» I « inesday, December 27, 1939 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I â- -'«'» ^m*^ '»*» -^^ i J' ^=, 1 t^^ ^ â- * ♦ •» » V 4 t 5 \ , Mercury Down and Boyd ALF. DOWN REa BOYD and Staff STAN. MENZIES MILFORD PIPER Extend to you The Season's Greetings May the coming year bring to you a full measure of happiness and prosperity MAXWELL LADY BANK Intended For Last Week Merry Christmas and Happy New year to one and all. ^' Sincere sympathy is felt for Mrs. Ghaa Martin of Eugenia, in the loss of her father, Mr. Thomas Lever. Mrs. "Wm. Semple spent a few days last week, with Mr. and Mrs. Bnrel McConnel of Kimberley. • t-W'e are sorry to report that Mrs. Davb n^herts who has been in poor health for the past two months, is still unable to be up, and is improv- ing very slowly. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Josh. Doibson, who had the misfortune to have his leg broken, and other injuries in a car' accident some time ago, is home from the â- CoUingwood hospital and pro^es^ing slowly. 1^* Miss Winnifred McMullen of Tor- onto visited over te week end with her mother, Mrs, Mary McMullen, and brothers here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMullen and family of Kimberley, spent Sunday with Messrs. Jas. amd Stewart McMul- len nd mother here. ORANGE VALLEY (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Clarence AIcox and son Leslie, with Mr. Lenord Alcox vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. By- ron Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon HiU and fam- ily were Sunday visitors with Mr. ana Mrs. Leslie Boyd near Blant3rre. Mr. and Mrs. "Willis Cobum were callers on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Littlejohns. Sorry to report that Miss Betty Gil- christ sick at the present time with pneumonia, VMr. John Eagles and son Frank were buzzing wood in the Douglas bush this week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Irving gave a house party to a number of friends last Friday evening, it was enjoyed by all who were there. Mrs. Robt. Smith is visiting this week in Toronto. The correspondant for Orange Val- ly wish to thank all those who help to contribute to news items and wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ♦♦«» # • ♦I f ♦ § ♦'â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦ ♦ ♦ ♦ â- H '«'i I >>»** < II >* ♦ ; ; A New Year's Wish IN APPRECIATION OF VERY PLEASANT RELATIONS DURING THE YEAR JUST CLOSING, WE EXTEND TO FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A WISH FOR EVERY PROS- PERITY AND HAPPINESS DURING THE NEW YEAR.X Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co Phone 66 Chas. Goddard, Manager i Great credit is due Miss Kathleen Morrison, teacher of Maxwell school, for the splendid program given by the pupils of the school, assisted by Miaa Delmar Seeley, their musical instructor. The Orange hall was filled to capacity^nd Rev. Dr. Mercer acted as chairman. A Christmas tree and gifts, which were distributed by Santa Claus, was a happy ending to the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hall visited with friends at Whitfield on Sunday. Misses Shirley and Merlie Bucking- ham are spending their holidays at their home here. Pte. Robert Priestley, in training at Stratford, spent Christmas with his relatives here. Mrs. H. Down and Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Down of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Down and family of Mackdale spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Poole and family. Mr. and Mrs. Angnis Morrison Sr. had the pleasure of having all their family with them for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morrison and Mr! and Mrs. Angus Morrison and families of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moris- son and family of Mildmay, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison and Shirley and Miss Kathleen. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright and fam- ily spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Ferris, Inistioge. Miss Mercer and brother of Toronto visited their parents at the parsonage over the holiday. Miss Ethel Fenwick, trho is nurse- in-training in the Hospital for Sicfc Children, Toronto, was home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boss and family spent Christmas Day at Cheltenham. Miss Jean stayed for a longer visit. (Intended for Last Week) A very impressive White Gift Ser- vice was held in the United Church Sunday evening. Mrs. W. Poole read the story of the White Gitf. Miss K. Morisson read the legend of the White Gift. Rev Dr. Mercer preached a appropriate sermon on "Giving." The cradle was well filled with White Gifts. The church was effectively decorated with Christmas colors of red, white and green for the occasion. We are pleased to report that Mr, Ed Seeley is recovering from the ac- cident that he suffered last week. Mr. Louis Kerton and Mrs. Herb Poole accompanied Mrs. Wm. Kerton to Toronto last Saturday, to see Mr. Wm. Kerton before he left for Hal- ifax. Mr. Thomas Betts and daughter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Binnington on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison, Mr. Joe Wright and Mrs. Wright senior, visited in Toronto the past week. CEYLON ll>I H II>ll>ll>l»S«ll*»»»»»flllllSSI H II» M >lt H >ll» ' i n iii»»iiiii i 'i'i****i**i i i* n i MH i» n iii i i**«ii*»» iiii n ii n i m ii mM iiiii MmM iiiiii M ii m i M ii B.