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Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1940, p. 3

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^'(4: THE RICHER FLAVOUR OF iinoin Upton's Yellow LabeT No olh'T tea hpj tin Ii:teriiatMn:il MpuUlioil u/ UlTlJN'H KlNUr, TifcJOTefi in fivecortinenUeay ii iiIm Vprf«tU»". Blwitled e«p<d«ily f,ir the g«»«»i»»tiii«. you will Mrvj IJiior.'i Yeflov Libel prijeâ€" mJ Jriuk it wthnerw-failing eiiiiiyment [t'« lo uBptTQ Ita. 'fit fur a kio^j.' FULL FLAVOURED ORANGE LA3EL TEA YELLOW LABEL >â- â™¦â- â€¢ '*"«--0-«>4 HEALTH TOPICS ♦^ ♦â- â™¦ » » • » ->â- -»-« ^ 4 -•â- â- â€¢â- ?â- Â«â-  <-♦-»â- â- Â» PERIODIC EXAMINATION A certain group to -whom per- iodic examination is made avail- able as a matter of routine, have been found to experience a mortality only about one-half that of the general population in cor- responding age classes. In 1914 a well-known insurance company decided to institute periodic medi- cal examinations of all its em- ployees. Treatment is given only in emergency. The plan followed Is to help form a correct diagnos- is and then to place the inform- ation at the disposal of the family physician where occasion arises. 11%e employee receives a reminder once a yeai*. The members of the group number some 18,000, all clerical, and of the total two-thirds are females and of a younger average age than the men. Death Rate Much Lower The practice of routine periodic examination not only lowers the deathrate very materially but it famishes invaluable sources of medical information not otherwise obtainable. Persons going to a medical man are more or less seriously ill; the majority going up for periodic examination are not ill at all. But among the lot some will be found to have illness- es more or less defined. Often the routine examination will discover illness at a stage when it can be nipped in the bud. The deaths among the 18,000 in 1938 numbered 68 and of these 28 occurred at ages of 65 or over. This is equivalent to a crude deathrate of 6.1 deaths per 1000 for males and 2.3 for fe- males or a combined rate of ap- proximately 4 per 1000. The av- erage for the past 10 years has been 4.3 per 1000. (Canada's rate for 1938 was 9.5 per 1000). New Low Fares To Eastern U. S. Montreal â€" With the opening of the tourist season, which is expect- ed to reach ne-v heights this year, new low coach class fares have how been placed in effect by tho C. N. Railways for travel from Canada to points In the Kastern part of the United States, according to C. W. Johnston, General Passenger Traf- fic Manager of the Company. These fares to destinations across the in- ternational border, cover a radius extending from Chicago and St. Louts in the middle west, eastward as far as the Atlantic seaboard, north from Washington, D.C. "With a large volume of travel developin? between points in Can- aua and those In the United States, these coach fares are offered to the public at a time v.hen many people â- will be visiting the attractive cen- tre* to which these fares apply," stated Mr. Johnston. "In some of which Canadian funds are accepted at par for hotel and other expens- es." mniat Science t Is Doing »• ♦-•-• •-* ••-«««•«. 4«'l I SILVER v«. GERMS Ability of scientists to kill germs through the harnessing of solid silver atoms is revealed at California Institute of Technol- ogy. Research by physicists and bac- teriologists indicated that swim- ming pools in the future will be sterilized with small amounts of silver instead of with chlorine. Further application of the revo- lutionary form of germ killing may provide a substitute, they said, for pasteurization of milk. Leading biologists, botanists and agriculturists of the U. S. call the discovery epoch-making that gas instead of sprays is ef- fective in combatting plant dis- eases. They say it is the most im- portant step in plant doctoring since Millardet nearly 100 years ^go discovered Bordeau