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Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1939, p. 7

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'\, t 1.^ V 1^- r 1^ v-*- t **' «» * ♦ V , *». V 4 ' y iVt V â- â€¢ ^ ur '*> / v â- Â» t V •• it t ill 1 ^C| V k t 4 1 *» % X- A Canadian Ex-Servicemen Fall In At Patriotic Frontierunen ^-* f^ â- 'â- â€¢Â«â€¢ « K» '•^ Large niunbers of Canadian men ready to serve in the present war who for various reiisona or another ar« not eligible for admission into the Active Servic« F orces are being recruited for service in the Legion of Frontiersmen, «n organization granted a Dominion charter in 1934, whose duties invoIvB reinforcing the civil ftuthorities, in time of national emergency. A Frontier smati, to ba fitted for service, must be given training in police laws, duties; fire protection and extinction, anti-air raid precautionary service, first aid, mijlitary drill etc., so that he stands within the community aa a trained reserve, ready to reinforce the authorities in case of necessity. The Dominion Headquarters are at Edmonton, and the present Divisional Commandant is lieut.-Col. Louis Scott, D.C.M. The various provinces are governed by a Provincial Commandant, the Head- qnarters for Ontario being located at Toronto, under the present supervision of Major G. R. N. Collins, Senior Officer within the Province. (P.O. Box 4, Station "A" Toronto). Squadrons of the Legion exist in every Pro- vince and at most of the large centres. It is hoped to organize units in smaller centres. BaveYouReaid The machine-gunner had just come out of action Somewhere in France. For hours he had been burning up ammunition and he was tired out. Eagerly he stepped forward as the mail was distributed. One postcard was handed to him. Forwarded from the post-office in his home town, it read: "Dear sir, this is to notify you that your grun licease has expired." Teacher: "Now, Freddr, why does a polar bear wear a fur coat?" Freddy: "Ph-er, well, I suppose he would look fussy in a icweed one!" The old siiepherd's daughter was going to marry a town-dwell- JBTishing to make her father look smart when he gave her away at the altar, she got him to agree to wear a hat. The shepherd went into a store. Clerk â€" "What size, please?" Shepherd â€" "I don't know." Clerk â€" "We'll try a six and a half first." Shepherd â€" "Six and a ha'f be hanged. I a 16-collar, and I know my head is bigger than my neck." â€" â€" Two niind-readers met aft- er an interval o( some months. One of them immediately ex- claimed in a hearty voice: â€" "You're all right 1 How am I?" â€" â€" Hiram Hornwoggle had b^n very impressed by his visit to the city. "Some of them bank fellows are pretty slick counting notes," he said to a friend one day. "I saw a feller in one o' them banlcs, and blow tne if he didn't have to keep a wet sponge alongside to keep his fingers from getting red- hot. He told me so himself." â€" â€" "What an interesting life you are living the»e past few weeks. How do you explain it?" "I'm trying to do things tiutt will make interesting reading in my autobio- graphy." Are Measuring 10,000 Women EtheJ M. Harlan, st»te supervLs- or of the U, S. Work Projects Ad- ministration aPthropometric sur- vey, announced last week that a new project ha.<< been opened, sponsored by the Bureau of Home Economics of the Department o£ Agrriculture. T'n? project, wh;ch is to be carried on in seven states, will measure 10,000 women, in or. 4»r to get an accurate siss form- ula for women's clothes. "Moat women's clothes," Miso Harlan explained, "must be altered before they can be worn. G»mi- «nta labelled the same »i:e, but BWde by different manufact'irTs, VKey enormo'.wly. and losses dm to return or alteration of m-sfits ll Mtimated at tlO.OOO.OOO % TWr" The Book Shelf "THE BOOK OF FISHES" (National Geographic Society) The National Geographic Soc- iety has just published the book every fisherman, has been waiting for. Written by recogfnized auth- orities on marine life, the eleven chapters of this entrancing new volume are a treasure-house of