If Wednesday, February 14, 1940 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE •♦•• ^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦»»»»»»#»»l*» H **t»« M »»««*>l»»»#»* Cream DURING THE WINTER MONTHS, WHEN ; THE ROAD CONDITIONS MAKE THE ; COLLECTING OF CREAM BOTH DIFFI- ; CULT AND EXPENSIVE, WE ASK OUR \ PATRONS TO DELIVER THEIR CREAM i TO THE CREAMERY IF AT ALL POSS- i IBLE, THEREBY HELPING TO ELIMIN- ; ATE THE HEAVY EXPENDITURE FOR WINTER COLLECTION; AND BY DOING ! THIS YOU HELP MAINTAIN A HIGHER i PRICE FOR DELIVERED CREAM. ; During the Winter Months the Creamery is Closed ; Saturday Nights Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co X Phone 66 Chas. Goddard, Manager t ORANGE VALLEY Mrs. C. Alcox and son, LesHe, and Mrs. G. W. tiittlejobns, bpent a day recently with the forin«r'8 sister, Mi-8. Byron Hill. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Motriaon of Walters Falls, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hill. Miss Reta Douglas of Cheesville, visited the past week with her friend, Miss Gladys McFadden. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Eagles spent Sunday with Miss Matilda Hewitt, of the Meaford Road. Mr. Clifford Littlejohns returned home after spending two weeks with relatives in Toronot. We are glad to reiwrt that Mr.s. Hat-grave, who ^has been sidk. is slowly improving. We extend our deep sympathy to Mrs. George Stewart at this time, in the death of her husband. Local and Personal Mr. H. W. Kemahan of Toronto was a week end visitor in town. Mrs. F. G. Karstedt is spending a week with relatives at Elm'wood. Miss aura Boyd of Toronto spent the week end with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton spent a couple of days lafit week in Guelph. Messrs. Emery Fisher and Jas. McFadden spent Sunday in Owen Sound. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims or ac- counts against the late ROBERT DONALD MELDRUM, of the Town- ship of Artemesia. in the County of."-«tor •" Flesherton. X^T. Douglas Morgan of Gait Air- craft School spent the week end at his home in town. Mr, and Mrs. J. B. O'Brien and two children of Oakville spent the week end with Mrs. O'Brien's father, Mr. F. G. Karstedt. XThe enumerators for the voters' list to be used at the forthcoming election finished their task on Satur day. Mr. Jas. Wilson was the.enum- EUGENIA German papers have announced that Canada is the arsenal of the Em- pire. More than likely Berlin has picked up some of the explosive speeches which have been going the rounis. At Kutno an order has been issued threatening the arrest and punish- ment for any Pole who "smiles iron- ically" at or shows "any sign of con- tempt'' towards a German, or refuses to raise his hat to any German in uni- form. Grey, Farmer, who died on Januaiy <lth, 1940, are required to send full particulars to the undersigned solici- tor before March 1st, 1940. After which date the Executors will distri- Itutfc the estate amongst those persons entitled thereto having regard only to those claims or accounts of which notice shall at that time have been received. â€" Walter E. Harris, Ban-ister and Solicitor Markdale, Ontario. HILL'S Spotlight Sale of BEDDING HEADLINER! "IBEX" FIRST QuaL FLANNELETTE BLANKETS All are firmly woven, whipped singly a srand heavy quality with soft, thick color, green or mauve Spotlight Sale Price : nap, striped borders in rose, blue, gold- Sizes about 64x72, pair $2.19 Sizes about 72x84, pair $2.39 Sizes about 70x90, pair $2.48 "AYERS" WAVERLY PURE WOOL BLANKETS To anyone who needs warm, fhiHy blanketsâ€" who wants them low-priced â€"we say: "Buy lavishly here." Se- cured from an outstanding domestic mill, soft fleecies, white with blue bor- ders, that arc real buys tit these prices, whipped ends. Spotlight Sale Price: 6 lb. Blankets, size about 60x90, per pair > $8'^5 7 lb. Rainbow Border Blankets, size 72x84. pair ^ %IQ.SQ lb. Rainbow Border Blankets, size 72x100, pair ^ $12.50 FACTORY YARN Plain grey and black Factory Yarn 3 ply. Spotlight Sale Price .... lb. $1.00 SUPER . WEAR HEMSTITCHI^ PILLOW CASE Here's a big chance to buy and save money ! These cases are made of better grade cotton, are a splendid, fine, firm weave and well bleached. We ordered a quantity for this sale and you get them at a real economy, size 42x33. Spotlight Sale, each ..