Canadian Military Leaders Confer In France > ** p: t-:^- Here Ls, LEFT t» KlUHT, Brig. Harold Creiar, cnicf ot LanatUan uuutary mission in Kn^land; Col ^'^larles P. Vannier, Canadian minister to France; Gen. Andrew McNaughton, commander-in-chief of Can- â- ffiaa forces in Prance; and Col. 0. R. Turner, chief of staff. They are shown at a Paris railway station b«- fore going back to the front after holding private conversations with Vannier, who remained behind. *•••»< i««»»« â- •*< How Can I ? Q. How can I iron mats or any- ihiag ' that re^iuU'ea careful shap- A. IroB them first without stai«h and then place them caxetuUy ob the board. Lajr over them a thin, woooth cloth dipi>«tl in raw starch, and iron dry. Q. How can I skim excessive crease from the top of soup? A. Take square sheets of clean, white tissue paper, i^iay one sheet at a time carefully on the surface ot the soup; thoa gently lilt it off, and all the gi'ease, or fat, will ad- here to the paper. Q. How can 1 put out an oil fire? A. Never try to put out an oil fira with w^ater, as this only spreads thd flames. Sand, earth, gravel, floor, meal, any of these, Is efiec- tlTe to throw ou burning oil. Q. How can I treat chapped lips? A. An excellent reniojy for chap- ped lips is oao-haif teaspoontul at borax to jna tablespoonlul ot hou- •y. Mix the borax and honey thor- Bugly before applying. Q. How cau 1 impart a ricli, brown color to my spongo cake? A. Sprinlde a little granulated •agar over the top of the sponge rate before placing it in the oven. lleixideer milk, with 22 per cent batterfat is the richest of 11 dif- ferent Mnas of â- milk listed in the U. S, X939 Yearbook of Agricul- tace. o-...^.- .. . „ a i '' 'â- : - i What Science IS D0JJ13 TEST 'ROYAL JELLY" After a year and a half of cheni- ieaJ analysis. University of Toron- to ehemists are prepaiiag for an experiment which vnll tell it they have succeeded in breaking down royai jelly â€" the mysterious sub- itance on which queen bees are .nurtured iuto the larva state to make them rulers of the hive. Success of the experiment may forecast synthetic- production of the precious fluid which some uientists believe can be used bene- fieially on retarded children and for other human diseases. â€" â€" TO IMPROVE VEGETABLES By measuring appetites of to- mato plants in various types of •oil. Prof. SUnley S. Ballard, Uni- versity of Hawaii physicist, has •oniested a possible new teciinique for the grrowing of bigger and bet- t«r vegetables. His procedure is based on deter, mination of the amount of food a plant actually consumes, rather ikan on the amount present in th« Mil CUTS PERITONITIS TOLL Tliree University of Pennsyl- vania surgeons attribata to aul- fuilamide â€" the "wonder drug" â€" a nduced death rate in peritonitis â- MM rtBuIting from acute appendi- "W» are convinced by th« clin- ktl •vid«nce," the thr«« Ki«n- iim assert in the annals of lur^- Vj, "that sulfanilamide therapy •abuqucnt to operation has toic- Honttd the severity of the re- Mtios in spreading peritonitis in â- •ay cases, and has saved some Btes that othenvise would have »tf«B lost." Expect More U. S. Tourists Next Year to Visit Canadian Parks â€" Superintendents All Point to Exchange Rates Tourist traffic in Canada next season should be much heavier because the war has shut off Eur- ope as a tourist playground and because foreign exchange i-ates are to the advantage of United States visitors, according to super- inteuf'.'jiits of 19 