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Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1940, p. 8

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Wednesday, April 3, 1940 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Live Stock Report (By Dunn & Levack) Monday's cattle market was slow, as packers sec-med to be pn'tty well supplied for present requirements and there was very little outside trade. Quite a number of cattle were left over at the close, but with modciaie supplies for the balance of the week, it is expected the market will be cleared by Wednesday. Choice weighty steers brouRht from 7.00 tu 7.25; fair to pood from 6.50 to 7.U0; common to medium 6.00 to ti.50. Choice butcher steers and heif- ers were in fair demand at from 7.00 to 7.25, with a few extra choice lots at slightly higlier prices; fair to good from 0.50 to 7.00; common to medium ti.lM) to-6.50. Choice baby beeves were .steady at from 8.00 to 9.,00 with those of me<lium quality at from 0.60 to 7.50. The cow trade wan jft'inTally easier, a few choice heifery cows bniuKht from 5.25 to 5.75; choice fat cows 5.00 to 5.25; fair to good 4.50 to 5.00; common to medium 3.75 to 4.25; canncrs and cutters 3.25 to 3.60. The •^ We pre- scribe insur- ance by ana- lyzing what you need â€" and by sell- ing you only what you need' H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont. REPRESENTING l!JIHiil.'^^ll!Wi bull trade was steady, choice butcher bulls from 5.50 to 0.00; good heavy bulls 5.25 to 5.35; common to medium light bulls 4.25 to 4.75. Choice feed lot lambs brought from 10.75 to 11.00, with those of medium to good quality at from 9.50 to 10.50. The sheep trade was steady, choice fiom (5.00 to (i.50. Calf prices de- clined sharply, because of an equally sharp cut in prices on American mar- kets, choice veals sold at from 10.00 to 10.50; fair to good from 8.50 to lt.50; common to medium 6.00 to 8.00. The hog market was steady, with truck deliveries selling at 9.00 alive and at various prices on the rail graded basis. Sows 5.50 to 5.75 adive. COMPANY Writing selected risks in â€" Automobile, Fire, Plate Class, Burglary, Public Inability, and other general insurance. Head Office, Toronto. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES APRIL 5-6 from FLESHERTON to TORONTO I 2.15 HAMILTON $ 2-45 BUFFALO $ 4.85 BELLEVILLE $5.00 CHATHAM $ 6.65 London $5.00 PETERBORO $4.10 SMITH'S FALLS $ 7.35 WELLAND $ 4.10 First Train 5.59 p.m. April 5 Return Limit â€" Up to April 8 Consult Agent - Procure Dodger (3i^C4^ifl*( S^M^ Local and Personal t T t t t T T T T T T H^><'K*<KK*<'^M*<K*<*<»<*<^^ ill's Dynamic SALE HERALDING A WAVE OF SHOE ECONOMY THAT WILL BE WELCOM- ED BY HUNDREDS OF THRIFTY SHOPPERS . . . CHECK THE FEAT- t t T t WOMEN'S "SWANKERS" FOOTWEAR LINES ARE LIMITED STURDY OXFORDS FOR MEN y URE VALUES LISTED BELOW AND HURRY AND GET YOUR SHARE. A *t* THERE'S GOING TO BE FAST SELUNGAND^ QUANTITIES ON MANY ^ t t T T Y T t T T T T T t T T T T T t t T t t t T T T t T T T ♦ t I 500 Pair to choose from and every one a "fashion favorite." New shoes for that new dress â€" that is essential if you want to look your best. You'll be saving- smartly if you choose from our wide selections found in this popular line. Straps, ties, pumps and oxfords in black, brown and blue. Suede, pat- ent or side leathers with hijjh, low or Cuban heels, sizes 4 to 8. Standard widths in the j^rou]). Pair $1.94 GROWING GIRLS' OXFORDS Styled for lonj^ wear, comfort and trim appearance; sturdy lilucher Ox- ford of soft selected black leather, nft)od quality wear-i)ro(jf sole and low waik- iiij^- heel with rubber lift: E-width in all .sizes 3-8. Sale Price $1.89 FOOTWEAR FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN A special purchase of Misses and Children's Shoes make these prices possible. I'lack calf, patent or side- leathers in oroiii). with leather soles