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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1940, p. 5

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raS naMNBRTON ASVANm Wednesday, June 12, 1940 \ V VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mm. Jaa. Baitchelor, Flor- ence and Bill spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. McGregor, â- St Dundas. On Sunday Sacrament of Baptism and the Lord's Supper were dispensed â-  at Inistioge, Rev. Prosser of Corbet- ton was assisted bv Mr. Patterson in dispensing the rites. He called to memory the time that he occupied our pulpit in the same way as Mr. Patterson, while a student minister. The children received into the church were: Doris, infant daujrhtr of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholls; Donald Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Acheson; Emily Gwendolyn and Rob- ert William Gordon, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon .â- Acheson. Mr. Prosser delivered a very appro- priate sermon. Mrs. Wm. Talbot is with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Clem Livingston and new baby son of Corbetton. Mrs. Reijan, Jack and Maisie, Jim, Doris and Kathleen Bannon, Jack and Daisy Spiers of Tornnfn visited at the home of Milton Bannon. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Arnold and babe of Buffalo spent a few days .".t the former's home, also Mrs. G. G. Ward of Toronto, Chas. Moore o'f New Toronto and Ted Moore of Weston, "Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Killins and Gor- don of Smithville visited recently at the home of Chas. Moore. The war won't come to an end un- til the Nazi salute is changed to putt- ing both hands up. Toronto complains that the satu- edration point in tag days has been reached. They must have got to the stage when folk wear badges to keep from selling to each other. CUTS COSTS U PAY LESS Y9U USE LESS SURER RESULTS KIMBCRLEY Visitors over the week end and Sun- day were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Idle, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Art Wardman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pattinson, Winnis Graham, Annie Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Surbray and Boy. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Soul are visit- ing their daughter at Coe Hill. Delbert Wickens had his tonsils re- moved at Owen Sound hospital dur- ing the week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buchanan of Owen Sound made a pleasant call on Mrs. D. A. Graham on Saturday. Friday 'afternoon over 30 ladies visited Meaford City Bakery, accept- ing an invitation from Mr. Hart, man- ager and proprietor. They were re- ceived by Mr. Hart and staff and shown the process of bread and cake making. All were very pleased at the clean up-to-date plant, also the pleasantries of the staff and willing- ness to explain all the different stages of the bread and cake making. At the close Mr. Hart presented the secretary with a $5 check, also Mrs. Carman Haines and Mrs. S. S. Burritt with lovely cakes, The most recent bride and the oldest lady in the group. The community gathered in the hall and presented Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cornfield, recent groom and bride, with a purse of money and a shower of kitchen articles. The many friends of Rev. J. S. Veales were delighted to have him with us for Sunday night service. He has been attending United Church Conference in Owen Sound. He gave a very encouraging message from Isaiah 49:16. Mrs. Laurie Lawrence and Ronald nf Larder Lake are visiting Mrs. Jas. Lawrence and other relatives here. Mrs. Hugh Carmiehal and son, Leonard and friend of London visited with Mrs. S. S. Burritt Tuesday. ROCK MILLS EASY OPENING TIN- CANNOT SPILL Miss Ruby Monaghan has returned to Toronto after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Monaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell spent the week end at Durham. Miss^.Pearson has resigned at the school and will be leaving at summer holidays. Mr. J. Beard spent the week end in Owen Sound. Mr. Jack Monaghan is home for the summer months, after completine his course at Toronto Normal School. 'We F-e pleased to report Mr. Sam Phillips improving nicely and able to be around again after his illness with pneumonia. Rev. Ashton of Flesherton called at several homes on this line during the past week. Rock Mills Y.P.U. will hold their I rpgular meeting in the church on i Thursday. June 1,3th. A good attend- I ance is requested. SWINTON PARK Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lawrence of Stratford visited Friday with the Hardy families. Canon Townshend of London visited last week with his cousin, Mrs. Del- bert Haw. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ferguson and children spent Sunday with Beihel friends. Mrs. H. D. Tressider returned to her home in Toronto, having spent the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. R. Hardy. The Salem Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Jim Hardy on Wednes- day. Quite a number of ladies were present and enjoyed the meeting. Mrs. Ed. Haw spent a day in Owen Sound last week and visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Irene Hoover, who is a patient in the G. & M. hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Bleich of Owen Sound spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Robt. Knox. The funeral of the late John Hill of Boothville, who passed away very suddenly on Saturday morning from a heart attack, is taking place this Monday from his late home to Swin- ton Park cemeter- The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved family. CENTRE LINE Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson at- tended the wedding of Mrs. Wilkin- son's sister, Miss Jean Breadner, at Heatheote on June !ith. Mr. Edwin Little spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jamieson and family of Toronto visited over the week end with friends. Mt. Zicn W. A. held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Russell White, Saugeen Jet., with a good attendance of membei"3 and visitors. The W. .\.. intend holding a raspberry festival around the first of August. The word for the devo- tional roll call for next meeting is to be 'Loyal," which will be held at the home of Miss Marv Sheardown. EUGENIA FEVERSHAM CALUMET DOUBLE-ACTING BAKING POWDER LIO I Messrs. Dan, Hugh. William and I Ben Monroe nf Glensrarrv were visit- ors with friends in this vicinity over the week end. Misses Roma and Helen Whiteoak of Collingwood were visitors in this village over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conn and Mr. â- ind Mrs. Rozzel Conn spent Saturdav in Toronto. Mr. Billy Burke of Thornburv :-oent- the week end with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. H. Burke. Wp are sorry to report that Mr. J. W. Robinson is in the G. and M. hos- nital in Collingwood, but expects to rehn-n home in a few davs. Miss Evelyn Hale of Collingwood snent- the week end at her parental home here. Visitors with Mr. and Airs. Henr<- Alexander over the week end were: Mr and Mrs. Rozzell of Cambridge â- ind Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Alxander of Ci-eemore. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Eby were vis- ;tni-s with friends i" Owen Sound on Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Poag and son, Gerald, and Mrs. Chas. McCorgar have left on a motor trin back West, ^fter spending n short visit with relatives here. CLEAN UP Paint Up PAINT WILL MAKE IT MORE ATTRACTIVE AND PROTECT IT FROM THE RAVAGES OF SUN. WIND AND RAIN We have Paints, Varnishes and Enamds for all jobs â€" big or small. Does Your Roof Leak? Beautify Your Lawn Make your repairs with Eureka and True-Test Johns-Manville Asphalt Lawn Mowers, rubber Shinjjles or Roofing: attire and conveuLional special prices. mode.s. built to last. GARDEN TOOLS GARDEN HOSE ROYAL PURPLE SEEDS F. W. DUNCAN HARDWADE Phone 54 FLESHERTON On Wednesday evening of last week the Y.P.U. met in the church base- ment. Miss Hazel Turner, the citizen- ship convenor, was in charge of the discussion topic. Rev. Dr. Mercer attended Confer- ence in Owen Sound last week. Miss Irva Magee has returned home from Toronto, where she has been employed for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Jovce Porteous and children of Rock Mills were visitors at the Martin home and also with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duckett. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fieghen and little son, Denner, of Red Wing visited on Sunday with the Cairns family. Mr. Frank Cairns and Mr. Clarence Williams spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. Jack Large and Miss 0. Eber- hardt of Niagara Falls visited on Sunday at the Eugenia House. His mother, who spent a few days with her father, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and daughters of Ma.xwell visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Xorval Betts. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Toronto were visitors with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Harry Foerster, over the week end. The coTivention of Sundav Schools of the Township of Artemesia will be held in Eugenia United Church Wed- nesday. June 19th. All Superintend- ents, teachers, secretaries, etc., of the different schools are urged to be pre- sent. Rev. Shannon w\\\ be the spec- ial speaker, ""â- ^rning and afternoon sessions will be held, commencing at 9.^i5 a.m. Everybody brin" lunch; tea. cream and sugar will be provided bv the local Sunday School. Messrs. Chas.^ Goddard and Roy McMillan have been transferred to the H.E.P.C. from Hanover to Bur- lington. I (Intended for Last Week) i Farmers are busy trying to sow all the grain they can between showers. There is great growth and the pros- pects are great for an abundant hay crop. Miss Gertrude Little returned home from Toronto last week, after having spent nearly eight months in Toronto. Mr. Jack Linton has signed as timer in the air force, and is at his home here awaiting a call. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little and family spent Sunday with friends near Heatheote. They had received word I that their little grandson. Marvin I Little, had the misfortune to have ' narts of two fingers taken off in a I lawn mower last week. The hani it- healing nicely. Rev. Peacock o* Toronto gave a splendid temperance talk at Mt. Zion on Sundav. Mrs. Margaret .Little ret-irned to her home here Sunday, after «neTling the -winter with her daughter, Mrs. â- /. T. Erwin. Toronto. Mr. Jos. Little is assist-ne Ml. W. Scutt of Mclntyre with seeding. Consrratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ford on the arrival of a baby boy last week. MAXWELL The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. John Stephen on June 6th, with a good attendance. The arrangements for the annual strawberry festival were completed and also for the Sun- day School convention, which meets in Maxwell this year. The ladies of Stfcphen's Cotoer S. S. join the W. \. in serving for the convention. The meeting closed in the usual manner. Mr. Robert Winters of Tillsonburg and Miss Marie Wettlauffer of Blythe are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Winters. Miss Merlie Buckingham of Bolt<,n is making a short visit at her home. Mrs. Johnson of Dundalk is visiting her dauehter. Mrs. E. Buckingham Mr. Fred Ross of Camp Borden spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. D. X. Winters cf Heatheote visited with Mrs. Winters' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pallister, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hawton, Mrs. E. Hawton and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross attended the convention of agi"i- cultural societies at Port Elgin on •June 4th. Rev. and Mrs. Brigden of Orillia were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Mercer at the parsonage last week. Mr. Thos. Betts and daughters, Edith and Mable, „f Bock Mills were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett. Mr. Wilbert Poole and daughter, Lillian, Mr. Lome McQuay, Miss Winnie Macklem and Miss Violet Duckett enjoyed a motor trip to Gravenhurst on Sunday and visited with friends. Mr. and Mrs, Levi Duckett and Violet and Mildred spent Saturday in Owen Sound and visited \vith the for- mer's sister, Mrs. .-Vlfred Genoe. A TOUCH OF HUMOUR Junior partner, to pretty stenog- rapher: "Are y u doing anything Sunday night. Miss Planck?" Steno (hopefully): "No not « thing." Junior partner: "W^ell, try to be »t the office on time Monday morning then." EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Idle spent the week end at Clarksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMulIen, accompanied by Mrs. Robt. McMullen nnd Mrs. R. J. Brackenburv of Flesh- erton. spent a couple of days la.«t week in Toronto. Mrs. Robt. Mc- Mullen remained for a loneer visit. Miss Irene Fawcett of Vandeleur spent n couple of days at the home of Gordon McMullen. Mr. and Mi-s. W. f^nox of Duncan visited on Sundav with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Walters and dauehter. loleen. and Miss Marion Walters of Toronto were week end visitors wth Mrs. Wm. Rae and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe and child- ren nf Eugenia were Sundav visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoe and Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith and babe of Duncan STient a rt"- recently at the home of Harry Thompson. Hubby: Darling, bad news. The doctor say's he's going to remove my gall-stones, my appendix, my tonsils my â€" 'Wife: Hold on. That's enough out of you. KING'S BIRTHDAY JUNE 13. 