^29o A li|?hter weight case, size 40x3.^. Spotlight Sale, pair J5c T T T t T T T T T T T t t t ♦I* t t t t A hot cream chicken slipper, in aid of the Red Cross, will be held in the Fraternal Hall, on Tuesday, Feb. 20 from 5.30 to 7.30, under auspices of the L.O.B.A. Admission: 25c. The W.M.S. of St. John's United Church will meet in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. Mrs. Mitchell's group will have charge of the meeting. A sale of homemade baking and candy will be held in Mrs. Bellamy's millinery parlor at Mrs. Moore's on Saturday, Feb. 17th, under the auspices of St. John's Ladies' Aid. Mr. and Mrs. Royden McDonald of Rat Rapids visited in town last week and with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs." John Wiekens, in the Valley. They were attending the funeral of the former's mother, Mrs. Arthur Mc- Donald, which was held at Durham on Monday of last week. Six Sons Enlisted 8 CHENILLE STYLE SPREADS ! Solid colour or plain colour witfti Piatterns; beautiful thickly tufted spreads in rich colours on matching heavy cotton grounds. 2-tone pattern spreads sizes about 88x 100, Spotlight Sale Price, each .. $6.95 Sizes about 72x100 (asst. colours) Spotlight Sale Price, each $4^ Ken-Raw Spreads, sizes about 72x100, plain with pattern. Spotlight Sale Trice, each i $3.25 RAYON SATIN COMFORTERS Down-feather filled Comforters â€" PuflPy, billowy beauties packed plump- full of goose-'down feathers! Covered with ravon-satin both sides and smart- ly stitched. In rose and green, rose and gold and rose and blue ; size about S?.\'^. Spotlight Sale, each $6.95 Hemstitched COTTON SHEETS Firm, strong cotton Sheets you',11 welcome at these prices Bleached w^iite should give extra good service. Two popular makes : Finished .size 72x90. pair $3.19 Finished size 81x90, pair $2.50 42" CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON ;i; One yard is all you'll need for each pillow case. Our price means an ex- ceptional saving on better quality, smooth white cotton, bleached a snowy white. The regulation 42 in. width. So easy to make up, too! Just one hem and one seam required for each case. Spotlight Sale Price, yard v- 33c HILL'S PURE FOOD SPECIALS Pep. Rice Crispies and All-Wheat reg. 2 for 25c. Spec. 1 each 3 for 25c Kellogg's Corn Flakes (with glass bowl free) 3 for 25c Good Quality Rice 4 lb». 25c No. 1 Cooking Onions 10 Ibi. 18c Seedless Raisins 2 Ibt. 25c Purity Flour, 98 lbs. ...\ $2.95 T t t t T X T t Miss Didge Madden ami Mrs. W. H. O'Brien have receive! the following from their cousin, Mr. John F. Burns of Weyibum Sask. It is taken from „The Weybum Review," Jan. 18, U»40. "John Burns' family of Weybum has set Canadian manhood a remark- able example in this war of sacvilice and sei-vice to homeland and empire in time of stress. Indeed, their ex- ample is probably an outstanding re- cord for one family in the whole of Canada. "There are six sons in the family: Bob, Basil, Bill, Jack, Jim and Ed., and they are all serving with com- batant units of the Canadian Active Sei-vice Force. Three of them, the first named, are serving with the S.uth Saskatchewan Regiment, which is undergoing preliminary training at Weybum. "There is probably no other one family in Canada which can show a similar record of service in this war. responding quickly after the war was declared.to the call for volunteers for the armed forces of the Dominion, the six brothers donned khaki as quickly as their private circumstances would poi-mit, and they have now all been in. training for from three to four months. In due course of time they will see action with the Canadian corps on the battlefields of Europe. Good luck to them all. "And in the meantime their father, a faithful hardworking employee of the city of Weybum, who year in and year in and year out, carries on with his outdoor duties irrespective of whether it is 50 below zero in the winter or 115 in the shade in the