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Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1939, p. 2

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C«i»<U's Navy In Action On Both G>asU WHAl SCIENCE IS DOING ...t NERVOUSNESS AND TOOTH DECAY Nervousness precipitates decay in children's teeth, according to Dr. Percy R. Howe, Boston, who said lonj? research had shown that a child's diet might be sufficient for Kood tooth structure and con- dition, but the diet advantage would be offset by a nervous spell. CYCLONE CORES WARM Shooting the eye of a cyclone with a radio sonde, a robot weath- er observer and radio ti'ansiiiitter carried aloft by balloons, has re- vealed that the cyclone has a warm core, and that it may travel on overhead atmosphere tracks in the stratosphere instead of being gov- erned by surface weather condi- tions. - -o- HALTS PUERPERAL FEVER Philadelphia physicians after nearly three years of experimen- tation have announced dcvelop- tnent of a new vaccine agaitist pu- erperal infections (childbirth fe- ver) which proved 100 per cent, effective in 229 cases tested. Not one case of puerperal sepai;', cause of 50 per cent, of all ol)stctric deaths, developed during the ex- periments. â€" o â€" "ROCKING BED" CURE Rocking beds, a new aid to me- dical treatment, are described in the proceedings of the Mayo Clin- ic. The report sayg that in the first fighty-eight Cbsea at the clinic the beds have given "rather striking ikOd rapid relief of pain" in the legs and have brought sleep to many sleepless persons. They were used mostly oii per- aons with arteriosclerosis which had interfered with circulation of the blowl, with complications that Iwoduced gangrcni in some in- stances. Flying Through The Troposphere If aerial research continues at ita present pace, huge freight and pMsenger planes will climb into Mm troposphere and fly undei per- fact conditions from one continent to another. Since 1034 conditions ia this layer of the atmosphere fcava been studied and a number ml experimental flights already Ic. Flying above 20,000 ft., ines will be sealed and carry balr own air, for above this al- tude the atmosphere ia so rare »t cigarettes go out through ek of oxygen. But well above the clouds, the atmosphere is nearly always floe, And owing to the lighter quality Af the air thera ii leas drag or friction. Because of this, plane-" •trill travel at least 25 per rent. faslM. SCOUTING A Thanksgiving Day mcuel air- plane flying contest of Brampton, Ont., Scouts brought out 1 1 mod- els. The prize for the plane re- maining longest in the aii' went to Scout William Riseberry and the second to Scout Wiliiiim Bean. <â-  * * Two alert Sudbury Scouts out hunting with their father rcticed a cord hanging from the limb of a tree. Investigating, they found a radio meteorgraph released from Baltimore. The instrument indi- cated the moi.stures, teniperatui-es and the height to which {ho in- strument had ascended. c « « Clinton, Ont., Rover Scouts on a fishing trip discovered ii brush fire, notified the farmer and as- sisted him to extinguish thi- fire. « « A The Boy Scouts of St. ( athar- incs have an attractive district headquarters, "Carmichael House' a large brick building ad.ioining St. Thomas church, named after I K ow Can i ? Q. How can 1 press a suit more satisfactorily? A. Fold a large piece of news- paper lengthwi^ i , wet i no side of it, and fnld the dry side over the wet side. Place the v. ei side against the suit and iron i n the dry side. This will also present a shiny suit. Q. How can I make a good iiiii cushion? A. Di"y hair-combings make a nice filling for pin cushitins. Dried coffee grounds are also sati.ifac- tory, as they do not gather mois- ture nor rust. Q. How can I check hiccoughs? A. An old remedy which often