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Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1940, p. 3

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^StS^'X^"'""'"^'" J WHAT CHEW HAS THE itJsT FLAVOUR' THAT'S EASY -BIG BEN! r « «-••-«'•• » HEALTH TOPICS 2^.<: BIG BEN The PERFECT Chewinf^ Tobacco - HAVE - ' YOU HEARD?! Am Irish track driver wa» ciurg- •d wltli reckless driving and witli li&Tlax flopped bSa truck so lad- danl7 tliat a car behind lilm amash- •d tsto him. The judge asked him wliy Iia bad not beld out his hand. Pat indignantly answered: "11 Um poor fool couldn't lee me truck, tew la Hivln'g name could b« ie« BM hand?" "Did they put atitches In?" aakad the friend after the op- •ratlon. "No, I Juat pulled myself to- S«thcr," was the reply. Couiuel (cross-examining a far- mar): "Now don't quibble! Do you «ad«rstand a simple problem or «ott" WltneM: "I do." "Then tell the court this: If 16 aaeu ploughed a field in five hours, kow long will 30 men take to plow th« same field?" "Tbey couldn't do it." "Why not?" "Beeause the 15 men hare al- ? nady ploughed it!" "I have heard," said the pro- fCMor, "that Babylon fell, and Nineveh was destroyed, and" Someone In the class: "Tyre %va« punctured." A teacher was instructins her tilMMB in the use of antonyms. "Now aldldren," she said, "what to the tfppoalte of sorrow?" "Joy," shrieked the class in oni- opposite of "And what is the -Oiddap!" She: "It ia disgraceful! Yes- terday you kissed me aoalnst my will and today you try to re- peat the offence." He: "Well, a criminal always returns to the scene of his own erime." What Science i^: Is Doing JAUNDICE CURE Bzperiments at the Mayo Clinic liATe proved that patients suffering from "obstructive jaundice" could he cured by an operation after they had been given Injections of Vita- mill K. Vitamin K. built up in the blood a aubstance called prothrombin, the laek of which resulted in bleeding to death of persons operated on for the disease. TO RELIEVE INDIGESTION Dr. Otto Donnlth, of Vancouver. HHiorts he has found a way to re- lleTO indigestion and gastric ° ail- ments that rest, diet and medica- tion -will not cure. Since 1933 he has laccesstuUy used the technique of severing the sphincter of odd!, which rings the inside of a duct lesMling from the pancreas, liver and rail bladder to the small intes- tines. MODERN PIONEER Among the sage elders of science a young mau not jet 30 takes rank today ae one of 19 upon whom the title "modern pioneer" has been heetoweil in recognition of bis in- TWitive genius. He is Edwin H. Land, of Boston. who invented "Polaroid," a crystal sabatance made of iodine and Quin- ine which "polarizes" rays of light. tn effect lining thein up by blocking out vibrations at right angles to the beam, thus eliminating glare. Owing to lack of refrigerator space, the government has forbid- den Australians to include butter in hampers "shipped to Great Brit- ain. No restriction were placed on other rationed goods (hams bacon and sugar). ' See Shand Dam Ready This Fall $1,700,000 Wall Main Unit of Grand River Control Project, Is Expected To Be Complete Then At the annual meeting of ths Grand River Conservation Commis- sion, held in Branitord, Ont, Dr. G. Acres, Niagara Falls, chief en- gineer to the commission, gave as- surance the vital construction of the $1,700,000 Shand dam, main unit of the river-controlling project, would be conpleted before the aut- umn frosts of 1940. COULD DO MORE Dr. Acres also said the supple- mentary Luther Marsh dam could be completed by the end of this year should