NEWS PARADE ... W.i;» lui'd !o be •.â- o:iii»a!«ii>tly aimiile affalrsi la ibe old days w'jen two couutrifs got niaJ at e«acli oth- «r. went to war wiih taugfble we«- pous, (oiiglit 1)11 actual fields of bat- ilo. Ill thoso days you could tell wlilir."! Bide had woii wUicli eugaKe- DitTit. anil (vlio waa likely to come out on to)) In ilio end. liut lii !be tweiitk'lli ceiitcry, wltli (tie iutix> dutiloii of llic! ecouoinie batile- ground and bli-rli-powerfHl iii'opagau- ita wj.'ai>ong, warfare has bcfonia a tUliiK of lufiDite complexity, (ougbt witU ideas, ihicats, diiiloiiiatlc coups -- and lew can uuder«tan<l and iiitvi-pret the course it takes. SiutiU w under ibeu, that, as tb« second (ireat War cajiio to lb* close of its fourth mocih, noboUy know VI tilch sidq â€" Uerniany or tb« Al.ios - was iN'lDniag. Naval Objectives To many, liowever, it^ seemed during tile sixteenth week that (ieruiaiiy u as losing out on the SMi. The scuttling of the Columbus and the Uraf Spec, the ftioklus of a largo number of submarlDes, un- doubtedly weakened Germaoy as a sea [Kiwer. But let us look at tb* situatioa In the ligbt of the beUis- e^-ents' naval objective*: The Al- lies are worklug for the complet* domination of the seas, cutting olt all traffic by sea, to and from Uer- many â€" an ambitious undertaking; Germany's naval objective â€" Ul« crippling of the British mercantU* marine and the intimidation of veutral ships to the end that sup- lies reaching Great Britain by sea may be seriously cartailed â€" is more modest, but Its attainment would be no IC'SS damaging to tha AUIefl than attainment of the Allied objective would be to Germany, be- cause of the greater dependence ol the British Isles ou seaborne traf- fic. Stdwart* of Caiwd>'t Fif»t DivUion Land In England There's more to the flying gams thnn pilots. This is being well 511- nstrated as intensive training of men in the Koyal (Canadian Air force .swings into high geav. -As a matter of fact, the number of ac- tual airmen In the force is a ifcf- inite minority. Tho 1{. C. A. R, to put men in fighting 'planes, needs hundreds •f skilled tradesmen. Just a few ♦f the types th:it go to make up the force arc a»!ro engine mech- anics, airfrsino inei-hanics, arma- ment artificer.';, clerks, cooks, dis- ciplinarians, electricians, fabric worktTR and tailors. Many Never Off Grounil Many of these aircraftsmen have never been off the ground. Many of ihcni never will bo. Fly- iBf is the Job of th« pilot. Their work is to make this job poMihle. These men are beinj drilled, put into fine physical shape, ^."iven elementary training anil then niov- td to sir bases in other Ontario centres for instruction that will M'ini; them to n high point of ef- ficiency. Temple, 'lex. .'Vs he steppt'J oft the curb to c:u.-* tho sirtei, a car whizzed by. and brushed him off. .^Ii£!:a took inventory. He didn't .suffer a s;T.".:cii, but there hi," was standing in \va ions underwear. The car ha<l lipped his pants off. F.S. The driver provided a new pair and a!! wa.s well.-, %,•♦. lu the air, too, notblug conclus- ive had been proven up to the end of lii'i'J. .'^ir operations ou both sides have beeu defensive; or used as an aid lu obluiuing naval ol>Jec- tives; or lu reoonuaissanco. How long would the war last? I Hl.:;lily-plac6<l staff officers of the French army VL>ntured a predictlou that it would coutinue another 18 moiitlis, (the Germaus, they said, must make some spectacular move, probably in the spring, to keep up the Nazi uioralc. "They will make some blunder and the war will be over"). On the JV'estern Front, per- haps, yes. But should the conflict become wider, a-ssume new shape and scope, who could guess when it mislit end? "On Ciiristmas Day in llm morn- lag." King GoorKO spuki; lo lUe Umpire . . . Ilelsingfors whs bomb- ed again . . . Canadian troops woke Up ill hospitable Ilritlsh households . . . rrime .MiiilsK.'r de Valera of Kire urged a peaco couferonce now, instead of at the oud of an exliaust- log war ... all leaves were cancel- led from the .N'orwcgiaji army .... Italians througbout Italy thronged churches giving tlianks for pd<xce in their own country . . . I'ope Pius XII read a letter from I'resident Hoosevelt, pledging his aid In early peace moves . . . .Stalin loriiially thanked Hitler for birtlui.i) ..