J' 4« Wednesday, December 6, J9J19 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE It's Christmas Shopping Time Again MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR POULTRY DAY Everything necessary for the Christinas Season , FRESH GROCERIES CONFECTIONERY CHRISTMAS GIFTS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & ELECTRICAlT* APPLIANCES PHOTOS TAKEN DAY OR NIGHT W. A. HAWKEN Phone 17, FLESHERTON WE DELIVER ^ * ^**4*4****t******* *** **************************** ± Spirella i Foundation Garments ! Girdles, One-Piece Garments Corsets, Brassieres FOR ALL FIGURES • Free Brassiere given during December with each Foundation Garment. Demonstration at our home without obHgation Mrs. A. E. Bellamy MiUinery Parlor - FLESHERTON ♦♦♦♦♦»»«»♦ » »» ♦ ♦ » »♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦ THE FLESHERTON AOlfANCE Pablished on Collingirood Stra*^ FleshArtoQ, Wednesday of eseh week. Circulation over 1,000. Price in Canada |2.00 per year, when paid in advance 91.60; in U. S. A. $2.60 per year, when paid in advance fZ.OO. P. J. THURSTON. Editor. Mrs. Jas. Leppard We were very sorry to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Jas. Leppard on Tuesday morning, Nov. 21st, at her late residence on the 8th line. The deceased had been as well as usual when she retired Monday night. Her peaceful and sudden passing was an answer to her wishes, as she had often said she wished to die without being a burden to anyone. Mrs. Leppard, whose maiden nam^- was Mary Ann Meggott, was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Meggott,, and was born in Caledon township, She was in her 86th year and had endured the hard- ships of pioneer life. Her father who lived to the advanced age of 102 years, was bom in England. He came to Canada when 20 years of age, when the Russian war was wag- ing. Over 50 years ago deceased was married to the late James Leppard and resided in Eugenia. Together they made a home and reared seven children, Sarah (Mrs. Holmes) and Maggie (Mrs. Grabell) and Thomas, all having predeceased her, and Rob- ert, who sacrificed his life in the Great War, Mary Ellen and Joey, both passing away while quite young, Susie (Mrs. Rody Gordon) who has been looking after her mother since her father's death two years ago. Besides her daughter, Mrs. Gordon, she leaves to mourn seven grand- children, one brother Robert Meggott, of Plesherton and three sisters Mrs. Cliff (Harriett) of Oshawa, Mrs. Parker of Leeds and Mrs. Ridley of Dakota. •'W^ The funeral on Thursday, Nov. 23, from her late residence, was conduct- ed by the Rev. Dr. Mercer of Eugenia United Church, whose message was based on 2nd Timothy 6-8. He paid high tribute to the deceased mother. D. McTavish & Sons Join the Business Men of Flesherton in Celebrating the First Anniversary of the Flesherton Creamery AND INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL Fowl Day on December 13 As long-time dealers for Chevrolet, Oldsniobile and Chevrolet Trucks, we cong-ratulate the Flesherton Creamery on its first anniversary. We realize the importance of such an addition to the business life of our community. We appreciate the extra convenience it aflfords farmers in surrounding districts. Two special treats await you this week ... a trip through the creamery building ... a trip in a new 1940 Chevrolet or Oldsniobile. We want you to compare these grand General Motors products against the field. If you do, you'll find that Chevrolet and Oldsniobile lead in appearance - in comfort - in i)erf()rmance - in economy - and in safety. You'll be pleasantly surprised to discover that prices are away below last year's ! Practically the same as last year's when one con- siders the many deluxe features included in 1940 models. May we remind you that Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Trucks are available on the easy monthly payments of the General Motors Instalment Plan ! Authorized dealers for Chevrolet - Oldsmobile and CHEVROLET TRUCKS who had enjoyed all her faculties, raising a family, specially a boy who had gone to war willing to sacrifice all he had, and had done his mother great honor. Dr. Mercer spoke words of respect of the honored dead and said that we must respect and have great admiration for the mother whom we lay aside, who had gone to u realm of infinite joy and gladness. This mother had fought a great batUe between good and evil. Her life work was ended and she could say^ with the Apostle Paul, that a cro'wn of righteousness awaited her. The late Mrs. Leppard was a woman of a kind disposition and a good neighbor and will be missed in the community. Interment was made in the family plot in Salem cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Fred Pedlar, Chas. Martin, Fred Jamieson, Wm. Hatwkins, Jos. Williams and Robert Hawkins. Beautiful floral tokens covered the casket from 8th line friend? and others. Mr and Mrs. 