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Flesherton Advance, 5 Jun 1940, p. 3

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Earl of Alhlone Gives Te« Canteen To Canadians One of the first public appearances made by Canada's new Gov- umor-General, the Earl of Athlone following his appointment, was la turesenc to the Y. M. C. A. a mobile tea canteen to be used in servicing Canadian troops at Aldershot and later in France. The Governor- General is shown here as he inspected the canteen before it was placed In service. ? • HAVE • ! YOU HEARD?! ••••â- â€¢â- >i <â- <»•â- # / mother was a neig'hbor's and watched The vistior paid his green fee, tixed up a match, and went out U> the first tee. Taking his stance, be gave a wild swing and missed Mmpletely. "Would you believe it I" he ex- daimed to his opponent. "This MOTse is at least two inches low- •r than the one I usually play on." â€" â€" Nawipapcr Reporter â€" Have any of 70ur childbooal kopci been realised? Millionaire â€" Ye*. V/hen â- if mother used to comb my Ikair I always wisbe<t that I luJlt't any. â€" o â€" While a young badJung her baby, iStiia girl came in Che process. The child was hold- ing a doll minus .an arm and leg, and much knocked about gener- aBy. "How long have you bad j-our b«by?" she asked the mother. "Three noonihs." "My, but you've Itept her »k«!" exclaimed the little girl. Observed in a little coun- try store in Michigan: "You need your money 1 need mine. If we both get our* It will sure be fine. But if you get yours â€" And hold mine too What in this world am I to do?" â€" o â€" The fellow had just, got back Unm Hollywood. He had been duzled by the display of glant- •nr and bigness in the movie col- «Dy. "Eveything is done on a tre- mendous scale," he related to iHcnds»"I attended dinner at a Movie producer's home one even- ing and, instead of using finger bowls at the end of the irieai, atll the guests took showers!" Wbat'a more embarrass- lag for the office boy who is caught at the same with IIm modern girandmother who insisted on coming akng. Pitcairn Island Census Returns Only 200 Peopte Now Live on Island Colony Founded by Survivors of Mutiny on the "Bounty" Residents of Pitcairn Island, tha', was founded by the survivors of the â- lutlny on the Bounty, recently de- «<ded It was high time to take a eensus of their population. Pitcairn Island is a British pos- •eeslon, but the ce>nsus enumera- iSon was forwarded to friends in Oakland, Calif., who for years hate k«Dt a|) a correspondence with in- Ita1)itant3 of the island. The census return was signed by Kdward Grant and lists the p^pu- JaitloD as it has giown from 1790, 4ke year the Rouoty mutineers landed there and founded the tol- •ny. 45 MARRIED COUPLES The island then had a iK)pul.i- tion of 21 which consisted of Flel- mber Ciiristian who led the mutin.v against Captain Blight of -the Boun- ly; nine mutineers, five Tabltiaji wea; six T; ' itian women and one ehlld. ^ There are 66 Christians. Grant ie()orted, and 41 W'arr'>-rs. The 1*- la^ now has 45 married louplee. Oranl reporTe«i that ^ etndy towd that 179 bqja had been MWi ^we and 162 girls. "The removal of unwlje laws from the statute books lies iMt appeal to tne courts but io e ballot." Spend Twice As Much on Movies As On Higtier Education In Canada, Statistics Show Canadians spend twice as much on movits as they do on higher ed- ucation, a statislioiil study of uni- versity and college revenues made by the Dominion Bureau of Statis- tics discloses. The amount spent on higher edu- cation in the Dominion for the pre- vious academic year fa estimated as being approximately 17 million dollars. Three times this amount is required ro produce newspapers and magazines in Canada. 