% \J « HaveTouHeaid Tiio country coirespordent of a we'; known Aixvy newspaper had ono treat i k^'u ;>; the sub-editor** cyt-. which waa, liiat he v.ouUl ne glcct to furnish all the namcji eoB- cprntd in hiH aecf'unts uf local ev- ent?. Thinsa kg*: to such a pitch thsT he was finally told that his .-•"rvf.c* would hv dispensed with â- -J he i»UppiJ;-i the missing de- tar!?. '" â- hi.s first report thereafter . . cs follows: â€" â- This conntry^uie was the ccg- trc of a violent thander and rain storm thi.-i morning, and the farm buikiingii »n tes occupation of. George Hcrry Brjwn and his goid wife. Mary EHon Brown, were atruck by lightning. ThrJe cows â- whi'.'h h-id taken shelter under an •oak tree wore kiUied, their names being Be^i'ie, Mary, and Butter- cup." Of eo«r»e, few people^ be- lieve in tifa*, but « Hart- ford, Caan.. heai'se has a lic- ense plate fceerifig the' ilesis- . nation -U-*2." * .A. li«ndo-n vicar was trying to console ea eldorir woman parish- ioner who v"»as a,'.ini'ehensive of air raids. "Perhaps Loiidon won't ba boimbed at ali," n^as his enconrag- ius conclusion. "^Tiatr' proiested the indig- nant old lady;, "after all the ex- pense we've been put toT' A "UtunoUktoj, aske4 t* write abaiat tfae -Arctic resion, said ''An Eefcimo is oae of Gad's frtptea peapte." '•So thirt'a the Daby," said Uncia JchD. â- "Ycs»" aaid the proud fath- «r. "I hop« yeu'li bring him up to ie a conscientious, upright Will Lead Fur»t Canadian Airmen Overseas Squadron Leader W. D. \%& Vliet, of Winnipeg, has been appoint- ed to command No. 110 -\rmy Co-operation Squadron, selected for dis- patch overseas aa the air force component of the first Canadian division, CJ»L.S.F. FeaAers Bough Ceaadiaa Featiier A. Mattress Co. 41-47 Sf»RUCa ST., TORONTO young man." The father shook his head. "Fm afraid that'll be rather difficult," he replied. "Pahawr' snapped Uncla John; "as the twic ii bent th« tree is inclined." "Yes, bttt the twig ia bent oa being a girl, and we are inclined to let it go at that." Slewly tk« raft lirifted witk the flow of tke saa. Oa* ef tk* shipwracked sailars leektd iato tlw sky. "Chear iq>," k* callaJ. "w. can't ba far fron ciTilixatiea 'cos a caupia of boatbars kare just sona uyw." Spaniel's Potion Mighty Expensive Sparky, a Cocker spaniel, got tf mighty expensive drink of water from hia master, Thomas J. Hoan- ihan, of Richmond, Va., last week. }Sxs. Houuihan, occupied with baking, put her diamond ring an-d wedding band into a glass Hoiml- han came in and gave the pup wat- er from the glass. Something clink- ed against the pup's teeth. -i veterinary X-rayed Sparky, spotted the rings and recovered them. Classified Advertisements: BAUV PHJrlv COSiTBST .4SK ABOUT TriJ: BRAT CHICK d>iit«st Xo« trjay win a flock of Dray Chicks free. Costs nothing; to enter. January chicks should \'f ordereJ r\n-'. Bray Hatchery, â- j Q Johg St. l-i . Ham lltou, Ont. CDS'fU'JH . T.iJiXlX; \VU If CUSTO-I TAXNINQ OF Ueeraktna, Het!? and Hcraehldss .nto Rol>es. Kiiness and Garraent leather. .? C. H.-iiry & Son, Mirk- - dale. Ont. » 'H t.4T10XAL STLOBNTy .M-'.V H.NKOLUNC! FOB oouraea i . Matriculation, ;?hort Sti.