and rubber heels. Choice of straps or oxfords in a i>^<-"''i''i'iff asscM-tment of styles. Colors are black and brown, sizes .3-10 and 1 1-2, includintr half sizes Sale Price, pair 95c to $1.95 FOOTWEAR FOR YOUTHS AND BOYS Black calf leather oxfords, sturdy leather soles and lloletite rubber heels. Smart and serviceable. Bovs' sizes 1-5, Sale Price $2.35 Youths' sizes 11-13M.. Price .. $1.95 OUT FOR QUICK CLEARANCE Krinkle Bed Spreads â€" Clearance of mill ends of poi)nIar Krinkle Spreads. Woven from best stronpf ccHton yarns, easy to wash, need no ironing. F.ach piece approximately 2V2 yards Ion<r. double bed size. Specially Priced .. 95c Good wearing and comfortable shoes made from sturdy black leather, have durable leather soles and rubber heels; R-ood sturdy build and built on a wide, roomy last; j^food shoes in every way, yet how little they cost here. Sizes 6- 11, half sizes. Sale Price, i)air .... $1.95 MEN'S RUGGED WORK BOOTS Built to take hard knocks and stand the toujrhesi wear; extra heavy work boots with choice of leather or panco soles and choice of plain heels or with heavy steel plates. Full <^rain leather in black or bro\yn, with extra heavy stitchinjif and plain toes; wide lasts. These include such famous makes as Valentine Martin, Tillsonburq-. P.uaer and others (all sizes). Speciallv Priced per pair $3.50 and $3.95 SPECIAL IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Om- 1940 i)atterns of Sunworthy Wallpaper now in stock. Here's a }.^-()!(kn opi)ortunity to repair vour home at really worth-while savin<i-s. Here you will lind Sunworthv AVall- jiajier for every room in your home at small cost, so put this on your ''nuist .see" list, if you have paperinii" to do. Yoin* inspection is invited. GROCERY SPECIALS Matches 3 boxes 25c Comfort Soap 5 bars 25c ilandv Ammonia box 6c Fresh Dates 2 lbs. 25c TJhbv's Pork & Reans 21 oz.. 2 for IQc Jewel Shortening:;- lb. 1.3c Pearl Soap ; 6 for 25c Infant's DcIiRht Soap cake 6c Fresh Prunes, larg-e size 2 lbs. 23c Fancy Pink Salmon .1 lb. tails) .... 17c Sweet Mixed Pickles jar 22c X X X t T T t t J T t t T ♦♦♦ t t t T T t t T T T t T t T T t T T t t T T T T T T T T T F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE. Ont. Marguerite Wellwood of Duu- dalli spent liie past week in town. Mrs. S. Cool<e and Betty liave taicen rooms at the Parlt Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. 'VViLson spent tin. Easter vacation at Niagara Falls. Miss Helen Heard returned Monday to her school at Varney. Miss Elsie Caswell of Hillsburg spent the week end with her father. Mrs. Alex. Aberdein and children spent the past week at Durham. Mrs. Wes Armstrong and son, Jim, of Dundalk spent the week end in town. Miss Dorothy Ottewell of Toronto and Earl Ottewell of Pickering spent a few days with their parents here. Mrs. Bert Graham and daughter, Ruth, spent the Easter vacation with Toi'onto relatives. TUNE IN on CFOS each Friday 6.45 p.m. for the RUPERT LEGATE SHOE STORE Program. j Miss Emily Whitemore of Durham visited the past week at the home of [Mr. Chas. McClean. I Miss Allison Grant of Toronto has spent the past week with her friend, Miss Lois Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar of To- ronto sDcnt the week end with Mi-, and Mrs. Geo. Johnson, Springhill. Ladies and Gentlemen,- You are cordially invited to call, and see the large assortment of up-to-date optical frames and lenses at the Munshaw House, Friday, April 12th, from 1 to 5 p.m. â€" D. Campbell, optometrist. Mrs. Jos. Blackburn resumed her duties on Sunday, after being absent Church on Sunday, after being absent the past four weeks when she fell down the stairs in her home, fractur- ing several ribs and being severely shaken from the mishap. Friday, .