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Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1940, p. 3

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Gunner on British Bomber k A Busy Man ^ I ^ A view of the "blister" on the tail of a British bomber, showing dM gunner who operates the four machine-guns that are calculated to teke care of an enemy attacking the rear of the plane. The British Soyal Air Force raids on the German naval and air base at the island •f Sylt seem to have proven the efficacy of this defence, for only one British plane was reported lost in the raids. low Con I? BV ANNfe AaH' £V I Q. How c«n I avoid the neces- •ity of tying the ends of the threads when henimmg towels, wblecloths. sheets, and similar ar- ticles? A. After hemming these artic- Iw, turn around and stitch back lor an inch or so, and it will not Iw necessary to tie the thread «nd5. Q. How can I treat new sash cords in order t,^ make thena last much longer? A. Soak them in boiled linseed «il and allow them to dry thor- oughly before installing them. Q. How uan I prevent gi-avy from becoming lumpy? A. Add a pinch of salt to the floor thai is used for thickening, before mixing it with water. Q. How can I store blankets so that they will be mothproof? A. Before storing the blankets, â- ee that they are thoroughly clean, then pack with moth balls and newspapers, leaving no cracks for moiths to enter. If properly done this is just as effective as moth- proof bags. Q. How can I remove a salad 4iT«6sing stain from light silk ma- terial? A. This stain should be absorb- ed with flour or white talcum. Or, use a solvent sut'h as carbon tetrachloride. What Science! i Is Doing i LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE Discovery was announc"ed last- ~w«ek of a chemical which brings quick relief to persons with high blood pressure. The substance is a body regula- tor similar to insulin, the hormone which controls the use of sugar la the body. It has been isolated from the blood serum of oxen and has b««n used in the treatment of the disease in human.s to bring exces- »iv* pumping of blood through the body's pipelines down to normal within forty-eight hours. â€" o â€" NEW OXYGEN MASK A new hip-pocket oxygen fla«k *nd m new face mask designed to save the lives of military fliers m being perfected in the U. S. The new equipment is designed to prevent a pilot inaiivertently "committing suicide" if he acci- dentally opens his mouth at high altitudes. If s pilot flying an airplane at r. ASTHMA BRONCHITIS TMoa. €OUGHSrCOLDS nuDfAsmrOj UCKLEY • > •>â- â-  I >•â- â€¢>â- >. "Do I understand .vou to say.' asked tlii» magistrate, "that when you heard a uoise you got out ot bed. fumed on the light, and went to the head ot the stairs â€" that a burglar was at the toot ot the stairs and you did not see him? Are you blini'?" "Must I tell the exact truth?" asked the wltue^s, as ho blushed furiously. "Yfs. the truth and nothing but the truth." "Well." replied the man. slowly, ' my wife was in front of me." •'Wonder if I could find * match for this coat." "Burn the trousers too. while you're at it." .