national parks meeting.s in Ottawa in January. National parks are growing more popular with both Canadian and United States tourists. Camp- sites have been provided, but there is a need for more liunga- low camps and boarding hoii.sc8 operated under private enterprise. At dinaer. Betty Jane had e^ten the filling of her pie, but had left the crust. When asked why she had not eateu all of her pie, she replieil: "Because 1 don't like the running board " Dentis.t â€" "Tnere's no need for you to shout. I haven't touched your tooth, yet." Patient: "No, but you are standing on ray corn." -Vn Englisb motorist, wno had a fifty-gallon tank of gasoline lu re- serve when rationing was intro- duced, oon.sulted a friend m to what to do about it. '"Bury it, luy dear fdlow," was the reply. Accordinsly, he gav? hLs garden- er instructions next day to dig a hole for it in a secluded spot. After a time the sardener re- turned. "I've buried the g.^soliaev" he said. "^Vhat do you want done with the tankT "With what weapon aid Sam- son slay the thousand Philis- tines, Tommy?" asked the Sun- day School teacher. "The axe of the Apostles," replied the child, after a long pause. The boxer who knew practically every trick lu tho game finally met his match. la the third round he found himself flat on bis back, listening to the referee counting over him 'One," roared th» reforeei "two â€"three â€" tour â€" five â€" six â€" sev- en â- ' The fighter reached up and grabbed the referee's wrist. "I'm a little* hard of hearing," he interrupted. "Would you mind re- peating that?" Judge â€""Do you wish to marry again if you receive a di- vorce 7" Liza â€" "Ah should tay not. Ah wants to b« withdrawn from circulation." ^creldiiiii.^ Jof^Qjick relief from itdiiot of eciena, pinplM. i&- li"^ "ral"". tmbin, nghfs ind othtr ntvmb wiMd ikitt trmiMia, me wjrld-fMioiu, cooUaa •â- •>- â- yli^ l!<ri:'J n. D. P. PresCT-iption. Urwnlai. •t«in!M«. Sootbpj irnuiion ud quickly itops ia ilolUM. 33c tri»lbi>Ui«proT«iil,otiB(ii»yb»«k. iA HEALTH TOPICS RHEUMATISM MISUNDER- STOOD The much-misunUerstood "rheu- matism" or "arthritis," is a disease which should have more attention than it is receiving in the world today, according to an article in the monthly "Health Journal'' written by l^ongias- Taylor. The writer points out that "of all the serious diseases affeetinij the welfare of the nation those known as 'rheumatism' and 'arth- ritis' are among the most import- ant, most noglected and u'-ost mis- understood, ivo other disease caus- es such widosinead suffering and crippling amous;- all ages and class- es. .Vlui.'h of the misery and in- v.Tliaisra is unnecessary and is dir- ectly due to tntiny s:range ideas abroad concci-ning 'rheumatism' and 'arthritis.' It is hign time that some of those popular mi.-^cjueep- tions be seriou.siy reviewed." RURAL SiiKVlCES INADE- QUATE Uoorgo Hoacuey ot Toronco, dir- ector 01 pujliv: nt'slth and medical ser\ ices tor the Canadian Council of -ViCiital Hyg.enc, last woeii de- clared tnai health services, piu'tic- uiariy in rural r.!c:iS, are in.ide- (juate. Canada's heiiiih uorkcrs now to- tal 00,01^, including more than J.O,00U piiysi.-iani and suigvuns, 4,000 dencsts, iO.oOO gra.