f^ Hitler's Yacht Detained Them In Mid-Ocean r 4 ' Boris Lindbolm, Erne Karlssau, and Hehiier Gustavsoii (1.. lo R-) o^- Acera aboard the Finnish freighter, Siggy, an-iving in New York, toW liow thay had been Iialted in mid-Atlantic by Adolf Hitler's personal yacht, fEe Azico Grille, TOP, and ordered to Stettin, Germany, where BMQr were held for twenty-one days. They said the Azico Grille has itcn tonied over to the navy and outfitted as a raider. Letters For Hitler Taken From Mails The lalesman stopped at the house and asked the lady if he eoald interest her husband in an electric razor. "He might be interested in your razor," she remarked, "for he riiaves close onto once a year." "Shaves once a year!" echoed the salesman. "I never heard of anything like it." The lady nodded. "He used to â- have twice a year," she drawled. "B«t that was when we had lady lodgers." "You promised to be good," •Jtlfl the mother reproachfully. "I know," said the small boy; "but it was only a Hitler promise." The foreman of a gang of rail- way men had more than his share «f Irish wit. One day he was walking along his section of the line when he found one of his men fast asleep In tlie (hade of a hedge. Eyeing the man with a smile, he said : "Slape on, ye idle spalpeen, alape «n. So long as ye slape ye've jot a Job, but when ye wake up ye're out of work." "I'm sure you'll forgive me, â- ay ^ar," aaid the expansive to her guest, "if I go OB with my knitting while you •re taUdag. Then I slwn't feel I'm wasting my time." â€" o £^ren in these days economy can h« overdone. If you doubt it, lis- ten to the Rev. E. Streete, Vicar of Aahford, Middlesex, England. Here's his appeal from the pulpit the other Sunday: "I have no objection to buttons being put in the offertory plate, but please do not take them off the hassocks." "What's the fundamental difference between a man and a woman?" "A man will pay $2 for a $1 article be wants, while a woman will pay $1 for a $2 article she doesn't want." Three letters addressed to Ad- olf Hitler have been removed from airmails travelling from the Unit- ed States to Europe by way of Bermuda, censorship officials dis- closed. The chief c-ensor would not re- veal their contents. They were ad- dressed, respectively, to "Herr .\.d- olph," '•Chancellor Hitler," and "Fuehrer." HEALTH TOPICS ACID STOMACH A MYTH Acid stomach is largely a mytii and calls for reavrangement of living habits rather than the use of alkaline preparations, according to Prof. Chester .M. Jones of Har- vard Medical school. 'Hyperacidity,"' he said in a lec- ture, "usually i.s only a supposed chemical disorder of the stomach" and taking medicine is not the way to attack the fundamental cause, which is "usually one of improper dietary or living habits." â€" â€" A NATIONAL OBJECTIVE "Education is the most potent weapon in the campaign of pre- vention of ill health arising from faulty or defective diet and nu- trition." Pointing this out to a large audience in Toronto, Hon. Ian Mackenzie, Dominion Minis- ter of Health, endorsed and launched a project undertaken by the Health League of Canada to advise women on the right foods to use. Practical demonstrations in cooking are to be given in a number of city schools. The syl- labus for the course of instruc- tion has been stieutifically devel- oped and