f < « ♦ 4 * 4 t 1 \ THE FLESHERTON AJ3VANGE Wednesday, May 15, 1940 ♦♦♦» HM »»t MHM »»»»»«»*»*«l»« H »»»»» M »4 M WHY NOT? WAKE IT A HABIT TO DELIVER YOUR CREAM DIRECT TO THE CREAMERY. It will pay you well. Because, you are getting more money for delivered Cream, and deliv- ered Cream stands a better chance for a for a higher grade. For those who find it inconvenient to deliver their cream, our trucks will give you the usual courteous, satisfactory service. Open Wednesday and Saturday Nights Flesherton Creamery & Produoe Ce. Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager i»»«>i » »#» f »»»» M *»»«t mm iiii » iii mn » n tt»> EUGENIA Mother's Day on Sunday was grreet- ed with a good attendance at church. Rav. Dr. Mercer delivered a very im- pressive and enthusiastic sermon on the mothers of the past, present and future. He took as his text "Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates." iliss Mui-iel Cannithers was organist for the .choir of motners, which rend- ered a beautiful anthem. The Woman's Association will hold the May meeting at the home of Mrs. A. CaiTuthers on Thursday afternoon. We hope that there will be a good attendance. The Y.P.U. met on Wednesday even- ing of last week. Mrs. Cairns pre- sided and took the topic in the absence ^)f the Citizenship convenor. ^ Mr. Peter Munshaw has returned from spending the past few months at ' PRICEVILLE Keep in mind the meeting of the t'M.. and Willing Helpers Societies' W, M. S. and W. H. Societies on Tuesday, May 21st at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean and Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane and son, Colin, of Toronto spent the week end with their parents iiere. Mr. David Hincks spent a couple of days visiting his daughter at Atwood. Mrs. D. A. Mclntyre of Mclntyre visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs, T. Nichol. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carson and son i)f Vandeleur, Mr. and Mi's. Harry Pedlar and family of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. A, Carson. Dickie Pedlar, who spent the past two months with his grandpar- nts, returned home. Mrs. Evans of Owen Sound is visit- Niagara and Chippewa and will spend \ing her daughter, Mrs. A. MacCuaig. the summer months at the Eugenia , f^ Mr. Alfred Hincks planted 2,000 House. We are glad to see him back trees on his fann on the north line again. and Mr. W. J. Hincks also planted Mrs. M. McMuUen has returned to some 1,300 trees, hev home here, after spending tlie Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. winter months in Toronto. We also ja^k Whyte on the arrival of a baby SWINTON PARK Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tressider and daughters, Dorothy and Jessie, of To- ronto spent the week end at the home of Dick Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy and family of Shelburne visited Sunday at the home of Mr. John Aldcorn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMeekin of Mt. Forest spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Waiter Knox. Miss Stella Coribett of Toronto ar- rived home Sunday to spend the sum- mer months. Mrs. Geo. Haw returned home Sat- urday after spending the past week with her daughters in Mt. Forest. While fencing at the farm of Mr. Ed. Haw on 'Thursday, Mr. Walter Knox suffered a nasty accident when the head came off the sledge, hitting him on the nose, which required the services of- a doctor and stitches to close the wound. Mr. Dick Hardy is also nursing a sore hand, having had the nrong of a fork injure it and then blood poisoning set in. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Haw spent Mother's Day with the latter's mother, Mrs. R. Kinnell. Mr. Don McMillan and sisters and , Mrs. Ellen Parslow spent Mother's I ^"^f.,f;7'* ^^ Day at the home of Hugh McMillan. I P'^STlr^pu^^ The Hopeville Women's Institute I ^^^- ^'^^ met Wednesday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher and Mrs. Acheson of Markdale visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gallagher. Miss Viola Gordon is teaching for a short time for Miss McCullough, who is ill. Several members of the C.G.I.T. attended the rally held in Markdale on Saturday last, and report an in- spiring time. The expedition was in charge of Mrs. J. "Thompson, local leader. Some local chicken raisers report a high death rate among the baby chicks again this year. Dr. Mercer delivered a special Mother's Day sermon on Sunday. As his text he chose the last verse of the book of Proverbs. The attendance good. Several Easter bonnets were in evidence. Tha spring has been so slow this year that there has been little temptation to wear them sooner. VAN DEL EUR The Vandeleur Women's Institute met in the school house Thursday, May 2nd. There was a good attend- interesting program Boland was hostess to the Women's Association for the reg- ular monthly meeting on Wednesday Mrs. Robt. Campbell for the annual i "^^ â- """'^"^ "f . -Fv, a „,»=«,,» «,i,o„ „ T-nnH Prowd wn, ' aftemoon, May 1st. There was a good meeting, when a sood crowd was present. Mrs. Robt. Campbell is the president for the coming year. