#; ^ â- - -»â- / t > • V r 4 « 1. **; * THE PLBSHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday. March 13, 1940 Electors of Grey-Bruce Toor interests will be served best by returniDg the King Government Vote HARRIS LISTEN TO W. E. HARRIS on CKNX (Wingham) FrL. Mar. 8. 6 pjB. CFOS 1S70 (OWEN SOUND) TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 12.30 p.m CKNX (1200) WINGHAM. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, at 6 pjn. MAXWELL Mr. and Mie. Jas. Guy, who have spent 'Uie winter in Uaxwell, have moved to Midland Visitors with the Duckett family over the week end were Miss Hilda Duckett and Carmel Martin of Eu- genia and Mrs. Fred Field and son, Georsre. Mrs. J. L. Morrison is visitinK with -friends in CoUin^wood. Miss Marjory Benson is visiting at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Poole visited Sunday at Gravenhurst. Mrs. Ed. Seele - spent the past week in Toronto. SWIN TON PARK Mr. and Mrs. Will Meads, June and Glen, spent Thursday at the home uf Mr. Robt. Knox. Sympathy is extended to Mr. John Aldcom in the death of his brother, the late Wm. Aldcom, of Priceville, who passed away Saturday afternoon. Mrs. J. L. Ferguson went to Noble- ton Sunday to attend the funeral of her neice's husband, who passed wav there. On Wednesday evening last a large crowd of friends and neighbors gath- ered in the Orange Hall to bid fare- well to Mr. and Mrs Tom McLean, ere they left for their new home near Holstein. An address was read by Leslie Watson and Jim McCorr.iick presented them with a purse of money on behalf of Jie community. Tom thai^ed all present and invited them to come and see them in their new home. The Glee Club was entertained Fri- day evening at the home of Mr. Jack Lane. An enjoyable eveninar was spent by all present. Mrs. Hugh McMillan 's at present confined to her bed. suffering from the 'flue. Inspector Pentland of Hanover paid his usual visit to S. S No. 7 Fridn''. Mr. Richard Hardy returned home Thursday, having spent the past few days witii friends in Toronto. FEVERSHAM CENTRE LINE Large numbers of German propa- granda leaflets intended for France were blown by the wind and landed in Belgium. Something the same hap- pens to the advertisine matter which is dropped on the doorsteps. >, •» Reap Bieaet, B^iet crops ^ USB /^OOD seed is the first requirement for bigger, better ^J yields. That is why it pays to use Registered Seed. Registered Seed is pure as to variety and ensures crops of greater yield, higher quality and better grade. Registered Seed is soU only in sealed containers, govemment-4agg«'^ '"» g'^emmtnt-hapecUd. It requires no cleaning. It pays to use Registered Seed! For ioformatioo regarding sources of supply of approved varieties write to: â€" the District Supervisor, Plant Products Division of the Dominion Department of Agriculture for your district, the nearest Dominion Experimental Farm, the Provincial Department of Agriculture, or the nearest Agricultural College. twxi supplies are trnportant in Wa rtim e This year, plant ami raise only the best! Agricultural Supplies Board DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAVi A Honourahle James G. Gardiner, Minister , Wareham farm groups were well represented at the meeting held in Flesherton in the interests of health insurance on Saturday. The possibil- ities of this much discussed enterprise have been under consideration bv Wareham vicinity for some time, and the outcome of the venture is watched with interest by co-operative groups throughout the province. John Lougheed led the discussion in the Bible Class Sunday afternoon. Wareham W-A.. met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Russell on Wednesday of last week, vrith Mrs. 'W. Ck)le presid- ing. Matters discussed were war service work, quilting for next meet- ing, a special study of missions and the buying .of furniture for the par- i;onage. During the meeting Mrs. David Armour was made an honorar\T member of the society. Mre. Armour has given faithful service for many years. The next meeting will be held on Wed., April 3, in the church base- ment, when it is expected some quilt- ing will be done. .4.11 women invited. Miss Edith Lougheed of Brampton spent several days recently at her home at Stephens' Corners. The Y.P.U. met in the church on Tuesday evening of last week. The oresident. Miss McCullough. presided. Dr. Mercer gave a very interesting talk on "Ten ways to happiness." Time to Start Your Baby Chicks Insure for a profitable season vrith a new brooder. See our line of BUCKEYE and MODEL BROODERS, CHICK TROUGHS, BROODER PIPES, ROOF PIPES Add to the value and health of your stock by keep- ing them in condition with ROYAL PURPLE CALF MEAL, HOG TONIC or STOCK SPECIFIC We also have a full line of Dr. B^'s medicines. For cleaning stables we have WIRE BRUSHES, LYE, DISINFECTANTS, STABLE BROOMS, LIME BUY FENCE NOW FOR SPRING and SAVE F. W. DUNCAN HARDWADE Phone S4 FLESHERTON Snapp-" cold this week end. March has not been so nice yet, but the crows are back so snring must be just around the corner. Mr Geo. Wilkinson and little son, Kenneth, spent last week with friends at Heathcote. Quilting seems to be the order of the day on our line these days. Mr. Joe Little has gone to assist Mr. W. Scutt of Mclntyre for a month. Mr. Leslie Breadner of Heathcote spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. Geo. 'Wilkinson. WAREHAM VANDELEUR Mrs. W. J. F. Hutchinson was host- ess to the Woman's Association for the March meeting, which was well attended. The roll call was answered with a verse on aspiration and holin- ess. Mrs. Fred Boland gave a paper on asniration and holiness and Mrs. C. Boland a solo. Miss Pauline Hutch- inson read the Scripture and Miss Irene Fawcett gave a reading. Miss Beryl Dennis of Mimico is a guest at the home of C. Boland. Mrs. McMullen is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Fawcett. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. Cranston of Lucknow is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. H. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Petrie and son and Mr Ellwood Blakev of Toronto are visiting at their home here. Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher is visiting friends in Markdale. The Y.P.S. held their regular meet- ing at the home of Chas Moore. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Stevens entertained them. Mrs. Jos. Copeland is nursing her sister-in-law, Mrs. Geo. Duncan. ROCK MILLS Mrs. W. J. Newell has returned home after spending two weeks with friends on the 4th line. Mr. Elwood Partridge of East Mountain spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell of Toronto motored up and s-nent the week end with Mr J. A. Foster Sadie and Stewart. Mrs. L. Ducke+ of Ceylon was n recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Sajn Fisher received word that their h-nther-in-law, Mr. Dave Jamieson. of Toronto had the misfortune to lose his left arm. His many friends here are sorry to hear of Dave's misfortune. Mr. Mwrrtiv Fisher of Fist Mount- ain soi nt the week end at his parental home. Mr. Roy Fisher n- ' sister. Miss .Amanda, of Honevwood visited over Sunday at their parental home. Mrs. P'-k Clark held a quiltirtf <ind tea for the Ladies' .\id and neighbor*! recently, in aid of the talent money fund. The Ladies' .\id wil' meet at the home of Mrs. .Art Portoous on Wed.. March 20th. Lun-'h Com. -sandwich. Mrs. Alex. English, Mrs. D. Clark: rake. Mrs. Hirry Pnton. Mrs. .\H>' Blackburn. Mr. Chria. Thomson is visiting hia brother, John, at Agincourt. Mr. Thomson has been ill for gome time and we are now glad to report that he is some better. Miss Ann Robinson spent » few days in Toronto last week. We are sorry to report the death of Miae Bella Park of CoUingwood and formerly of Feversham, who passed away on Sunday. A large crowd attended the service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday last, conducted by Rev. Muchan. He will preach his farewell sermon this coming Sunday, March 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Armstrong of Barrie were callers in this village last week. Mr. G. Saigeon is visitin- in Toronto. Man charged with hank holdup went to sleep in a bathroom. The po- lice consider him all washed up. CEYLON Dr. and Mrs. Alex. Tumbull of Lon- don were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wilcock and Mr. and Mrs. G. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt and Mel- ville are spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. John Kennedy spent a few days last week at Wiarton. Controller Nora Henderson of Ham- ilton and Mrs. Wm. Howey of Owen Sound assisted Miss Agnes Macphail at several places in the riding last week. We are sorry to report Mrs. .Archie McMullen still under the doctor's care. , Miss Evelyn McDeimid was home â- from Toronto over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. George Udell and Jack I spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ear! Best at Saugeeu Jet. Mr. A. C. Muir made a business trip to Chatham on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair of Dundalk visited at the home of J. R. Sinclair on Sunday. Mr. Henry Sargeant of Owen Sound spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Collyison. The Women's Institute will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Knox. Roll call: Irish joke. Program in charge of Mrs, Marshall and Mrs. Jaynes. Lunch committee, Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Marshall. WE ARE UNLOADING A CAR OF SALT March 13-14 SPECIAL PRICE OFF CAR IN BULK Bring your own bags. & A. Co-operative Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON, Ontario It begins to look as though China could go on loosing the war as long as Japan can stande to keep en winning it. Special TRAIN SERVICE EASTER SUNDAY MARCH 24 Leave Owen Sound 6.13 pjn. Leave Flesherton 7.13 pjn. Arrive Toronto Union 11.00 pjn. Consult Agents for other train service detail and Special LOW FARES FOR EASTER GaMAJUoM. G^cccii^ ORANGE VALLEY (Intended for last Week) Sunday visitors at the Eagle home were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eagle and daughter, Norma, of Springhill, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henderson and Junior of Flesherton ard Mr, Trous- dale &i i'arkJiile. ,' >'rs Jos. M'tchell and daughter. Vera,, Miss Roberts and Mr. Roblin of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr, . id Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns. Mr, W. J. McFadden. Mr. Raymond ricFaddea and Miss Gladys McFadden ;:id Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns ipcnt Saturday in Owen Sound. jli-s. Fred Brown, who underwent an operation in Markdale hospital re- cently, has retomed home :and is doing nicely. t "•'^ Mrs. Chas. Moore of Brampton and Mrs. Madeline Stewart spent a day recently with the Littlejohns family. More than ever, people are checking before buying . . . and more and more people are agreeing â€" all signs point to Chevrolet as the soundest economy "buy" of the year! With its new "Royal Clippc-" Styling, Chevrolet is the beauty leader . . . with its famous \ alve-in-Head Engine and Vacuum Power Shift, it's the perfortnance leader . . . with its dozens of finer features, it's the outstanding value leader. And it's the only 1940 car that offers > ou all these better things at lowest cost in purchase price, gas, oil and upkeep! See it, drive it and convince yourself, today. &ie lt»T/u| lt"6ui| It ! BIGGER INSIDE AND OUTSIDE . . . NEW FULL-VISION BODIES BY FISHER . . . NEW "ROYAL CLIPPER" STYLING . . . IMPROVED VACUUM POWER SHIFT . . • "THE RIDE ROYAL" -CHEVROLET'S PERFECTED KNEE-ACTION RIDING SYSTEM" . . . SUPER-SILENT VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE . . . PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES . . . NEW SEALED BEAM HEADLIGHTS, WITH SEPARATE PARKING LAMPS . . . More thon 175 Important Modem Features in All! CHEVROLET *0n Sptciot Ot Lux* ArtocMi c-m D. McTAVISH A SONS FLESHERTON. ONTARIO H. Gnunmett, Dundalk, Assoc Dealer