n Maple Leafs' Brilliant Centre Temporarily Out of Running r V J Ail taped up- and scheduled to do none of his twilling and whirl- ing over National league ice surfaces for a month or more is Syl Apps, brilliant centre with Toronto Maple Leafs, who sustained a fractured collarbone in the Christmas night game with Rangers. At the time of his injury he was second in the scoring race and Toronto's Davidson- Apps-Drillon line was leading the league in effectiveness. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE Q. If a gi'/l has not been goiog with a young man very long, and his folks iavite her to have dinner, should she accept or refuse? A, Thera U no reason why sli» • should not accept, unless the young man Is bocomiug too serious In his attentions, which she does not want, and she thinks it might b» inferred that she too was serious. Q. When you iiave been diumg with a t'riead. and your hostess has no maid, is i: all right for you to .help her clean off the table, stack dishes, gathe;- crumbs, and the like? 2. It i'- not well to do this luiioss the hostess has asked you, or you happen -x- be a very intimate friend. Q, Isn't tii^^i.e au old proverb that compares ;i gossip to a frog? A. Yes. "CIosslps and frogs drink and talk." Q. Wiiat should one do when someouc-s relates something that is very disagreeable? . A. Call ui>ou your self-control, and do not aliow it to upset you. Change th& subject as soon as pos- sible, then proceed to forget it. But above al!. do not repeat it to some- one else. Ou'y the pleasant things ot life aie worth remembering and repeating. Q. Wlitii there is a pi:nch Liowl at the pavty. and a gii! and her escort approach, which one should till the glasses'.' A. The man should till a glass tor the giri. then one for himself. tj. How far in advance o£ a thea- tre party should the invitations be extended? A. Not latw than a wei-k in ad- vance. Corn Syrup Use is More Popular Valuable in Preparation of Baby Formulas â€" Is Digestible; Sweetens Cereals During i-.x-.'at ytars. few food jnoducts havi- gained more uuickly in popularity than has corn syrup; and a very Jxijiinabie popularity it is. that corn syrup enjoys. You may choose to use tile rich i,-oUlen-toneU corn syrup, or the slightly Ui?s-ianuliar white kind â€" iir perhaps both, suiting each to its special puvpo?e. In any case, it is au excellPnt food, full of genuiue enjoyment, that pours from the corn syr-.iji ;ii;. For C>i<ldren and Adults Authorities all over the coi-ulry recogiilr.e tiie value ot corn syrup in the pre|>aratiou ot baby formul- as. This ia 'oecause cor:! ; . rup is rich ill dextrose and inallo.se â€" a most desirable form of carbohy ilri.te f'jod. tor the niortificalioii of uiilk. And there 'a a further reason for urgiug the use of corn syrup iu infant diets â€" and in the diets of srowing children and adults, loo; because It is so easily diges'ihie; and provides quickly available e.i- ergy material (a aerl.^us considera- tion, where this angle of the diet requires sapplenienting. as well us for regular use). I'se corn syrup lo s j-flen cer- eals, fruits I you'd like what it docs to the morning orango ov grapo fruit)! beverages a.ad »o on. What Science IS Doi oins Prophesies End Of The War In 1940 Old "Moore's Almanac" Popu- lar Old Country Annual Oa Astrology Predicts Hitkr'a Health Soon To Break Down The 1940 edition of one of th* versions of the popular Old Moor»'» Almanac predicts that the Euroi>- ean war will end in 1940 and that Hermann Goering will succeed Ad- olf Hitler as head ot the German state. Hitler's health may fail entlraly during th« year, according to Foul- sham's version