MiusoUni Steps Into the "Warlight" Again After a period of silence during which the most astute foreign ob- •ervers could not say whether he would support Germany or the Aliiej, Premier Mussolini is once more taking a warlike stand. Last week he appeared to be pondering whether or not to plunge Italy into war. He is pictured here delivering his most recent martial speech in RoTie. HAVE YOU HEARD?! A fat man, riding to his home on a crowded bus remembered qaite suddenly that he had two five-dollar bills in his coat pock- et. Thrusting his hand into the pocket, he was surprised to find the hand of a fellow-passenger. "So," he shouted, angrily, "pick- ing my pockets, eh?" "Let go my hand I" bellowed the other. "Thief!" shouted the fat man. "Rat !" hissed the thin man. Then a timid-looking man in their vicinity said, "If you two gentlemen don't mind taking your liands out of ray pot-ker, I'll get •off at the next stop." "Grace is surely not going to marry that living skeleton of a man. He's nothing but skin and bones." "Why not? He'll make her a rattling good husband." A young doctor reiui'ned to his native village and called up;n the «ld family physician. "I suppose you intend to spe- cialize," remarked the latter. "Oh, yes," replied the young man; "in the diseases of the nose; lor the ears and throat are too complicated to be combined with the nose for purposes of study and treatment." Thereupon the family physician inquired: "Which nostril are yon concentrating on?" â€" â€" What'* !n a name? Well, it'll b« a long time before any British baby is christen- •a Adolf. Three men, tired of the world, went to live on the top of a moun- tain. A year passed, and one of them taid, "It's peaceful up here, isn't ft?" Another year passed and the second man said, "Yes." Another year passed, and the third man said, "If you two chat- ter like this I shall have to go home." Shocked Old Lady: "And on tbe way up here we pass- ed twenty-five people in parked carsl" Yonni Hostess: "Oh, I'm •arc you're mistaken. It must kave been an even number." Demand For Seed Grain Very Heavy In Ontario Thic Ycsr. Depsrr- ment of Agricjltjr- Reports Heaviest demand in years for good seed grain was reported from many parts of the province by tlie_ Ontario»D6parCm.?nt of Agriculture in its weekly report. Most Durham County farmers with seed to sell havo disposed of practically all their supplies. Free movement of seed in all otbe-r wheat-jrrowiag sections was report- ed and ciuautitlcs wer& said to be plentiful. Wlieat has eome through the win- ter in excjlient shape, it Is report- ed and it was given estra protection by additioual suow ia April. At tlif> same time, snow and rain has be^ld up planting of th's nev; crop. Considerable increase in the am- ount of fibro lias to be grown in the Godericb district was noted. Grass and new scadin^s.are coming well in Xori'olk. ->-•- • ,- . -Kiâ€" •--<.â- 1 ^Whot Science! r t Is Doing Taken to Morgue 'Dead' Man Sore A "dead" man picked up on a downtown Montreal street last week turned out to be very much alive when they got him to the moriruc â€" in fact, he protested. "Hey! get me out of here quick," yelled 44-year-old Adrien Ckaumont when he revived a few minutes after being carried into tke morgue building, near where ht collapsed during a sudden at- tack of illness. After first-aid treatment, Chau- Mont was removed to hospital in •D ambulance. HEART PAIN EASED Use of a newiy-developed oxy- tjen mask has resuitL-d in the dis- covery that inhalation of oxyge-i in high concentrations (80 to 100 per cent) p-.'oduccs '•dramatic" abatement of intense heart pa;;i. SAVES AMPUTATIONS Jv'ecessity for limb amputations because of the tearing of big blood vessels may be obviated by the use of heparin, an anti-coagu- lant extracted from beef lungs. Dr. Gordon Murray of the Uni- versity of Toronto said last week. Experiments with i: promise mir- acles in saving limbs of .