17 MILLIONS YEARLY While there are wide variations in the sources of revenue In the various provinces, roughly speak- ing for the whole of the Dominion one-third of the fl7,000,000 for the higher education comes from pro- vincial grants, one-third from stud- ent fees and the remaining third from endowment income and mle- cellaneouE sources. "There are more than seven hundred kinds of flowering plants ir the Arctic." â€" Viljhalmur Stefansson. HEALTH TOPICS »♦*â- â™¦â-  •-•-v* -•>»••-• « «â- Â« -^- «-« «^.«-*. Tired? Sluggish?^ That sluggish, half-tired feel- nig you have these days may be due to the fact you gained a few pounds during the win- ter. Or, extra weight or no, that you have been eating too much, exercising and sleeping too little. Try Liquid Diet If you have been over-indulg- ing in rich food and fattening drinks, you might begin your campaign with a twenty-four hour liquid diet. Tot one whole day, eat no solids. Have fruit juice and a clear, hot beverage for breakfast, milk cr fruit 'juice in the mid- dle of the morning, clear soup, more fruit juice and a hot bev- erage for lunch, milk or vege- table juic« in the middle of the afternoon, a dinner composed solely of liquids and, if you are hungry at bedtime, another glass of milk or fruit juice. Also, be sure to drink at least six of water during the li<iuid-dit't-day. One Large Meal Fi'oni then on until you are slimmer and feel like yourself again, try the one-large-meal- a-day system. Have only fruit, one slice of toast and a hot beverage for breakfast: soup, a lai-ge green salad or a plate of vegetables and something to drink for lunch; one portion of anything you want for dinner. Oi', if you prefer, have the large meal in the middle of tise day, soup and saiad for supper. Howevea-, whether you eat the one large men! in the mid- dle or at the end of the day, no second portion of anything is allowed. .Always try to leave the table feeling that you could, if urged, manage to eat a little more. Modern Etiquette BV ROBERIA LEE Q. Is a girl permitted to ask a man to dance with her? A. Not unless the man is her hus- band, brother, brother-in-law, cou- sin, or perhaps a childhood friend. Q. When a bride's father Is not living, whom should she ask to "Kive her away?" A. Usually the oldest male relat- ive. Q. When a man takes a gir! vo a public dining room, should he pull out the chair for her? A. Yes. unless the waiter does so. Q. Isn't it necessary tor a person to have a great amount of both money ;ind time sn order to "shine" in the social world? .