• ^]" '0 i. . F^ â- \ !; vVednesday, March 57, 1940 THE PLKSttERTON ADVANCB . CEYLON (Intended for Last Week) Mr. George Alton and Mibs Helen Alton of Markdale were visitors on Sunday at the home ot Geo. Cairns. Mrs. A. C. Muir and Kenenth spent Sunday at the former's home at Bcfkeley. Mrs. Thou. J(ew of "Wingham was a week end visitor with her daughter, Mrs. I. B. WliitUiker,. Mrs. Roy Piper spent the latter part of the week in I'oronto. Mr. F. D. Caiins is ill with pneu- monia at the home of his sLster Mm. A. C. McDonald, Weston. Easter week-end visitors in the community were: Misses Olive Mar- shall of Toronto at her home, Geoz^e Patterson of Toronto at Snowden Mc- Leqcl's, Sherman Piper of Toronto at his home, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston and family of Oshawa at P. Muir's, Miss JeaneUe McLeo<l of Toronto at hefhome Miss Marion Muir of Palmer 'Rapkls at her home and Don Porter at the home of §am McDermid. Mrs. Hannatson and family spent Good Triday with Mrs. .John Gibson. Mr. Peter Muir and Mrs. Harry Huston were in Owen Sound Monday attending: the funeral of the late Mr. Duncan Muir. Mrs. Aiuia McMillan has returned home aftfi- an extended visit in To- ornto and Oakville. Mi-s. J. F. Collinson and Marion . spent the week end in Owen Sound. Mr. J. C. MtfLachlan and Mr. Eldon McLachlan of Barrie were callers in town on Saturday, while attending the funeral of their uncle, the late iVngus McLachlan at PrJteville. • Mrs. J. ^..Pattison and daug-hter, Cwen, are vitiBac^i Op»i|» ,Sflund. Mm. jAbn Sttwart i« â-¼tolUn^n To- ronto and Mr. Jackson Stewart of Gheeaeville is holidaying^ at his home. Miss Florence Mclnns is vi.<<iting at Detroit before returainij: to attend the O.E.A. in Toronto. Mr?. Duncan Muir, a fornu-r resi- dent of thin lacolity, passed away in Fleshertoii on Friday and will be mourned by a large circle of friend>. Miss Elsie Fisher of Toronto visited hei' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher, for Easter week end. -Miss Macdonald, teacher at Stone's Line is spendinK the Easter vacation at Aurora. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. Frank Townley of Toronto spent Raster with his mother,* Mre. Fred Mathewson, Miss Evelyn Brown of Toronto and Miss Valeria Stafford of Hamilton spent the holiday at their parental homes here. Mrs. W. Dickie of Cherry Grove re- turned home after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Georpc Swanton. Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill spent the holidays and week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smart and family of Barhcad were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson. Miss Doreen Johnson of Springhill has been assisting Mrs. Harold Rich- ardson and has returned to her home. Real wintery weather at time of writing. Artemesia Coancil Council met at Flesherton Monday, March llth, 11*40, with the members all present and the Reeve in (he chair. The minutes of the last meeting were I read and on niotion adopted. Com- munications we>e read from: T. S. Coopci-, re tree planting; Department of highways, appropriation for 1940 and municipal subsidy for ia40. The followmg accounts were reed and ordered to be paid: J. Watson, valuing sheep fl.60; hospital accounts for indigent patients $94.60; George Buchanan, auditor, postage and tele phone account $2.55; Queen Alexander Sanitarium, transfer of patient to l4>ndoii $18; Bennett & Richards, bur- ial expenses of late Mrs. Jones $1.3.20. The treasurer, fees and com- mission on tax sales. Tenders for cnishitig gravel were received from the following contract- ors: R, H. Irving, Sandy Contracting Co., and Turvef & Workman. Art Porteous, for one lamb worried by dogs. By-law No. 4, 1940, confii-ming the appointment of treasurer was intro- iluced and passed. The contract for crushing and haul- ir« gravel and placing on roads at 46 cents per yard vras let to Turvey & Workman of the town of Brussells. The Council adjourned. "Wife Divorces Mouse Fancier," says headline. Evidently she con- sidered herself caught in a trap. The man who never made a mistake probably never made anythinsr else either. SKATING y An Old Tyme Skating Party will be held in the rink on Thursday even- ing of this week. Everyone over 50 FREE. Everybody else 10c. A prize will be given to the oldest skater on the ice. ^♦<♦<♦<♦<♦ < * ^ <^4»4 ♦ ♦♦♦>»^K♦<K^^^ .r Specta€4t.l^r Selling To Ma -e March the Year's Greatest Vakw Month SERVICEABLE WET WEATHER FOOTWEAR â€" PRICED TO BRING YOU REMARKABLE VALUES! OVER RUBBERS Good serviceable rubbers, the ri^tlt kind for foot protection in wet weath- er; splendid quality, neat fitting and priced low. Men's, sizes 6-12, Special, pair .. 69c Ladies', sizes 3-8, choice of heels, pair 49c Boys', sizes 1-5 pair 55c Youths', sizes to 11 '. pair 45c Misses', sizes 11 to 2 pair 55c Child's, sizes 5-10 ])air 45c ALL-RUBBER OVERSHOES 2-doine style Rubber Overshoes with warm, fleecy lining's. Just the thinq; for those slushy spring days ahead. Women's, sizes 3-8, choice of heels. pair .". $1.29 Misses, sizes 11-2^^ pair $1.25 Child's, sizes 6-IOJ/2 pair $1.15 Choice of black or brown ^niGpARE F01WET WEATHER Men's dmi Bde»' K&M Rvbber Boots at Wpt/ljtA PriMi -Men'.s Black Kul)Ij"er*:_ Bo«n . Ayitlj cleated soles for extra .wear fifid to prevent slipping, sizes 6-10.. K^t.i Special pair $1.79 Men's Plain Black Knee Coots with red-rolled soles and solid heels, sizes 6- 11. Special < pair $1.95 Men'.s Extra Heavy Rubber Knee Boots, black with plain red soles, sizes 6-11. Special pair $2.45 Men's L^xtra Heavy all-red Rubber Knee Boots with white soles and heels, touph. hnrd-wearinp; they'll give ex- tra service, sizes 6-11. Special $2.95 Rubber Knee Boots for Women, Misses and Children Keej) your feet and these of your children dry; knee-high Rubber Boots made of shiny Ijjfick rubber. Wotnen's, sizes 3-9, Special .... $1.44 Misses', sizes 11-2. Special $1.29 Child's, sizes 6-10, Special $1.19 BOYS RUBBER KNEE BOOTS Sturdy quality Black Rubber knee- length, with red rolled edge soles. At these prices every boy should have a pair for wet weather, sizes 1-5 .... $1.25 Men's and Boys' Sturdy 6-Eyelet Rubbers •A big value in Men's Black Gum Rubbers. Some with red rolled edge soles, others plain black; not a com- plete range in every size, so shop early Extra Special, pair $1.39 Other Men's 6-Eyelet Rubbers, plain and blucher cut, all sizes, at per pair $1.75, $1.90 and $2.25 Boys' sturdy Black Gum Rubbers, with red rolled edge soles, sizes 1-5; Special, per pair $1.48 - Youths', sizes 11-12-13, pair .. $1.19 Childs'. sizes 6-10, Special, pair $1.00 Black Gum Rubber Boots for Women and Misses T T T t t T T t T Mrs. D. Muir Masses Death came qaietly on Friday even- ing of last week to Mrs. Duncar. Muir, at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. Stewart, in Flesherton, in her S^ro year.