mixture, grandfather of sprays. Kven more significant, they say, is the fact that gas treatment cures. Never before have plants been cured. Sprays and other crop control methods are preventives. The gas is both preventive and cure. ( Called paradichlorobenzene, the gas is of the stuff that makes mothballs). Surgeons are beginning to ose cotton thread bought at the ten- cent store to stitch wounds and surgical operations. They are not using it because of its cheapness but because it is superior to other surgical suture material in holding wound edges together after injuries and oper- ations. It is preferable to catgut, one surgeon declared, because it is not absorbed rapidly in the body. Modern Etiquette BY ROBKRI A LEE WeU-Known Cleric Passes 1. If a bride receives several duplicate gifts and asks these don- ors for permission to exchanga them, should they resent it? 2. When you are not sure whether a man and a girl have been introduced, is it all right to say, "Mr. Gibson, have you met Miss Carter"? 3. Should a girl at a dance ex- pect her escort to keep her even- ing bag, compact, and a cigarette case in his pocket? 4. When two persons start a violent argument, and you are present, what should you do? 5. When one has been staying at a hotel for several days and has used the telephone frequently, should he tip the telephone oper- ator, and how much? 6. Should one place the serving silver on a dish of food when ask- ed to pass it? Antwerc 1. Not in the least. It would be a very sensitive person who would take offense at such a re- quest. 2. Yes; this gives the hon- or to the girl, and is better than asking Miss Carter if she has met Mr. Gibson. 3. No. 4. Remain nea- tral. Do not take sides with eith- er. Of course if you are tactf'.'l enough to divert their attention to some other subject, it is all right to do so. 5. This is custom- ary. Probably fifty cents would be the minimum tip. 6. Yes, al- ways. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the ten-day period End- ing March 31, 1940 were $5,872,33'j as '-•ompared with 4,975,7.'15 tor the corresponditig pev.od cf 1930. a- in- rease of 896,601 or 18%. I'lirnun- Moderator of the Unit- ed rhurch of Canada, Very Rev. Dr. T. A. Moore, lied at his home near Toronto, ijr. Moore wa.s 79 at the time of hi-i death and was one of the best known ministers of the Dominion. \***m**»**y HAVE • I !YOn HEARD?! i>»»«t««»>t>>»««<<<»t« A lady of curious countenance had married a Scoisman, and aft- er the ceremony he approached the pa«son with some trepidation. "How much do 1 owe for this?" he asked. The parson, also a Scotsman, know his business. "How much is it worth to you?" he countered. The bridegroom blushed, gave a sidelong glance a: the parson, and pressed a shilling into his palm. The parson looked at the shilling, then at the bride, gave him eightpence change. â€" â€" "Did you hear about the fellow who invented a device for looking through walls?" "No, 1 didn't. What does he call it?" "A window." A negro who had achieved some success in the handling of mules was asked how he' managed the balky creatures. "Well, when I'se plowin' an' the mules stops, Ah jest picks up some soil an' puts it in his mouth to taste. Den he goes right along." "What makes you think that affects him?" continued the ques- tioner. "I suah don't know," was the reply, "but I expect it makes him foi'get what he was thinkin' about." â€" 0â€" Drummer: "I don't feel a bit like playing today. I ate a dozen oysters last night." First Sax: "Weren't they fresh?" Drummer: "I guess so." First Sax: "Well, what did they look like when you opened them?" Drummer: "Do vou have to op- en them?" ACCOMMODATES NUMEROUS RECORD BOOKS and LARGE LEDGERS SVITAIU MK Office on MADE IN VARIOUS SIZES Dept. W. FI!!EPROOF CABINETS & SAFES LTD. 2719 YONGE ST., TORONTO, CAN. WE OFFER YOU HEALTH S1-:ND for YOl'K FKKK (.