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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1940, p. 8

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Wednesday, March 20, 1940 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE / • iiiiiiii mummn i nm ii HH mmi iii ♦ Your active influence is solicited to secure the election of Garfield Case National-Liberal-Progressive Candidate (FEl)KRAL HIDING NORTH GREY) for better repreKentalion in parliament. Please consider this a personal appeal as time and road conditions will not permit me to call on everyone. Thank you. *First name on the Rallot. CampalKn Headquarters â€" 950 Second Ave E., C.P.R. Block. OWEN SOUND. - ONTARIO GOD SAVE THE KING St. John's Ladies' Aid I Mrs. Richards was hostess to St. John's United church W.A. on Tues- day, March 12th. Mrs. Edjjar Belts presided. The nieetini? opened bv sinKing' "Jo.sus Lover of My Soul", followed bv prayer. Mrs. (Rev.) Mc- Millan took devotional and gave the Easter messuKe. Reports were given by the sec., Mrs. T. Fi.sher and the ti'eas., Mr.s. R Thurston, showinf? that the bake sale held the last of February amounted to $16.61. Plans were made for the St. Patrick's sun- per to be held March 19th. Mrs. Henderson sanjr in her pleasing man- ner "Home." Mrs. Down gave a very fine recitation. The meeting dosed by Mizpah Benediction, after which Mrs. Richards' group served a 10c tea and a social hour was spent. 43 ladies were "resent. I Local and Personal I Political Meeting in the interests of AGNES C. MACPHAIL will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton Monday Afternoon, March 25 at 2.30 p.m. LAST MEETING OF THE CAMPAIGN Miss Macphail will broadcast on Wednesday, March 20 and Thursday, March 21, over CFOS, Owen Sound, at 12.30 noon. "AN INTERESTED ELECTORATE IS THE SAFEGUARD OF DEMOCRACY" Joe Crutchley, Pres. Bill Bierworth, Sec. "GO PLACES" FOR EASTER SPECIAL LOW FARES Between all points in Canada and to cetrain destinations in the United States FARE & ONE-QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRlP Tickets good going any time Thurs- day, March 21, until 2.00 p.m. Mon- day, March 25, 1940. Return limit to leave destination not later than midnight Tuesday, March 26, 1940. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE - 25c Take advantage of this long week- end for a visit home or away with friends For fares and information ask any Railway Ticket Aprent. CANADIAN PACIFIC Small Ad. GolumJ Spectacular Selling To Ma. e March the Yvar's Greatest Value Month t t t T T t t t t EASTER FLOWERS â€" Order your Easter lilies, potted plants and cui flowers from W. A. Huwken, phone 17 Mr. Th(j8. Brady of Toronto spent the past few da"s with his wife in town. Mr. and Mrs. S. Saunders. Alnja, Eldon and Muriel Atkinson of Berk- eley visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Betts. Master Carson Stauffer celebrated his seventh birthda- on Saturday and entertained a number of his little friends to a party. During the past week the weather has been very changeable, from a slight thaw to heavy snow falN for a short period. Miss Kathleen McDonald and Mr. Thos. Thaubum of '''oronto visiter the past week with f^- former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McLean and Williard Knight of Harrow spent tlie past week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens. Mr. Knight has rented the Scott farm on the highway and will take over at once. ^Airplanes have been numerous in this district during the past few weeks when the weather was favorable. It bespeaks of many more flyinc over when the traininp- scheme reaches full speed ahead, Friday, April 26, will be an event in Flesherton that will be awaited with anticipation when a drama festi- val will be conducted here by the high school players from Markdale, Dun- dalk and Flesherton. Keep ths date open and plan attend this event. There will be a meeting on Thurs- day night of this week at 8 p.m. in the Munshaw House for all those In- terested in better radio reception and who would like to see some action taken to eliminate the noises which are interfeiTing with programs. '^to. Norman Cameron of the 48th Hie-hlanders of Toronto visited last week with his grandfather, Mr. H. C. LeGard, and other relatives. Nonnan enlisted at the outbreak of was, but beintr below the age limit of 19 years was forced to remain in Canada until he reaches the required age in June. We wish Norman the best of luck. FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire- r*Hs» 6 weeks old. â€" Wm. Reid, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" Young Yorkshire pigs ready to go. â€" ^P. Muir, Ceylon.. FOR SALE â€" Beagle hound, good hunter. â€" Neil McDonald, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" 2 your sows dun April 1st.