information, accurate yet non- technical, presented in a popular, pleasing way. Amazingly illuminated with color and monochrome illnstrations, the book contains 105 pages of full- color plates, showing and easily identifying in lifelike hues ZSl species of salt-and-fresh-water fish and other forms of marine life; and 162 action photographs of various fish notables, from the lordly tarpon, fighting sailfish and .swordfish to the smaller gamesters of i-iver, brook and lake. This new "Book of Fishes" is available at cost, and can be had by writing to the National Geo- graphic Society, Dept. FF-2, Wash- ington, D.C. Price, $3.7S. / Flies 5,000 Miles Inside 37 Hours Only ."7 hours travelling time was needed by Allan Graves on the more than 5,000-raile trip from equatorial Colombia to his home in Edmonton in Northern Alberta. Graves, a geologist employed by a United States oil firm, missed a boat in Colombia, so decided to fly home for his vacation. Travelling by Pan-American Airways into the United States, he used other American lines to get to Winnipeg where he board- ed a Trans-Canada Air Lines ma- chine for Edmonton. I •â- â- â- â€¢<< I How Can I ? BY ANNE ASHI EV Q. How can I test the age of an egg" A, Place the egg in a deep pan full of cold water. An egg that lies on its side is strictly fresh; if it stands at an angle, it is three or four days old; if it stands on end, it is over ten days old ; an egg that floats on the top is seldom fit for use. Q How can I clean a suede jack. et? A. Son.a peopis claim that tho best and easiest method of clean- ing a suede jacket is to rub light- ly over the entire surface wiOi a fine grade of sandpaper. Q. Hot can I keep potteU plants moist? A. Water-soaked newspaper twisted around the roots of th» plants, against the dirt, will keep the plants moist. Q. How can I clean steel knives? A. Powdered bath brick &;>- plied wiih a large cork dipped in. water and then in the powder is tho best abrasive. Lay the knif* flat on th« dralnboard, or somt other solid surface, when scour- ing. For obstinate stains, rub with a cut p>tato dipped in scourinj powder. Q. How can I dye washabl? white kid gloves? A, White kid gloves can be dy- ed a tiv; color by dipping the:^ In (affror. water urtil th« desireJ shade it ob*»in?.1 What Science is m Doins ^ OBJECTS MADE INVISIBLE The Herald - Journal, (Spartan- burg, N.C), said In a copyrighted story that a local chemist has an- nounced discovery oC a substance which, when applied like paint, ren- ders material objects invisible at a distance beyond 100 feet. The newspaper quoted tho chem- ist. Max Gardner, as saying the substance had been demonstrated -on an airplane which was flown above a field. No part of the plane could be seen after It reached an altitude o£ 100 feet, Gardner said. The basic ingredient of the pain: Is ordinaiT graphite. OXYGEN APPLIED TO JOINTS "Ballooning" ot infected and broken bone joints with o.xygen to bring about quick and effective healing is re^ported. The joints actually are blown up like a toy balloon, after enough fluid has been withdrawn to create an air space. The treatment was designed to separate the parts ot the bono and tissue which sometimes adhere and cause a stiff joint, and also to aid healing by putting oxygen in direct contact with the bone as it grow* back together. This stimulates the repairing process. TRANSFUSIONS FOR BURNS Discovery ot a new and moro successful treatment for burns - using repeated blood transfusions â€" Is announced In the Journal ot the American Medical Association. The treiitment promises to cause a minor r<»volutlon in medicine for It gtvea an eatlreiy different con- ception of what happens to the ..13- suo and Wood of burned persons. PREVENTATIVE FOR SILICOSIS Electrons have revealed a clue to the way to prevent silicosis, a disease in which the tissues of the lungs are disintegrated by inhala- tion ot air in which silica dust is stwpended. Silica Is a common rook-forming material. It was ob- served In experiments on rabbits that If they breathed air In which th«re was a moderate concentra- tion of silica dust they contracted th« dl»e<i3e, but If tho air cootaln- ed some aluminum powdor, about 1 per cent, of the weight o<t tb* allica, the animals did not contract Um disease. CaJtiadian National Railways Revenues Th« gro.'is revenue* ot th« all-in- elnslve Canadian National Rail- ways for th» p«rlod endin? !)