^oldiers who have big blood vessels torn by gunshot wounds. â€" o â€" MAGNETISM KILLS BACTERIA Use of high frequency current to kill bacteria and fermentation molts is being tested v.-ith suc- cessful results at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Milk was placed in the magnetic field pro- duced by the high frequency e-ur- rent and it was found that it kills all kinds of bacteria. Similar ef- fects have been achieved by pass- ing the currents through the milk. COLD VACCINE FORETOLD A vaccine giving immunity from the common cold may be perfect- ed within the next few years. Dr. Russell L. Cecil, professor of cliniLsl medicine at Cornell University, said that "evidence is already at hand to indicate that immunization against the influ- enza virus is feasible and effec- tive." VITAMINS FROM ELEMENTS The United States Department of Agriculture has found in nat- ural gas, coal, acetylene, lime- stone and water the raw materials for making man's hormones. The discovery promises a cheap source of a class of remedies, vit- al to life and health, which at pre- sent are among the sear^-est ani most expensive on the druggist's shelves. A STRONG, 25.YEAR ROOFING Wlsy wsstt mooer on wood shincles thst tmrn? Roof foiu ketMin<< with M£TA1 (ot petrotnenct, ptonctioo ind ecooomT. ftiUsi's Nu-Roof in the "Council Stsodaid" Bctod,ij Gusrsotecd fct 2i Yctn Send dimeosioos of root biuldinc (ot ou< Frt* c of complex cost. FoUtr and fices •.>â- â- atptkaikm. THI lIMiriD riDiAi riopii EstMii'iti IStI HsedOiRc* • Oikawa,OM, MoBitcsl Ottswi Tocooto Wiocipf* Cilgtn Vsbcoutm PEDLARS NiLRoof How Can I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I easily clean toiled »Pdtj on wall paper? A. .Sprinkle gome starch liberally on a dajop cloth and apply to the paper, using a circular motion. U there are some particularly 'jad spots, go over them several times. Q, How can I make neat holes In a '^-ather belt? A. Heat a steel knitting neodle rt-i hot and burn iu th» necessary hole; this makes a professlona!- kioking Job. Q. How ""an I keep cut sections of a cake fresh? .\. Take two slices of bread and stick these against the freshly-cut surface ot tha cake by means of toothpicks. Q. How can I wash a chamois skin and prevent its hardening? .\, When washiiig the chaniols. put a few drops of ammonia Into a basin of water and rinse. Do not wrins. but dry quickly In the sun or over a fire, rubbing well with the bands to prevent its hard.-n- Ing. Q. How can I clean painted wood- work effectively? A. Boil two or three onions thor- oughly, and the water in which they arei.;b9i!^ will clean pahited woodWor^i-^ry nicely, leaving the surface cfiTm and glossy; no aonp Is required. Modern Etiquette BY ROBKR (A LEE tt < >>s<««»>«ti • • • » < c->-». Q. Is it permissable to call a per- son by his nickname? A, Yes, if you are well acquaint- ed with this person, and know that he does not object. A girl who has just met a young man sJiould never address him as Bud, Junior, Shorty or Red. Q. What is tho average time that should elapse between an engage- ment announcement and the wi;d- ding? A, The average time is six .