>ry. Jcui- nal;3'.n, Shorthand and Speech Cultur». Make use of your »pare time. Wr'.:s today. Canad- ian Corrc.-jpocJjnce College, (es- â- •vblijheO iM::'. ".Vi Vonge Street. Toronto. ♦â- OR *\1.E rAOKlNW l-TuVNT SITCATKO IN tlie tentro of 'ha city of Ottawa, completely e'^'^i^PPed modem I'ivckins p'.^i' 2-storey brick I'liildinjc AHil outbuildings. 11 r»- trigeratioii ro'jnis, IJndy retriger- ;.lion onuipm,; u. electric hoist, <Urers. scales, etc. First-class ondition. rei^onable. Apply â€" .1. T. Guerin. '-o Kideau Strest. i<tt:iwa._[l"?li;>;',-.9_t)-0?G4. KiiKKtn'H VOK SAliK I ekki:ts â€" s! r.n hu.stbius on vats and ra!>b;n. Males J2.50, tem- i.lrs $:.0». y^.>;.â- ,•;ings S-f-SB. Arm- <lronf! Bros.. V,: ute I. Vari», Ont. I-'IMAXCI.VL MOKTtiVGf^.S C.;t AGREE.MKiVTS of sale puri;hi\ â- â- -â- ,; for cash, prompt •iltentlon. No.-t' Shore Realty Co. )..td. O.il-nw.'t :'i!on» 81. M.ticov At'vi.i-; ritijKS HAKi'V afi*L.£: .'KEKS â€" 60 CTS. aacli. Canada' 1 i^iwest Priced Nur- sory. Rrowiou leading varieties l''ruit Trees, ornamentals. Writs iiunifdiateiy r?(!.!2stInK sensatlon- «l offertosd Tcbe's Treery. Nia- i.ara-on-th9-l.Ji:;. Ontario. Prisoner* Of War Bureau Set Up The Prtsonci's of War Inform- ation Bureau (Canada) is now functioning: under the direction of Lieut.-Col. H. S;ethem of Ottawa. Th^ nea bureau is receiving in- quiries concerniag Canadian priv oners of war in Germany; Can- adian n»tion»'s resident in Germ- any; Canadiait -lationals interned in Germany ; Canadian membert «i the United Xicgdom forces wh* are prisoners ijf war in Germany, and Canadian aoldiers interned or Canadian eiviliain refugees strand- ed in neutral couotriea. Letters addre^ed to Canadian prisonerj of war may be mailed in the ordinary way and will be directed through the proper chan- nels by Canadian postal authori- titi in co-operation witk the Un- •ted King'iam i>v»i»l authorities. KIRMTVRB FOU SALS CHESTERFIELDS $\ WEEKLY J-PIECE CHESTERFIJ3LJ3 SUITES la velours and repp covers, fact- ory reconditioned, originally si- pensive suites, better than a cheap, new one. i pieces complete. J24.50. Three place chesterfield suites, newly recovered in choice repp fabrics, just like new. at haJf the price. Three piece com- plete $39.00 $5.00 down. Sl.OO per week. Wo pay freight to your station. Dept W, Royal Cheater- field Manufacturers, ii Richmond St E.. Toronto. OFKER TO l>VEXTOHS A.N OFFER TO EVER! INVENTOR Ijist of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Cu. Registered. Patent Attorneys, cr ' Bank Street Ottawa. Canada. .ni-:lJIUAL. THIS IS WHAT MRS. NBILiJO.N', Or Tecumseh, Ontario, says: for IX years I suffered with swollen leg* and broken veins. Could not wear shoes or stockings. For months I could not leave my horns. After using Crouchman's I.jniment I can go out and enjoy life where It left off 13 years ago. Demand It from your druggist or writs J. }f~ Crouchman Co.. Ltd.. Windsor, Ontario. YOUR STOMACH BOTHERING ? Hushes' Mineral Remedy Builds wciikened stomachs. Wonderfully successful Try it! $1.75 ; two bottles. J3 00. Johnston Products, Postal Station C, Vancouver, B.C. PHIVATK HOSrtTAb DUFPERIN -NURSING HOME. 7J» Dufferin Street. Toronto. Cosy, li- censed Private Hospital. All cases taken. Maternity Specialist â€" bock early. Waiting mothers ao- commodated. Registered nurses. Moderate cash charges. Telephone MKliose 4355. l'k:H$t).