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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1940, p. 5

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iT .A'- 1* 1®^ • 9* f 1« >* « »•â-  A. f w • < 1» > * 4 / * 1 « -* «' ♦ > V :^ ( 1. V, > « • « / THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, March 27. 1940 ORANGE VALLEY (Intoadad for LMt W<!dc) Mr and Mrs. Byron HiU spent Sun ^y with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence AIcoz. Mr. Robt. Smith of Toronto spent Sunday with hia family here. Your correspondent and a number from here attended the funerals of the late I. B. Lucas and Mrs. Jaa. Henry (mother of Mr. Sherrard Henry and Mrs. Jas. Crowston) at Mark- 'dale. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved relatives. A pleasant evening was spent in the Orange Hall, Friday, March 15th, when, about 70 young folk gathered to participate in dancing and social am- usements, sponsored by the -L.O.L. for Red CrosQ purposes. Another 8()cial evening will be held March 29. Rock Mflk Ladies Aid Mrs. Wallace Fisher entertained a number of neighbor ladies at a quilt- ing and tea on Thursday afternoon, in connection with the Ladies' Aid. The proceeds mounted to $3.16. Mrs. F. J. Seeley entertained the Ladies' Aid and neighbors to a quilt- ing and tea on Tuesday, March 19th. A very pleasant afternoon was spent. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Art' Porteous on Wed., March 20, with seven members and two visit- ors present. The meeting opened ' by singing "When the RoU is Called up Yonder." Mrs. Akitt read Matthew 24 and all rex>eated &e Lord's Prayer. Collection amounted to ^.90. It was decided to have a missionary section at each meeting, to precede the bus- iness. The word "Love" was chosen for the roll call The meeting closed by singing hymn 606. The April meeting Will be held at the home of "Mrs. Sam Fisher. Lunck Com. â€" Cake, Mrs. Walter Akitt and Mrs. Art Por- teous; sandwich, Mrs. B. Field and Mrs. Ned Croft. KIMBERLEY (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Jas. Lawrence, who has been spending the winter with her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. Taylor, at Oshawa, re- turned on Sunday. A good many neighbors from this community attended the funeral of the late Mr. Ernie Boyle. "Dont you think, doctor, you rather over-charged when Johnny had the measles?" You must remember, Mrs. Brown, that includes twelve visits." "Yes, doctor, but you forget h^ infect- ed the whole school for you!" Canadian Ho^s ^ vs ^ American Hogs Large shipments of pork hav^ been purchased from the United States and are being sold in Canada. It will be diflficult for up to nphold hog prices unless farmers do their part by fihipp- ing their hogs to the OPEN COMPETITIVE MARKET Don't forget that hogs sold out of competition has a tendency to lower hog prices. HELP US IN OUR WORK FOR YOU Protect Your Market by Shippings To It Dunn and Levack Ltd. Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Union Stock Yards - TORONTO WAREHAM Eastr holiday visitors were: Misses Estelle and Jeanne McCutcheon of Toronto Normal School with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCutcheon; Elmore Fiaher of Line & Cable Ac- cessories, Toi"onto, at Archie Fisher's; Miss Lennie Jackson of Toronto with her sister, Mrs. J. McCutcheon and others; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sr. of Toronto at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weatherall; Miss Viola Cole and little cousin, Eileen Acheson, at the home of R<^t. Cole. Mr. and Mi-s. Howard Grummitt visited recently in Toronto. A number of the members of Ware- ham Junior Farmers intend to attend the Grey County meeting at Owen Sound on April 6th. Miss Selina Ferris, who spent the past few months in Toronto, has re turned to her home here. A sacred concert was held in the church on Friday and, in spite of very spiteful weather, a good number attended, some driving more than five miles over heavy roads. Numbei^ pi'esented were: choruses by the W.A. and by the school children, panto mimes by Hazel McMillan and by Grace Cole, reading by Audrey Har grave, quartette by Grace Cole, Doris and Anna Fisher and Minnie Thomp- son, duet by Mrs. J. Thompson and Miss McCullough, and a play "Tlie Way of Life," by members of the W.A. and others. A number in the neighborhood seem to be suffering from severe cold. Jack Arnott of the O.A.C., Guelph, spent the week end at his home here. A series of special meetings, de- signed as a preparation for Easte]:, were held