\. Not all all. Johnson says:- "Money and time are the heaviest burdens of life, and the unhappiett of all mortals are those who have more of either than they know how ro use. Q. When a woman is goin.;; to stand in the receiving line for a tea at a clubhouse, should she wear hat and gloves? A. Yes. Q. How many courses constitute the formal luncheon? A. Four or five courses. How Con I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove stains from marble? A. Mix a paste of benzine and powdered soapstone. Spread this over the marble and leave it over night. Wash oft with warm water. If necessary, repeat the applica- tion. Q. How can I add to the flavors of tuna and salmon? A. Add finely chopped sweet pickles, hard-cooked eggs, diced celery, or cucumbers. Mix with ga}- ad dressing or mayonnaise. Q. How can I keep moths out of rugs that are to be stored? A. Sprinkle the rugs with cay- enne pepper and roll them secure- ly In newspapers. Q. How can I correct acid soil in my garden? A. Although lime is not a plant foo<l, it is valuable as a means of correcting sour or acid soil condi- tion, and in making clay soils loot- er and more pliable. Q. How can I prevent odor when cooking cauliflower? A. Place a piece of stale bread on top of the cauliflower, after pre- paring it for boiling iu the usual manner. Don't cover it. When done remove the bread. Fighting Pilots Mostly Blue-eyed British Tests Show "Steely Gaze'' Distinguishes Aggrea- Sfve Aviators Good tighter pilots !n the air us- ually have blue eyes. This is not a matter of mere co- Incidence. Scientific tests, carried out with the object of finding the ideal fighter-pilots have proved it. All pilots must be of good sound stock and must pass a strict medi- cal examination. This includes tests to find whether the applicant can withstand the strain of flying in all climates and all altitudes. Eyesight must be first class with correct color vision and muscular balance. The ear. nose and th:-oat exam- ination also is severe. Good hearing is essential, variations 'n the sound of the engine may be Important, and a pilot must be able to hear messages coming through his ear- phones under any conditions of noise. But it is the man's general char- acteristics which are the real poin- ters. Good fighter pilots vary a great deal in appearance â€" in thei;- height â€" in chest measurement and in purely physical characteris tics â€" but they all have something in common. This is a iiuality which indicates good mental and physical stamina. As to whether the color of the candidate's eyes is any real guide, medical authorities are doubtful but while brown or gray eyes- |0 with a sympathetic temperament, the steely blue denote the indepen- rlent, combative nature of the Ideal fighter pilot. A METAL Roof U FIRiPROOP! Mttil hta nevet y« lUiruJt fiit ' Protect toui Tslutble snxic snil crops wiih PEDI.AJIIB â€" made in the faiDous "Council Stsndtrd" Brand. "Goo^ fet a Lifstin* â€" Sold with a IS Ysoi GixminiM' PEDLARIB it itotineroof <nd 6cepioof. Send dimensions of your buildins for our Free isiijntie of complere roofing job, including ttimmio^, THE PEDLAR PIOPII IIMITID EslakUshri 1161 Htod Office • Orinwfl, Out. Mooiie>l,Otaiwa,Totonio,Winnipeg,Cals«iT.V>ncouTL-t louMtasiMMiil PfOLARV^ A PEDLAR ROOFING ) Need Rational Thinking To-day President of Dalhousie Uni- versity, N.S., Declares "Hyst- erics Is Not Patriotism " _ \ I.'uiversity graduates were not infallible guides in times of ;;:-6;il political crises when the principles were obscure but as soon as iirin- rlples were involved, "they l:now w here the north star lies." prasiilent ('arleton S.anley of Dalhousie l^ni- >ersity said in his message to 'he graduating class. .