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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1940, p. 7

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Tommie* Had Small Comforts In Midst of Battle A nianress and some bits of furniture made tliis BiMlish patrol com- fortable as they rested in a littered Louvain Street. This photo was Aiade before the Allied troops were withdrawn from the city. • HAVE • I TOO HEARD?! The reciiiii was disappointed In Ua uniforiB. It seemeti to fit vo- where. He was still trying to maie ihe kuttons of his tunic meet when he fused the colonel on the i«rad« groaad. And in h' preoecu.pat!oB, M forgot to salute. 'Pull yourself together," said Mke colonel. "Don't yon know you're wearing th& King's uniform 7" "Oh, that's it," said the recruit. *! Imew It wasn't meant for me," '"What cauaes the flight of time?" "It's probably urQed en by the apur of the moment.'' Tm glad to find you s« you aj-e," â- aid the old friend. "Youi great Health hasn't changed you." '"WTeU," replied the candid mil- lionaire, "it has changed me in one <htng. I'm now eccentric where I wied to be vulgar, and delightfully â- Â»Mty where I used to he rude. ' Teacher: "Youp essay on "Our Cat' is word for word »he aame as your brother's." Jimmy: "Yes, sir, it's tne very came cat." The old lady had made the un- fortunate young clerk fetcii lOll •fter Poll of linoleum, until he had 41w}ayed ererythSng in the store. "What did you say it was for, •Md&m?" he asked hi last in des- »«ir. "Oh. didn't I tell you?" replied the customer, hrightly. "It's for the bottom of the canary wige. " "I wonder why rich folks so often marry rich folks?" "Because they have so much Itnerest in common." "How did you nianage to live to 1m 107, Mr. Whosis?" "Well. 3X)u see, I refrained from •mokiiig, drinking, took plenty of exercise and stayed out In the treeh air." "Well, I had an uncle who did ail •t those things, hut he died at 57. " "Well, Tou see, he didn't do thejn h>og enough." C. N. Passenger Staff Changes Changes in the staff of the C a n a d i an National Railways passenger department were an- nounced by H. C.~ Dourlier, gen- eral passenger agent of the Na- tional System. The changes were brought about throug'h the recent death of C. E. Walker, city passenger and ticket agent, «c Windsor, which post i« now filled by G. H. Walker, former city passenger and ticket agent, at St. Catharines. The position made vacant by the promotion of Mr. Walker to Windsor is being' filled by K. M. Dyson, who Ofcupied a. similar position at Belleville. Announcement of the new city passenger and ticket agent, at Belle-ville. was expect- ed shortly. All appointments be- came effective on June 5th. Most Unflattering Posture Defects Feminine posture, accordin;; fe Elisabeth Mac-Donald, lectur- «r ef New York Citj-, can effec- (jtrely â€" if unflatteringly â€" be di- vided into five classifications. Any number of college gVrls, wke declared, can be pegged is foUoivs: (1) Collapsed stomach: it) "Tummy-ache"' p o st u r e: 8) Barrel shape.<: (41 Stomach wrinkles; (5) swallowed wate!-- Melon postures. Miss -MacDonald's cojlege lei- lurcs have proved effective. Carefree, co-eds listened in si'- •nce while she listed Tvhat's" wTonp with them. jWhot Science j Is Doing *• ♦â- ^-^••- 5f «â- â™¦-••«â-  -^-^ ^-^^^ *.