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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1940, p. 4

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Wednesday, June 19, 1940 THE FLEAHERTON ADVANCE NEid TIRES? SBB WHAT you GBT BE f ORE you Buy! dRIVE IN! SEE PATHf/NDER TOVAyi BOOST YOUR MILEAGE WITH THIS LOW-PRICE 30 X 3Vl ,^^^T' % Pathfinder gives vou the best value that the world s largest tire manufacturer can put into a tire at the lowest price. Only big volume output can make such a tire possible. Ride on Goodyeara . . . enjoy the extra-value that Goodyears give. We have your sizel PATHFINDER HAS All THESE OOODYEAR QUALITY FEATURES • CENTRE-TRACTION TREAD • TWrN PROTECTOR CORD PLIES • NEW SUPERTWIST CORD • MORE RUBBER FOR LONG, TROUBLE-FREE SERVICE. D. McTAVISH & SONS FLESHERTON. ONTARIO & A. Co-operative Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON, Ontario WHY NOT? MAKE IT A HABIT TO DELIVER YOUR CREAM DIRECT TO THE CREAMERY. It will pay you well. Because, you are getting more money for delivered Cream, and deliv- ered Cream stands a better chance for a for a higher grade. For those who find it inconvenient to deliver their cream, our trucks will give you the usual courteous, satisfactory service. Open Wednesday and Saturday Nights In order to help support the Business Men's Assoc, ; we are offering a special prize, which will go to the ; holder of the first ticket drawn if he has delivered \ cream to the creamery any time Wednesday. The \ amount of the prize will be equivalent to the imiount \ of money received for their cream. Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Pbone 66 Angus Avi.«, Manager ! THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE PublJalMd OB C«Uin««oo4 Mn< FlechMTton, Wednesday of each week. CireulstioB over 1,000. Price in Canada 92.00 per year, when paid in advance |1.60; ia U. S. A. $2.60 per year, wh«i paid in advance $2.00. F. J, THURSTON, Editor. EUGENIA 'Wedding bells are ringing in our vicinity. The W. A. will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. John Campbell on Thursday afternoon, June 20. Roll call to be an.swered by a verse containing the word "flowers" or a verse pertaining to the month of June. Lunch committee: sandwiches, Mrs. Court Smith and Mrs. J. Camp- bell; cake, Mrs. G. Magee and Mrs. Mercer. Program committee: Mrs. C. Park, Mrs. W. Gordon and Miss G. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Annette and the former's brother, Bert, and vrife of Toronto were week end visitors with Mrs. Annette's father, Mr. Jacob Williams. Mr. Joe Williams Jr. is assisting .Mr. Levi Duckett of Maxwell with the farm work at present. Miss Doris Fawcett was home over the week end from Mt. Forest. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee, who celebrated the 39th anniversary of their wedding day on Wednesday, June 12th. The Y.P.U. met on Wednesday in the church basement with 11 attend ing. Mrs. Cairns presided over the devotional and business periods and Miss Dinsmore had charge of 'the discussion period, and spoke on peace, after which she presided at the organ while some of the school children rendered a vocal selection. Choruses were sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. The Y.P.U. will meet this Wednes- day evening as usual. Plans are being made for a banquet next week, which will wind up the meetings for the summer months. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Robert McMullen has returned home after visiting the past week with friends in Toronto. Mr. Thos. Whitmore, Master Ken neth Whitmore and Miss P'lorence Newell of Durham visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Aldcorn and daughter of Toronto were recent vis itors with Mr. J. A. Foster, Sadie and Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell spent Saturday with relatives in Durham. Visitors the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 'Betts were: Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Littler, Mrs. Georgie Jaffray, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyons and two grandchildren, all of Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Lyons and grandchildren also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Botts and family. Mr. J. A. Foster visited recently with friends in Toronto and accom- panied them on a motor trip to Niagara Falls. Wc extend our sincere sympathy to Mr. George Clark in his sad bereave- ment by the death of his dear wife. .A. number from here attended the funeral on Friday. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney and Mr. Mervin Moore of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moore over the week end. Misses Lillian Price, Verna Hudson and Mr. Joe Tate of Toronto were callers on Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson and family on Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Long spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. H. Montgom- ery, in Duiidalk. Miss Doris Conn returned home from Toronto, after spending a few days with her brother, Mansel, who underwent a serious operation last week. We are glad to report that Mnnsel is improving. Mr. Lcighton Mclnnis spent the week end at his home in Elmvale. Mr. John Moore spent Thursday with friends in Toronto. Mr. Chris. Thomson is visiting with his brother, John, in Agincourt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler and Mr. and