•i eight weeks. Q. When giving an informal din- ner, how should the hostess let her guests know where to sit? A, The hostess should stand at her place and tsll each one. Q. Is one evor permitted to use a toothpick, whe-n in the company of others? A. N'ever. If some particle has lodged iu a tooih and it is very un- comfortable, one should leave the room and attend to it. Q. What are the most important things about a "thauk you" note? A, The two most esse^atial things are that it be written promptly. and that it has the ring of sincer- ity. 6. In leaving a public dining room with a girl, should the man allow the girl to go first? -A. Yes. The girl precedes. On some 50 deep reconnaissance flights made by night by the Royal Air Force only four aircraft are known to have been lost throui^h enemy action. CREAM WANTED We are jpaying a real hi^h price for cream F.O.B., Tor- onto. Write for particulars and cans. The Toronto Creamery The United Farmers Co-operative Co. Ltd. Duke and George Streets TORONTO, Ontario. Attention! USED TRUCK BUYERS It will p«y you to see Ont- ario's largest assorted stock of good Used Trucks. Write, phone or cadi at G. M. C. TRUCKS Factory Retail Branch 208 Spadina Ave. Toronto Phone WA. 1831 Open Evenings European Farm Areas Analyzed Bulgaria, Lithuania, Yugosla- via, Rumania and Poland Arc Most Heavily Agricultur.-;! â€" Northern Europe Chiefly In- dustrial An analysis prepared by the In- teruaiional Institute of Agriculture at Rome shows that the Farm Axis in Burope, as it may be called, !s a line eitendiug fr'-:ii Oreat Britain on the northwest to Bulgaria on the south-east, representing the range from the highiy industrial to the ag- ricultural areas. Along this line Is found an increasing proportion of the population o'Cup!e<i in agricul- ture, with the minimum of 6 p>^r cent for Grent Britain, then Bel- gium Willi IT per cent, Germany 29 per cent, Hungary 53 per cent, Yugoslavia. 79 per cent, to Bulgar- ia, with the maximum of SI per cent, BULG.^HLV MOST AGRARIA .V In the other large :igricultural <ouatrie<3 in Europe, the percent- ages are: France 3i>, Italy 48, Spain 6^, and Rumania 7S, while in the more- nortliern countries the pro- portioas are; Holland 21 per cent. tRtS« ^Ott CUT »^ *« ^^^ DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO Norway 29 per cent. Sweden 36 per cent, L,aivia M an«l Lithuania 77. In the group or ;hief agricultural countries, more than threeHjuarters ot the occupied p<}pulation is engag- ed in agrli.'ulture, Ihu group in- cludes Bulgaria, Lithuania, Yugo- slavia, Rumania an-' Poland. This is "agrarian Europe"' par excel- lence. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues for the all- 'nclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the week ending April 14, 1940, were $4,097,320 as compared with 3,515,534 for the corresponding week of 1939, an in- crease of 581,786 or 16.5%. . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . .\<.KNrs WA%TK.D ed to stll l^hillips f-ightninii Pro- tective ,Sys!em. B. I'hillips Comp- any Limited, 32 Oijboina Avenue. Toronto. A'JK.NT.S WA.STEO FOR f;XlQi:K, l»w-ppioed poptabie duplicator. •Sells itself in storeis, office's, i^hurches. «i'hool'!, cluba, etc. Dan- dy proposition for stationer or a specialty man. Box 4, 73 Adelaide Stff.'r ,\V.^>r. T'tron'o. Just Released From Pawn MEN'.S SUITS I^VrEST STYLK.S and colour?. Cost when new up to $75.0". A real opportunity for you to pick up your Spring suit for just the .small i.-harges ag:ain.st them whioh run iis low as 58., Sl'^. J12. Come in and see us when in the city. All Canadian outi'it and I do m^.in I'.inadian. HugrhJes Tradinif Po?--, So-j Vonare. Toronto. Ontario. .IKMFfcm. I.IMII>1 H-\N<Jt;R U.MU CO.. Ii4 V. EU^i.S'.;- Ton .street West, Tor'jnto. Improv- ed Limbs without shoulder straps. Free iritaloir)!':. l!VIv!:i{V IKil ll'HKXT B.\KEK.S' OVE.V.S AXD lI.iCHIN- ery, al^o r.-built rquipment alwjys on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence invited. Hubbard Port- able Oven •:â- }.. 