<«AL QUIT TOBACCO. SNUFB". BaSIl-r, inexpensively. Home rtmtly. Tsstimoniaie. Guaranteed. Adrlco free. Bartlett's. Box 1. Winnipeg . â- tHtlXKl) UBl'KVriTBS AMBlTK'fS UKN IT .4.NI> OVSIt wanted immediately for sseret- astvice and detective work, coio- ptsts tralnMiK eourse by eorrta- voudence. Free latormivtiu'n. Write to C a. Juliea. Box :». Stttlsa T, Montreal. ' ' ' ' VSKD CAR AMU 't'Kl CK ITARTS PARTS KOK KVKUY MODS!. AND make. All takeu down ready to ship. Bvery part guavanteea or woaey refunded. Ne order too bia* N» order too smsll. Osier Am Farti. » Oalar Avenue, Toroate- CAR AND TRUCK PARTS UMd â€" N«w SfKi l.tl.l«l.\<S l?l HBKI ll.T MO- T«MS. fUWF.R.l'.'fl'rs. HydreaUe HoleU, Wlaeheo. Ueaeralars, Slari- «ro. Vagactoa. Carbaretata. Nodtal- ore â€" Kxekaace Servlr*. Olan â€" Satlstsrlloa or vefiiad. Lev; .^aie t*ari<. l'»r»««». ISSUE'NOTlâ€" '40 FlK>lTlllE Kon SAtB L Y O iN S STOCK . TAKING SALS RECONDITIONED FURNITURE TliU is a splendid opportuuiiy tj buy really high-class reconditioned furniture a: a fraction of the real value. Every article thoroughly cleaned, reconditioned and sold with a positive money-back guarantee of satisfaction. â- {'} ^O "^li^sterfjeld Suite, I pieces. a.jKj upholstered in brown figur- ed repp material, reversible Marsh- all spring cushions. lO '^0 ^"lart 3 place Chesterfield IT.JV Suite, upholstered in Jaca- utrd velour, reversible Msrshall spring cushions. â- )± C(\ Beautiful 3 piece brown mo- .it.OC' hair Chesterfield Suits. Per- fect reversible Marshall spring cushions. •je n|-y High class 2 piece brown JJ.KJV mohair Chesterfield Suite, cost new approximately |1S5. Per- fect condition. f. q: l..;irg8 assortment of odd ^•^J Chesterfields and chairs, in various covers. 14 So â- f'^roehler Chesterfield Bed »lt..jv upholstered ia figured vel- our. Complete with new mattress. 1 7 ^^ t>"k Dining: Room Suites. 1/.J\.» i.>uffet table and 6 chairs. -1 J sf) Beautiful Quarter-cut Oak -.T-.CH-' Suite, large buffet exten- sion table and S leather upholstered chairs, completely ratinished. AZ r\r\ Solid Oak Dining Suite, » â- TJ.V.V pieces, buffet, china cabinet. extension table and 6 leather uphul- eterd chairs, like new. ^Q no l'*"'So walnut finish Dining u:*.L'V Room Suite, completely re- finished, buffet, china cabinet, ex- tSDSion table and V leather uphol- stered chairs. in nn foor sample English Oak jy.KJKJ jpinette Suite (new:* reg. JSt.OO value. Buffet, e.ttensloo table with Jack-knife leaf and A chairs In red leather. 20 C\t^ l.ars» solid walnut Uinlug Oy.UU Room Suite (cost new $3S»1 beautiful buffet, china cabinet, ex- tension tal>ie, and S leather uphol- stered chairs, completely refitilshed. 129 rty-j M'tgnificcnt lar.<e wnlnut Dining Room Suite (10 pieces, cost new $iioO>. buffet, ch'na cabinet, extension table, serving ca- binet and ti chairs with seats and backs upholstersd in blue mohair. f. Qt; Several odd buffets, china "•"" cabinets and extension tables. ,iB Cfj Complete Bed Room Suite lO.jXJ ig waluut fin'.sii. dresser. chiffonier. fuU size bed. saglesa sprlag and new n&ttre.