\"0 HYMN'S OF HATE "What we need above all iu tiiese days is a hard core of rati.mai thinSini;. Hysterics Is not patriot- Ism. Hymns of hate are not ^uiil- rary science. It Is true that hyster- ics and hatrf'd ami vain boasting are stirred up by war but they .lo not win a war,' he said. "It DOES taste good in « pipe!" HANOy SEAL-TIGHT POUCH . 15^ 'i-LB. "LOK-TOP"TIN . tOi alto packtd in Pocket Tins Apartment Owner Kept Menagerie Kansas Ciiy police last week received a complaint from one of the tenants of Mary Pratt's apartmetit house. The complaint was based cu Mrs. Pratt'- love of animals and listed these animal dwellers in her flat. !• 2-year old Hon. 4 Shtftiand ponies. 1 goat. 1 police dog. 1 family of cats. 1 monkey. 2 owls. Police called on Mrs. Pratt who not only admitted possef- sion of the animals named but showed them with considerable pride lo the officers. The ten- ants in the buildinp, she said, "don't have to stay if the.v don't want ro. The animals want -o and are going to." I What Science ; Is Doing EXPLORING THE ATOM A camera device for e.\pioi - jng the heart of the atom aiiii gettinjf a «iuick record of the results has been designed at the University of Rochester. HAR-NESSING ATOMIC ENERGY Gano Dunn, president ot Cooper Union and of the J. ^i. White Engineering '."orpora'.io!"., predicts that atomic energy will be used industrially within "the nest 10 or 20 year s.'' This revolutionarj' scientific advance has been made a certainty of the nest- future as a result of recent ex- periments at Columbia Uni- versity and the University n' Minnesota which resulted in is- olation of U-235, an isotope -f the heavy .oietal uranium, he saiii. "A new principle has been dsicovered,"' he said, "and when a new principle is discovered science moves broad front." along a EARTHQUAKE EFFECTS Expensive after-t Ifects of the atrcat Turkish e.'.rthquake of Dec. 27 have been leported by the Istanbul Obseivatopy, Prin- cipal among these are flood.". Many areas are still under wat- er. There have been .Tiany viol- ent eanhqualics 'uuscquently, the most severe taking place on April 3. The series of earth- quakes has caused e-Xtensive chantjes in land leveis and, as a result, c-ourses of rivers have been changed, and in some cas- es iarge areas have been con- verted into lakes. Strictly honest snd up right man wanted by To- ronto Bond houcc to intro- duce their reprejentative in his community relative to the sale of a sound S'/z'^c investment. S&ler exper- ience unnecess&rT. Pernr, anent position and -ncnthly retaining fee Refoi.-«nccs exchanged. Box 6, 73 Adelaide W., Torcfito, ...CLASSIFIED AOVEBTISEMENTS... A-«.;ii.\Ts w.4..\rt:u LJi;HT.N1.\G rod .'VGENT w.ant- ed to sell Philiipa L.lghtn!ng Pro- tective .System. B. Phillips Coiup- ^n.v LimiteU. A2 Osborne Avenue, Torou lo. TOWN', A.ND l|i;HAI> rtEPRH.SE.NT- atives wanted. Increase your e.irii- )nB9 by liandliiifr cue of the fin- est lines of oils, ureases, tires. batteries. .«parlc plugs, insecti- cide!-', tlt'cti-ic fence controllers, house pain's and root contint mnteriitl.*;. \\'rite \V.irco Gryase & Oil Limited, Toronto. KOW VOi: CA.V START A UL'.Sl- ness from ynuv home. No f-iipital required. We supply everything:. You handio onl.v fast selling items. Commission« substantial. l''ree wholcs.-ilo catalogue and .'^pllinjr plan. NEW ACE ENTEKPIiLSES. 