\n old farmer went to the den- tist to hare an aching molar remov- ed. The operation was completed; and the patient then instructed the dentist to remove the next one. "It isn't neeessarv," explained the dentist. "That one only aches in sympathy." "Yauk it out, then." growled the farmer. "Darn such svmpathv sa" She: "I'd like to ask you i question." He: "Ask it dear." She: "Am I the only air\ whose money you ever loved'" Passengei' in bus: 'Is sniok'.; permitted, conductor?" Conductor: "N'." Passenger: "Well, wher«» did all these cigarette ends come from?" I'onduotor: "from people wIjo d!du"t ask (lucstions:' Miss Howler: "Did my voice fill the drawing room?" Br. Bluntly: "No, it filled the refreshment room and the con- servatory." "liraudpa," said t little girl, "f saw something this morniii? rnn- ning across the kitchen flmir with- out any legs. What do yoii tliinli It was?' Grandpa studied for i w!ii' and nave np. "What wns ii " asked. "Water!" said th* yo;ri : " imphantly. the present "ceilings'' of around 35,000 feet does not have oxygen he will die a quick violent death. The new type of mask, which resembles a hog's snout equipped with a sponge rubber valve, keeps both the nose and mouth covered, with oxygen fed from a pressure tank. Mm.e CURIE'S D.\UGHTER Dr. Frederic Jolioc and his wife, Mme. Irene Joliot-Curie, winners of the 1935 N'obel Prize in cnemistry, have been awarded the 1940 Barnard Gold Medal foi- meritorious service to science. They are co-workers in the Rad- ium Institute of Paris and pion- eers in the field of atom smash- ing. They discovered artificial radioactivity and were the first to furnish proof of tlie possibility of transforming one element into anothe''. Mme. Joliot-Curie is the daugh- ter of Mme. Marie-Curie, co- discoverer with 'ner husband of radium. - HAVE • YOU HEARD?! HEALTH I TOPICS ! ♦ »»•••>*-< Canadians* Life Span Increases Life span of the average Can- adian has been increased in the last 100 years from 30 to €0 years, Dr. Gordon Bates, General Director of the Health League of Canada, claimed in a recent ad- dress given in Toronto. He outlin- ed a glowing future for prevent- ive medicine. Although it is still a new field, men like Pasteur and Lister made such strides in check- ing the spread of di.sease that the mortality rate has been greatly decreased, he said. PREVENTION COMES FIRST The idea of prevention is com- ing to the fore as its possibilities are made known, Dr. Bates de- clared. The ancient Chinese paid the r doctors only when they were wei!, and Dr. Bates suggested that Can- adians might well adopt the same principle. What would state mediclnfe Biean to citizens? Would there be too many doctors, and how would they be paid? These are questions that are perplexing the medical practit-e and the layman today. But medical practice must change â€" illness is an expensive luxury, costing Canada one billion dollars annually. Dr. Bates suggesteii a re-organization along preventive lines, with health departments re- ceiving more than their present grant of seven million annualiv. ROBIN HOOD METHOD Canada's present system of medical practice, he stated, fol- lows the Robin Hood method, with the poor being given treatment by excellent physicians, only at the cost of their self-respect. The ric'i pay well for good service, but the middb classes