â- oii- isratnlations received. . . . In Ottawa, preparations were un- ilcr way for tlip opening of the Par- lianii.'iilary session, Jauuai'y 25, when a program of taxation to lin- anco (Canada's war effort will be in- troduced. A war loan will be lannchtKl. but lu adilition increased ruvcniie will have to come from a rise in tho sales tax and In income tax rates, from restoration of the old sugar tax, levying of "nuisance" and luxury taxes that were employ- Mi In the last war. Small Number Actual Fliers Many More Technicians Are Necessary •Upp'cd'Sme*^he «i;i^t"?w''°.';t-i!i ^^ "'â- 'r^'li'?^-:' â- ^«[di."s of Canada's first division are shown as they «wf of fe^'^rSvalfa's'tSSe pubH^ "'•"" *''"'**' '"*° *''"' ^''^ •"'' *"* <^''»"'=''« <i'«'nbarked before Thinking Lags Behind Science McGill Expert Urges The World to Catch Up With New Scientific Developments Hope for Civilization Lies In Knowledge "One of the reasons for the troubles of the world today is that we are living in a scientific civilization and we don't live or think scientifically in it," Prof. C. Leonard Huskins, head of the dc- paitment of genetics at McGill liniveisity,' last week told a Mon- t«ral audience. He urged that tliere should be a more general adoption of the scientific attitude and a wider ap- preciation of the value of pure science as a method of training, a means of obtaining knowledge, and as an end to the development ot' a balanced philosophy of life. implications Clear Quoting Sir Uichard Gregory, Professor Huskins .said that "The view that the sole function of science is the discovery and study of natural facts and principles without regard to the social inipli- cation.s of the knowledge gained, can no longer be maintained. It is being widely recognized that science cannot be divorced from ethics, or rightly absolve itself from tho human responsibilities in the application of its discoveries to destructive purposes in war or economic disturbances in times of peace." Man Should Know Himself Whatever hope there is for the future of civilization, he said, lies in knowledge, the scientific meth- od of getting it, and particularly in biological science which will ultimately teach man to know himself. MICKIE SAYSâ€" Army's Biggest Feet Located In Montreal SHUCKS! TH'SOSSIS serriM' theb€, lookim' AT A STACK. OFBIUUS FEP2, PAPER., lkHC,TNPE 'M EV'B^/THIK1G*IFTK' FOLKS WWOaVE W\KA WOULP PAV UP, WE HAfTA WORR-V A claim of having the soldier with the biggest feet in the Can- adian army has passed from To- ronto to Montreal. The new record holder is Cpl. C. A. Mallette of the Canadian Dental Corps. He has been in the army nearly two months, and a uniform to fit him has yet to be fotind. He was especially measur- ed for his boots â€" size 15. Sapper Robert Barnes of the Royal Can- adian Engineers, at Toronto, took a mere 14%. Freak Accidents Cause Laughter U. S. Safety Council Reports Odd Cases Each year the National Safety Council of the United States makes a round-up of odd, but not fatal, accidents and publishes them in its magazine, "Public Safety." This year brought the usual bump- er crop of freak accidents. Here are some samples. Joseph Fayder, Jersey City, N". J., scrubbed his teeth so enthus- iastically one day that he swal- lowed hard in sheer exhaustion. Suddenly ho discovered the tooth wan missing. Hospital X-rays revealed the regulation-size liru-li reposing in his stomach. An Embarrassing Expcrienca Then there wius the i'nil)ar!'a;=.s- ing experience of Frank .Miska, Finland's Ski Warriors Await Call For Action In The Field jijAti-i <(**'*'* A ilc'.ailiniciU q( l''iiini.sli .ski Iruiip.