^ ^-# ^ ♦-»â-  BEATS T N T 100 TIMES The U.S. Senate naval eommii- tee said last week that "a reput- able scientist " had reported discov- ery o£ an e.xplosive approximately 100 times mo;'e. powerful than TNT, most destructive of explosives us- ed in the first Great War. POISON FOR INSANITY Insane persons are being reslor- «m1 to normal with out of the dead- liest poisons known to man. The .\merican Prychiatric Asso- ciation last we*-k he,Hrd that cur- are. use{I by South Americart Ind- ians on their spear and arrow heads to kill men and animals within a few minuies. can now be prescrib- ed safely in medical treatment. It serves as a preliminary drug In the shock treatment of persons suffering from schizophrenia and other mental diseases. The treatment came from witcii doctors in the Amazon jungles. FOR SEWING UP TISSUES I"»evelopment of a new method of blootl vessel surgery in which su- gar rods are used as "darning fggs' In sewing together the deli- cate tissues has been announced at tlie Unlvprsity of Chicago. By this method, the two ends of the ruptur ed vessel aj'e threaded on to a slen- der rod of sugar, coated with a thin film of oil to support the tis- sues. Thus held together, the two ends can be sewn with "over and over' stitches. SAFES l*r«tr<-< .lonr B«><»KS nad <.'4<(M frwm KIHI': HBdl TMIKVKS. V«> k*«e â-  aUr »»* f;|>r «r Snfr. or I'B^tBat. f<»r â- â€¢:* iiuriMMH'. "^ l«lc MB. or write r«r prIcM, rtc. t» j.&'j.TAVlllR UMtTco iwomo SAFE WORKS I4?V Krom %t. K., TnroMto A STRONG, 25.YEAR ROOFING ^" hy vute moof T «o wwkI vbioclcA ifact in'9 ? Roof your Imilihnx^with ME'TAlfof r^rm«o«nvc, pfc.Tctit'n »nd Cvonoiuy, ^«i!rf sNu-Roi>rinche''C'cUDdI5'«n<kud" Bnnd.isGuanntccij Inr 25 VcMJ SvmJ ilj(JJi.'"<>»» o» T"'" buiWiaj fot coi frie THfb PIDIAK rtOrtt IIMITIO KMidOW;* - OrVc.c. Oi* Mfcirftil O- «t T;ri-n:;' \J ir.r ks < »l([.:r» V»r.-ouTtf mi^^mRoof f m Modern Etiquette BV KOBERiA LEE \*mm%m»%%%»*9**% Q. If a waiter, a taxi driver, or someone similar, asks for a larger tip than offered, what should one do? A. Refuse to give it. The size ot a tip is entrely optional with the one who gives it, and on© who would demand more than offered would deserve nothing. Q. Isn't it poor manners forgone pe:'son to monopolize a conversa- tion? .4. Yes. No matter if this person ' !s a good conversationalist, he us- ually develops inro a bore. Q. When a person is tallsing and is suddenly forced to sneeze, should be apologize? A. Merely say, "Excuse me." Q. Isn't it permissahle tor a young man in love to display any jealousy when in the company of others? A. No. A Jealois person is never happy. One person wrote, "It is said that jealousy is love, but I deny it: for though Jealousy be produc- ed by love, as ashes are by fire, yet jealousy extinguishes love as ash- es smother the flame.'" Q. Is It necessary to Introduce a ten-year-old child to adults? .K. It is not exactly necessary, but it Is excellent training for the child. «. What is the symbolism of gar- denias? A. Refinement. •»â- â- â- â€¢>â- â-  How Con I? BY ANNE ASHLEY With Several universities ;;ffil;at- ed with conservatories ot music, -Mr. Gib'oon argued It would be prac- tical for professors of English and music to co-operate in illustrating such lyrics of any period as may have been adapted for singing. HARNESS & COLLARS Fanners -•Viiention â€" Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sol! our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so ar;-> our prices. We manufacture in our factories â€" â-  Harness, Horse Collars. Sweat Faiis. Horse Blan- kets, and Leather TravelHn;: Goods. Insist en Staco Brand Trade .Marked (Joods. and you get satisfaction Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO.. LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E. ToroBlo C WATCH I «mi bnc*)^ w GCNTS WUXT WATCH >iii» qnalilr CAIICID CAMERA •» l/H^m i*MMMr k«* ••;lint) onir t4 belt)** p*rf«>a •t r*du<^»d pric*m. r«JI •«!