â€" AUie McLean, phone 49 r 3. FOR SALE â€" 12 'chunks of pigs. â€" Neil McDonald, Eugenia. 13c2 FOR SALE â€" Heavy team Percheron Mares, rising 3, souMl and quiet â€" Claude C. Akins, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Heintzman make up- right piano, in good condition. â€" Mrs. Ed. Fisher, Flesherton. 13c2 FOR SALEâ€" One Nineteen Hundred washer akd wringer, hand; 1 Nine- teen Hundred washer and wringer, hand or power; good range, steel top; 'Fairbanks-Morse n-aa engine.â€" Ward Harrison. Phone 41r4. 13p2 NOTICEâ€" Good prfees paid for hor- ses or cows suitable for mink meat. â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" Shorthorn Bull 14 yrs. old T.B. tested, Herbert Corbett, Proton, phone Dundalk 44 r 21. FOR SALE â€" Choice young Yorkshire sow due April 80, also cboice York- shire hog, ^ mo8. old or will ex- change for" wood or cow. â€" Chas. Goddard. Eugenia. TENDERS WANTED Cemetery caretaker and public util- ity man wanted for Flesherton. Sealed tenders will be received by the mider- signed for the above position up to Six o'clock of the 27th inst. For par- ticulars apply to _W. J. BELLAMY, Village Clerk FARMS FOR SAfcE IN OSPREY AND ARTEMESIA ^ k SERVICEABLE WET WEATHER FOOTWEAR â€" PRICED TO BRING YOU % ♦!♦ REMARKABLE VALUES! ^ St. John's W.M.S. BABY CHICKS â€" Order early and secure "Hillside" baby chicks for the best results. Good layers. â€" F. J. Chard, Eugenia. STOCK TRUCKING â€" I am now trucking stock to the market. 1 wish to thank you for your busin- ess in the past and would apprec- iate your patronage again. â€" ^D. E. Seeley, Maxwell. 13p3 J. L. Conklin farm, lots 36 and 3T, con. 11, Osprey Twp., 150 acres, good buildings. J. B. McCIennan fatln, lots 3, 4 and 5, con. 1, Osprey Twp., IBO acres, good bam and frame house. Hugh Wright farm, lot 9, con. 11, lot 9, con. 10, Osprey Twp., 200 acres good brick house and two bams. Gilbert Little farm, lots 79 and 80, con. 1, Artemesia Twp., 100 acresr grood buildings. For prices and terms apply to W. H. Hunter, R. R. 1, Vamey. phones Holstein 31 r 11. FOR SALE â€" Erhan Oats, 1st prize standing field Osprey Agricultural Society. Stack of mixed hay. Two young Yorkshire boars nearly fit for sei-vice. â€" Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell; phone Feversham 4 r 2. OVER RUBBERS Good serviceable rubbers, the rigjtit kind for foot protection in wet weath- er; splendid quality, neat fitting- and priced low. Men's, sizes 6-12, Special, pair .. 69c Ladies', sizes 3-8, choice of heels, pair 49c Boys', sizes 1-5 pair 55c Youths', sizes to 11 pair 45c Misses', sizes 11 to 2 pair 55c Child's, sizes 5-10 pair 45c ALL-RUBBER OVERSHOES 2-donie style Rubber Overshoes with warm, fleecy lininj^s. Just the thing for those slushy spring days ahead. Women's, sizes 3-8, choice of heels, pair $L29 Misses, sizes 11-23/2 pair $L25 Child's, sizes 6-10/2 pair $L15 Choice of black or brown PREPARE FOR WET WEATHER Men's and Boys' Knee Rubber Boots at Special Pricek Men's Black Rubber Boot with cleated soles for extra wear and to prevent slipping, sizes 6-10. Extra Special pair $1.79 Men's Plain Black Knee Boots with red-rolled .soles and solid heels, sizes 6- 11. Special , pair $1.95 Men's Extra Heavy Rubber Knee Boots, black with plain red soles, sizes 6-11. Special pair $2.45 Men's Extra Heavy all-red Rubber Knee Boots with white soles and heels, tough, hard-wearing; they'll give ex- tra service, sizes 6-11. Special $2.95 Rubber Knee Boots for Women, Misses and Children Keep your feet and those of your children dry; knee-high Rubber Boots made of shiny black rubber. Women's, sizes 3-9, Special .... $1.44 Misses', sizes 11-2, Special $1.29 Child's, sizes 6-10, Special $1.19 BOYS* RUBBER KNEE BOOTS Sturdy quality Black Rubber knee- length, with red rolled edge soles. At these prices every boy should have a pair for wet