are in the most un- fortunate position of all, being ex- pected to pay although they real- ly cannot afford to do so. In Eng- land thirty years ago medical care was made readily available to everyone through the institution of Health Insurance. Under th^s system a large group of the popu- lation contributed to a general fund from which the doctor was paid a definite amount per patient per year, whether his patient was well or sick. Modern [uette Etiqi CREAM WANTED We are paying a real Ki^h price for cream F.O.B., Tor- onto. Write for particulars and cam. The Toronto Creamery The United Farmert Co-operative Co. Ltd. Duke and George Streets TORO.NTO, Ontario. THIS BOOK. IS FREE i:- SOI ai;k uk>ki.n« for rk- ii.>f r-.'om wciknossfs of .Sfomarh. Kidneys. Uver or other bodily 111.-., wrire for our "Kamlly Uotanio 'luidc". ThousauJs of i-«nadliin â-  'ustomers prals,» thor^** roniedics. no not delay â€" write to-dsy. IIKAI.TII VUOUHTS I.IMITKD n»^|it. M. .Saska*oon. ."^nsk. RINGS INSTANT EASi t BY ROBtKlA LEE } Q. Wheu playing bridge, is a per- son ever justifie.! in criticising the play ot his or h?r p,artner? -A. Xeve;-. Under no circunistiinc- es should one do so. Nowhere is good breeding more noticeable tiian in sports and g:Hmes. Q. Isn't it improper for two per- sons to shake ha:ids across the table? A. Yes. However, if one person extends his hand across the table, the other person must accept it. Q. When a hostws is going to serve cocktails and knows that on© or two of her guests do not care for them. what should she do? A. The hostess should prepare to- mato juice, or something of the kind for these guests. Q. Isn't one justified in exp'.'ess- ing anger when the telephone ex- change it-peateiiiy giv»-g one Uie wrong number? A. No. "Anger manages all things badly." Patience, poise, and aelf- conlrol are virtues that we aJ! should try to cultivate. Q. When a man lii leaving the home of his hosti>iis, should be tak^ special lt?ave of his dinner partus. .' A. Yes. Ho should devote a few special words to his dinner part- ner. To the others, a gooiI-aigUt bow is ;; ieient. 6. What is considered the most important thing In th» training of a chiid? A. Obedience. Ideal Man: Tall Dark, Blue-Eyed William Smith College (Geneva. N'.Y.) girls like their escorts to b© polite, but not too polite, tall, dark, blue-eyed and good dancers. A survey by the undergraduate newspap'jr at Hobart, ;i-»ighboring men's college, revealed the requis- ites of a Wiiiiam Smith girl's "Ideal.' Some ot th» comments were: DIXIE is the thrifty man's tobacco. Ifs a €ooi slow 'burning smoke! DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO 't A b'^autiful waltzer, siisihily on the "wackey" side. His personality must be polished and Ii^ must b» meticulously d.essed. X'.l wool and a yard wide are de- sirable qualities not -to be overlook- ed by the alert girl. A nice iine ot conversatiou. But !ip must not be too coated nor too pi.Jshed. Hf> must dominate me and over- wb&lm me with finesse. Tall, dark and 'alue-eyed. .V boy, preferably dark, who does not talk too much o allow me time to say something. . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . *<.iiNrs \\ A.