3 H. r. .'Ii:i Koit. U'innipe>;. ll.\KE:iir EUl'lPMEM' BAKEK.S' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt euuipment nhv.iys on h.and. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence invited. Hubbard Port- able Oven '."o.. 103 Bathurst St.. Toroptn. HAHV I HICKS BABV I'HICKS AKE i.'HE.^PIill iV thev do more for >oii when inat- iircd. EXTRA DOZE.NS of ecsrs In the A-Iarge grade, outs E.XTRA MONEY in your pneket. Tienl Chicks are bred to do tliis for you «iid fill the basliet too. Our lith neason, prodiioins 7,000 chiclt.-i weeltly in 0.\'E GOOD Gn.\.DE. You Kft our LtEST Barred Rooks, White LeKhorna, New Hampshirep, Hybrids. J'oi- better i-r-sults bc- rome ii "Trent I'bick Customer." Write to Tri nt Eleotrif: Hatchery, Ttox 5.1.1\V.. Trenton, Ontario. PROjMPT liKMVBRY O.V ALt, IIIP- ular brf'tis. .Send in your oriI< r ro- dn.v. •'hicks shipped tho follouinK day. Wf* have hatch<-.s every ^fon- day. Tui-s.. Wed.. Thurs.. nnd Friila.v. i S pure bred."«. 5 hybrid.s to choose from. Started chicks. i"ap- on.s. Turkey Poults. Prices for 1st of .Tune. r.oi.'horns $8.70. '"i per -ent pullrts JIS.40. .•ofkevols .?i.On. New H:'.nip«ihlres S8.70. imllets SlC.iO. .•,., k<rcls St',.it>. Hrirred Rocks .♦n.Sfi. pullets $1.1.9.'i, .-ock- erels .<ii.t»,'. Freo i.-ataloffue. Tweddle Chirk Hatchcrirs F.imit- ed. Kerj^iis. rtntario. PIT Yin-rt EMPTY lUiliOliEIt house -tnd h'kim- to w<irit u'ith Hra.v Turkey's. Or<U-r Rra.\'f da.\ ftid and st.-irted â€" prices I'eason- able â€" immediate shipment. And ft member there's ijood June chick huyinif in Itrny Legrhnrns, !».'>. x TC.H. Barr<d Uocks, New Tlanip- shires. St.nrted chicks ro .irder. Bray Hatchery. 130 John K.. ifam- iltoii. Ontario. .NO PKr^WS WHE.V YOI' (MtDEH Hadfn chicks. VVe u-'ivc you prompr delivery. All .-h'cks Gov- ernment .\pprov. d from bloodtest- 'd breeders, .'Jland.-ird Quality White .'H.T.'. SO per .ent. Pullets «18.4ri. Cockerels .«l.fl0. H«rred Rocks. New H!>nipshireK jn.:,";, Pullets JlS.tiS. â- â€¢ockcreTs. New It.-inio.5hirf s $fi..-n. llnrred Hocks Sli.T.'.. White Rooks. . Hy- itriils. Parr< d Itocks .\ New FTamp.s. Neiv Ttnmps - v nnrrc d Hocks «Ui.2.'.. T'uHets 115.95. Cnck- erels »7.7r.. Iiix Kkk Qunlity xliKhtly hlKhei-. Free catnloirue. Haden Kiecirt.- I'hick Hatchery. Limited, li.'tdfn. Ontario. TOP QUA I.I TV (MtlCK.S AT nOCK Hottom pilccs for .Tune, nil from carefully culled hloodtesled stock. White LeKhoms }a.25. !>n per cent. Pullets Jlfl 4.'. '"orkerels $1 . Rnr- r«d Rocks SS.TS. Pullets S13.!>,'i. Cockerels $, New Hamps III.T!; Ptillets $l4!>r.. Cockerels »«.2P. White Rocks, Hybrids. Barred Rocks X New H.-impn. New Hflmps X Rurred Rocks $!>.7.''". Pullets 114.95, Cockerels $7.!>n. T-aree Egi; •jualit.r one cent m'ore. nigger Profit two cents more. Free circu- lar. Prompt shipment. Top Notch ChlckericK. Guelph, Ontario, or RKCRIVR THE "WORTU OF yonr money when you buy John- son's chtckJ, they are bred to lay and are good table fowl. Prices for June and to (nd of senaon. Rocke I cenfn, )0 per cent I'lillets ; . cehle. Cockerels t cents. All arc tiloqd tested. Roctti bred from O. ". 8. stock. Lcghorne The Barron •strain. Safe arrlrsl guaranteed. lg_P«rj||^wt ^jy^ . ». p. Jo).r- BI;Y QCAUTY i.HlCKS. EASY TC raise, tin- stand-by of thousaiulK of potilr r.vkeepers year after ye.