[| Wednesday, October 25, 1939 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE To put a rod through a curtain with- out catching the material, place a thimbk- on the end. Dora: "Agnus married a self made man, didn't she?'' EUith: "Yes but she compelled him to make extensive alterations." Po8tma.sters have been warned to be on the lookout for attempts to mail anything which looks like gold to the United Slates. It's so long since the average person ha» seen any gold in this country that the post office people , may need a special course of instruct- ion. An Irishman, hearing a rumor that hi^ bank had su^ended payment, rushed around to withdraw his money. "How would you like it?" asked the clerk, "In big bills or little ones." "Oh, I don't want it all if you've got it," replied the Irishman, "but if you haven't, I must have it all." BBAD THE "SMALL ADVTS^ We have a private war of our own at present against the myriads of flies that crowd into our office from the great outdoors seeking warmth and comfort and scattering dicomfort for all around. The Oumbclls used to sing "Where do all the flies go in the win- ter time?" Wherever it is we wish they would get started, for no matter how many we put out of commission as many more come to the funeral. I VALUE DAYS Low Prices Have Spotlight | FLANNELETTE SPECIALS With so many needs arising? for Hannck'tto durinj^ the winter months, it's a habit with thrifty hoineniakers to have a supply on hand always- Here's your chance, then, to stock up for liuine sewing needs. Plain White Flanndette ^ood weight width about 27 in-, Special yd. ,. IZVic Striped Flannelette, width about 36 in. Special, yard 18c Plain Blue or Pink Flannelette â€" Just the rijfht weight for tiny tot's pyjamas or nighties, width about 36 inches. Special, yard 20c Good Quality Cotton Thread Here's a grand saving on good qual- ity Cotton Thread, black or white, big 200 yard spool 5c LINEN TOWELLING Our big offer in Linen Towelling! Complete stock of Linen hand and tea towelling now on display. Purchased before the advance in price, we now pass this saving on to you. A grand assortment of plain or bordered linen towelling in various weights. Spec- ially priced, yard 17c to 35c LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERGARMENTS FOR ZERO WEATHER COMFORT Ladies' Comfettes. They's warm but not a bit bulky. Knee-length snuggles in choice of white or tea-ro.se, waffle knit design, elastic at waist and thread lasten at knees for snug fit. Sizes small medium and large. Popular price â€" per garment J 25c Ladies' and Children's Undergarments Special prices on all Ladies' and Children's Undergarments in various weights; heavy brushed cotton vests and bloomers; rayon-striped wool underwear; heavy all-wool vests and bloomers, or flannelette jiyjamas and nighties. See our popular prices be- fore buying and above all stock up be- fore advance in price. Headquarters for WINTER HOSIERY Good Quality. Big Values. Buy at Hill's and Save See our table of Ladies' and Child- ren's wool, silk and wool, cotton and wool and other popular weights of Winter Hose in all sizes. .Ml selling atone low price, pair 25c CHILDRENS PLAID DRESSES •ancv I 'laid Dresses, up. "Special 89c to $2-95 Children's sizes 3 vrs. aiu MEN'S DENIM OVERALLS .Men's heavy H oz. lilack Overalls, bib and brace style t»veralls of good sturdy (|uality, strongly finished and triple-stitched throughout, all sizes Specially priced ^ $1.29 BIG CHIEF WORK PANTS Rig Chief Riveted Work Pants fof* your toughest jobs, reinforced and extra strong, blue denim, cut on full sizes, with rivets at points of strain. All sizes. Specially priced $1-00 F.T. Local and Personal OUTSTANDING UNDERWEAR VALUES Stanfield*s famous Red Label Shirts and Drawers. Knit from all-wool yarn in a heav}- elastic rib stitch; shirts are finished with double breasts; drawers have inside facing brace straps and snug- fitting cuffs at ankles- Special, per garment » $1.95 Stanfield's Gold Label Shirts aniid Drawers. Special, garment $1.50 Men's Blue Mottled Fleec€!d Com- binations, all sizes. Special, suit $1.48 Men's Random Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers. Special, garment .... 