Britith Bombers Return From Raid On Heligoland Thu crews of the English bombers that took part in the raid on Heligoland in December, in which they brought down 12 German planes, are shown, BOTTOM, leaving their planes after returning to their undis- closed base In England. Three of the English bombers that took part in the raid are shown taking off at d»wn from tlieir base, on the start of the bombing expedition. Sunday School Lesson LESSON IV JESUS DRAMATICALLY PRO- CLAIMS HIS MESSIAHSHIP MaUhew 21: 1-16. GOLDEN TEXT. â€" Behold, thy King Cometh unto thee. Matt. 21:5. In this Iwsou the puifect char- iictcr of the Lord Jesus is revealed to us afresh â€" his perfect kno«- ledge, his infinite tenderness, his holy wrath against unholy thing:-, his compa.s.«ion for the blind and the lame, his perfet-t calmness in the midst of forces furiously bent upon destroying him. Matt. 21: 1. And when they drew nigh unto Jerusualem. Our Lord has spent Saturday and Sat- urday ovcning in the homo of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, in the village of Ilethany. just over the top of the Mount of Olives. Now i-ome.s (Christ's last visit to Jerus- alem in the beginning of the week which will terminate in his cruci- fi.xion. And came unto Ikahphagc, unto the mount of Olives. Then Jesus sent two disciples, 2. sayin;; unto them, Go into the village that i.s over against yuu, and .«traighiway ye shall find an nss tied, and a colt with her;- loose them, and bring them unto mc y. And if any one say aught unl) you, ye shall say. The Lord hatli need of them: and str;iigbtway he will send Iheni. We are free to .suppose that our Lord has already spoken to the owner i>{ the fo:L when he sent the two disciple.-, for nothing in the narrative cor:- Iradicts this. The owner of the ass seems to liavjt known Jesus, and perhaps wa.= n disciple. Riding Upon An At* •1. Now this Ls come to pass, that ii luight lip fulfilU'd which was spoken through the prophet, say. ing, &. Tell ye the daughter of /ion, Hchold thy King cmeth un- to thee, Mcok, and ritling upo)i an a.«.«, and upon a colt the foal of an ass. This prophecy is found in Zech. J»: S. Two things were ir.- tended by the coming of Jesus ti' Jcrusalctii in this way. The first was that of official kingly entry, manifestation of his KiiiRship to the crowds of Jcrn.saleni. And yet, aecondly, Jcius went in thi." way to exhibit not merely his kingliness, but his inceknesc. (That the King Messiah chould come to Zion rid- ing on an u-is meant, for the Jcw- iih people, that he was to have a kingdom not of this world). The Triumphal Entry 6. And the disciples went, and did even as Jesus appointed them. And brought the ase, and the colt, •Sd put on them their garments; And h* sit thereon. 8. And the meet part of the multitude spread tlieir earments in the way; and «thera cut branches from the trees, and spread them in the way. John's account of this event (12: IS) in- forms u« that the branches were inm palm-trees. The palm, In those days, was regarded as the ormiMl of victory and iriumplt. ,^ VraaciiN «tr»wM l» hU war symbolized Clirist's triumph and the people's joy. 9. And the multitudes that went before liim, and that followed, cried, saying, Ho.sanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that Com- eth in the name of the Lord. 10. And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was stirred, .saying, Who is this? 11. And the niutitudes said, This is the prophet, •Tesus, from Nazareth of Galilee. The attention of the whole city of Jerusalem was attracted to the coming of Jesus. I-ot at least an hour the pec^ple recognized him for what he was. The Temple Clean*ecl Atain 12. And Jesus entered into the temple of God, and cost out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money-changers, and the .seats of them that sold the doves. This took place in the large outer court of the temple, separated from the shrine by a stono par- apet. (The doves were the sacri- fice offering of the poor.) 13. And lie .'