ot the alinana« which originally was started la 1G47 by Dr. Francis Moore &nd which sometimes is uncannily cor- rect. Began in 1647 The Foulsham edition boasts that it exclusively predicted th« .Aluuioh crisis and the annexation of Austria. l''or 1940, the almanac, iu typical- ly quaint astrological language pre- dicts that "there will be a teudeaicy favoring the strengthening ot th« monarchies which will be mor» or less worldwide,' and that thera la a "possibility tliat th» re-establisU- nient of at least one kindgom can- not be e.xcludeil." S<>Llb WATER â€" NOT ICE "Solid" or vitrified water can b« produced by sciouce by au ingen- ious arrangement ot two steel plun- gers, a child's toy pistol and a medicine dropiier. Tho steel plun- gers are di|>t)ed in liquid air whloh has a temperacure of :'00 degrees below zero. The soil J waier is not ice. but a form which does not exist in nat- ure. It has none ot eht crystalUns structure or other features of froz- en water. It retains all the crystal pure transparent qualities ot watw, yf»t is about a.s hard as steel. ORIGIN OF CELLULOSE The discovery of how plants manufacture cellulose, the major part of their structure, has jnst beeu made. Tho finding shows that the cellu- lose is iiianiifaclured la a round llr- ing factory so tiny that when mag- nified 4.500 times it is no biggor than a 25-cent piece. This micros- copical factory floats about iu the living protoplasm inside the cells ot plant tissues. The discoverer is a woman scientist Dr. Wanda K. Fan-. >Ier discovery Is a slop to- ward artificial creation of this' vet'y Kie.it raw malei-iar by machines and chemical roaetions. GERMS GROW ON VITAMINS Most disease germs, lihc human bvjiugs. neetl vitamins to giow and U'-ep â- healthy", scientists now Im^ iieve. Some disease gea-ms, it is found, can manufacture all but one or two of the vitamins or the parts of an en/.yme they need, but are unabls to multiply or grow effectively un- li'^.H these ail-important subatance.s :i:n »iven lo them. Denmark can claim tha senior national flag as their Kuyal Stand- ard, the oldest national flag in exis tenet. G>nt<^ For Music Lovers Young Canadians Frcm Eveiry Province Will Compete For Scfao]ar::lrins And Also Cash Awards Given for Original Musical Composition • s .iitug iii;il within the lum tAu years upwards of 75 CaiiadiaiiS from every province iu tUi? Uouiiii- ion have cnaipe'cd fur tho scholar- ships atd cash awards glvt'ii by the Canadian I'erfiKiulug Kigl.t Soc- iety. H. T. Ja!iiie;-on. presldmt, las' week at Toronto aiuiounccd the de- cision (o oiTer similar awards 'a 191!'. llf sialiMl thai the coinpttition would be open lo (.'unadiani of ei- tlier sex under i:: years of age and would close on JIarch 1st. 1'.I40. Ap- plications for entry must ho tbt lin- ed from the Society. Koyal Hank Huildins-'. Toronto. Ten Awards Made • Itiiriug the pa.-t tv.-o years, ten awards havt» boen made: 2 in Brit- ish Columbia; u in Ontario; 1 in Quebec; 1 Iu .Manitoba; 1 in New Brunswick; and 1 in Prince ICd- ward Island." Mr. Jamieson aid. The Board of .Vdjiidicators will be composes.1 this year of Sir Krn- est .MacMlllan, MtJS. Doc, and Leo Smith, Mus. Bac. of the Cniversity ot Toronto; Captain .1. J. Gagnier, Mus. Doc, Montreal; Godfrey Hew- itt, F.R.C.O., Ottawa; Beclor Charlesworth, Toronto; and H. T. Jamieson, president of the Canad- ian Performing Right. Societj'. â-ºâ- -•' ♦â- ♦â- â- ^•"^ ♦-♦ 4 o HaveYonHeaid ItchFctt (rKVMrlKk ^cratchini \tK qiM.-k rrli'-f frmit !^hiiip r>f r",m», ;.iinpi-(i. »th- l"t«s to.tt. Bc:ilni. mrabir*, r*».'i.