when the success of the project is known, it is intended to outline the technique adopted, for the benefit of any part of Can- ada desirous of undertaking sim- ilar work. The field of nutrition, said the Minister of Health, wag above all the one in which Canadians, as individuals, could learn the most with the greatest benefits to them- selves. "We need health in our armed forces," he continued. "We need health in the nation and we can achieve it only by having health in the home. Victory in the field will be a hollow achievement in this war if all that remains i.s a devitalized homo land. Wo must not let down our healtli standard. On the contrary, if we are to be worthy »f our fighting men we must strive to go forward in our war agaiiLst ill-health." During the last fifty years no animal plagues such as Foot and Mouth diseases, rinderpest er pleuro-pneumonia have occurred among Canadian live stock. THE SPASMS OF moopinqW UCKLEY M I XTUOE What Science is Doing MAGNIFIES 33,000 TIMES Scientists have succeeded in tak- ing photogi'aphs of germs magni- fied as many as 33,000 limes their normal size, it is revealed in the Canadian Medical .A-ssociation Jour- nal. The instrument used to achieve this magnification is the electron microscope, constructed in the De- partment of Physics by J. Hilller and -A. Pi'esbus, research assist- ants, under the direction of Dr. E. F. Burton, head of the depart- ment at the University of Toron- to. The magnification is 28,000 times greater than that of the or- dinary microscope. University re- searchers express hope they will be able to photograph viruses nev- er seen by the eye. The new microscope is being us- ed also to photograph blood, in the hope that changes denoting the presence of cancer may be de- tected much earlier than by pre- sent diagnosis. It also is hoped that effect of drugs upon pneu- monia may be gauged, particular- ly on the fatty, protective cover, ing of this germ and of tubercul- osis. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE SEE THE NEW NORGE AT YOUR LOCAL DEALER'S Finns Known As Magicians 1. What should a young- man do when at a party or other affair, and he finds himself next to a girl to whom he has not been in- troduced? 2. Is it all right for a bride to liave the initials that will be hers when married, placed on her silverware and linen? 3. Should a napkin be held above the edge of the table when unfold- ing it? 4. What sized tip should one give for services in a beauty sal- on? 5. When eating in a public place, and the waiter passes a dish, should one say, "No thank you," or merely "No"? 6. Isn't it pcor taste for a hus- band or a wife to make fun of the other Xvhen in company? Answers Say, "I am Ralph Wilson. 1 do not believe I have met you be- fore." 2. Yes. Many modern brides do this. 3. N'o. The napkin should be unfolded on the lap. 4. If the services do not e.xceed three dol- , lars, twenty-five cents is suffic- ient. If more than three dollars, one may apply the ten per ccn: rule. 5. One should say, "'So thank you." Courtesy is never out of place. 