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. of St. Andrew's church will meet at the home of Mr. Fred Knox Wednesday. We are sorry to report Mrs. Wilfred Wright is on the sick list and con- fined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferris spent Sundav at the home of Mrs. J. R. Mclntyre, Dundalk. WAREHAM The first inspection of homes enter- ed in the home beautification plans for the year, was made recently. Mrs. J. Menzies, who spent the win- ter months in Toronto, has returned to Wareham and received a warm "Welcome Home." ' Miss Marjory Talbot of Salem spent the week end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Talbot. ,Mr. Harold Talbot had the misfor- tune to have his hand severely cut while oiling the windmill, and will b'e unable to work for some time. program and a good attendance of members. The Sunday School and church met in joint session on Sunday aftemoon for the Mother's Day service. The program, prepared by the Ontario Religious Education Council, was used and the choir was composed of mothers. The pastor. Rev. Annis. gave an appropriate address and Miss Muriel McGee gave a reading. Mr. George Buchanan presided. The coll- ection was donated to the Ontario R. E. C. Next Sunday evening. May 19th, a service will be held in the church, when the pastor will deliver a lecture illustrated by lantern slices, on the life of the missionary. Rev. James Evans. Miss Lillian Buchanan is home from Toronto. Mrs. W. R. Bnchinan and son of Coo Hill are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Shier have tho symnathv of the community in the death of their infant. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Margaret Ruth visited friends at Shrigley recently. Spring Song Spring is here and the urge is great For housevrives to redecorate; Whatever paint they need to buy Duncan's Hardware can supt^y. When you use Sherwin-Williams Paints *and Varnishes you are assured of complete satisfac- tion, for they are easily applied, cover more surface, and beautify with a durable finish that is easy to keep dean. SPRING NEEDS FOR The Homeâ€" Brooms, Brushes, Mops. Wall Clean- ers, Electric Irons and Washers, Hot Plates The Gardenâ€" Royal Purple Seeds, Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Dig^g^ing; Forks, Bamboo Rakes. The Farmâ€" Wire Nettinjr, Farm Fence, Brace Wire, Formaldehide, Ceresan, Plow Shares. MASSEY.HARRISlMPLEMENTS & REPAIRS See our line of Fishing Tackle, Rifles, Sporting Goods F. W. DUNCAN HARDWADE Phone 54 FLESHERTON welcome her back. Misses Lillian and Doris Magee of Toronto visaed over Mother's Day at their parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poole and Grace of the 10th line, Mr. and Mrs. LesHe Chard and Mabel of Rock Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Malter Akitt of Rock Mills spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. Misses Mary and Isabel t/lcKee and friends of Toronto visited over the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. McKee Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher of Ceylon also visited at the McKee home on Sunday and attended church service here. Mr. Jim Perry and son, Kenneth, Mr. Matt. Conron .-ind son. Earl, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haw- thorn and sons, Frank, Bob and Bill, of Bi^mpton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith and f.^mily. Messrs. Wallace and Bocock of To- ror.to spent a few days at the home of Mr. Wilfred Magee and enjoyed themselves at "fishing" while here. Mrs. D. W. Clinton of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. W-.lson and little grandson, Jimmie L^gge. (vf St. Cath- arines vi'sited over the week ond with Mrs. M. C. Hanley and Mr. and Mrs. Cha<!. Fnnlev and familv. Miss Irva Magee of Toronto visited the cast week at her parental home Mr. and Mrs. J. Ottewell and Dolly visited on Sundav with Mrs. O's sis- ter, Mrs. W. Padden. and husband at Fever sham. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Faddon is recovering nicely since her operation. The Essland family of Rob Roy visited Sunt'ay at tin home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shortt. Messrs. George and Ernie Williams of Toronto spent the past week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Magee are mov- ing to tho Cairns farm in the suburbs, which they have rented. We wish them success. Major Snively and Mr. and Mrs. Chambers of Toronto were week end visitors at the Beaver Valley Club Hcuse, now managed by Mr. and Mrs. Randall. Dr. Leslie and Mrs. Ferris and babe were Sunday visitors at the Sloan home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Annette of To- ronto visited recently at the home of Mr. J. Williams. Mrs. Quinlan and family moved from the Cairns property to Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baker and child- ren of Heathcote visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Will Swanton and Reeve Davis of Vandeleur were recent visit- ors at the Baker home. Mr. Chas. Park was home from Camp Borden over the week end. Charlie is working with the H.E.P.C. there. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goddard and friends spent Saturday evening in Hanover and attended the show. Miss Hazel Turner has returned hpme from Flesherton. K Mr. Will Hawkins and sons finished seeding on May 9th on the homestead. They sowed about 40 acres. Well done! Miss Irene Dinsmore spent the week end at her home near Thonrbury. D. Campbell, the optometrist, will be in Eugenia at Mrs. H. Foester's, this Friday the 17th. 5to 8.