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Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1939, p. 5

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THI5 FLE;liHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, November 29, 1939 iiiiii mm iiiiiiii UM iiiiii nm ii Mmm i M i ni HATS Ladies and Misses Hats I Value uff to $3.00 â€" To clear, your choice, each $1.00 I* Mrs. A. E. Bellamy MiUinery Parlor - FLESHERTON n iiiiii nn » n i m » M i n ii»* f >» n »> nnMmn »» » FEVERSHAM Mrs. Rabt. McGirr haa returned home after spending a month yisiting with friends at Uxbridge. Mr. J. W. Robinson's new store and house are rapidly nearing oompletion. Mr. J. Muohan preached on Sunday evening in the Presbyterian church, his subject being "Trees."' On Sunday next Kev. John Honeyman will take the service. Mr, Guy Kaitting is spending a few lays with his sister, Mrs. Geo. Burke. Mr. Wm. Kerton left for Toronto on the week end to train, as he has signed up with the 48th Highlanders for overseas service. Mr. John Moore spent the week end at his home in Port Hope. We are sorry to report that Miss Ruthie Francis is quite ill, but hope to see her around soon. Miss Inez Stoutenberg has returned to her home in St. Catharines, after spending two weeks with Miss Anna % Robinson. The annual concert of the Salvation Army, which was held last Friday evening, proved a success, when a large crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott and Miss- es Savina and Louise Black of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John Black. PRICEVILLE Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed in St. Andrew's church on December 10th. The teachers and pupils are prac- tising for the Sunday School concert in St. Andrew's church on Dec. 3!). Miss Margaret McArthur has gonu 'to Toronto for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean and ICr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell spent Friday in Toronto. Friends here were sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr. Gordon Mc- Lean, son of Mr. Hector McLeac, who is a patient in Regina hospitjli His brother, Gilvray, left a week ago to be with him. His many friends at Prioeville wish for him a speedy reoovefy. Tuesday afternoon the W.M.S. and W. H. Societies met at the home of Mrs. Hector McEachem with a good attendance of members and visitors. Mrs. Whyte presided. The roll call was answered by the naming of a favorite book. The president gave a reading and the hymn "O Go1 of Love; King of Peace" was .^urg, followed by the creed. Mrs. Suther- land also gave a splendid reading. Mrs. Sutherland presided over the W M.S. Scripture reading from Acts 37, was read responsively and Mrs. Thos EUGEN4A On Sunday evening Rev. Dr. Mercer preached a fine missionary sermon while Messrs. Copeland ren- dered some fine musical numbers on the piano, organ and violin. On Monday evening the choir spon- sored a concert in the interests of the Board of Stewards. Supper was serv- ed from 5 to 8, after which a pro- gram was given by MacDuff Copeland and Kenneth Duff of Toronto, which was enjoyed by all present. Some excellent musical numbers were ren- dered. On Wednesday evening of this we«k there will be an "open" night in tflie y. P. U. when everybody is welcon^e. Mrs K. Gemmel of Markdale will b« the guest speaker. There will be other items of interest. Lunch will be served at the close of the evening. A delightful evening was held in the Y. P. U. when Mis* Agnes Mac- phail was the guest speaker. She gave a wonderful address on "Dream- ing and Doing." She gave examples where people in our own neighbor- hood had made their dreams a "reality by doing. She emphasized the fact that one must serve others and not live for oneself. We are sure that everyone present gained something rfrom her enthusiastic address. There A detour is rightly reg^arded as the roughest distance between two points. Prospective Purchaser of Puppy: "Is he well bred?" Seller of Puppy: "Well lady if, any of your neighbors dogs want snubbing this dog will do it for you." DANCE AT PROTON STATION A dance will be held in the Orange Hall, Proton Station, on Friday, Dec. 1st, under the ausipces of L.O.L. 244. Good music will be provided. Ladies with lunch fee. Admission: 25c. 5cto $1.00 Store \ ; GlasbakePie Plates (large size). Special 25c ; ; ; Hotwater Bottles (1 year guarantee) Special 49c ; • I Girls' Flannelette Pyjamas $1.00 : : ' Ski Caps (two-tone or solid colors). Each 89c '. ' DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY For Her Cashmere Bouquet Gift Sets, Jewellery, Pollyanna 'Hosiery, Vanity Sets, Towel Sets, Table