^aid unto them, It is written, IMy house shall bo called a house of prayer: but yc nmke it n den This Curious World % William Ferguson x:)Ps: ONl^ ONE LVE. OF A 5S0OMES TEX-ESCCPIC. Vv'HILE THE OTHER RE/AAINS NOR/A AL.jA /fe&r^' BEAVERS HAVE SEEM KNOWfSJ TO BUILD DAMS CONTAirsllMG HUNOJZ£D OF EARTH, STICKS AND STONES Co. ... .mVI NEA SERVICE. INC HENS DO NOT THEIE. BSGS./ THEV DRO^ THEM FROM A STAA/O/AjfS- POSITION. *-)• THE pcculiiirit.v m the eyes of telescope goldfish docs not ap- pe.-ir in very yomig fish, \wA may not be noticed tor several years, Init it usually develops at about six months of age. The mon- >trosity is characterized by an elongation of the eyeballs, in the direction of the optic axis. NEXT: Is the bippopolaraiu a fresh or salt water animal? POP Singular of robbers. The priests, who ought to have been the holiest men !ii all Israel, were in the very temple dedicated to God robbing people who came with spiritual burdens, sending them away p.oier than befoie, and di.s;.{U.sU'!i with tli • while business. 1 1. And the blind and the lamt' came to him in the temple; and he healed them. \->. liut when the I'hicf jiricsis and the scrites sa'>v the v.inulcrful thirgs that he (!id, and the childien tli::t were cryin;.,' in the temple, anJ ;ayir;g, Hos- nnna to the son of lJav!d; they v.-ero moved with indignation, "fht hieraichical party, v.ho had mcstly ignored Jesus hither;o, now v/rrk for his dcstruclion. their interests being threatened by this temple, refoiniing zce;!. The cliief priest< had a monopoly of these sales in the temple, and dicv,- enormous profits from them. 10. And said unto him, Hearest thcu whit these are saying? And Jesus -saith unto them, Yea: did ye never read, Oiit of the iiiiuth of babes and such- lings thou has perfect praise? These children were no doubt some who had hezrd tl:e shouts at the triumphal entry, and at the fight of Jesus in the templp began to sir.g out what tht'y had heard. FARM... COLUMN PASTEURIZING WHEY I.'.portaiicc of jiasteurizing in chte-e-niaking was stressed by Frank Hern, secretarj'-treasurer of the Dairymen's Association of Western Ontario, in an address to delegates attending the associa- tion's 73rd annual convention. Eighty-five percent of the 79 ficiories operating in Western On- tario arc now itasteurizing whey, said Mr. Hern, also chief provin- cial dairy instruc'tor for the terri- tory. "Pasteurizing is an important point in preventing fruity and off- flavor cheese," said Mr. Herns. "It has been noticed each year that where, even for a short pe- ricd. the whey which is to be re- t'.:rried to the milk cans, was ne- glected to be pasteurized, objec- tionable flavors were soon notic- ed in the cheese.'' COOKED POTATOES FOR HOGS A ci^Msiilerable portion of the potato crcp is unsuitable for seed or table stock. Various methods of utilizing the cull potatoes have been suggested, and one method is to feed the potatoes to live stock. Potatoes may be fed to practically all kinds of live stock, but apparently they have their greatest feed value when cooked and fed to hogs, states Leonard Griosbach. Assistant, Dominion Kxjjeriniental Farm, Fredericton, N.i:. It has been demonstrated by many feeding trials at various in- stitutions that four pounds of boiled or steamed potatoes will re- place approximately one pound of ground barley, when fed in a bal- anced ration to hogs. Inc'f^ns Receive P.-tc^'cal Services F*"e F- nrfi-ed Doctors and Derf'sts Are Employed In Lc^'-m- After Herltb of Ca- III safi^Ruarding the health of tlie luilian poprlation. the Dominion Covcriiuii^nt tndiaii Affairs Urancb employs about five luinUifxl do.'t- ors and dontlsts on whole or i)arl time work, and has several hospi- tals ol its own and a small but ef ficlrnt field nursing servtee. It supidios medicine luitli by central puretiase and local prescription, and cuKaKes in every activity re- lating 1(1 the health of about IIS.OOO Indians living in about ctsht hun- dred separate couimuiiitlea in Can- ada. New Hospitals The now Kisher lliver Indian Ilosidtal will swve a commnnUy of about 1,500 Indians, which former- ly bad to send hospital patients to Winnipeg. This and the new hospi- tal at Dynevor, Man., are tieing es tablishcd as a means of providing needed care tor sick Indians at a cost lc>ss than that of admittlni; llieui to public institutions. RADIO NOTES AND NEWS By MAOGE ARCHER INTERFERENCE REMOVED cue has at last come to an ayrei - nif,ut v.ith the. Mc-xican (lovcrn- mcnt lo have the wave-length oE XEUA. the powerful station at Villa Aiuna, shifted to another ciiaunel. his means that^^sisnals from CliL. Toronto, can iiov/ be broadcu;t v.mmpedc-d tiiroiigho*. t Ontario. XKI{.