the commission so dir- ect. All necessary and scheduled work in connection with the Shand dam in 1939 had been completed, he said. EAT DOMESTIC FRUIT A perfect diet, rich in all the pro- lective foods, ia obtainable la Can- ada at all seasoiia without report to imported fruits or vegetables. This is the finding of leading Can- adian nutritionists and is being cit- ed by those conc&ined with the in- creasing consumpliou of American fresh fruits. Canned Canadian vegetables have been proven to have higher vitamin and mineral content than fresh veg- etables imported long distances from the southern states. GOOD COLD REMEDY Hot driaks, warm clothing an 1 tiot applications have been found to be most effective in overcoming the ravages of the cold germ. That is no doubt why tlie mustard foot bath is so favorird. Two or tliree tablespoons of dry mustard, mixed with a little cold water, and then added to the baliiwater has been found to be efficacious in helping anyone to overcome a cold. If. a.!'ter remaining in the bath until the sliin begins to tingle pleasantly, une akes a good rub-down and then .e- tirs to bed, there is usually a good deal of relief in the morning. WARNS AGAINST T. B. "Tuberculosis is the most impor- tant single disease facing us in the problem of national health," Prof. E. G. D. Murray, of the department of bacteriology and immunity, Mc- Gill University, said in a recent radio talk. Tuberculosis as a disease had aot inspired a state of terror in the hu- man race, as would the mere men- tion of plague, smallpox, poliomyls- tis and typhoid fever "yet in tha literature of the subject it has de- served the opprobrious epithet of "the White Plague' " he said. Out of 11 kinds of milk listed by the United States department of agriculture, reindeer milk ia richest â€" it has 22 per cent butter- fat. Russian Contribution To Finnish Defence The contribution was not made vcluntavily, r.^^uit-'s to say, but it is vei-y uccoptable just the same. The white-clad Finn is exasnining a mu;- tiple machine gun used for anti-aircraft work, particularly against div- ing bombers or hedge-hopping planes. It was part of the equipment cap- tured by the Finns and later u.sed against the former owners. How Can I? !}Y AIMOiI -iltr t V 1 Q. liow can 1 keep the kitchen sink clean and purified? A. Pour a strong solution of washing soda in boiling water down the sink at night. Q. How can I peel orango.s Mio'e easily? A. Pour boiling water over th* oranges and let them staud for al>out five minutes. When they are peeled, the white lining will come away with the skin. This samo thing can be done with grapefruit. Q, How can I treat an 1nflame<l nose? A. !t Is said that oae of tlie bos; remediM for tiiis Is the of equal parts of witch hazel and pure alcohol. Q. How can I remove shiny spots from serge suits? A. Try sponging the shiny spots with hot vinegar and then ammon- ia. Q. How can 1 improve the ap- pearance of soiled russet shoes? A. The soiled russet shoes can be made to look like new if they are cleaned witif lemon juice and then polished with a solution of bees- wax dissolved in turpentine. Q. How cau I treat a tough steak? A. Mi.v a small quantity of vine- gar and olive oil thoroughly, rub It on both sides of the steak and al- iow it to stand tor abo; r :\v;i hoii-s !