75c We also have in stock many other well-known brands of underwear in different w-eights. Special Prices on MEN'S & BOYS' WINDBREAKERS Boys' Windbreakers of checked win- ter-weight mackinaw that tests about SH)'y wool Full zipper front style cut on full sizes, adjustable waist-straps and neat two-button cuffs. Just the windbreaker for those cold winter davs ahead; sizes 26-34. Special $3.25 Others at $1-95. $2.69 and $3.95 MEN'S WINDBREAKERS Men's Raglan Style Windbreakers, zipper front models with raglan shoul- ders of all-wool mackinaw in fancy check design, .shaped backs, adjusted by straps and ring buckles at sides. Specially priced, medium weight $3.95 Heavy weight $4.95 Others at $1.95, $2.95 and $6.95 For Ladies' and Misses' COATS OF FINE QUALITY See the F. T. Hill Co. A show inu of tlie season's finest fab- rics distinctively styled, skillfully tail- ored and offering values difficult to dujjlicate, linings of satin, fur-trim and perfect fitting- See them and you will be convinced of their real values. A visit will be appreciated. Ladies' Specially Priced Group Fur trinnned, smartly styled in all the latest colors. Just think, a real smart winter coat for only $13.95 Misses janty little Scottie Caps of cotton plaid, trimmed with ribbon bow, assortment of colors. Special 48c Other Children's Wool and Felt Hats at $1.00 and $1-25 Women's Cotton- Flannel Dresses Women's long-sleeved cotton flannel Dresses, just the right weight for pre- sent wearing, smart .selection of styles. GROCERY SPECIALS Sizes 38-44â€" $1.39. Sizes 46-5(>-$1.49 I'eas, Corn, Tomatoes 3 for 25c Hulk Coffee lb. 25c Pure Lard 2 lbs. for 25c Clark's Catsup 15c, 2 for 29c Crown l'>rand Svrup 5 lb. pail 37c ^ Kellogg's Corn Flakes 2 for 15c Ogilvie Minute Oats per pkg. 19c Friday A Saturday Sugar Special 16 lbs. for $1 00 Purty Flour â€" the best grade of flour produced, 98 lb. bag $2.95 Mrs. T. J. Fisher is visiting in Toronto this week. Miss Ethel Burnett left last week to take a position in Toronto. Mr. Ted Dixon was in Toronto on Thursday last. Mr. T. J. Stinson of Dundalk was a visitor in town on Tuesday. Mias Elsie Caswell of Orangeville spent the week end with her father, Mr. W. J. Caswell. Messrs. Angus Turney and Douglas Morgan were home from the Gait air- craft school over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Down and G. B. Welton attended the motor show in Toronto last week. Miss Mary Anderson of Toronto spent the week end with Rev. and Mrs. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. C. White of Waubau- shene are visiting the latter's sister.s, Miss Tena Henderson and Mrs. Geo. Blackburn. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Ottewell and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kernahan visited Clarence and Eric Stafford at Hamil- ton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Powers of St. Thomas spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. G. K. Goheen, and Mr. Goheen. When you have something to sell at a price others are willing to pay, a "Small Advt." in The Advance will sell it. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. T. J. Fisher on Wednesday, Nov. 1st, at 3 p.m. Roll call â€" Uses of stale bread. Visitors are welcome. Flesherton's last half holiday for the year will be held this Thursday afternoon. Commencing in November the stores will be open every day, but will be closed each Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCauley, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Henry and Bill Henry were at Dungannon Saturday evening, where Mrs. Henry's sister, Mrs. Irwin, is seriously ill. Mrs. Henry remained to be with her sister. A social evening was spent in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, Tuesday evening of this week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gorrell (nee Melrose Campbell) recent bride and groom.- Mr. and Mrs. Gorrell were presented with a twilight lamp. I I ? ? T t T T t t T T T T St. John's Ladies' Aid The Woman's Association of St. John's United Church met at the home of Mrs. Gordon Waiichope on Oct. 17, i with 43 ladies present, and the presi- dent, Mrs. G. McTavish, presiding. After a sing-song, Mrs. Keith McMil- lan led in prayer, followed by the minutes of the last meeting which were discussed. Mrs. Cargoe took charge of the devotional period. All repeated the Lord's Prayer, followed with prayer by Mrs. Cargoe. The treasurer reported the proceeds of the dinner served to the ministers and laymen of the Grey Presbyterial. The advisability of not having a fowl sup- per was discussed and it was decided, instead, to ask the congregation for the amount of the fowl supper, collec- toi's to canvass. It was decided to send a letter of thanks to the Masons for the loan of their tables. Mrs. Wauchope's group had charge of the program. Mrs. Cargoe, Miss Nichol- son and Mrs. Inkster each gave pleas- ing readings. Lunch was served and a social hour spent. S Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. Forger Gyps Merchant A smooth talking young man called nt Mel. Ross' store in Creemore on Tuesday and after purchasing a $1.50 suit of underwear, presented a cheque for seven dollars on the Bank of Mont- real, and signed Leslie A. More. The young man gave the name Robt. John- ston and talking familiarly as if he were a native, Mr. Rosa accepted the and paid the young man $6.50 change. Presenting the cheque at the Bank It was discovered to be a forgery. It was revealed that a young man, probably the same one, had played the same game on two Stayner men. In each ease the cheques were small. Police are investigating._Stayner Sun. Check Your Hardware Needs for Fall and Winter FINDLAY'S "CONDOR" COAL and WOOD RANGE Modern, streamlined; it represents a new perfection in household comfort Circulating Heaters Quebec Heaters Stove Boards Wood Heaters Coal Hods Damper Pipes, etc REPAIR REQUIREMENTS Window {Glass Putty Naik Roofing Shingles Sheathing Hand Saws Hammers Axes Brushes Brooms Polishes Wax ELECTRIC WASHERS IRONS TUBS MOPS HAND WASHERS PAILS ENAMEL WARE Shot Guns Mitts and Gloves Rifles Anununition CotW Chains Traps, eta SPECIAL SOVEREIGN PAINTS & ENAMELS A larg-e variety of colors- Sale Price 59c quart Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE â- :• 'PHONE 54 Small Ad. Column FOR SALE â€" 100 cords of dry cedar. â€" C. J. McKechnie, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" General Purpose Mare. â€" C. G. Robson, R.R. 1, Markdale. p FOR SALE â€" 13 breeding Oxford Down ewes and purebred ram. â€" Gordon Stuart, Ceylon, phone 38r22. FOR SALEâ€" A few ffesh cows; and some due to freshen soon. â€" Herb. Corbett, Proton. NOTICE â€" Good prices paid for hor- ses or cows suitable for mink meat. â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" 3 two-year-old steers.â€" Fred Jamieson, Eugenia, phone Feversham 5 r 24. 18c2 FOR SALE or RENT â€"In Flesherton 7 room house, double lot, garage Apply to John Stewart. FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of good cook- ing onions, 14 cents per lb. â€" Mrs. Robt. Thompson, R.R. 2, Flesherton. WANTEDâ€" House to rent in Flesher- ton, from Dec. 1st, conveniences preferred. â€" Apply to C. P. Wilson, Flesherton. 