^ The bite Mrs. Muir has been ili for some time, her condition becomlivg critical a couple of weeks ago. The late Mrs. Stewart, whose maid- en name was Maggie McPherson, wat born in Storemont County in July, 1867, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McPherson. She came u Artemesia town«hip with her pareut.s in 1876 and has been a constant resi- dent of the township since that time. She was united in marriage to Mr. Duncan Muir and resided in the Cey- lon district. Mr. Muir passed away twenty years acTO. For the past ftve years she has been residing with her sister, M'*^- Stewart, in Flesherton. Deceased had a very pleasing per- sonality and was a real friend to all. She was highly regarded by a wide circle of friends. She leaves to mourn two sisters, Annie (Mrs. Roddie Stewart) of Flesherton and Jessie (Mrs. Alex. Holley) of Sault Ste. Marie. Three brothers and two sisters predeceased her: Mary (Mrs. Don. McLeod) Don- ald, Sarah (Mrs. Blunden), Alex, and Hugh. The funeral of the late Mrs. Muir took place on Monday afternoon with service at her late residence, conduct- ed by Rev. F. Ashton of the Baptist church, who gave a most comforting message to the sorrowing sistei-s. Mrs. Alex. Henderson rendered beau- tifully "Going Down the Valley." In- terment was made in the Flesherton mortuary chapel, The pallbearers were: Messrs. Roy Piper,-~Roddie McLeod, Neilbert Mc- Kenzic, Henry Tucker, Allie Muir and Alex. Henderson. ., Mr. Roddie McLeod and Mrs. Mark- ham of Detroit were in attendance at the funeral. Additioiua Lpol i|MM Mrs. ^lex. ftolley; of Si»iilt S<te>' Marie is on an extended visit witl^^lier sLster, Mrs. Roddie Stewart. TUNE IN on CFOS each Friday 6.48 p.m. for the RUPERT LEGATE SHOE STORE Program. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perigee and .laughter, Mary K., of Malton spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart. I^Messrs. Angus Turney and Douglas Morgan of Gait spent Easter at their homes here. They expect to finish their courses at the aircraft school this week. Will the knitters in the Women's War Work try to have their work in by the last Friday of • the month, Mai\:h 2&th. The sewing committee is working every Tuesday afternoon in the town hall and would like more helperfc Friday, April 26, will be an event in Fleshei-ton that ' will be awaited with anticipation when a drama festi- val will be conducted here by the high school players from Makrdale, Dun, dalk and Flesherton. Keep this date open and plan to attend thiS' event. BORN ALLEN â€" At Markdale hospital on March 21 and March 23, to Mr. and Mi-s. George Allen (nee Muriel Gor- don) twin girls. St. Catherine claims it now has the lowest tax rate in 19 years and so far no person has set up a yowl about such a falling off. SEELBT â€" KBimf â- â- e^-.i , JOn Tu«MUy, Murdi 12tb, at ~ ' o'cl(kk, a quiet bat pretty weddfJBff} w^ telemized at tJie Unite4 Churcli parsofMge i«^ 8ing)ian^>ton by .fier. C. Fox,jfikim ttVTOtby Beatrice Keyes eldAt d«\igbter^'of Mrs, and the kte Mr. C, R. K^yeii <4 OrengeviUe, was united iit marriage to Earnest JosejSh. Seele'y, 9nly son oi Joseph Seeley of B«d^roS. Tlife bride was charmingly atiived in a wine sHk velvet gown, with wine accessories. Si)e was a'ttended'by. Miss Goldie liysba of' Badjisros, iKho wore a pale bhie gown with navy^me- essories. The groom was attentied by Mr. Chester gctawandt of §tBffHain>p ton. ' - "" After the ceremony tlie bridal party returned to the home of Mr. aigd Mrs. John. Inglis, Badjeros, where s daiitty buffet luncheon was served. • â-º" The happy couple leljj. for Tonrnto and other points. On theif return they will reside on the groom's farm near Badjeros. J U SUDDEN DEATH HO c R b; \ at MARKDALE FRTOAY, MARCH 2$th>194(l DUNDALK T» CHATSWORTH Juveniles Admission: 26c- and 15c. PUBLIC MEETING Under the auspices of the Grey County Department of Agriculrare, County Council and Rural Organizations, for ourpose of organising Grey G>unty Federation of Agriculture will be held at Owen Sound City Hall SATURDAY. APRIL 6th, 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. SPECIAL SPEAKERS: Hon. P. M. De-wan. B.S.A., Minister of Agri.r culture; Dr. W. M. Drummond, Professor of Economics, O.A.