-fl a.id other rxtMU«il.v rausM sk.u trwiUcs. um vorld-rnmoui, oooliiig, ftati- •rpti-. limiJ D t). D. Pmaiption. GrCMrli« RUinio^. SotHhf^ irritatkm and quickly stops intenw iK-hiiit. W» ltT»i hMll* pttxmi it, or notwy hmk. .t« roiir VIni,prt lni«jr for O. O. D. PnCSCRIPTION. Three men were sitting in a Ger- man caf». The first was reading a newspa- per. Suddenly he pointed to an art- icle, shook his head, and exclaimed "Tut, tut;" Tile second fellow looked over his shoulder and exclaimed: "Tut, tut, tut:" Tlie third man jumped to his feet. "If you two fellows are going to talk politics, I'm going home." Writers have so far shown remarkable restraint in avoid- ing cracks about carrying on the fight to the Finnish. A traveller in a Pullman in doubt about the amount ot tha tip h» should give the Negro attendant, so he said to him: "What is the avwage tip that you get?" "Two dollars, sah." The traveller gave him two dol- lars, whe'reupon the Negro cla.pped his hands delightedly. "What's the idea?" asked ths traveller. "Weil, sah," said the Negro, "you Is the first mau dat ever came up to the average." Little Ted was saying his go-to-bed prayers in a very low voice. "I can't hear you, dear," his mother whispered. "Wasn't talking to you," ths small one answered firmly. A spinster living iu a London su- burb was shocked at the janguags used by two men lopairing tele- graph wires close to her home. Shs wrote to the company oa the mat- ter, and the foreman was asked to report. This he did in the follow- ing way: "Me and Bill Fairweather wers on this job. 1 was up the telephous pole, and accidentally let tho hot lend fall on Bill. It went down his neck. Then he said: "You really must be more careful, Harry'. " Province Will Help Farmers States Minister Dewan; Ontar- io Government to Aid Agri- culture lo Produce Necessary Crops Tbert? will be few legislative changes in agriculture because ot wur conditions, Hon. P. M. Uewan said Wednesday, speaking at ths O.xtord County Warden's banquet. Mr. Uewan said thers would bs llttlo government control of agri- culture through the province but ralhtM- au altcnipt to aid the farm- ers produce what crops .ire neces- sary at this tlmt'. The minister also said thert would be provincial control of tJ»s farmers' credit unions, which, hs believed, were meeting a real need. how Can I ? BY ANNt AbH' EV Q. How can a caimut-y fire be extinguished quickly? A. i!y throwing a h:iadrul of sui- phur ou ll:i> fire aud closlug (lid bottom di-ult. The fumn* ot the sul- phur will uptrend the chimney and put out the flame almusi imnieil iaU'ly. Whci-e posslllf duugir iit such a fire exists It would be well to Ueci> a cuufil of snlpV.ur nca:by to mi •( th«» emergency. (J. How can 1 oiako a lotion fcr whiieiiiug the sklu? A. .Mix tw« lablespoonfi ' ot oal- meal, '.i tablespoouful of powdered borax. uu4 *^ pint, of rosewaier. Let stand for i.vo or three days, iheu st"uiu well and add \^ ounce of alcohol. Q. How can I prevent fish from sticking to tae pau while frying? A. Put a teaspoonful of salt Into the pan and rub thoroughly with wax paper. Q. How can I make g-od pan hol- ders? A. Instead of making pau ho!dt»rs in the usual way, why not make them in the torm of thick pockets? The hands will then be thoroughly protected against both thj hot ves- sel and the steam. Q. How can I cream butter uiwre quickly ? k. Heat the ml-xing bowl with scalding water. Wipe, and put in the butter. It will cream much more quickly than when mixed in a cold bowl. .-.urfuct , a^ wlitii a i>c-r;9on is tailing violent exercice, the &kin appears red from the expanding of the smultesc arteries; when the .