•(ll'Y OF our "Family Kotanic Guide" and loarn how you can secure quick relief from ailments of Stomach, l^ivor. Kidneys and Constipation. Iteliable remedies. Reasonably priced. Don't gambie with your health. Write today. Health Pro- ducts Ijimited. Department R, SnsUatooil, Sa^k. NERVOUS RESTUSS LydiaE Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound helps calm jumpy nerves due to female func- tional distress. Made sspcaaHy /or uumen. Try it! If You Were A Packer What Would YOU Do? R. C. Howe, former manager of Armour and Co., Omalta, Neb., now engaged in feeding thousands of head of livestock, writes to the Omaha World-Herald: "When 1 was in the packin|r tusineis, I bought livestock in the country because it was cheap, and that is the only reason any packer v/i\\ buy lUrect from the country â€" because it is cheaper than it is on the central markals. I have sever sold a head of livestock in the country direct to packers, but have shipped them all to public markets." "I cannot understand why any farmer wilt sell his livestock direct to packers, when doing so takes that much competitive bidding off the public markets." CONSIGN ALL YOUR LIVESTOCK TO THE UNION STOCKYARDS TORONTO AND MONTRFAL Where Buyers And Sellers Meet On Equal Terms AND SELL THROUGH A LICENSED AND BONDED COMMISSION FIRM CANADI/VN LIVESTOCK SALES AGENCIES How Can I?] BY ANN6 ASH* EV I Q. How can I prevent the bo''ing over o( the content* of a kettlo, or •aucepan? A. Grease Uie inner sides to the d«ptU of an incii from tho top, Q. How can I secure more juice from lemons? A. Heat The lemons tliorougbly before squeezing !r- dropping them Into hot water for sev&ral minutes, and they -wiil yield almost double the quantity of Juice that they will tf not heated. Q. How can I Impart extra height and width to a small window? A. Fix the curtain rods beyond the casing at the top and the sides, and use a kind of material through which the casement cannot be seen. Q. How can 1 whiten and soften my hands? A. Try using bran as a cleanser. Instead of soap. Q. llow can I laundt;r velveteen? A. Wasli the velvetepn !n luke- warm, soapy water. Do not twist to wring out, out remove the water by pressure. Rinse in water of the same temperature an^l shako the garment well. When dry, place on a \\ It DOES taste sood in « pip«!" HANDY SEAL-nOHT POUCH . 1W Vi-LB. "LOK-TOP" TIN . «0» *lio packed in Pocktt Tins R cobac GROWN IN SUNNY SOUTHERN ONTARIO ^hiek blanket and iron on the wrong side. Q. How can I put out a chimney fire? A. Throw a handful ot sulphur in the fire, closing the bottom dreXt. The fumes will ascend the chimney and extinguish tho fire almost Im- mediately. The Dominion Experimental Farms extend from the Atlantic to the Pacifio Ocean and consti- tute the most comprehensive sys- tem of its kind in the world. CREAM WANTED Wa are paying si real kich pries for cream F.O.B., Tor- onto. Write for particulars and cans. The Toronto Creamery The United Farmers Co-operative Co. Ltd, Duke and George Streets TORONTO, Ontario. . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . ai;e\i's wanteu ilATCH BiJDK.S â€" NKW UNE â€" just o>u. Beautifu! tjolj processed s.-impl«s. Send 10c for packing. Salesmen mention territory want- «d. Agents! Aot <iuickly. Payne.", I.lmltiHl, Wallingford Bulldins. Winnipesr. LIGHT.Vl.V'l ROD A'lEXT WANT- ed to S(?U I'liilllps Ushtning Pro- tective Sysfem. B. Phillips Comp- any T.imiced, 32 Osborne Avenu>r. Tornn^o. •uOOmSO FDP.. A STEADY IN'- ronio? Want a fuiuro free from finuni.'ial worry? Let FAMIT.FIX show- you how easy it Is to set. Write to us today, for PREE <?atu- logue and eomplete information. The Famllex Produt;ta Company, 670 St. Clement. .Montreal. A'lENTS WANTED FOIl UNlglE, low-priced portable duplicator, iiells itself in titorcs, office;?, churches, schools, clubs, etc. Dun- dy proposition for .stationer or a specialty man. Box 1. 73 Adelaide Street West. T'lront.i. AITO l'AHl'«i AM) VCCKSSOllIKS TO DIOAl^EHS WHO AHE INTER- ested in obtaining a source of sup- ply for a oompleie line of auto parrs, accessories, tires, tubes, bat- teries, oil.s, etc., wo can assure you the lowest possible wholesale prio- €.