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Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1940, p. 4

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Wednesday, January 31, 1940 THE FLEAHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on CoUing^ood StrM<^ Flesberton. Wednesday oX euk week. Circulation over 1,000. Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance |1.60; in U. S. A. 12.60 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. F. J. THURSTON. Editor. lend the Priceville Old Boys and Girls Assoc. Tenth Annual dance and Euchre, held on Friday, Jan. 26, 1940, and remained in the city visiting Mra. J. Koertiz and other friends. SWIN TON PARK EDITORIAL COMMENT We extend our beat wishes to W. A. Hogg, president and manager of the Collinwood Bullttln-Enterprlse, who week observed his 81st birthday. Mr. Hogg has been in the publishing business for 65 years and is one of the veterans of the craft. He followed his father, who first pub- lished the Enterprise 80 years ago. We are pleased to know that Mr. Hogg is still hale and hearty and able to be at his desk every day. Best wishes of his follow publishers are extended to him for many more years in his useful sphere of life. • • • • Each Sunday morning at 1^ o'clock a pleasing new program is released over CBL, giving the live news from the pages of the weekly newspapers of Ontario. Grey and Bruce counties come in for their share of mention in the newscast. The Advance was men- tioned twice in a recent broadcast and on Simday our two neighboring editors had quotations from their columns. The news from these papers depicts the rural life of the province and is proving a popular broadcast. • • » • Flesherton's main streets were fairly well denuded of their high banks of snow after the recent re- cord-breaking snow fall. It is a fine thing to have the snow taken away from our streets, but the question has been asked whether we can afford this luxury of clean streets. Many claim that with the large deficit against the village the Council should observe the strictest economy in its work. Mr. Kobt. Knox attended the fun- em 1 on Friday, of the late Wm. Miads O.D.R. .Master Donnie McMillan, son of Mv. and Mrs. Jack McMillan, 14th j^m., is seriously ill with Glandular Fever. Dr. Lindsay is attending him. -Mrs. Lorraine Bailey spent last vveek end with her parents in Toronto, who are celebrating their 35th wedd- ing anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McCahnel of Dromore, spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. Delbert Haw. The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of St. Andreiw's Church, met last Wed- nesday at hte home of Miss Mary McCannel of Bo^ville. Twenty-two ladies were present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart visited Sunday with the latter's mother, Mr.s James McLean, 14th con.. Mr. Clarence Harrison has been confined to the house for some time suffering with lumbago. Born on Monday, Jan. 29th, in To- ronto, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chant (nee Kathleen McMillan, Reg. N.,) a daughter. Mr. G. A. Black has treated himself to a new electric cream separator. Financial Stattmeot Of St. John's Uoiiea The following is a summary state- ment of the congregational meeting of St. John's United Church held on January 23rd, 1940: TREASURER'S REPORT Board of Stewards The Board wish to thank all those whose contributions have made poss- ible this favorable report. Receipts By Envelope fll38.82 Loose Collection 295.75 Donations by those without envelopes 246.55 Special Offerings ^?9-59 Ladies' Aid lo|-00 Ceylon share Presby., etc 8.04 Loans from bank & rebates 296.72 Garden Party 50.50 Hifh Park Choir concert 40.50 Collected instead of fowl supper 145.65 Balance from 1938 64.68 $2652.71 2576.82 CENTRE LINE PRICEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell spent a few days visiting the former's sisters in Montreal. Mrs Cecil Fawcett spent a couple of days visiting at Kimberley. Jane returned home with her after a visit with friends there. Miss Mary Mather is assisting in The home of Mr. and Mrs. Allie Muir. A number from here attended the Priceville dance in Toronto, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol and sons visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Dan Mc Arthur in the Glen. Sympaty is extended to Mr. and Mrs F. G. Karstedt and Jane in the loss of Mrs. Karstedt's father m To- ronto. The electric lights have been turned on last week in the homes of: D. Campbell, W. Beaton, E. Patterson, D. McKinnon, A. Clark, H. Tucker, H. R. McLean, and they are all en- joying them. Mrs A. Saulter and Mrs. Minnie Livingstone went to Toronot to at- Not much here to write about, but snow and cold weather, and we have had plenty of both during January. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Little and Mrs. Little visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russel White, near Saugeen Junction, recently. We are pleased to see Mr . Ernie Little able to be out after his recent illness. Ernie has been sick since Christmas, Mr. John Osborne of Flesherton, spent Saturday night with his parents here. The church services were hard hit on Sunday January 21. Our minister came all the way from Maxwell to Mount Zion, and had no service at either Mount Zion or Wareham. There was a nice attendance at Mount Zion on Sunday, and Rev. Dr. Mercer preached a wonderful sermon. The annual meeting of the Mount Zion church was held on Monday, it was to have been held last Monday, but had to be post phoned because of the bad roads. Service at Mount Zion church next Sunday at three o'clock. Victor Osborne is helping Mr. Jack Badgerow cut wood, and other work for a few weeks. Total expenditures Balance * ''^•^^ Expenditures Minister's Salary *^^?2 aS Pulpit supply 12.00 Organist 200.00 Mnnip lo.oo CaretakCT 18000 sSes :....:::......." 99-92 Fuel and Light 114-83 Parsonage repairs ^i-m Printing ...- 24.60 Repairs (organ, etc.) ao./o Presbytery duee »^-i« Repaid loans 300.03 : HOCKEY : FKVERSHAM DOWNS ROCK MILLS 8â€"2 Feversham continued their winning streak by taking one from Rock Mills, 8 â€" 2. This game is reported as being one of the cleanest Semi-Pro games this season. Seeley received the only injury of the game when he was dumped by Moore. Moore was given a penalty. Buster Springgay scored twice for Feversham in the first. A, Springgay getting the only asist. Ernie Guy was the only scorer for Rock Mills in the first. Feversham increased their lead by four goals in the second. Springgay alone, Sled from B. Springgay: Mul- len alone, and Sled from A. Spring- gay. Rock Mills did not count in this period. Springgay and Sled both bagged a counter in the last, with Clark scoring for Rock Mills. / GOOD ADVICE It has often been said that Ger- many lost the last war because she was defeated on the home front. While there are still a few who chal- lenge this statement, it is generally conceded to contain more truth than poetry. The lesson which we in Can- ada, and particularly in Ontario should learn from this fact is that the prevention of our own democratic institutions and principles, and keep- ing up our civilian morale should be one of our major objectives. United States had developed mag- netic mines in 1925, and we esteem our neighbor the more when reading this added note, "It was decided not to use them." SUPERIOR STORES FOR BETTER BREAD WE CARRY Robin Hood^Prairie Rose FOR FRESHER VEGETABLES and FRUITS IN SEASON Our Line U Always Fresher FOR FRESHER GROCERIES Our Stock is Complete and Fresh and always Reasonably Priced Men's Heavy Clothing FOR THE COLD WEATHER and Our Prices are Reasonable C J. KENNEDY PHONE 37 WE DELIVER $2676.82 MISSIONARY & MAINTENANCE Receipts Total Receipts * 337.80 Expenditures Record book » ff^ 3ent Dr. Robt. Laird 334.00 SESSION REPORT Resident members Jar. 1, 1940 236 Non-Resident members «' Burials 280 16 2 Weddings J ^^^YOUNGPEOPLE'S'WiON Receipts Balance from 1938 f 11-71 Receipts from play ^'-1° Collections ^^•^'^ OWEN SOUND GREYS WIN FROM C. O. H. A. ALL STARS The Owen Sound Greys proved themselves capable of defeating: the All Stars, when they won 6 â€" 4. The Dundalk line proved very effective, scoring three of the four goals. Lea veil. Cairns and Boyd were the men picked from Fleeherton's team, but Boyd was the only one able to be at the game. He played a very clever game. The goal-tender for he Greys suffered a cut in the forehead which reqiured 5 stitches to close. The All Stars