^uate nurses, ll.oUO nurses, m training, t-i/i'OO ;)racticty nurses, b'lU optic- ians, ouO osieot)aths and caitopiac. tors, and l,oi>J other men ;;nd wo- men in heuitn t>rofes.sions. But, tue -M cities in Canada of more man oO.UOO popuiaiiou and totaling ZH per ceut of Canada's total population, have 45 per cent of all tbe doctors, 48 per tent of the nurses and 4y per cent of the dentists, he .said. Address Soldiers' Mail Caretully When Sending Letters Abroad Make Certain The Address Is Absolutely Correct Misleading addresses on soldiers' mail, now that the First Divisioa ot the Canadian Active Service Forco is overseas, are causins such letters delay and are entailing con- siderable extra work to mombers of the Canadian Base Post Office la iudontifying the addressee. Keceat- !y postal authorities announced tho correct way to aildress mail to tho troops overseas, and to troops still in Canada. Xu spito of thi;s much mail matter Is being posted which gives tho name ot certain barracks and also camps in England, instead of tho name of '.he regiment or unit, which is entirely omitted. Hase Post Office autho'irics fmpbaslze that to seud mall to wldlers ad- dressed to barracks or camps in the United Kingdom is most likely to caufs delay, and that such prac- tice Ig a hindrance rather than a help. The soldier may hav* been moved from that camp to uuothor ia the Interim. Name oi j.irracks or oampa in KnglanJ should not be given. The name of the regiment or urit should always form pa it of the address. .NECESSAU V IXt'OHMAl'lO.V !; is again ompbaslzed ^hat lu till* addresses, abbreviations of the names, units or services should be avoided, and the names of .such spelled out in full. Abbreviations such as A-T. A..VC. or A.D. (Auti- Tauk, Anti-.'-ircraft, or Army Co- operation Squadron) should NOT be used, but tho full names should be giveu. In sending mail to soldiers al- ready ovor.seas see that the addri'sa contains only: RegimentiU Number, Kauk and Name, l-'i 11 Name of R'^giment or Unit, C-O Base Post Office, Canada. lu addressing mall to soldiers serving in Canada give: Ilegimcntal Number, Rank and Name, full Name of Kegimenc or Unit, C. A. S. F., Postal address of Ttaloing Camp in Canada. HBTUKN ADDRESSES Do NOT send such a letter cars of Base Post Office, Canada. See that postage Is properly pre- p.aid, and that return addresses are given on all mail matter sent to soldiers abroad or In this country. Sidney Nortbcote, 52, was al- most certain he had an infallible way of taking his own life. He tied a rope around his neck and fastened it to a bridge gii'der, in Winnipeg last week. If the rope broke there was a river -5 feet below. He was in hospital nursing braises and slowly realizing he overlooked a detail. The river was frozen. Jlost dairy rations will be im- proved by the addition of a suc- culent or green feed. Either corn or hay silage makes an ideal suc- culent for winter feeding. Modern Etiquette BY KOBKKIA LtE Q. Wiiou a woman is iutrodu..ias her uusuand to au acciuaintauce, shoui'i siie s:iy, "Tuis is my busb- and," or, "This is Walter"".' A. Wlien a mere aciiuaintauce, she should say, -"rbis is my .>iusl)- aad." it it is au -.ncimate friend, sho may say, "Tnis is Walter." Q. Is it consid'.n-ed good manners for a girl to powder her nose and US3 lipstiek in puolic"? A. No, Willie >ve see this d.jue every day, it c:iiinot be called "good maunere." It is much t^elter if a s'.rl will do su..'U things private- ly. y. Isu t it poor liianuers ti talio more ihau one kind ot food 0:1 ttie fork at one limeV A. \es. one suuuld nevtr do this. Q. What is your opinion ot a neigUOor who plujs his r.idio so loudly liiat it can Uo neacd disiiuct- ly several doors away'f A. A complaint suouid bo