•• Ul a«4 tavrractiona Mat >â- â- â-  â- â€¢ finl is T«ar 4" *«4I«. BMnfi tpoc* b«lcw â- *• Bra (M Cai M31 »n aw StT«»t est. ! Q. How can I remove ei! mariiE from wall paper? A. Apply a pastern ade of cold water and pipe clay, leave it on OTer night, then brush It off in the morning.' Q. How can I select a good par- ing knife? A. Be sure, when buying a paring knife, to select one with the blade running through the center of the handle and held by rivets. It is the •tronger 'Kind. Q. How can I prevent car sick- nees? A. If one is inclined to become nauseated when riding on a street car or train, try this preventive: Beat the white of an egg stiff, then add the juice of one lemon and a little Take this before start- ing the journey and it will usually prevent any sickness. Q. How can I remove mud stains from a garment? A. If a brisk brushing does not entirely remove mud stains froD' a garment, rub the spots with a raw potato. This seldom fails. Q. What is a good disinfectant for the Jiitchen s'nk? A. Tv.o tablespoons of ammonia and a gallon of boiling water, pour- ed down the sink while the solu- tion is stili very hot, proves a very good disinfcx-taur. Q. How can I clean a mirror pro- perly, to make the glass beautiful- ly oright? -A. Rub the mirror with a bail of soft paper slightly dampened with methylated spirits: then wi:h a duster, on which a little whicing has oeen sprinkled, and finally po- lish with a clean paper or a wash leather. Cheese Factories Work Feverishly In Eastern Ontario Most of Them Are Working at C.-pac (ty to Supply Foreign ant.' Do- mestie Neeas A survey in tiie Eastern Oat.irio rhcese-produicing district around Hf-lieville indicated last week that practically all factories are working at capacity. Dis'.rict dairymen ex- pressed belief they would supply at least a portion of the 78,400,000 pounds ot chee'-e recently ordere<i by the British government, to be lielivered at a set price ot 14 c-rnts a pound, f.o.b. Montreal. SWITCH TO CNfOLORED Tne elfect of British prefereuce •or uncolored cheese is noted on the Belleville board A premium of H-cent was offered for the unool- ored varit'rty and this is believed to he responsible for many factories switching entirely to making un- colored. Domestic trade, however. has always shown .i marked prefer- ence for colored. t'red Mailory. secretary ot the Belleville board, commented the 14- cent price offered little margin of prof-r for the buyer since last week's price was i:? 9-16 cents, ami tiiat left only 7-16 to cover the cost ot wiring boxes for shipment, and fcandiine ."ind 'ransportafion charg- es. HEALTH TOPICS PREVENT TOOTH DECAY Pe'-hapM the greatest advance tlutt baa been made in dentistry in tile hundred years ot its exist- ence has been in public education of the necessity for cleaning teetii in order to prevent decay. It Is dif ficuli for us to realize tliat the toothh'ush and cheap dentifrices are tiiemselves o? fairly modern or igin. The first toothbrushes were made of horse hair or pieces of cloth or linen, some'imrs of sponge. SAD ST.