<3.^ Guelph; Mr. R. A. Steiwart, President Barrie T|innin«r" Co., Ban-ief^ Mr. H. H. Hannam, Pi-esident Canadian Chamber of Agriculture; Pro* vincial and Federal Members of Parliament, aiS otliers. ^ Seed Exhibits from First Annual Seed Fair will be sold during" , the afternoon. ^ William McGregor, Warden, Grey County. JSU. T. Stewart Cooper, Agricultural Rep., Grey County, •^1 Small Ad. Golum I" or dom}.>- the^ chores tarni (lunnrr the sjinng'. around the Fine, too, lilihin }^oin<T to school. Brightly finished, six eyelet srilm ruhbers with Blain-edgeSfl rubber soles and solid rubber heiK. Women's, sizes 3 to 8, Special $1.35 Misses', sizes 11-2, Special, pr. $1.19 Remember, these prices are still at ])re-war low, and althoufrh they are advancing- daily, now is your chance to stock up at these prices. Buy now and save ! Specials in the GROCERY DEPARTMENT Matches 3 boxes 21c Comfort Soap 5 bar,s 25c Handy .Ammonia ho.x 6l Fresh Dates ....v 2 lbs. 25c IJbby's Pork &• Beans. 21 oz.. 2 for 19c .Jewel Shortening lb. 13c Pearl vSoap 6 bars 25c Infant's Delight Soap cake 6c Fresh Prunes, large size 2 lbs. 2.^c Fancy Pink vSalmon, 1 lb. tails, tin 17c Sweet Mixed Pickles, large jar 22c F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. Mr. Ted Dixon spent the past week' in Toronto. Rev. G. K. and Mrs. McMillan and little son are visiting in Toronto. Mrs. 'Wilbert Poole of Maxwell is in Collingwood undergoing treatment following a heart attack. Miss Dorothy Pattori of Toronto s.pent several days this week with her mother. Master Jack Kennedy of Dundalk is visiting this week with his gr-and- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Henry. Miss Jessie Fleming of the Dryden nublio school staff, visited her friend, Mrs. Rep. Boyd, this week. Mrs. John Nuhn is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. G. Coleridge, at Kings- ville this week. Mr and Mrs. C. R. Chappie and Alan are spending a f*w days at their parental homes at Meaford. Mrs. Chas. Moore has returned to Brampton after visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Geo. Stewart. Jlrs. Glen Davis of Toronto spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs. Chris. Thomson, who is not enjoying good health at the present^time. Misses Ethel Burnett and Evelyn Brown of Toronto and Valeria Staf- ford of Hamilton spent the week end at their homes. Mrs. W. Sm: • • • June and Joar. ing with the Geo. Stewart. y The following teachers arc spend- ing their Easter vacation at their re- spective homes: Inez and Audrey Brown, Kate McMillan, Laura Boyd, and Jeanette Cargoe. Mrs. Ernie Ellison of Alliston and Miss Hsiel Ellison of Toronto spent the past few days with Mi-s. R. G. Holland. Miss Marie McGachnie of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. J. James of Bramp- ton were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McEachnie. Mss Irene McDonald, Mr. Alex. Doyle and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patton of Toronto were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mrs. C. R. Wood and daughter, Lois, are in Toronto, where the latter is taking treatment at the Hospital for Sick Children. The W. I. will meet at the home <a Mrs. Karstedt on Wed., April 8. at 8 p.m. Roll call "Snggeations for the spring cleaning." Visitors welcoma. Mrs. H. Down and Mr. Alfred Down were in Banie last week viaittttc her sister, Mrs. 8. C. Rowe, who is Mr. iously ill. FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire pigs 6 weeks old. â€" Wm. Reid, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" Young Yorkshire pigs ready to go. â€" ^P. Muir, Ceylon.. FOR SALE â€" Beagle hound, good hunter. â€" Neil McDonald, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" 2 your sows duo April 1st. â€" Allie McLean, phone 49 r 3. FOR SALE â€" 12 chunks of pigs. â€" Neil McDonald, Eugenia. 