THE FI:ESHERTON ADVANCE . â- -i. ' ^ â- ' â- â- ;; Wednesday, June 26, 1940 )) i 1/ i/ 'A ( I / â- v' .»/ 7 '^ ,-.^::4m«5CI PROTON STATION The United Church student minis- ter, Mr. W. W. Patterson, has return- ed to the charge, bringing with him his charming bride, whom everyone is delighted to welcome. The Pilgrim Hoiinesg camp meeting is in progress this week. Good music is a feature of the services. Mrs. Firman Irish spent a week in Toronto recently. Her daughter, Mrs. Wylie, returned with her. Mr, Thos. Wyville went to Cleve- land a few days a^o to attend the funeral of his brother. Mr. Gus Robinson and sister, Miss CuUCoiift. 3iuai|«. Maggie Robinson, of Wareham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irish. Mr. Abe Sherson visited friends in Toronto. Four of Mrs. Knowlea' Entrance pupils passed on their years work: Helen Peevey, Patsy Dingwall, Jack Barker and Marvell White. SWINTON PARK CEYLON # CALUMET^ DOUBLE-ACTING BAKING POWDER Miss Minnie Swanton, Cheeseville, has received the appointment of teacher at Ceylon school. Miss Flor- ence .Mclnnis goes to Schumaker. Miss Gladys Patterson, who has been suc- cessful with her Normal course has accepted a school near Hanover. Miss Mary Muir, , Mr. Peter Muir, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Evan.-i and Miss Pegey Evans of Toronto spent the week end at the home of her brother, Mr. A. S. Muir, and Mrs. Muir. Friends learned with regret of the serious illness of Miss Millie Cook of Toronto, following a stroke. The young people enjoved a nicnic to Wasaga Beach and Midland on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parker of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oliver. , Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Coleman and two sons. Jack and Don. of London were callers Friday at the home ut 3. F. Collinson. Mr. Sam Pedlar of Detroit is visit- ing his sister, Mrs. Geo. Fisher. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. John Beatt- Thursday evening for their June meeting. Mrs. Cameron Smellie presided and also read the Scripture. Following the minutes and correspondence. Mrs. John McWilliam presided for the elec- tion of officers, which had been post- poned from the previous meeting. The following are the "officers to serve until May, 1941: Pres., Mrs. Cameron Smellie; 1st Vice Pres.. Mrs. John McWilliam; 2nd Vice Pres.. Mrs. J. Beatty; Sec., Mrs. J. F. Collinson; Dist. Dir., Mrs. A. C. Muir; Br. Dir., Mrs. Gordon Stuart: Dis. Rep., Mrs. Anna McMillan; auditors, Mrs. Anna McMillan and Mrs. Gordon Stuart; PropTam Com., Mrs. McWilliam, Mrs. Muir and Mrs. Sinclair. It was de- cided to change the time of meeting to the first Thursdav of the month, and also to accept Flesherton's invi- tation to their meeting on July 3, when Ceylon will provide some of the program. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol and fam- ily spent Sunday in Colltngwood. Mrs. Percy Hunt visited in Toronto the latter part of the week. AUCTION SALE An auction sale of the household effects of MR. HARRY WILSON will be held at the home of Wallace Hamilton in FLESHERTON SATURDAY, JULY 6, i940, at 2 pjn. including Stoves. Beds, Chairs, Dishes and Household Effects TER.MS: Cash â€" W. F. McKAY, Auctioneer. Mrs. .\lf. Bowden and two sons of Toronto are spendmg two weeks' holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Knox. Born â€" On June Hth at Mrs. Petty's Nursing Hume, Dundaik, to Mr. and Mrs. Deibert Haw (nee Nina Heard) a son. Mrs. H. D. Tresiider and daughter, Dorothy, of Toronto spent the week end at the home of R. Hardy. Mrs, Oscar Brinzuick returned to her home in Owen Sound on Sunday, having spent the past two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Howard Watson. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Haw and son, Wallace, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knox ipent Sunday in Owen Sound with Mrs. Irene Hoover, who' is a patient in the hospital there. Mrs. Hugh Copeland and son, Alex., of Meadowvale spent the week end with friends here. .A hearty invitation is extended to FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Eby spent Monday with friends in "Port Elgin. Mr. Chris Thomion had returned 1 home, after apen<ling " few weeka ' visiii.ig his brother, John, .Apincouri. ' Mrs. ICatherine Sprtnggay and Mr. | Alex. Campbell spent a few days with \ Miss Helen Spring^ay, St. Catharines. Mr. Leighton Mclnnis spent the i week end at his home at Elmvale. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walter, Shirley and Sandra, of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. Chris Thomson and other relatives v<ere. Miss Roma Whiteoak of CoUing- wood has returned home after spend- ing a few days with Miss Dorine Davidson. Mr. Powley and daughter. Bemice, returned to theii" home in Markdale, after spending the past week with Mrs. .John McQuay. Mrs. Jack Smalley of CoUingwood all old boys and girls of Swinton Park was a visitor with her mother, Mrs school to attend the reunion here on Monday, July Ist. Special services will be held in the church Sunday afternoon and evening, when Rev. W. J. Cook of High River, Alta., will have charge of the services at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Rev. J. A. Taylor and Mrs. Tay- lor and babe of Brussells visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Haw last week. Mrs. Baillie spent the week end with Toronto friends. Mr. Wesley Flood is at present en- gaged in the CoUingwood shipyards. CENTRE LINE Plenty of rain and cold weather, not much like summer, which was sup- posed to have arrived Friday, Here's hoping that we -^et a change. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little, Stanley and Gertie, motored to .Atwood one day last week and brought home some baby chicks. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whyte, Lloyd and Joe Little all spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Sirs. Gilbert Little. Mr. Joseph Little and Victor Os- borne went to Owen Sound last week and signed up with the Grey & Sim coe Foresters, and are now in uniform. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Osborr- Jean and Doris, of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs! Robert Osborne and family. Nelson is again in uniform. Mr. John Osborne, Mrs Jack Bad- gerow and Inez spent Sunday with their parents here. Jos. Barber, for a few days. We are sorry to report that Mr. Lloyd Stephens was rushed to the Coliingwood hospital late Saturday evening and underwent a serious op- eration We understand the operation was successful and that Lloyd is improving. Mrs. Ernest Hawton is spending a few da^s with friends in Toronto. Mr. Mervin Moore of Toronto spent the week end at his parental home. Mr. Jack Smith has secured a posi- tion in the Coliingwood shipyard. DOMINION DAY CARNIVAL Memorial Park, FleshertOIl JULY 1st [EVENING] Auspices of FLESHERTON-ARTEMESIA RED CROSS MIDWAY OF BOOTHS VAUDEVILLE ATTRACTIONS FORTUNE TELLING â€" CUP READING KIMBLRLEY "f^ We pre' scribe insur- ance by ana- lyzing what you need â€" and by sell- ing you only what you need^ >i W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont REPRESENTING '!j||liil.'Ull!U'H Wridng Mtiteted risks In â€" AutomoUIe, Fire, Plate CIa«*, Bnr^arjj PoUic LUbUi^, and other generml inaunmce. Head Office, Toronto. CLEAN UP_ Paint Up Fix tip PAINT V'fl.L MAKE IT MORE ATTRACT! VF AND PROTECT IT FROM THE RAVAGES OF SUN, WIND AND RAIN We have Paints, Varnishes and Enamds for all jobsâ€" big or small. Does Your Roof Leak? Beautify Your Lawn Make your repairs with Eureka and True-Test Johns-Manville Asphalt Lawn Mowers, rubber Shingles or Roofings attire and conventional special prices. modes, built to last. GARDEN TOOLS GARDEN HOSE ROYAL PURPLE SEEDS F. W. DUNCAN HARDWADE Phone 54 FLESHERTON Mr. E. Morwood. Miss Elvie. Miss Lois. Mrs. J. Kirfcpatrick Mrs. D. A. Graham and Mrs. S. S. -Burritt at- tended the Sunday School convention at Ebenezer. There was a good at- tendance and a splendid program was given. . It would be difficult to say what part of it was the best, as all speakers gave such helpful papers. The question drawer was conducted by Rev. McMillan of Flesherton in his usual eaiTiest and thoughtful way. We feel jure Euphrasia Su.nday Schools would receive inspiration for even better work. Miss Grace Boyle was elected secretary-treasurer. The next place of meeting will be Victoria or Temple Hill. Supper was provided by the ladies of Ebenezer and was in the usual "Farmers' plenty" and good. Mr. and Mrs. .\ppleton and Mr. Oliver of Detroit spent Sunday with Mr. Roht. Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hall. Mr. Wa>-ne Weber has secured a position with t-^^e H.E.P.C. The W. I. contributed a blanket to the Red Cross. Our teachers Mr. Jenkins and Miss Cellar, and pupils of the school in- vited parents and others to the school Friday afternoon to see their display of work carried on in the different arts and manual training during the vear. It was an e.xcellent display and shows what even the small children can do under efficient and wise guid- ance of the teachers. Mr. Vernon Perry was also present and gave his weekly singing lesson. Among the numerous items on display were door stops, black cats, birds, beautiful pitchers made from oil cans, measur- ing cups and cake cutters in manv shapes, made from soup cans, painted and useful and beautifullv decorated. seed collections, bird books, knitting and fancy work by both girls and boys. All who attended came away very pleased and congratulations are extended to teachers and pupils on the splendid work of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirkpatrick and aiildren and Mr. .Albert Smith of Gormg visited Sund.ny with Mr. and Mrs. .Jim Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Jas. Lawrence, Mrs. .\moId Lawrence and Mrs. Laurie Lawrence swnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor at Oshawa. We are glad to see Mr. Will Harris able to be out. He still has to use hi? crutches. Mr. A. E. Ellis and Mrs D. -A. Gra- ham made a busi'iess trip to Owen Sound Saturday in connection with r >ad business. CONSULT THE EUGENIA We extend our very best wishes to one of our highly esteemed young ladies. Miss Kathleen Pedlar, who was married on Saturday to Mr. Herb Hawkins, who resides near Rob Roy. We wish them many years of happy wedded life attended by good health and prosperity. Miss Hunter of Brantford spent a fortnight with Mrs. Court Smith. ^ Mrs. Graham and Ruth of Flesher- ton visited over the week end with her mother. Mrs. M. McMallen. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling and Mr. and Mrs. Xewham of Humber Bay visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith. Messrs. Chas. Goddard and Roy McMillan were home from the H.E. P.C. at Burlington over the week end. Miss I. DinsTOore spent the week end with Feversham friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Falconer visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Campbell at New Liskeard for a few days. Ted is in the hospital at present, having undergone an opera- tion for appendicitis. We wish him ' a complete and speedy recovery. The day and Sunday School are holding a picnic at Sunset Point on Thursday afternoon. The Sunday Schools of Artemesia, Markdale and Flesherton held their 4lst convention in the church here on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mr. Russell Freeman of Ebenezer was re-elected president. Rev. Mr. Cran- nen of Bradford was the Provincial representative and gave two iine addresses. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goddard and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe attended the .\mert-Genoe wedding at Ceylon on Saturday. The Y.P.U. is holding a banquet on Thursday evening. July 4. Only those who have attended since October are invited to attend. Mrs. W. Pedlar and daughter. Mrs. Wright, and Billy cf Toronto, also her daughter. Mrs. Fisher, and Mr. Fisher of Ceylon and Mrs. Madill of Glenside, Sask., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee on Sunday. The Y.P.L'^. met on Wednesday of la.^t week with Mrs. J. Cairns pre- 'idine for the worship period and Mrs. Martin taking the discussion topic. GREAT HUMKERiNGA Phrenologist - Hantlwriting Analyst and Magidsui lOc Lucky Number Draw 10c $50.00 IN PRIZES INCLUDING WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES MUSIC THROUGHOUT THE EVENING DANCING The Red Cross Needs j Your Help. iBe Generous MAXWELL I ='"'^ ^^'^^ ''^^ Fenwick and with Mr. i iirA Mrs. Geo. Morrison. • . J >_ n J /-I ^^^- Coaher visited her husband The concert i- aid of the Red Cross a^d her grandfather Mr Scutt, last fund, sponsored by the W.I., w*s week. much enjoyed by those -ho attended. The artists takir- nart were Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette and son. Allan, violinist. Miss Queenie Kaitting, read- er, and the little Tdt'ir sisters, clever dancers, all of Owen Sound, gave a very fine entertainment. The Sunday School convention for the Township of Os^rey met in the United Church on Friday Jtnie -1st. There was a good attendance from the different Sunday Schools and very interestine meetings were held after- noon and evening. The W. .