6. Yes; even when done jokingly it is not good form. Hiding a wii-e in his false beard, a man concealed it until sent lo prison in France for daring jewel thefts, and after he had escaped by picking the lock, guards found the wire and hair on the floor of his cell. THE GREATER NDRBE Sa.it|fc.. POR 1940 The Refrigerator with 5 Zones of Food Stox-age for Greater Protection of Health and Food Nordic Sagas Include Many References to Wizardry of Northern Race, Says the Moneton Transcript Kordlc sajas are full of refer- ences to those sorcerers, the Fiuns, says the Moneton Transcript. In :he days before Juines III, of Scot- lac-', received tU» Orkney islands aa a dowry with i4argaret of No^ way, wljen the great anchorage ot Scapa i^low. which could hold all the uavies in the world, knew only Viking ships, it is po»sihie that the tradition was carried to Scotland, for an old Scotch ballad tells us ihat: "A Finn com ower tra Norroway Fir ta pit tothache away." We have no explanation to offor a« to v!iy N'orse sailors attributed magic to the Finns, e.vci»pt the ob- vious. If anyone la to be presented popularly with uncanny powers It iM commonly cue of unusual ap- pearance, and 60 perhaps a first Finn was chosen because ot his non-Nordic aspect. In those ancient days ships did not have polyglot crews and lascars If not landlub- bers were not seen in European waters. Indt»ed a "lascar" seems to have meant originally one attached to the "lasnkai-" or army and pre- sumably he was not eveu a marine. British sailors were long unwill- THAT'S EASY -BIG BEN! BIG BEN The P E R F ECT CAe wing Tobacco ing to risk their hides In a ship which included Finns among the crew. They do not seem to have anything against the Finns indlvld- ually but they did object to the un- avoidable Intimacy in a ship with wizards who play poker with the devU and use human lives as the chips in th© game. ITC • TOPPED IICKLV rr=2»-^' MiI*IH*, «l diwntilt prsvai Km rnxwy bacll . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . AUK-NTS HAXl'EU 127 HOMEWORK PLAiNS i3E lOUR OW.N BUSS. THESE plana can be worked anywhere. Particulars free. Guurdiau Ex. change. 371 Colleae St., Toronto. dHUKa - WijUKhNU GAKMENT.S. Sell D:-cs3 and Work Shoes, Sport.n and Service! Boots, also Men's Working 'Jarraenta. Free selling eauipment, bonuses. .Step-Easy Shoes, nes-'d.. :M(i7 Notre U:ima Wpst. ,\1ntitrp;i). 1 â€" - Altl-. V>>^ l-LiA-^Al-Hi .* -MiW Krr(iii-:> ok iiATUuoosif iBvestiBlUi-- ••1«AK(,L.4V T11.K" THB i^^TK.ST CONTRIBUTIO.V to home modernizing; easily and tjuickly upplled; altiactiva color •3oni!)inati.)n3 for kituhen, bath- room. Eilm-iiid Hind Lumber Co.. Ltd. i.'i"'.) Duiiforlli Ave.. Toronto, or \.)Mi' Local Lnnibor Denier. l!Aii\ (LIlClv^ BAI3V '.'HICKS. ALL ja I'EK UU.ND- red. Bair-jd Koelis, White Leu- honia. U. 1. Red.s, VVyaudoUes, New Hampshires. February and March deliv.j>-y. Carlton Hatotiery, Britannia Haiglila, Out. SL'l'KRIOR CHICK.'^, B POPULAR breeds from 8c up, 3 week llva- bility ffuarante.ed. Growing pul- lets, ;i w«ek ibr, fi week 35c. Cat- alogue free. Superior Hatchery. Box -A Lin wood. Ouiario. BRjVy CHICKS SHIP .SAFELY A.NV- where. lOarly orders mean earlier profits. 19 varieties. .Started chlcka 1-4 weeks; 3 week old capons to order, t.'ataloji^iie. liray Hatcheiy, 130 John .St. North. Hamilton. QUALITY COUNTS! TWEDDLK Chli-ks are noted for quality, the ehiiks live, grow and pay. Our enormous production enables us to sell theso high iiuality chicks for le.'is. 13 pure brcds, 5 cross breds to choose from. Leghorns as low as $S.U5, Barred Rocks, New Hampshircs an low as $9.45, Ask about three week old capon.'". Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatch- erics. Liniit'"'d. Fergu.'*. Otitario. HOOK-l,0M';ilS BOOKS 0-N ALL SUIUKCTS. .STAMP for cataloyrue. IJens Uookery, Box 7.'), Jiirvis Hi\ T-r. (Int.. C-in.-uia. Ill II, li A iHi.ni': 5-ROO.M Bi;.NU.\LO\VS BUILT O.N your lot for $2,J0i) on Govt. Loan. Terms of %'lT>i) down â€" $14.71 per month. V'jrk Heights Development Co.. :t:i(i i::iv Stri'd. 'roronto. Ill SI\I':>S OI'I'OII'I'IMTV BUTCHER BUSINESS. KUSCTUIC machinery, large Kclvinator re- frigerator and complete fixtures In thriving town, sacrifice owing to sicklies;^ for SI. 450, Oeorge Schiinilcr. T.TVistnt'k. <")nta;-io. llOf^S roU SALK GREAT OANICS. COCKIOIt .SPAN- iels. Irish S.^ftcrs, Dalm.'itians. AVire Hairc'l Terriers, Williams Pharmacy, c.-irhuoii Place. Ont. KI>L(;A'IIO^ AL STUDliNTS .NOW ENROLLING FUR courses tti Matriculation, Short Story Journalism, .Shorthand and Speech Culture Make use of your spare time. Write today. Canad- ian Correspondence College, (es- tabllidied 1902) 229 Yongo StreeL Toronto. ELKCTKIO MO'l'ORS BUSCTRIC" MOTOItS SUITAULE for every purpo.oe. .lones & Moore Klectrlc. 29« Adelaide Street W., Tor'iiitn. F.-IRM MArHI.NmtV â- MAK)-: O-NK-AVAV I-'ROM DISC Harrow, levers tinneeessary, en- close stamped envelope for partic- ular-^. M. T. All.iM. .N.!ViIIo. Sask. FIMI AT WHOI.K'i.'il.K I'ltlCKS! AU^ VARIETIES. FHESII. KROZE.N, smoked and salt fish. Write for complete price list. (No order too iwniill). .Standard Fi.-ih Co., .'ilSl â- St L.'iwv' n'-^. M'^iilrt-'al. FISIIIMi TA« KI.K OH SI'OHTnt; <;OOI).H KI8HERME.M SEND FOR OUR IMW. larger. 1940 PlshlnK Tackle Bat«log-ue. out March Jnth. E. Ifanis, 171 Crats St. W., Montrsal, qaebec. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS U*ed <- New »PECIALIZI\n l<« RF.ni'll.T MO- TOR*, l*OWF.It.VjriT<«. nT'ranllc fl*l«f«. Wlrtchen, Iv^Hcrnfom, Sfart- •la. Mii«tii»«««, f'Hrhiirrlor*. Radl»<- •!• â€" FTfhnnRtc Service, GlaM â€" <a<lkrni-il«n «r rtfaod. Levy Aato rarts, Taroat*. FILMS â€" PRISTS FREE ENLARGEMENT IN STUDIO. Polder with each order. Films de- veloped and printed by experts, 25c; reprints 10 for 25c. -Vu-Way Photo Sevvioe. Station "A" Tor- onto. II t itii • \i'i-i I i(i-.i':» HAUUV APPLlii rtlEKS â€" 60 CTS. each. Canada's Lowest Priced .Nur- sery, growing leading varieties Fruit Trees, tlrnamentals. Write Immediately refiuesting sensation, al offorings Tohe's Treery Nia- .. ,r-. ...i "1.. r .-iljp iiiitnri.i ICI-:-U»ADERS TAIT ICE-LOADERS. WONDERFUL capacity, strong, practical, dur. able, ea.sily moved. John Tait, Iron T^ridL' c . «)rTlarin. i,i-:(;h«ii(\s voh sai.k becker str-un. single comb dark hro\vn Leghorns, males $3.00, trios $11. mO. H'-nry Becker. Water- loo. t)nt.-iri'') .UlLKINt; MACHiXES GRADE "A" MILKER MILKS TWO cows at once into separata con. tainers. X-:) puftators. No old-fash- ioned- pipelines. Writo to-day, Wil- liam E. B.-iwdull. 21 QuelHfj Ave.. Torolit.). S1.4CHINEUV F»>U SALE WADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS, reasonably priced, easy to operate, a money-maker wherever there are logs to he cut. Write for free descriptive bulletin. The A. R. Williams Ma.