-VTF.STICS T'ae use of the toothbrush is still In its infancy, according to statis- tics, for it is estimated that 70 per cent, of the population ot North America have never had their teeth examined and about 60 per rent. have never brushe<l their teeth. The idea of filling teeth and pre- serving them instead ot pulling them out is also an introduction of the last century. The old dentists used to use coins, gold and silver and lead, wherever they could get it, for tooth filling: the introduc- tion of plaster and enamel is cred- ited to Laurie, of Edinburgh, about 1S54. SPOTLIGHT ON OGDEN S O gd e n ' s Fine Cut is in the spotlight of popularity , with roll-* your-owners every- where, because it has the fragrance and the flavou r that iTiak es eve cigarette you roll wit^i er, cooler, more satisf> \ : .-. smooth- '-.c Cigarette. <)•)» lie *»</ cigartltt pal.f^â€""Cbmm4ttltr ' ur "VoKIt* â€" *"â- * if«l tnut^th for OgtU^'t. A ft w cloves jdded to vegetable «ov.p will give it a delicious flavor. OGDEN'S FINE CUT ..CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... ACE.N'rS W.IXTED LIGHTMXO ROn .\«EN'T W.i.NT- kJ to sell Phillips Lightnin.c: Pro- tective System. B. Phillips Corap- iin.v Limited. 32 Osborne Avenue. Toronto. A';i:.VTS WA.NTtiD TO HEPli.'C.^- rrt "fhe C>lii lifeli.ible Konrhiil Nurseriis." Exclusive territory in town or coiintrj'. I.iber:»l terms paid weekl>'. Harulsome fr^e cut- tits. .'in..i.e and Welliugion. Tir- f.-rto. o I *'rn>v rRGE.NTIA" liEQLIRES TR-MNED men. capable ot maintaining and building airorrift. Canada's largreet Av::t.tior. Trai.niiiK School ofiers courses in Flight Training:. Air- iraft Mn'haniis and Aircraft Wt'lding wli'.ch should assure in- telligent, capable men of future !n an industry which will develop' Iniiefinitely: not fade away when tbo v.-^r is over. Look to your fut- ure Full piirticulars from Ltav- eus Brothers. Barker Airport, op Island -\irpori, Toronto. Phone KKnwood 38:P. . B.*.KEnv K:aL'iPME.>r BAKERS' OVE.VS AND MACHI.V- ery, also rebuilt equipment on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence inviteti. Hubb.ird l^ort- sble Oven Co.. 102 Bathurst St., To-onto. IJAtIV cHlCIvS 'ViH; KECKl\'E THE XVtlKTli OP your money when you bu.v Joltn- sons chiclfs. they are bred to lay and are good table fowl. Prices for June and to end of season. Rocks 8 cfnt.=. ?0 per cent ritllets 17 cents. Cockerels 2 cents. AH are blood tested. Kocks bred frvm O. B. S. stock. Leghorns The F-arron Strain. Safe arrival guarnitteed. 10 per cent Avith order. J. P. John- son, Fersus. Ontario. I'Uii.MPT lELlVKHV O.V Hii.;H iiu;-.!ity chicks from careful':' cul- led bioodtesied stock Ptaniiard ynallty White Ltorhorns %S.'2:,. 00 P>r cent. Pullets $16,4.^. Cockerels ll.fKl. Barred Rocks $8."o. ruUets $13.1>5, Cockorels $(i.Ofl. N'ew tlamps JS.T.'i. Pullets SH.D5. Cock- erels Jtl.Sri. \Vhiie Rock.s. Hybrids â- Rarred Kocks x .\'ew Harap-'. New Hamps X Barred Rooks SO. To. Pul- lets $H.!''. Cockerels $7.S0. T^irge KsK Quaiiiy .Tdd one cent. )5i)tjrer Profit add two cents, started chicks, capons. Free circular. Top Notch ChickerUs. Ouelph, C>nf. 1}orA> THAT OHI'EK CNTTl, vof .'hick thtse new low iTic. - i t- ffctive Jiin*- 2:;nd. -Standard *iual- itv White LeKh.rns J8.;5. Pn per cent. l-'till- ts S'lJ.So. Cockerels Jl 00. Barred Rock--. New H.