>oforo ciokiug. THE SPASMS OF HftoopinqW UCKLEY \ mi^cture: Q. If a girl who is to be married has no father, but would like to have her mother take some part in the ceremony, couldn't she have her for maid of honor or a brides- maid? A. No; but she .'in have her mo- ther "give her away". Q. Isn't it rude to unwrap a box of candy, while at the theatre and the show is in progress? A. Yes, it is not only rude, but in- considerate, as the rustling of the paper cannot fall to annoy others. Q. At a buffet meal should the women serve themselves or wait for their escorts to bring them their plates? A. The women should serve them- selves. Q, When planning to make an Informal call on a friend, U it per- missable to telephone first, to be sure that she is at home? A. Yes, this is all right, and is a wise thing to do it the friend lives quite a distance away. Q. Should the silver be placed with the ends about three or four Inches from the edge of the table? A. No. Tbe ends of the sUver should be only a tialf inch to an Inch from the edge of tbe table. Q. When a man la Introduced to a girl at a dance, is he supposed to ask her to dance? A. Yes. Gold production in Canada dur- ing the first ten months of 1939 amounted to 4,235,880 ounces compared with 3,877,239 ounces in the corresponding period of 1938, and 3,380,735 ounces ia 1937. Exports of pianks and boards from Canada during the first el- «!ven months of 1939 amounted to :,96.3 million feet, a gain of 30 per cent oveir the same period of 1938. Itch Fait irHMMyBnk for quick relitrf fromitchiiig otf ecicju, punpiu. Alt' \itui% foot, auUts, Ksiun, ruLes and ouer ext«ntkk/ QHied ikui trou^tt. us« wond-faioous, cooUds. witt- MIMUe. iiquid D. D. D. Proenpuoii. GreaitJiM. â- tauilctt. BotKthfs imtAti'xi &nd quickly *top« i stem itcluAs. S5« tiiki bottle proves it, or roaoty b&ck. Aak roar (lru«^ todiy for 0. D. 0. PHCSCRIPTION. CHRPPED ^ SKin ?» MEKTHOLATUM O.V*j COMFORT Dd,/w WOMtfL MIDDLE AGE XhoiLBands go uiru this "'trying; ume' bytajung I'lnkham 3- reUknowo f ThelpiBuftmaleiunc- lionai :roublt>s T*^ Hi LYDIALRNKHAUrS VEGETABLE COMPOUND 2/ . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . .*.«it;.NTS W.*.\rED MILKER MEN WANTED â€" INVEST I50.0U and be your ov.'n boss; one Bale per week beaia^^orking for someone else: capable, h.ird wor- kers earn $3,000 up: amazing new machine by old-established comp- any. f>tate sales experience in full. Addres.-5 Room FA2, Ank«r-Holth Manuf.icturing Company, Sarnia, Ontario. UAUY fHKKS LOGIC-VULY POUJ-TRi: FARM. Bred chlck.s are better value tban hatchery chicks. Five breeds se- lection. 7 cents and up. farm rais- ed pullets. Circular on r«que.«t. Hish-ivay Poultry Farm. R.R. No. 1. Waterloo. Ontario. CHU'K.S. WHITE L.EGHOH.N"S. Sc, Barred Rooks and New Hamp- shires lOo, from Government ap- prov.^d. blood-tested stock. Write for cat.alogue, Brucedale Poultry Farm. St. Thomas. Ont. JOHNSTON'S CHICICS ARE ONE grade, the best we can produce, all breeders are blaodtested and culled. Bred to Lay Barred Rocks •nd large S. C. White Leghorns, Barron strain. Prices March and Apiil. Rocks 10 cents. 90 per cent, pullets 17 cents, cockerels 8 cents. Legliorns 10 cents. 90 per cent, pullets 20 cents, cockereli 2 cents. Safe arrival guaranteed. 10 per cent books your order. Circular on request. J. D. Johnson, Fergus. Ontario. ORDER B.A.BY CHICKS NOW. AT- tractive prices on well bred Bar- red Rocks, White Leghorns, Hamp- â- hires, Austrolorps. Write for prices. Wingham Hatchery, Wing- ham. Ontario. MORE FOR TOUR MO.VEY. Gi- gantic production enables us to •ell better quality chicks for less. Don't buy your chicks until you compare Tweddle Quality and Tweddle prices. 18 varieties to choose from. Day-old pullets, cockerels, non-sexed, started chicks, three-week-old capons, old- er pullets, non-sexed chicks as '.ow as $9.45. 