103 Bathurst St.. Torop.-.^. U.4UV (HICKS ORDER CADV CHICKS .VOW. AT- tractive prices on well bred Bar- red Rocks, White (..ei^horn.s, Hump- shlres, Austrolorps. Write for prices. \Vin;.;'ham Hatchery, Wing- ham. Ont^ro. -- CHEAP CHICKS CHE.\.P «.-HICR.S Al;J-: .NOT .VL- ways rrofitiihlo, buy auality chicks at no hishi->r price and be assured of profits from our blood- teslvd, Bovernmenc approved White LeKhorn.^. Elmview Poultry Farm, Norham. Ontario. "BEST I EVER KOLC'HT," SAVS Mrs. V. lijoker of her Bray chicks. I'rompt shipment of Uray Barred Rook. New Hampshire, Columbian Wyandottes. Brown Leghorn!?: also started ''ockerels and capons. Cray Hatchery. 130 John St. .V.. Hamilton. AjrAZIN'C, I.S THE 'INLY WORD for Top Notch 1S40 Chick.s. Better than e\er :ind lower in price. Send for May price li.st. .Standard quality non-sexsd Lcshorns $S.5i), Barred Rocks, New- Hauips. SS.'.'o. White Rocks, Hybrids Harred Rocks x New Hamps. .Vow Hantps x Barred Rocks J'J.9o. 30 per cent. Pullets Leghorn.? Jlti.So, Barred Rocks IU.7o. New Hamps, Hybrids il5.75 Cockerels Leghorns two cents. Ve»- Hamps J5.IKI, Barred Rooks' S7.00, White Rocks, Hybrids J7.7."). Large Eag Qualit.v, Bijrcer Profit vjuality slightly higher. Top Xotch Chickeries. iluelph, Oniario. tweodle: has i.nlcii'Ked the door Uy opportunity and thrown away the key. Act quickly but take time to compare the quality of Tweddle Chicks, and also see the money you can save. Gigantic production 35.000 to 60.000 chicks (hatched every week) enables us to sell for less. IS varieties to choo.=e from. Da.v-old chicks, start- ed chicks, three week old capons, turkey poults. Free 1940 cata- logue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Kergus. Ontario. THEY ARK GOl.NG FAST! MONT miss these bargains. Just Barred Rocks and New Hamps left. Stan- dard Quality ten days old Barred Rock pullets $18.40. non-sexed $11.45. cockerels $7.9.'). New Hamp cockerels $5.95. two-week-old add one cent, three-week-old add four cents. Big Egg Quality add one cent. Extra Select add two cents. Big cockerel apeoial while they last. Barred Rocks and N'ew Hamps three to four-week-old Barred Rocks Standard Quality $10.95. New- Hamps $9.93. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. MORE MONKY FOR KOOS. EUM- inato loss from '^racks and breaks by packing in Keycs Trays (filler flats). 30 do». large eggs packed in regular cases. Send for free aamples or lie for enough for one case. Postage paid. Hawley Pro. ducts Ltd.. 79 El?in Street Brant- ford. Ontario. gUICK ACTION !S WHAT YOU want with chicks noi^r. Bray Is ready with IJ varieties. Started chicks, capons. For egg or meat markets. Immediate shipment. But order soon. Bray Hatcherj-, 130 John N'.. H.-tmilton. HI l.HS MEXICAN TIGEP. FI.O\VERS. C,OR- â- eous blooms in pink, red, yellow. «tc., all Summer, i bulbs for 25c. Ppitpaid, with catalogue rare plants and bulbs. Garden Guild Bulb Pept., T,-.roTito ^2. BH V< I IT'S. MOT0K4 Y< I.KS FREE Il>LUSTRATED CATAIX>r,rK N«w rebuilt Bicycles Slrt up. fsed Motorcycles. Duke's. f>25.\ Qiie*'n W., Toront.^. ISSUE NO. 18â€" '40 I>f;UP<> Bl <» KII.I.KK DERP'.i BIG KlLr.KH. 85..'. rxterm- inat.i.a bedbugs, tuoths. coi:kroach- es, criokfts. fleas, lice, ticks, "DERAT" Rat and Mouse Killer 30c. fowl. At Earons. Sirap.son.s, Tamblyns, loc- al de-ilers, or Derpo Pvoilucts. Tor- onto. • .AUDEX SI'ECIALS ASsonrED â€" .•^ix fruit trees $5.0.;. Sis Roses $3.'jO. Three hund- red .Strawberries $0.00, Fifty Raspb'rrries $4.00. Complete Re- quirements supplied. Cash with order. Burlington Nursery Co., Burlington, Ontsri-?. FILM* APRIL .A.DVERT1SINO SPECIAL â€" dollar value tor 30c and advertise- ment. Roll developed, printed or eight reprints, with craft embos- sed enlargement 7 x 10. London Photo iervice. Bos 351, London, Ont."ir: i. Fl H.MTIHE FOR »ALE FUHNIXraE BAROAIN.S. FREE catalogue of new and used furni- ture bargains sent on request. All goods sold on money-back gaar- ante-.