-ti-. fay old and started. Two hatches a week to take care of prompt ehipmenf. Vipoious breeding; stock. S< ilinK l-"arms & Hatchery. Elmir;'.. Onta'-io. Bam Roofing â€" Granary Lining SI'rEHTlTE .-^TEEL .sheets c'OST less, cover more, last longer, if > faster, save sheathing. Buy now before war advances prices, direcr from factory. Superior I^roducis I.imited. 15 N(l«on .Street. .Snrnla. fintnrio. II.VrTKItV SKLK-I If.VHGEK WHY PUY NEW RADIO "B" BAT- teries" 'Juarantccd to recharge oM ones like new. $1.25 brings com- plete automatic self-charger and full pl.-iii. Minard Munscn, Park- sl(ic, S;..>-k-. KI.KCTniC MOTORS Er.ECTIin: ,V10T0R.S OF EVEKV description, also V Belts and l*iil- leys. Jones & Moore Electric, 2'Jij .Adel.-'.iile West. Toronto. K VTKUMINVrOH'i DERPO BUG KILLER 85c, EXTEC minates bedbugs, niuths, coiU- ronchcs, crickets, fleas, lice, tioks. DBK.Vr H.VT AND MOI'SE KILLF.'K 50c. H.-'.rmless to humans, animals, fowl. -Vt Eaton's. Simp.son's, Tam- biyns, local dealers, or Derpo Pr-)- duc;.". Toronto. i-;i.i:t run mo i'iii(«i ATTENTION' ~ '. H. P. .MOTOR.'^. (!0 or 25 cycle $,';.5i"i, rebuilt guai - n.Tfrcet. .^padina EtcTric. 3t': Spa- tliflc. Tc. r'>nto. Kl H!\iri HI-; h'OH >AF.K pi.HNrTritE r.AHtiAi.N.s â€" krei-: catalogue of Men and used furni- ture barKnins sent on retiuest. All good'; told on mont-y-hack punr- iint>.. W hoiis:!li Furniture, toii B;ithiii-t ST-,-..f. UROU Kl<«, .VTTKXTIOX! FRUIT '-^KOW KR.S. 'GARDENERS. Write to us 'or prices on yovir re- quirem. iits of fruit .\nd vegetable packaKcs. The O.ikvlllo Basket â- â€¢p.. Limi-ci;. '1:il;vil!c. Olit.-'.rio. H«»TKl,>i WAXTKD OI'H SUC'.-ES.S IN SELLING HOT- els !s renlly phenomenal. Wo will 00 pleased to have an opportunStv to try to sell yours. We advertise In evcT.v paper in Ontario. For our terms write to Bert Weir & Sons Realtor-.. rx)p-icti. Onta rio. I.H K -.roi K HEGl.STEUED VOLNO JERSEY Bull for sa'e. dam fi55 lbs. of fat amp. Sire) IIUO.O.O Jersev heifer due to freshen. J75.ilO. T-Tolstein Bull Korndy Ke breeding $45.0'\ Harvey .Morrison. Harriston. Ont. IMCIISOV Ali HAfH.. r«BM IMI»f.KMK\l'« Bowman Electric Herder FFLL aCARANTEKD. S VOLTS T'lf.U rc-gnlator. Righ-I^.w .witch battery. nsulntors. Price com. plete â€" .'IC.OO. Dealers wanted. Bowm.-in K'ectrlc Herder, Petet'- hurt.- C>n!-ir:o. MKV W \\TKI> \ 'I'DD HfSINRS.'? PAYING GOOD !rc,,mc and with future pos.siblli- ;l(s. Selling Famllex Products men and women all over Canadti have found tho serre.t of success â- Why don't you get In on !t too" NO OBLIG.VTION. A.«k for FREK cntslogue describing 200 necessitv producf.s and plan. FAMJL.EX PRODUCTS, 570 .St. Cli ment .St., MOVTREAL. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Uwd ~ New »PECI.*I.I/.I\<J IN HKMIII.T MO. T0H8. POWEn.lMTs, Hydraatle Hsietri, W^lnebes, ''.enernlnre, jltart- era, Wn«nie>n*> "nrliiirrtur*. Radlat- •f» â€" Rxrhnnge Serilrc, Olaim â€" Sailifardoji or Tttumi. hvrj Anto gt'lT TOBACCO. SN'JFF. EAblLV, Inexpensively. Home rercedv. Testimonials. Gu.Trnnteed. Advice 'ree. n.irilpifs r^ot i. Wlnn j noir. PHOTO FINISHtNG fhee: VOL' i;.v.N sow own .v complete set of 'Dt-.