90 per cent, pullets $15.9(1. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ont. AFTER AX.L IT'S QUALITY THAT counts. Baden chicks are hl^h quality chicks sold to you at low prices made possible by large wiles at low operating costs. Do not delay, get our price list to- Jay. W^e have Barred Rocks, Nevir Hampshlres as low as $9.45, White Leghorns $8.95. We also have â- White Rocks. White Wyandottes. Light Sussex, Hybrids, Barred RocksX New Hamps. New Hamps XBarred Rocks. Free circular. Ba- den Electric Chick Hatchery. Lim- ited, Baden, Ontario. BUY THE RIGHT CHICKS -A„VD catch the right markets. Order Bray's now. Immediate shipment. Nineteen varieties. Pullets, cock- erels, capons and 2-3 week cliicks to order. Turkeys. Bray Hatchery. 130 John N., Hamilton. luUlGE TOM B.VRRON LEGHORNS mated to cockerels from R. O. F. and contest winning flock. 8c: pullets 16c: Collins Poultry Farm. lOsnabruek Centre). Wales. O.nt. 'WIGS, TOL'PES, TKANSFORMA- tious. Switches, Curls, and all types of finest qualit.v Hair Goods. Write for illustrated catalogue. Confidential, terms arranged. 'Tor- onto Human Hair Supply Co., 62S Bathurst Street. Toronto. H.iKKRY ICilVH'ME.\T BAKEliS' OVENS -\.ND MACHl.N- vty. also rebuilt equipment always on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence invited. Hubbard Vort- sble Oven Co., 103 Bathiirst St., â- Toronto. CAKS. XEW AXD L'SKO MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS. LTD . Toronto's oldest Chrysler. Ply- mouth dealers: three locations, S3C Mount Pleasant Road. 2040 Yonge Street. 1225 Danforth Ave. Our u.<€d ''ars make xi-^ tnatiy friend-^. KIILC.t'l lU.ti.tL STL'|il:;.N rs NOW E.NKlJI.LINU ^'OU courses -w .Malriculatioii. Short Story Journalism. Shorthand and Speech Culture. Make use of your •pare time. Write today. Canad- ian Correspondence College, (es- tablished 1902) 22S Yonga Street. rproMI'j. t'''lJL,.M!> BEST RESl'LTS â€" l^OLLS DEVEL- oped with higloss deckled edged I prints â€" 25c. Keprints 3c. Beauti- i rni •nlarsemctn free. Prompt ser- vice. E.\ccl Photos. 1266 Luns- : Jowne Ave.. Toronto. TRIAL SPECIAL â€" SEND NEGA- tlTe, this advertisement nud 10c : for three piinls and 5x7 enlarge- ' mant. or roll and 25c for eigbt j prlDts. 5x7 enlargement London Photo Service, Box 551, London. ' Onl. Established 1919. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used â€" New $pc:l'i «i.r/.ivi: i\ iti'tti ii.t mo- tor!!!. fitwKll.lXITv. Hydraellc Melat*. Wtat'liex, liPBrrniorx, ^^tart- •M. Miiftnrio*. i'nrhiirrlwr^. Raillllt- ora â€" l'.T>-hnnfte "Service. r.lii<>.« â€" ^â- thiriHMlna or reFwiMl. Levy .<!«<» Part*, rnrvata. FLRMTIHK Foil S.4LE WE ARE OFFERINOS OCR ^Pr.RV- did bargains in all ki.iua of used furniture. Every article carries a complete money-back guarantee. Also every article polished and safely packed for shipment to any part of Canada. Buy now! Save Money. $5.95 â€" Bed.-uom outfit, consisting walnut ,3namelled iron bedstead, used resilvered spring and Govern- ment inspected felt mattress, any size. $7.95 â€" Used reflnlshed Sim. mons walnut metal beds, plain t.vp.^ used sagless spring and Gov- »r:!ment inspected feit mattress. 54" width. $8.95 â€" Same type of bed outfit with large centre pane!, used sagless spring, "blue label- led" felt mattress. $2.00 â€" Used springs, all kinds, any size. $4.Tt brand new "blue labelled" felt- blowTi mattresses, easy rest, any alze. $3.75 â€" "yellow labelled felt-blown mattresses, luxury, any alze. $8.35, stronir cable dropback couches with arms and back and new cretonne mattress, two pil- lows. $6.00 â€" used oak dressers, aquare or oval mirror, three draw- •ra, rui'inished Ilka nc.v. CHESTERFIELJ3 SUITE. 