•â-  cemter 14ta, 1939, were J4,290,J6» a« oomparod with $3,52g,n7 for th« corrcapondlag period of 19J8, an !.icr9*»« o? «T«2,U1 or 21.8 ''^ The first agr'.enltural school ia Canada ^.'as opened in 1859 at Ste. Acne d.» ta Pocatiere, P.Q. BritiS'i farmer*, who had fiO t'ao'.os.s ;i! t'.ift crd ol the last If over 60.000. Modern Etiquette BY KOBf-KIA LEE 1. Hasn't pride been called c deadly disease, impossible to cure? 2. is it untactful to give money to a friend as a Christmas gift, when one knows that she needs it? 3. When passing your plate for a helping of some disli, what should you do with your silver? 4. Is it necessary for a man to rise when being introduced to another man, and also shake hands? 5. What is the meaning of a table d'hote meal? 6. When a bride has received a gift from five members of the of- fice force, how should she ack- nowledge it ? Answeri 1. It may be called a disease, but it is not deadly. The proverb says, "If pride were a deadly dis- ease, how many would now be in their graves." According to La Rochefoucauld, "Pride is equal in all men ; the ujily difference is the means and manner of dis- playing it." 2. Yes. This would be very untactful, and likely to be resented. 3. Always leave the sil- ver on the plate. 4. Yes, to both questions, unless, of course, they are so far apart that it would be awkward to shake hands. 5. A meal that is served at a fixed price, instead of so much for each dish. 6. Write a personal note to each one. BIG BE^r The PERFECT Chewing To dace o FARM COLUMN SEED SHOW IN FEBRUARY The executive of the Ontario Crop Improvement Association ia co-operating with the Ontario Provincial Winter Fair in the seed show to be staged February 12-16 in Toronto. There will be classes for grains, clover and potatoes at the show. Sponsored by the On- tario Agriculture Department, boys' grain and potato clubs will enter exhibits. QUALITY MUST REMAIN Don't repeats the mistake made during the World War of sacri- ficing quality for quantity in ag- ricultural products, farmers were advised in an address at Sarnia, Ont., by W. K. Riddell, agricul- tural representative for Middlesex County. Canada's reputation for certain types of quality goods was lost during the World War through the neglect of farmers to maintain the standard of quality in tho haste to produce in huge quantities, noted Mr. Eiddol!. During the present conflict, the speaker advised, "produce in the largest quantities those things that are needed most, but maintain the quality of the products." â€" o â€" WINTER SHORT COURSES Wednesday, December 27th, saw many hundreds of wide awake young farmers hastening to the city of Guelph to register at the 0. A. C. for one or other of the timely and practical short cours- es commencin-; the following morning. Running concurrently, there are five oouuises of two weeks duration, on the following lines: Animal Husbandry, Farm Mechanics, Horticulture, B e e- keeping, and Co-operation. Begin- ning on the same day there is a four weeks course in Poultry Hus- bandry. In similar courses last winter there were more than 800 men and women registered. Most of them were young men, but there were a number of women in the Horticulture, Poultry, and Beekeeping courses. These cours- es ai'e open to all residents of On- tario. Ontario Rains Help Farmers Rain that was fali'ly general all throughout Ontario the first week In December, gave farmers relief from a month-longn drought wlilch left wells and crei^ks low, and in exlremn cases dry. Altiiugh the rain fairly substantial â€" just under half in Inch â€" further preci- pitation will be needed it an acute water ahortage is to be averted. WeKo and creeks were lowest iu central .ind southwest Ontario. The drought left the land hard and far- mers, taking advan'age ot the lat« fall woather to do their plowing, found t'le .going difficult. There were some instances ot fall wheat suffering from lack of rain, hut coudltious generally as roporte'i to the Ontario Department of Agriculture were good witij a satisfactory top on the crop. Most reports said the growtii so far was good and would be well able to stand no -mai winter weather. Classified Advertisements^ 11.4 HV CHH.IV.