sum- mer. Everybody knows him and everybody lakes him, and now the best wishes of the Wey^jum folks will go with his six intripid sons to the war zone in Europe." Mr. Burns was bom and raised on the Eighth Line, being a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrtek Burns, and a brother of the late James Bums. The eldest son Ed., was bom on the old homestead on the ESghth Line and is a veteran of the first Great War. We join with their "Weybum friends in wishing the boys Bon Voyage, and a safe return to their native land. Rev. Dr. Mercer preached a very interesting sermon on Sunday la«t oti, "What I Believe About the Second Coming of Christ." On Wednesjiay evening of last *iek the Y. P. U. met with 14 In attendance, Mrs. Cairns presided for the devotion- al and businew periods. The t<criptui'» lesson was reed by Evelyn Campbell. The discussional period waa in charge of Blanche Williams, owing to the ab- sence of citizenship convenor, Douglas Cairns. The topic was, "How ana Why of Parliament." Marie Phillips gave a reading entitled, "Th^i Bridge Builders." "The Misses Betts render- ed a duet. "We Shall Shine as the Stars." After the closing hymn the Mizpah benediction was re- peated. fn Wednesday evening of thi» woel. there will be a special program in keeping with St. Valentin** Day. All nenibers bring candy, wbich will be served after the progrram. *â- '* On Thursday evening the Women's Association is holding a Valentine Esicial in the church basement. Ther/, Will be a program and lunch. Bring u \ alentine and get o;io BORNâ€" At Hamilton, on Fri. Jan 26, 1940 to Mr. and Mrs. G. Paris (form orly of this place,) a daughter, Mary L- I'ise. Congratulationh On Tuesday evening Ja.i. 23, Mrs (.' url Smith entertaine 1 a nuQihcr of ciijldren in honor of har diuiifhtor's schoolmate, Janette Hass, who cel- ebrated her 10th birlnday. A ver^' enjoyable time^was spent and a dainty lunch was served. We-join in wishing Janette many happy returns of her birthday. The Misses Isabelle and Mary Mc- Kee and friends of Toronto spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tbos McKee. Mrs. McKee ac- companied them to Toronto where she will visit for a few days . Mi . V. Marshall and gentleman friend of Toronto visited over Sunday with his sister, Mrs. C. Crawford and husband, also with fiis wife, who is spending a few weeks with Mrs. War- ford. Mr. Eddie Genoe of Ceylon, and sis- ter Miss Nellie, and Mrs. Pattinson visited on Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Chas. Goddard and family. Mr. Jim Harrison of Springhill vis- rted at the Baker and Martin homes recenty. Mr. Chas Park was home from Wiarton on Sunday afternoon. We extend our sympathy to the rel- atives of the late Mr. Geo. Stewart of Flesherton, in their sad bereavement. Mr. Jacob Williams of this place is an uncle of the deceased. We also extend our sympathy to the Hawkins family in their bwesvement caused by the death of Mrs. T. Hawk- ins of Kimberley. The Sunday School are pUuminc for a St. Patrick's Social in order to raise funds for supplies etc. Dundalk Robberies Another robbery occurred in Dun.* dalk early 'Wednesday morning of last week, the second robbery within two weeks. This time thieves gained ent- rance to the store G(f F. T.* Hill & Co. and secured cash and goods valued at $300. The general store of Arm- strong & Son was robbed two weeks before when $1,500 in men's suits* ladies' silk hosiery and oth^ goods were taken. The Hill store was robb- ed on the last day of last year. If these robberies keep up some of ibese merchants will be forced out of' business. Ma£e to-day's lesson be to-mor- row's knowledge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons havirnr cln-'n' ' ;)p-''-^t the estate of the lat?,- John Jamed LYNESS farmer, late of the Town- ship of Artemesia, decea.sed. who difJ on or about the 3rd div of January, 1938, are hearby notified to send in to I. B. Lucas & Co., Solicitors fot, the Executrix of the estate of the'tsaid deceased, on or before the 24h day of February, 1940, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the Excutrix of this estate will distribute the.assests of the said" deceased, haying regard only to th«- claims of which she shall then have notices, to the exclusion of all others, and she will not be liable 'to-. any person whose claim she shall not" then have notice of for the assests so disâ€" triuted, or any part thereof. DATED at Markdale this 2nd day of Februai-y, A.D. 1940. I. B. Lucas & Co., Markdale, Ont.,. Solicitors for the Executrix. DECIDE NOW SHIP ALL YOUR LIVESTOCK Dunn and Levack Ltd, Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen / Union Stock Yards - TORON'?