â- ); and place you in a position to he <'ompetitive to any larse cata- logue mail ord<r house. You are under uo obligrations to inquire. Letters will be kept strictly con- fidential. Dandee Auto Stores. 522 Yons.» St'-eer. Toi-<oi'. i. IIAIIV CHK'KS CHICKS THAT WILL .MAKE VOL" money. Prices that will please you all from tiovernment Approved bloodtestcd breeders and at rock bottom prlce.^. Standard Quality two week old Barred Rocks, New Hamps non se.xed $12.45. Pullets J19.40, Leghorns S21.30. Coekerels Barred Rocks $8.4.1. New Hamp? 17.33. Hybrids .$.^.1)3. Three week old add three cents. Bij} Esg Qual- ity add one cent. Extra Select Quality add two cents. Assorted breeds one cent less. Write for bargrains on two or three week old started chicks. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, liuden, Ontario. ORDER B^VBY CHICKS NOW. .\T- tractive prices on well bred Bar- red Rocks. White Leshorns, Hajnp- shires. Austrolorps. Write fox prices. Wingham Hatchery. Wing- ham, Ontario. â- RAISED PRAY CHICKS FOR FIVE years . . . difficult to get hotter." writes I^eonard Cole. We'll t.ilio your order. choi,'c IS varieties. Bargains in 2-3 week pullets, cockerels. No waiting. Capons. Turkeys. Order now. Uray Hatch- ery. 130 John N.. Hamilton. STARTED CHICK P.AHGAI.VS FCR immedia',t» dellvoi-y. Two week old Double AA Quality non-sexed New Hampshires, Barred Rocks $13.40. 90 per cent. Pullets 319.30, Coc-kcr- els $8.93. White Leghorn Pullets J2o.'.io, Hdd to above prices three week old three cents. Extra Pro- fit Quality IHjc. Special Mating two cents. Hurry, they will sootj go Ht these prices. Also day-old chicks, IS varieties, also turkey poults. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Feruus, Ontario. CHUKS THAT THHIVK YOU CAN DEPE.ND O.N LEWIS' chinks. High liveability and early maturit.v assures you of real pro- fits. t>nly niatings of be.?t breed- ing stock used. -Vll breeders blood te.itcd .itid Oovernment approved. Prices express paid. Barred Rocks one hundred $11.30. three hundred $33.0n, five hundred $32.50. New Hampshires Ic less per chick. White leghorn.s 2c loss per chick. Jl.OO per hundred books order, balanre C.O.D, I>lve arrival and satisfaction guaranteed. Percy A. Lewis. 1141 Lake .Shore Road, Long Branch. C»!irrwio. Ill OCI.KS. MOI out vt I.KS UEE ILLCSl'l lATE D I ATAIaJOIE. New rebuilt iicycles $10 up. L'sed Motorcycles. Duke 's. «2i -V Queen W.. Toronto. IIAKKKY K«il II'>IE\'I" HAKE1LS- OVENS A.ND .MACHLN- ery. also rebuilt etiuipment alwa>3 on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence invited. Hubbard Port, able Oven Co.. 103 Baihursi St.. Toronto. BA«iKK'rKV â€" IlKKU WOKK .!;.VRN BASKETRY. INTEREST- ing. educational, complete instruc- tion. 25c. Free catalogue and reed- work instructions. Dominion RecJ Supplies. Depnriment W.. TorcnJo I'ntarlo. CANADIAN 1'Ul.l.THV KfclVlEW â- \NAD.\S OLDEST AND BEST poultry mngssine. A real help to any poultryman largo or small. t>nljr $1.00 per year. Sample copy, 'Or. Canadi.'in Poultr.v Review. 114 W. Adelaide Street. Toronto. COLLEfiK*. TRADE SCHOOLS LKARN SHORTHAND. Ti'PEWRlT- ing, bookkeeplns: at home. Write Ucme Study If.stitute. 6,')4 Furby ''.roet, Winnipeg, for particulars. OARDKX SI'KCIAI,9 ^>0RTE1> â€" SIX FRUIT TREES Jii.OO, Six Roses »3.'10. Three bund- led Strawberries tS.OO. Fifty itnspberrles $4.00. iTomplete Re- lalraments supplied. Cash with rder. Burlington Mursery Co., '.'•iirlington, OntartOk KIJtCAIIONAL STUDENTS NOW ENIIOLLI-VG FOR courses in .Matriculation, Short Story. Journalism. Shorthand and Speech Culture. Make use of your spare lime. Write today. Canad- ian Correspondence College, (es- tablished 1002) 22'J Yonga Street Toront.5 El.t; TU.Vi s MORE -MONEY FOR EGCS. ELiM- ina, e loss from cracks and breaks by packing in Keyea Trays UUIer flats). 