22. J5 We are offering a beautiful tlirae piece genuine 'orowii silk molialr chesterfield suite, all mattihed pieces. Marshall construction, r*- versible spring cushions, silk cord- ed trim, piped centre back, recon- ditioned and fully guaranteed. Send money order or deposit, bal- ance on delivery to Furniture Sales Company. 539 King Street West. Toronto. FIL.MS â€" PRISTS FREE ENL-iEGEMENT IN STUDIO. Folder with each ordsr. Films de- veloped and printed by experts, I5c: reprints 10 for 25c Nu-Way Fhoto Service. Station "A" Tor- onto. HORSES FOR SALE NUMBER GOOD HORSES. MAXCH- ed teams, one Percherou stalUon colt. grey. J. McAninch. P.oute 4, Guelp-h. MEIUC-4.L A GOOD SPRING TO.NIC. KIPP'S Herb Tablets. Twenty-five cents. Ail Drug Stores or Maltbys. Tor- onto Ten. HEP-4.TOLA RELIEVES STO.M-ICH and Liver troubles. Symptoms: Pains in right .^ide, under shoul- der blades and across hips, indi- gestion, gas, constipation, gall trouble. Formula of doctor. Re- sults In one day! Price $5.00. Mrs. Geo. S. Almas, Box I'J7:|W Saska- too:;, Sask. ECZEM^VJD. REI.1EF FOR BAlilES or adults, from dry or weeping eczema. Testimonials from hund- reds for over 35 years. Two weeks' treatment, one dollar. Write Hy- geia Products, London, Ontario. ASTH-MA â€" TRY I-.\TEST MOST effective -em!?d;e3; .\3thma-Tone for milder .\sthuia. Asthm-Lax for severe Asthma. Bottle. Jl.OO. Guar- anteed. Write Asthma-Tone Lab- oratories, 410 iSarton. Hamilton, Ontario. BAIJ?? GOING U.VIJO? •1!E.-\.CH'S Formula " grows hair rapidly, kills dandruff, stops faUi:ig hair, itch- ing scalp. Hundreds of testimon- ials. Boxes $1.')0, postpaid. Use half contents, if not satisfied, re- turn the unused portion â€" jour money retunded instantly. L. and B. Beach, B2362, North Vancouver. B.C. Scalp specialists for 13 years. Our rcpuf.iiioTi protects you. MIXKS KOR SALE PUUK QlEBEi'S. CHOICE, L-VliGE kitts. Dark, silky, dcn.'scly furred. Few bred females. $27.50, Ramona Mink R:u).-h. M.trksta.v. Ontario. M If^KHV oTIX K HARDIEST FKLTl'S. IL\.KE OR.NA- mentals, flequost 'Uustratcd cata- logue and planting: guide: 600 var- ieties, tree!!, shrubs, perennis! flowers, tested and grown at Dropmoie. Order enrly for free booklet on new fruit recipe.-*, also premium with order. .<trong plants. e.Tpert packing, guaran- teed deiuvry anywhere. The Man- Itoh.-i HMrd.v Plant Nursery. Drop- oi- 1- 1- II i<» |N» i:.>i'«>Ks AN OKFKH lO EVEia INVE.NTOR List of invention-* ;iiiil full lofor. matiou sent free. Tha Kamsay Ctv. Regis! t>rcd. Patei.t Attorneys. 273 WtKnM. .^ireet. Ottatvrj. Canad.-x. llMO.>S I'OU SALE MULTIPLIEKS TWELVE GKEE.N Onions from each. Si-t quarts, dol- lar -with order. Expre.«s oustom- •r'8 expense. This week's offer, F. Harvey. Wntcrdowii. Ontario. Ol'I'KKTI MTIKS l--(»ll HK\ FREPARE FtiP. THE FLTUEE. IN- dustry u:-scntly requiies trained â- Ben. l..«.irn electric welding now. General \Vclding Works. lOrt Jsr- t!«. Torir"->. ISSUE NO. 11â€"40 l>EH!««(.\«l. QUIT rOBAi'i'o .SM.KF EASILY, Inexpensively Hame ' remedy. Testimonials Ouarniueed Advice free Barilerts V.ox l Winnipeg. F.iLSE TEETH i..OUSENESS .-VND annoyance banished cheaply at home by dentist's wonderful dis- covery for building up old plate to fit Users amaaed. Free infor- mation without obligation. Ran- dolph Laboratory. 22 Whitehall Road Tornn'o POfLFRy K.^n.