-mps tH.'^. T'ullets J 11.!',".. New Hnmp ("ockerels SC.'iO, Barred Hock •"c ckerrl.s tii.TTt. tVhito Reioks, White Wyaiidotte.s. Light Sussex "Hybrids liarrtd P.ocks x New Tianips New Hr.mps x n.-UTcd H.'cks. White T.eKhorns x Rarred K..cks S«.Ta. Pullets Sll. !".'>. ''ook- ereld J7.73. Started chicks, cap- ons. Write for prices on da" -old and started turkeys. Raden t71ec- >vic Chick H::tchery. LimUec. lU:- den. Oat;-,i io. t.A\lN<; AC 4-»H MONTHS. Weij^hinK four and a half to five and H half pounds at 4 month.s. That's what liray customers write. Pot't hesitate to buy June Rra.v chicks. Adii to your f'ocks. cr start in with Ttray's. Watch thetn jrrow. Fine June breeds are Leirhoms. Newhamoshlre I*."*, x N. H. Started ihfcks lo order, tiray Hatchery. 130 John .V.. Ham- ilton. Or.t. ST.VUrKli ••HICK l.!AR';.Vl\S â€" â-  l.«rKe type Pt-nnsvlvania Lechoru ehicks. d.iy old »7.95 per 100. pu!. lets 115. iiO, Parred Rocks. Rock X L^Bhorn Hybrids $7.95. pivllets JIJ.'IO. 2 weeks old puHets I'.lc. 4 wet-k.s old any breed 30c. Special matinK puMets 2c per chick more. Ijikeview Poultry Farm, Wein Ftros., Kxeter. ttntario. J.^\H<;K TVrK TOM B.tMHOV LKt;- (letrn tT»i\»/i t liicks |£.95. putlcts KiiaranieeU !>" per cent. JM-Sj per too. Barred Rocks. Rock v Red Hybrids. Rock x l*(thorn Ribrlds mixed chicks J7.95. pullet* $12.95. 3 week old iMillets 25c. 5 weeks <iM 3S, . Exeter f'bick Hatcherj. Ev. t< r. Ortar'o. pi'Y QIALITY CHICKS. EASY Tl> re.ifie. the stand-by of th.''Us.'>nds of potiltrykeepers year after year. Day old and .stnrted. Twm hatches • week to take care of prompt »hirment. Viitorou.s breedlntr «tock. Selling Farms t, Hatchtrv. Bam Roofing- â€" Granary Lining HTKRTITE .STEEL SHEET.-! '"O.ST le.*-<. cover more. 1ft.*t lonprer. Jay fustrr. tare sheathing. Buy nriw tH'f'M'e war advances prices, direct from factory. SHporior Products I.a>"rfi!. 15 Vtlson Street, .--^i-niii, Or.l: â-  :,., HI I.I. KOH HAI.K Rr..isTi'i;i:n > !;.\Kl.iN'; il..rn l;\!il, .«:. A. l.iittr Oak\i11«. Ontari«k .•iHOUT K 'v 1, IIAI'TEKY vKI.K-lU.VRGER ^ HV HCV NEW RADtO "B" BAT- rerif s*' Cuarar.ceed to reohargre o'-i ii.. s iike new. $1.25 brings com- plete autornatic self-c-har^er an-i Tiii! plan. Minard iJonsen, Park- K.\rKRMI\.Vri)ItS r>EI!FO BC'j KILLER SJc. EXTEl'- minates bedbUirs. moths. coci<- roaches, crickets, fleas, lice, ticks. DERAT RAT AND .UOCSE KILLEl-: •SOc. Harmless to humans, animais. fowl. At Eaton's, Simpson's, Tani- Hyi.s. local d»a!-"'s. or Derpo P-'-- du<;ty, ToroHiO. KI.ECTRtC MOTORS attentio.n: â€" -. h.p. motoks. 60 or 25 cycle. $5.50. rebuilt, guar- anteed. Spadina Electric, oi!2 Spa- dina. Toronto. KAKM K,m U'MEXT SPECIAL E.'VRGA INS WHILE THEV I.^ast â€" all equipment recondition- ed and gu.aranreed. Demonstratimr arjd Rebuilt Meiotte Cream Separ- ators; Electric trrinders: *JTricdor'=: Hammer Mills: . Letz'- Milis: Diesel Engines, all sizes; • Sasollne Engines; Electric Liffh-- Ing- Plants: Tine and Link Har- rruvs: Washing: Machines: '"oal and Wood Stoxes: Water Pumps and Pressure Systems: Electrii; ..Fh'or Polishers: -derated Milk Coolers: Fractional Horsepower â- Mo'crs; Write me fodnv. S. A. t,'."- â- â- â- â- -. S:m-art St.. T'-ri'iit.'. l-'VHM«i >'1>U S VLE lO'I' VHtll GIKU-'H DISTRICT: 0.\"E Hl'NT?