-hinery i^o.. Ltd.. 64 Front St Wt'sf. Tornnin. MEDKIM-: SUCCESSFUL SCIENTIFIC STO.M- aeh Remedy hoaled many obstin- ate cases. User states: "For years I was troubled with gnawinvr pain bi-l.jw breastbone. It caused gas and bloating. I tried m.any remedies, but my only relief was soda, and that for short time only. After moala it didn't bother me for fe-w hours; then If I ate some- tlflng ir stopped coming again af- ter some time. The pain bothered me worse at night. After taking three bottles of Dr. McLeod's .Sto- machic I was freo from pain. 1 kept on improving and have now been well for six years and enjoj-- Ing my meals without medicine." If you cannot buy Stomachic at the Drutr Store, write Dr. McLeod's Stomachic C;.. jZH B.nthiirsr. Tor- nnt.x ^^ .\LKSERV STOCK ILIUE OH.NAMl-:.\TAL.S â€" HAP.OY Fruits. Plants expertly packed, ar- rival in good condition guaran- teed. Express propaid. Tree.", shrubs, anii hardy outdoor por-?n- nlal.'j, nearly d'OO ^o choose from. Send for illustrated catalogue. The Mani-oha Hardy Plrmt Nurs- ery. nropm.i;-n, M.-mifob.- i. OFKKU TO IWE.V'rOIIS AN I5F]--Klt TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full Infor- mation «pnt freo. The Rnnisay Co Registered. Pat'-nt .-Vtldrnevs. 2TS li.-iiik >iu-,-,->. Orr-iwM c-niii -. I'K ri KKS BATHING BE.UTY PICTURES. Drawing- -"harts. Life Photo- graphs. .Send stnnip for lists. Box USJ. Kugjn n. Sas k. n^n.soMTir QUIT TOUAi'Cu. S.NUFF EASILY, inexpensively Home remedy. TBSIimoiil.-ils Ouaranteed. Advice free Rartleil's Hnx I U'lnnipcg. HEPA'rOI^\ RELIEVES STi.>MACl-l and Liver troubles. Svniotoms: Pains In right side, under shoul- der blades and across hips. Indi- gestion, gas. constipation, gall trouble. Formula of doctor. Re. eults in one day! Price $.i.Ort. Mrs. IjB.i. .S. .Mni.i?. Box ItiT.IW Saslia- tnOT). .S.nsk PROPKKTl KUK SAl-K 16.1 ACRES GOOD I^VNP. 3 '4 MILES C. N. Railway, 'i mile frontage North Thompson river. 72 miles north Kamloops. Strawberry and mixed farming distlct. 1800 cash. Lot 2fi2G. K. U. V. D., Rainsford, ("ndhoro Bay I'. P.. B.C. sAi.i->Mi-;.v \v.v>'i'i.:i) MAKE A DECENT UVINC. SELL- Ing 200 Familex every day ceces- •Itles. Guaranteed quality. Low- price. SOO Familex aalesmen llTe â- with this agency. Company'B auo- CMS depends on salesmen's. Twelve years of Increased busi- ness prove the possibilities buying In Familex Plan. For f-ee details and catalogue: Fajnilex, J79 8t. Clement. Montreal. SEED POTATOES BiniNO. SELUNG, CAR U)TS, Truckloads. Table. Certified aeed. OntarloB. Islands. Ask HIseys. the largest potato dealers In Ontario, «4 Front St. E., Toronto. ISSUE NO. 7â€" '40 SEED FOR SXl.K GOVERNMENT TESTED SEEDS from (grower to sower) shipped In sealed bags, properly mixed for a wonderful Hay or pasture crop. Red Clover. Alsike, Timothy, mix- ture, $13.25 per 100 lbs. Freight paid, bags free, Misnor Seedt. Port Dover. Ontario. â- sDI.UIKH'S llo\UI{ IC(ll.i, \.\ii CKIlTIFItATE HONOR ROLL OR CERTIFICATE of service, beautifully designed every province and unit repre- sented. Size IG X 22 In 7 colours, suit.iblc for framing, space for pliotograph and scroll for perm, anent record. Every soldier's home needs one. Mailed to any place in Canada. $1.0U. E. Mackinto.«li. photographer and copywriter S9 (il-anbv Street. Tornnto TWEH B IIE.MN A.Vl'S â€" Si .Oil ALL WOOL REM.NA.NTS â€" FINEST men's suiting material, minimum size 3" by 5ii" and larger. Mailed Collect. Money-back Guarantee. Aronoff Bros.. Ltd., 271.