-A. Greetings AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR WE WISH TO THANK ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOM- ERS FOR THEIR PATRONAGE AND THEIR SUPPORT DURING OUR FIRST YEAR OF BUSINESS. WE ALL JOIN IN WISHING YOU A I VERY PROSPEROUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR '• B.-A. Service Station and Fireside Lunch â€"HAROLD BEST. Prop. EAST MOUNTAIN Happy New Year to all readers of The Advance. Mr. and Mrs. Len Haines spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. G. Haines and family at Kimberley; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Teed and son, Ken- neth, of Egypt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lougheed and family of Union with Mr. and Mrs. Comfort Thompson; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Welsh and family with J. Welsh at Duncan; Mr. and Mrs. J. Wickens, Odessa and Delbert, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson and Eve- lyn of Kimberley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Idle of Clarksburg with Mr. and Mrs. .\rt Idle; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Faw- cett, Irene and Vernon, of Vandeleur, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts and family and Mrs. R. McMullen of Rock Mills with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen and family. Miss Dorothy Genoe is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoe. Mr. J. McCormick has returned to his home at Swinton Park after spending the past two years with Gordon McMullen. n i n ii nnn iii n ii m ii n iiiiiiiiii m * M i M i m ii VANDELEUR (Carried over from last week) A Merry Christmas to the Editor and readers of the Advance. Miss Myrtle Fawcett of Thombury is spending her vacation with friends at Vandeleur, Kimberley and Flesh- erton. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hutchinson at- tended he funeral of the late Mrs. Mundle. of Kimberley, on Thursday. Mrs. Howard MaGee is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Ruth, spent the week end with friends at Dundalk and Shrigley The December meeting of the Women's Insitute, was held on Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wm. Radcliffe. There was a large •r.Tthoniier of members and visitors present. After considerable busine?.<< discussion, a good program of Christ- mas selections was enioyed. Follow- ing the program, a delicious luncheon was served by the hostess, Mrs. Will- iam Radcliffe. .assisted by Mrs. Car- son, Mrs. Thomposn and Mrs. Shaw. Christmas visitors in the commun- ity included: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston and family of Oshawa and Miss Marion Muir with Peter Muir; Mr. Sunley Hunt, Toronto, with P Hunt; Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMeekin Jr., Billy McKeniie, Mt. Forest, Mr. Sandy Stonehouse Sr. and Mrs. Mc- Meekin Sr., Pricp\'ille, with Bradv Irwin; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kew, Pick- ering and Mrs. Thos. Kew, Wingham, with I. B. Whittaker; Mrs. Christina Pedlar, Mrs. Stella Wright and son, Bill, Harry Pedlar, Misses Irene and Elsie Fisher, Toronto, and Mr. Victor Hall, Sudbury, with Geo. Fisher; Miss- es Harrow, Owen Sound, with Wm. Beaton; Miss Snell, Toronto and Miss Dorothy Snell, Islington, with George Snell; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bird and Mrs. Bird Sr., Gait, and Miss Helen Alton, Markdale, with George Cairns; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Noble, Neville, Sask., 'Whitney Randall, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson McKee, Mrs. Wood and family, Mrs. Selina McKee and Ted Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparks, Flesherton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn, 4th line, Mr. and Mrs. John McKee and Sadie, Portlaw, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips, Holl- and Centre, with Jos. McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Ross ^ite. Proton, with L. Duckett; Mr. and Mrs. La- Verne Piper, Markdale, with R. W. Piper; Miss Jeanete McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. P. Wharin, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod, Rod and Marg- aret and Hiram Devan, Detroit, with J. D. McLeod; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pattinson, Maxville, |Ml-. and Mrs. Chester Cameron, Owen Sound, Ray Genoe and three children, Eugenia, Pte. Bob Priestley, Stratford, with T. Genoe; Dick Stewart, Cornwall, Jackson Stewart, Cheeseville, Miss Irene Stewart, Toronto, with John Stewart; Miss Hazel Oliver. Toronto, with Jos. Oliver; Mrs. H. Coleman