proves very effective is to put the blade of a table knife on tjie ton- gue for a few minutes. Q. How can I return tailing to a good clear color when it has be- come very soiled? A. The best plan Is to wet the tatting and soap it well. Then lay it on ! ome hand bru-sh. This will clCBii it beautifully without harm- ing it. Q. How can 1 remove odors , from bottles? A. Fill half-full of cold water and add a tablespoonfu) of dry mustard. Shake vigorously, let stand half an hour, and rinse thoroughly with clear water. Q. How can I determine if the turkey is ready to take from the oven? A. One method ia to pierce the leg. If the juice i« white, or pale pink, the turkey is ready. â- â€¢ Iw n alili prwM Mm i CHRPPED ' SKin frhe above vieus show some of the various duties of the Royal Canadian Navy on both coasts. Left, top to bottom: One of the fast destroyers on patrol duty along the seaboard: A depth charge exploding astern of a speeding destroyer; Sailors manning a rapid-fire anti-aircraft gun on deck. Right, top to bottom: The after deck of a destroyer showing depth charges and mine-sweeping equipment: A torpedo leaving the tube toward the objective; Sailors manning one of the deck guns. Listeners of the Canadian Broadca,sting Corporations Nations! Network will hear another of the feature broadcasts devoted to Canada's Fighting Services on Friday, December 1, 9.00-10.00 p.m. EST. "The Royal Canadian Navy" will be a sound-picture of the complete and comprehensive activities of the Navy at work in time of war. Mr. H. J. Carmichael, President of the local Scout Association. A spacious room permits meetings of Cub Packs or Scout Troops un- able to meet in their usual places, in an emergency, upstairs are cooking facilities, and storage for the tents and other equipment for the district camp site, "Wigwas- sin," near the Welland ship canal. Modern Etiquette BV UOr.K.UI A l.KE 1. Isn't it poor taste for the frien 's of a newly i.iarried couple to make them conspicuous in pub- lie by attaching plticards to their car, and perrarmins: other .-siich .s j- called jokes? 2. .At a holiday dinner, such as Thanksgiving or ("liristmas, where the service niis'nt be callcil somi- fcnuiil, is it all tight to olVor the gue.-its a second helping of Uirkey? 0. V/hen a married v.'oman is travelling alone, should she sisii the hotel register Mr.-i. H. I.. Hud- son, or Mary I.ou Hudson? 4. Should II guest stay beyciul th-j tin-o specified in ths invi'.ation, when the hostess sa.'"?, "Car.'t you stay longer?" 5. What would be the best phrase to u.«e v.'hen a man is introtiucing ar.oth; r man to h's v.'fie? C. It being the v.-oman'f privil- ege til offer her hatid to a man. if the man should olfer hi? hand, what i^hould she do? Answers: 1. Yes. Thi.s is not only very bad t:'.ste, but often vulgar. Mar- riage is too sacred to be made a public jest by self-appointed clown.e. 2. Yep, by all mean.s do so. Ii. She should sign, Mrs. H. L. Hudson, and her home city, but not her street address. 4, No. A hoste.-s is usually trying to be hospitable when she makes such a remark. A guest should not over- stay the time specified. 0. "Mar- tha, this is Mr. White (or Charles White)." 6. The well-bred woman will accept it, of course. It would be very rude, unfriendly, and ex- ceedingly embarrassing if she did not. Name of Bay Barrie Is On Kempenfclt Bay Named Aft«r British RMr-Admiral of ISth Century The super-destroyer Kempenfelt, which has been taken over by the Canadian navy, has been ro-chrls- toned Asslnlbolne. While it is no doubt the custom to change a ves- eel's name under these circum- atances, and Asslnlbolne Is a good native-Canadian name, Kempenfelt Is also familiar to Canadians as that of the bay on which Barrie Is located. Canada's new naval un- it Is no doubt called after