30 (loz. large eggs packed In regular cases, .Send for free samples or 25c for enough for one case. Postage p.aid. Haw ley Pro- ducts Ltd.. 79 El--'-i-! St.;. r, Erant- ford. '-''nT.-irio. t"i.i:< rmc .«i>i<»«s ELEi'TFilC -MOTHJR.S, .NEW AND Rebuilt, also pulleys and V-belts. Jones & Moore Electric. 200 Adel- a!de S t. W'., Toronto. i-\i«'>i i;ui u">ii'.\r F.VNNINCt mill (KLINE) FARil- ers say best seed grader; wild oat sep.arator, also screening repairs. Testimonials. Klin.? .Manufactur itt.^. Islington. <'inTriT-t.*. FILMS APRIL ADVERTISING SPECIAL â€" dollar value for 30e and advertise- ment. Roll developed, printed or eight reprint.'", with craft embos- sed enlargement 7 x 10. London Photo Service. Box 531. London, Ontario. KOU tvr.E XW<J-U-N1T -MILKERS â€" New as low as 599; guaranteed rebuUts as low as $89; also amazing new *Trade--\ (5 parts replace up to 47 parts on others), free demon- stration, gel our offer and free '.?rade--\ Guide. Box K, Room X8-4. S.arnia , Ontari o. IXDOOR WATER TOILETS FOR FARM. SUBURB.\.N AND SUM- mer homes, where water facilities are not available. Government Home Improvement payments ar- ranged. Circular on request. Can- adian Sanitation Company, 67 York Street. Hamilton. HERU-GR<l\%'iyG $5,000 CROP FROM HALF ACRE â€" People everywhere are growing Glnsetig and Golden Seal (Medi- cine herbs). Enormous profits! We supply seed, instructions, buy ev- ery pound. Particulars 10c (credit. ed). No triflers. Associated Herb (Jrowers. Box 27\V., St. Norbert, Manitoba. HOU!i FOR SALE ORCHARD V.A.LLEY YORKSHIRES â€" Present offering â€" Males, Ser- age and younger. .Sows all ages, b;"ed or opein S.ani J. Cal- l.-iugher. Al]is;,)n. Onta:Mo. H»»TEI..S W.WTED OUR SC-CESS l.V SELLING HOT- cls is really phenomenal. We will be pleased to have an opportunity to try to sell yours. We advertise In every paper in Ontario, For our terms, write to Bert Weir & Sons, Realtors. London. ()ntario. MEDICAL HEPATUU\ RELIEVES STOALVCH and Liver troubles. Symptoms: Pains In right --ide. under shoul- der blades and across hips, indi- gestion, gas. constipation, gall trouble. Formula of doctor. Re. suits in one day! Price $5.00. Mrs, Geo, S. Aliuas. Box in73W Saska- toon, Sask. ECZE.MAID. RELIEF FOR BABIES or -'Vdulis, from dry or weeping eczema. Testimonials from hund- reds for over 33 years. Two weeks treatment One Dollar. Write Hy- geia I'roiltiris. TH^ndnii. Ontario. PERKl MK â€" M'KCIAL OFFKR PERFUME MAILED PREPAID. English Tweed Perfume of unus- ual quality for discriminating peo- ple, "Today's most popular perfume. Jl.OO value for 2oc. Address to Devonshire Perfumes, 153 Sheri- dan Ave., Toronto. E'-ZEMA. RASHES. PILES, SORE Feet, rompletely r.>lleved by Der- misoothe. the elean. powerful household ointment, 25c. at your local druggist, or mailed direct. Writj for free sample. Twentieth Centur.v Remedies, 107 Hogarth \^'eniic. Ti>ronto. I'KllXI'Mm. II' rt>biAi-Clj ^M |.'F EASILY iiiexpeiislvely Homd remedy, res?im,*nln!s. â-  ',ii.jr ;,nteed Advice free, narileit s Roj I. Winnipeg STOP-TOB.VCCO. Special. Quit smok- ing, chewing tobacco, snuff, easily, quickly. Complete guaantee treat- ment. 60c, Reliable Products, Box 35T, ReglT;.T. .Snak. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used â€" New «I'E»'I *i.l/.l\<i IN KKIMILT MO- TORS, row KIM MI'S, Mfdranllc llal«f«. tVlnfhfw. OnrrHtnrw, !ltart- era, MaxMelns. .'firhiiretor*. Radiat- or* â€" Rsrkance Serslce, Claaa â€" Satlafaotlaa or refDml. Lctt Asia t^arta, TaraaC*. RELIGIOUS "ELIJAH COM I -V .;:â-  BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book .lent free. Megiddo Mission, H„ Rochester, New York. "ALKSHEX WANTED illLKEP. DISTRIBfTOR - S.ILES- men â€" invest $50.00 and be your own boss; one sale per week beats working for someone else; cjip- ahle hard workers earn $3,000 up, retail prices a-s Iotw as $89, also amazing new machine by 30-yenr- old company. State full experience, }'.'X K. Ij.iiim 8-1. V. Siii.;a, Ont. .SEED KOK SALE HOME GROWN SEEDS â€" GOVT, graded, .