are worthy of credit for holding the classy Greys to a d â€" 4 41% Hog Concentrate Now is the time to save your grain by feeding Hog Concentrate, and make jroursw a handsmne profit. Try our Pig Starter and fi^w up with 41% Hog Concentrate. SHIPPING FEVER or HEMORRHAGIC SEPTICEMIA (Continued from last week) PREVENTION â€" If hemmorhagic septicemia is sus- pected, call a veterinary. Do not delay until many of the pigs are dead. The only way in which the disease can be halted is by injection with serum. This should be done only by a veterinary. The cost per pig is in- sigTificant compared with the possible losses. Septi- cemia is a DESTROYER. If pigs are properly fed and cared for, kept reason- ably clean, with sanitary pens, the likelihood of any infection such a septicemia developing is lessened. It is particularly important to have good ventilation and dry quarters. Flssherton'^PIaniiig Mill H. A. McCauIey, Prop. Flesherton, Omt r ^^ >, SEMI-PRO LEAGUE STANDING Two dajrs work were required to purchase a bushel of salt, back in 1806. Won Lost F A Pts. Feversham .... 4 1 48 34 8 Ceylon 1 4 38 48 2 jPrieeviUe 1 8 16 1 2 Rock Mills 1 1 8 8 A Flesherton 5 34 16 10 General Gort of the British anny in France when greeted by General Gamelin was kissed on the cheek. When so many ladies ake engasred ia war work the wonder Is that suck duties have not lieen deputed to their tender care. (• Missionary collections $ Expenditures Delegates to winter school .. S 81.91 12.85 6.00 Play expenses ..„ 20.75 o:v,i„ f.>^ r>iiirp>i 16.U0 32.97 7.19 Bible for Church Supplies, presentations, etc. Balance on hand S 81.91 Paid M. & M. treasurer $ 12.85 ELDERS, elected for 3 yearsâ€" John Stewart, Geo. Cairns. W E. Betts. STEWARDS, elected for 3 vearsâ€" G A. McTavish, C. R. Chanple, J. K. Brackenbury, Gordon Wauchope. M & M. COMMITTEEâ€" Mrs John Heard, Mrs. Holland. Mrs. T. J. Fisher Mrs. Wm. Moore, Mrs. J. Cargoe. USHERSâ€" Gordon Wauchope, dor- don Irwin, Emery Fisher, Everett Blackburn, Ted McTav ish, M. Duncan. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Receipts Fees (2b) * „„ „„ Thankofferings '^-^^ Envelopes "-'^ Life Membership ^°-"" Other sources '"•*'' WHEN liONC LIFE COUNTS WHEN low .COST COUNTS Expenditures Sent Presbytery treasurer Other expenses % 210.50 % 196.00 14.50 LADIES' AID Receipts Cash on hand, Jan. 1. 1939 . Membership fees Groups and Group teas Bake Sale Coppers collected Dinners and supper Sale of aprons Quilting Bazaar Ceylon's share on taxes Ceylon's donation on stove Miscellaneous f 210.50 p 7.03 27.00 68.15 38.29 14.44 109.71 3.75 29.00 59.22 14.50 5.00 1.50 WHEN COUNTS • j*-'^ â- ^l*- WHEN SOUND BUYING COUNTS $ 377.59 Expenditures General fund * 155.00 Stove and fittings 66.90 Advertising Work done on parsonage 75 4.70 Taxes on parsonage 68.46 Store accounts 21.47 Butchers, for meat 30.00 Hanging wallpaper 8.40 M. and M. Fund 10.00 6iui It I Balance on hand I 856.73 f 21.80 SUNDAY SCHOOL Receipts Balance from 1938 | 19.30 Concsrts 93.31 Collections and donations .... 128.22 Collections for Missions 23.90 I 264.73 Expenditures â- . Suppers $ 21.16 Missions 28.90 Supplies, postage, etc 197.17 Balance on hand % 247.23 $ 17.50 While German torpedoes and mines sink a few ships every wcck, we are toM that nearly one thousand carjro ship'^ move in and out of BriticH port'- in a week. The enemy is ham- ly making a dent in Britain's im- ivionsc resources of .shipping. When long life, low cost and high quality count most, sound buying is important. And all these vital factors point to the new 1940 Chevrolet as your soundest motor car buy for years of depend- able service! Eye the new Chevrolet â€" try it on the road â€" and you'll buy it for outstanding value. It's the only car that brings you the beauty of "Royal Clipper" Styling, the performance of a Super- Silent Valve-in-Head Engine, the ease of Vacuum Power Gearshif^ ing, the comfort of Perfected Knee-Action* â€" at the lowest cost for purchase price, gas, oil and upkeep! See it today and convince yourself that when sound buying coimts, Cbwrolefs th» Choice. *On Spttud JO* Luxe modeh. C.4iB D. McTAVISH « SONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO H. Gnmunett, Dundalk, Amoc. Dealer ~,»

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