\ ri:i> UIUCKR ME.V \VA.VTED â€" rNVliST $50.uiJ and be ynXir own boss: oni sale per weolc beats working for someone else; capable, hard wor- kers earn J3.000 up; imazing new maohine by old-eaiablisbed >:onip- any. .Stat.^ s,iles experience in full. Address Room FA2. Anker-Holtii Manufiioturi:!;; t'ompaiiy. S:irnia. Ont:u'i>. AGE.VT.s u a:>ted in exch tow.v Sell Vitamin B-1 that grows Daf- fodils a.s biff as salad plates. Roses five inches acres?. Transplant without wilting. Approved for salo by liiv.- D<'parimtfiic of AsriouUure. Ottawa. Send S'2.00 for complete kit and in.iiruction.s. U\s profits. Natioiial ;^anitary ProJi*«ts, L.i!n- ited. r.rt3Hdon. Ontario. MATCH nOOK.S â€" NEW LIN'E â€" just out. ISeautiful goU processed samples. .~iend lOc fof packing:. .Sale.-^nion mention teriil Jry want- ed. Ay:ents! .\ot QUiolcl?'. Paynes. Limit. d. Walliiigford nuildinir. â- Wii-inipcg. EARN DOIBLE FOlt VOL it Kf- forts! Easy, interesting work in a district chosen by yoii. Products WPll-Unown ihroushouc Canada â€" BUre-scll<!rs all. G^t started at onco! Hy return m.nil droll a line TO tho Fnniilex Product.: «'omp:iny. JM'i .-^•. '')rnu-ri;. Mv'f!; r< al. IIAIIV t HICKS OP.DKIl UABV CHli.'KS NOW. AT- tractiv.j prices on well bred liar, red Itocks, White l..eghorn9, Hamp- shir.?s. -Vustrolorps. Write for prices. Wiiisham Hatchery, Wing- ham. Ontario. LuVUOi;: TOjI H-VKHON I.EOU^jRN.-: mated to cockerels from R. O. P. and cxuest winnins flock. 8c; pullets Itic; Collins I'oultry Farm, ^Osn.itaiuck Centre). Wales. Ont. AVIGS. TOLl^ES. TUANSFUK.MA- lions. .Switches, Curls, and all types of finc_-t quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cataloKue. Oonfideniiai, terms arranged. Tor- onto Huninn Hair .Supply Co.. 5iS Dathurst Street. Toronto. THE ni-:.M.\An i-oi: i!ai>i:n '."hi'-ks is greater every year. The reas,..u our customers are satisfied with our high quality ctovernment Approved .hicks from bloodtesicd breetiers. and they know they do not have to pay a big price to get Quality in Baden chic'ks. Compare our i.Juality. compare our Prices. .Standard Quality White I.,€ghoiii<, tS.S.'i. UO pur cent. Pullets SlS.:ir>. Harred Hocks, Now Hampshiros J3.4.i. Pullets Slli.tM. oock.»rpN $6.00. â- White Kocks. White Wvun- dottes. Light Sussi x. Hybrids. Harrcd Kocks x NVw Hnmps.. New Hamps X l-iarred Uocks, White Leghorns x Barred Kocks $l0.4.i. Pullets SliJ.;iO. Cofker.-ls Sb'.S.'i, Kig , Kgg: gualiiy and Extra Seloct Qua'<:ty slightly higher. SenU for complete price list and circular. Ba.Jen Kleetric Chick liatcherv Ltd.. Ilad.n, Ontari.i. â- BETTKIt LfCKl WITH BK.V',' chicks , . . fewer losses . . . through Kchrunry lay 70-7.1 per cent.", writes Mrs. Hoy AU.nn. Pullets, chicks, cockerels, immediate ship- ment. .Special bargains 2-3 week pull.^ts. cockerels. New Hampshire. Rocks, New Hampshire t Barred Kocks. White and Coltimbian Wy- Rndott.'s. l.K'ghorns, Hhode Island Keds. Capons. Turkeys. Order soon from lirny Hatchery, 13') John N. Haniil-'oi. !.;KK THK .MTDMOltll.E .M.VNI - facturer. bigger demand, greater production enables us to give you more for your money. The con.s)st. ently increasing demand for Twod- dle t^hicks has made it neceesary to add to hatching I'apacitv \-o.aV after year. Over .a million "chicks sold in 19:19. wo are prepared to hatch more in 194i1 and most im- portant of all better chicles and at lower prices. .Send for free illus- trated catalogue, prices as low as JS.4.'). Tweildle Ohi-k H.C'h-^ries Limit,',!. l-',M'gus. t'In'ari.i. II.VIvKRY IHiHI'MIIM- EAKKRS- OVK.N.S AND MAi.