<i8. 39, I f\r\ Modern Bed Rv)om Suite with Venetian miiror in twe-tone walnut finish, completely reflnishcd. "^ ilO f^n Beautiful modern Bedroom ^"•^'^ Suite, in bleached walaat finish, dresser with Venetian rulrror aat chiffonier, full sise bed, sac- lees spring and new mattress. SO r\A Floor sample Bedrpom â- -''•'-'^ Suite, in waterfall design. drtsaer, round mirror, chiffonier, fun time bed. sigles.s spring and new Bsattrcss. perfect. Large assortment of stoves, kitchen eabiaets. breakfsKt suites, tables, â- swing ma<?hiRS.«. dre.'<sers. beds. etc. at amaxingl.v low prirrs.Jtpecial »t- teatlon to mail oiders. All irpod.« csrefnllv crated for ^af^ sbipmrn; on r,»oe'p* of mgne.^-o-der. MwMev-Harlk (•n«r«it4r^ ef <iii(l«rev<«»a Tit tits - i\ i» •<• • •vr«i:>T 47S N on;;e Si., I nronto •-»♦♦-•• •% » Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. What kinds of Chrii>tjna.s gifts should young men and girls exchange? 2. \\hon a man is dancing w;i:i a girl vho is -.vearing a backless gown, where should he place fcis right hand? 3. Shoulti every perso.-.al letter and note bti dated? 4. Is i: necessary lu aclinowl- eJ?e Christmas cards? 5. Wouldn't it be all right to ias-ft upon fciving a tip in a res- tauiant that h.as a "nu tippin^;'' rule, when some special sei-i'ice has been rendered? 6. Is it necessary to an-iwer a wedding invitation that includes an invitation to the reception? Answer* 1. Books, flowers, candy, cig- arettes, cigars, but never anything such as clothing or jewelry. 2, The hand should be placed at the girl's waist, not on he;- bare back. 3. Yea. Many misunderstandings have aris- en because the date was omitted. 4. It 13 not necessary to write a note of acknowledgeraenr, but one should try to remember when next coming in contact with this per- son to acknowledge receipt of the card. 5. Not; when "no tipping" is requested. However, one may say, "Thank you very much for your kindness." 6. Yea. How Can I ? 9Y <KNNE ASHLEV Q. How can I make a good dust- er for -aicker furniture? K. Use a dish mop for dusting all the crevices of wicker furni- ture. It makes an excellent duster for this purpose. Q. How can I make thin hands plump? X. First wash the hands in very warm water and rub in cocoa bat- ter, or any good skjn food, for five minutes. Then hold the hands an instant in ice cold water and wipe dry. The cold water close* up the pores while filled with the akin food, and new tissue is built. Q. How ca:v I clean a white felt hat? .K. Cover tiie ha: with a mixture of one quart of cornmeal, one cup of salt, and one cup of flour, and allow to remain for 24 hoars; then brush off. This treatment will re- move only the soil, not spots, Q. How can I cause croquettes to keep their shape better? A. Forii! tije croquettes about two or three hours ahead of time, and thoroughly chill them before cooking. (j. What ireatraent san 1 give to a person who has fainted? A. Lay the patient flat on the back, if possible with the head a little lower than the fee:, and give plenty of fresh air. Smelling salts may be held