in the church by the minis- ter, Dr. Mercer, during the past week. Owing to severe wea;ther and very bad roads, the attendance was not as large as was hc^ed. During the week Dr. Mercer remained in the neigh- borhood. PROTON STATION (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Ernest Lyons was home from Owen Sound over the week end. This village and community regrets the passing of the late Joseph Watson in Dundalk on March 14th. Our sym- pathy is extended to the four sons and one daughter in the loss of their father. The Hydro is coming to Proton Sta- tion I Men are busy at the present time wiring the homes. Mr. Alex. Hergott has received the news of the safe arrival in England of his son, Roy, who sailed overseas with a Toronto regiment. Mr. Charles Irish, Toronto, visited his parents here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Walton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ache- son of Hopeville spent a day with Mr. and Mirs. Gordon Acheson. Messrs. Stanley Lyons and Neil R. Ma'cCannell have sick horses. No Time To Lose Maura went to an astronomer to find out when was the best time to tret married. "What did he tell her?" "He took one look at her and told her to grab the first chanc ." Hair dressers in Toronto were told the bo -ish bob were likelv to come back again and a ffood many ladies will be feeling rather cut up about it. VICTORIA CORNERS Easter week end and the stormiest time this winter. We always said an early Easter means early spring, also sunny February means two wintei-s. Now, what are we to expect this year, as we had a beautiful February ? Gateways from some of the pri- vate driveways to the highway would make good ski jumps, they are so high, having been filled in by the snow plow. The fields, as never be- fore in memory, are just evenly filled all over with fence posts sticking up here and there, as there has been lots of snow but not much wind to drift the snow from the middle of the fields. In the midal of all this winter our friend, the pussy willow, is com- ing out. The last few days have been blustery. Mrs. Chas. Doupe and son, Jackie, of Flesherton are visiting her cousin, Mrs. Pussell Linton. Miss Alice Dingwall o Toronto is visiting her cousin, Helen Ii-ving. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradley of To- ronto \?isited at the home of Mr. John Henry Richardson. Ren Acheson of Cheltenham, who is convalescing after an operation, is visiting friends in the burg and the surrounding neighborhood. The Y.P.S. held their weekly meet- ing at the home of Viola Richardson. Miss McDonald is spending the holidays in Toronto. (Intended for Last Week) Jim Gallagher has ibeen on the sick list and, although improving, is still in bed. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar of Owen Sound and Mrs. Fenwick and Elnora of East Linton visited at the home of Russell Linton. The ladies of the W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Win. Talbot Thursday afternoon, when fifteen members were present. The roll call was answered by "My hobby." If the men whorwere amusing themselves in the other room could have heard, they would have understood why their tables at home have so many good eats thereon. An EJaster solo was rendered by Mrs. Elmo Stevens. Readings were griven by Mrs. Walter Nichol, Mrs. Russell Patterson and Mrs. Chas. Moore. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Copeland, the vice-president, Mrs. Oscar Patterson, conducted the meet- ing. Gifts were collected for a "Sun- shine Bag" to be sent to Weston hos- pital to Helen Moore. SWINTON PARK Time to Start Your Baby Chicks Insure for a fvofitable season with a new brooder. See our line of BUCKEYE and M0D£:L BROODERS, CHICK TROUGHS, BROODER PIPES, ROOF PIPES Add to the value and health of your stock by keep- ing them in condition with ROYAL PURPLE CALF MEAL, HOG TONIC or STOCK SPECIFIC We also have a full line of Dr. Bell's medicines. For cleaning stables we have WIRE BRUSHES. LYE, DISINFECTANTS, STABLE BROOMS, LIME BUY FENCE NOW FOR SPRING and SAVE F. W. DUNCAN HARDWADE Phone 54 FLESHERTON Miss Margaret McKay and soldier friend of Toronto spent Easter at her home here. Mr. Ivan Porter of Toronto Normal School is spending the holidays at his parental home. Mrs. Bailhe, teacher at S. S. No. 7, is sper.ding Easter holidays at her home in Toronto. Mrs. Hugh McMillan is spending the Easter season with friends in Toronto. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Ed. Haw on Wed- nesday last, with about 30 Jadies present. Some excellent papers on EJaster were given and a vei-y enjoy- able meeting was held. On Wednesday evening the Ladies' Aid held a very successful St. Pat- rick's concert and a splendid program by home talent was griven. The short play "The Old Pinter Place," was very much enjoyed by all present. We are sorry to report that Helen Bla<3k is suffjerinig with rheumatic fever at present. Miss Jean McCormick, Reg.N., on military duty at London is expected home .for ten days' leave. On Thur.sday, March 21, Mr. and j Mrs. John Aldcom quietly celebrated the 57th anniversary of their wedding. Both are enjoying good health. Con- gratulationsi to them. A Swinton Park Old Boys and Girls Reunion is being planned for the Ist of July, 1940, for Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferris spent Thursday with the letter's mother, Mrs. J. R. Mclntye, Dundalk. CENTRE LINE PRICEVILLE (Intended for last Week) Miss Monica Lambert of Toronto spent a few days last week at the Manse. â- ^Mr. Elmore Neun of the South Line has purchased Mrs. Sinclair's farm. Mr. Donald Carson <rf Toronto spent the week end at his parental home. Bemice, who has spent the past two weeks in Toronto, returned home with him. Mr. Philip Schissler of Toronto oc- cupied the pulpit on Sunday in St. Andrew's Church and all enjoyed hearing him again. Mr. .Allic McLean had the misfor- tune to a fine horse last week. Mrs. Jim Sturrock entertained the ladies to a quilting bee on Thursday afternoon. Plane.s leaving Winnipeg in the last S months cnrriod 11,500 passengers so it looks as though Canada was responding well enough to the oppor- tunity of taking to the air. We have just experienced a week of very stormy weather, more like Janu- ary than March. The roads here are very bad, slmoat impassable. How- ever the northern light^j were very bright Sunday night, so we might get a change soon. Here's hoping. Mrs. Amanda Lyons is visiting at the home of Mrs. Florence Lyons fgr a time. j This community was very sorry to hear of the accident which befel Dave ! Jamieson a couple of weeks age, when i he lost his left arm about four inches above the elbow. He was opening a switch and in some way slipped and fell, with his arm over the rail, the train passing over it crushing it. A ' week ago Mrs. Jamieson had the mis- j fortune to fall on the steps of their | home, breaking her right ai-m. They : are both in the Western hospital. It can truly be said that one misfortune • never comes alone. \ Mrs. Florence Lyons is spending a few days in Toronto at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jamieson. j Mr. Chas. Weatherall has moved his family to Mr. John Gott's house, near the highway, and Mr. Newton Davi- son is moving to the farm vacate<l by Mr. Weatherall. Tomorrow is election day. Maybe the weather will be more like spring when the election is over. Red Seal Salmon 27c Pink Seal Salmon (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Russell White, Sau- geen Jet., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Little on Sunday. Mrs. MacCudmore is spending a few days at her parental home here. Mr. Delbert Magee spent Sunday with his cousin, Garfield Loyns. Miss Jean Lyons spent the week end with her friend, Evelyn Leppard. The"W.A. held their March meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Taylor, with 11 members and four visitors. The & A. Co-operaliv« Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON, Ontario next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. J. Fisher. The devotional roll call will be answered by a favor- ite Bible verse. Accept no substitute for work- there is nothing "just as good.'' INSURANCE Consult me on your needs for auto- mobile, burglary, cargro, guarantee bonds, liability, plate glass and fire insurance. Licensed Agent for the best companies. â€"HERBERT CORBETT, Proton Station, Ont. Phone Dundalk. 44r21. ROUND TRIP RAIL BARGAIN MARCH 29-30 from FLESHERTON to OWEN SOUND 90 cent* " ^ Going: First train 9^2 a.H. Mar. 29 Return Limit â€" Up to Vpril 1 Consult Agents - Ask for Handbill GoMoJliaH &cLci^ oh the lever WHEN y-^jXX Vacuum „iC2.evr^jts , P°^"[ That "something' ^^ thing! That cylinder..- which a"»''"'f;irin(^ effort . • • and do all the w ..Vacuum ^^"'^^^St^i* «"^ ^"*'' ^°^^'' -thout taking your ^andwithoutt ^^^^^i„4 ^*u"^U'sstandardeauipâ-  wheel." s« Chevrolet a^etit on «» eost. models, at no e ^^ ^^ ^"^^u''ldeye,tryand you *«"itv Chevrolet. fruy a new D. McTAVISH & SONS, FLESHERTON, Ont H. GRUMMETT, DUNDALK, Ont. (Assoc. Dealer)

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