-iMtitul aiiver- waro absolutely without cost, maiuifaotured and .t'lmrantocd b.v- International .Silver Company. You may have this oonipiete set r.bso- lutely free by senclng your ;':lms to Imperial. .Send nn urdcr now and receive conipleie particulars of t'nis amazing off«r. Six or e ght exposure films developed and printed 25c, or 8 reprints 25c, plus your choice of a free enlnrgoinont In easel mount or fr«e silverware. To got the best in fr.i;.iity and ser- vice send your film'i to Tmr^rial Phdto Service, .St: â-  .â-  , To, n'o ii â- w VrEH V\ Kl.l.s we <U'.\UANTEE WAIBK OK .Si) mone.v. We use screens in nil -vellK where cuiick s.ind S encountered. Speci.'i! plan for dug wells needing curbinir. .saves half. Tjirpe scr ons for <iuB well with b!,il uuick sand. Wells drilled. .Send five dollars 'or making tests or jocatlng wa- r^r n. J. Asbton. P. r' Hope. Ont. LYONS' oi T>TA\ni\<i iiah<;ai>'s REC«»\'I)1TI0.\EI> Ftn.VITLRF 129 Large 3-piece t â- he-ter(ield Suite, upholstered In ftgrured repp. Re- versible Marshall spring cushicin.-!. Completely reconditiontd. 132 B<,-iutiful brown mohair Chester, field suite, 3 pieces, figured re- versible Marshall spring cushion.", guar.-inteed perfectly 'lean. 149 Modern 3-piece Chesterfield Suite, floor sample, upholstered In novelty repp, buffet type. re. vtrsible Marshall .sp:iiig cushions, re>r. tSP value. $14.50 3-piece Chesterfieid Suite. up>- holstor^d in figrurtd rc|ip. Rever- sible Marshall .spi.'ng cushions. Perfectly clean. 139 .Smart bedroom "-uite In rich walnut finish, dresse,- chiffonier, full size bed, saglt^s spring, new mattress and pair piiiows. $21 Simmons' walnut finish steel bed, siigkss high riser spring: new roll-edge mattress ,-vnd large vv.-il- nut«Tini£h dresser with largo mir- ror. 14!' Modern hcdi-oom suite In two- tone walnut finish. 'Vanity with full lencth Venetian mirror, chif- fonier, full size bed, .sagiess sprinr and Tiew mattress. Perftct cor.df- tion. $59 Brand new floor sample bed. room suite, in bif.-.ched wnlnut finish, dresser or vaiuty. chiffon- ier, full size bed. sagiess spring and new mattress. $24 T^rge solid oak dining .suite, buffet, extension «;:bie and G lea- ther upholstered chairs. 139 VTodrrn walnut finish dining suite, buffet. extens!..ti table .ind t leather upholstered chairs. Com- pletei.v reflnished. $63 Apdrtmeiit size dining room suite, in walnut finish, buffet, ex- tension tabic, chin.i '.abinet antl S leather seat K<>rinished. $«9 i3«:iUtiful Knitiish -luk suite, large buffet, china extension table and 6 leather up- holstered chairs. $79 Bftutiful walnut dining suite, l.irgo buffet. .-xTfr.slon t Lblc, china cabinet and r, ;»ather ui'aol- sfered chairs. Perfert. $119 T-irge solid wnriut d;-.ins suite. I cost new ? |ij)ro»lni.i:elv $260 >. beautiful buftit. exter.aioh table, china cabinet, and 6 lea- ther upholstered chair-. Coniplat^- ly reflnished, JJ9.5fi .Smart 3-nir.oe studio »-iite, upholstfred in stripe homespun material. Studio makes info twin 2 .'hairs to match. Ou.v-an- Teed p. rfectly dean. $17.50 Modern walnut finsh b-^.ak- fast suite. Ruffrt with cabinet top and extension tahlt. iiiid 4 ci-->ir« $19.50 Kroebler t'hesti rfieid Bei up- holstered In fiK^v:rf<; iiiiie v» our with reversible sprin(.-f!11ed --ish- lons iibd new mnttresr. All Koodp fhorouyhiv lerond'-'on- ed. gu.trantecd .•»!>=<. lute, y . lean jnd cnref.illv crated for '.(e «hir- -'nt â- > -• . . tit ..' m. ••.â-  â-  LYONS FURNITITRE CO. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto ISSUE NO. 23â€"40

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