\pril 26, will be an event in Flesherton that will be awaited with anticipation when a drama festi- val will be conducted here by the high school players from Makrdale, Dun, dalk and Flesherton. Keep this date open and plan to attend this event. The Ladies' Aid of St. John's United Church, Flesherton, are hold- ing a crokinole and Chinese checkers social in the basement of the church on Tuesday, April 9th, at 8.15 p.m., under the auspices of Mrs. E. Fisher's group. Everybody welcome. Lunch served. Admission, 10c. The Feversham road was finally opened for motor traffic Tuesday afternoon* One week after it was blocked by the heavy storm. Fever- .sham residents assisted in opening the road by shovelling snow, so that the plow would have some place to shove the drifts. Miss Velma Sewell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sewell of town, left on Thursday last to undergo an operation Oil her foot in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. We hope that the operation will be a success and that Velma will have the full use of her ankle. Several residents of town were in Toronto in Thursday when they gave some of their blood for army pur- poses, the operations taking place at Grace Hospital. Those who donated were: Messrs. J. A. Richards, A. Down, J. C. Kennedy, J. Nuhn, S. Sutton and K. G. Betts. Due to the impassable condition of township roads the Grey County Seed Fair and organization of the Grey County Federation of Agriculture has been postponed one week The dates, therefore, are Seed Fair, April 12. and organization of Federation of Agriculture, .4pril l,*?. M ARRrED LA WLORâ€" WILSON â€" In Toronto on Saturday, March .SOth, 1!>40, Miss Lois Allison 'Wilson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Wilson of Durham to Mr. Arthur G. Lawlor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor of the 8th line. t X DIED FISHER - - In Artemesia on Satur- <lay, March 30, 1<>40. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fiaher, aged two months and 18 days. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon inter- ment in the Mortuary Chnpcl in Flesherton cemetery. Calf born in Indiana has two tails and la doing well. 'Whether that is added protection for the fly season or an added annoyance for the milker when that critter grrowa up la not certain. Tom: Was her father rough with you when you told him you had sec- retly married his daughter? Dick: I'll say. He nearly shook my arm off. A man who stops tearing is old, whether eighteen or eighty. Well that makes the seventh tim* we have put the snow shovel away for the season. NOW IS THE TIME TO^^ REGISTERED o" > 06UINI0M or CAN*©* DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE' PRODUCTION SERVICE PLANT PRODUCTS SCCO INSPCCTION CCffTinCATV TAG THIS CEimnES thai tin M«l itOttuM* M tlw franl al Ikb u« »â- â€¢ pnducad (twn • liaid bupKUd tâ€"d trov tnmt •nd hu l>Ml> IM«d >nd itiM'<aiit'Ot»wniiMlm^iit'*XXATiiit. ml, and NffuUtiona thwaundcr. SUPPLIES of Registered Seed are rapidly growing less through feeding and sale through the grain trade, particularly rust- resistant varieties of wheat and oats. Order supplies new for spring planting. Registered Seed is ipure as to variety. It therefore returns in yield, quality and grade. It requires no cle. tered Seen is sola only in sealed containers, govemmt -. ' ' government-inspected. Buy Registered Seed! For information regarding sources of supply of appru - ' write to: â€" the District Supervisor, Plant Products E^ ^ Dominion Department of Agriculture for your distri' i. Dominion Experimental Farm, the Provincial IX-fi cut o, Agriculture, or the nearest Agricultural College. Food supplies are important in Wartime â€" This year, plant and raise only the bestl Agricultural Supplies Board DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTA'WA Honourable James G. Gardiner, Minister Small Ad. Column FOR RENT â€" conveniences.