-; is .sliouii so lucu luii- :ii ii.'r;lurii I'liilaml ;is liicy uaii ll.f i;;;! for action tlio Kid invader. Armed with light iiiachineguns, rapid-fire pistols and lically hunting knives, these men have spread terror and confusion in their swift and deadly raids on Kussian iiairol.*. This is one «f the first i)hotos to reach Canada from the war zone near the Arctic circle. It was flown from llelsingfors to fyondon and radioed to New York. New Radium Mine In Ontario Is Rich Will Scon Be Producing In The Wilbcr.'orce Area ('an.nda is soon to have anoth- er producing mine. Dcfisirte inti- mation that a nunc in the Wilber-.. Torcu area of Ontario, will soon be producing the world's richest element was g'.en in Tori)nto la.^c week. (Construction oi a 100-toii mill building is completed and the bal- ance of the crushing efjuipnient is being in.stallcd with the least pos- sible delay. The company has been informed that the separation un- it, which employs the electro;- chemical process for breaking dovrn the ore and extracting the various metals and oxides in com- mercial form, is rapidly nearing completion. Otiier Rare Elements Laboratory tests and analyses on samples from the property it is reported reveal the presence of tantalum, beryllium, gold, tung- sten, and some of the other rare elements, as well as uranium, the maternal ancestor of radium. VOICE oF the PRESS The Book Shelf "LAND BELOW THE WIND" By Aenet Newton Keith Agnes Keith is the American wife of an Englisli official in one of the furthest outposts of the Bri- tish Empire. The story of her life in that Far Country, Borneo, is told in her prize-winning autobio- graphy, "Land Below the Wind." She has lived in Sandakan, the capital, she has accompanied her husband on his expeditions deep into the jungle and far up the riv- ers. In this book she makes her readers enjoy the timeless days, the e.xotic nights of Borneo. We see her house in the beauty of a tropical moonlight and also when it is drenched and leaking in a moi'.foon. We see her compound with its Chinese cooks, its Murut housoboys, and its a.ssortmeiit of monkeys and mongooses. We see the jungle can do to break down the I'oilitude of a woman v.ho is both curious and courag- eous. Xora Wain (famous author of "Keaching for the Stars,"' "House ot Ksile") say.s: '"Land Below the Wind" is one of those happenings •.h:it n.ake i:l'c v\orUi while.' "Land Below the Wind" by Agnes Kewtoii Keith To- ronto: McClelland and Stewart S3. 00. SECOND-HAND BUREAUS With all j.'.'c.ias bein^e*- tabliihcd at Otta'v.'; it looks a= if the Government t.II have a u: of second-hand furniture ott its k.\r.J» at the end of the .vxir â€"Montreal Ga;:c:te. WHAT THE TOURIST WANTS rita-ant eating ami plnrc.s, offering «<tvice at rcasou- ':ibie rates, are us Important ii; at- tracting tourists sui intete:".:ng country and good .-cadfi. â€" Edinivn- ton JouiDal. â€" o â€" ELOQUENT TRAFFIC SIGN Something new i,i road si^na ^.vhich ha.s a deep Significance Is one.-'tbat is found in a small On- •tario town. The sign reads: "Sivw; No Hospital." Sot a ba4 traffic sign at that.â€" Fort Erie Times- Review. RAISE MORE SHEEP When the Hon.- P. Jf De-*aa spoke recently in Brastford he pointed out that farmers co'ild make no mistake In rai«ini; more sheep. Now the CanadMrnwooi ad- ministrator declares that Canada is 8,000,000 pounds short of w .ol to fill her retirements at the present time. The needs of -'ae war offer a fine opportunity to develop the sheep saieing industry in Canada â€" Brantfor*^ Espo.^irjr. HERE'S HOW! For your copy of "Who's Who" which contains Big Time Hockey Statistics ond the careers of 131 of its players, send 5c with a 5-lb. Bee Kive Syrup lebel; or two 2-lb. labels, or two Ivory cr Durhom Starch labels and 5c Send requests to cd- dress CO the lab«l v.ith vocr nome end address. sve.Sj^rop LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Ncher M^^ "(lood MoFT^tnj, Am 1 Speaking lo the Lady of the lio.sf. REG'LAR FELLERS- Very International By GENE BYRNES OSH DO VOU KNOW, Mf? o'smaik:hne»sy, yoli re the post (?eAl. UVK««V^TIAH I tvEii KNEW r AU^MNi! »SY 0'5HAU«MNE«»V sTONccurrots l-UU ftl'OV