the As- slnlboino river which bears the name of the Asslniboine or Sloney Indian tribe. The word means "one who roasts by the use of stones," an old Indian custom. Governor Simcoe Bestowed it Kempenfelt bay and the super- destroyer Kempenfelt were both nam&d after a British rear-admiral, Richard Kempenfelt, of Swedish descent, who lived In the eight- eenth century and went down with the Royal George at the time when Its bottom fell out, an event pic- tured by Cowper In a well-known poem. It was Governor Simcoe who bestowed the name qn the On- tario bay. An Irish priest one Sunday, re- ferrins: to the miracle of the loavc.'- and fishes, said in error that five people had been fed with five thousand loaves and two small fishes After the service some of the congregation discussed the statement, one of them named Murphy declaring that, if it were a mirccle, he himself could do the same thing. The next Sunday the priest, having heard of this, rein- troduced th. .object. "I .hould have told you last Sunday.' h« «id, "that five thousand peopla had been fed with five loaves and two small fishea." Then, looking down at Mr. M"'?*'/' "^f, *'"*^/ "You could not do that. Mr. Mur- phy, could you?" "-'^h. sure, yer rlv'rence, I could aisily enough, replied Murphy, "if I g»ve em what were left over from last Sun- day!" â€" o â€" "How it jrowr insomnia? 1» it getting any better?" "I'm worsa than ever. I can't even «l««p when it'« Ume to get up." â€" O â€" Both the fond mother and tha patient photographer had failed to make the restless little boy iit still long enough to have his pic- ture taken. Finally the photo- grapher suggested that the mother should leave the studio for a few minutes. During her absence ha was successful in taking a good picture. "What did the nice pho- tographer say to make mother's little darling sit still while I was out of the room?" she asked the child on the way home. "He said: •You sit still, you little rascal, or I'll knock your head off'," replied the child. â€" o â€" A maid who recently joined the church was atked how she knew she was converted. She replied: "Because now I clean under the rugs." â€" o HLs bagpipe playing was the chief thing that mattered to him in life. One night, while he was strutting about the room, skirling for all he was worth, his wife at- tempted a mild protest. "Jock," she said, "that's an aw- ful noise you're making." So Jock sat down and took oflf his boots. Ueniunll At Your DruKKiot , molCHMAN'S M.MMKNT Fori Vurlco»e Vclnii, Kheunin- I tisni. Neliralglu. Si'lotleil, Asthma, | Hend-nrhc, Tooth-nehe, Ear- Arbe. Chin Ulnlns. Corns and â-  UuDluos, Sprnlns, or Colds on | Or write I J. K. CKOUCHMAS CO., WD. in II THE MM FMOniSTIUS. "T" And, boy â€" Ogden'j is a gift for the man who rolls his own 1 WalkervUle â€" Ont. I V2 lb. tin 15^ In a gaily calourad Christmas cartas OGDEN'S FINE CUT Shorts and scanty clothing ara not in keeping with the gravity of the international situation, ac- cording to comment in Riviera newspapers and women are urged to wear more clothes. ASTHMA BRONCHITIS AND TOUSR, RMW-ON COUGHS'TlfCOLDS YIHOF ASTER TO. UCKLEY Mijc-ru»c .\(j':.\'i!< v%A.N'ii;i) A til)l>l» ti.XLliS .-VCJIJ.NT yilOUL,!.* iLI>i't*i"e-it u ^(xid company. We wiiiil good leprtsentatlvoH for uii- OL'(;iu>U*tl lurritories now. Uur umscry stuck U Ihe best thut niuriey itiid expericiRe cun prti- ducf Si\-liUMdi-fd-acri' nursery. filt.\ > ca I's' lni.-;in<.'s.s. Wrile I'el- Ikuu Nui si*r.\' ('o.. Tiiruiitu. FAST-.SUi-l.l.NG KUrK.vTEU, iNO com petit ion. .N'ew dispo-sublc tis- aUL' liti.ster. UiK cumiiilssioii. •â- Al>l-:ti T - Kl.i;b:.s' â-  (Onturio) i:u,:4'd. 015 V'jrme Slioft. Torivuto. HTOl'. UOOK .\.M> UKAD â€" SHL.I. .s|jo..