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Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1940, p. 2

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R. A. F. Bombers Fly Over Bergen, Norway LESSON IV fSAIAH COMFORTS AN AF- FLICTED PEOPLEâ€" Uai.h 40. PRINTED TEXT, U«. 40: 1-Jl GOLDEN TEXTâ€" God it our refuge and ttrength, a very pre- sent help in trouble.' P>. 46: I. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. Probably nbou; 701 B.C., althouKh the time cannot ficfinittrly be a^cirlainod. Place.â€" The city of Jerusalem. In tlii? lesson we find a remark- able revelation of some of the fundamental relationships that ought to C' between God and men, and between men and God. On the one band. God desires to rule men, to reward them, to guide them as a shepherd, to pive power and strength to them iu weakness; but on the other hand, if these things are to be bestow- ed by God, man must open his life to the Lord so that the Lord can fill it with his own (rreatness and goodness. A Great Prophet Of all Israel's celebrated pro- phets, Isaiah is the king. The writings which bear his name are among the profoundest in all lit- erature. One great theme â€" salva- tion by faith â€" stamps them all. Isaiah is the St. Paul of the Old Testament. Isa. 40: ]. Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. 2. Speak ye comfortably to Jer- usalem ; and cry unto h«r, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity it pardoned, that ah* iiatli received of Jehovah's hand double for all her sins. The ttiap- ter begins with th» voice of God .^peaking to the children of Israel, who are said to be going to en- dure great aufferinga and 70 years of captivity in Babylon. Is- aiah sees beyond the suffering, and beyond the captivity, the in- finite tenderness and gracious- ness of God, an unfailing love for his people, and the final victory And peace which come to them. The pronouncement of this verse may become a glorious reality in the life of any slave to sin, any oppressed or defeated person, if that one will recognize that all of one's sins have been atoned for in the perfect and precious sacTJ- fice of the Lord Jesus Christ, by which sacrifice we are set free. John Baptist'* Coming ti. The voice of one that crielii, prepare ye in the wilderness the ^ay of Jehovah; make level in the desert a highway for our God. 4. Kvery valley shall be exalted, and ever}' mountain and hill shall be made low; and the uneven .thali be made level, and the rough places a plain: 5. and the glory of Jeliovah shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken it. This great passage, where the sec- ond of four voices is heard, the voice of the forerunner, is well known to all Bible students, be- of its quotation in all the four Gospels in the record of the *ppcarance of John the, to whom certainly this prophecy I>oints. John the Baptist, howevei, thougli the great forerunner, did not exhaust the prophetic impli- cations of this verse, for all true servants of God are to be occu- pied in preparing the way lor the coTning of the Lord. Grealneaa of Hit Word 6. The voice of one saying, Ciy. And one said. What .ihull 1 cryV All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is i. â- , il;c flow- er of the field. 7. Th- ..-s with- ereth, the flower fa'' . occause the breath of .lchoM;.i bioweith upon it; .surely th(- people is grass. The grass witlicretli, the flower fadeth; but the word of our God .""hall stand for ever. A third voiiv is now heard, of un- deierniinod origin, proclaiming man's frailty and the eternal pow- «r of God's word. Man is here lik- ened to the grass of the earth, be- cause he too soon passes away (comparatively speaking;. In i oii- traat to the brevity of life allot- ted to man, Isaiah comforts the )i«»ris of his people by reminding them that the word of (iod f<>!- • '.