Cloths, Purses, Boxed Handkerchiefs, Lingerie, etc. For Him Colgates' and Palmolive Gift Sets, Ties, Socks, ;; Shirts, Scarfs, Suspenders, Bill Folds, Military Brushes, Pen and Pencil Sets. TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES, 1 Christmas Cards, Seals, Tags, Ribbon Tissue Paper Only 21 Shopping Days until Christmas i E.J. Fisher Flesherton ; 4 *tt »* ♦ »♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦*»♦ ** **** *** * ** *** ** * *** * **** * 1 1 ♦♦♦ Nichol led in prayer. A hymn was were other excellent numbers on the f **** * ********** * ** i ** * * * * ** ************** ** *** * *** * Men's Winter Wear 11 OVERCOATS WIND BREAKERS LEATHER WIND BREAKERS SWEATER COATS WOOL PULLOVERS MITTS and GLOVES STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR WINTER SHIRTS BREECHES and TROUSERS FELT HATS RUBBERS and OVERSHOES WINTER CAPS FANCY HOSIERY All Prices Eased on Pre- War Values : Made to Measure Clothing:: < > ' > Come in and select a pattern and let us measure ; you for a NEW SUIT or OVERCOAT. Fit and satisfaction assured. Suits and Overcoats made and tailored to your individual measure, from $23.75. F. H. W. HICKLING : Gmeral Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont [ : »ii I m i n i iw i n i mnM ii M sung and Mrs. Dan Campbell real a chapter from the study book. The election of officers took place and re suited in Mrs. Sutherland bein;? elect- ed president, Miss Margaret McAr- thur secretary and Miss N. flfoLean as treasurer. It was decided to have the December meeting in the basement of the church on Dec. 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlar of To- ronto visited on Sunday at the home of Mr .Alex. Carson. Mrs. Carso i te- turned home with them, after spend- ing the past six weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Art. Richardson and family of' Swinton Park also were visitors at the Carson home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haw and his mother and Miss Lizzie McArthur of Swinton Park visited on Sunday at the hojne of Jas. Sturrock. The latt-jr remained for a few days' visit. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in St. Columba United Church on Sunday, Dec. 3rd, at the usual hour of ll a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDougall and son, Lyle, of Holstein were welcome visitors on Sunday with her father, Mr. W. W. Ramage. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McLean journ- eyed the first of the week to visit their two daughters, Mrs. E. Shantz and Anna and other friends in Toronto. Miss Mary Simpson is not improv- ing in health as her many friends would like to see. Two nurses are in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harrison, new arrivals in town, comprised part of the audience at the home of Mrs. Thos. Tucker, South Glenelg, where, after a short service by Rev. A. R. Muir, lantern views of foreign coun;; tries, were shown to members of the Ebenezer appointment. CENTRE LINE The weather for the past week has â- ^cen fine â€" cold and dry. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Osborne, John, "ictor, Mrs. Jack Badgerow and Inez =r)ont a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Osborne and family at Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Magee and little son of Maxwell visited with Mrs. Lyons and family on Sunday. The sincere sympathy of this com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Haney and other relatives in theii- recent bereavement by the sud- den passing of their brother, George, in Toronto. The latest word friends have had from Mrs. Mac Cudmore is that she is making satisfactory recovery after a very severe goitre operation in the Toronto General Hospital. Those who did not attend church here on Sunday missed some very 'le music and sinsring by Mr. Mac- Tlufl' Copeland and Kenm'th Duff, violinist. Their music was thoroughly n.ioyed hy all present. Mrs. Jas. Hilliard of Schomberg is •pending some time at the McNevin home. Mr, Victor Osborne spent the week ond with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Osborne and family, near Markdale. program, a duet by Misses 1. Dins- more and M. Park, \^ith accordion accompaniment, duets by Jean and Marie Phillips, with guitar accom- paniment. This was followed by a vocal number by Dennis Campbell, who sang, "Send The Light." Read- ings by Misses Mabel Duckett, Selma Duckett, Mabel Betts and Mrs Joe. Porteous. A musical number was given by Misses Nora Turner and Blanche Williams. After the lunch was served, a 'can' contest was con- ducted. A hearty vote of thanks ac- companied by a handclap was ten- dered Miss Macphail for coming and addressing the Y.P.U. The convenor wishes to thank all who assisted in making the evening a pleasant one. On Wednesday evening of last week the Y. P. U. was in charge of Mrs. Jos. Porteous, the Christian Culture convenor. She gave an interesting talk on "The Life of Stanley Jones." Other items on the program were, a musical number by Dennis Camp- bell, a duet by the Phillips sisters and a contest "Part of a car." The Misses McKee of Toronto were week end visitors wtih their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee. We e.xtend our sympathy to the relatives of the late Mrs. Jas. Leppard who passed away last week. Full obit- uary next week. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Purvis of Callandar and daughter, Mrs. Crosby, of Barrie were recent visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis. ROCK MILLS Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Art Porteouc were: Mr. and Mrs. .\llan McLean and Mr. and Mrs. John McLean of Feversham and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young and son of Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lever at Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham of Walk^rton spent Sunday with rela- tives here. We extend heartiest congratula- tions to Miss Mary Clark and Mr. Willis Cobum who were married on | Saturday. ! Mr. Everett Croft holidayed for a ' week with relatives in Toronto. ' Mr. John Porteous of Fleshertoft was seized with a stroke on Monday ' while driving his car along the high- ! way. The car left the road and crash- ed into a telephone pole, breaking it | off, and causing considerable bruises I to Mr. Porteous. He was taken to the , home of his son, Joyce, and a doctor called. His condition is serious. All the various showers that are held for brides never seem to dampen their enthusiasm for the big event. AUCTION SALE TORONTO LINE NORTH The snow fence is now erected along the highway in readiness for Old Man Winter. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Fred Mathewson is stil confined to her bed, hut hope her health is soon much improved. Mis!< Gertrude Lever and Mrs. N. Wellwood of Richmond Hill spent Sunday at the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wood and daugh- ter of Markdale and Mr. Chas, Martin Jay with Mrs. T. Lever. and .\rgy!e of Eucrenia visited on Sun- Mrs. Norman Wiley visited with frien('.« in Owen Sound recently. MRS. R. J. COLQUETTE will hold an auction sale of . H.O.U SEHOLD EFFECTS. consisting of Dining Room, Bedroom and Kitchen Furniture - on - SATURDAY. DECEMBER 9th. 1939 Terms: Cash GEO. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. D. CAMPBELL OPTOMETRIST will be at the Munahaw Hotel, Flesherton TIESDAY. DECEMBER .5th, 1939 from 1 to 5 p. m. for the purpo.«e of testing eyes and supplying glawes, if necessary. MODERATE PRICES A pair of Glasfieft makes a ni«e Christmas Gift PLEASE CALL EARLY Poultry WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR GOOD POULTRY, DRESSED OR LIVE WEIGHT Enquire For Our Prices Before Selling Your Poultry DELIVER YOUR CREAM AND MAKE THE EXTRA Ic PER LB. OVER TRUCK PRICES Highest Pricaes Paid for Poultry, Cream and Egg* The Creamery will not be open Wednesday evenings. Flesherton Creamery & ProLUce Co. Phone 66 Chas. Goddard, Manager ^fHi^^4i^^^^|hti^^<^|Hi^^ii^^<i^^ii^^lH^^^^i^^ You can actually feel these sturdy STUDDED TIRES pull your car through tough going! # Every motorist who faces "off-the-pavement" driving in heavy mud or snow needs Goodyear Studded tires: doc- tors, mail carriers, salesmen and fiuiners have proved them indispensable. The heavy studs bite into soft going and keep you on the move under safe, easy control. Save time, fuel and nerve strain ... equip your car with Goodyear Studded tires at the first sign of bad iveather. D. McTAVlSH & SONS FLESHERTON. ONTARIO MORE PtOPlt RIDE ON GOODTEA* TI«IS THAN ON ANY OTHER KINO Check Your Hardware Needs for Fall and Winter FINDLAY'S "CONDOR" COAL and WOOD RANGE Modern, streamlined; it represents a new perfection in household comfort. Circulating Heaters Quebec Heaters Stove Boards Wood Heaters Coal Hods Damper Pipes, etc REPAIR REQUIREMENTS Window Glass Putty Nails Roofing Shingles Sheathing Hand Saws Hammers Axes Brushes Brooms Polishes Wax FLECTRIC WASHERS IRONS TUBS MOPS HAND WASHERS PAILS ENAMELWARE Shot Guns Rifles Ammunition Mitts and Gloves Cow Chains Traps, eta SPECIAL SOVEREIGN PAINTS A ENAMELS A large variety of colors Sale Price 59c quart Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE - PHONE 54

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