«kin is cxpo»ed to severe cuid the op- posite happens. The arteries con- tract and contain less red blood, and the veins expand and contain more of the pm'plich, impure blood. Further as the veins of the hands and limbs are nearer the surface tlian tiie arteries they are more easily .'<een, and the bluish color of the bloi.d shows through and tints tile skin when it is cold. If Uie hands are vigorously rubbed, or e.xeicit^e taken to stimulate cir- culatJoii, the blood assumes its normal course cncc n-ore and the blucnes's disappears. Why Cold Makes Our Hands Blue The Color of the Skin Depends On The Kind and Amount of Blood Circulating In It Even in a healthy person we no- tice that the color varies s good deal. The same person is some- times red in the face as well as blue in the hands, and at other times neither one nor the other. So we might extend this question and ask: Why does the same per- son change color in different cir- cum.staneesV Rub Them Vigorously The ai*wer is that tlie color of the skin at any given moment de- pends upon the kind and amount of blood circulating in the skin at that moment. The blood is the source of all the color we notice In people. In the absence of en- ough blood the face and lips look whits or pale. When there is a rush oi bright red blood to the Car Lessons For Children? Essex County Automobile Club Appoints Coniniittee to Dis- cuss Driving ELducation â€" To Recommend It As Safety Measure THE RICHER FLAVOUR OF UPfONI The advisaUHIty of recommend- ing to the Ontario Department ot Education that driving fuudamunt- als he tau^li: children of pre-driv- ing age us a part of their public school training was discussed by directors of the Essex County Auto- mobile Club, at Its December meet- ing In Windsor. Training In Safety The gist ot a proposed resolution to be submitted is that young peo- ple should have a thorough ground- ing in driving fundamentals by ths time they are ready to learn to drive. Safety would be greatly en- hanced it this were done, it con- tends. "The thought in mind," comments the resolution, "Is the importance of safety training for tho younger generation and through tho child- ren to the adults. Wheu the child- ren are old enough to drive cars they should know full well the res- ponsibi.'ity attached to the driving of a car." Lakes Traffic Neared Record Heavy Shipments of Grain, OO, Coal and Automobiles All Through the Great Lakes System This Season Great Lakes shippiug circles re- port that the month of December has seen the largest fleet sailing Sa;li:ig<? were h-wvy, beina made up mostly ji' grain, coal, oil aud avr tomohiles. I^ast ships '.vent ihrough the St Mary's falls canal from Like Sup- erior December 14th. Tremendous Grain Movement At Buffalo a 15-year record top- pled when ci*vators unloaded 18,- SoS.GSS bushe)s of grain in a seven- day t>eriod. A total of 11.150,640 bushels was sent to the eastera seaboard in the same period. One ot the largest grain moT»- mems in the history of the lake transportation t;-ade was shipped out of Fort Wil'.iam aud Port .Ar- thur in the w.eek ending December 2nd. Canadian aud Cnited States ves- sels :oaded l'6,S4;;,a39 bushels of wheat, as weil as more than 1,250,- 000 buslieis each of oats and bar- ley. Tlie Wellund canal remained open umil midnight, Dec. 12 and coal moved through the waterway to Canadian por;s righl up lo the dead line. Feathers Bought Canadi.-in Feather & Matlresi Co. 41-47 SPRUCE ST., TORONTO iClassified Advertisements nAUV CHICK* TW-KULiL.!;; i'USHJJS COSTS DOW.N. then .ula.:^!!^ prices. Largo produc- tion in out pl.-int in Fergus plus sellins direct ijy mall to .vou en- ables ui to uuote tliesa prices tur delivorv any tima in January. February until March 15tT>. I-isht 1 1.. »n I r . nn nA.. ..nnf T?i,I1.3ta tor ..'attiloguft « uti ..,/t»ii/»qvi3 ,.....