regis- tered against a person who is :liis uiconsiderate and lU-bred. It can be stopped (j. How are the ivedcliui rocep- tiou cards and tho cards ol uduiis- sion to tlie church sent to those invited"; A. TUeso cai'ds should be enclos- ed with tho weddius mvitatious. y. Is It correct to leave the spoou in tuo sUerbet glass. wUtu one has tiaislied eating the desayrf/ A. No; the spoon sbouid Do plac- ed on the plate that Holds tht> sSer- bet glass. HEflO COLDS Nose nmning . . . eyp» utregmUig . . . head aching . . . mi»erBble ! Tben'ii no sense in •nch suffering! TRY MENTHOLATUM for REUk'F- Kt once! Iti noothinB v«p- our« penetrate infectpii na*al areas â€" help •ase inflamed membranes â€" help to halt mucus gathering. Treat that haad cold NOW â€" with Mentbolatum â€" gwinviteeti to bring TtlUf or monty back. At *U dniOftists â€" lara or lutMts SSc Feathers Bought Caaadiaa Feather A Mattr«*i 41-47 SPRUCE ST., TORONTO DIXIE is the thrifty man's tobacco. lYs a cool, slow- burning smoke! DIXIl PLUG SMOKWIG TOBACCO! Tlie Gota (Tanal is the longest in tho world â€" 115 miles â€" with the Suez, 100 miles long, ranking sec- ond. A stream of bats pouring out of an underground opening led to the discovery of New Mexico's rernx'-kable Carlsbad Cavcnus, . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . AfiESTS W.^XTED iti' i-'l':it I <t 127 HOMEWORK PLANS BE tova OWN nysa. tiiesk plan-s caa be -.vorked ajiywhcre. T'^rticufars froa. Giia.rdi:in Ei- cbttiige. 371 i.;tiilcde ''t- Toronto. SH'JE.S â€" WORKING 'lAJRiLE.VTS. ScU Dres.-i uud Work Shoea. .Sport.^ and Service Boots, also ileu's Woi-kingr Garments. Free selling equipment, "oo.TU.5es. Step-Easy â- Shoes. Regr'd.. J4G7 -Votr.j Daniu W't St, .Vfoiiti-t-a!. CI = AH1-: voij pi>a.>'m\<; a \kw KIIHHKX OR BATHHOOnf InTestlKatt: "MARCLAY TILE" IlIE I^TKa"!" CO.NTHIBUTIO.S" to homo modernizing: easily and nuieicly applied; attrau-tiva color L-ombiuatloMS for kitelieu, biitli- room. Edm'.it'.d Hind Lumber Co., Ltd, 2579 Danforth Ave., 'foronto, .)!â- your L«^l^!ll I-mnb.-i- Denier. niRv «. Hnws COVT. AITROVKU (."IUCKS FUO.M blood-tusted breeders at moUf> .â- iaving pri'.'cs tor dcli%-ery up 10 March loth. Grade "A' Wliitc Leg- hor:is, Brown Leghorns, Elaek Minorcaa, White ilinoreas. Aucoii- as, sa.lo; 90 per cent. Pullets, smi.l'O; Barred Hocks. Xew Hamp- shirea, Rhodo Islaua lieds, tiy- brids, several ..-rosscs, JU.SU; I'ul- lots, ?"''. Coolicrc!'!. J8.00. White Roeks. White Wyau<lottes. Llshi Sussex, J«i-soy Bl.ick lUants, Bla.-:!; Austrolorps, .SlU.tO, I'ulleta, S16.3IV i;oclcerel.», Sfi.aO. j\sli. about .lur three-week old e:ipous. Free .â- :it:ilog>i«. Twoddle Chick H.itch- ..•ri-,-. Ijmfted. Ferifus. Ontario. •I'KOl U OF TKEAl, (jK'i"i'I-NU more nost spring," writes ilrs. F. iSieborth. Ontario, of her Bray Chicks. Thouaanab like .ler ai! ovpr Canada. Joii; Thctn this year. Order tiow. :: hatches wtjeKly foi' early orders pullets, c-oekerels, • •hioKa. C:i t.alogtn.'. Bray Hatchery, 1:111 John .St. N., Han'.il:on._Ont. lu u.i> i Ho>ii'; j-l'.'.XiM BL"N'JAU>WS BUli;r O.N v.)ur !ot for Sl.'..iiJiJ ou 'lovt. Loan, â- ferms of $250 down â€" J14.71 per month. Yorti. Htiights Development Co., ;;:;') Bay .Strvet. "foronto. <jHi:Hri.;rtFiKi,i)« i dk sti.t: ._Hi';.si'ii.tti!H;:Li-^ - 51 n'liEKJ-it. Wo pay tho rroi«h:, all you pay ia a loek-OoLtuni ynee lur ehesiei- iie.'i.-i IruiJi TurooLo'a larsiesi dir- yivi^L pieces â€" chesle;'rield, - chairs aiid iuu(l'_*:ii stool Lo muteli, rebuilt and upholstered in brjtid new repp uud tapes, tapec>Lry cov- enuys, spii»K lined back, cush' ioii.