- red acres, excellent farm. We'.l builr on splendid water. Hydro. Ideal location. full equipment. Sprinje seeding done. Must sell to cl^'Se estate. Woods Farm Aeency, Fergus. Onta-i.i. (â- -r.OWKK 1,»\ Kits 6 ".xci:llent varieties i^-vrg': I\nh)ias. $1.0ri postpaid. 100 bean- â- ^jfu! sUidiolus. Flowcrinpr size ;•:"- bntroFs â€" picardy â€" other bean- tits. r2.0O. p..Kipi,M. F. Wnik-- •^'•' iT'..\Nl'i. o,-.•,•!;â- ^l, Kl K.MTI IIK. FOR S.».I,K FrTi7.!TtRE F..'>r.'',AINS â€" FREE catalogue of n- "â-  and used furni- ture bargains sent on request, ,\11 jroods sold on mone.r-back pua'*- ar.t'"-. Wlioles.-Me Furniture. 4<;(j l":--iii:rc- S;r. . -. Ti'f-.nt.i. >;RI>nF.K<. ATTKVTIOX! FFtriT 'JROH !:i;s. c.vp.deneu-;. Write to us for prU'es on your re- quirements of fruit and vegetable p.i-k^ cec, Th.^ .li.kvHle B:;«kft â-  '.^ . â- . :;;,r.-,-. â-  1.^ k x â- â- ,-, nptar ''"'. Mltl'KI.^ W ANTED orR •^[.-.-Kss iv set.linc hot. e;s is renll.v piienomen:'). We will be pleased 'o have .-in opportunity to *ry to sell ,vours. We adve^'tise HI every paper 'n Ont.irio. For our terms write to Rert Weir & Sons. ReiilT.-'.'R. I.,>.ndo". Ontario. M VI H., F.VHM IHI'LEMEM'S Bowman Electric Herder TVIJ^ C.lAR-^N'ri^ED. 6 VOLTS, FMsk refc-uloto:-, High-Ixiw switch b.ittery, insii'ntors. Price com. plete â€" $lt;.0O. Dealers wanted. Bowman Elecrio Herder, Pcters- burtr. Otitario, HI sK At NI-'4JI IHKMKVTs LET is U>OK AFTER YOFK MIS- ioni rei:uircn3'"nfs. Music, it>stru- n'.*:irv-, flcce,..soriev. rroad'\va\' ^Tm- s c l':i:5 Ycnce Sr T.-ironte. |>KR«<I\ %|. QU'IT r0UAC>-O. -^NliFF. EASILY, fneipensively. Home remedy, â- ""e^tlrannlals. â- tuara-iteed. Advloe *r<><» n»rH»t"« r:>^ 1 Wnntp'-K ««I.K«iHF:>r 'WAXTKO F.\Mlt..E.X gi"AI.lTV PRODl'i'TS becomiftjr better known every day â€" we need more snlesnten to Ir- f'jre the best possible service to sntisfied customers. Any nctiv« «nd hcnest man can make a liv- .••>V sellinK 200 necessities which »»rinic repeat onjers b.v themselves. There Is NO RISK with our su.-. ressful plan. Auk for FIJEE cata- loirue snd information: FAMILEX C'>MPaNV S7i St, I'lenie-it St M'lVTIiEAl, Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Uwd â€" New «I>R« l.4t.l'/.l\(i 1^ KKIII ll.T M(>- TOK«, l'(>« l-;n.l Vl'l't. llyrfraaHe H*lsf«. Hl«4.|iea, t.pnerniom. Mart- *rM. MaKneloa. :^nrlMfreiHr« Ha4l,it. • r« â€" Kxekaaiir *»r»ir«. f:ia«« â€" «s>t«r.ieiliilt »r refvail. Levy Aa<» t*«rta, rar«a(«k PHOTO FINISHING fkee: yoc c^vx .vow own a • â- omplete set of be.-a:;lfiil si'.ver- ware absolutely T:thout cost. naanufactured and tii.irante^J by International Silver .;cmpany, ton may have this complete set abso- lutely free by sending your :;lms to Imperial. Send n»: crder now and receive compute particMlars of this amazing offer. Six or si.scht exposure film.s developed and printed 2Sc. or 8 reprints 25c. plus your choice of a free enlarg-Mnent in easel mount or trco silver-vare. To get the best !n qa.-Uity and ser- vice send vour film.s to Imperial Fhoto Service. Sta-lcT J.. To.-jnto Tl RKEY IMtl t TS TCP.KEYS â€" JU-NE !S TliE M.NTH for turkey.s. We oi>r. supply you with the best that money will "otiy. Three breeds. Bronze. Bar- boun Reds. White T-Icll.ind. two grades Extra Profit and Sr,jcial Mating. Send for prices and free turke.y folder, tells you how to feed and raise turkeys. June prices now in effect on ciicks tirade "A' I.eghorns $S,70, New Hamps $8,70. Parrn": Rooks JJ.'iO. Free oatalogue. r-v.udle C':ii.'k H;^'-i?