13c2 FOR SALE â€" Heavy team Percheron Mares, rising 3, sound and quiet- Claude C. Akins, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Heintzman make up- right piano, in good condition. â€" Mrs Ed. Fisher, Flesherton. lSc2 FOR SALE â€" 4 pigs about 130 lbs., â- barrel churn, good as new. â€" George Thomson, phone Fevcrshara 1 r 31. NOTICE â€" Good prices paid for hor- ses or cows suitable for mink meat.â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" or exchange for cattle, black horse rising 5, sound and good to work, weighs between 13 and 14 cwt. â€" Clarence Smart, Kimberley. r'AP" c" •^iS 't FOR SALE â€" Durham cow,-Sf*yea^ old, fregh. TJB. tested. â€" Go^!?» Stuart, Ceylon. S7o*> FOR SALEâ€" One Nineteen Hu]&di«$ washer and wringer, hand; 1 Ninei- teen Hundred washer and wrinser, hand or power; good range, stefl top; Fairbanks-Morse ^as engine- Ward Harrison. Phone 41r4.. iSp? FOR SALE â€" Enamel kitchen range, 9-piece diningroom suite, livingnwm rug, Maytag electric washing mach- ine, Ipitchen ta'ble and chairs, library table, chiffoniere. Singer sewing;' maohine. â€" Mrs. Chas. Goddard, Flesherton. 27p2 » *.^, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having .claims or accounts against the late NEIL ALEXANDER McARTHUR, of the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey. Parmer, deceased, are required to send full particUiars thereof to the undersigned Solicitor to the Admin- istratrix on or before the Thirteenth da" of April. 1940. After which date the estate will be ''istributed amoiiP«t those entitled thereto, having retard only to those clai»ns or accounts of which notice shall at that time have been received. â€" C. C. MIDDLEBRO', City Hall Owen Sound. IJSINESS CAKD5 F. J. Chard, Eugenia. STOCK TRUCKING â€" I am now trucking stock to the market. 1 wish to thank you for your busin- ess in the past and would apprec- iate your patronage again. â€" D. E. Seeley, Maxwell. I3p3 FOR SALE â€" Erhan Oats, 1st prize standing field Osprey Agricultural Society. Stack of mixed hay. Two yodng Yorkshire boars nearly fit for service. â€" Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell; phone Feversham 4 r 2, '^BRAY" CAPONS excelelnt. Friends said largest they ever saw, 8-10 lbs. writes E. Lenti. We have them for immediate shipment, also started New Hampshire, Columbian Wyan- dotte nullets, cockerels, chicks; Rock cockerels; capons. Other var- varie«ics. 2-3 week ohicks to order. Turkeys.â€" John McWflUam, Flesh- , erton, agent DR. F. E. CONNER FLESHERTON. Ontario Physkiaii, Surgeon and AceoociiCear Graduate of Queen's Univenity Office in Mrs. McDonald's resideneo t DR. J. E. MILNE Otiee â€" Durham St. Office Hoars â€" Aftemeons, l.M te 4. Erenings, 7 to iM^ Sundays and Thursday aftemoooa by appointment only. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT SACRIFICE for quick sale - 300 acres, «0 workable, balance pasture and bush, more or less; house: frame bam M>x50, hog pen, TWining water and well at house: 114 nil** east, Hi mile north of FladMiton. Apply to S. Hemphill, Ceylon, or Miss Edith Hemphill, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 8S8, A.F. A A.M., meets in the Fratonia) Rail, Flesherton, the second Friday k «mI> month. W.M., Alb. Blaekhnnt; S«» retary, C. J. Bollany. ROY LAICFORD DIMrM Aasirt far * ' MUTUAL Unt Of CANA»A AVT0MOHi« wjmetMn Am, lU HAEKDAU^ (M. iiiiiiaMi M' ' Y 1* ^J