-i. allractivu desiHU, only Sill. Au'ther baisaiii. oriaiually e.\- I)erisivu suitea, thoroushly recuii- diti'Oied. JIIU.SU. Send Slo.UU uow. balaiico Sl.UU weekly. Wo pay the freight to your station. Salislac- tioii or your money hack. Hoyal Ches'ertield .Mfgrs.. Cii RichmunJ East, Toronto. KUt:<'.\ IIO.N.IL. STuiii'..N r.-i .su>v e;.Man.i.i-Nci FOU courses ui .M.ili icuiaUori, <short .SLory. Jtjui uaiiciiii, tihorlhanu and .Speech CtjILuru. iialiu Ute« jf your spate tmi^:. Wiite today. iJauau- iaii Correapondeiice Colieuei (ea- tat.luliud i;ni:i) 'iV.i Vons-j Street. 'I'oroa". o. luLb:! L'UiO .UO'l<U(» JiKticncic iioTOK. :: U.i'.. also sevotai other su-.s. Joties & Mi'ore Electric. :;'.Hi .\del.!ida si. \V., roroiilo. Ftl.HIS â€" rui.Ni's FREE E.\U\.UGKMENT l.N SJTUUIO. Folder with each order. Film.s de- veloped and printed by experts, l.'.jc: repritif.-, iO tgi- ::5e. Nu-Way Fhoi.j Service. Station "A" Tor- onto. M.tctii.Moo toil »>vi.i': WAliE l'oRT-\.ULaj UKAU SAWS reasonably priced, eaay to oper.ate, a money-maker, wherever th.:ro aro locks to be cut. Writo for Irea descriptive bulletin. The A. H. Wiiliama Machiuery Co., Ltd., 61 Front St.. West, Toronto. MK\ 1VA>'1"KU AUK lOU THE MAN? \.OU CA.N hiT^' a solid business established within three months. It you are tired of working to earn profits tor someone else, own your busi- ness, and enjoy ainazint; profits every hour. Belling 2U0 gu.aranteed necessities used in every home. No obligation. Oet details and ciit- alogud Fn£E! Familex I'roducts, 47" ,st. Clement, MoMtr-'il. tIAliiJt .ki-i'i.!-. iiti';i'.> UAKLilI AFFLK 1 UliES â€" 6u Oife. each. Canada's tAjwesl I'rlced Nur. sery, growing leading varieties i'ruit Trees, ornameutals. Wrile immediately reuueating sensation. al ofrariDgs. Xobe's Treery, Nia-, Ontario. PHUTOGHAPIIS ROYAL VISIT, LuVNUlNti COVEliS, 16c; Fifty Mixed -Newfoundlands, Coronationa, Jubilees, 60c. C. Hod- der. Uandcr Day, .N.?wfoundlaiiJ. Giutranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Uaed â€" New KI>El"IAMZI>*i 1^ Hlllll li.T MO- TOHS, l»OWKK.lMl>. Ilyrimulle H*Ui«, Wl»ekei». «;eiierMH>r<», Stmt- era, Maicaet**. rarboreton. Radiat- arm â€" i^cBaaae Jierrlre, rsima â€" <*atliir»otlOB or rrfnail. l.tTT .40<o Part*, 'r»r»n(o. AN oKFioi; ri) EvEio l.N V i..Nro!i I^ist of Inventions and full Infor- mation sen; free Tlso It.'unsny Co. Tteni.'"ered Patent Attorneys. "-", Bnnir titrppt Otiitwt, '^nn^d« im:iis(».\.*i. •.JLIT rOBACCU. .S.NUFF EASILY, Ine.tpeualvely. Borne remedy, 'restimonlala. Gi!arr.!:;-eed. Advie* free. Bartlelt's Box 1. Winnlpeis. ARE 'I'UU UL'l'TUHEJJ"? liELUOt^, comfort positive support wita our advanced method. No ela.stia or understrapa or steel. Writs Smith Manufacturirjj Co.. D«pt. 219. I'reston. Ontario. STOPS RUPTURE. GUARA-NTBED flat, self-adjuatlng ispringa. No tinderstraps, $4.60. Free Trial. Fleming. 100!) Granvii'.e, V*neou- ver, 3.'.". SEED DEALdiKS â€" OROWSRS â€" Secure Highest Marktt pricea. Sample to Harry Fisher, 3U8B Jarvia Street, Toront.. SOIj|ilf_lt :^ ,^\/.,l/(v ikxri..!., .I..1I1J CKHTl^lCATb: HONOR KOLi.. OK ctit'.l'ii'U.-irE ot service. beautituiiy uesi(,ued svery province and unit repre- sented. Size 18 X i'2 in / co>uur.s, suitable tor trammg. space tor pholograpn and scroll tor peim- auent record. Every soldier s iiomb needs one. Maued to any piace in c'anada, Jl.OU. E. MacKintosh. pholiigrapher and copy.vrilei-, 5a 'iranby .street, Tor-'tir'^. t»vi-:l\ij UK.M.