-i;il L'hilslnms Oluh nffera to IMjpulnr t'mt.TdiHii and Aniericiiii Sluuariiiiea us local Uepreaeiita- tivc. I'lea.iitnt. intei (.'Sfm:-;. profit- able. Write tudiiy. L'aimdian I'er- iodlr.'il.'i. Ulo ilr:ice .Si., Toroiitii. Oil t;i rill. luVliUK I'ittJKlT. KAST .SAIJ':d â€" Men and Women to sell used elothiiuv, Snowden. flU WliK-hestcr, Toronti.. <'AtS.v, NHW AXI) LSI'IO Mtlli'NT I'l.iOA.SANT .M(ITl>llS, L.T1). Toronto s olde.-<t l.'liryalef, I'ly- mouth de.ileis. three loeHtions. GS2 Mount l'lea.<aiu Itoad. 2040 Vont** street, lZ2i Uanforth Ave. Our ti.-^ed ems m.iUe us many _ friends. _ ('i,<>'riii\<, A.\i> Ki iiMTiici-: WK III .VK.V.NTHl'; 11)0 ri;lt fWNT fit mid s;itl»fmtii>ii in latest style rlotliiiiK tslt«litly u.scd). lientle- men'.-J suits or itveietiats. regrulur to $>''>.'>!>. speelitl SiS ati to (12.(10. Usdie.s Winter t'ojils. Jt.lili to »7 I'ostpald State nieasuieraeiit.s. colours, style. Send moiiey-oidci. Al»i> writ? for U.'ii-uain piiee lists of ri»condltloned u.sed furniture. ItusUin * I'ompaiiy. I'clerboro. Ofrtnriit. __ I'SIII ( ATlttKAI. iTUDKN'IS NOW U.NKUI.I.I.Nti KOl: Cuur:ie» ti> Mutrlculalioh, Shun Story. JournaliHni. Aovei tiding. Shorthand and .'^peeeli Culture MMke use of ynui spate time Write lud;o t'linadiaii t'orrtespon- deiiie t'uliette t eslaldlshed l»l>2) 'i'iV V»>ni;e Si, Ti>rinitu Kl.KirriiK: KiiAVl'.li «i.n8 THIS IS THK NICW lil.ECTKK' shaver you've read about, that maVe.s Hliavlng so veiy. very easy Juat plUK II In and run the ahiiver over your face That's all â€" no soap, water, brush or blades. We BUKK^esI you try It. Over a milUun were sold Inst year. Original p.-Ire no. fJuaruntcrd one year. Post- paid. AKenIa wanted. Uell Sales Co.. 10 Oalehouso ridg.. Myntreal. Quehec. KARM KUM SAI.K MENTHDLATUM NINKTK AOHES PRDDUCTl'VK clay luani adjoinina vlllase. Kood bulldiiiKs. spring watered. Two thouftand rash, balance 4 per cent. Wtlllain I'earce. Kxeter, KAHM Ka^'li'MGNT I'ANNINO MILL (KI-TNE) FARM- srs say best !<( .:d grader: wild oat separator Iratlnionlalii, Kline Manufacturliir. Islliiston, Ont. FAKMS WANTKIl fIJKNTS W.\IT1.\0 KOK FARMS at once. State price equipped and unequipped, Krncst E. Preston, 8150 Yonse St., Toro nto, HAIinV AI'ri.K TRKKS HARDY Al'l'l.E TREES - 50 CTS. each. Uiinnda's Ixjwest I'rlced Nur- my. growlnR leading varieties Kruil Trees. Ornami ntals. WrHe immedi.itely reiiue^lintf aenaatlon- al offerinn.s. Tobe's Treei v. N â- 'â-  gara-on-llic-t.nke. O n tnrlu. t OM » <> « I h ISSUE NO. '39 i:.vrui:us w.vm'ku HIGHKST I'RICE FOR .NESV AND used feathers. Robinson's, 282 Broctt Avenue Toronto. Write for quotations. Il.VIK «;0Oi)!!i WKiS. TOI'l'ES. TIi.\.\SFORiIA- tions. Switches. Curl.'*, and all typeb of fiitost ciu,i!ity Hair VJoods. Write for illustrated eatalogrue. Confidential, terms arranged. To- ronto Huinnn Hair Supply Co., 5!8 l>ath;trst Street. Toronto, HVCHIMSi; vol H K.VKM.VG.S EAR.N l)Ol.U\RS READING YOUR newspapers! I>ime and stamp brfnffs information end .'•urprfses! K. Remhe. ^iT King- St, W,. Ham- ilton. Ontario. SIACIilKRHY VVADK fUllTAfJUK L>ltAtl SAWSâ€" Oeitu woodwi^rkiiig tools â€" elec- tric motors. lieltiiiK and shop sup- plies of every description. The A. R. Williams Machiiierv Co.. SI Front St, W.. Toronto MI'IUICAI. HIIJH UU)OI< I'ltEStfUUKâ€" WRITE (or free boi„Klek >nd full ;>articu- lars lettardint; our amazingly successful tiyblood treuttnent. I'ediKreed I'rodxicts Saskatoon .^»k ttl-'I'-KIt I'O IMVK.X'I'OIIS .\.N OFl'i;U Tl) KVEKV I.NVE.NTtJR IJsl of iiiveutluus and full iufor- mattoi) sent free. The Uamsay Co. Uettlsiered. I'atent Attorneys. ""' r.ank Street, t>tta\va, Canada. fl':U»Oi\AL UL'IT TUUACCO. SNUFK. EASILY, niexpeiisively. Hume remedy, Tesiinuiiiiuls. liuarantced. Advice free. Itarllelfs. Uox I. Winnipeg. HAW Kl;H» WA^'I'EU SHU' VOUlt KURS TO CS FOR full market prices. K A. Jones, 189 Talbot St.. St. Thomas. Ont. UANClll''.li<t ANU 'I-II.VI'rKKM AL.L. I'UICKS ON RAW Kl'HS ARE low. Why not tfet the most for your lo.