-â- list. Tweddl* Chick H.itcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ont ario. FREK! Clip thU aU, attach It to your order for 2uu or more Bray Chicks, and wa'U .sead you a. Bray CViick tiuard rre«. Safeguards chick» from dr.ifis and crowding. Chicks for January delivery should b» ofdorcd immediately; - hatclics weekly. Cray Hatchery, lao John rit. N.. HMUiilton, Ont. Bl S1.M:SS Ol'fOHTlXlTV BILI-IAP.D KOOM. SIX FULL .SIZL tables, doing grood busUiOSS. pries forty- five hundred. .Apply North Hay Killl.irds, North U;iy. Onlarlo. t I SI 0.>l â- I'AN.MXU WK OO CUSTOM. T.V.N N'LNG OF Deerskina, Beef a!id Horsehlde.i Into liobca. Harness and Garment Leather. J. C. Henry & Son. Mark- dale, Ont, •IDICATIO.WL II \i;i)v AiM'Lio riii;i:s U.VKi.\ itPFLl:; TUUKS â€" 6U CTi.. each. Canada's Lowest Priced Nur- sery, lirowins leadiut; varieties Fruit Trees. Ornamentals. Write Immediately requeotinK sensation- al offerliiiss. Tobe's Trecry, Nia- sara-o!i-the-Lake. Onturio. MILKI^iG .HACU1M•:^. lIlLiVDE "A" iULKEi: MILKS TWO cows a: once into separata con- tainers. No Bulsator.-i. No old-fash- ioned pipelines. Write tu.day. Wil- liam K. J.'.awden, .il guebec At*.. Toronto. STUUKNTS .NOW KNKOlJ^t.NU FOK courses lu Matriculation, Short Storv Journaliira, Shorthand and Speech Culture. Make usa ot your spare lime. Write today. Canad- ian Corieapondence College, les- 190"), ~Vi ionsa Street. t.abllslied T'orOMtu, t:i.i:c't'Hic MOTOU* Krj;:cTi;ic .motou. :; H.i'.. ai,si> sevci.'il other sixes. Jones & Moore Klectric. -"."â- Adelaide St. W-, Torcnto. KOU SALIO FACKINt; II. ANT SITU.VTKL IN the ceniie of the city of Ottawa, completely ccjuippcd modern packing plant, 2-storcy brick bulldint; and outbuildings. It re- friseration rooms. Lindy refriger- ation onulpment, electric hoist, slicers, scales, etc. First-class condition; reasonable. Apply â€" J. T. Cucrin. I'.'u ltid(>.^u Stictt. Oti:iw:-, rolerh.'iio i.-HT'M. fl»\UOI M» KOU >«AI,K FOXHOINDS FOK FOX. COO.N. Cat, boat breeding!, suarantecil workers, lla.UO and up. C J. Mac- phail. .Moos«_Creclt. Ontario. I'llUHKTS FOK S.\I.I': FKKia:TS â€" SCKK lIUNTKItS (.IN rats and rabbits. Males $2.50, fcni. ales J3.00. ycarllrix.-< S;!-50. Arm strong Wros., Roiilo 1 . t'n rls. ()nl. FI.\AM.I\l. .MOKT'-IACKS OU A'iKKKMI'J.MS of sale i>iiriha.-e<i r.u- i.i^h. prcnipi attention. .\l.; Ih Slo.ji- (te.'ill.i Co, Ltd.. I'sli.ivv.i. Ihoiii' Sj ISSUE NO. 2â€" '40 l UFFU ru i>H::,\r<ii{s AN OFFliK TO LVLKi INVKNTUl; List of Inventions and tuU Infoi- matlou sent free. The Itarasay Co ftasistoreU, Fatent .Mtorueys, :' I'anit Street. Ottawa, Canada. lOUK STOMACH HOTHKiUNG ? Hughes' .Mineral Kemudy Ijulld^ weakened stomach.'*. Wonderfully successful Try iti $1.75; two bottles, S3 00- Johnston Froducts, _ Fostal Station C, Vancouver, B.C. I-IUV.VIK HOSI'ITAL DUFFKUIN .NU USING HO.SLE, 73'J Dufferin Street, Toronto. Cosy, li- censed I'rivate Hospital. AU case> taken. Maternity Specialist â€" bock â- •arty Waiting mothora ac. commodated. Iteglstered nurses. .Moderate cnsh charges. Teiephonu .Ml'Jlrosa 4355. l*t::iwSO.NAl. QUIT TOL.\CCO. SNUFF. B.\;SlLy, me.vpensively. Home remedy. I'estimor.iaia. Guaranteed. Advice free. Uartletts. Box I. Winnipeg AUK VOU KUFTUKISL? ItKLlEK comfort positive suvp^rt witii our .idv.Liiued method. No aiastlu or unde: straps or steel. Write Smith Manutacturins Co., Oapt. -I'.'. Fronton. Ontario . 'i'i(4iM.:it oL-n-u-iiv i:s .V.MBITIOUS .MF.N 17 AND OVKIC wanted imaiodiately for secrat- servlce and detective work, com- plete iruininif course by corraa- pondence. t-'rca information. Write to C. M. .Uilien. Ho.x L'."). Station T. .Montrea i. kri.k;iu.