\lfalfa. red clover, alsike. Timothy, sweet clover. Ask for prices and samples. The Caledonia Milling Co, Ltd.. Caledonia. EOSEDALE SEED GRAIN F.VHMS Registered No. 1 erban, vanguard. Alaska oat.s. Also good grade 1 of same varieties. 0..\.C. 21 barley. Can supply 2 carloads Governniont 1 erban. .-111 grains harvested by own combine, cle.ined, graded by our own power buffer. Clipper, Marot grader. Write for reduced prices. A. i'. Pr.rt-i- A Sons. Jarvis. niit.Tr:,'. SEl'AH.lTOUS FOR SALE WORLJl'S CHEAI'EST TO BUY AMD ^uso â€" the only American made se- parators with self-balancing bowls, guaranteed never to get out of balance, "whir! drying", guar- anteed rebuilts as low as $58; free catalogs, better ge: an Ankcr- Holth than wish ;. ou )iad. Box K, Room .^C8-4. .Sarnia. <)ntario. USED nOUKS. .ILIOAZIAES SEND FOR FREE LIST OF GOOD used fiction at bargain prices- Ad- venture, mystery, romance by the best modern and old time writers. State your favourite titles and authors. Largest stock of fiction !n, Book Es.-hange. 370 Bloor \\'est Toronto. LYONS' SrRL\« tLEAU-A.\CE SALE! HIGH CLASS KECO\1)ITIONED FlRVrrVRK Every article thoroughly recondi- tioned, guaranteed absolutely cleau and sold with a positive money-back guarriiitoe of satisfaotio]i. $24.00 .Solid oak dining suite, buffet, extension table and <i leather seaC chairs, $39,00 Nine piece oak dining suite, buffet, extension table, china cab- inet and B leathtir upholsiteredl ch.airs. $49.00 Smart walnut finish dining suite, buffet, extension table, china cabinet, and leather seat chairs. $69.00 Modern English oak diuing suite, perfect condition, buffet, e.x- tension table, china cabinet and (> leather upholstered chairs, $72.00 Large walnut dining suite, buffet, cxtonsiou table, china cab- inet and li leather seat chairs. $S?.0o Beautiful large solid walnu: suite, buffet, extension table. china cabinet and ti blue leather seat chairs. $5.00 Several solid oak buffets !n golden and fumed finishes, $8.50 Oak and walnut finish ctali;a cabinets, $4.50 and up. Dressers with large mirrors in oak, walnut and enam- el finishes. $12.95 Complete bed outfit, steel bed, walnut finish sagless spring and new mattress, $39,00 Complete bed room suite, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed, sagless spring, and new mattress. Perfect condition. $45,00 Beautiful walnut bed room suite, large vanity, ehiffonier, full size bed and sagless spring. $5'.',oo Special floor sample modern suite in bleached walnut finish, waterfall design, Venetian mir- rors, dresser or vanity, chiffonier, full size bed, sagless spring, new mattress and pair of pillows. $49.00 .Modernistic bed room suite. in two-tone walnut, large vanity, Venetian mirror, bench, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless spring. Perfect, $2.95 l.Karge chesterfie'.d chairs, up- holstered In brown mohair, Mar. shall cushions. $8.50 Odd chesterfields in mohair n:id repp covers. Mar.'jhall reversibla spring cushions. $14.00 Kroehler chest orfleld bed, up- holstered In blue figured velour. $24.00 smart 3-pioce Kroehler ches- terfield suite. reversible spring cushions. Velour cover, all over. $27.00 Large 3-piece brown moh.^Jr chesterfield suite, perfect condi- tion, figured reversible Marshal! spring cushions. $33.00 Beautiful 1arg-»» 3-piece brown mohair chesterfield suite (cost new approximately $285). Rever- sible Marshall « cushions. Perfect condition. $3.95 Extra special. Br-ind new mat. tresses, filled with new, tlu.'fy cotton, well tufted, roll edge. All sizes. $8.95 Kitchen cabinets with reU fronts, sliding porcelain tops, var. ious (inishes, $4.50 Gas Stoves, 2, 3 and 4-burner8, with ovens, (^u.Trant»?d, Rny With <'oiifHrBce AH merelianfllfte wold vtlth a pt>«ltfTa maaej^-haek giiaranire o« i«Rt)i«fac- (loa. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto ISSUE NO. 15-'40

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