\ pelts by havlnu them tanned and madu into attractive scarves and sell them direct'/ Workmanship Buarantced. Slivers J8.60. reds |6.50. Thos. Emack, Taxidermist and Furrier. 1872 gueen St. E., Toronto, aKATlfUJOtTFITS SKATINU OUTl.'lTS. SLKUITUV used. Jl-75, J2.25. J2.65. New hlith duality. riM, »3.35, 14.25, plus a6e postage, I'ecrless, IJl liuudaa W., Toronto. vsr.n Tuti!:ti von sai.k U001> DSEU TIKKS. ALL SIZES Iiowest prices. Inquiries Invited Hrockton The, 1611 L'uudaa West Toronto. ' Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS U$ed â€" New il^S*-''***"-'^"* "•' RKIllllT IMO- TORa. VOWKU-IINITS. Ilydraallr HoUto, Wiarkea, (ieaeratarn, start- er* Masaetoa, Carbaretor*, Itadiat- ora. Bvckaave Vrrvlre. (4laa*. Satis- raetl*a ar refnaa. Vt-rr Ania Part*. Tar*M*. Ft'KlMTlRE: VUIl SALB CHESTERFIELDS $1 WEEKLY J-PIECK CHESTKRFIELD SUITES in velours and repp covers, fact- ory reconditioned, originally ex- pensive suites, better than a cheap, new one. 3 pieces complete. $21.50. Three piece chesterfiald suites, newly recovered in choic* repp fabrics. Just like new, at half the price. Three piece com- plete 539. 5 per cent, down, tl.00 a week. We pay freight to your station. Dept. W., Royal Cheater* field Manufacturers, l>l> Richmond St. E., Toronto. LYONS 478 Yonge St., Toronto FALL SALE New & Reconditioned Furniture Tremendous Savings 1 7 Cri Solid Oak Dining Room "•^^ Suite, buffet, table and • ehairs. •74 firw Walnut finish Dining: Room ^~t.\j\/ Suite, buffet, extension table and t leather upholstered chairs. JQ on ^'"^ piece Oak Dining Suit* J :».cv» buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather seat ehairs. SQ An Reautiful Walnut (inisll ''-'•^"Dining Suite, buffet, exten- sion table, china cabinet and S lea- ther upholstered chairs. 80 nn So""* Walnut Dining Suite. t>:7.w (^ost „g,^ 1300,) buffet ihina cabinet, e.vtension table and I leather upholstered chairs, ''-t OO Apartment size Bedroom -I t.Ktyj jtuitg j„ walnut finish, van- ity, chiffonier, full size bed, sprlnf and mattress. â- ?Q OO **''*Jsrn Walnut finish Bed* - •'- " room Suite, dresser, Vene- tian mirror, chiffonier, full size bed, s.i(?lesa spring and new mattress, 4Q OO Beautiful new factory -T .v<c sample Bedroom Suite. In bleached walnut finish, waterfall design, dresser, chiffonier, full sis* bed, sagless spring and new mat- tress. fiQ on l^ree solid walnut Bed- >.'y.ow room Suite (coat new $350) completely refinlshed. dresser, ehlf- robe, full sUe bed, sagless sprlnf and new mattress. "^7 So 3 P'^<^» Chesterfield Suits, -./.jw^^Uh Marshall reverslbU spring cushions. upholstered 1« brown repp material. 1 7 Sn Smart 3-plece Chesterfield 1 / . JCf Suite, figured reverslbl* Marshall spring cushions, uphol- stered in brown mohair. OA <\0 Large 3 piece ChestortleU -.-T.uyj Suite, perfect condition, r»- versiblo Marshall spring cushions, upholstered In blue figured velour. 1 S OO Beautiful large brown mo- j^.v/v ,,j|r Chesterfield Suit*, Marshall spring construction, com- pletely reconditioned. J. Q? Several odd Chesterfields 1« assorted covers, to clear. Q Cn Kitchen Cabinets, In oak and _ •~'^' enamel finishes, with sHd- Inpr porcelain tops, 14 "^O ''rcikfast Suite.'! In enamel ... finishes, table. 4 chairs an4l buffet. I •) Crv Oonuine Sinser Prop Hesd '-^ SewInK machine.', oak cab- inets, guaranteed. I,.irKe assortment tables, chain. bed.n. dressers, chiffoniers, stoves t» clear at ridiculously low prices. All merrhnndlse comoletelv recondi- tioned, iruaranteed nbsolntelv pleas and sold with our definite money- nnrk KUar.intoe of sntlsfai'tion. LYONS FURNITURE CO. i \7S^ Yonge St.. Toronto Open Evenings

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