1940 Low Rail Fares Between all points in Canada and to certain destinations in the United States FARE & GNE-QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO: Any time Wednesday, June 12, until 2.00 p.m. Thui-sdav, June 13, 1940 RETURN: Leave destination up to midnight Friday, June 14, 1940 Times shown are "Standard MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE â€" 25« Full particulars from any ag«it. Drop in and renew your subscrip , tion. ) Ga^c^u^GWtc RED CROSS I â- -r»i^F»-»' CEYLON Mr. Livingston and Miss Mable Haw of Toronto, also Miss Marion Knox of BowTnanville are visiting the latter's <'randmother. Mrs. J. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of Toronto vis- ited Sunday at the home of Thos. Stewart. Mrs. .A. C. Muir and Mrs. Percy Hunt assisted at the trousseau tea for Miss Donna BaiTett at Owen Sound on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sherwood have returned to town fi-oni Toronto. Mr. .-nd Mrs E. C. Mitchell attend- ed anniversary services at Kno.x Church, Durham, on Sunday and spent the day with the Whitmore families. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin of Flesh- erton and Mrs. Thosi. Gilchrist of Badjeros called on friends in the com- munity on Sunday. Mrs. Percy Hunt and Melville motored to Toronto the middle of the week and were accompanied to Brampton by Mr. Albert Arro^vsmith, who visited friends there. Mrs. Frank Collinson and daughters spent Sunday in Owen Sound. Mrs. Fred Marshall was in Toronto for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stew--^ and sons of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John .\ixon of Mono Mills, Mr. Russell Nixon. Miss Irene Stewart and Mrs. Peter Thibaudeau of Toronto were visitors at John Stewart's. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin and Miss Catherine Cairns of Toronto, and Miss Bessie Cairns of Weston snent Sunday at the home of Geo. Cairns. Mrs. Cha^ Ottewcll returned to Toront.-, with Mr. and Mrs. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Mcl«ichlan and son of Harkaway were also Sunday visitors at the Cairns home. Mrs. George White, Toronto, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. .T. '" McLeod. and, Mr. McLeod. The Institute meeting will he held at the home of Mrs J. Beattv Thurs- dav eveninn-. the 20th. at 8 "p.m. Miss Hilda Duckett of Toronto was home OTer the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young and son, John, of Duntroon visited the f^rst of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett. Mrs. Edgar Doupe and little daughter. Joan, are spending a week with friends at Collingwood. \ detective in Hamilton arrested T man who now faced 67 charges dur- insr the last 18 months. .\Dart from that he had been learning the life of an exemplarj' citizen. I CARNIVAL FLESHERTON Monday, July 1st BIG CAR CLASS? won SMfCH A mMTTM.E BET EXTMiA ^ "Itutead of doing the same old thing again â€" buying one of the ordinary kind of cars â€" we thought we'd shop around this time "Imagine our surprise when we found we could step up to an Olds and easily afford it! Olds prices are lower than you think " "Big Car" doesn't necessarily mean "B^ Expense!" Look at OldsmobUe. Olds is a really big car any way you measure it. 197?4 inches from bumper to bumper. Big and roomy inside. It's powered by a big, 95 horsepower Oldsmobile engine, and it's the lowest priced car with modern coil springs all around for extra riding comfort. In addition. Olds gives you more style, more quality and more prestige. Yet Oldsmobile costs so little txuite than ordinary cars â€" and figures show Olds is very economical to run. See it ! Drive it â€" today ! We have a new Olds waiting for you, niusiralrdâ€"The Oldsmobile "60" Two Door Touring S*tian The war ha.s added to British house- wives' washinjr dav difficulties be- cause there is a shortage of clothes- pegs. In peaoo tim# 192.000.000 jiegs wore imported a year, mostly from Gerroanv "THE BLACK DBRBY" mystery piny bv St. Coliimha Y.PS. (produc- ers of last season's hit "Soc»nd-Story Peggv"> now in rehearsal. Ready soon for church socials, garden parties efr. See. wnle or phone Rev. A. R. Muir, Prlo«vl11e. OLDSmaBILE BCST LOOKUVe GAR ON THE ROAD V, D. McTAVISH & SONS, FLESHERTON, Ont H. Grummett. Dundalk (Associate Dealer)

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