t<y the nostrils, but not too near. ItCJ »TS»M» S*d2S!2JtU«''--- as< Mts. «l JweeiJi pr*M< Uw aMay kwk EXPERIMENTS AT 29,3<X) FEET Two scientists a.board an air iiu- er seeking to photograph oosmic raye reachod aa altitude of 29.300 feet abovo the City of Cliioago, and i found ideal weather conditions for th» experiniwits. The scientists said the U'-mpera- iure was "S below, with no sign of snow, and that they had obtained 400 pictures which would greatly facilitate studies of the cosmic rays. MENINGITIS CURE REPORTED Succos iu thwr war upon t'ae dis- ease of intlueuzal m«D:ii$iiUj. long considered iuciu-able, was reported by doctors attending at the ann'sal convention of th* Cunailiaa Public Health Association. Dr. L. N. SilTertStorne. of Toron- to, told of treatmmit whlc'a had saved th9 lives ot la to 83 infants and children treated by the Con- naught laboratories. MAGNETIC FALSE TEETH Magnetic false teeth, a new s'.^ la dentistry, designed to hold false teetk plates in place, particularly In the wagging lower Jaw, are aa- nounced. The magnett, set so ttiat they oppose each other ia upper aad lower jaws, repel the plates with a force »t about two ounces. The magnetic force begins when the teetii are as Inch apart, and aa the magnets are all set la the back. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA General Statement, 30th Jipvenxber, 1939 LIABIUTIES rapital uock paUi up • • Kawrvehmd Betance of pro&ta carried forward ma per Pro*;? LoM .\ccininc . DtvlcUjids undaixacd . . Divuimd Nu. llf) ac %% per aniuim/, DetemtaCT. 1«» peyebie IM t »l,0MI,euc.QO 3.096,252.:! l6,o '4 1^ % 3a,ooo,«ee.ee 7c«,oiio.r.i> Dcpouts by and balances fctuc Co DofxiiniiMi Goi>-crn' iticnc Dep.:«4t> by ami balances due to Provincijil Govern. ments Deposits 'cv ilie public not bear .ng interest Oepoaits by tlw public beanns interest, mchidiRa interest accrtiei to date of aitrtcemcnt Deposits by and balances due to ocfaer chartcxcJ banks ta CanuJa :^ Deposits by and balances dtt^ to banks and bankiita corr*rtroiid«nts in tiie L'niteii Kin gd o m arhl foreisii coimcrics Notes of the benk in circulation. Bills payable .\cceptances enU letters of credit outstandina Liabilities to the public not included under the fore- goins ':caUs ASSETS 1J.SI7,9J6.S« » <e,lb7.«0.»2 S.MZ,0U3.gS *H.J73.01S.<K> 42S.OZ4.J4M.UO 261.321. :5 30,001. 150.JO "•ll.Sl^.IOO.jJ ;o.ow.ii7.!<r :94.2A.i.U ir.t>4;.ij5.j9 511.390.84 ji.oi4.ro8.j«.e» GoU held in Canada ' 13.152.5^ Subsidiarv coin heid in Canada. ....â€" ..... 1.0W.904.O, Gold held elsenlier* --« 378.408.34 Sobsidiarj- win held elsewhere .„..«.. 3.aS3.49j.W Notes M Bank of Canada „„_ U,ar4,/48.30 Deposit witis Bank of Canada 63,fc28,4S4.jl Notes of other cliarcercd banks 882,1-l.SS GorernnKiit and bank notes other tiian C sn ed i a n . . . 