â- â€¢r abides. Revealed In Hit Work. ' • ihoii that tellnth g<ic<l lid- iufr.., to '/ion. get, thee up on a }iigli >nnunlaiii; O thou that toll- eth Kood tidings to Jcrusulorii, lift up thy voice willi ."trcngtii: lift it ap, •»'' nol afraid; say unto the cHiM of JiiHah, Behold, yo<ir Okxi; 10. Behold, the l^rd .leho- rhh will come »n a mighty one, mnil his arm will rule for hiiu: •(•hold. hi» reward is with him, •nd b)% recoinpeiisa before him. li He will feed hli flock like • sA^plicrd, he will gather the iambs |» till aim, and carry them in his lk9Si>m. and will getitly lead those Um''. have their young. The fotirtk m <• is now heard, and while it is feoi: specifically identified, wn may Ink.* it to be the voire nf the pro- ffce'. hii1i.*elf. Hero Zioh ai)<\ .tf- Taken from one of the Royal Air Force bombers participating in the raid, this aerial view shows IN'azi seaplanes moored in the harbor of Bergen as l!. A. F. bombers roared over the Nazi-held Norwegian city. A German ciuiser of the Koln class was believed to have been .struck during the raid and sunk. A munitions warehouse was also blown up. This picture was flashed to New York by radio from London. usalem ai-e, of course, synony- mous; from this city were good tidings to be proclaimed to all the other cities of Judah, calling upon them to look unto God, because he with his strong arm will rule the nations, and in his infinite tender- ness he will feed his flock like a shepherd, carrying the lambs in his bosom. Farm Notes . . . Bigger Profits From Potatoes Four years ago the Ontario and I>omlnloD Goremments commenc- ed experiments oa thrae soil types Id Middlesex county at the request of the Caradoc Potato Growers' As- sociation. Iu 1938 similar experi- / meats were begun in the Alllston area, South SImcoe county. Grow- ers In these famous potato growing areas asked investigations Into such problems as low yields, and difficulties In producing potatoes of high quality. In addition to the inaiu experiments, demonstrations have been conducted on 38 Middle- sex farms on one-acre plots with adjacent check plots. Results obtained on the experi- mental plots and put into practice on the demonstration plots showed five maiu factors contributed to more profits from potatoes â€" these were: Certified seed of a suitable var- iety. Plentiful supply of plant food supplied by barayard manure, and green manuie crops and artificial fertilizers. Early planting. Kfflclent spraying. Proper methods of harvesting, grading,' packaging and labelling. PRWER ACRES, HIGHER QUAUTT Growers should recoguiza that profits are not necessarily measur- ed by the number of acres grown, but by the yield of good qu^ty tu- bers produced per acre. The objec- tive of Ontario potato growers sliould be "More hushels of high quality potatoes from frtwer .icres." RADIO REPORTER By DAVE ROBBINS SPRING CHANGES Well, we huvc an official com- munique from the weather front that Spring is actually here. And Spring is sure to make changes in radio programs just as Spring makes changes everywhere. For instanc"e the Metropolitan Opera Com]iany leaves the air â€" and the "mike" goes to the ball diamond every Saturday after- noon. Not only in New York, but everywhere, will the radio brini;' to millions of listeners the well- known - - strike three - - he's out. In this part of Canada three radio stations will feature base- ball very .shortly - CBI. and CFRB in Toronto and CKOC in Ifamillon. The two Trronio stations wiil bring baseball to the front ve:- andah fans from the Iiitoiiiational Legaue games in Toronto while ii» Hamilton CKOC will to Canadians the play-by-play actioii of the PONY League eanic:. So ball fans, get ready iCv a big baseball sea.son ! • « • Grade Allen can always be d*- j>ended on for something new iii the world of maniacs and crai'k- pots - - and this year she is run- ning for president, a.s a candidate on the surprise party ticket. Gra- cin wiil make her nomination speech on Wednesday nighl. Mav 15. at 7.30. • • • WHALE OF A PART Word that Bernaid Hen maun, the lapablo composer, has written a dramatic cantata named Moby Diik. reniiiid.