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Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1940, p. 4

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f-'^imamSmmm Wednesday, April 10, 1940 THE FLEAHERTON ADVANCE i-t THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collinswood Str«*t, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1,000. Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance |1.50; in U. S. A. $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. F. J. THURSTON. Editor, farm house Thanks to Mr. Hodge, it may now be said that "the old order changeth, yieldinj; place to new." You may have noticed that all mys- terious women wear veils. You can't accuse the gasoline ser- vice stations of radio censorship. They advertise "Free Air." e BEAUTY CULTlhK FOK FAU.M HO.MKS At all events the Byrd expedition ought to be fairly safe from sub- marine attacks. The oft-quoted line from Thomas Hood, "I remember I remember the house where I was horn," and another by William Cowper, "Be it a weak- ness, it desei-ves some praise, we love the play-place of our early days," touch a responsive chord in the hearts of those who eherish the mem- ory of that childhood home of long ago. These lines occurred to the present writer as he listened to a remarkable address by C. H. Hodge, editor of the Farmer's Magazine, Toronto, on the occasion of a recent meeting of the Quebec Horticultural Federation in Montreal. The topic was the beauti- fication of fanii homes in Ontario, and with the aid of colored lantern slides the speaker described the trans- formation of the homes of those who entered competitions sponsored by his paper. Indeed, credit for the idea and its realization belongs to Mr. Hodge. 'As Mr. Hodge expressed ii, we owe to our children the enduring memory of an attractive home, one that in after years they can recall with pleasure and pride, and a child's most impressionable years are between 5 and 12. "With a Glance Backward," by the late, highly esteemed Dean E. A. Howes of Edmonton, records most entertainingly and picturesquely the .scenes and events of his childhood in Ontario. Mr. Hodge showed how marvellous- ly the appearance of a farm home can be improved by a little trimming and painting, by tidying up around it, giving some care to the lawn and especially by planting flowers. The other day the writer heard of a man who offered a house for sale at $.3,000 and found no bidder. He then spent $40 on a paint job and sold the house easily for $4,000. Painters of anothei- color deplore the appearance of a silo on the farm because, they say, it means no more pumpkins among the corn, and poets may rave about the tumble-down shack somewhere. Byron said of Italy, "Thy very weeds are beautiful, thy wastes more rich than other clime's fertility." But surely more beauty and charm attach to the home of peace and plenty. The Ontario Crop Improvement Association has for its slogan: "Better rural conditions through crop im- provement." It is a strange anomaly that many a farmer who takes great pleasure and pride in his thriving field crops, cultivated and fertilized with consummate care, is indifferent to the immediate surroundings of the The seed plant catalogdes are now being studied. "We make our fortunes and we call tham fate." â€" Disraeli. Just notice an add in a paper with the heading "Truth About Corns," but the way to get the truth is ask the man who wears one. How They hli Id Grey-Bruce Kidiog Poll No. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 ARTUMKSIA Harris Knecbtel Macjthuil 26 32 23 15 40 13 34 7 20 12 39 23 30 18 88 28 209 Total 190 Maopball majority â€" 315. 67 63 27 96 104 68 67 42 624 When tax rates are being struck it is common enough to comment on the rates in various communities but the truth is the tax rate means educational secretary of the United assesment. Poll No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BENTINCK Harris Knechtel Macphall Ohesley 481 334 99 Harris majoritf â€" '147. Dundalk 133 16B 94 Knecbtel majority â€" 32. Durham 252 529 176 f^nechtel majority â€" 274. riesberton 71 91 69 Knechtel majority â€" 20. Hanover 560 948 211 Knechtel majority â€" 388. Markdale 153 212 116 Knechtel majority â€" 69. Mildmay 281 60 SS Harris majority â€" 221. Neustadt 159 59 - 6 Harris majority â€" ^100. Paisley 202 189 77 Harris majority â€" 63. Walkerton 769 413 154 Harris majority â€" 256. 