\ ' .1 a tlitrn in the side of C13L lir years. The Mexi- can station is the most powerful transmiurr in the westi^rn heml.?- phert, and i^ measured at 250,000 watt?. It obllieratMl niiht rccei»- tion from t'lil, in many iiarts of the province and seriously Interfered with iicrption elsewhere. .Mexican radio authoritl&s have agre&d to move It to another channel where Us signals will not affect Canadian outlets. AROUND THE DIAL Tliero is a strong rumor tiiat the Chase and Sanborn Hour is sooii to bo broadcast from New Vork City instead of from Hollywood. Just when Edgar Bergen and Char- lie McCarthy, Donald Dickson and P.obtert Armbruster will pack their bags and fly east is r.ot kuov.u. Kudy Valleo is not retiring from radio after all. He has just signed up with a new sponsor and will be heard ou Thursdays at 9:30 p.m., over the NBC red network. Vallee will begiu broadcasting as soon as "Good News" follows the example of the Chase and Sanborn Hour by going into thirty minutes of show time. Ooasf-to-coast radio in Canada has added a striking personality t-i Us entertiihimeut forces In the person of Captain J. J. (lagnier, Dandmaster of H, M. Canadian (irw.adier (iiiards, who directs "On P^trade " the new military musical shQw heard on Thursd.iy evenings fiorti ,S:30 to !i:o<i p.m.. K.S.T.. over CL'L. Captain Cagnler is one ot the busiest and most versatile mus- icians in the Dominion. Besides be- ing con'ductCi- of the famous mili- tary crganlzalion he is CRC's Que- bec Ue-'lonal Dliettnr of Music, a famous gurst conductor and a busy adjudicator in both Canada and the United States. Ho Is also ii com- poser of reputation and holds the degree cf Doctor of Music from the Unlve-rcity 'cf McntrMl. TO BE HEARD Saturday, January 27th. 1;5J p.m. CBL, Motropclitaii Oper.-i ... 10 p.m., CBL and CBY, NB(.' .Symph- ony . . . Jan. 28, 3 p.m.. CKttB, N. Y. Phil. Orch . . .8:00 p.m, CBL, The Chase and Sanborn Hour . . . Jan. :»., 8:50 p.m., CBY, With the Troops- in Knglaud . . . y;Oti pjn., CFHB, Radio Theatre . . . 10:00 p.m., CBL, Contented Hour . . . Jan. 30, 8:^0 p.m., CBL, Informa- tion Please ... 9:00 p.m., CBL, Reginald Stewart . . . 10:00 p.m., CB1-, Les Concerts Sympboniuucs . . . Jan. 31, 9:30 p.m., Percy Ppth ... 10 p.m., CBL, Strike Up tt» Band . . . February 1, 4:15, KoDej> ta Bcatty on Trouping tbe Coun- try 8:00 p.m., CBL, Miss rrent'3 Children ... S: 30 p.m., CBL, 'On Parade" , . . 9:00 p.m., CBL, Good News . . . 9:30 p.m., CBL, Bins Crosby. PRESENT DAY EXPLORER HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured explorer, Lincoln 9 He explores regions. 12 Coupled. 13 Venerable. 15 Bone. 16 Belonging to the ariun family. 17 Kobin. 18 To crush. 20 Encountered. 21 Climbing plant. 23 Eccentric v/hcel, 24 You and me. 25 Blockhead. 26 Burden. 27 Railroad. 28 Throat. SOEviL 31 A beverage. 33 Upon. 34 Being. 35 Seasoning. 36 Blackbird. 37 Type measure. 38 Valuable property. Answer to Previous Ptizzle CiAlFlEliEiOiLllloiEiEiJluZiS ^â- eOiE >lDMiNlcTEJao1 AIRC pi LiGIU«Oly:^M0!RlW!AIY! 40 Note in scale 41 To halt. 42 Point. 43 To labor. 44 Festive. 47 Sea eagle. 48 Fodder vat. 49 His chief interest now in . 52 He uses in exploring. 53 Crappie. VERTICAL 2 Stringed instruments. . 3 Bcoty. 4 Snow glider. 5 Marriage. 6 Alleged force. 7 Lean. 8 Hourly. 9 Pair. is 10 Earthy matter, 11 Onager. 14 Paid publicity, 16 He once explored with 17 Flying mammal. 18 Crazy. 19 He has suffered many s in his work 22 Kind 23 Calcium, 25 Toothlike projection. 27 Hurried. 28 Nothing. 2D To corrLmsscfe. 30 V/ agar. 32 Battering machine. 33 Unit. 36 Venomous snalte. SflStin. 40 To walk with short steps.., 41 Plant. 42 Journey. â- 43 Seasame. 44 Guinea. 45 Note in scale. 46 Portion of a curved line. 47 Greek letter. 48 Spain. 49 Like. 50 Credit. 51 Preposition. By J. MILLAR WATT Stow THIS MEANS vou S^/. (^ HOW ON EARTH DID THEY KNOW I WAS COMING