^ Patronize the truckers, who will de- liver your shipments to us to be sold in competition on the Open Competitive Market Small Ad. Column WANTED â€" Man for farm work â€" Jos. Black & Son. R. R. 1, Dundalk, | N011.V-J- ^.-oU prices paid tor hcr- ses or cows suitable for mink meat. â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" 'Matched team of Grey Mares, two young turkey hens and torn.â€" J. T. Parker. Prone 32r2. FOR SALE or RENT â€"In Flesherton 7 room house, double lot, garage Apply to John Stewart. FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire Sow due on Feb. 21; also black Percheron team 3 and 5 years old.â€" G. S. Grummett, R.R. No. 1, Flesherton phone Fev- ersham 11 r 13. 12c2 GRAIN WANTEDâ€" Oats 34c bushel; barley 48c; peas $1.75 to $2.25. rhone 38r3. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. 31c2. # . Hi If â- '*'â- ;;^ '♦*. •/ .#.+â- *â-º n 'â- r -% â- -â- *- >r ''" « â- if w •f- 7 f v» ;'. 4» ar* â- •#< ! â- ; FOR SALE or REa>JT â€" 6 room boua*- in Priceville, with hardwood floors,. hr.:J r.--^ --*â- : -.v.-xtt-r inside. Apply "1 E. Watso:\ :'>1 Gloucester St., Toronto. 24c8 FOR SALE â€" Cockshutt single tartaw riding plow Al shape, low track wagon with steel wheels also wood wheels to fit same wagon, or would sell wood wheels separate. Miller hot water incubator 200 egg c^»- city in real good condition.â€" J. G» â- White, R. R. 3, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" One choice young York- shire boar, 8 months old, or will exchange for wood. â€" Chas Goddard, Eugenia. BUSINESS CAH n FOR SALE â€" two year old purebred Sorthom bull, quiet, T.B. tested. â€" H. Betts. R.R. 3, Flesherton. Phone, 7p2. FOR SALE â€" Ladle's tube skates, size 6, steel ankle supports, in good condition, can be seen ac the Advance Office. DR. F. E. CONNER FLESHERTON, Ontario Physician, Surgeon and Aeeoachonr Graduate of Queen's Univentty Office in Mrs. McDonald's residoKS Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKD/|£, Ont. •=* On the evening of F(*ruary 28th, a half hour after sunset, in the south- western sky, there will be a string of six planets visiblo. Uranus, Mars. Saturn, Venus. Jupiter and Mercury, in that order from the upper end of the string. Uranus may not be visible to the naked eye, but the others will be Some may be sepn any evening now. but not quite in a string. The conjunction of the six mentioned takes place once, it is caWrulated. in 426,320,821 ,«0<l years, Tience the chances that any of ua will se the phenomenon again are not very bright. BRAY CHICKSâ€" Are a sound invest- ment, real moneymakers on egg and meat marktta. 19 Tsrietlea. Started chicks 1-4 weeks, and cap- ons, to order. Pulleta, eockerda. Catalog.â€" John McWilliam, a^nt, Fleshertosfu FARM FOR SALE Good farm a quarter of a mile out- side Flesherton, being tot 144 on No. ,10 Highway, containing 61 acres, well fenced, good bank bam 46x90, drilled well, 7 room frame house, soft water; the land is in excellent state of enltl- â-¼ation, plenty of water at pasture. For full partlcutakTs apply toâ€" â€" "WM. Burnett, Flesherton DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St Office Hours â€" AfteriMMMia, IM tm C Eraniiiga, 7 te 9M. Sundays and Thursday aftamoons by appointment only. Piineo Arthur Lodge No. SS8, A.F. * A.M., neete in the Frateraal Hall, Flesherton, the second Friday In eMh month. W.M., Alb^ Blackbora: S«»> retary, C. J. BdWmy. ROY LANGFORD Dtetriet Affeat tt MUTUAL UFB OP CANADA ACCIDENT and SIGKNBSS. rom, ATJTOMOBILK. BUIOLAKT M«M»ni UnhOtty A«y iMwm TMsMmm in. MAKKDAU^ OM, nngn