'W. Clitf and Mr. and j Mrs. Carl Cliflf of Oshawa attended j the funeral. j We extend our sympathy to those left in sad bereavement. St. Columba Church The session met Wednesday after- noon at the home of Wm. Mather, Town Line, for regular business and in preparation for the communion ser- vice next Sunday morning. Those present were: John Weir, Wm. Ma- ther, Thos. Tucker, W. G. Watson and Rev. A. R. Muir. The Y. P. S. met last Thursday evening in the church. Stewart Muir presiding. Committees were appoint- ed and other arrangements made to entertain the Durham Y. P. S. on Dec. 7. Art Bell, Christian Fellowship convenor was in charge of the pro- gram. Jack McConkey read the lesson R. McConkey told of the early writing and printing of the Bible, Jean Mather and Betty Watson saijg a duet, Mr. Bell spoke on the Bible in general, its form and its origin and growth and the process of canon- ization. Isabelle Karstedt gave a piano solo. At the close of the meeting a contest was held in which the girls won from the boys on the basis of Bible knowledge, Anna Cormie and Bob Whittaker had the high scores. The executive met after to arrange the program for the Durham meeting. WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU NEED FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE AND PUDDING To mae it better we are reducing our Flour to the following prices: ROBIN HOOD $2.75 CREAM OF WEST $2.75 PRAIRIE ROSE $2.49 PURE GOLD - $2.49 WE ARE BUYING DRESSED POULTRY HIGHEST PRICES POSSIBLE ARE PAID 0. & A. Co-operative Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON, Ontario ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦' â- ' ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I I i 'i t **» * Shur-Gain I Feed Service We mix your oMrn feed to your satisfaction We carry the following feeds at right prices : SHUR-GAIN BIG 50 SHUR-GAIN LAYING MASH SHUR-GAIN Pia STARTER SHUR-GAIN HOG CONCENTRATE SHUR-GAIN WORM POWDERS SHUR-GAIN DAIRY CONCENTRATE SHUR41AIN BEEF MAKER WAR AND BEER The Uxbridge anti-beer room vote comes too soon after the outbreak of war to be attributed to any war- waste feeling in the part of tlie public. The vote was 639 against 215 for. That just indicated a vig- oi'ous campaign on the part of the drys. The good sense on the part of the Uxbridge people and the growing revulsion towawi the Ontario govern- The following grain for sale : OATS, BARLEY, WHEAT and CORN Flesherton Planing Mill • I H. A. McCauley, Prop. Flesherton, Ont **** ** * ** ** **** ** ** ** * * * * * ********* t i ll I |i » » #»»»♦» .•^ . . - «-»♦ ment's push-beer-sales policy. As the war goes on, there will probably materialize a strong movement for the elimination of many of the prov- inces beer outlets. Some of the most important ex- plorers in history never found a square foot of new territory ! They were plant explorers, searching out new plants for the v/orld's food supply. Choose your Christmas Gitts from this list Cutlery, Boots and Skates, Electrical Supplies, Kitchen Equipment, Tool Sets, Sleighs, Wagons, Toys, Hunting Knives and Guns, Hallow-Plate, Silver Plate China Ware, Pyrex Ware We have these and many other item, .uitable for Gift.. Many appropriately boxed . ) WINTER SUPPLIES This is Weather Strip time. Don't wait until the cold weather comes â€" kubber, Felt and Bronze Weather Strip. For warm, comfortable homes, cooking precision and ease of operation â€" see our lines of Circulators, Wood Heaters, Quebecs and Ranges A GIFT LONG TO BE REMEMBERED Kelvinator Refrigerators, Easy Washers, Sparton Radios, C.C.M. Bicycles. BUSHMEN We have a quality line of Axes, Cross- Cut Saws, Swede Saws, Files, Saw Sets, etc., at reasonable prices. Fine Girts to Suit Everyone F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE FLKSHEK TON, Ont. i