24,413.5W.7 Cheques on other banks $ 3I,!l3,W2.7l Deposits with and balances due by otber chartered banks in Canada 1.M3.0S Due by banks and banking csrreepandencs elsewhere -aian in Canada e3.gaO,33:.b 2 Dominion and Provincial GoaennBcnt direcl and guaranteed securltiea nioturing aritllin r»*o years. not esceedina market value. - Other Dominion and Prorindal CoTemn«nt direct at>i suarantecd securities, not rtn e edln a icarkct value Canadian muniapal securiciss, noc eaeeeains markcc value Public securities other than Canadiaa, aoc exseedma msL-ket value • â- Other bonda, debencuraa and atocka. ooS uceedioc raariccc value Call and shore inoc ezcaedina 3* daos) loans tn Canada oo bonds, dcbeotures. atacb and other •ecurities o< a sufficient maHtctabia value to cover Can and short (not sTocedhiS Je dm^ toena dse- vilMre than in Canada on bonfc . di h i ii tigea, stocks end otiMT securities a< a atrfnaast market- able velise to t Canada, net ociicr wise included, aacimated loaa lailiBlM for. . tUr,SU,9S2 14 i:i.614.$iS.3> 174,3£I.M1.3{ «,U6,2S2.SI 23.2U,ir2.»4 3>,i>a,t«3.«* 14,6M.275.M l».B23r2 .41 *k47,3«Z,«M fe . ♦^'iSg^iiS 89.Z7S.904.U z.«es,c«i.7b Curreit loaiu and discounts in ' wise included, aacimated loaa Leans to Provincial GoTtrsmsnta Lseoa to cities, teams, municipeltlita and eciiooi diacticts 2t,3»i,t?«j$ Currant loaus and discounts atoewisarc duo tn Canada, not otlkenrisa induded. eatiaMKMi >a*» {Koi-idad for .• i^'i:. â- Non-cucrant loeoa, natims ted leas yLunded fbr. . Bank premises, at not tnor* than coat, laaa amounts writtan off Keat estate other than bank oreiniaee hSorCaaacaon real estate sold bi; thalMalt -.-."-- Liabditics of cuatonxrs tinder accopcaaiecs aod letteta at credit oa par contra %ares of and loans to controUad la i i li eilloa Deposit o-icii the Minister of Finance for the aocurity of note csreula- tion Other assets not included under liie fo â€" ,w8.r ,77«..l ^n.x 17.i heads. . %-!m i.jSo.ooe.M »i.oi4,/9e,j43.e* NOTEâ€" The Rovsl Bank ol Csaaia (Frsacs; bis been ia«i-T>o.-ated imJi>r the laws .11 Fimac« to coadiict tha bunsea of tfce BMk ta Paris, sad ti» aneets and liabilitiae ot Tils Royal Back of Canada i,Traa«a) are tediMea in tis sbora General ^aMm«l^. M. W. WILSO.N'. S. G. DOBSON. President and Managing Directar. Cenersl Nianager. ACTJXTORS' REPOR 1 To TP-s Sjnasaoi-DBSS, Taa aotii &snx oa d^tsa* : . Wo ila^•• examined tile sbovs Statdiaeat of Lisbiliues and Ass<?'-s a. s: .jOli No.TTawr, 19S9, witk the b^uks aad accounts of Tba Royal Bank oi Canada at Head Olflcs and with Uta c-rtiiled retii.'ns i.-om tie branches. Wa hara ahsrkad the cish aod ihe aeciirities rep.TeenUaie tiia Bank's iavestaients held at tha Uaad Offloa at the clo* of the fiscal j.-ear, and at T^ma^ ilsiea duriaK thf year have siso checked tha eaak sad in-ratmiait seaL".f« »t «ev;m. af tEa laiporaac branches. . . , ,. We 'nave obtained ail tiie informstion and sapiaaations that wa nave ?equ:re«l, and in our ouiaioa t.ha ttansactiooa of tiis Bin'!.-, srhicb hava com- .inder our notice, 'cave beei mitbiu tiia uowws of t''e Bank. "The a'oove itatemaBt is ia our opinion proaetiy orawn up so as to oieclass M« true coadition of the Bank as at oUta November, tMf, snu it is as shown by the books al t;ie Bank. ^ OGDSN H.ISKELL, C.A.. I of HaAell, Eidffi-Jun * CiJmpao.v v, !,_«,»_, JA3. C, EOSS. CJi... C *'â„¢""- of P. S. Ross & Sons ; M,MitrMl, Caasiis. L>eceaib«r II, 19SS. PROriT AND kOSS ACCOUNT Balance of Profit and Loss -Account, 30ds November, 19SS » 2,r:i,409.82 Pi-ofita for the year eitded 30th November, l*i», a;ter providing ior Dominioij and Provincial Ck)vem- n-Knt taxes amountins to (1,304,847 .49 and alter makirtg appromnations to Continasxicy Reset-^'es. i*uc of JvbicH Reser^â- e^ provision for all bed and doubuul debts lias been nisde 3,r24,842.3« % *,44o,232.2l APPROPRL\TED AS FOU-OWSs Dividend No. 20* at 8% per anninn . . . !