\. of the United Church served tea to the visitors. - « - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whewell and son. Harold, and wife of Hamilton visited over the week end with Mr. Miss Ethel Fenwick, nnrse-in- training at Coliingwood hospital, is spending her holiday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Jos Wrio^t spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenwick vis- ited friends at Duncan on Snnday. Mr. Jos. Allison of Toronto is vis- iting his son. Robt. Allison, and wife. We notice that in some parts of tin country they are playing baseball with si.x men on a team, leaving out the short-stop, third baseman and centre fielder. The claim is that the game gets along faster because there are not so many players to teO the um- pire where he gets off at. BUCKINGHAM Mr. and Mrs. J. Hughson and babe of Barrie visited on Sunday with Mrs. Hughson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. &n Davidson. The Community Club meets Wed., June 26th, at the home of Mrs. John Brown. Mrs. Janey Hawton and Murray of Coliingwood visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. .\Iex. Mullin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .\rmstrong and Sheila of Barrie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T Davidson. We are glad to know^ that Mr. Mansell Conn is still improving since he underwent an operation for goitre in a Toronto hosnit;»l recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fnglish of Xottawa and Mr. Gilford MuIIin of Barrie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .•\!f>x. Mullin and familv. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hawton attend- ed the wedding on Saturday of Mrs. Hawton's brother. Mr. Herbert Haw- kins, to Miss Kathleen Pedlar of Eugenia. Rock Mais Ladies' Aid - The June meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Laurie Betts on Wed.. June 19th, with seventeen members and four visitors present. The meeting opened with the sing- mg of "Pass me not Oh Gentle Sav- ior. ' Rev. A»hton read Mark 13, and led m prayer. The roll call was answered by repeating the Bible verse containing "Father." Mrs Wes Plantt gave a reading "The Fir>!t. Telp Somebody." The missionary box was opened and the raonev i« to be sent for missions. The report of the secretary was read and adopted. (. ollectron amounted to H.IO Th« meeting closed witL a hvmm and prayer. The next meeting will be keld at the home of Mrs. Albert Bljickbnm when the roll oal! will be .1 verse con- ^!<tniny the word "Love." I,»nch Com w"*"^'";;^- ^'r; ''>' Pl«'^t.» and Mrs. Wnllace Fisher; cak». Mr* J J B.^yc* and Mr». Wtk C1«rk. TORONTO LINE NORTH 'he best way to (cleal with Measles ! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perigoe of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. .\Ibert Stewart. Misses Gertn.ide Lever of Richmond Hill and Kathleen Balmer of Toronto spent a few days at the home of the former's mother. Mrs. T. R. Lever. Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Stewart spent a day last week at Malton. Mr. Bert Sparks had a sucecssful raising on Friday, when he had a piece built to his barn. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and children of Brampton visited Mrs. Geo. Stewart over the week end. A ver>- pleasant afternoon was sperrt on Monday. June 24th. at the home of Mrs. T. Lever, on the inrca- sion of her birthday, when about 20 of the ladies of the community assembled at her home and tendered a surprise party in her honor. Dur- ing the afternoon a presentation wa* made, the addre.<s being read by Mrs. F. Wi..'keii,-<. awd the gift presented by >frs. H. Richardson, after which all partook of a snmptuous birthday din- ner. The t«b)e trri'! «entped with • be«utifHl birthday c«k«. Mother's first thought is "call the doctor**, and the quickest way to locate him is by tele- phone. The telephone is an instrument of protec- tion in every home. It brings aid quickly in any emerj^ency such as fire, acciilent, illness or burglary. The small cost of a telephone pays for itself many times over, giving constant protection and daily pleasure and convenience. â- .-^TOp^r'^i^Teawiiii j F'wy^