^HlN- •ry. also rebuilt equipment always on hand. Terms .irranged. Corres- pondence i!-vited. Hubbard l^ort. »ble Oven Co.. I'i3 llathiirst St., Toroiiio. B««iKKTK\ »iKt:o UOItIv l.K.^R.N l!.V.SKi:TRY. INTERLTST- iDg. educational, ..'oinplcte Instruc- tion, 25c. Free catalogue and reed- wofk instructions. Poniliiion Peed -Supplies. Pep.irtment W.. ToronKi Ont.-^rio. CA>.*UIA\ I'OI I.TKV KKVIKW '."AXADA'S OLDKST A.VD BEST poultry ni.agazine. A r«al help to »nj poultrj-man large or small. Only Jl.')') per y.->3r. Sample oopv. 10c. Can.tdlan Poultry Review, H« W. A.iel.Ti d o .streat , Toronto. COi.i.K<;i:'>, I'K VUI-; scHOOtS~ IJBARN SHORTHAND, TVPEWRIT- tnir. bookkeeplnsr »t horns. Write Horn* Study InstiMite. 634 Furby street. Winnipeg, for particularr RDCOATIOJrAL iTLDE.VTS XOW EN'KOLUNG FOI! coursM In Matriculation, Shcr: •tory. Journalism, Shorthand and Speech Culture. Mak« us* of your ipare time. WHte today. Cet»ad- .»n Correspondence colieae. (•». Uhn.'.hetf ll'J) 22l> 4 org* gtre-i Toronto. Kl.i;< TKIC â- *!) lOKo KLBCTHl4> ilOrdi^H NEW .^.N'U Rebuilrr-ftlsii. |i]i.:i»; , V-belts. Jones &â-  "SloOr^ Elect ric, I'Sti .Vdel- aido .â- ^•. U .. Toronto. ELECTRli- .MOTORS AND PITMPS. AH sizes, for farm use. From }6.5d up. Writo Lrff JCIectric, London. 0;;t;r-:. , Fiuns -APRIL .Vi:>VEP.TLSING ijPECIAL â€" dollar value for 30c and advertise- ment. Poll developed, printed or eight reprints, with craft emt>,3S- sed ''• ^-rui-ment 7 x 10. T.,ondon Photo .Seivice. Bo.x Jol. London, Ontario. IMJOOU W VIKK I'Oll.ltrS FOR FAKM. ai i>L HBAN AND SCM- mer homes, where water faoililies are not available. Oovernment Homo Improvement payments ar- ranged. Circular on request. Can- adian .Sanitaiion Comp:!.'iy. 07 York Sn-.-, -. U.'m.::r.' . IIAI.TI-.'H < 0\iH()I.I.KR DANGEROCS BL"LL.S AIJX)\VEU freedom -j? p:isturd with '.'oraplete safet.v to your family. Write for parti. ulars: The ..Vshley Agency, 17);:' liufferiii .-'r,. Toronto. IIi:illl-i.Ki)\VlMi J5.000 CROP FROM HALF -VCRE â€" People everywhere are growing Ginseng and vJolden Seal (Medi- cine hei'b.s). Enormous profits! %Ve supply seed, instructions, buy ev- ery pound. Particulars 10c (credit- ed). .\'o triflers. Associated Herb 'Irovvt.-s. Itcx 27W., St. Xorbert, H«>K.'*t:"« Full S VI.K CHOr.-E OF 3 YOIN.; .'LVPE STAL. lion.s: ba," browti. a:>'i black. Pric- ed right. Emerson iiill. Oudshill, On'ai'i*). M u-i.i; »A HI 1' PFP.I:; MAFI^E .^VP.-. i' IN â-  INE ^1Ar„ Ion -iins. Sl.oO per gallon. N. B. SmiOi. .<<,iu'h Hoxt.?n. Quebec HKUIt .11, UEI'.\rui..\ RELaKVES .STt.tMACH aad Liver troubles. Symptoms: Paitis in riglit side, under shoul- der ulaJes and across liips. indi- gestion, sas, constipation, gall trouble. Formula of doctor. Re- sults In ona day! Price $5.00. ilrs. Oeo. S .\imas. Rox I07:iw Saska- toon, .â- ^â- isk. BALD? <;(.)|XG B-VLD? 'BEACH'S Formuca" jrow3 i'.air rapidlv, kills dandruff, stops falling hair, itch- ins scaip. Hundreds of testlmon- lal.s. l3o.