^. Wholesale- Furniture, 46o Bathurst .S-L-sft. Toro:i:.i. FOR SALE TWO-UNIT MILKERS â€" New as low as $99: guaranteed rebuilta as low as $89; also smazing new Grade-A (.5 parts replace up to 47 parts on others), free demon- stration, get our offer and tree Grade-A Guide. Bo.n K. Room Xg-4. Sarnia, Ontario. KOL'R POUNDS HURLEY AND Virginia Leaf $1.00, fifteen pounds J3.00. Four pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco $1.50. Postpaid. G, ^Vâ- .Jeffrey, Leamin gton, Ont. HOC.S FOR SALE ORCH.\RD V.\LLEY YORKSHIRES â€" Present offerin.^ â€" Males, Ser- viceable age and younger. Sows all ages, bred or open. Sara J. Ga!- lauK'ii.:r. .\lliston, Ontario. HOTELS WANTED OUR SLXCESS I.N" SELLiVG HOT- els is really phenomenal. We will be pleased to have an opportunity to try to sell yours. We advertise in every paper in Ontario. For our term.s, write to Bert Weir & Sons, Realt.irs. London. Ontario. HOUSES FOR S.ILE FOR SALE. BL.\CK PERCHERO.V Stallion, three years old, by that well known stallion Prince Degas. This is a very outstanding horse. Clarence Vermilyea, R.R. 5, Belie- ville. Ont.'.rio. MEDU^AL, ECZEMA, R.VSHE.?. PILES. SORE Feet, completely relieved by Der- misoothc, the clean, powerful household ointment, 25c, at your local druggist, or mailed direct. Write for free -s-ample. Twentieth Century Remedies. 107 Hogarth Avenue. Toronto. M R^KIIV STOCK STRAWF.ERRY PI-A^TTS, PREMIER $5.00 thousand. Burrill. Glen Mary, Parson's Beauty $4.00 per thousand. Darwin Cripps, No. 2, .A.cton. BIGGEST SI 00 GAKDE.v: 20 DIF- ferent Perennial I'lmts (Delphin- ium. P'yrethrum, Sweetrocket. etc.) Barberry, Ninebark. Japonica Shrubs: Evergreen: Weeping Wil- low: 250 Seeds: Gajfeathftr Bulbn. Prepaid. Two orders $1.80. Dollar Nurseries. Fonthlll. Ontario. M ItSEKY SrOCK SIX ONE DOLU^R i)FFERS â€" Posti aid â€" 6 va-ietles Hardy Phlox: 6 varieties Perennials; 6 Perennials for Ro.-k Garden. 12 varieties Iris: 8 bulbs Garden Lil- ies: 50 No. 1 Gladioli, mixed: all S lots $5.00, Express paid. Catalogue on renue.st. Forward Gardens. Iro- quois. On'ario. I'ir«l FOR S.\I.K PUREBRED WIREHAIRED FOX- terrler pups, eight weeks old from show winning stock. Reasonable, A. N. Hoblnson. Str.Ttford. Ont. I-FIISON Al JUIT I'UH.ACCU S.NIiFF EASILY inexpensively Home • remedy TestlTn.-inlils Cim nriteed Advice free r!->"-t,TM-j T-:.>y i w^nn'o^e I'HOI'<M,K.4rHV MAY special: TRIAL ROIJ. OR eight reprints. 15c. with advertise- ment. London Photo Service, Box 551. I<.->ti.lcn. Ontnri . Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Uied â€" New »l'Ei:l.«l.t/l\(; IN UEi:i IIT M«»- T«»HS. IMtWKH.I >ris. llfilrilDlir IIaK(4. V\ fifties, t;rncrn(,»rH, start- er*, Mticnetii«, "nrlMtrc(or« lti«<llitc- er* â€" l':Tchn«j;e Service, f;in%* â€" ^atlafix-Oon nr r*r«»4. Levy Aat« Part*, rornnt*. I'liOPEB'i'Y' FOR SALE COI.NTRY STORE -VND DWELLING in Welland I'ounty. Ontario. Im- mediate possession. J. Page, Crys- :al Beach, Ontario. m U.T PATCHES QUILTING P.YTCHES 5 LBS. $1.10, po.-'tpald. Washfast cotton print and broadcloth, 3x6 up. Te.xtile Jobbers. i<\ Maud Street. Toronto. SEEU FOR S-ILE 1.5iW BUSHELiJ ERBAN VARIETY, 2nd prize Provincial Seed Exhibi- tion, Chatham; 2nd prize, Lambton County Seed Show, Alvinaton. Grade 1. All seed prepared with Government approved cleaner and Carter Disc Grader. 85c. Robert MacDonald, Brigden. Ontario, ICRBAN OATS, CERTIFIED NO. 1 75c per bushel. Bags free. John Alexander, Route 2, Georgetown. Ontario, V.A.N GUARD 0..