< us of the funiiy in- firlent that oivurred when John Hurry moie .nadc his Canadian de- but in the pit ture by that name. Moby Dick, of course, was a great whale that all the whalers sougiit to catch. However, after iliis pic- tui'e critic in questioti had watcii- ed the preview through, probably with only one eye open, he went back to his paper and reported that Barrymore played the role of JMoby Dick reniavkably well. w « « TALK OF THE TOWN Ontario towns arc going on the air, one at a time, cafh Tluir.sday night at 8.15 . . . Tune in the "Town Crier" and learn more about our own l-ura! Ontario. (Note time change fo' summer months). • * » Itadio spotlight . . . Sunday . . . And It Came to Pa.s.s, from CBL at l.SO . . . Glen Gray's band front WKAF at four . . . Prof. Salmon analyzes the war from CKOC at five . . . One Man's Family from WKAF-CBL at 8.30 . . . Sweet and l.ow. with Marl Ivenncdy's band al Vancouver, via CBC at 11.30 . . . Monday - - Stars Over Holly- wood from CKOC at 1.1 £» . . . With the Troops via CBC at 8.30 . . . Alec Templeton Time from CBL at 9.30 . .' . Mammoth Min- strels from WOn-Mutual al 10.3(t . . .Thursdays â€" Carson Robi- son and His Buckaroos from (;K0C at 7.30 . . . Session in Swing with Saramv Kaye from WEAF at 7.80 . . . Talk of the Town out of CKOC at 8.1.5 . . . Stag Party on CBC at 11.30 .. . Friday â€" Along Gypsy Trails CBL at seven . . . 13th Battalion Overseas band at 8.30 from c;K0C , . . Woodhouse and Hawk- ins via OBC at ten . . . Benny Goodman from WF.^FRed net- work at midnight. "Devil of Sea" Value To Man Ootopus Is Used As Food and Also In the Manufacture sf liMt No mylhicul monster was that ] 0-foot octopus recently reported to have leen kllUxI of? the coast of Oregon after an attack on a SO-foot fishing boat. "One of nature's nightmarish creations." observes a .N'atldlial Gco- graphie Soeitly bulletin, "the octo- pus Is us tangible as breakfast kl|)- pered herring â€" and is. in some parts of the world at least, an equal- ly familiar dish on the family menu. "With the slant squid, cliauibcred nautilus, argonaut and others, this marine animal is a member of the class cephalopoda (meaning "head- foote^l'l. Found in deep and shallow water, of most of the world's seas, Its various sp^tles range In size from less than 12 Inches in full arm- spread to a super 'boarding-house reach' of nearly .tO feet. PUODUCKS "INDI.V IXK" "More conventional, and credible is the use of the animal's glandular product of ink, or sepia, for water- color work and dyes. This sepia was the ancient 'India ink." "The octopus also makes good fish bait, its main value among the Western nations. For human con- sumption, cephalopods have been prized by various peoples since an- cient times. The octopjs is a favor- ite oriental dish, and in split and dried form is frequently found in Eastern stores. More Are Trying To Learn French English-Canadians Are Tak- ing Up Sister Language For Cultural Reasons, And Be- cause it is Useful Little by little English-Canadians are realizing the error they have committed in the past by neglect- ing the many opportunities present- ed to them in this country to learn French, says "Le Canada" (Mont- real). They are eager to make up for lost time. This is a tendency we have had occasion to note at the Protestant Board of School Commissioners. It seems now to be spreading across Canada. For some time there has been an exchange of students between Quebec and Ontario during the summer vaca- tion which has given satisfactory re.sults to all concerned. The com- ment of Ontario newspapers on the movement points to a significant change In the attitude of our Eng- lish-speaking compatriots. A grow- ing number of tliem