Mrs. T. Williams and family spent Sunday with friends in Glen Huron. Mr. and Mrs. K\vy.. Mullen, Bruce and Klnier, Mrs. Jas. Hudson and Mr. W. J. Mullen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Mooit. Walkerton. Mrs. Powell and daughter, Bernice, of Markdnli" are visitinjr with Mr,'!. J'lhn MiQuay. CEYLON Mrs. Jack Grant and baby, Mar- shall, of Kirkland Lake, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall, are spending a week with Mr. Grant's mother in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McKenzie and son, Neilbert, visited on Sunday at Dromore. Mr. A. S. Muir spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mitchell were at Mono Road on Sunday, attending the funeral of the late ex-Magistrate D. MeCaughrin of Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sinclair and sons and Miss Hazel Copeland were at Dundalk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wharin and Miss Jeanette McLeod of Toronto spent the week end at J. D. McLeod's. Mrs. M. S. McLeod and son, Donald, were week end visitors at the former's parental home at Caledon East. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Collinson, Fran- ces, Margaret and Marion spent Sun- day in Owen Sound. Mrs. Harry Piper has had Hydro installed in her home. Miss Florence Mclnnis has tendered her resignation as teacher of Ceylon school. Ian and Ivan, the twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam, celebrated their sixth birthday with a little party last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodgins of 0\yen Sound visited on Sunday with Mrs. Cecil Archibald.- Mrs. Melville Hogarth and Mrs. Anna McMillan were in Markdale on Friday. Miss Hazel Oliver of Toronto is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Oliver. Mrs. Archibald and son, Harvey, attended the Willis reunion at Han- over on Saturday. Miss Agnes Macphail is spending two weeks in Kansas City. Mrs. George Fisher has returned home after visiting in Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Ottewell left on Sunday for Toronto, enroute to Van- couver, B.C., where they will spend a month. Miss Catherine Cairns ac- companied them for Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Whittaker spent Sunday in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bradey of Townsend Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Marshall of To- rotno spent the week end with Mcp. Thos. Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Irwin. A new automobile record was re cently made. A tourist drove from coast to coast without eating a single hot dog ROOFING Brantford Roofing;, Asphalt vShing-les, Metallic Roofing, Wood Shing-les, Cockshutt Farm Implement.s, Liffhtning: Rods. All roof ing- .sold deliv- ered or laid on roof at reason- able prices. JOHN O'NEIL Pric«^le, R. R. 2 Phone Durham607 r 4. SUPERIOR STORES Specials on Groceries Fresh GINGER SNAPS per lb. 10c Maple Leaf PURE LARD 1 lb. pkg. 10c Jiff SOAP FLAKES large pkg. 25c 2 Fruit Nappies Free CORN BEEF LOAF 1 lb. tin 15c Kita SALMON, tails 2 for 25c Superior No-Alum BAKING POWDER 23c MEATS â€" FRESH, CURED and COOKED Reasonably Priced Electrically Refrigerated Go<*d Supply of Mien's Work and Fine Shoes C. J. KENNEDY PHONE 37 WE DELIVER 3 out of 4 lam and Jelly Champions use CERTO in^ /M/l'^f? /aviv^^^a^ Mrs. R. J. Lunn of Oxford, N.S. â€" Prize- winner at Oxford Exhibition â€" writes: "I feel, when making jams or jellies with Certo, that I am sure of good results. The shorter boiling keeps the fresh fruit flavour and col- our. Several times I have taken the Special Prize for the most points in this class at our county fair," iCERtO FREE BOOK OF 72 RECIPES Under the label of •very bottle of Certo i> * book of 72 tested recipee for jemi and jelliea. Be ture to follow them exactly. QUICK AND EASYâ€" With Certo you need boil only a minute to two min- utes for jam â€" a half-minute to a minute for jelly. ECONOMICAL â€" Very little juice can boil away in such a short boil, so you get up to half again as much jam or jelly FRESH TASTE AND COIOUR â€" Because of the short boil all the fresh, natural firuit taste and colour is retained. SO SUREâ€" With Certo you get easy- to-follow recipes that give sure \ results. CERTO U concentrated FRUIT PECTiN...the natural jellifying substance extracted from fruit. EI30 ORDER CERTO FROM YOUR GROCER TODAY The story is told by a weekly editor not more than a thousand miles from wh( .0 we write, of an ironic example of what things are handed out to the local paper and job printing plant by a merchant in the same community who has profited more or less by the local sheet's efforts to get the popu- lace to spend their money in their home community. We are told on in- formation which came, as is said these days, from an "unimpeachable source" that this merchant we are speaking of decided to have a sale. He got post ers in Toronto and then came to the local office and asked for the loan of their mailing list. ".lohnny, I'll havp you bohnvs your- self wh«*i your at horn*. What would your tfaoher say if yeu acted like that Hi .<tchool?" "Shp'd sny 'nph'nve j-oiirsclf - rp iii<M)il>er Tiinr not nk howi* miw'." Grey and Simcoe Foresters V^B J\m \^m A m Are you physically fit and between the ages 18 and 43? ENLIST NOW CANADA NEEDS YOU Apply at Markdale and Durham Armouries LIEUT-COL. T. J. RUTHERFORD, O.C.

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