\es 51.00. postpaid. Use half co.'iionts. if not satisfied, re- turn th'* unused portioti â€" your money refunded instantly. Li. and B Beach. B23ii2. -North Vancouver, B.CX Scalp specialists for 13 ye.ira. Our reputation protects you. KJIB.VUIIASSED WITH PIMPLES or l!iackhe.nds? A I'anious skin spo- cialistM .".•eH!«, wiir r.:Ii,»ve you â€" money -ha. k ^'.larantee. One dollar brings m.mth's treatment. Full sinjpl.j in^-truc'ion-i. H; ;; ia ProJ- ucts. I,.^^;licf^. rtn^;^r;o. MINKS KOK «.»l.l-; PFRB RLltECS. CHOICE. LARGE kitts. Dark, silky, densely furred. Few bred fem.aies, 527.50. Ramona MItik Rnr'h. Markstay. Ontario. ttFKFIt Vl> l>\ I'MIIKS .\N OFFEH TO E%ERi INVE.NTOR Cist of inventions and full Infor. matioii setit free. The Uinisay Co. ReeistcrcJ. Pate-t .V:orrfvs. t'73 Bank .-:ree-. Of:>v. \. C;n ..' <d.-t. I'ERFI WK â€" SI'KlHI. OFFER PEKFCMB .\LA.HJiB PREPAID. Tweed Periume of unus- ual • iuality for d;3crin):n3ting peo- ple. Today's most ',>opu1ar perfume. 11.00 value for -Jc. Address to Devo:isUlii' Per'i;inef. ;,j3 Sher!- dan A\ e.. Ttq; 'q. t'KMsON.*! sJLIl- I'uinccij <NUFf. EASILV. inexpensively. li-inie remedy. Testlmonlais. (J'l unMecd. Advice free, ilarlltfil'9 Bos i, Winnipeg. .<TOP-TOn.Vi'CO. Specinl. Quit smok- injr. "hewing tobac'-o. snuff, easily, qui.'kly. Complete giiaantee treat, ment. (;o,\ Reliable Product!". Box -'â- SI. H-'ViiKi. '-'ask. l(EMi;IOI '> "ELIJAH ." O M I N C, BEFORE Christ." W.mderful book sent free, ^lcciil.;.> .^::'^s:c^. !I., Rochester, .New 1 ^rk. During 103S the nine dredges operated in the Yukon Consolidat- ed Gold Corporation bandied S,- 050,000 cubic jards of pravel, which yielded 60,066 fine ounct!< of joid and 14,413 fine o'jnces of silver. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Uw<l â€" New «PBCI.»1,IZI\R IN RFItl II. T MO- TORS, POWKR.IMT'*, (iTflrnelle Helets. Wlx-ke*. Geaemior*. <««ar(- •re, M«ceet»e. CerbDreinr* ltaill«(- er* •- Exekance Gertie*, i:iit«a â€" eattafaoilea er t'efiiail. Levy Aeto I'arte, ToreaMk ••r.i;:L> o.i.r« I'lL'R THOr.S.A.ND 1U".SHEI-S OF iCarly .Seed Oats. 0.-\.i". No. 3 Var- iety. i\h prize Winter Seed Show, Toronto First priie Provinciiil seed Exhibition, c'hathara. Firs; prize Lambton County Seed Show, Alvin.'-ton. 7.')c. Robert Mu.t:13onalii. Brigden. Ontario. â- â€¢â- .oi BisHEL-S ERIJAN V.\RIETV, :.'nd prize Provincial .-reed E.xhibi- tion. I'hatham; I'nd prize. L.anjbton I 'ounty Seed .Show, Alvinslon. 'Jrade 1. .-Ml .seed prepart-d with •rovernment approved cleaner and Carter Disc Orader. S.'^c. Robert MacDnnald. Brigrden, Onfario. ERBA.N 0.\TS. COVER.NMENT '.Tr.-'.de N'.). 1, clean sred, germin.i- tion »5 per cent. 7oc bushel, F.O.B. London. A. <J. Murray, Wllt'jn SKEO FOR <M.R HOME CF.OWN SEED:^ â€" GOVT, graded, .ilfaifa, re.i liover. aUike. Timothy, sweet ciovor. Ask fnr prices and samples, rhe Caledonia .Milling Co. Ltd.. Caledonia. .S-l'E.M-Rl'ST RESIiT.\NT VA\- g'uard Oats. 3rd generation, regi.^- tered. No. 1. John R. Stewart, Strathroy, Ont.ario. .-IBKKLVN COS.SAi'K ALJ".\LFA. V. ry hardy, Numbfr cne. J20.00 ii bushel. Number two. $18.00. Bars S'lc. Express prepaid. J. E. Mu:r, <'ey!.in. Ontario. nCSH POEMS FOR :-MMEDJATE .-on.sid'irati.^-n. Ou'-;:i: (iit;^ off.;r :' :i.'-epti'd. .