wish to learn French for cultural reasons, to strengthen the bonds of unity am- ong our people and, finally, because it is useful. Canada Is moving to- ward the right formnla of Mlingual- Isnt. Rideau Hall Stately Home Fine Mansion in Ottawa Awaits New Governor-Gener- al and Princess 'I'he Karl of Athlon», Canada's new Uovernor-Genpral, will take up Ilia official residence in a stalely limostono mansion on the banks of the Ottawa River in a setting of gently rolling lawns and fine old tree a. aiKMOrtlAL TO GOVKR.N'OHS Itideaii Hall, traditional home '..f the vice-regal Incumbent, stands as a memorial to the long succession of governors-general who have liv- ed there since Confetleratlon. Each has added something strucJurally to the three-storey residence or its surroundings. Rideau Hall stands in thn east- ern part of Ottawa, about l^i miles from the Houses of Parliament and slightly east of the confluence of the Rideau and Ottawa rivers. Au ornamental iron fence sets oil the beautiful gardens and green park lands from the bustle of city traf- fic. The building dates back to tlie days when Ottawa was still the lit- 11* Tillage of Bytown, unthought of aa the future capital of Canada. The late Hon. Thomas McKay, a lumber magnet, purchased 1.000 Aores of woodlands on which to build a family homestead. As the blocks of limestone gradually rose « 4 on the site in 1837. Queen Victoria wcs accendlng the throne. LKASEH IN 18C.-. The modest retreat of the .McKay family was le^ased i;i 186J by gov- erniuciu authorities of Cpper Can- ada. In 18G7. Confedtrntion year, the property was purchased out- rfghtfor S82.0(>1> as the ottlclal resi- dence of the Goveruor-Geiierul, but neither Mr. McKay i!or Vlsconnt Mouck. the first vice-regal tenant, would recognize their former bom* amid the additional wings, storeys and added chambers ivhich cousti inte the Itideau Hall of today. Gold production in Canada dor- ir.g l!'3!i ti tailed 0,0&'J,184 fine ounces compared with 4,72£i,tl7 fine ounce? in 1938. This Curious World '/e^r ^ yERv FOND a- />0/SON /Vy B£/Z/ZJ£S/ BV EATING THESE, ^EjLP TO SPREAD THE PLy^vfslTS. POLLEN grains have the power of spontaneous growth, as if they were seeds in their own right. Pollen of the palms, if kept dry, may retain its life for years. The Arabs save some from their date-palms from year to year to place upon the flowers the follow- ing season. NEXT: n»M a bee recognize other members of Hs hive? FLYING HEROINE HORIZONTAI 1 Pioneer girl flyer. 1 2 Long outer garment. 13 To rent. 14 Vigilant. 16 Meat. , 17 Wholly. 18 To prick. 19 Unit. 20 Mountain laurel. 21 She first gained as a plane passenger. 22 To subsist. 23 Musical note. 24 Silkworm. 25 To observ'e. 26 Pretense. 27 Fresh tidings. 29 Slender. 31 Angry. 33 Upon. 34 Palm lily tree 35 Sound of a bullet. 3B Toward. 37 Sound of a dove. .^8 Electric unit. Answer to Previous Pnixle EE wRAfni M 3 msxA rsiLiKi mgm oi l:<ts!liLa|IS liULal fsl Idlai GSaOS [S9 (SB! ISlOiR] • Wl R GTE! PR 1 DIEIN Rljfo NGIETP ym EEE N 39 Court. 40 Concurred. 4,T To marry. 46 Summer residence. 48 Least whole number. 49 Pool. 50 To redact, ."il Ireland. 52 Mohammodan nymph. 53 She was a worker. 54 She made .i .solo flight. VEKTICAI. 1 To makV amends. 2 Gre.-tter in quantity. 3 Deer. 4 Musical note. 5 Partner. 6 Snaky fish. 7 Prcpositioh. 8 Brought i?ito accord. 9 Bitter herb. 10 Scarlet. 1 1 Transposed . 12 Games. 15 Oak. ITShe made many new records, 18 Father. 20 Fury. 22 She was the of the feminine flyers. 24 Tree. 25 To oxch.nnge. 26 Brooch. 28 Goddess of discord, 30 Card game. 32 "Typhoid fever 34 'To work. 36 Ponderous volumes. 37 Raccoon typo animal. 39 Tendrils. 40 Style. 41 Inferior dog. 42 Cctnccan. 43 Nick. 44 And. 45 Tight. 47 Stir. 49 To peruse. 51 Ell. 52 Laughter soilhd. POP A Little Service Make* the Heart Grow Fonder By J. MILLAR WATT

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