32 22 14 15 17 22 29 71 6 26 52 71 59 12 21 31 278 Total 222 Macphall majority â€" 230. 19 61 52 63 77 109 75 62 608 Auction Sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. ETC. NORMAN HOSTRAWSER will sell by public auction on LOT 28. SOUTH LINE, ARTEMESIA THURSDAY, APRIL 11, '40 the following: HORSESâ€" Bay Mare, aged; Black Hoi-se, aged; Black Horse, 12 years old; Bay Mare, 10 years, in foal. CATTLE, PIGS, Etc.â€" White-faced Cow, 8 years; Red Cow, aged; Light Red Cow, aged; Roan Cow, 7 years; Roan Heifer, rising 3; W^ite Heifer, .1 years; (above Cows all supposed to bo in calf); Black Cow, 8 years, calf at foot; Holstein Cow, 3 years, calf at foot; Jersey Cow, 6 years, calf at foot; Black Bull, rising 2; Red and White Steer, rising 3; 4 Yearling Cattle; Sow, due in July; 6 Pigs, about 10 weeks old; 36 year-old Rock Hens. IMPLEMENTS, Etc.â€" M.-H. Binder 6 foot, Scuffler, Deering Mower 6 foot McCormick Horse Rake 10 foot, Peter Hamilton Cultivator 13-tooth, Set of Disc Harrows 14 plate nearly new, M.-H. 10 hoe See<l Drill, Hay Rack, M.-H. Hay Loader, Set Sloop Sleighs, Set 4-section Drag Harrows, Walking Plow 2-furrow, No. 77 Fleury Walk- ing Plow, Chatham Fanning Mill, 2,000 lb. Scales, Gasoline Engine 2'^j h.p., lino shaft and pulleys, Power Washing Machine, Sugar Kettle, List- er Cream Separator nearly new. Har- ness, Collars, Horse Blankets, Neck- yokes, Whiffletrees, Oats, Barley, Hay, and numerous other articles. No reserve as the owner is giving up farming. Sale at 1.30 p.m. TERMSâ€" Hay, Gain, Fowl, and all sums of $10.00 and under. Cash; over that amount months' credit on furn- ishing approved joint notes, bearing interest at 6 per cent, acceptable at the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Flesherton. jsouonany 'NVDMflfl '3 '039â€" •no^aaijsau Poll No. 1 BRANT TOWNSHIP Harris Knechtel Macphai: Special Display and Sale LADIES' Spring Coats, Suits, Dresses and Millinery Wed., April 17th Thii event affords a splendid opportunity for the ladies to select their spring ensemble. Prices are very reasonable and there will be a wonderful sel- ection of the latest styles to choose from. Display and Sale by Wray's Ladies' Wear, Owen Sound ONE DAY ONLY â€" APRIL 17th F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont 82 35 49 29 79 75 76 52 32 23 47 13 78 12 100 42 36 11 Total 679 292 Harris majority â€" 275. 43 41 58 15 43 10 36 28 30 304 CARRIGK TOWNSHIP Poll No. Harris Knechtel MacphaL SUMMARY Harris Knechtel Artemesla .... 190 209 Bentlnck 22^ 278 Brant 579 292 Carrlck 648 99 Chajtsworth .. 63 83 Chesley 481 334 Dundalk 133 165 Durham 252 626 Bgremont .... 288 148 Elderslle 248 127 Flesherton .. 71 91 Olenelg 185 127 Hanover 560 948 Markdale .... 153 212 .Mildmay 281 60 Neustadt 159 59 Normanby .... 388 232 Paisley 202 139 Proton 174 181 Sullivan 321 166 Walkerton .. 769 413 MaC' phail 524 508 304 249 40 99 94 175 430 303 69 297 211 116 23 5 290 77 370 414 164 H iiiiii nnm i n iii n i nummn ii H i ummm It Pays to Deliver Your I Cream, Eggs, Poultry ; I WHERE YOU ARE ASSURED OF AN ALL YEAR I : ROUND MARKET AT THE HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES. Cold Storage Lockers For Rent VISIT OUR PLANT OR ASK THE MAN WHO RENTS ONE Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. ; Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager ' M iii m ii M iiiiii n i nm iii uH i n ii n i m i mn ii Soldiers' TOte» 6367 27 4889 55 4752 9 6394 4944 4761 126 17 47 13 147 21 26 5 87 14 107 20 108 9 Total 648 99 Harris majority â€" 419. 35 26 21 61 33 39 34 249 North Grey Vote Official count by the Returning Officer for North Grey: TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY Case Port. Telf. Poll No. 1 2 3 4 BGREMONT Harris Knechtel Macphaii 38 23 138 25 43 21 62 16 42 9 11 18 Total 288 148 51 94 77 91 64 53 430 Macphall majority â€" 142. NORMANBY Poll No. Harris Knechtel Macphall 1 65 16 41 2 A,B .... 