-Y Demon- tiffr.y East. Motitreal. USED CLOTUI\(; SENS.-VTIONAL B.ARG.VINS IN USED dothiug; Write for big, free illus- trated catalogue on Mens, Ladies' and Children's used clothing. Gowdy'a Mail Order Department. 337 Notre Dame Avenue. Winni- Peu-. M.-M)itnl>:t w \r(;nM viviM; LE.VRN WATCHMAKING AT HOME Beginners' outfits from 55. Nation- al \^^}^•'^!^. Ue^ir. '. .'•^;i.--!r. L Y O \ S February Clearance Sale New & Recoiidiiioned FURMTURE OlilHliinding Vallii-H thsit will lni|»-l you lit Ihi.v now f.>r Imer roiuire- inenls. Fro- >l..rnBr Open KveninKS i»ixi><; noo:if iiAui;.«\s $18.;iil â€" .SOLID (J.-Uv DINING ROOM suite, buffet, extension table and si.x leather upholstered chair.s. $39 â€" Nl.NE-PlECE DINING SUITE, buffet, china cabinet, extension table and six leather upholstered chairs, perfect condition. $59 â€" MODER.N ENtJLISH OAK dinette suite (floor sample), buf- fet, extension jai-k-knifn leaf table and four chairs, in red leather. $89 â€" MODER.N EN<;LISH OAK dining suite, (floor sample, regd":: lar $139). beautifully carved buf- fet, extension table, china cabin- et and six chairs upholstered in red leather. $0.7.1 â€" I^UGE AS.SORTMENT OF odd buffets and <-xtei!sion t.able.", in oak and w.-ilnut fiiiislics. IIEUKOOM h.\r<;ai\s $3.95 â€" lOU M.-VTTRESSES, ALL sizes, deeply packed with fresh cotton, closely tufted, roll edges in good quality floral art ticking. No C. O. D. ordcr.s. $0.93 AND UP. J^\RGE ASSORT- niont of dresser.s, in walnut, birch and enamel finishes. $49 â€" BEAUTIFI'L FOi:R.PIBCE bedroom suite, in two-tone w.ilnut fini.sh. dresser, vanity, chiffonier and full size bed, conipleteiy ro- finishcil. $C5 â€" BEAUTIFUL L.VRGE WAL- nut bedroom suite, completely re. finished, dresser, chiffonier, van- ity, bench, full size bed, Saglcss spring and new mattress. $129 â€" (KEPt.ISSESSED), BEAUTI- ful w.alnut bedroom sui'e (used one month, cost S199). large dres- ser, vanity, chi/fonier, full size bed and .Sagless' spring, guaran- teed perfect. CUKSTKKFIEI.D RARCAIX9 $39 â€" FIJlOIt SAMPLE, .chesterfield bed. upholstered in good quality brov\ n repp, has largo wardrobe compartment for bedding. $39 â€" COMPLETE LIVlNti ROOM outfit (10 pieces, 3-piece chester- field suite, upholstered in brown repp, reversible Marshall spring cushions, bridge lamp and silk shade, walnut end table, silk cu- shion, table lauip and .'hade, and modern metal smoking stand. $34.95 â€" C.VLIFORNIA BED ch.iirs. large assortment of covers full Marshall spring cushions. Rl'R SPEI'I.iL!) SEAMLESS QUALITY. OPTENTAI.S modern and conventional pattern.*. In Axmlnaters, Wiltons, Broad- looms «nd tapcstri.--s. in most all ilzcs, at pre-war prices. UUD PIEClJ!* $S9 â€" MODERN BRF.VKFA.ST suites, buffei. table and fix oh.iir« In wtiterfall design; your ch-jlce of color conibinationc. $8.9S AND UP. GAS STOVE.S. 8 S- ♦ -burners, thoroughly clean anil guaranteed. $10.80 â€" KITCHEV CABINETS. TN oak and enamel finishes, with slid- ing porcelain table tops, complete- ly reconditioned. $14.S0 â€" «-PLECE BPE.iKFA.S"^ suite, huffst. drop-leaf '.abia and buffet in good order. Open Rvealiim Boy â- wHh elmriilpiief. All koo<I« aold «it a iMMhUe monej.bnt-h Knnrjin- te« nf aalisfnction. Lyons Furniture Co. 478 Yon^t Sf. TORONTO MMtMMMiMM III â- 11