- Apartment with all -J. A. Richards. FOR SALE â€" Beagle hound, good hunter. â€" Neil McDonald, Eugenia. LOST â€" Gold plated locket in Flesh- erton on Mai-ch 30. Finder please notify Mable Chard, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Heavy team Percheron Mares, rising 3, sound and quiet â€" Claude C. Akins, Flesherton. FOR S.4.LE â€" Durham cow, 8 years old, fresh, T.B. tested. â€" Gordon Stuart, Ceylon. 2702 FOR SALE â€" Heintzman make up- right piano, in good condition. â€" Mrs Ed. Fisher, Flesherton. 18c2 FOR S.\LE â€" 4 pigs about 130 lbs., barrel churn, good as new. â€" George Thomson, phone Feversham 1 r 31. NOTICE â€" Good prices paid for hor- ses or cows suitable for mink meat. â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" or exchange for cattle, black horse rising 5, sound and good to work, weighs between 13 and 14 cwt. â€" Clarence Smart, Kimberley. BABY CHICKS â€" Order early and secure "Hillside" baby chicks for the best results. Good layers. â€" F. J. Chard, Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" Oats $24 ton; Corn $28 ton; Mixed Grain, ground, $25; also seed Oats and seed Barley. â€" K. C. Muir, Ceylon. 3p2 FOR SALE â€" Erhan Oats, 1st prize standing field Osprey Agricultural Society. Stack of mixed hay. Two young Yorkshire boars nearly fit for service. â€" Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell; phone Feversham 4 r 2 FOR SALEâ€" 13 Yorkshire pigs, ready to wean, 2 sap pans, stack of mixed hay, General Purpose bay mare, good Clydesdale work horse, weight about 1,300 lbs. â€" R. Allen, Flesher- ton, phone 45 r 21. 3p2 "BRAY" CAPONS excelelnt. Friends said largest they ever saw, 8-10 lbs. writes E. Lenti. We have them for immediate shipment, also started New Hampshire, Columbian Wyan- dotte pullets, cockerels, chicks; Rock cockerels; capons. Other var- varieties. 2-3 week chicks to order. Turkeys.â€" John McWilliam, Flesh- erton, agent. FOR SALEâ€" One Nineteen Hundred washer and wringer, hand; 1 Nine- teen Hundred washer and wringer, hand or power; good range, steel top; Fairbanks-Morse "-as engine. â€" Ward Harrison, Phone 41r4. 13p2 FOR SALE â€" Enamel kitchen range, 9-piece diningi-oom suite, livingroom rug, Maytag electric washing mach- ine, kitchen table and chairs, library table, chiffoniere. Singer sewingf machine. â€" Mrs. Chas. Goddard, Flesherton. 27p2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims or accounts against the late NEIL ALEXANDER McARTHUR, of the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey. Farmer, deceased, are required to send full particulars thereof to the undersigned Solicitor to the Admin- istratrix on or before the Thirteenth da-" of April. 1940. After which date the estate will be ''istributed amongst those entitled thereto, having recard only to those claims or accounts of which notice shall at that time have been received. â€"C. C. MIDDLJEBRO', City Hall Owen Sound. BUSINESS CARDS DR. F. E. CONNER FLESHERTON, Ontario Physician, Surgeon and Acconchenr Graduate of Queen's University Office in Mrs. McDonald's residene* DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Aftefnoona. l.SO to 4. Evenings, 7 to 8.M. Sundays and Thursday afternoons bf appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. S88, A.F. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall. Flesherton, the second Friday in tsofc month. W.M., Alb. Blackburn; Se»- retary, C. J. Bellamy. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT SACRIFICE for quick sale â€" 300 acres, flO workable, balance pasture and bush, more or less; house: frame bam 50x50, hog pen, running water and well at house; 1*4 miles east, H mile north of Fle!»herton. Apply to S. Hemphill, Ceylon, or Miss Edith Hemphill, Flesherton. ROY LANGFORD District Afent for MUTUAL UFE OF CANADA ACCIDENT and SICKNBSS, FIRl^ AUTOMOBILE, BUROLART Mnnictpsl LtaMIfty OasnuHee Boaii Any Insuranes ProM«B TelepkoRo Itt. MARKDALl, Ort.

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