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwcod Purvis of Callandar visited la.st week with the former's father, Mr. Robt. Purvis. boy on May 8th in the Durham hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and Kenneth and Mrs. E. Nuhn spent a day in Owen Sound recently. Mr. Sutherland occupied the pulpit Sunday again in St. Andrew's church and preached, a splendid sermon. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Haven of Orillia will occupy the pulpit. Mrs. Aldcorn, Mrs. Jas. Oliver and Sadie, Mr. W. G. Watson. Rev. Muir and the Hincks families attended the funeral of the late Mr. Jos. Black on Wednesday at his late residence near Swinton Park. The funeral of the late Mr. Alex. McQuarrie is being held this Monday from his late residence to McKechnie's cemetery. Miss Margaret Simpson returned to her home after an extended visit to Niacrara Falls. Mr. ALf. Hincks of Toronto spent the week end with friends here KIMBtRLEY Mrs. R. Tilson of Owen Souwl is visiting iier brother, Mr. G. Mundle. Friday night the choir and teacliers training class met at the liome of Mr. and Mi-s. Leslie McMullen and was of more than ordinary enjoyment. A splendid talk was given by Mr. Glen Jenkins on methods of teaching the lessons. Those who failed to attend missed a real treat. Mrs. D. A. Graham attended the meeting of the Sunday School workers at Rocklji'n on Thursday night, ar- ranging lor the annual conveiltion. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alexander visited the former's mother at Fle.sherton on Mother's Day. Mr. and Mr.s. Russell Ellis wei-e with Mrs. Goo<ifellow at Chatsworth. Rev. McAuslan took over the ser- vices for Rev. Graham for Mother's Day. The W. A. held an enjoyable meet- ing at the home of Miss Selina Ellis on Tuesday afternoon. A number of quilts are on the program for quilting. Mrs. Annie Wright is spending a couple of weeks with the Stafford families prior to making an extended visit with her sons in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wardman, Mrs. Jack Pattison of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. K. Betts and Janet of Flesherton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Miss Winnis Graham, Mr. L. Hill and Miss Margaret Hill spent the week end at their homes here, while Mrs. Marshall of Mornings Mills vis- ited her daughter, Mrs. Lester Hill. Mr. H. R. Stafford is moving for the summer to the home of the late Miss Lucy Walton, while he is repair- ing his residence. There was only one grandmother at Sunday School on Sunday and she was also a great grandmother. Mr. Allen Ferguson spent Sunday with his mother here. EASY OPENING riN- CANNOT SPILL ^<t Mussolini is doing a lot of talking but when he learns that the Germans navy has been all but wiped out he may change his tune. PLAY AT PRICEVILLE A play "My Irish Rose," will be presented by the Lisle Y.P.S. in the Priceville Agricultural Hall on Friday. May 24th, under the auspices of the Willing Helpers' Society of St. And- rew's church. Admission; 25c and 15c. «* »0*^ » ^ ^ SALUMET QOUBLE-ACTING BAKING POWDER VICTORIA CX)RNERS Services at Inistioge on Sunday followed the special Mother's Day program, with special readings by Christena and Leslie Duncan. Joyce Patterson and Ivan Copeland, also a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Russell Acheson. Miss Heard, teacher at Berkeley, and Mr. Wallace Walker of Berkeley were Mother's Da.y visitors at the home of Walter Acheson. The Y.P.S. is holding the meetings at the church during the summer. The heavy rain and warm weather following have been a big help to pas- tures and hay. but have retarded the seeding operations, which have hardly started in this section yet. AND STYLE JUi] THE PRICE i'- In some of the municipalities, there has been a good deal of indignation worked up. In Walkerton the rate- payers even had a public meeting. One thing stands ont in many rases. | It was. found that no adequate audit- i ors' statement for the full .vear had i been published, as the law requires, i That -seems to be the first symptom of ' any trouble. The former Council, iifj an attempt to get .iust as little prin- ting done as possible, or for some, cut out these printed auditors' state- ments . The more recent councils haven't remedied the .situation, and just at present it is impossible to get a statement for the past year to pub- lish. But just as soon as there is one, the law should be complied with. TUustratedâ€"CkevroUt Sptckl De Luxe Spert Sedan. CKEimur is the lOMGESTofALL lowest-Priced Cars Want truly luxurious motoring at the very lowest cost? Then eye, try and buy the new C!hevroletI Here's size and style beyond your expectations at such low prices ... in the longest of all lowest-priced cars, measuring 181 inches from front of grille to rear of body â€" a car that combines Body by Fisher and new "Royal Clipper" Styling to set the fashion for '40 1 You'll be proud to own this big beauty . . . and your sat- isfaction will be doubled by the savings on gas, oil and upkeep that traditionally go with Chevrolet ownership. Come in . . . eye it, try it and buy it â€" today! THE "RIDE ROYAl"-Ch«vrolaft P*rf«€twl Knaa-Aclien Riding Syi- tam . . . IMPROVED VACUUM POWER SHIFT . . . NEW "ROYAl aiPPER" STYLING . . . NEW BODIES BY FISHER... SUPER-SIUNT VALVE- IN44EAO ENGINE . . . PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES . . . LARGER TIPTOE-MATIC CLUTCH . . . NEW SEALED BEAM HEADLIGHTS WITH SEPARATE PARKING UGHH. *On SpMiol D* Lux* ArkxMl. Eqe It-T/iq It-Biu^ It ! Zchevrolet cmss D. McTAVISH & SONS, FLESHERTON, Ont H. Grummett, Dundalk (Associate Dealer)