> INSFlKFIi rOE.MS OF BIBLK: truths â€" the most needed book on cai th toda.v. It will bring new life to a spiritually dying world. It shows v.hat has i^one vrong with the world and how to lift ft out ot thu deplorable comlltlon It Is In. Frioo $3.00, po.slpald. Send to Theo. Stone, Box 7. Station K. To I onto . If. o^^ari^.. '"anada. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Uaed â€" New sri:< ! ii.i,-i M. IN iii'isiii.i- ^lo- r«m>. f<>\-i I It I Mr>. ii.,,iranllr lluNlk. \\ Inilu-,.. <,rn«Tiii<ir», Htart- ri^ V:i:;ni-i.>«, , ..irliiirolnr*. Itadlat. «»r« â€" t-:-.,':iMiiKo ^<*r*I»-r. <;liMa â€" •«»liNf:ii-llitn (tr rrriinil. i.r^ « Anio l*«rf^, I'DrnnlA. I SKI) lAll VM» run K I'AUTS FAKTS l'"OK i;VKUi' MOl'LL AND make. All taken down ready to ship. ISvtry part guaianteed or money refunded. No order too bigr. .N'o order too small. Oslov Auto Pan.», ys t-'sler Avciu n-, TMiu nto. riltMTLUK FUlt S.VI.I-: LYONS 47i> Voiigc i>l., luiuiuo cLK VK-v:%ci!: sAi.t; UF..C0M)1TIUNKU FtU.MTl UK or 1 pieoi; chosiortield Suite, ra- "-' "â- -' vor.=iblo Marshall spring- I'illed cusbiuiiii. brown rcpu. I "^ ^i\ Brown mohair Chc.ierflold lO.JUsuiu., reveislblo Marshall :-prinii cushiiu.-*, o pieces. -> 1 r\r\ Sm.ii t aiiartnienL sixe Che«- -.-t.U'U tci-iiiid Suite, i piece.-<, mat voiJp material, reversiblu Marshall .-spring cushions. ^ ^ r\(\ Beautiful lartfe l)ru\vn mo- ..'J.t.'U i,„ir Chesterfield Suite, fig- ured revorsiblo Marshall spriuc lUshtous. perfect condition. â- 7 Zr\ Odd Che.-fterficld.'i, in repp 1 .j\) ;,,j^ mohair covers, rever- I'lble spring filled fusbions. 5q: Odd Chesterfi'ld Chairs. wiUj • -^-^ aprins filled cushion^:, as- sorted covers. •JQ (•â- .(-> Krouhlcr Chesterfield Be* -' A"-' Suite, upholstered in browa mohair, revorisible spring cushions, 3 pieces complete with now inat- tri ss. perfoc! condition. -) I ,>pv Com;)lele Bedroom Suite i» '-^â- •'-'- walnut finish, vanity, full size bed, chiffonier, sprins and new mattress. ^Q /~)/-v Modern Bedroom Suite ,!â- -' -'•'•'U t,,y.£^l,,„a ivalnut finish. • â- hiffonler, dresser with round Ven- etian mirror and full size bed. 4^X00 ^!j; ish. dresser, chiffonier, tiill *\t» bed and .lagle.^s spring. Forfcct. 6: r\(\ Solid walnut Bedroom Suite. â- ^•'-"-' ver.v l.irge dresser, chlft- ;obc. full size bed. sagless sprinK and spring filled matiicss. com- pletel.v refinished. I 7 >n * piece Dining room Suita^ ' ' •â- -'o buffot, extension labia ant •I leather sent chairs. "»-l on Solid oak Diuinsr Suite, buf- --T.Ol' fpf extension talile. and ( leather upholstered chairs, com- pletely rofi.nishcd. ;q /-,(-> Factory sumplc (now) Din- .T^'.UU ptta Suite In Kngll.«h oaH. buffet, extension table wlih jaclb- knife loaf, and -I chalr.s upholstorod in red leather. Rt-e. $89.00 fxs rs(\ Beautiful ? piece Dlnin« C '.W suiig in o-tone walnut fin- ish. I.Trso buffet. exten.«ilon tabl«b china cabinet and 6 leather upbol- •itered ch,ilrR, ..ompletely retinJsh- «d, 70 no Solid Walnut Dininj: Suit*, ' •^^ laree hutfet. oMensIoM fable, china cabinet, and ti uenulna leather upholstered chairs, com- pletely r»f1nisheO. fjarg" as-'ortmon; of odd Buffota, China Cabinet.-. Tables, Dressera, Chifloniers and Hed.i. Brand xivm factory samples lo clc.ir at whola- salc oiices. \ll a4*(>fiM t-iirt-fiilly crniril for •â- •- nteili.-ilc ^Itlptlicnt tm rri-ei|il mt ninnr.t -ni-ilor. cinti ^olil nilh I.>»|M* fiKiftf-.t .t>ii«>k HUitriinlrv of s;tili«r»c- tlAn. LYONS FURNITURE CO. Beautiful modern Bedroom Suite, bleached walnut flu- l"~^ >''in,vJ -'^i.. T'