>i JANUARY' r.RAY CHICKS SHOULD be ordfirf'd Immediately. Two hatches wjekly from January 9th. Do not d'ila.v. Attach Ihia advt. to you- order for 2u0 or more Chick.? •ind ?et a Bray Chick Guard tree. Bray catalog ready. Bray Hatch- ery. 130 lohn St. N., Hamilton. _Otit^ Bl ILU .V HO.MR i ROOM KUNGALOWS BUIL,T ON you.- iot tor 32.500 on Govt, tyoan. Terms '>t .5250 down â€" $14.71 M.O. York Heights Development Co., 330 Cay St . Toronto. CISTO.M . TASNIJiG WE I^O CUSTOM TANNING OF Deer.skiiis, Heef and Horsehldes Into RoSea, Harnesa and Garment Leather. J. C. Henry & Son. Mark- dale. Oi.t. KI>i;C.VTIOIVAl, STUDENTS NOW E-NfiOLU-NO FOR courses in Matriculation, Short Story J.jumalism, Shorthand and Speoch Culture. Make use of your spare time. Write today. Canad- ian Corresocndencc <.'olletje, (es- tatlliihea 1U0::.>. 2Zi i'ongu Street, Torontp . KEUIIKTS FOK S.VLK FKKRETS â€" SURE HUNTERS ON rats and rabbit». Males $2.50, fem- ales JS.OO. yearllnss »3.5U. Arm- at ror.s Uroa., R oute 1 , Pa ris. Ont. KIN.1>"CI\I, MORTGAGES UR AGREE.MENTS of sale puroha,<ed for, prompt attention. North Shore Realty Co. Ltd.. Qsha-.vH. Flione SI. H.tKUV .%1'l't.e TIIKKS HAKDY APl-LE rUEES â€" 6U CTS. oauli. Canada's Lowest I'rlced Nur- asry, Kro°,vlaK leading varietlaa Fruit Tree.). Ornamentals. Write Immediately requosting sensation- al ofterln«3. Tobe'9 Treery, Nfa- 8rara-on-i'.i..'-l jlie. Ontario. [X(:KKA.>>E >Ol'R K.IHSUXGS BARN UOLLjVRS READING VOUR aswapapars.' Dime and stamp brings information and surpriaea: K. Kembe, 52T King St W.. H«ro- lltc n. Ontiri:-. FUKXITVKK FOR SAl.K CHESTERFIELDS $1 WEEKLY J-nSCE CHESTERFIELD SUITES In velours and rapp covera. fact- ory rooonditl^yaed, originally ax- panalva suica.i, better than a ch«Ap, ne-w one, t placas complete, (24.60. Thrca place chesterfield suites, newly recovered In choice repp fabrics, just like new, at half the pric;>>. Three piece com- plete $39.90 tJ.OO down, fl.09 per week. We p&7 {relKbt to four station. D«pt W. Royal ChMter- fteld Mnn ifa'-turera, 8S Rlchmon£ St. B., Toronto. i»yrF.B T'> OVKJITOK3 AS OFFER T'.' RVEUY INVENTOR Mat of lareatioaa and tuil Infor- mation aent free. The Ramsay C< . F;e5'sn>re<!. f'afeat Attorneys, "" nan'.t Stree;. utrawa. Canada. ISSUE NO, 52â€" 39 ]II.U1(.AI. HIGH BLOOD PRESSUREâ€" WRITE for tree booklet and full particu. lars refjardinu our amazingly .'iucces.'jfu! hyolood treatment I'edigreed Products. Saskatoon. Sask. THIS IS WHAT MRS. NEILSON. OF Tecuniseh. Ontario, says: for It years I suffered with swollen legi and broken veins. Could not wear shoes or stockings. For months I could not leave ray home. After using Crouchman's Liniment, I ran go out and enjoy life where It left off 13 years ago. Demand It from your druggist or write J. R. Crouchman Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ontario. YOUR STOMACK, BOTHERING T Hutthes' Mineral Remedy Builds weakened stomachs. Wonderfully .successful Tr.v It! JI.75; two bottles, S3.00. Johnston Products, Postal Station C, Vancouver, B.C. I'RIV.ITK HCSPITAI, DUFFERIN NURSING HOME, 7S9 Dufferin Street, Toronto. Cos.v. li- censed Private Hospital. All cases taken. Maternity Specialist â€" bof.k early. Waiting mothers ac- commodated. Registered nursea. Moderate cash charges. Telephone MEIrose 4353. I'EUSONAL QUIT TOBACCO. SNUFS'. EASILIT, inexpensively. Heme remedy. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice free. Uartlett's. Box 1. Winnipeg . U.IW Fl'RS W.1J1TEU SHIP YOUR FURS TO US FOR full market prices. L. A. Jonea. 18? Talbot St., St. Thomas. Ont RHEl'MATISM â€" RHVAR PADS GIVE SPEEDY RELIEF FROM ALL the aches and pains of Rheumnt- i.