\.TS. REG. $1.25 BUS. Vanguard Oats, No. 1 $1.00 bus., Erban Oats reg. J1.15 bus. Erban Cits No, 1 90c bus., Alaska Oa(s. No. 1 85c bus.. Gopher Oats No, 1 G.S., 85c bus.. Victory Oats, No. X 85.:: bus.. Victory Oats. reg. $L0O bu'.. O.A.C., No. 21 Barley, Reg. $1.25 bus., O..AC. No. 1 Barley $1.00 bus., Nobarb No. 1 Barley SI. bus., Barlev Velvet No. 1 $1,00 bus. All P.O.B., Toronto, Bags Free. Ask for catalogue. Kelley's Seeds, 772 Dovercourt Ro.'id. Toronto. KEI.ir.IOl s -ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book sent free. Me^lddo Mission, II.. Rochester. N'.^T^- Y.^rk KKLli.IOl S GOD'S WAY OF S.\LVATION BOOK- let for the unsav,-.d, mailed free '\r\d, postpaid. Ad.jr'^ss Ijo.x liiO. Kill.arney. Man'.'ob.>. SALESMEN WANTED Mil^iCEK DISTEIBUTOH - SALES- men â€" invest $50. 'io and be your own boss; one sale per week bents working for someone else: cap. able hard workers earn $3,000 up. retail prices as low as $89, also amazing new machine by 3tJ-year- old company. Stare full experience. Box K. Room S-4.A.. Sarnia, Ont. STAM-MEKIXG PERMANENTLY CORRECTED -- guaranteed it Instructions follow- ed. New scientific method. Twenty vears' experience. References, H, W. Hogue, 220 McDermot, Winn!- peg. LYONS' BARGAINS! HIGH CLASS RE< OMUTIONED KtR-ViriKE i35 Large 3 piece Chesterfield Suite, upholstered in brown mohair fig- ured reversible Marshall spring cushions, $24 Apartment size 3 piece repp Chesterfield Suite. Marshall i usli- ions, thoroughly clean. $32 Beautiful Kroehler 3 piece ches- terfield Suite, upholstered in fig- ured blue jacQuard, Perfect condi- tion. $19 Large 3 piece Che.sterfleld Suite, â- upholstered in figured brown repp with reversible Marshall spring cushions. $25 .Solid o.ak dining room sulve. completel.v refinished, buffet, ex- tension table and leather seat chairs, $39 Complete 9 piece solid oak Din- ing Suite, buffet, extension tnbie, china caVdnet and 6 leather uphol- stered chairs. $69 Modern 9 piece walnut finish Dining Suite, completely refinish- ed, buffet, extensi,^n table, chin.i cabinet and 6 leather upholstered i-hairs, $75 Beautiful solid walnut dining suite, perfect condition, targe buf- fet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather seat chal.-s. $39 Smart bedroom suite in walnut finish, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed. sagless spring and new mat- tress. |19 Simmons bed In walnut finish, sagless spring, new mattress and large dresser. $49 Slodern bedroom suite in dark, two- tone walnut finish, large van- ity, Venetian mirror, chiffonier, full size bed, saglrss spring and new mattres.s, $59 Beautiful modern bedroom suite in rich bleached walnut finish, large dresser or v.anity. chiffonier, full .size bed, s.agless spring and mattress. Floor sample. $11.95 Combination desk and chest in walnut finish witli 3 large drawers and desk compartment, $8.95 Large assortment of dresner* in walnut finish with large mir- rors and 3 deep drawers. $12.50 Ijtpge double door china cab- inets in oak and w.alnut finish. $8.95 Kitchen > abinets with sliding porcelain tops. In oak and enamel finish. S8.95 Guaranteed S and 4-burner gis stoves with high shelves. $14.95 Breakfast suites, (( pieces, buf- fet, drop leaf table and 4 chairs In enamel finish. $4.95 I«arge chesterfield chairs, up- ho]«tered in brown mohair, Mar- s!v 1" -ijring cushion.'. MI ^ ).» 'horoughl.v ro-.-.-'ndilion.Jd lu I -. ; i with a positive laor.ey-back guariiToe of satisfaction. Write for our new free l!iusfra-<d ratalogtie, showiiiK hundreds of i-htr -^nfitand- â- ne vilo'-^ \-\ n.MV J!:d .-•,;-. ina'tion- ''lYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge Si. â€" Toronto