151 131 73 3 65 12 29 4 29 22 66 5 22 35 62 6 25 4 13 7 31 12 27 Total 388 232 290 Harris majority â€" 98. Poll No. 1 2 3 4 5 OLKNELO Harris Knecbtel Macphall 16 31 58 29 51 59 9 19 21 19 106 68 32 66 36 Total .... 185 127 297 Maophail majority â€" 112. BLiDERSIIS Poll No. Harris Knechtel Macphall 1 56 23 48 2 39 9 40 3 63 52 46 4 38 11 78 5 32 24 40 6 20 8 67 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 1 9 5 1 5 4 4 3 34 297 21 20 60 47 66 60 22 50 7 45 31 34 14 8 7 12 313 .Majority for Telford, 16. TOWNSHIP OF HOLL.VND Port. Telf. 10 20 8 10 38 13 25 64 128 22 82 42 54 4<) 46 108 41 47 99 Majority for Porteous, 363 18. 345 TOWNSHIP OF EUPHRASIA Case Port. Telf. 6 24 50 12 26 59 7 33 13 46 36 46 43 7 13 10 5 62 16 26 71 21 16, 22 27 32, 34 Total .... 248 127 Macphall majority â€" 55. SOS PROTON Poll No. Harris Knechtel Macphall 1 16 29 50 2 35 2S 98 3 19 28 95 4 16 6 4S 6 19 46 21 6 29 6 20 7 17 5 16 8 14 88 28 Total . 174 181 370 Macphall majority â€" 189. SVU^IVAN Poll No. Harris Knechtol Macphai: 1 66 43 46 2 72 20 66 3 84 84 71 4 • 1 11 111 6AB .... 6» 68 109 Total .... 321 Ififi Macphaii majority â€" 9S. 414 Har- Knech- Mao- ris tel phall Chatsworth 83 83 40 Knechtel majority â€" 20. 144 307 242 Majority for Porteous, 65. TOWNSHIP OF COLLINGWOOD Case Port. Telf. 1 8 16 2 2 14 23 3 5 17 29 4 13 3 37 5 5 22 21 6 40 30 44 7 1 19 IS) 8 10 16 29 9 20 21 27 10 6 58 69 11 8 15 28 12 7 26 32 13 24 14 28 14 3 11 14 15 8 61 69 151 335 476 RECAPULATION NORTH GREY Case Port. Telf. Owen Sound 944 2469 3564 Euphrasia 144 307 242 Thornhury 187 160 127 Osprcy 34 297 313 Meaford 336 621 617 Deiby 86 339 279 Sarawak 34 90 134 Holland 99 363 346 .Shallow Lake 43 38 81 St. Vincent 147 274 364 Sydenham 130 314 672 Keppel 80 264 411 Collingwood Twp. .. 161 335 475 Soldier Vote 20 b4 26 2434 5835 7539 Majority for Telford over Porteous 1704. PUBLIC MEETING Under the auspices of the Grey County Department of Agriculture, County Council and Rural Organizations, for ounpose of organizing Grey County Federation of Agriculture will be held at Owen Sound City Hall SATURDAY, APRIL 13th, 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. SPECIAL SPEAKERS: Hon. P. M. Dewan. B.S.A., Minister of Agri- culture; Dr. W. M. Drummond, Professor of Economics, O.A.C., Guelph; Mr. R. A. Stewart, President Barrie Tanning Co., Barrie; Mr. H. H. Hannam, President Canadian Chamber of Agriculture; Pro- vincial and Federal Members of Parliament, and others. Seed Exhibits from First Annual Seed Fair will be sold during the afternoon. T. Stewart Cooper, Agricultural Rep., Grey County. William McGregor, Warden, Grey County. ; ; ♦♦♦♦ »! I ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» f ♦♦♦â-  > ♦♦ |i 1 1 1 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ # ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ < â-  :; Welcomes Comparison ii In Retail Prices On April 15 th we intend opening our butcher shop in Flesherton, with the merger of the Hend- erson and Priestley shops. We are not buying both these shops and making one, in order to con- trol prices to our own satisfaction, but we feel that the volume here does not warrant two businesses without charging a wider margin than will be nec- essary with one business and one overhead. We will welcome comparison of prices on the same quality of meat from other communities where competition is the price-fixing factor. ,We will appreciate your business and will try to serve you to the best of our ability Hugh M. Bailey '> Phone 47 FLESHERTON, Ontario f SUPERIOR STORES Specials This Week Oxford Inn BOILED DINNER 2 cans 25c 1 large RINSO, 2 bars Lifebuoy SOAP, both 34c Blue Rose RICE, fancy 3 lb». 23c Eddy MATCHES 3 boxes 22c Salada Brown Label TEA per lb. 7(k PICKLES, Sweet and Gherkins .. large bottles 22c FOR FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES vSEE US. OURS ARE ALWAYS FRESH ROBIN HOOD, PRAIRIE ROSE and SNOW DRIFT FLOUR. Reasonably Priced. C. J. KENNEDY PHONE J7 WE DELIVER

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