<A.>i>' Si.uO ALL WOOL HEil.N.V-NTS â€" Fl.^ijJST mens suitiuii materias niiniiuuni aiae 'â- )" by oo" and larger, .\iaiiea Collect. Money-baeit 'j>uaiauiei:. -- Aro.ioll Bro.s.. Ltd.. -74A Oemou- tigny East, Montreal. rit.iiA i.ij uivi i-:<,i 1 V i.j .\_MBiliOL.-3 Ait,.N IV A-SLl U»EK wanted iinmeuialeiy !wi suciul- service aijd detecLive wurli, eoai- plete iraliung eoui'se by eones- poudei.'je. I'lcu iiUuruiatijii. Vvi.ta to C. M. Juiien, Hon "i. Station T. .Slontrcui. Ft USii LUli I Oil L\ui\:i Cl,t-LliS..:i.%V.,; 'â- i.VI^K 1.' lk.yVCl hi-j livery ariicio cw** r,.ewaiji- iioueu, bO.'ii'aaLueu laoivugtii^ c.e.iU ullu i^/H» \,itil a vosilMe Utv/ii...\ -u,icic iaUaraiiiee ol teutiaiaetion. .m.,* i:,wud.s careiuti.v pitcKcu lUr sa,.,.- att\t>t^\:tit. uu reeeiPv ot liioijey-oruer. ,o,^ce.«l atteutiwu gneu lo luau i-ruer... Som. oaK j.iinini, itoom- yujiei, t-vLeu(iio:i table ana u leatucr scut cuairs,. Soiiu oaK y-piecv: xJrAtti^ 'join ^uiie, lui'few uu„,et, e.\.tenslou lauit, cuma caoiiiei. a,id 'J leatuei- upiloustereu '•ualrs?. ,caut.iiui \N'atiiUL llniah liife j.kO'jni ouicc, ,u.,'^ti bullet, v.\ieii»,on muie, cuju^ cauiu- ci. auu 1 iLUtnei scul t.naiis. I LeaULiiUi targe wvuiuut \ en-- _-.OU j,uue, table aitu u 53.UU ^.';< bullet, e.\ie ci. auu 1 It a AQ r\() LeauLiiUi targe wvuiuut \en Lcnsiuii LjOic. ciiiiia >-ii<,uiei aiiu •» fjatner upjiut^tereu etlatt>. i.*eikeeL, '^•^^ suite ^cosL new atjpiu..iju- aieiy i^i'l<^.) in pevitii conut,ioii, a large outlet, e.\i.uiisi. u iiioie, luiui. caoinei. anu o teatner iipuu.SLUieU cnoiis. 10 So ^'"^ ""â- ^''K'-' assortment oi Cal•lllOt^.. la oak, walnut iiiid uucb, an' i;umple»«iy, reconuitioiied. IQ SI) Coiiiiiicte Simmons i.eel ' ^ Bed. ;.i walnut iiiusli, sag- less Kpiiiis, new mattr^-ss, new pan- pillows aiui o urawer LU>-msci-, with large m.rror and o urawcrs in wal- nut tiinsh lu match. JC 0(1 '^"•urt a-pleoe Bedroom J j.oo Suite, in beauti^'ul --tone walnut iinisii. I'resser. chifluoier, £U»1 size bed ana sagless spring. 49 00 ^^-^^ Bedroom suite, »n "rich walnut finish, dresser with large piatu mirror, chiiioiiler. vanity dr.'j.str and lull size bed. ;Q aa Brand new modern Beoioora J . .UO guite. in waterfall aesign Venetian mirrors, in bleached wal-^ nut finish. Ures.scr, eh.'ffonier, tuJl size bed, sagless spring: and new mattress. 1 7 Ca Chesterfield Suit.'. 3 Bieces 1/ .JO „pi,,,,j,,prcd ia figured vel- our, reversible Marsbiill spring cush- ions, thoroughly clean. ''4 00 •'•P'cco Chesterfield Sulfa. .u-r.\j\j uphoL-itcred in Kngllsh tap- estry, revcrsiblo -MarshaU spring cushions. TO 00 I''^""'""' 3-plcce Chcstor- •^ ^^^ field Suite in noveltv icpp material. ligured reversible Marshall spring eushiouu. periect condition. ^Q 00 '^"'86 3-pieeo c'hcstcrfida J :7.\j\j yunp (coat, nev." approxl. mately »3'J'J.;. upholslero.1 in brown mohair, figured reversible Marshall spring cu<aion.">, perfect. 4Q 00 '''â- i>"-lf"l Che.itcrflcld Suite -ty.\j\. .jinielstered in g-reen silk rapp. with fluted back, figured re- varsible Marshall sprini? cushions, perfect condition, ( new, |,1B(|.). l^rge assortment of Kitchen Cab- ln«t». Breakfast Suites. Gas Stoves Sewing .Machines, Odd Chaij.o, Studia Ceuohes, etc.. at ridiculously low prices, lo clear. Buy with confidence, riemombf- all goods sold with a nione." b.-fk Rii:ira:i:ee of sjilisf ;ictt.jii. .. . LYONS FURNITURE CO. 4 78 Vonjje St., Toronto ISSUE NO. 5â€" '40