and Miss Margaret CoUinson, Owen Sound, with J. F. CoUinson; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neilson and family, Toronto, with Jas. W. McMullen; Mrs. Nichol Sr., Priceville, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bennett, Durham, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McArthur and Eleanor, The Glen, Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre of Mclntyre, with John Nichol Those who spent the week end and Christmas Day at other points includ- ed; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stuart and family at Bracebridge, Mr. S. Hemp- hill and family at Feversham, Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt and sons at Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sherwood at Toronto. Miss Agnes Maephail, M.P.. at Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sinclair and fam- ily at Dundalk, Mrs. Anna McMillan and Fred Chislett at Owen Sound, Snowden McLeod at Dundas, Mrs. Snowden McLeod and Donald at Caledon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson were call- ed to Toronto the first of the week, owing to the death of the fetter's brother. Bob. Miss Jean Marshall of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. Mr. Sherman Piper and Miss Cath- arine Cairns of Toronto University are vacationing at their respective homes. Miss McDonald of Stone's Line is holidaying at her home in Aurora. Miss Florence Mclnnis is holiday- ing near Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McDonald and Miss Isobel, Miss Bessie Cairns and Mr. F. D. Cairns of Weston were Sunday callers at the home of Geo. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. MeClean of Lynden, Mr. and .Mrs. Venion Stewart and little son and Mr. John Crawford ol Eugenia spent Sunday at the home of John Stewart. Miss Mclnnis and the pupils held , their Christmas concert on Thursday evening when a splendid programme was given. The Young People gave a play. The proceeds of the evening went to the Sunday school. The December meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. R. Sinclair, Mrs. Smillie presiding. The meeting opened in form, Miss Doris Marshall taking the Scripture reading. Mrs. Smillie, Mrs. •A. C. Muir and Mrs. Sinclair were ap- pointed as Red Cross committee. Mrs. Gordon Stuart was apointed reresent- ative to the Flesherton Red Cross ex- ecutive. Mrs. CoUinson gave an ac- count of the Rural Beautification meet held at Markdale in November. Mrs. Gordon Stuart won the contest given by Mrs. George Jaynes. The exchange of Christmas gifts took place, after which a delightful lunch was served. Best Wishes We wish to expreu our appreciation for the splencKd patronage accorded us by our friends and patrons during 1939. Our wish is that may 1940 be more prosperous to you than ever and that we continue to warrant the confidence you have placed in us. R. J. PRIESTLEY ; : Butcher Flesherton, Ont. ; '*« " I I ^ We Appreciate Your Support WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS OUR .APPRECIATION OF YOUR GENEROUS PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR WE WISH ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS .\ NEW YEAR OF HEALTH, R\PPINESS AND THE GREATEST PROSPERITY F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE FLESHERTON, OnL I t Our Thanks TO OUR FAITHFUL OLD FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS, AND OUR CHERISHED NEW FRIENDS. AND TO THOSE WHOSE FRIENDSHIP WE STRIVE TO MERIT, WE EXTEND Best Wishes for the New Year O. W. Phillips & Son Harness and Shoe Repairing FLESHERTON collection amounted to 5.40. Officers for 1940 are as follows: Pres. Mrs. B. Field; Vice Pres., Mrs. Dick Clark; Treas., Mrs. Ned Croft; Sec, Mrs. Chas. Hanley., Asst, Sec., Mrs. Wallace Fisher; Flower and Treat Com., Mrs. Field, Mrs. Croft Visiting Com.. Mrs. John Boyce, Mrs. Sam Fisher and Mrs. Alexander Engr- lish. Treas. Report for 1939, Amount received |87 47 Amt. paid out 75 01 Balance |12 46 It was agreed by all to raise funds durig the winter months to te-dee- orate the church in the spring. The years business concluded, the meeting closed by singingr hymn 57. Lunch was then served by the hostess and Mrs. Clark. Rock Mills Udies' Aid The annual meeting of the Ladies Aid was held at th? home of Mrs. B. ' Field on Thursday afternoon Dec - 14th. The business part of the meeting â- opened by singing "Simply Trusting." Mrs. Pick Clark read 12 verses from St. Luke, Fourth Chapter, followed by the Lord's Prayer, repeated in un- •son. The roll call was taken, the SUPERIOR STORES Greetings TO ALL OUR FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS To those whom we have been privileged to serve, to those we have hopes in the future to serve, to all the good folk in Flesherton and surrounding district, we extend the Season's Greetings and from the bottom of our hearts we wish you the best during the coming year and that Health, Happiness and Prosperity may follow you throughout 1940. C. J. KENNEDY PHONE 37 WE DELIVER