\. P.. Lii- :.', 7.1 E.;.,;h A\e. Winnipeg. Mi! ISED ROOKS, Mii;4/.INES SE.ND FOR FREE LLSr OF GO(.'Li used liction at bargain prices. Ad- venture, mystery, rama.'ice by the best modern and old time writer". State your favour. ;e titles at;J authors. Largest stooU of ftotion in Canada. Book L">. .hangre. STO Bloor West, Toronto. LYONS SI'HI\(: CI.K.VH \N<E »i.VI.V im;ll CL.ISS HKUCVUtTIOSKlJ Kl'RXH'lHK Every article thorcighly- recondi- •..i,>ned, guaranteed absolutely cleun and sold with a positive money-back guarantee of sa.tisfact'<.>n. $i4.w0 Solid oak. dining suite, buffet, extension table aud 'J leather seat chair". $3:» Nine piece oak dining suite, buffet, extension tabiv, china cab- inet and (i leathe;- upholstered chair.-'. $4a.'"i .Smart walnut finish dininsr suite, buffet, extension table, chinii cabinet, and 6 leather seat chairs. $69.01) Modern English oak dlsinc .suite, perfect condition, buffet, ex- tension table, China cabinet and e leather upholstered chairs. J7-.00 Lai-ge walnut dining suite. buffet, extension table, china cab- inet and le.ither seat chairs. SSt'.ou Ucautiful large solid walnut suite, buffet, extension t.tble, chiiiu cabinet and ti bPae leather seat chairs. $5.00 Several solid oak buffet? in golden and fumed ftiUshes. $S.iO Oak. and walnut fitiish chin* i.-abinets. and up. Dressers with large mirrors in oak. walnut and enam- el finishes. S12.t'j Complete bed outfit, steel beil. walnut finish sagkss spring and new mattress. $3t>.00 Complete bed room suite, 'Iresscr. chiffonier, full siia bed. sagKss sprlncr. and new mattre;!". I'erfici condition. Sl.'i.OO Ueautiful walnut bod room suite, large vanity, chiffonier, full siae b(d and sagless .'pringr. J5S.0U Special floor s.iniple modern suite in bleached walnut finish, waterfall design, Venetian mir- rors, dresser or vanit.v. chiffonier, full size bod, sagless spring, nvw mattre«s and pair of pillows. J4H.0O Modernistic bed room suite, in two-lono wainu'. i.irge Titiity, Venetian mirror, bench, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless serine. I'erf.-ct. t'2.'>o l.arKe phe.sterf'e',d chairs, up- hol.*tered in brown mohair, Nar. shall cushions. $8..'>0 Odd chesterfields in mohai" and repp covers, Marsha. 1 reverjlbla spring cushions. JH.OO Kroehler che.'ler' v '.d bed up- holstered in blue fiu'ured vel.;'ir. JJI.OO .Smart 3-pie.-e K.-'.hler chr*- terfield suite. r>:\ trs.Me sprinc cushion.'!. Velour co\.; :. ^11 over. i27.00 l.arge 3-picce ti!''.> vn moha> chesterfield suite, p. r' ect condi- tion, figured revc:>-.»ic Mar^hull spring cushions. LI,"!. 00 Rtautfful larce I-r"ece Lrown mohair chesterfield .••U'te ,co.<t now approximately $;85?, Kiver- sible Marshall spring cushions, I'erfect condition. 5:1. tf5 Extra .special. tJr.-.r.d new mal- iresscs, filled with new. r.utfy cotton, well tufted, roi; edg«. .\.ll size*. $S.9S Kitchen cabinets with -oil fronts, sliding porcelain tops, tar- ious finishes. $4.50 Gas Stove.s, 2. } «nd 4-bu-.t»ri. with ovens. ftunr.Tr*'*-;. Day 'With < aefldvare All aMrekaa^lae void nitk a peOHva a**HrT>haek â- â- araalee •( aatHfao Hon. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto ISSUE NO. 14â€" -40 r

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