>:\Tdend No. 207 at 8"i per annum. . . Dividend No. 2(18 at 8% per annum . . . Dividend No. 21)9 at 8% per amiutn. . . Tontributicn to the Pension Fund Society. Appropriation for Bank Premises tfal*n,» of Prodt and Loss carried torsrard. nxi.otio.oo roo,o«<i.oo TOO.OOll.Od 7W'.0«i.0O 2.800.9110.0(1 J00.00«.«) 250.000.00 3,o^*,2s;.:3 M. W. VVII SON. Presideut and Managma Director. Montreal. December 21, 1939. S. G. b.44».:s;.2t - â€" â- DOBSON, Ceiietai Manager. or double" teeth, whsro the opej:ag is aev- • wide, the force presses tlia pl'»te» in position all : s titu*. New High Made By Royal Bank Asa«t» of $1,014,000,000 Ar« Highest in Bank'* History â€" Deposits Up Over $1<M),000- 000 to Establish New Record . Marked growth ia al! depart- ments ot the bank's business la re- flected in the Annual Balaae* She^ and Profit and Loss Accodat (Mr the year aadlog Xovembar N. I9S9, being issued by Th» Reyal Bank of Canada to Its shareholJen. Total asset* amount te |l,014,7t^ 000, aa increase ot )loA.(4!,OOil oroi- last year's figitrss, and tke highest In the bank's history. Only ia the Annual Balance Sheet e( 1939 has The Rt>yal Baak ot Oaa- ada previously shown asset* In ex- cess of one bir.ion doliars. fepoaite Up Over $100,000,000 otal deposits !ti?r&t»if deooslu by Gorernmenls, banks, aaff tH» pab!1c amcunt to $911.519. Jl«, an iacreasei of ever 1107.000,000. aa compared wkh tiie corresponding figure* last. year. iteposUs stand at :b» highest point in the history ef ihe Ban*. To the extent ot $,-.9,000.- "900 the increase" is accounted for by lai-RcH' balances d,ie to tiie Dotb- iaion SovfTwrnenf. ?f(«a-i!itwe»t- bearius deposits ii;-. teased a;>'i-i>-t> m.ite:y ?48.000.O0O. Current Loans Increase Th-» fpward trend in ciirrtat ioan.a iri Canada which begai; ''a 1937 Iiis beeia miiint lued. tlip ti- creasp for the yeaf amoun:iu^ ta over SlinOOO.OOO. Loaas outside of Canada, liowever. have taMeii h/ approtinuuely $10.(K10,000. Strong Liquid Position As misht be expt.vied undei e:t- isting conJitkins. rho banfe's 'iiitp^ positiuu i.t particula-'y strotig. •3i« mediate '.y realleable assets amouut- iac to no leas than t>9 per cent ol the bank's total liabilities to liie piAlic. Cash asaeis aione. iurlnii* ing baak balances, amoutjt to ua less than $2S4,433.5jO Govwanjent and Provincial securities anien'at \M $415,000,000, ot which approxi'.ti.ite- ly Jiso.noo.ooo mat'Ji-e wUhln tw# ?ear«. The ADhQal General Meeting oJ tihe shareholders Is bslag held m the Head Offloe of the bsak at »!ei^ oa am., oa Jantiary lltb, 1049 •Before the Great War. a firafii 19 erlsss: !>«{ af«ar M cost S2,(H)9 aad even highei'. np »* •i.o<4 Sixty thousand specie* •< baV terflies and 15.000 spactea of «•â- # have recently been added >e tU collection of the lyeno liaseuis of Sfcfpnee In Tokyo. %