commis- sions paid. Thousand.s of satisfied customers. Wrltp quickly. The MORRIS TEXTILES CO., Prum- m.*ntl I^n;Wl;i!g. Montre.-tl. FKRTII.IZKK PUl.-E. UNLFACHET) HARDWOOD Aslies for Fertilizer. One Thous- and ton. FREE CIRCUU-VR. Geo. .Stevens. Pi-terborough. i^ntario. I'l KMri Ht: I'lllt >.4I.F FUHMTUUK BAR.TAINS â€" FREE catalogue of new and used furni- ture bargains sent on request. All goods sold on money-back guar- antee. Wholesale Furniture, Dept. K.. 4i;tl Batiiurst .st. Toronto. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used â€" New »PKCIAI,r/.IM; l> BKKI II. T MO- TOKO, row KR-t M'l'<i. llyilraMlle II o I N I % . \% IficHv^, 4.eneratorn. Hfnpler.1. Mnanetnn. * .-irbtirefor*, Kfldiaiar^ â€" lAehanae ^er%lcr, (-innn â€" .>nti,«fncli«*ii or refuad. ttr\f Anio i'arta, Uept. J., Toroat«t. PHOl'l) fimvihm; FREE! You Can Now Own complete set ot be.iutiful « 'v^r- ware ab.solutely without -i--- manufactured and guarantee! by International Silver Companv iou may have this complct-> sec ujsolutely free by 'ending vour films to Imperial. Send an cVder now and receive complete partic- ulars of this amazir.t" offer. Si.x or eight exposure films developed and printed i'lc. or 8 reprint? 2oc plus your choice of a free er.Iir^e^ ment in easel mount or free * vl.-. ware. To get the be^t !.t r\-^\'iv and service send •â- our films to Imperial Photo Scrv;,.e. Staf - J T.^ronto. ~ ' ri ni\i:i ' Tl.KlvEVS THIS FAL:. .4.VD .V:N- ter should share the good mar'nL. t.<. Stock Bray's fast growing, mat- uring. ii:ry-oIds r.r st.'-rted. .\;:7-c- tively priced. Bray Hhtrherv :;e J-ihn N., Hrimilton. Oi'-arlo. LYONS' M VIMI'.R ll,i:VHA\<F VAI-K XK\* AM) KK< <»M>ITlo\ED FIH.MTI KK $21.00 Smart 3-piect hrown r :.p. Chesterfield Suite. Marshal; re- versible Spring cushions. Th.r- oughlj' clean. J3'J.OO Large 3-piece brown mjhair Chesterfield suite. Figured r.!v.:r- sible -Marshall P-r.'ect, $12.50 3-piicc i.'hesterfleld duP,! in figured blue Jricuard. rcv<r-:ble spring cushions, thoroughly 'I^.in. $49.00 Beautiful large 3-p;eoe br mohair Chesterfield suite, i -ost new $350). Thoroughly clear, -ind completely reconditioned. $45.00 Kroehler Chesterfield 'jed suite. 3 pieces, upholstered in brown repp, figured rev.>rsible cushion.s. Complete with new mat- tress. T'erfect. $14.75 Breakfast Suite, white trm. med with black, buffet, drop loaf table and 4 chairs. 539. "U Modern dinette suite. .:h.5ice of finishes, buffet, drop leaf tabi« and 4 chairs. $45.00 Floor sample dinette .^jite, natural finish with red trim, re- fectitry table, buffet and 4 chiirs. $24.00 St»lit! o:tk 8-piece dining r'.om suite, buffet, table and 6 l.?-»ther- seat chairs, $49.00 Liirgc English oak d.n ngf room suite, buffet. exMnslon *. i.>le, chin.'i. cabinet and C Icath-'r up- holstered ch.airs. $59.00 Modern dining suite. Ir. rich walnut finish, buffer, ext-is^on table, china cabinet .Mid t Hi<':her seat chairs. $ Beautiful I-tone walnut :'in- ish dining suite, corapletcl.v rsfin- Ished. buffet. extension tible, ..hitia cabinet :vid 6 leather *;ip- se.'tt chairs. T*erfect. $89. '10 Solid walnut dining sui;«. mo- dern buffet, extension table, '-^mi. cltjsed cabinet, and a leather seat chairs. Perfect condition. $129.00 Beautiful l.irge wainu- «j te (co.'st new $4731, buffet, extv â- â- â€¢n table, china cabinet, and « 'lurs, uphol.stered seats and b.i.:x- tit red mohair. Perfect conditi $19.50 Bedroom suite, large -.v I'nut flt»ish dresser, full <;i?-e st*--*. bed fn w.Tlnut finish complete •with new mattress and recondi: '.ined saglo.^s spring. $39.00 .Smart walnut finish baJnom suite, dresser. 4'hiffonier, fu:i siae bed. saglefs spring and n?'v mat- tress, $59.00 Floor sample bedroom .«'i;te. in bleached w-aliitit finish •with round Venetian mirror and â- â€¢vxter- tall front, dresser or vanity -hif- fonier. full size bed. sagless -«r."'.nff and new roll-edge mnttres.'. Tj>rge assortment (f rups. s'ves, kitchen cabinets, w.irdrooe*. Ires- 5et:s at ridiculously low prlc»> All trade In furnitura ca: »f-j!Iy reconditioned, guaranteed ab'il'Jre- ly clean, and sold with our*,lv« nt,>.le*\ -1' t' 'k ,;'l.t' .•.''., e c.f i- â-  - '' i c- LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto

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