^ l-^tH SAI.K AT LOW PIUCE TWO MILES FROM OTTA%VA. 3 large poultry houses. Fully mod- ern dwelling. Other buildings. Reason for selling, retiring. Pull particulars write: Russell Poultrjr Farm. Hurdmans Bridge, Ontario.' RELIGIOl'S •ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ. " Wonderful book sent free. Megiddo Mission, H. Rochester, New York. S.IXESMEN WANTED M.A,KB A DECENT J- Ing 200 Famile.x cv aities. Guaranteed price. 900 Familex with this agency, r cess depends on s: years of increased the possibilities buy Plaii. For free de; logue: P;uni!ex. 5T Montreal. â- IVING SKU.- ery day neces- quality. Low salesmen live rompany's suc- alesmen's. 12 business prove uig in Familex ails and cata- J St. Clement, â- >EEU Foil SALK WP.ITE FOR our. FREE 1940 SEED catalogue, contnir;;;!.? most com- plete list flower :i;!d vegetable aeeds. Priced for market garden- ers and garden lovers. Ontario Seed Company. Waterloo, Ont. CLOVER, GRASS SEEDS AND SEED Grain, governmt.nt tested. Don't buy until you have our list. C. E Bishop & Son. Seedsmen, BcUe- ville. Ontario. >riMi*r* w-4>'rt'o ST.VMPS ON E.N V ELOPES. .SC)TH. ing after 1870. Will buy for cash. R. G. Purdv. ."^lO «:ien Manor Drive Toronto TLKKK^ •* KtUt «ALE WHITE aoLL-A.ND ll.RKEV.S. i;ov.3rfmfiit app-oved and utility stock, i'rioes jii -ipplioutton. Gere Irwin. .-!teMfu:'th. - 'tnario. L>EU .4.>U >KW I'LLHlll.Vi; B-VTHS. SINKS. T-ULETS. SOIL pipe, boilers. fur:j&ces, rudiiitors, etc. Lowest prices, guaranteed. Catalogue furnished. Main Plumb- ing Supplies. 921 St. Lawrence, Montreal. LYONS 478 Yonge St., Toronto CLKAR.VM E -iALK RKCO.>mTiO> fclB FtH.MTL HE All Used Furniture is corapleteiy reconditioned, guaranteed thorough- ly clean, and sold 'vi'h positive mouey-back guarantee of autisfac- lion. 114.00 KROEHT.KR CUESTI-IE- field bed, reversible upring-filled cushions. »19;50 CHESTERFIELD SUITE. 3 pieces brown repp material. Mar- shall construction. J29.0O 3-PlECE CHESTEKFliiLD Suite, upholstered in English tap- estry, reversible Marshall spring cushions. $37.5(1 BEAUTIFUL BROW.N Mo- hair Chesterfield Suite. 3 pieces, figured reversible Marshall spring ctishlons. t35.t'0 10-PIECE UVING ROO.M Outfit, comprising 3 piece velour chesterfield suite, bridge lamp and shade, walnut end table. table lump and shade, silk oushio:; and modern smoker. $24.00 SOLID 0.-\.K Dl.VtNG itOOM suite, buffet, extension table, six leather upholstered chairs. Per- fect. $35.(11) 9-PlECE OAK DINING ROOM suite, large buffet, e.xtension table, chin.-! cabinet and 6 "ealhcr seat chairs. $69.tHi BEAUTIFUL 7-PlECE DIN- Ing Suite, rich walnut finish, l.-irga buffet, extension table, chitia cab- inet and 6 leather upholstered $85.00 SOUD WALNUT DINIVG su.'ie, (cost new approximately. $225). large buffet, extensiou table, china cabinet and S leather scat chairs. $49.00 MODERN O.AiK DI.NKTTB .•suite, buffet, extension table, and 4 chairs with embossed leather se:us. Perfect. $35.00 SM.\RT BEDROOM SUITE. in rich, two. tone walnut finish. Dros.-ier. i-hiffonio- ,iud full size bed. Like now. $49.00 (.XI.MPUETE BEDROOM suite, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed, siigless spring and new mat tress. $59.0i> FLOOi; SAMPIj; MODKF.N bedroom iuite in bleached walnut finish, with Venetian mirrors. Dresser, chiffonier, full alze bed, aagless spring and mattress. All brand new. $9.50 KITCHEN C-VIJINETS IN ALL finishes*. »15.9S 6 PIECE BRE.VKF.YST SUITE buffet, table and 4 chairs, enamel. All men-handlse carefully crated for aafe shipment on rocaipt of money- order and sold with a definite money-back guarantee of s.'»tisfac- LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. Toronto

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