weather, sizes 1-5 .... $1.25 Men's and Boys' Sturdy 6 -Eyelet Rubbers A big value in Men's Black Gum Rubbers. Some with red rolled edge soles, others plain black; not a com- . plete range in every size, so shop early Extra Special, pair $1.39 Other Men's 6-Eyelet Rubbers, plain and blucher cut, all sizes, at per pair $1.75, $1.90 and $2.25 Boys' sturdy Black Gum Rubbers, with red rolled edge soles, sizes 1-5; Special, per pair $1.48 Youths', sizes 11-12-13, pair .. $1.19 Childs', sizes 6-10, Special, pair $1.00 Black Gum Rubber Boots for Women and Misses Eor doing the chores around the farm during the spring. Fine, too, for children going to school. Brightly finished, six eyelet g'um rubbers with plain-edged rubber soles and solid rubber heels. Women's, sizes 3 to 8, Special $1.35 Misses', sizes 11-2, Special, pr. $1.19 Remember, these prices are still at pre-war low, and although thev are advancing daily, now is your chance to stock up at these prices. Buy now and save ! Specials in the GROCERY DEPARTMENT Matches 3 boxes 21c Comfort Soap 5 bars 25c Handy Ammonia box 6l Fresh Dates ....v 2 lbs. 25c Libby's Pork & Beans, 21 oz., 2 for 19c Jewel Shortening lb. 13c Pearl Soap 6 bars 25c Infant's Delight Soap cake 6c Pnmes, large size 2 lbs. 23c Fancy Pink Salmon. 1 lb. tails, tin 17c Sweet Mixed Pickles, large jar 22c t t t f t T T T t T Jl fl Tl T T X T T T T t t T T The Women's Missionary Society of St. John's church held their Easter Thankofferinp: meeting on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. S. E. Annis of Markdale as the guest speaker. 'With her husband, Mrs. AnnIs served about twelve years on the mission field of West China. She brought a splendid message and also showed samples of Chinese clothing, beautiful art work and miniature furniture. The meet- ing was conducted by the president, Mrs. W. I. Henry, who welcomed the many visitors present from Markdale. Ceylon and from the local Baptist church. The Easter service of wor- ship centered in the theme "Christ the Light." The scripture lesson was read by Miss Mary McMillan. Prayers were offered by Mrs. H. "Down and Mrs. J. E. McKee. A solo was rendered by Mrs. J. A. Hender- son with Mrs. C. R. Chappie accomp- aning and a duet by Mrs. J. Mc- Williams and Mrs. A. C. Muir and '^^'•s. P. Hunt accompaning on the liano. iTiunch was served at ttihe close of the meeting. 'BRAY" CAPONS excelelnt. Friends said largest they ever saw, 8-10 lbs. writes E. Lenti. We have them for immediate shipment, also started New Hampshire, Columbian Wyan- dotte nullets, cockerels, chicks; Rock cockerels; capons. Other var- varieties. 2-3 week chicks to order. Turkeys. â€" John McWilliam, Flesh- erton, agent. FARM FOR SALE South half of Lots 26 and 27, Con. 14, Artemesia, containing 103 acres more or less. Good buildings, hard water in house and barn, running stream in pasture; root house, hen pig and sheep pens and garage. For further particulars apply to â€"MRS. ALEX. CARRUTHERS, Phone 74 r 22 R. R. 4, Flesherton FARM FOR SALE OR RENT SACRIFICE for quick sale â€" 300 acres, 60 workable^ balance pasture and bush, more or less; house: frame bam 50x50, hog pen, running water and well at house; 1% miles east, %; mile north of Flesherton. Apply to S. Hemphill, Ceylon, or Miss Edith Hemphill, Flesherton. BUSINESS CARDS DR. F. E. CONNER FLESHERTON, Ontario Physician, Sargeon and Accoucheur Graduate of Queen's Univenity Office in Mrs. McDonald's reaidene* DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoona, 1.S0 to 4. Evenings. 7 to BM. Sundays and Thursday aftemooaa hf appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 838, A.F. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Friday in aadi month. W.M., Alb. Blackburn; S«o- retary, C. J. Bellamy. ROY LANlGFORD District Agent for MUTUAL UFE OF CANADA ACGIDfiNT and SICKNBSS, PIX^ AUTOMOBILE. BUR6LAST Hnnidpsl Uability GaarairtM Bsnis Any InmraBM Probtaa Tafophone 1SS. HARKDALB. Girt. MARY & JIM CUT OUT WASTE t t t X t F. T: Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. MMM^tAi A NATION AT WAR NEED5 Gfwir Avfc ^ '^ATIO/<AL GOVERNMENT NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AulH»riMil by National Oovornmont Hoarf^oartort, 140 Wolllatlon Siroot, Onawa ^^ â- :'i» "I, â-  # r jm Mio mma mm

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