- rie-: Limit. â- : f -: - irus. '^' Tl HKEV poll. IS BRAY TURKEYS Wir.L ?v:.\KK Yoa mone.v. Fine day-oi<l ;,nd started on hand. They'll tak*^ little room now that your c'rii-tts ar:- on r;in(Cr. Order now I :â- â-  '' '';â- :, Hamilton, Ontar:,j. W VTEK « i;t l.s WE GUAU.V.NTEE v> -•- r.Kii. Or. NO money. We use scree:. ** m al: -veils where quick sand :«j encour.':jred. Special plan for dug wells ne^iinR curbin.e. saves half. L-Trgre sc-?ens for dug well wi'h bad quick sand. Wells drilled. .Send five dollars for mnkins: tests or i-jcatin,; wa- ter. K .T, Ashton, Port Hope Oat, LYONS' OrT-'CANUI.M; R.AiH^.AIX.s HKCOXDITIOSED FVB^ITIRK %2i' Large 3-piece t^h«s"e.rfield S'Jite, upholstered in fifetired rep«.\ Re- versible Marshall fcprinir cushions. Completely reconditioned, $32 Beautiful brown mthair c!',>ster- field suite. 3 piece .s. f ityur-- ; re- versible Marshall spr.uK cu,^/:ons, guaranteed perfectly clean. $49 Modern 3-piecc Chest >r:'le;d Suite, floor sample. uphol,-":.;red in novelty repp, buffet tyvr. re- versible Marshall scnnf cu^'i.ons, reg. $89 value. $14.50 3-p;ece Chesterf^eiu Sui'^, up- holstered in figuret; repp. .Tl;ver- slble Marshall spr.'.tr cu.-.: ons. Ferfectl.v clean. $39 .Smart bedroom suite Ir rich walnut finish, dresser, ohifi.nier. full size bed, , spring :iew mattress .and pair !• riows. $2t Simmons' walnu- fmish *t.el bed. sagles.s high riser sprin,". new ToIl-edKo mattress and large wal- nut finish dresser with largi aiir- ror. $49 Modern bedroom, Ir :wo- tone walnut finish. Vanity with full length 'V'enetinn mirror .'hif- fonier. full size bed. -.aKless --V'rin^x and new mattress, reitect ;; edi- tion. $59 Brand new floor sample 'oed- room suite, in blenched w;.!nut finish, dresser or v.;:r,ty. el. ffon. ier. full size bed, s.igless -rrirs and new mattress. $24 Fjirge solid oak di'iing »'.iite, buffet, extension tubie nnd :: lea- ther upholstered chairs. $39 Modern walnut f'mstt ! ning; suite, buffet, extens.on tabit inJ 6 leather upholstern". chairs. ~om- pletely refinlshed. $03 .\purtment; size <.tnin|r -aotn suite, in ^ralnut fin th buffi': ex- tension table, chir.^ cabiae: ai:<l € leather scat chii>«. Renn *!ifd. $(!;' Beautiful Enuli'-;- onk i ting suite, largo buffet, • hina ce .met, e-xtensioii table unC 6 leath;- up- hoist* red "'hairs. $79 Be lutiful walnut dining ^',ii:e. large buffet. extension •;3b:e, china cabinet and leather ..:!hol- stered chairs. rerfe':t. $119 Large solid w:iinut ji-iinn .suit", u'ost new approxlin.ttely. $i5ii). beautiful buffet extt>:;'ion table, ebina cnbir- f. .-^nd i lea- ther uphoLsiercd cue rs Coir-;,:te- l.v refini.shed. $2!>.5i> Smart S-picce studio suite, upholstered In stripe hoir. ^»ai:n material. .Studio m.ikes (tit,- twin beds. 2 ch.iirs to m.-,:cb. G'.;j.ran- :ee-l pfrr.?«'tly clear. $17.50 ."Vlodcrn walnut flni-sh ' -jak. fast suite. 'Buffet iv:;h c.iblr.j; top un*! extension tablt". .'.T^el 4 -iMirs. $19.50 Krofhier Ches" rflcM Urn up- holstered In fig:ur«d bine "'lour with reversible sprii-f.. filled : :sh- ions and new mati-« '•â- - -Ml gnous thorouL-il.v rf <"oni Jnn- ed, (tuaranteed absol-.,|e!y cl«n - and carefully crated for -^ ife shivrr.ent on receipt of mone;.-> ititr. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yongfe Si. â€" Toronto ISSUE NO. 24- 40

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