25p2 FOR SALEâ€" Good self-oiling wind- mill, Gould & Shapley make, com- plete with frame, also good swamp. Luther Duckett, Ceylon. 18p2 FOR SALE â€" Durham cow, 6 yrs. old^ good milker. â€" Albert Stewart, Flesherton. Ilp2 FARM FOR SALE Lotsl64 and 165, Con. 2, S.W.T.S.R.,. Artemesia, 100 acres, 10 timber, bal- ance cultivated; good bam, driving- shed, hen house, and garage; drilled well; solid brick house, orchard. Con- venient to high school. â€" Mrs. Susan Doupe, R. R. 3, Proton Station 20i> FARM FOR SALE South half Lots 26 and 27, Con. 14, Artemesia, about 2i miles north of Eugenia, 103 acres more or less, 75 acres under cultivation, balance bush and pasture with running water; bam 44x64, stone foundation, root cellar, implement shed, well in stable, gar- ' age, sheep house, good well in yard; good 7-room frame house, cement basement, telephone and water in house, woodshed attached. â€"MRS. ALEX. CARRUTHERS. R. R. 4, Flesherton FARM FOR SALE Part Lot 10, Con. 6, Osprey, at th« Village of Maxwell, ccnsisting of about 98 acres, first class soil and fair buildings. Must be sold to cloM an estate. â€" C. N. LONG, Administrator. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of choice Spy apples at $2.25 bbl.; al^ other varieties at $2.00 bbl.; sprayed orchard. â€" W. H. Stinson, Red Wing P.O., Ontario. Ilp2 FOR SALE â€" Norge circulating-type Oil Heater, 1939 model; list price $80, for quick sale $45 cash; used only a few hours, apply to Mrs. Robt. HoK, Feversham. Ilc2 "Algy's going to be married again." "I didn't even know he had been mar- ried." He hasn't, but he's often been going to." A person has to be a contortionst to get along these days. First of all he's got to keep his back to the wall, and his ear to the ground. He's ex- pected to put his shoulder to th« wheel, his nose to the grindstone, keep a level head, and both feet on the ground. And at the same time look for the silver lining with his head in the clouds. IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS you can make good money with a Rawleigh Route. We help you get started. Sales way up this year. No exper- ience needed. Steady work for right man. Write Rawleigh's, Box No. ML-205-2-J, Montreal, Que. SHINGLES FOR SALEâ€" Extra $3.75 .square; Clear Bctts $3.16 spcare; Seconds $2.40 square. Council Standard Roofing advanced to $6.75 square. Next shipment cedar shing- les will be 60c square higher. Ten square or more delivered free. Terms: cash. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. 4 FARM FOR SALE Lot 3, Con. 6, Artemesia, 160 acres of good farm land. Apply to Mrs. i. J. Lyness, Flesherton, for fuQ partieulars. FARM FOR SALE Lots 24 and 2S, Con. 2, N.D.R„ Artemesia, 10O acres, about 76 cviti- vated, balance bush and pasture. Good buildings: bam, hip roof, iiise 46x46; house, 7-room, solid brick, good spring well. Terms; reasonable, bargain. â€"Geo. E. Banks, Flesherton. Lots 9 and 10, Con. 1, SJ).R., Os- prey, 100 acres, 20 timbered, balance cultivated; ;good roomy bams with stone walls, cement stabling; brick veneered house with furnace, drilled well; orchard; good locality, church and school convenient. Will sell at a bargain. â€" W. S. INKSTER, Flesherton. BUSINESS CAROS DR. F. E. CONNER FLESHERTON. Ontario Physician, Surgeon and Aecoachenf Graduate of Queen's University Office in Mrs. McDonald's residence DR. J. E. MILNE Oirice _ DnrhaM St Office Hours â€" Afternoons, 140 to 4. Erenings. 7 to S.M. Sundays and Thursday afternoons bf appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. SSS, AJf. A A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall. Flesherton, the second Friday io mA month. W.M., Alb. Blacktniro; Sw> reUry, C. J. Bellamy. ROY LANGFORD DiatTiet Ageirt for MUTUAL UPB OF CANADA ACCIDENT and SICKNESS, mtl^ AUTOMOBILE, BUEOLABT Mmriei^ UeMIKy Gearantae Any Inavimaee Problea Tele»lMM 121. MARKDAU^