<)ni. Arthritis, Sciatica, and other kindred ailments. Simple, safe. sure, economical. Not a drug â€" no upset stomach. Don't delay. For convincing proof send one dollar today for 30 days' treatment to Rhuar Remedies), Room 1002, SiiO Bay Street Toronto. Ontario. SCHOOL HOOKS" HOME STUDY COURSESâ€" BOUGHT sold, rented. Educational books, etc., Canada's largest dealer. Low- est prices, send for list Economy Distributing . Leamington, Oiit SKATING UUTFITS SICATING OUTFITS, SLlGUTLi used, Sl.7o. U.ii. li.65. New blsh quality. t3.89. iS.33. 14.25. plus !6c postage. I'eeriosa. l?I Dundas W., Toronto. TRAINED OBTEICTIVES A.MBITIOUS MEN 17 AND OVHR wanted immediately for aecrat- -lervlce and detective work, com- plete trskining course bf corree- pomlence. Free Infortnatloa. Write 'o C. M. Juiien, Cox ::, Station T. Montreal GiMranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used â€" New ^rfCM iLI'/IM; l-S HKItl 111 «o. TOH*. i*OUii:il.lMT.>» H»<lra«lic rm, MnicRe(o<«. :':irttHrelor«. Iliidiat- ^ntlAfnction or rrfunil, let* \n*o 1*tir<n, Torontit, FlUMTLRE VOK SALE LYONS STOCK . TAKING SAL,H RHCOiNUlTlONED FURNITURE This i-' a aple:id!a opportunity tb buy really high-olass roconfUtioned furniture at a fraction ot the real value. Every article thoroughly cleaned, reconditioned and sold with a positive monoy-bttck sruarantea ot satisfaction. d-y C/-1 Chesterfield Suite, 3 pieces, lii.ju upholstered In brown figur- ed rer» inaterlai. reversible Marsh- all spring cushions. 1 So ''"""'t 3 piece Chesterfield 17. j\^ Suite, upholstered lu Jacn- Uttrd velour, reversible Maraiiall spring cushions. 94. Sn Beautiful 3 piece brown mo- -T.JO [,,jjj. Chesterfield Suite. Per- fect reversible Marshall spring cu:jhiuns. 5C (\i\ High class i piece brown JJ.OC' niohalr Chesterfield Suite, coat ne.v approximately $185. Per- fect condition. < QC Large as.-Drtmont of odd ^'â- '•J Chesterfields and chai;5, in various oovers. j^ Cn Kroehler Chesterfield Bed '^ ^^ upholatertd in figured vel- our. Complete with new mattrca. 17 1(1 '^"'•' Dining Room Suites, l/.Jy. buffet table and 6 cliuir.". "^4 So I^e""t!ful quarter-cut Oak «-r.JO Suite, large buffet exten- sion tauio and ti leather upholstered chairf! â- .â- impletely refinlshed. 4S DO •''°'''l ^^^ Dining Suite. » TJ.uc pieces, buffet, china cabinet, extonsioi, tabl'? and 8 leather uphol- sterd chairs, like new. AQ AA Largo walnut finish Dining c-.vt Koom Su;'e, completely re- finlshed. buffet, china cabinet ex- tension ta'iilo and 6 leather uphol- stered chairs. SQ 00 ''•ofr sample English Oak J7.0V i)j[,g^(g .sjiiite (new) reg. JS9.00 vr.lue. Buffet, exti^ni?ion table with .'ack-knife leaf and 4 chairs in red leather. no OO 'â- area SfVd walnut Dining oy.yjyj Hoom suite (cost new $225) beautiful buffet, chinn cabinet, ex- tcnslo:i i-ible and fi leaUigr. jipliol"â€" slered chairs, completely reflnishcd. I'jQlMl Magnificent large walnut 1 .47. Of Dining Room Suite (10 pieces, cost now $650). buffet, china cabinet, e.Mcnsion table, servms c.\- binet a:id S chairs with sea'" and back.', upholstered In blue mohair. < OS Seve.-il odd buffets, china c-"- .-abinets and cxtenbion tables. 1 R In '^'omplete Bed Room Suite lo.j.'j,, walnut finish, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed, sagleaa spring and now mattress. IQ (\(\ Modern Bed Room Suite J7.\.'\J ^fitj, Venetian mirror In two-tor.f- walnut finish, corapietcljr. reflninhtd. 4Q 00 I-'s^utlful modern Bedroom •T7.V.C Suite, In bleached walnut finish, dresser with Venetlat; mirror and chiffonier, full size bed, tag- lees .'!prlng and new waitress. CQ Of- Floor £\m?'.c Ttidrooni J7.0Vjju|ta, In waterfall daalga. dresser, round mirror, chiffonier, fuU ilUe ';c4 JOSlCai aprlnf and fi«w raatti'ts.i, perfect Large assortment of slovea, kitchst cftblne' ., break'ast suitei. t.iblei, sewing machines, dressers, beds. eto. at amiziiiji:.' low prices. Special at- tention to mail crders. AH goodt carefully cm ted for safe ahipment on r^ceipi of mone.v -order. Moac^-hark C-«nraBt«e »t Hatterfiotloa LYONS THAUK - IN UKIMRT.VKITT 478 Yonge St., Toronto -%-

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